Resolution 328-1997 County Attorney._" 1.~ - -1 ' ~ ......-' ~ --"\ 328 RESOLUTION NO. -1997 -~-I , ;"J '1 , A RESOLUTION PRESCRIBING THE JUVENILE CITATION FORM . - FOR VIOLATIONS OF SEC. 382.212, F.S., WHICH PROHIBITS THE - , --;1 SMOKING OF TOBACCO WITHIN 1,000 FEET OF SCHOOL , PROPERTY BY PERSONS UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE. -''-~ (".) ,;.,-.->> Ul '.J BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: The juvenile civil citation form for violations of Sec. 386.212, F.S. (prohibiting smoking tobacco within 1,000 feet of school property by persons under 18 years of age), attached to this Resolution as Exhibit A, is hereby prescribed as the citation form for use in the unincorporated areas of Monroe County. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 17th day of September ,1997. Mayor Keith Douglass Mayor Pro Tem Jack London ..,;~~commissioner Wilhelmina G. Harvey /<:.?~:;o Commissioner Shirley Freeman .,(0',: ""'i~~"i6b~C:, ommissioner Mary Kay Reich I,.... ~ ~J...\) ,~k~;{, 5.fi'll-<i \~.~.-,' r' '~l1 (~L{_>" ;,. <7 AftelfrOA'NNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk yes yes yes yes yes B~ [>. fY!-~ Deputy C erk By p/resord/smoking.doc ,E.tlt.'-/:u't ';4" ..Juve~ _ ~ CJYIL CITATION Agency Name , CASE NO. 1- State of Florida, County of Monroe In the name of Monroe County, tbe undersigned certifies that he has just and reasonable grounds to believe, and does believe that: On the V A.M.lP.M. day of 19_at ' LAST FIRST NAME M.1. ADDRESS .}.;.,...... RACE/SEX.. HT. . WT. " HAIR "EYES D.O.B. SOC. SEC. NO. ,C' , D.L. NO. ,', ".- PARENT/LEGAL GUARDIAN NAME PHONE NUMBER r :", _,~ , ~ _ '_7': ~~. :--:0_'-,(~ .:\..i~ 'j at (location) ZONE/GRID in the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit, in the County of Monroe,Florida committed the following offense: :- j,:. <: In violation of: 3,"g(p . ~'cl ..'~c..;;, 'DcitY/CountyOrd. " o Florida Statute V Details: ~j,'" . .~::,. --:,-,;~ - !,<-. :-~.-l .:.;~ :."l lY=~~j::"(; '3.11'.:,=4 .:'"~~~'~'<",:~.;~ . t '":";";-':,'.., ,_ ;. '; ...:......... 771.1 . ~.::~:!.:~ -- .....?~'(t1r.!:- ~'. " ~"'.'~ ';-:; -:')~. -':.",,:~ ':-"lC';~1 -:, ,~/. ';.::.. ~".~' ;.; .::.... .):'.iJ,"" . ........t ;"."~~..~ l~" r--:: l"; r--:'i x _. Signature of Defendant ' " ;YOtHlCl ab ;10n:m 21m ronsiblSUl2' 11:,g9: "c\.bnSJ097h'q. srii 25;;- CJ.:'.AI "",,",+ ....~.,.:.......i-.--.....yf~..-- "'t'..,.#"",...._~i:,....ff'"' ......~~....,....,~.~""".-r:C"<n""':'f-.I''"';.~,,..""'',.........r: . "..,-M-004 _ .. Officer's Name and J.D. Copies: JASP, Agency. Victim, Defendant Juvenile Citation Instructions to Juvenile You have been issued a civil citation alleging a violation of Florida Statute 386.212. You are: :/ 1. Required to pay a civil penalty of ($20) twenty dollars to the Monroe County Clerk of Court at one of the three addresses listed below within 30 days; OR 2. Perform (5) hours of community service at your school and submit your copy of this citation signed below by your school resource officer or school official to the Monroe County Clerk of Court at one of the three addresses listed below within 30 days; " I, , hereby certify that the person listed above has completed (5) hours of community service. OR 2. Provide a written notice of intent to contest the civil citation to the Monroe County Clerk of Court at one of the three addresses listed below within 30 days. If you choose to contest this citation, the Monroe County Clerk of Court will provide you with a date and time to appear in court when you submit your written notice of intent to contest this citation. If the court finds a violation, you may be subject to a civil penalty of $25 or 50 hours of community servIce. If you do not pay the citation or provide written notice of intent to contest within 30 days, or fail to appear in court having given such notice, you waive your right to contest the citation and may be held in contempt of court. Key West - 500 Whitehead St. Key West, FL 33040 Marathon - 3117 Overseas Hwy. Marathon, FL 33050 Plantation - 88.5 mm. O/S Hwy. Plantation Key, FL 33070