Resolution 113-1999 Commissioner Nora Williams RESOLUTION NO. 113 -1999 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN THE FLORIDA CLEAN MARINA PROGRAM OF THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. WHEREAS, in February 1999 the Florida Department of Environmental Protection initiated the Florida Clean Marina program to protect our marine ecosystem; and WHEREAS, Monroe County will do an exemplary job protecting the large ecological systems and other vital resources, making the Florida Clean Marina Program one of the more important voluntary tools for establishing our marine I s ecosystem management initiatives; and WHEREAS, Monroe County will promote partnerships among governmental agencies and private organizations; and County, Florida: WHEREAS, as we prepare to cross the bridge to the next millennium, we guarantee that ..io. \D.." future generations will be able to experience the original Florida Keys and w~ g~ a~rer= :::0 n Z =-- ,." o,;r :::0 0 opportunity to capture the past and to secure our children's future. ,.,,~- N .." no r on' Co.) 0 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commission~~gM~e ~ -t ("') r ::II: fT1 :<;-t :r. w ('") "TI J> .. 0 r- G') .,1:"' :::0 THA T the County of Monroe is hereby directed and authorized to ~ordinatff in 0 partnership with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the implementation of the Florida Clean Marina Program which is a voluntary program for marinas; and THAT the implementation should include compliance with environmental regulations and using Marina Environmental Measures and Clean Boating Habits; and THA T participating marinas will have available a resource person who will provide customers with environmental information, and who can be contacted for inquiries about the Clean Marina Program and environmental issues pertinent to the marina; and THA T participating marinas will have adequate and well-managed trash/garbage containers; and THA T participating marinas will post for viewing, or otherwise publish, a set of environmental policies; and THAT water and land of the participating marina must be clean without signs of oil, sewage or litter; and THAT participating marinas will encourage boaters not to discharge into the waters and THA T participating marinas will provide clean restroom facilities and access to drinking water; and THAT partcipating marinas shall be well maintained for safety and appearance; and THA T participating marinas shall train their personnel on marina environmental policies and procedures and THAT all citizens are invited to join in our initiatives to give to our children cleaner water into the next millennium. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the lOthday of March ,1999. t<i ,~_._~..... Mayor Wilhelmina G. Harvey Mayor Pro T em Shirley Freeman Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner Nora Williams Commissioner Mary Kay Reich ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ B~.J,.O c.. ~~~ Deputy Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS O~~~bR~~~~~A_.._~_ By .\'\~--~ Mayor/Chairman pres/marinas.doc 2