FY2010 Non-Court Related MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT PROPOSED BUD.GET FISCAL YEAR 2009-2010 JUNE 1, 2009 MONROE COUNTY COURTHOUSE 500 WHITEHEAD STREET, SUITE 101 KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL. (305) 294-4641 FAX (305) 295-3663 BRANCH OFFICE: MARATHON SUB COURTHOUSE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 TEL. (305) 289-6027 FAX (305) 289-1745 BRANCH OFFICE: PLANTATION KEY GOVERNMENT CENTER 88820 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL. (305) 852-7145 FAX (305) 852-7146 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT MONROE COUNTY www.clerk-of-the-court.com ROTH BUILDING 50 HIGH POINT ROAD PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL. (305) 852-7145 FAX (305) 853-7440 May 28, 2009 Mayor George Neugent Members of the Board of County Commissioners 25 Ships Way Big Pine Key, FL 33043 Dear Mayor and Commissioners: Enclosed please find my request for those budgets of the Clerk of the Circuit CourU'Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners that are not court-related. I have also enclosed a budget for certain court-related costs. Pursuant to Florida Statutes, the Board is responsible for funding the non-court related activities as well as certain other expenditures - namely telephones, equipment, and information systems costs -- in the court-related budgets. It is my understanding that the tentative budget for FY 2009-2010 that will be presented to you in July will not contain any salary increases for county employees other than those covered by collective bargaining agreements. Accordingly, my budgets do not contain any such increases. The Operating Budget Comparison shown on page 4 shows a comparison of the current request with the approved budgets for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. As you can see, my budget request for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 reflects a decrease of$143,154 in what was budgeted for Fiscal Year 2008-2009. I ask that you continue to provide for the funding of my insurance costs, both court-related and non-court related. This appropriation would only be used if revenues are not: sufficient to cover those costs. In the previous 5 fiscal years, I have returned excess fees to the county far in excess of the appropriation for insurance costs. However, in the current economic situation, we have seen serious declines in revenues generated by the office. Without this appropriation being available, if needed, there is the possibility that I might have to withdraw from the group. Furthermore, the revenue shortfalls that we are experiencing and actions taken by the 2009 session of the Legislature have made it necessary for me to make significant cuts to my budgets. I have eliminated a total of 11 positions most coming from the court-related budgets. Mayor George Neugent May 28, 2009 Page -2- Florida Statute 28.36, as amended by SB 2108 adopted by the 2009 Legislature, requires that I submit budgets for court-related functions to the Clerk of Courts Operations Corporations on or before October 1. I will file a copy of those budgets with the Board for your information, and, of course, they will be made available to the public. Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely yours, .'~/.'o/ . ,&:'--t:'L--2, .,~ Danny L. Kolhage, Clerk of the Circuit Court and ex-officio Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners cc: County Administrator File MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTORY SECTION Organization Chart Duties and Functions 2 3 OPERATING BUDGET COMPARISON 4-5 NON-COURT RELATED DEPARTMENTAL OPERATING BUDGETS Annual Budgets: Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners Internal Audit Tourist Development Tax Audit I nformation Systems Recording Administration Records Management 6-9 10-12 13-15 16-18 19-21 22-24 25-27 TOURIST DEVELOPMENT TAX AND TOURIST IMPACT TAX REVENUE HISTORY 28-29 COURT RELATED CLERK FUNCTIONS Court-Related Clerk Fees Calculation of Overhead Percentages 30 31 PUBLIC RECORDS MODERNIZATION TRUST FUND 32 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT CO.URT ORGANIZATION CHART CITIZENS CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT Internal Audits Tourist Development Tax Audits ADMINISTRA TIVE CLERK TO CIRCUIT COUNTY SUPPORT soce eOURT COURT Administration Administration I Criminal Criminal Jury I Management Finance Civil Civil Records Value ~ Management Adjustment Family Traffic Board Recording Juvenile Information Systems Probate 2 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT DUTIES AND FUNCTIONS The Clerk of the Circuit Court is an elected office established by the Florida Constitution. The duties of the office are provided by the Constitution, by acts of the Florida Legislature, and by order of the Court. The Florida Constitution provides that the Clerk of the Circuit Court shall be: Clerk of the Circuit Court, Clerk of the County Court, County ComptrollerlTreasurer, County Auditor, County Recorder, and Secretary/Ex-officio Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners. Oraanization Monroe County is a political subdivision of the State of Florida, pursuant to Article VIII, Section (1), Constitution of the State of Florida. It is guided by an elected Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) which is governed by State Statutes. In addition to the members of the BOCC, there are five elected constitutional officers: The Tax Collector, Property Appraiser, Clerk of the Circuit Court, Sheriff, and the Supervisor of Elections. Revision 7 to Article V of the Constitution of the State of Florida, HB113A of 2003 and 8B2962 of 2004 requires that the budget of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for court- related functions must be supported by fines, fees and service charges. The statutes also delineate court-related costs, which are the responsibility of the County, costs that must be supported by fines, fees and service charges, and create a mechanism for funding Clerks of Court who project a deficit in funding necessary to support court- related functions. Funding for the budgets of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, as ex-officio Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners, Management Information Systems, Records Management and court-related costs that remain the responsibility of the County is budgeted in the General Revenue of the County. The budgets of the Clerk of the Circuit and County courts for court-related functions are contained in the Clerk's General Revenue Fund and Clerk's Fine and Forfeiture Fund. 3 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OPERATING BUDGET COMPARISON 2009-2010 2009-2010 2008-2009 Proposed Proposed Approved Increase Budget Budget (Decrease) Non-Court Related Clerk Functions Clerk to BaCC $ 1,571,018 $ 1,500,702 $ 70,316 Internal Audit 253,961 214,533 39,428 Information Systems 672,818 671,762 1 ,056 Recording 436,892 646,977 (210,085) Administration 104,637 127,931 (23,294 ) Records Management 122,984 139,049 (16,065) Contingency 200,000 355,704 (155,704) Total Non-Court Related Clerk Functions 3,362,310 3,656,658 (294,348) Court Related Clerk Functions County Obligation per Statute 127,180 77,217 49,963 Court Related Insurance 400,188 598,957 (198,769) Total Court Related Clerk Functions 527,368 676,174 (148,806) Total Clerk Function Expenditures 3,889,678 4,332,832 (443,154) Less Non-Court Fees and Other Revenues 700,000 1,000,000 (300,000) General Revenue Funding $ 3, 189,678 $ 3,332,832 $ (143,154) 4 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OPERATING BUDGET COMPARISON - TDC FUNCTIONS 2009-2010 2009-2010 2008-2009 Proposed Approved Approved Increase Budget Budget (Decrease) Clerk Functions Funded by TOG Revenues Clerk to BaGe $ 55,500 $ 54,373 $ 1 , 127 TOG Audit 155,301 198,824 (43,523) Total Clerk Functions Funded by TOC Revenues $ 210,801 $ 253,197 $ (42,396) 5 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA CLERK TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ANNUAL BUDGET FUNCTION: According to Florida Statutes 125.17 and 28.12, "the Clerk of the Circuit Court for the County shall be the Clerk and Accountant of the Board of County Commissioners" (BOCC). The Clerk "shall keep the minutes and accounts." As Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners, the Clerk is also responsible to serve as Clerk to the Value Adjustment Soard (V AB) created pursuant to Florida Statute 194.015. DESCRIPTION/OBJECTIVE: This department includes the accounting function and property control for the SOCC (Clerk to the SOCC-Finance), recording of the minutes of the SOCC meetings (Clerk to the SOCC-Admin) and operations for the Value Adjustment Board (Clerk to the SOCC- VAS). Clerk to the SOCC-Finance: This department maintains BOCC accounts including the Tourist Development Council and the Clerk's court related accounts in accordance with United States generally accepted governmental accounting principles and in compliance with statutory requirements. This includes cash, investment, debt, and . property management, as well as the receipt and disbursement of Monroe County's funds, including payroll, accounting for revenues and expenditures. For the last twenty fiscal years, the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) awarded a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to Monroe County for its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). The Certificate of Achievement is a prestigious national award recognizing conformance with the highest standards for preparation of state and local government financial reports. Clerk to the SOCe-Admin: This department prepares and indexes official minutes of regular and special meetings of the SOCC. In addition to preparing minutes and processing ordinances and resolutions resulting from these meetings, the Clerk maintains all County contracts, as well as custody of the County seal, and affixes the same to any paper or instrument as required by law. This department is responsible for the custody and care of the BOCC's official documents and makes them available for public inspection. 6 Clerk to the SOCC-VAS: The Value Adjustment Soard meets annually and is charged with conducting hearings and making decisions concerning: Petitions relating to ad valorem assessments; appeals relating to ad valorem tax exemptions; and appeals concerning ad valorem tax deferrals and classification. As authorized by Florida Statute 194.035, the VAS appoints special magistrates to take testimony from petitioners and make recommendations to the VAS. This department files aU petitions, receives filing fees, assists in the process of obtaining the services of special magistrates, schedules and notifies petitioners and parties of hearings before special magistrates and the VAS, attends and records special magistrate hearings and VAS meetings, documents and sends notification of final decisions of the VAS, and other duties as directed by law. GOALS: Clerk to the SOCC-Finance: The County has implemented an ambitious capital projects program which includes wastewater systems, additional governmental and court related facilities and a new Key West airport terminal project. The Clerk has reallocated the resources of this department to accommodate the expanded volume of work generated by the construction activity. Clerk to the SOCC - Administration: The Records Management and Document Imaging System will continue to be updated. Currently, the imaging system includes minutes from 1980 to the present; resolutions from 1960 to the present; ordinances from 1970 to the present and marriage licenses issued from 1898-1996. All SOCC records are made available to the public at their request. This office continues to update its database for county contracts, leases and other official documents approved by the SOCC. Clerk to the SOCC-VAS: We will continue to maintain the efficient operations of the VAS as developed and implemented over the past several years. The Clerk's office, together with the County Attorney and the Property Appraiser's office, assists the Value Adjustment Soard in its operations. The staff will continue to educate the taxpayer by providing general information and requirements through written materials and by direct contact with the taxpayers. qur primary goal is to be as helpful and cooperative as possible throughout the entire VAS process. 7 Positions Budget Position Classification: Current I New I Total Amount Assistant to the Clerk 0.70 0.00 0.70 $69,485 Finance Director 1.00 0.00 1.00 99,264 Assistant Finance Director 1.00 0.00 1.00 77,242 Sr. Accounting Specialists 6.80 0.00 6.80 411,448 Administrative Assistants 1.40 0.00 1.40 75,536 Accounting Specialists 11.00 0.00 11.00 397,063 Subtotal 1,130,038 COLA/Merit Pool (0.00,'<,) 0 Salaries 1 , 130,038 Fringe Benefits 208,279 Life, Health & Worker's Camp. 198,201 Total Personal Services 21.90 I 0.00 I 21.90 $1,536,518 Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners Budget Capital Outlay: Quantity Amount Computer Equipment 5 $10,000 Total $10,000 8 Fiscal Year Workload Measures: 2005 2006 2007 2008 Clerk to the BOCC - Finance Operating Checks Issued 20,134 17,879 16,052 15,419 Payroll Checks/Direct Deposits 19,005 18,840 18,349 17,861 Cost Centers Maintained 578 554 522 545 Funds Maintained 57 54 52 62 Property Records 3,742 3,925 3,686 4,021 Clerk to the BOCC - VAB (Calendar Year) V AS Meetings 4 2 2 3 V AS Petitions 384 853 1 ,026 967 Special Magistrate Hearings (days) 10 21 21 10 Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners Proposed Approved Proposed 2009-2010 2008-2009 Increase Percent Budget Summary: Budget Budget (Decrease) Change Personal Services $1,536,518 $1,465,075 $71,443 Operating Expenses 80,000 80,000 0 Capital Outlay 1 0,000 10,000 0 Total $1,626,518 $1,555,075 $71,443 4.59% 9 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA INTERNAL AUDIT ANNUAL BUDGET FUNCTION: Article V, Section 16 of the Florida Constitution provides that the Clerk of the Circuit Court is the Ex-officio Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners, Auditor, Recorder, and Custodian of Public Funds. The Internal Audit Department was created to audit County Departments, private not- for-profit entities that receive County funds, Clerk of the Circuit Court operations, and other audits as authorized and requested. These audits provide reasonable assurance that entities' policies and procedures are in accordance with the Board of County Commissioners' and Clerk of the Circuit Court's mission and goals; that entities are operating in accordance with their established policies and procedures; that internal controls are established and operating properly to ensure efficient use of County resources; and that internal controls are adequate to safeguard County assets. DESCRIPTION/OBJECTIVE: The department audits County Departments, private not-for-profit entities that receive County funds, Clerk of the Circuit Court operations, and other audits as authorized and requested by the Clerk of the Circuit Court. Audits are performed in accordance with the standards established by the Institute of Internal Auditors. Preliminary audits are submitted to the Clerk of the Circuit Court and appropriate persons in order for auditees to respond to the auditors' findings and recommendations. Once the auditees' responses are received, a final audit report is issued to each Monroe County Commissioner, County Administrator, County Independent Auditor, other appropriate personnel and any interested persons. GOALS: The department will continue to conduct audits as authorized and requested by the Clerk of the Circuit Court. 10 r-- Internal Audit Positions Budget Position Classification: Current I New I Total Amount Director of Internal Audit 1.00 0.00 1.00 $84,000 Internal Auditor 1.50 0.00 1.50 97,500 Subtotal 181 ,500 COLA/Merit Pool (0.0%) 0 Salaries 181 ,500 Fringe Benefits 32,162 Life, Health & Worker's Comp. 22,799 Total Personal Services 2.50 I 0.00 I 2.50 $236,461 Budget Capital Outlay: Quantity Amount None Total $0 11 Internal Audit Workload Measures: Completed Audits Salvation Army Misdemeanor Contract Technical Services Department Purchasing Practices Contracts with KW Resort Utilities - Capacity Reservation and Infrastructure Contract and Utility Agreement March, 2004 Supplemental Audit Report of MC Health Benefit Program April, 2004 Reimbursement Methods for Administrative Costs - Monroe County Housing Authority December,2004 Mel Fisher Maritime Heritage Society, Inc. September, 2005 Monroe County Procurement Policies May,2006 Maximus, Inc. Misdemeanor Contract October ,2006 Literacy Volunteers of America December, 2006 Big Coppitt Volunteer Fire Department October, 2007 Key West Int'l Airport New Terminal Building & Renovation May, 2008 Advanced Data Processing, .Inc. January, 2009 Marine Derelict Vessel Removal February, 2009 Offsite Car Rental Fees--Enterprise Leasing Co. March, 2009 Offsite Car Rental Fees--Vanguard Car Rental May, 2009 Date Reoort Issued August, 2003 March, 2004 Other Reports Cash Review Old Firehouse Review Wastewater Review Stand Up for Animals, Inc. Review Island Dolphin Care Review Interim Audit Report of Architectural Fees for KWIA Miscellaneous Special Reports Guardianship Audits - Reports Reviewed - 5/08 through 4/09 October, 2004 October, 2004 March, 2005 March, 2005 December, 2005 May, 2007 3 48 Proposed Approved Proposed 2009-2010 2008-2009 Increase Percent Budget Summary: Budget Budget (Decrease) Change Personal Services $236,461 $197,033 $39,428 Operating Expenses 17,500 17,500 0 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 Total $253,961 $214,533 $39,428 18.38% 12 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA TOURIST DEVELOPMENT TAX AUDIT ANNUAL BUDGET FUNCTION: Pursuant to the provisions of Florida Statutes 125.01 04(1 O)(c), the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners adopted Ordinance 026-1990 and 047-1995, electing local administration of the Tourist Development Tax and the Tourist Impact Tax. Those ordinances provide that the Monroe County Clerk of the Circuit Court will be responsible for the enforcement and audit function associated with the collection and remission of the Tourist Development Impact Tax. DESCRIPTION/OBJECTIVE: The department randomly selects for audit from among the following: hotels, motels, campgrounds, real estate companies and individuals who rent transient units, which are required to collect and remit Tourist Development Tax and Tourist Impact Tax. The purpose of the audits is to determine compliance with Florida Statutes related to the Tourist Development Tax and Tourist Impact Tax. The department also attempts to identify taxpayers who rent to transients and currently do not collect and/or remit the required tax. The staff also assists the County Tax Collector in contacting delinquent taxpayers. When necessary, these individuals or entities are also audited. This department is funded completely with Tourist Development Tax and Tourist Impact Tax revenues. GOALS: The department plans to continue to perform random audits to identify new taxpayers, and to assist the Tax Collector in contacting delinquent taxpayers. 13 Positions Budget Position Classification: Current I New I Total Amount Senior Tourist Tax Auditor 1.00 0.00 1.00 $64,630 Tourist Tax Auditor 0.50 0.00 0.50 31,500 Subtotal 96, 130 COLA/Merit Pool (0.0%) 0 Salaries 96, 130 Fringe Benefits 17,034 Life, Health & Worker's Camp. 13,637 Total Personal Services 1.50 I 0.00 I 1.50 $126,801 Tourist Development Tax Audit Budget Capital Outlay: Quantity Amount None Total $0 14 Fiscal Year Estimated Workload Measures: 2006 2007 2008 2009 Audits and Estimates Conducted 20 35 19 30 Notices of Delinquent Taxes 39 68 64 53 Identification Letters 43 81 102 75 Tourist Development Tax Audit Proposed Approved Proposed 2009-2010 2008-2009 Increasd Percent Budget Summary: Budget Budget (Decrease) Change Personal Services $126,801 $170,324 ($43,523) Operating Expenses 28,500 28,500 0 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 Total $155,301 $198,824 ($43,523) -21.890/0 15 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA INFORMATION SYSTEMS ANNUAL BUDGET FUNCTION: The role of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in Information Systems is to provide information systems services to all departments of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, as well as to the SOCC and eight (8) other agencies that are a part of the Criminal Justice I nformation Systems network. DESCRIPTION/OBJECTIVES: The Information Systems Department supports the following applications: Circuit Court: Civil, Probate, Jury Management County Court: Traffic, Civil/Small Claims Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS) Juvenile Document Recording and Indexing Budgeting Clerk of Courts Accounting Clerk to the SOCC Accounting Payroll Fixed and Moveable Assets Purchasing GOALS: The Information Systems Department will continue to provide the necessary support functions to the Clerk of Court's and Clerk to the SOCC staff. 16 Information Systems Positions Budget Position Classification: Current I New I Total Amount Information Systems Supervisor 1.00 0.00 1.00 $80,248 Computer Systems Coordinator 1.00 0.00 1.00 83,918 Computer Operators 2.00 0.00 2.00 90,407 Subtotal 254,573 COLA/Merit Pool (0.0%) 0 Salaries 254,573 Fringe Benefits 45, 110 Life, Health & Worker's Comp. 39,135 Total Personal Services 4.00 I 0.00 I 4.00 $338,818 Budget Capital Outlay: Quantity Amount None Total $0 17 Fiscal Year Workload Measures: 2005 2006 2007 2008 Workstations 123 158 153 149 Servers 23 24 24 24 Processing (Hours per day) 15 15 15 12 Information Systems Proposed Approved . Proposed 2009-2010 2008-2009 Increase Percent Budget Summary: Budget Budget (Decrease) Change Personal Services $338,818 $337,762 $1,056 Operating Expenses 334,000 334,000 0 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 Total $672,818 $671 ,762 $1,056 0.16% 18 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA RECORDING ANNUAL BUDGET FUNCTION: The Florida Constitution provides that the Clerk of Courts shall be responsible for recording all instruments authorized by law to be recorded in the Official Records of Monroe County. DESCRIPTION/OBJECTIVES: The Recording Department processes all documents that are recorded in the Official Records of Monroe County. The staff records documents, and collects documentary and intangible taxes due to the State of Florida, Department of Revenue. The department also maintains a daily register of recorded documents and provides an index to the Official Records. GOALS: Public access to the Official Records Document Recording and Indexing System via the Clerk of Courts website has greatly enhanced the public usage of these records. For more information please refer to the Clerk of Circuit and County Court Administration section. 19 Positions Budget Position Classification: Current I New I Total Amount Clerk III 1.00 0.00 1.00 $37,694 Clerk II 1.25 0.00 1.25 45,377 Clerk I 3.00 0.00 3.00 99,050 Allocation of Branch Office Supervision 0.97 0.00 0.97 65,789 Subtotal 247,910 COLA/Merit Pool (O.OO~) 0 Salaries 247,910 Fringe Benefits 43,930 Life, Health & Worker's Camp. 56,052 Total Personal Services 6.22 I 0.00 I 6.22 $347,892 Recording Budget Capital Outlay: Quantity Amount None Total $0 20 Recording Calendar Year Estimated Workload Measures: 2006 2007 2008 2009 Documents Recorded 61,089 56,281 48,629 44,500 Marriage Licenses 3,612 2,942 2,842 3,000 Passports 1 ,944 1,781 1 ,013 1 ,300 Proposed Approved Proposed 2009-2010 2008-2009 Increase Percent Budget Summary: Budget Budget (Decrease) Change Personal Services $347,892 $557,977 ($210,085) Operating Expenses 89,000 89,000 0 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 Total $436,892 $646,977 ($210,085) -32.47% 21 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT AND COUNTY COURT ADMINISTRATION ANNUAL BUDGET FUNCTION: The Florida Constitution provides that the Clerk of the Circuit Court shall be: Clerk of the Circuit Court, Clerk of the County Court, County ComptrollerlTreasurer, County Auditor, County Recorder, and Secretary/Ex-officio Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners. DESCRIPTION/OBJECTIVE: Administration provides for the general management of all departments reporting to the Clerk of the Circuit Court. Administration is responsible for long-range planning, and policies and procedures development. Administrative Assistants provide secretarial support. Administration staff maintains the accounting records for the receipt and disbursement of the Clerk of the Circuit and County Court activities in accordance with United States generally accepted governmental accounting principles and in compliance with statutory requirements. This includes preparing the Clerk of the Circuit Court's annual budget; monitoring and processing operating expenditures; accounting for user fees charged by the Clerk of the Circuit Court and transferring these fees to the Board of County Commissioners, the State of Florida and other agencies. GOALS: The capability to accept credit card payments via the internet and over the counter for some Clerk of Court collections has been implemented in one location and will be available in all locations by the end of the year. A collection agency has been retained to improve the Clerk's collection process. The new court application software will permit electronic transfer of data to the collection agency, increasing the revenues distributed by the Clerk. The 2008 Legislature adopted legislation authorizing the Clerk to conduct tax deed sales over the Internet. We will be reviewing the economic feasibility and logistical issues associated with implementing this alternative. Administration will also continue to monitor internal processes and procedures and make changes where necessary to improve the delivery of services to the public. 22 Positions Budget Position Classification: Current I New I Total Amount Executive Salary 1.00 0.00 1.00 $109,348 Assistant to the Clerk 0.30 0.00 0.30 29,779 Administrative Assistant 0.60 0.00 0.60 32,374 Overtime 800 Subtotal 172,301 COLA/Merit Pool (0.0%) 0 Salaries 172,301 Fringe Benefits 39, 179 Life, Health & Worker's Comp. 17,441 Total Personal Services 1.90 I 0.00 I 1.90 $228,921 Administration Budget Capital Outlay: Quantity Amount None Total $0 23 . Administration Calendar Year Estimated Workload Measures: 2006 2007 2008 2009 Clerk to the BOCC - Admin. Meetings Held 29 33 26 29 Pages of Minutes 327 315 275 305 Resolutions Adopted 647 569 515 577 Ordinances Adopted 39 47 30 39 Contracts Approved 539 433 550 507 Proposed Approved Proposed 2009-2010 2008-2009 Increase Percent Budget Summary: Budget Budget (Decrease) Change Personal Services $228,921 $287,558 ($58,637) Operating Expenses 53,500 53,500 0 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 Subtotal 282,421 341 ,058 (58,637) Allocation to Non-Court Related Functions (See Page 31J x 37.05% x 37.51% Total $104,637 $127,931 ($23,294) -18.21% 24 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA RECORDS MANAGEMENT ANNUAL BUDGET FUNCTION: The Florida Constitution provides that the Clerk of Courts is responsible for the maintenance and protection of a wide variety of public records. DESCRIPTION/OBJECTIVES: The Records Management Department processes all Official Records, court records, and other miscellaneous records with imaging technology. Records are maintained until the retention period has been met. Once the retention period is met, the records are scanned and subsequently destroyed. Oversight of the central mail room rests with this department. In addition, the department provides services to other agencies such as the Library and the District School Board, as requested, on a limited basis. GOALS: All documents recorded in the Official Records are scanned at the time of recording. The images are available for public viewing in the Clerk's Offices in Key West, Marathon and Plantation Key, as well as on the Clerk's website at clerk-of-the- court.com. We are currently scanning all past filings in our Recording, Circuit and County Court applications. Depending on the future status of the Modernization Trust Fund, it is our hope to implement a multi-year project to contract for the archival scanning of our closed court files. 25 Positions Budget Position Classification: Current I New I Total Amount Records Supervisor 1.00 0.00 1.00 $52,089 Microfilm Technician II 1.00 0.00 1.00 43,360 Microfilm Technician I 2.40 0.00 2.40 86,066 Overtime 500 Subtotal 182,015 COLA/Merit Pool (0.0%) 0 Salaries 182,015 Fringe Benefits 32,253 Life, Health & Worke"'s Camp. 39,673 Total Personal Services 4.40 I 0.00 I 4.40 $253,941 Records -Management Budget Capital Outlay: Quantity Amount None Total $0 26 Records Management Fiscal Year Estimated Workload Measures: 2006 2007 2008 2009 Rolls 386 243 135 145 Pages Microfilmed 965,000 607,500 337,500 362,500 Microfilm Copies (Rolls and CDs)* 410 295 177 160 *CDs provided contain a comparable number of records. Proposed Approved Proposed 2009-2010 2008-2009 Increase Percent Budget Summary: Budget Budget (Decrease) Change Personal Services $253,941 $292,698 ($38,757) Operating Expenses 78,000 78,000 0 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 Subtotal 331,941 370,698 (38,757) Allocation to Non-Court Related Functions (See Page 31) x 37.05% x 37.51 ok Total $122,984 $139,049 ($16,065) -11.55% 27 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT TOURIST DEVELOPMENT TAX AND TOURIST IMPACT TAX REVENUE HISTORY $18,000,000 $16,000,000 $14,000,000 M $12,000,000 I L $10,000,000 L I 0 $8,000,000 N S $6,000,000 $4,000,000 $2,000,000 $0 FY 200~ 3% tr6~evelb))MQWrax FY.El~ouri~~9t Tax Estimated FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 30k Tourist Development Tax $14,257,341 $14,373,584 $15,281,113 $15,470,137 $14,048,456 1 % Tourist Impact Tax 4,752,448 4,791,195 5,093,707 5,156,682 4,682,816 Total Tax Collected $19,009,789 $19,164,779 $20,374,820 $20,626,819 $18,731,272 28 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT TOURIST DEVELOPMENT TAX AND TOURIST IMPACT TAX REVENUE HISTORY 30/0 Tourist Development Tax Revenues Month 6 Months Est. % Increase Collected FY2004/05 FY2005/06 FY2006/07 FY2007/08 FY2008/09 from Prior Year Oct $818,628 $671,813 $776,431 $805,131 $821,069 1.98% Nov 937,963 862,224 745,402 1,049,064 1 ,058,291 0.88% Dee 1 , 123,888 1 , 184,085 1,375, 171 1,259,861 1,183,102 -6.09% Jan 1,420,455 1 ,415,642 1,436,441 1 ,446,709 1,441,732 -0.34% Feb 1,745,609 1,575,553 1 ,765,537 1 ,877,082 1 ,519,489 -19.05% Mar 2,022,509 1 ,916,018 1 ,973,772 2,189,775 1,704,773 -22.150/0 Apr 1,471,187 1 ,684,955 1,661,596 1,554,712 1,250,000 -19.60% May 1,208,600 1 ,360,340 1 ,339,576 1 ,299, 165 1,100,000 -15.33% Jun 1 ,076,264 1,145,947 1 ,255,176 1 ,255,671 1,250,000 -0.45% Jul 1,278,491 1,127,368 1,250,784 1 ,260,857 1,250,000 -0.86% Aug 823,213 806,290 961 ,437 1,002,919 1,000,000 -0.29% Sep 330,534 623,349 739,790 469, 191 470,000 0.17% Total $14,257,341 $14,373,584 $15,281 , 113 $15,470,137 $14,048,456 % Increase 1.71 % 0.82% 6.31% 1.24 % -9.19% 1% Tourist Impact Tax Revenues Month 6 Months Est. % Increase Collected FY2004/05 FY2005/06 FY2006/07 FY2007/08 FY2008/09 from Prior Year Oct $272,876 $223,938 $258,811 $268,377 $273,690 1.98Ok Nov 312,654 287,408 248,467 349,688 352,764 0.88% Dee 374,629 394,695 458,391 419,954 394,367 -6.09% Jan 473,485 471,881 478,814 482,236 480,578 -0.34% Feb 581,870 525,184 588,513 625,694 506,496 -19.05% Mar 674,170 638,673 657,924 729,925 568,258 -22.15% Apr 490,396 561,652 553,866 518,237 416,666 -19.60% May 402,867 453,447 446,525 433,055 366,666 -15.33% Jun 358,755 381,982 418,392 418,557 416,666 -0.45% Jul 426,164 375,789 416,928 420,256 416,666 -0.85% Aug 274,404 268,763 320,479 334,306 333,333 -0.29% Sep 110,178 207,783 246,597 156,397 156,666 0.170/0 Total $4,752,448 $4,791,195 $5,093,707 $5, 156,682 $4,682,816 29 ~(I) c(::>>w eo~ ~o~ o...~ ..J-w 1L::>>...1 ~~O~ ZOCW~ :) ow~g O~..J~ Wu.W oo~ O:=~t- Z~~ ow::) :E..JO 00 ~S caO;: ......ca o::SC) ....1G= ....c "'0 ... tn c: CD CD tn E (\1 a. 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ER- ~ 0 co 0 N 0 lli 0 It) o ........ ~ ~ o CX) ~ M t') CD CD cti ~ ER- GO GO ~ o o ~ o M (W') ('I) co ~ ER- CX) 0') co N ~ o (W') ~ ~ ~ o 0') 0) ~ o o o cO (W') ~ o o LO 0) ........ ('I) ER- MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT CALCULATION OF OVERHEAD PERCENTAGES 2008-2009 No. of Employees Non-Court Related Clerk to sacc Internal Audit TOC Audit Recording 21.90 2.50 1.50 6.22 Total Non-Court Related 32.12 37.05% Court Related 54.58 62.950/. Total Direct Service Employees 86.70 100.00% Direct Service Employees 86.70 89.38% Indirect Service Employees 10.30 10.62% Total Clerk Employees 97.00 100.00% 31 Proposed 2010 Revenue Budget Summary: Budget Recording Fees $ 256,000 Fines 90,000 Cash Carryforward 636,400 Total $ 982,400 Public Records Modernization Trust Fund Proposed 2010 Expenditure Budget Summary: Budget Operating Expenses $ 637,720 Equipment 50,000 Contingency 98,200 Reserves 196,480 Total $ 982,400 The Public Records Modernization Trust Fund is authorized by Florida Statutes 28.24(12)(d)(e). Recording revenues are restricted to the modernization of the court related public records system as described therein. Pursuant to Florida Statutes 28.37, 10% of all court-related fines collected by the Clerk shall be deposited in the Clerk1s Modernization Trust Fund for court related operational needs and program enhancements. Due to action of the 2009 Florida legislature, this budget is presented on a "pro-formall basis. Activity in the fund will be held to a minimum pending legislative decisions that may affect the future disposition of this fund. 32