Resolution 255-2022 RESOLUTION NO. 255 -2022 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA,AMENDING SECTION 16 OF THE PERSONNEL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES MANUAL REGARDING APPEARANCE AND PROPER ATTIRE WHEREAS, Section 16 of the Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual currently references Appearance, Hygiene, and Proper Attire, and, in keeping with the general good practice and the County's instructions to staff regarding uniforms, a need exists to add definitions, guidelines, and financial considerations to the policy; and, WHEREAS, a need exists to define the purchase and tax treatment for uniforms and clothing purchased by the County for employees to wear on the job, expectations for departments to budget for uniform clothing purchases, determination of positions for which uniforms are required on a full or part time basis, inventory and tracking of uniforms issued to employees, employee responsibility for the maintenance and care of uniforms, and disciplinary action for failure to properly wear uniforms, as applicable; and, WHEREAS, The Personnel Policies and Procedures Review Committee met on August 31, 2022 in a publicly noticed meeting and unanimously approved a proposed revision to the policy; and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, THAT: 1. Monroe County Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual Section 16 is now amended to read: 16.01 DEFINITIONS a. BOCC: Monroe County Board of County Commissioners b. BOCC Distinctive Clothing: A ball cap,jacket, vest, shirt, or other apparel that displays the authorized BOCC seal, insignia, or markings in approved coloring and styles. C. Uniform: Specific, distinctive clothing required to be worn for a certain position, including but not limited to apparel with County logos, as well as shoes or boots required to be worn for the position, e.g., safety boots. 16.02 SCOPE This policy applies to all BOCC personnel and volunteers. It does not apply to contractors or their employees. Uniform policies included in collective bargaining agreements shall preempt this policy for employees covered by said agreements. 16.03 APPEARANCE, HYGIENE,AND PROPER ATTIRE a. All County employees should strive to be as neat and clean in appearance as reasonably possible. Proper attire conducive to carrying out the functions of their respective positions shall be worn by all employees. b. Employees must maintain good personal hygiene and sanitation by bathing regularly, maintaining good oral hygiene, washing hands properly, covering coughs and sneezes, and performing other related actions that contribute to a healthy work environment. C. Proper clothing and equipment needed to ensure employee safety and security is required to be utilized at all times, and in accordance with the Monroe County Safety Policies, as applicable. d. The Department Head will be responsible for ensuring that the appearance of his or her employees properly represents Monroe County in relation to their positions. Should an employee report to work in a state that indicates proper personal hygiene habits have not been practiced; and/or report to work in attire deemed inappropriate to the work environment, the Supervisor may require the employee to leave and not return until properly groomed and/or properly dressed. 16.04 UNIFORMS a. It is the policy of the County that certain positions, as designated in each Department and as approved by the Department Head, may be required to wear a uniform while on the job. b. Each Department Head shall maintain a list of positions within the Department for which the wearing of a uniform or specific clothing is required because it is necessary for the safety, security or health of the employee and is a condition of employment. Department Heads must ensure that the uniforms or specific clothing are necessary. C. Uniforms or specified clothing may be required to be worn daily or on specified occasions. Examples of occasions on which uniforms could be required include, but are not limited to, meetings with Local, State, or Federal representatives, officials, agencies, and entities; conferences, such as the Florida Association of Counties or the Climate Change Summit; work related events such as job fairs, health fairs, or inter-department meetings; and at times when visual identification is particularly needed, such as when visiting a local business or residence in the employee's capacity to perform County work. d. Supervisors or managers of work crews may also require uniforms for the purposes of safety and conformity so that staff may be easily identifiable by the public. e. When an employee is assigned to a position that has been designated as requiring a uniform, the employee's Department Head will track the issuance of uniforms by documenting it on Human Resources' Property/Equipment Tracking Form. f. Employees filling positions that require the wearing of uniforms as designated by the Department Head must wear the issued uniforms on the job once the employee receives said uniforms. g. Department Heads may set additional uniform and appearance requirements specific to the nature of work performed in the Department. 16.05 BOCC DISTINCTIVE CLOTHING a. The County Administrator, or designee, may issue BOCC distinctive clothing, as defined in § 16.1 Definitions, to be worn by BOCC employees when engaged in duties where, in order to effectively perform their official functions, enhance public safety, and/or officially represent this County, they must be easily identifiable as BOCC employees. Examples include, but are not limited to, Emergency Operation Center(EOC) staff, Emergency Management Personnel, Public Works staff, Building or Code Inspectors, and employees working in support of disaster operations, in a multi-agency environment, or in other public-facing capacities. b. Employment in the Emergency Operations Center or another field setting does not necessarily or automatically require the issuance, donning, or wear of BOCC distinctive clothing. C. The unavailability of BOCC distinctive clothing is not an acceptable reason for any employee to refuse to or fail to perform his or her assigned duties. d. Wearing BOCC distinctive clothing is not a substitute for possessing or displaying a County-issued identification badge. e. BOCC distinctive clothing may be ordered at any time with uniform budget funds, including before or during a disaster or emergency. f. The County Administrator, Assistant County Administrators, and Department Heads are responsible for authorizing a requirement for BOCC distinctive clothing and authorizing, in writing, the issuance of BOCC distinctive clothing to appropriate employees. These BOCC Staff are also responsible for enforcing compliance with this policy and may not delegate authority to purchase BOCC distinctive clothing. g. BOCC employees are responsible for the care and securing of issued BOCC distinctive clothing. h. BOCC employees may independently purchase BOCC distinctive clothing to wear while on the job performing official duties,provided the clothing is in good taste and repair. Such purchases are not eligible for any reimbursement by the County from appropriated funds. Employees receiving approval to purchase BOCC distinctive clothing will need to make these purchases directly with an approved vendor and pay applicable sales taxes. i. BOCC distinctive clothing, whether issued to or purchased by the employee, should not be worn when off duty (i.e., off the clock, not performing official duties), with exceptions granted for travel to and from work and for approved breaks during the workday (e.g., employee's lunch break). j. BOCC employees are expected to conduct themselves with the utmost professionalism, especially when wearing BOCC distinctive clothing, regardless of whether the clothing item was issued to or purchased by the employee. k. The Director of Employee Services, in consultation with the County Administrator, shall establish and periodically review the BOCC distinctive clothing to ensure that designated design(s) are in accordance with BOCC branding practices and procedure. 16.06 FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS a. Each Department in which employees are required to wear uniforms must include funds for new issues and replacement of uniforms in their respective Department annual budget. Each Department will be entitled to issue up to five reasonably priced uniforms per fiscal year to each employee working in a position that requires such a uniform. The County Administrator or designee shall be responsible for approving both the requirement for the uniforms and the price thereof. Clothing provided under this section is deemed a fringe benefit and subject to applicable payroll and sales taxes. b. If, based on the anticipated wear-and-tear to uniforms and the frequency with which they are required to be worn, a Department Head believes that certain employees require more than five uniforms per year, the Department Head may request additional uniforms. Any such request must be approved by the Office of Management and Budget and by the BOCC. C. Employees are personally responsible for the proper care, cleaning, alterations (if any), and repair of uniforms issued to them. If any uniform item becomes unserviceable (e.g., because of a tear), the employee must launder and return the item and request a replacement. If an employee loses a uniform item or causes it to become unusable, the employee may be charged the current cost for replacement. d. All BOCC" employees are prohibited from giving away,donating,trading, selling,or otherwise bartering any BOCC distinctive clothing provided to employees byte County. e. Uniforms and clothing provided to an employee remain the property of the County and must be turned in upon separation of employment. If the employee fails to return any uniform item,the cost of the unret d item will be deducted from teemployee's final paycheck in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act(FLSA). For sanitation reasons, such uniforms and clothing turned in are not required to be reassigned to other employees. EFFECTIVE DATE This Resolution shall be effective upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED byte Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board on the 2 1 of September,2022. Mayor David Rice ye-$— Mayor Pro Tern Craig Cates Yes Commissioner Michelle Col iron Yes QqMmissioner James K. Scholl Yes *Qner Holly Merrill Raschein Yes N BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 'VIN'MADOK, Clerk OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORID" 011W% By: �&'vvAx,< By: .................... As Deputy Clerk Mayor Approved as to forin and legal sufficiency Monroe County Attorney's Office: James D. ftitafly Mgned by James D. Morey Molenaar Date:2022.09.02 16:23.50-04'00'