Resolution 393-1997 RESOLUTION NO. 393 -1997 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNlY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS (BOCC) REQUESTING THAT THE FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY (FKAA) BECOME THE WASTEWATER AUTHORITY FOR UNINCORPORATED MONROE COUNlY, THAT THE FKAA FOCUS ITS ATTENTION ON COMPLETING AND IMPLEMENTING THE MARATHON WASTEWATER FACILITIES PLAN, THAT THEY TAKE A STRONG PROACTIVE ROLE IN THE ENSUING DEVELOPMENT OF THE MONROE COUNlY SANITARY WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN, AND THAT THE FKAA ESTABLISH A REVOLVING FUND TO ASSIST IN THE REPLACEMENT OF CESSfITS FOR THOSE RESIDENTS MEETING QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS AS MODERATE INCOME RESIDENTS. WHEREAS, the final adoption of the Monroe County 2010 Comprehensive Plan (2010 Plan) occurred on 17 July 1997; and ' ) ;- 1 - WHEREAS, the 2010 Plan requires that the County complete 'a 'Sanitary' Wastewater Master Plan for unincorporated Monroe County (Objective 901.4 and subordinate Policies); and WHEREAS, the 2010 Plan also requires that the County complete the development of a Wastewater Facilities Plan for the Marathon area and implement it by seeing that recommended wastewater facilities are constructed (Policy 101.2.13, Five-year Work Program); and WHEREAS, the County is not ideally suited either institutionally or procedurally to implement construction phases anticipated in the Sanitary Wastewater Master Plan or recommended in the Marathon Wastewater Facilities Plan (MWFP); and WHEREAS, the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority (FKAA) is uniquely authorized under the Laws of Florida (Chapter 76-441) to acquire, finance, operate, and maintain sewer systems as defined in Section 3 (8) of the Law and as specifically established in Section 9 (9) of the Law; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners must authorize by a majority vote of the Board, through a public hearing process duly noticed and advertised, the boundaries of any sewer districts established by the FKAA; and SWMP410.doc 09/23/97 8:34 PM WHEREAS, it is in the interest of the Board of County Commissioners to request that the FKAA exercise its authority to purchase, finance, construct, and otherwise acquire and to improve, extend, enlarge, and reconstruct a sewage disposal system or systems in the Florida Keys. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: Provision of Wastewater Services 1. the BOCC requests that the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority (FKAA) exercise its authority to acquire, finance, operate, and maintain wastewater collection, transmission, treatment, and disposal systems, in effect becoming the Wastewater Authority for the entire unincorporated area of the Florida Keys; and 2. the BOCC acknowledges that the FKAA is currently prohibited in the use of "water" money for the development of a wastewater system Authority. The County will work with the FKAA, the State, and the Federal government to establish seed money for the FKAA to develop the institutional and administrative framework for such an Authority, to include the limited hiring of staff, the acquisition of vehicles and office facilities, and provision for travel expenses; and 3. the BOCC acknowledges that the FKAA will only establish one sewer district currently, the Marathon Wastewater District, and that the establishment of all subsequent districts (if any) will be dependent on the outcome of the SWMP; and The Marathon Wastewater District 1. upon receipt of necessary funds, the FKAA, under its authority, shall immediately act to create a sewer district which includes the area from the east end of the Seven -mile Bridge to Coco Plum Drive, excluding the incorporated area of Key Colony Beach, as established in the current version of the Marathon Wastewater Facilities Plan (MWFP); and 2. by adoption of this Resolution by a majority vote of the BOCC, having duly noticed and advertised the adoption of this Resolution, the BOCC approves the establishment of the Marathon Sewer District by the FKAA pursuant to Section 9 (9) (b) of Chapter 76-441, Laws of Florida; and SWMP410.doc 09/23/97 8:34 PM 3. the FKAA, under it authority, shall participate in the completion of the MWFP, initiate design and contract documents, finance, and ultimately, own, operate, construct and manage the Marathon Wastewater Facility; and 4. the BOCC will complete the development of the MWFP to the point of finishing contract commitments with the firm of CH2MHill to develop the Marathon Wastewater Facilities Plan for the purposes of including it in a Request for Prioritization in the State's Revolving Fund program; and 5. the BOCC recognizes that there will be key decision points in the effort to construct the Marathon Wastewater Facility, particularly related to funding requirements, which will necessitate actions by the BOCC or both Boards prior to moving forward again. In particular, these decision points will come at approximately the mid point in developing construction design plans and prior to the initiation of actual construction of the Marathon Wastewater Facility; and The Sanitary Wastewater Master Plan 1. the FKAA staff and Board participate in the process of developing the Sanitary Wastewater Master Plan (SWMP) for Monroe County; and 2. the FKAA shall consider the adoption of resulting recommendations from the SWMP as they are forthcoming so that when requested to implement the recommendations by the BOCC, the two Boards may be in prior mutual agreement over the outcome of the SWMP; and 3. the BOCC will maintain a continuous process of coordination with the FKAA so that the FKAA Board is fully apprised of all actions taken by the BOCC with regard to the SWMP; and The Establishment of a Revolving Loan Fund 1. the FKAA shall work with the Monroe County to develop a Revolving Fund for the replacement of cesspools outside of the primary service area of the proposed Marathon Sewer District and that the fund be made available to those meeting qualifications as "moderate income" (to be defined) residents of the County; and Immediate Funding Commitments 1. the BOCC will direct approximately $3.3 million that is anticipated to be available through Congressional appropriation of de-obligated Title II, SWMP410.doc 09/23/97 8:34 PM Federal Pollution Control Act dollars for continuing development of and construction design work for the Marathon Wastewater Facility Plan. This commitment is dependent upon receipt of said funds through Congress and successful negotiations with the Environmental Protection Agency, Region IV and the State of Florida. It is the intent of the BOCC to see that these funds are made directly available to the FKAA for this effort. By mutual agreement on the amount, some portion of this money and/or part of any local match requirements may be used as "seed money" to establish the staff and administrative structure to complete this effort; and z. the BOCC will direct approximately $1.0 million of any de-obligated Title II, Federal Pollution Control Act dollars that are anticipated to be available to Monroe County to assist moderate income residents of the County in the replacement of cesspools outside of the primary service area of the proposed Marathon Sewer District. This commitment is dependent upon receipt of said funds and successful negotiations with the Environmental Protection Agency, Region IV and the State of Florida. It is the intent of the BOCC to see that these funds are made directly available to the FKAA for this effort; and 3. the BOCC will work to develop the financial package to make the Marathon Wastewater project financially feasible in accordance with the direction of the BOCC and with the concurrence of the FKAA; and OTIlER ISSUES 1. the BOCC will recognize the FKAA as the sole governmental provider of wastewater services. The BOCC will not approve any other provider of wastewater services as part of its normal process of completing development review and approval or as part or a request for a special taxing district or similar taxing structure for wastewater, without prior approval of the Board of the FKAA; and Z. once the FKAA accepts the establishment of a wastewater district and the BOCC has approved it, the further development of the project, design, construction, the establishment of bonding requirements, hook-up, service fees and charges, and the general operation and maintenance of the facilities within the wastewater district will fall entirely within the purview of the FKAA as established in Chapter 76-441, Laws of Florida, any other relevant enabling legislation, and the policies and procedures for the FKAA; and 3. the BOCC will work with the FKAA to develop new legislative language under Chapter 76-441, Laws of Florida, as may be necessary to effectively operate as a wastewater authority. With the mutual agreement of both SWMP410.doc 09/23/97 8:34 PM Boards concerning such changes, the BOCC will support efforts In the Legislature to change the law. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners, Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 15th day of October, A.D., 1997. Mayor Douglass Mayor Pro Tern London Commissioner Freeman Commissioner Harvey Commissioner Reich yes yes ye::; yes yes ';;"',.. "': ~t%~~':~ (~t~~~1l,;- ,~:,,::,~<r.. .,.~ '':'::''~~~~f-.':.'. ATfEST:'"'DANNY 1. KOLHAGE, CLERK BY: ~ Q.. ~A~ DEPUIY CLERK BY: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUffiCIENCY BY:~' AITORNEY'S 0 SWMP410.doc 09/23/97 8:34 PM