Resolution 329-1997 County Attorney RESOLUTION NO. 329 -1997 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EVIDENCING THE BOARD'S APPROVAL SUBJECT TO CERTAIN SPECIFIED REVISIONS, OF A RECOMMENDED ORDER OF DETERMINATION OF VESTED RIGHTS PROMULGATED BY THE VESTED RIGHTS HEARING OFFICER, , IN RE: THE APPLICATION OF LAMAR LOUISE CURRY, AS TRUSTEE (PLAT OF CORAL COAST, PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE 60) 1<'" " WHEREAS, on January 4, 1996, the Monroe County Year 2010 COn;1prehenMe I " Plan became effective; and C,.) -:,-.., , I WHEREAS, development applications "in the pipeline" as of January=~;"1:996 me . ~, en I > ''', .'-:; :".,) subject to a determination of vested rights pursuant to Policy 1 0 1.18.1 of the' Plan; and WHEREAS, a hearing on the application of Lamar Louise Curry, as Trustee (Plat of CORAL COAST, PB 7, P 60) for determination of vested rights was held before the County's Vested Rights Hearing Officer, Randy Sadtler, Esq, on May 15, 1997; and WHEREAS, pursuant to that hearing, the Hearing Officer promulgated a Recommended Order regarding that application for determination of vested rights; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Board of County Commissioners on August 19, 1997, at which meeting certain revisions to the Recommended Order of the Hearing Officer, as enumerated herein, were determined to be necessary to conform the Recommended Order to the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan; now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1, The Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law set forth in the Recommended Order of the Vested Rights Hearing Officer are approved, The re.commendations of the Hearing Officer (Paragraphs 27-32) are approved, subject to the following revisions: A, Paragraph 29 of the Recommended Order is rejected. However, nothing herein shall preclude approval of a Development Agreement exempting Applicant in whole or in part from consistency or concurrency provisions of the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan, B, Paragraph 31 of the Recommended Order of the Hearing Officer IS amended to read as follows: 31. Pursuant to Comprehensive Plan Policy 101,18.4, the existing building permits for Lots 1-13 and 15 shall remain valid for a term of five (5) years. Certificates of Occupancy for single-family homes on Lots 1- 13 and 15 must be applied for and issued within five years from the date of this Resolution, tolling any period(s) for appeals, PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 17th day of September ,1997, Mayor Douglass Commissioner Freeman /.,.~missioner Harvey .r, '.'" '~, /Comrriissioner London . ~ li_~ < .. (. I~:.. ~--;p~. l'1Jissioner Reich ...,.f"."" \\ r' \-... O/!"' " " , ~~ I 1....1 't '.'. "". \. I,. " . \\- &-- ::-.' \. . ,-" " . \ f~.. , I:t-:~ \./ Afle~~Y L. KOLHAGE, Clerk '..,.',;;.;.,',..._;;... 'f~- yes yes yes yes yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MON OE OUNTY, FLORIDA BY.u~ QQ.. ~~~ Deputy Clerk By jresvr . .. BEFORE THE VESTED RIGHTS HEARING OFFICER FOR MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA IN RE: THE APPLICATION OF LAMAR LOUISE CURRY, AS TRUSTEE (PLAT OF CORAL COAST, PB 7, P 60) RECOMMENDED ORDER GRANTING VESTED RIGHTS This cause came on to be heard by the Monroe County Vested Rights Hearing Officer who reviewed the application and exhibits, heard oral presentation of the witnesses, and after considering the argument of counsel, and being otherwise fully advised in the premises makes the following finding of fact and conclusions of law. FINDINGS OF FACT Preliminary Plat Approval 1. The subject property consists of approximately 24 acres of property located on the island of Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida. Applicant's father A. Bates Curry purchased the property in 1913. His widow, Stobo dePas Curry conveyed a one-half interest in the property to Miss Curry in 1948. Miss Curry acquired the remainder of the parcel when her mother passed away in 1969. 2. Prior to the 1986 Land Use Plan the property was zoned General Use (GU), which allowed one unit per acre. GU zoning was a holding zone, until a zoning application was submi tted. The property is between the Sheraton Hotel and Buttonwood Bay condo- minium to the South and single family homes to the north, In 1986, the property was rezoned to Suburban Residential which per- mitted one unit per acre as of right. With transferable develop- ment rights, it was possible to build up to 10 units per buildable acre. 3. On May 7, 1987, Applicant submi tted an application for plat approval for the Coral Coast Subdivision, under the County's plat approval regulations, ~~ 9.5-81, et seq., MCC (1987). 4. On February 24, 1988, the Monroe County Development Re- view Committee (DRC) convened to consider Applicant's application for preliminary plat approval. On September 13, 1988, in response to recommendations of the DRC, Applicant submi tted an amended application and an amended preliminary plat. On October 19, 1988, the amended application and preliminary plat were reviewed by the DRC. The DRC subsequently recommended the preliminary plat be approved by the Planning Commission. 5. On December 8, 1988, the Monroe County Planning Commis- sion reviewed Applicant's application and preliminary plat at a public hearing. The Planning Commission granted preliminary plat approval by Resolution 3-88, dated January 27, 1989. As part of the preliminary plat approval process, the DRC and the Planning Commission were required to determine that the proposed plat of Coral Coast "was consistent with the purposes, goals, objectives and standards of the Monroe County Land Use Plan." Final Plat Approval 6. In accordance wi th ~ 9.5-84, MCC, Applicant submi tted an appl i ca t ion for final plat approval, together wi th the final plat, construction plans, all required certi ficates from other agencies and utilities, and all information requested by the planning director. 7. On June 28, 1989, Applicant I s application was reviewed by the DRC, which recommended approval of the final plat. On July 6, 1989, at a public hearing, the Planning Commission recommended final plat approval to the Board of County Commissioners, as em- bodied in Planning Commission Resolution 5-89. 8. On August 9, 1989, the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC), by Resolution 410-1989, granted final plat approval for Coral Coast. The plat was recorded initially in Plat Book 7, page 55, and re-recorded in Plat Book 7, page 60 of the public records of Monroe County, Florida. Dedication for Single-Family Residences Only 9. Pursuant to certain conditions imposed by Monroe County, as a condi tion of plat approval, Applicant was required to, and did, restrict the use of all of the lots in the subdivi- sion to single-family homes and accessory uses. As a further con- dition of plat approval, Applicant agreed to preserve and main- tain 80% of the Coral Coast subdivision in its native state. As a further condi t ion 0 f plat approval, Appl i can t was required to, and did, construct and install the road and uti 1 i ty 1 ines at Coral Coast within two years of final plat approval. Infrastructure 10. As a condition of plat approval, Applicant was required to, and did, post an improvement guarantee in the form of an ir- revocable letter of credit in the amount of $275,000.00, to guar- antee the completion of the improvements. 11. To obtain a building permit to clear the property and to install the road and utility lines (infrastructure), Applicant was required to, and did, submit an application for a minor con- ditional use permit together with a tree transplantation plan. 12. Applicant spent over $300,000 to install and construct the required infrastructure, including expenditures for engi- neers, surveyors, attorneys, and biologists to comply with the County's platting requirements. DCA Appeal of Road Clearing Permit 13. On December 19, 1989, after reviewing Applicant I s ap- plication and plans, the Director of Planning issued Minor Con- di t ional Use Order 30-89, to clear the property and install the improvements. On February 8, 1990, the County issued a building permi t for land clearing and to install the road and uti 1 i ty lines. On September 23, 1988, the South Florida Water Management District approved Applicant's storm water management plan. On October 6, 1989, the Florida Department of Transportation ap- proved Applicant's application for a driveway connection permit. 14. On March 30, 1990, pursuant to ~ 380.07(2), Fla. Stat. (1989), the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) appealed Coral Coast I s February 8, 1990, clearing and infrastructure building permit to the Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission. 15. On April 20, 1990, Applicant and DCA entered into a settlement agreement that resulted in the dismissal of the ap- peal. As an additional condition Applicant was required by DCA, and by the County's zoning regulations, to purchase 1179 hardwood hammock trees, and to donate said trees, along with 115 Gumbo Limbo trees, to the State of Florida for transplantation on State-owned lands remote from Coral Coast. The purchase and transplantation of these trees cost Applicant $12,000. RaGa Exemption 16. On August 4, 1993, Applicant requested an exemption from the Rate of Growth Ordinance (RaGa), provided for in ~ 9.5- 121(E)(3). On September 7, 1993, the BOCC denied Applicant's re- quest for an exemption. On August 8, 1995, an Agreed Order was entered in Curry v Monroe County, Case No. 93-20-062, whereby the BOCC would reconsider Applicant's request for an exemption. On August 15, 1995, the BOCC, in Resolution No. 297-1995, granted the exemption provided for at ~9. 5-121, MCC, and ordered the Growth Management Division not to apply the provisions in ~~9.5- 120 to 9.5-124 to the lots in Coral Coast. 17. On October 15, 1995, Applicant submitted building plans and permi t applications for 15 single family homes. Applicant spent in excess of $16,000 for the services of an engineer to prepare the necessary construction drawings and plans. 18. Thereafter, on December 22, 1995, Monroe County issued 15 building permits for single family homes. The permits became effective February 10, 1996, when the DCA appeal period expired. Applicant paid Monroe County building permit fees and impact fees in excess of $44,112.44. Applicant was also required to agree to a transplantation program to clear the lots at a cost of $46,024. (Septic permi ts = $3,150 @ $210; building permi ts = $11,250 @ $750; clearing permits = $1,725 @ $115). 19. As of the date of the hearing, and in reliance of the building permits, Applicant spent in excess of $198,361 to begin construct ion, clear the lots, construct an en trance gate, auger foundations, landscape the property, and secure water and elec- tric utili ties. Applicant also expended in excess of $8,000 to secure approval from DEP for the docks. Docks 20. Applicant submi tted applications to the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) for consent of use for a single fami 1 Y dock on each Lot. On September 30, 1996, DEP denied the applications. Petitioner timely appealed the denial, and on Feb- ruary 17, 1997, the DEP agreed to authorize a dock at each lot at such time as the lots are sold. 21. Applicant was unable to obtain permits from Monroe County to build docks that exceed 100 feet because the County had not adopted a variance policy. On May 1997, the County and De- partment of Community Affairs agreed to "interim dock regula- tions" which will now allow the Applicant to obtain permi ts to build docks. 22. Applicant has a legitimate concern that the 2010 Com- prehensive Plan may reduce density from one unit per acre to one unit per two acres. There are numerous other provisions of the 2010 Comprehensive Plan, which if applied, would substantially affect Applicant's rights to build single family homes as contem- pIa ted by the condi t ions 0 f the pIa t and the bui Iding permi ts issued, i. e. setbacks, open space requirements, densi ty reduc- tions, environmental regulations, etc. 23, The Applicant has been diligent and acting ln good faith in pursuing the permit sought and has substantially changed it's position by continuing to expend sums or incur obligations in reliance on approvals by Monroe County. 24. The development (application process) has commenced and has continued in good faith without interruption. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 23. Applicant reasonably relied on numerous official acts by Monroe County in platting Coral Coast Subdivision, including bu t not 1 imi ted to: a) Resol u t ion 5-89 (prel iminary plat ap- proval); b) Resolution 410-1989 (final plat approval); c) Minor Condi t ional Use Order 30-89 ( clear ing and in frastructure); d) Resolution No. 297-1995, (ROGO exemption); and e) building per- mits for Lots 1-13 and Lot 15. 24. Applicant, acting in good faith, has made such a sub- stantial change of position, and has incurred such extensive ob- ligations and expenses that it would be highly inequi table and unjust to affect such rights by requiring Applicant to now con- form to the consistency or concurrency requirements in the 2010 Comprehensive Plan, or to any land development regulations adopted after the plat was approved. 25. Development of the Coral Coast Subdivision has com- menced and has continued in good faith without substantial inter- ruption. 26. Applicant has also argued the ~380.05(18), Fla. Stat., to support her claim. applicabili ty of In as much as this matter may be resolved under the criteria in Policy 101.18.2 and common law vesting, it is not necessary to decide that issue. IT IS THEREFORE, the recommendation of the Hearing Officer that: 27. Applicant's request for Vested Rights be GRANTED. 28. The development rights as contemplated by Resolution 5-89 (preliminary plat approval); Resolution 410-1989 (final plat approval); Minor Conditional Use Order 30-89 (clearing and infra- structure); Resolution No. 297-1995, (ROGO exemption); and the building permits for a single family home on Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and Lot 15; including land use, den- sity, setbacks, open space, and concurrency be vested as of the date of said permits or approvals. 29. Applicant shall be exempt from the consistency or con- currency provisions in the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan, including the pol i cies set forth under Obj ect i ve 101.1; Objective 101.2; Objective 101.4, and Objective 101.5. The fail- ure to specifically mention a Goal, Objective or Policy of the 2010 Comprehensive Plan shall in no way be construed to impair the rights granted hereby. 30. That neither the 2010 Comprehensive Plan, nor any amendments to the land development regulations adopted subsequent to the pIa t approval, shall affect the vested r igh ts granted hereby. 31. Pursuant to Policy 101.18.4, I find that it is reason- able to require the vested rights granted hereby to be valid for a term of ten years and to require that certificates of occupancy for single family homes on Lots 1-13, and Lot 15 be issued within 10 years from the effective date of any final order granting vested rights, tolling any periods for appeals. 32. Applicant shall report semi-annually to ensure that de- velopment is continuing in good faith. of DONE AND ORDERED ~ in Monroe County, Florida this ~ day , 1997. 6Ph-<<:~ Vested Rights Officer FBN 377163