Resolution 305-1997 James R. Paros Public Safety Division RESOLUTION NO. 305 -1997 c r- c'') C'.J , .J <':: -l L;... f ( , L _ .. , ' A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN TO EXECUTE AN E.M.S. COUNTY GRANT APPLICATION AND RELATED REQUEST FOR GRANT DISTRIBUTION TO THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, BUREAU OF EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES ;' -} /'""~' ,. t~, : C.,J c_ , ' i_'._ 0.> L: . BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. The Chairman is hereby authorized to execute an E. M. S. County Grant Application and related Request for Grant Distribution to the State of Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Emergency Medical Services, copies of same being attached hereto. 2. The monies from the E. M. S. County Grant will improve and expand the County's pre-hospital E.M.S. system. 3. The grant monies will not be used to supplant existing County E.M.S. budget allocations. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners ot Monroe County, Florjda, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the ~ day of september, A.D. 1997. Mayor Douglass yes Mayor Pro Tern London yes Commissioner Harvey ye s Commissioner Freeman yes Commissioner Reich yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By Attest DANNY L. KOIJIAGE, PIers Approved as to form and legal sufficiency. .Jl~L(!. ~J~ Deputy ClerfC B Office ~ ,:((,,:, '\\~ '. j"~ l~ r,..] , . r >Jie r~. ,- ll- 1\,'..,..- i,.,r,.. ~~f. ~. ,!'( aola f..~ , ., ,,~l) :<i,'j' ~'. ~i~. e l hr." ~i. ~. ~... .. fI. lit ,. J) ,I f. ,t ,. .a Ii. ,>> J. ,:) ~ j) j9 ~ is '~ i't it i . t . . t . ) >> ~ ~ .0._'",,_.,,-. _<__"_'__"'_'_"'~'_____"'~~_""-"'_'____ '. EMERGENCY MEDICi'~c.. SERVICES COUNTY GRANT APPLICATION STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH BUREAU OF EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES GRA,VT NO. C 1. Board of County Commlssion6';-s (grantee) Identification: Name of County: Business Address: MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA 490 63rd Street, Suite 140 Marathon, Fl. 33050 -- Phone # ( 305) 289 - 6002 SUNCOM # 472 - 6002 2. Certification: i, the undersigned official of the previously named county, certify that to to the best of my knowledge and belief all information and data contained in this EMS County Grant Application and its attachments are true and correct. My signature acknowledges and ensures that I have read, understood, and will comply fully with the Florida EMS Grants Program Handbook October, 1996 Printed Name: Signature: Date Signed: 104;z Title: Mayor 3. Authorized Contact Person: Person designated authority and responsibility to provide the department with reports and documentation on al/ activities, services, and expenditures which involve this grant. Name: James R. "Reggie" Paros Tftle: Public Safety Director Business Address: 490 63rd Street, Suite 140 Marathon, FL 33050 (State) (Zip) (City) Telephone:( 305 ) 289-6002 SUNCOM: 472-6002 4. HRS Fonn 1684, October 96 B 22 .. ..",>~..",.o,..", :" .. :,'...' :.. ',' .'" ,..,O.'.".'''''''''',...,.....,,,.,>l.."''",,.'''...._~. ~-'"'4r.'_. -"."1. 5. Resolution: Attach a resolution from the Board of County Commissioners certifying the monies from the EMS County Grant will improve and expand the county's prehospital EMS system aad that the grant monies will not be used to supplant existing county EMS budget allocations. 6. Work Plan: Continued enhancements of the EMS D.H.F. Radio Communications System, including additional tower analysis and work. Time Frames: 1 Work Activities: I I L__.__ '__ -'"'-~.._..~....... ----.....---.-...-" I I I I -_J l ~ - , . ~ (j , CiI .. <<I " '" . . ., ~ 23 1\. ~I . It,;;.>' . :~. ,~, . ~ ~. ,It ~t we ~) ~) .- . .1) ,. .. '. i) - - - ,- fit - f' f' fJ . ~ .- .. 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UQ)CO :=:r:: .... >, i .;J ~E i::: ;::l CI) c:~ 0 ~ .Q)- U .9. Cb Q) ct ~:5 0 I-< i::: " 0: 0 ~ i .! .! ~ III lIjJ ~ Q Q 10 'tJ c: II ~ 'S ~ Co) lID I I !. a: ~ I .... ~ I ~ ~ CI) 'b ~ .... c: 'S & III CD ~ S ..: fQ .!!! ~ ~ I ~ .! :! (.) CI) I ~ ~ ! ! f a a III III 6, c: ~ ... (i) CI) ~ ~ ~ " .... i II c: It:: .... Ii & II il~ III a:.s Q. ~~ ... n III a:l ~...(!) j iE .~~ lt~ ,$0..- ~ u.:~ " liiI W W w '5 w w w ~ w w W ..: -- - --...----~'-~-~~~-;-~tt::r;L'-~iW~~.J~~~~~!'!L~~~~~~,~ 8. APPUCA TION (Requires Signature) .REQUEST FOR COUNTY DISTRIBUTION (ADVANCE PAYMENT) EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES (EMS) COUNTY GRANT PROGRAM -"--, In accordance with the provisions of section 401. 113(2)(a}, F.S., the undersigned her'3.by requests an EMS county award distribution (advance payment) for the improvement and expansion of prehospital EMS. 490 63rd Street, Suite 140 AOOress Marathon, ( c.;lty) FL. (~tate) 33050 (LiP) Federal Tax ID Number of county: VF 2.. ~.2. ~ ~...2. 2- ~ ~ SIGNA TURE: .~:~{: Date.~ Title: Mayor Printed Name: Kei t SIGN AND RETURN WITH YOUR GRANT APPUCA TION TO: DflPartment of Health Bureau of Emergency Medical Services 400 ~ Robinson Street South Tower 912-d Orlando, Florida 32801-1782 Below this point for use only I?v Department of Health Bureau of Emergency Medical services --_.- Amount: $ Grant Number: Approved By: ~/gnature, ~tate eM::> C:irant umcer Date:__ Fiscal Year: O(jbanization Code -;tU-tiU-3U-100 E.O. trR Amount: $ Object Code 3UUtiU ~ Federal Tax ID V F _________ Beginning Date of Grant: Ending Date: 25 I 4 .