Resolution 261-1997 County Attorney RESOLUTION NO. 261 -1997 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION 1 OF RESOLUTION NO. 405-1990 TO PROVIDE AN ADDITIONAL DEFINITION; AMENDING SECTION 4(c) OF RESOLUTION NO, 405-1990, AS AMENDED BY RESOLUTION NO. 257-1993, IN ORDER TO REQUIRE THE DISCLOSURE OF ALL OWNERSHIP AND LEASEHOLD INTERESTS IN VEHICLES FOR WHICH A KEY WEST INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT TAXI/LIMOUSINE PERMIT IS SOUGHT, PROVIDING THAT CERTAIN ADDITIONAL PARTIES BE LISTED AS APPROVED DRIVERS ON THE TAXI (LIMO) AUTO LIABILITY POLICIES; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLQRIDA: c CD r -- . -...1 Section 1. Section 1 of Resolution No. 405-1990 is amended by the: additiQll offhe C:,.: following: III The owner of a beneficial interest means an individual. corporation ~ partnership that does not have title to a vehicle but has a riqht or riqhts in the vehicle. that are normally considered an incident of ownership. 1-' c' ,,::) Section 2. Section 4(c) of Resolution No, 405-1990, as amended b/ResolutiontrJo. 257- 1993, is further amended to read as follows: (c) No person shall furnish taxicab or limousine airport service without first obtaining a permit therefor. All persons desiring to furnish taxicab and limousine service to the airport shall execute a taxicab or limousine vehicle registration form, provide evidence of compliance with all state laws and county ordinances and regulations applicable to its operation, supply a certificate of insurance, obtain a taxicab or limousine vehicle permit, and pay the permit fee as set forth herein prior to airport operation, The applicant for a permit or permit renewal must disclose on the reqistration form the ownership of the vehicle for which the permit is souqht. If the leqal owner and the owner of a beneficial interest in the vehicle are different individuals, corporations or partnerships, the applicant must list the leqal ownerlsl and the ownerlsl of any beneficial interests. An owner that is a privately held corporation must list the officers and directors; an owner that is a partnership must list the qeneral partner/sl; an owner who is an individual must disclose his or her leqal name; an applicant doinq business as (d,b.a,) must disclose the entity that is usinq the d,b.a. name. The permit shall be in a form adopted by resolution of the Board of County Commissioners. Insurance policies that shall be carried and kept in force are: adequate Workman's Compensation Insurance, if required by law, and Automobile Liability Insurance with minimum limits of $100,000/$300,000 for bodily injury and $100,000 for property damage, All vehicle owners, leqal and beneficial. must be listed as insured on the Automobile Liability policies. The County shall also be named co- insured as owner/operator of the Airport in all such policies, shall be furnished with proper certification that such insurance is in force, and shall be furnished additional certificates in the event of changes in such insurance Upon the expiration of taxicab and limousine permits issued under the prior version of this section, the taxicab and limousine permit fee shall be $100 per vehicle per month and due on the first day of each month, The permit may only be purchased on a monthly basis. The airport director shall prepare decals or stickers to be affixed to each cab or limousine to indicate that the permit fee for that vehicle has been paid for that month, If the permit fee is not paid by the fifth day of each month or if the vehicle fails to comply with any other applicable requirement of this resolution or state law, then the offending vehicle shall not provide any passenger service at the airport until the permit fee has been paid and, if applicable, any other violation of this resolution or state law has been corrected, Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect after a copy has been posted at the Key West and Marathon Airports and at the County Courthouse for four consecutive weeks. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONRO COU TY, FLORIDA BY~~ Dep Clerk By res2taxil