Resolution 321-1997 . . RESOLUTION NO. 321-1997 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AUTHORIZING THE GRANTING OF EASEMENTS TO THE FLORIDA KEYS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION, INe. ASSOCIATED WITH THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED SALE OF A PORTION OF CRAWL KEY. WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 125.38, Florida Statutes, the Florida Keys Elec~r.ic Cooperative Association, Inc. (hereinafter "FKEC") qualifies as a not for profit corporation organized.for tM purposes of promoting community interest and welfare; and .c, WHEREAS, the FKEC has applied to the Board of County Commissioners (hereinafter "Monroe County") for the purchase of 0.67 acres of real property on Crawl Key for the pUf}Jose of constructing electrical infrastructure in the Middle Keys; and - , WHEREAS, Monroe County approved the sale of said property to the FKEC as memorialized in a purchase contract dated March 19, 1997 and Resolution #113-1997; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the public purpose of the proposed electrical infrastructure, it is necessary for Monroe County to grant the easements identified in Attachment A to the FKEC for utility access and ingress and egress to the site; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, THAT the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute the documents necessary to grant the easements identified in Attachment A to the Florida Keys Electrical Cooperative Association, Inc. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners at a regular meeting on this 17th day of September , A.D., 1997. .~l ~~'~"co d~~~ ~~ fS~j~" ~ {'j'br...", '. < -l4llrr;i~'" r \1, \.--' - .', ~: , , , . , .l , . . t ' . l,_...,.....~ ,'1. Commissioner Freeman Commissioner Harvey Commissioner London Commissioner Reich Mayor Douglass Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (Seal) ATTEST: Danny L. Kolhage, Clerk Byr&J,..1 C. ~ By Deputy lerk ~~ --r:'Y ~ .-41; ("""'J'~ .......~..-&..,.............,~~.,>~...............- ATTACHMENT "A" PAGE 1 OF 2 " I! Il J L ( " ^ f~ C f I. n r <; ( I~ I I' 1 I II N A p<'lr'cl'l of land loco,tE'cj 1ft 0. port of ('(lvf',-n....('n\ I ()\ J, Sl?ctlon 26, lowrtshlp 65 South. Ran~{' JJ [a!>t., CRN...'l Krv, H()("..(.(' (:n\Jnty, norldn, bf'lng Mor~ partlcular'\y dC'!;CrlbC?d o!'. follow<;' COI"lf"\l!'nClno 0.1, ii'll;> If\t..rf;~c'tlon forr'\~d by tht' Nor' thwe!;tt'rly rlgh~ of way line or Old Stnt{> Rond 41\ with the NO(,thwf>",terly proJt.>ctlon of the c:pnterllrW of Donano Bot~leY()rd. (IS; pel' rCS1ASY SECTION 'A', o..cc:ord/ng to the Pin t therpof, 0.51 rf'corol~d In Plo t Dool< 2. 0.1; Page 92 of the PublIC Recot'd!; of Monroe County, FlOrido.J thf:'ncp bE'or North 67 d~gf'C'c!; 0'1 Mlnut(!!; 07 ~ec.onds Ea~t along ih@ salol Nor'thw~fit~rly riGht of wo.y llne ot' (I~d state Roo.d 4A for 0. dlstM('(' Ot 1~9,~" (.eetJ ihence bear North 22 d~greE's 55 ~nutes 53 seconds We.t for 0. ~sto.nce of 76.104 feet to the PIJlnt of BeOll'\nll'\Q of thl' parcel of lMd herelno.fter descr'lbedj frOM !;ald PaIn' of BegfnntnQ bl?o.r North 09 degrees 32 l'Ilnutt'J; =n sl;'conds Vest for 0. dlf>to.nC.eo of 200.00 (ect! thence bear N 67 d~gree$ 10 ",1"'(,.Ites 57 Sl'cond~ Eus1. for 0. dlst(loce of 150,00 feE't) then(:!,> beor South 09 dcgr{>es 32 I"Ilnutefi 37 seconds to.:>'t for' 0. al!>to.nce of 200.00 fee tJ thence bear South 67 degrt'es 10 Mlnute~ 57 seconds Vest ror 0- dlsto.nc-e of 150,00 reet back to the POint of BeQlnmng. SOld pOor eel containing 29,198.119+/- sq. (;,'V or 0+670 Utl"'t'S, /'lore or less. INGRESS AND eGRESS EASrl-i[I..!) HE-SCRIPT ON COMMencing o..t the Inters(>(:tlon forMed by the Northwe5terly right of wc.y line of Old St(l te ROCld 4^ WIth the Northwes t~rly proJe,~tlo" of th~ centerline of 80.no.no. BOl,.llevo.rd., IlS per ECSTASY SECTION 'A', o.c<:ordlng to the Plo.t 'thereof, o.~ recorded In PInt Book 2,. at Po.ge 92 c>f th~ PUQlIc Records of Monroe County, FlorJdQJ thE'....ce be'o.r Nor'th 67 deort"es .04 l'Itnl,.l-t~$ 07 ~E'conds Eo.st olong 'the soJd Northwl?lOt~rly right of wOoy line of O\d Sto.tt Roo.d 4A tor 0. di~to.nc:e Of 741.42 f'eE't to the Point of B~Olnnlno of' the , EoseMent he I" f.'lno ftet'desCrlbeQ; frOM so.ld PoInt of' neglonlng bea.r North 09, degrees 32 MInutes 37 seconds Vest fol" 0. dlsto.nce of 78.27 f'~et to the Southwe's-t corner of the prevlovsly descrIbed SUnJtCT~ PARCEll thenc:~ c:ontlnut ' North 09 degrees 32 Minutes 37 seconds Vest o.lono the Vesterly lIn~ Of ~(),Id', SUDJECT PARCEL for 0. dlsto.nce of' "200,00 f(.'e~ to th€.> Northwesterl.y Corl'lef" of so.ld SUBJECT PARCEL.! thE'ncE' beo.r South 67 degrees 10 Minutes; 57 s'econds 'Jest for Q dIstance' of' 20.55 feetl thence beo.r' South 09 degrees 32 MInutes 37 ,. seconds E0.51 for 0. dlS'to-nCE' 0(' 279.31 rerrt to the sO-ld Northwesterly' right of way lIne of Ol.d Sto. te Roo.d 4AJ thence beo.r North 67 d(,>gr~cs 04 I"llnlJtl"S 07 sl?<:onds ro.st o.lono the Northwesterly right of wo.y line of Old Stc\ te RoOod 41'\ for Cl dlsto.nce ot (!O,S6 red back to the POint of' BeginnIng. ~uld ECA seMent. contalfllrtg 5~)65.74 'l./ squClt"e fef:' t, r\Ot'(! or less, UTILITY EASEMeNT OtSCRltJllON COMMencing 0. t th~ In'tcn;ectlon f'or"f'led by the Northwesterly right of' wily (lne of' Old Sto:te Roo.d 4/\ with thf' Northwesterly prOjection of the c&nter'lltl,eo of Bo.no.no. Boulevo.rd, 111> per fCSTASY SECTION 'A', O-ccot"dlng to the Plo.-t thereof, 0.5 rl'c:ordc~ In PlOo t Book ?, at Po.ge 92 of' the Public Records of Monroe COI;inty... FlorldOJ thence bear North 67 degrl?Cs 04 f'lll'Iutes 07 seconds Enst o.\ong the SOld Northwesterly right of wo.y Ill'll' of Old Sto.'te Rood 4A for 0. dlsto.nce of 741.42 feet 1;0 the Point of BeginnIng of th{> EASEMENT herplno.f'ter described" fr'oM sOold Point of Beginning contlflue North 67 degrees 04 /'I11'I1..rtes 07 EOost o.long the saId Northw~si(?dy right of w9-Y line of Old Sto. te Road ~A for 0. dlstO,!'\CI? of' 75,04 feet, ihl'flCE.' benr North 09 dpgrl'es 32 "Inutes; 37 s;ec::onds \.!('st for 0. distance of 10,11 f~et to 0. pOint On thf' Southerly line of' the prev(C)u~ly d~s;crlbed SlHlJf.CT PARCELj thencE' b(,ClI~ South 67 deQre't's 10, l'Ilnut":!i , 5 '! seconds Ves t ulon(J Hw Southerly of thE' ~,..t'vIOUS{Y d"~crtb(.>d SUBJECT PI'\RCEL for (1 dlstonce of '/5,00 feel to th{! SOt~'t.hwE'i;tet'ly COI"I\I;>I" of' the pr~vlou~ly descrIbed SUBJECT PARCCl) thenn' beo.r South 09 deor'f'f'1i 32 Minutes 37 ~econa5 EOst for 0. dlsto.nct' of 10,2/ flil~\ back to \hf' Pnlr'li: of B4-'Olnnlng, Said E05f!'l'\ent con1;(l.IOIr'lO ':>707.56 ~,/. liqU<U"'E:' fef'i. -- (~ 3/4' "'f){!' I .512$ Set I , , 4~/_ ~ -7l (IJ ICj~ I~r., .., f ~ I ) \ -.j ,.,. ,... \ e ,;" .-:. ,... .~ \,'Go.' J\ ~ ,,..."" ~ ,\ ,\\ t, \?- """~t."""'" \;,' :,...;', ',',',', \ \. . t ~ ~ . \ \, ': -\' ;J ,... .....~e0 \,,'~; ~ \ l .':~ \ .....A' _~ \. ,I).. \ ':!J? f5$)1'l __~ \~CC\~~,<_ ~ C;~. Pol, ,'~'3;~~}/::;;f:'.:::~:';"';' ,,',_ .~.~: ilej6 ~ \,......".1"" "'!-" , ~JI_ ...... ,C?,;;,;,;:t" ;....'.l.,"...."o.~.\ :', .,':'"C",~ ''; ...... ,.~-"\\y(/;,;:;~', ," J '~O.O . '," ~ 'oC..i ~ , .Jo...... t /'/ ~ No.1(] 'r,":,.." ,': '" ',.. ~1- ",.- ",r-~" .1lHp r''';:\'",,'.: "...... r:, ,... n. \'~~,~'~~: "f.'f'::':" ........ ~ ", " . "\.-;;; ,....vll'" __ ,... ..... ~ '~: ',' ~ , -- , " ,...'- , ~"". ,'" ATTACHMENT "A" PAGE 2 OF 2 I I \ \ \ \ ' 3/'" IPlpf- \ 1:;1l'5\ Sf ~?~ ,'-41' 1'\~~'51 ss.. \~ '. \, I , , \ ,\ ' \ \ to(l'\~ liI"&~1 It~f~v { \ ( , It, Z\ I'~'O' It C,',J)\ \\ 10 ., I( {'"\ W \ ,\ (/1 ~4 ll/lWI ~ ,Q6 ~ \ -qr,r \ 'tt-' Wt~I'\>,\ , ~, V'l g 1 W\VI' -..! .g ~\ [1. -, - l" \~,?, ~~. \';i" ;~' "F-." N\' '. ~ :., (p\ '.' w " "~\" .' , P :,.:",': ,0 B".",.:'".. I "..' o. ----. .... ~. ~. '" ,.;~ "" 3/4' PIPf '~I~S S. t , , \ \ ~ ~ . ~ ~ .. r' ~ ~ g <& <SO"'l: Io'ooc(s) SUBJECT PARCEL ~ eo "F- 't-~ )' '~ ;Y ~ \f5~S) 7:: \'$ \~ \'d \ ~ ,......... .......' , .,...' ,.' ."",. .... /../' ..... ,/ .......,1 ......~ ......", ~..,.. ". ~'",.,. .' *' "', ~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~--~ ,... :"" .".."'" -.....-... - _....--- .- - ,... , .",,',,' ,;:">' "........' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ~"' .........