Resolution 075-1999 County Attorney RESOLUTION NO. 075 -1999 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR OR HIS DESIGNEE TO EXECUTE, ON BEHALF OF THE COUNTY, THE U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FORM "ASSURANCES RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY" WHEN NECESSARY DURING THE COURSE OF THE CANAL CLEAN UP PROGRAM BE iT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMiSSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1. The County Administrator or his designee are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of Monroe County, the U. S. Department of Agriculture form entitled "Assurances Relating To Real Property Acquisition" (a copy of the form is attached and incorporated by reference), when necessary during the course of the canal cleaning project authorized by the County, U. S. Department of Agriculture and Natural Resource Conservation Council agreement approved by the Board on February 1 L 1999. The County Administrator or Assistant Administrator may not execute the form until it has been approved by the County Attorney. .~__Mayor Wilhelmina Harvey .. ' ',Commissioner Shirley Freeman . ".,<.,,:...'\tO~iSSioner George Neugent ~;o'.f~. ......'.".\ .~~ '~'.'...'. '. issioner Mary Kay Reich .-!1~' ~. issioner Nora Williams '. "!"'"' ;'~~":",,,) '.' ...;.eooe~L -, ,../ . l">~ .~'j'. .fI" '~NY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, :3: \D.." Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 11 th day of February, 199~ ~ \Q r= ;onz ~ fT1 or-x ::=:0 0 rrt ~-< I '"T1 (") r-- 0('")' a c30- ::0 z. S :z,. ;:0 ..... n r- :J: r"1 ;<.....::x: 0 n yes ....".)>.. 0 r- Cl (,.) ::0 BOARD OF COUNTY CO~MI~IOMRS 0 OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA yes yes yes yes BY~,,"~~~~~ D ty Cler · .... .J.\ , ~.t.~~...--~~ ....~1I~ Mayor/Chairman pres/canal.doc FEB- )-99 MON 4: 27 PM S FL RC&D COUNCIL, INC. . ..~ "j.,..~,.. " . ~.. . 4.- ~':'. ' . !~""'.: ' j:..\r;!'k : U.s. Dcpvtmenl or A,rlculture ~,})~,..,: . , Soil ConH'I'V.lJGll !i.:rvicc I...."f .:. 0' -~ .. '(:f~~,'. ~~\ ,.' . ~l"jilT-~"!;,u-:' ,:. .(\"$ ~,i\~~-' ~." .. ". ,.~;"1(' '. ~il.:l "1' '..' , . ~... ~'~""" l.~j~/,~ . t;(~ .\'f- fr- ~J,~~t~. ,.' . "~"1 '.', : -, '~".,., " ~~;f ~~ . ~.\~: ~ .~ ~~~{ . , . A. ~" . '~.:.. '. . M'.':';n.J. }tdMu.." . ~.;t~'~'(l' '.. . ,;Z~;'. . B. ~:l. '. It ~..' )"'1' . ~~V:' ":'.:1:.] ~~~i7-~.: '. h.' ~('" ", '):~~i~.~~':" . '~\I..~{. '. ,. . P~'ft "~ . . t'i};'.;~.~:'- :: !~~'~?JI~:i~/". .~.'. J: :.. f..1.t1~ .' . ~~i)"'> c. 1[u '-r.' U~'~;'" ;if.\" . .' . .' ~" . . ... \ .i' . !~\of~I:...1 . ~,"jl''''~l;;' \. ........ , :i'l..~~".<;t.~.. ' " '. . ' "t:t;{:.{.. .' ~!;r\t ,; I ...;" ~~'..' .. , '1;'" ft~~~'<:. .. . ~ -:;,:, '., . Ii,. '''Ji~~:~, . . .",:lLli ,. . . (""".." "'A ' ' . "Sr..,i<(s;{" , 1~lif.:": nf~?'j:{~' ~" .,.,' D. T.i.Vi,.~~~ :;. . w:g...., .' ,~?'~:~:' . ,.,w,'" ", .'. i j.rt.~;1~~~ . =~~.~:....... . ..f.... . '. ". , "/".I:'~ , .' ; '\1-~~:'" ~~"..~~;.r.;~\..); . ~ ;~~~C~ ...:. . :""":>;~-+",.. " ,.'l~{" "., , ~. .. '.. ,., ., I I\fi}~~ :;~:.". i. . .... " .... "j" ),'t".. . ~A1J~\..:;:.... . .iit~..~,-. '. ~.r...,~.. , - ~t~~;~... ,,':' ;'. ; .."fl't.~:.....: y : Z. 'f/J.I . ~'. ..' '.' , FAX NO, 305 2452473 p, 2 Pa~t 604 - Exhlblt& $($.AI)S.JI H' 604.7 , " ASSURANCES RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY ACQUISITION PURPOSE - ThIs form Is to be U$Cd by spoasor(s) to provfde the assurances to the Soil Conservation Seryice or the u.s. Department or Aariculture which Is required in co~cttion with the installation of project measure5 which Involve Federal fU\a&tdaJ assistance furnished by the SOil Conservation Service. PROJECT MEASURES COVERED ..... Na.me of project . Ide~lit)' ofil11pcovement or development ~f. . Location RBAL PROPERTY ACQUISITION ASSURANCE _ . This assurance b appUca.blc If real propcny interests were acquIred to.r the installation of project measures. and/or if persons. businesses. or farm operations were displaced as: a result of 5Uch 100tanation: and lhls assuranCe was not previously provided for In the watershed, ptojC(t measure, or other .)'pC of plan. . IC this assurance was not previously provided. the underslancd sponsor(s) hereby &SsurC$ they have complied, : .' to the extent practicable under St:tte taw, witb the requirements ofahe UniCorm Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition PoUdes A~ (42 U.S.C. <C601-46SS). as i1nplCDleutcd in 7 C.P.R. Part 21. Any cx<:epllons lakell (rom the real property acquisitlOIl requirements ander the authority oC 41 U.S.C. 46$5 bcc:awe of State law have been or is hereby furnished to the Soil ConsavatiOIl Service alons with the opbUon or the Olie( ugal Officer of the State containina I ruu dlscussion of the Cacts and kw furnished. ASSURANCE OF ADEQUACY OF REAL PROPERTY R.IGHTS _ - The undenilned SPDnSOebY f..$$UfC$ that adequate real propcrtylfgbts and Interests. wllter fipts it appUcable, per.m!ts and . required by Federal. State, lAd Ioea! kw. ordinanee or reaulatJou. and related actions have been taken rain tbe lela! ri,hl to Install, opera1e, maiotaiu. lUld ins~ the above-desc:rib(d project nleasures, Gc:ept for ItructurC$ or Improvements Ihat are to be removed, relocated, anodifieel, or salvaged before and/or during Ihe installation process. . This assurance Is aiVell with the knowlcclac that Sponsor(s) ace responsible ror any c.xccss costs or other conse. qUences in the event the real property rights arc Cound to be Inadtquatc: durlnz the instaUation process. Funbermore. this assurance ill> supported by an "attome)"s opiQioQ .l,"heel hereto that certifiC$ an examinalion of the real propcny insrrumenrs and files was made and lhey wue found to provide adequate title, righi, per. mission and authority for the purpose(s) (or which the property was acquired. (J90:-VI"":NE\lPH. July .1968) 604-1~ . FEB- 1-99 MON 4:28 PM S FL RC~D COUNC IL, INC. FAX NO. 305 2452473 t;i~f(}f, ' r...;J.~~/;.':~. . .-1 J.'~J" . '- ~~~.iV." 604'.7 ' .,~~?~.l~ It an)' or the real pro~)' rlahts cr interats were obtained by condemnation (eminent domain) procccdin&s. .. l SpOrIJOr(J) Cunha U$uct and alJ'ec to prosecute the proca:dings to a final conclusIon and pay such damaatS as awarded ~~~~ . raft bU~ - ~hlD1t& ~~~i '",-'. r;;~~?" .1, rN~\','~ .. ~!'" ~\r'" '~L:;.."/ D,"" ,,--. ;(; 'J' l.J~:~!l;;: . Y~'" tI -.{,:" :11 e: .~1~.:~~:?::~..i~' . }~i~/' Date: ~~~.r:...J."""~~.'.Jo, .... 'I. f, 'f-1'; S'.~. '.' .;~~,:iX.;..;;"<:.,: ~;.~-: .'. . ~'~J:~':'" ...X;n.....:;,-.,. 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