Miscellaneous LAw OFFICES ROSE, SUNDSTROM & BENTLEY, LLP 2548 BLAIRSTONE PINES DRIVE TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32301 CHRIS H. BENTLEY, P.A. ROBERT C. BRANNAN F. MARsHAll DETERDING MAlmN S. FRIEDMAN, P.A. JOHN R. JENKINS, P.A. STEVEN T. MINDUN, P.A. DAREN L. SHIPPY WILLIAM E. SUNDSTROM, P.A. DIANE D. TREMOR, P.A. JOHN L. WHARTON ROBERT M. C. ROSE, OF COUNSEL WAYNE L. SCHlI1,!'EJ.BEIN,. OFCOUNsp. R b rt NIT. James L. 0 e s County Administrator Monroe County 5100 College Road w Key West, Florida 33040 (850) 877-6555 Fax (850) 656-4029 www.rsbattorneys.com October 18, 2002 CENTRAL FLORIDA OFFICE 650 S. NORTH LAKE BLVD., SUITE 420 ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FLORDA 32701 (407) 830-6331 FAX (407) 830-8522 Re: North Key Largo Utility Corp.; Bond Document Amendments Our File No. 30026.05 Dear Jim: In 1995, through the sponsorship of Monroe County, North Key Largo Utility Corp. issued its $3,400,000 Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, Series 1995 to fund the acquisition and upgrade of the wastewater facility serving the Ocean Reef area of Key Largo. Since that time the Company has established a track record of quality wastewater service aI1.d fiscal responsibility including timely payments to all bondholders. As you are aware, in cooperation with the current Aqueduct Authority program of water line replacement in the Ocean Reef area, the Utility is completing the installation of a collection and transmission system to provide central wastewater service to 266 homes currently served by septic tanks. The Company is grateful for County efforts to secure State grant funds to offset the substantial cost of this project to local homeowners. In order to meet FKAA' s construction schedule the Company was required to borrow $4,000,000 to finance the collection and h-ansmission system consh-uction, to be repaid by customers upon connection to the central wastewater service. This transaction highlighted the fairly restrictive language in the Company's Series 1995 bond documents regarding issuance of additional debt. Specifically, the Company was required to subordinate the $4,000,000 borrowing, which in turn required a guarantee by related parties, all of which would have been unnecessary with a more customary additional bonds test in the documents. Enclosed is all. excerpt from the amendment to the bond documents which provides for issuance of parity debt based on a standard debt Mr. James L. Roberts October 18, 2002 Page 2 service coverage test. With this additional debt test, the Company will be able to rely on its own financial strength to incur future debt. Under such test, the Company must be able to demonstrate that revenues will support repayment of the new debt as well as continued timely payments to the existing bondholders. This provision is common in municipal bond documents, and may be used by the County in its financing documents. The Company comes now to the County and the bondholders to approve this change for two reasons. First, the entire $4,000,000 short term borrowing to fund the current collection system program may not be repaid by the customers this year. In that case, the Company would like to be in a position to refinance the remaining debt. Second, it can be anticipated that future capital improvements to the wastewater facilities to upgrade treahnent or extend service will be required, and the Company must plan now for future borrowings to fund these projects. Prudent management dictates that the Company know the terms and conditions under which it can borrow money. We believe the document change will contribute to the Company's financial stability and allow for future financings similar in structure to those undertaken by other utility service providers. We further believe the bondholders, most of whom reside in Key Largo, will support this change based on their confidence in Utility operations, and their interest in continued protection of the environment in the Keys. I hope this letter is helpful in your understanding of our request. Following your review, please schedule this matter for consideration by the Commission. In the meantime should you or other members of the Commission or County staff have any questions regarding these matters, please feel free to contact Paul Winkeljohn at 305-367-3067 or me at 1-888-877-6555. Thank you for vour attention to this matter. .I Sincerely, JRJ:wjl Enclosures cc: Mr. Danny Kolhage Rob Wolfe, Esq. Steve Miller, Esq. Mr.PauIWll1ke~ohn Mr. David Ritz Northkey\2002 Bond Doc Amends\Robertsl01802ltr 1-(2 /7L- q JOhnR~ For the Firm Rose, Sundstrom & Bentley, LLP 2548 Blairslone Pines Drive. Tallahassee. Florida 32301 8. A written opinion of counsel to the Borrower, reasonably satisfactory to the Trustee, to the effect that the amendments or supplements to the Agreement and any Additional Notes have been duly authorized, executed and delivered by the Borrower; and that those documents, as so amended or supplemented, and any Additional Notes constitute legal, valid and binding obligations of the Borrower, enforceable in accordance with their respective terms, subject to exceptions reasonably satisfactory to the Trustee for ban1cruptcy, insolvency and similar laws and the application of equitable principles. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no series of Additional Bonds shall be issued unless immediately following the issuance of such Additional Bonds, the Borrower is in compliance with all terms, conditions and covenants of the Agreement. When the documents listed above have been received by the Trustee, and the Additional Bonds have been executed and authenticated, the Trustee shall deliver the Additional Bonds to or on the order of the Original Purchaser thereof, but only upon payment to the Trustee of the specified amount (including without limitation, any accrued interest) set forth in the request and authorization to which reference is made in paragraph 5 above. SECTION 2.05. Parity Debt. Notwithstanding anv other provisions of this Indenture, the Bon'ower. upon satisfaction of those conditions specified below. mav incur Parity Debt fTOm time to time for any lawful purpose. A. The obligations evidencin!! an issue of Paritv Debt shall be on a parity with the Series 1995 Bonds and any Additional Bonds or Parity Debt theretofore or thereafter issued and outstanding as to the assi21lment to the Trustee of the Issuer's right title and interest in the R.evenues, the Agreement. the Bond Fund and the monevs and investments therein. B. Prior to the issuance of any Parity Debt. the following conditions shall be met: 1. There shall have been obtained and filed \\'ith the Issuer and the Trustee a certificate of an independent ceIiified public accountant: (a) statinf? that the books and records of the BOlTower relating to the collection and receipt of Utility Revenues have been reviewed bv him: (b) statin!! that the Net Utility Revenues for anv 12 consecutive months out of the 24 month period immediately pleceding the proposed date of delivery of such Paritv Debt with respect to which such certificate is made, equal at least 1.10 times the Maximum Debt Service Requirement on Ii) all Bonds, Additional Bonds. if any. and Parity Debt. if any, then outstal1dinQ: and (m the Parity Debt with respect to which such certificate is made, taking into account any adjustments made by the Consulting En!!ineers pursuant to paragraph (2) below. 2. If desirable. the Net Revenues for such 12 month period may be adiusted by the ConsultinQ: Engineers as follows: (a) to reflect fOT such period chan!!es made in the rates. fees. rentals or other charges for the operation of the System during the preceding 24 months; and (b) to reflect any ChaJ.l!!C in such Net lJtility Revenues caused bv anv new customers of the Svstem having been provided service subsequent to the date of commencement of such preceding period and prior to the date of such certification provided for in paragraph (l ) above. 32:."7 /rmr::99l2 /'TIl'J:T IHDilll'Fu";-" J 10 J 5-TI-Amended.Reslated. 19 3. The annual average of Net Utilitv Revenues. as estimated in \Witing: bv the Consultinf;! Engineers. to be derived by the Borrower fiom the operation oftlle System in each of the 3 vears immediately succeedim! the estimated date of completion and placing in operation of the proiect to be financed by the issuance of such Parity Debt, will equal at least 1.10 times the Maximmll Debt Service Requirement on (a) all Bonds. Additional Bonds. if anv. and Parity Debt if any. then outstanding and (b) the Patitv Debt with respect to which such certificate is made. 4. The Bon-ower shall not be in breach of its covenants and obligations assumed hereunder and under the Agreement. nor shall any Event of Default hereunder have occurred or be continuing. and all paynlents herein required to have been made into the funds and accounts. as provided hereunder. shall have been made to the full extent required. 5. The conditions specified in paragraphs L 2 and 3 above are not applicable to Paritv Debt issued to refund outstanding Parity Debt as long as the issuance of such Parity Debt does not result in an increase in the ag!!regate amount of debt service pavments that would otherwise be due on the outstandinf! Bonds and Paritv Debt in the current and all subsequent years. 1. Copies of the financing documents entered into by the Bon'ower in connection with the Paritv Debt which are necessary to provide that the Parity Debt will be issued in compliance with Section 2.05 of this Indenture. 2. A written opinion of counsel to the Bon-ower or Bond CounseL to the effect that all conditions precedent to the deliverv of the Parity Debt under this Indenture have been fulfilled. and that the Parity Debt and a11 obligations with respect to the payment thereof constitute legal. valid and binding obligations of the Bon-ower. enforceable in accordance ,vith their respective terms. subiect to exceotions reasonablv satisfactorv to the Trustee for bankruptcy. insolvency and similar laws and the application of equitable principles. Nonvithstanding the foregoing. no Parity Debt shall be issued unless immediately following such issuance. the Borrawer is in comnliance with all terms. conditions and covenants of the Loan Agreement. (End of Article II) 32 ~7 /rIOlrS90:'2:'f':1U:JT nmErlTUFw:; :: 101 5-TI-Amended-Restatcq 20