Resolution 103-1999 RESOLUTION NO. 103 -1999 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS (BOCC) DIRECTING STAFF TO WORK WITH THE FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY (FKAA) TO AMEND THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE TWO AGENCIES CONCERNING WASTEWATER. THE AMENDMENT SHOULD INCLUDE TWO NEW ITEMS: 1) CONSIDERATION OF BOCC FUNDING TO PROVIDE FINANCIAL SECURITY FOR EXPENSES INCURRED DlJRING THE DEVELOPMENT OF LITTLE VENICE CONSTRUCTION DESIGN AND BID SPECIFICATIONS A~ ~ :g ~ TERMS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE BIG COPPITT ~ :1:, ~ OTHER POTENTIAL WASTEWATER SPECIAL TA~g !; 0 ("'). f\)" DISTRICT WASTEWATER FACILITIES. gS?~~~ Co.) 0 :z:?O 8 ;J:Io ;0 -i("')r- :E ::0 :<:-f:r: _ ('TJ '):> - C") WHEREAS, the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority (FKAA)~s :ijniiel~ authorized under the Laws of Florida (Chapter 76-441) to acquire, finance, operate, and maintain sewer systems as defined in Section 3 (8) of the Law and as specifically established in Section 9 (9) of the Law; and WHEREAS" ,a, l\1eworandum of Understanding (MOU) exists between Monroe County and the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority (FKAA) which establishes the shared responsibilities between the Monroe County Board of Commissioners (BOCC) and the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority (FKAA) for the development of a wastewater utility in the Keys; and WHEREAS, the MOD requests that the FKAA establish Marathon as a sewer district; and WHEREAS, the MOD currently provides some direction concerning Marathon and Little Venice as it relates to the issue of administrative funding; and WHEREAS, the FKAA will expend an estimated $750,000 in grant and loan funds to complete construction design specifications and the construction bid process; and SWMP750 02/22/992:19 PM WHEREAS, the FKAA could not repay these funds in the unlikely event that the County and FKAA mutually agree that the project is cost prohibitive after construction bids are analyzed; and WHEREAS, the citizens of the Big Coppitt area (including Geiger and Rockland Keys) passed a referendum in November of 1998 requesting that their area become a wastewater special taxing district; and WHEREAS, the BOCC established the requested taxing district in January of 1999; and WHEREAS, the BOCC has developed a draft ordinance which would provide for wastewater special taxing districts in other similar areas; and WHEREAS, the BOCC and FKAA have not revised the MOD to reflect the current interest and direction with respect to the Big Coppitt and other potential wastewater special taxing districts; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO~SSIONERS, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT STAFF WORK WITH THE FKAA TO: 1. establish the means to insure and reimburse FKAA expenditures should the two parties mutually agree not complete the Little Venice area wastewater project, and 2. define the terms and rey:uirements for completing planning and fiscal feasibility analyses leading to, wastewater facilities plans, construction design specifications, and construction bids for the Big Coppitt area and other wastewater special taxing districts as they may occur, SWMP750 02/22/99 2: 19 PM PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners, Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 10th day of March, A.D., 1999, Mayor Harvey Mayor Pro Tern Freeman Commissioner Neugent Commissioner Williams Commissioner Reich yes yes yes yes yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: ~..CIo~..J ......,.....,."""-'"~ MAYOR/CHAIR PERSON (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY 1. KOLHAGE, CLERK BY:_~~~, SWMP750 02/22/992: 19 PM