11/21/2000 CLERK'S ORIGINAL FINANCIAL AGREEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN FLORIDA HEAL THY KIDS CORPORATION "FHKC" AND MONROE COUNTY GOVERNMENT This Agreement is made and entered into this 2J,4l day of fI~ 2000 by and between Monroe County Government, hereinafter called MCG and the Florida Healthy Kids Corporation hereinafter called 'FHKC', a Florida not-for-profit corporation under the provisions of Chapter 617, Florida Statutes. WHEREAS, the Florida Legislature enacted Chapter 624.91, Laws of Florida, creating the Florida Healthy Kids Corporation, a Florida not-for-profit corporation organized to facilitate a program to provide comprehensive health insurance coverage and preventative health care services to Florida children; WHEREAS, FHKC has been specifically empowered to receive federal funds available under Title XXI of the Social Security Act and said Act requires matching dollars; WHEREAS, FHKC implementing statute provides for the provision of local matching funds from the participating county and that said local match must be secured prior to the enrollment of applicants above any base enrollment allocation in the participating county by a Financial Agreement with local contributors to provide the required local match on an agreed periodic basis; WHEREAS, MCG has agreed to participate in the FHKC program for Monroe County by providing funds eligible for federal matching dollars under Title XXI to be applied to the local match for Monroe County; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and as an inducement to FHKC to commence or continue a FHKC program in Monroe County: 25 0 <::) ~ z)'.> ::=: ;u C'") z <- ~_ 1. MCG agrees to provide matching funds for the provision of the FHKC program in ~Qe Ci!mtgs follows: C'"). r-- · '1 '2~' \0 C) ~ ;:o::c: :;;::J A. MCG agrees to provide local matching funds which comply with all applic~~~t~d ~eral laws or regulations in the amount of$38,370 for the period of October 1, 2jJI50 ~o~ J~ 30, 2001. (;0 rT1 ~ Eg B. MCG understands that FHKC will create an enrollment pool for counties who contribute local matching funds. MCG agrees that the total number of enrollment slots allocated to each county will be apportioned based on the number of slots available in the FHKC's local match enrollment pool and the percentage oflocal match committed by MCG to the total amount collected by FHKC on a statewide basis. C. MCG agrees to be invoiced on a monthly basis for one-twelfth of the local match amount listed in paragraph 1. A. D. MCG agrees to remit payment within thirty (30) days of receipt of an invoice from FHKC. Revised 5/00 Page 1 of 3 E, MCG agrees to provide documentation that all local matching funds covered under this Agreement meet federal Title XXI guidelines and understands that FHKC may conduct an audit of these funds to ensure compliance. Should FHKC determine that an audit is necessary, MCG agrees to cooperate with the audit and to respond to all requests for information within thirty (30) days of receipt of such request. Failure to cooperate by MCG is considered a breach of this Agreement. II. FHKC in consideration ofthe funds paid by MCG and to provide local matching funds for the Momoe County FHKC program agrees as follows: A. To provide comprehensive health insurance coverage to each participant who has paid the required premium and has met the other eligibility standards for emollment established by FHKC. B. To invoice MCG on a scheduled basis in accordance with paragraphs.I.C. and I.B. Invoice shall be sent to: COUNTYOFMONROE-OMB 5100 COLLEGE ROAD KEY WEST, FL 33040 Ill, The Parties understand that local matching funds must meet the eligibility criteria set by federal law or regulation under Title XXI of the Social Security Act or by state law or regulation. IV, The Parties agree that the non-payment oflocal matching funds may result in the termination of the Momoe County Healthy Kids program at the sole discretion of the FHKC. Additionally, the Parties agree that if County fails to maintain its local match commitment, FHKC must enforce the provisions of Line 192A of the 2000-2001 General Appropriations Act which requires FHKC to freeze emollment and to also reduce emollment through attrition to reach the equivalent value of lost state, federal and local matching funds, V. MCG understands that FHKC will commence the expenditure of state and federal funds to develop a FHKC program in Momoe County based upon the assurances by MCG to provide local matching funds that are eligible under state and federal law, to assume the responsibilities and duties set forth herein and to provide the local matching funds in accordance with the terms hereof. In the event the local matching funds provided herein are not forthcoming in the amounts and upon the dates scheduled, FHKC is entitled to enforce the obligations of this agreement in accordance with the laws of the state of Florida and in such event shall be entitled to additional reimbursement for its costs and attorneys fees necessarily incurred in order to enforce the completion of the obligations herein. It is understood that the intent of this provision is to protect the children who will receive health insurance benefits through the FHKC program in Momoe County and who will thereafter rely upon the continuation of the program. VI. The parties agree that the provisions of this agreement are not subject to assignment without the express written consent of the other party. Revised 5/00 Page 2 of3 Vll. Any amendments to this Agreement shall be in writing and approved by both parties, VllI. This Agreement shall be in effect from the date of its execution by both parties.... and shall remain in effect until all obligations under this Agreement have been satisfied. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this agreement to be executed by their undersigned officials as duly authorized. 21 A-l. day offl~2000. Witness MONROE COUNTY GOVERNMENT I /}!/l IT- ~o (' ",,, j{!.."~ f-'-Cli~.....L(">~ L.. ,..A<:._ ,'...".. ( \ . () , 'J NAME GeoV"jc..~. Ne-....j--.f- TITLE tvr....yo.../ e.t.....i................ FLORIDA HEALTHY KIDS CORPORATION ~~J(~ ROSE M. NAFF, Ex / 'vector Florida Healthy Kids Corporation B Revised 5/00 Page 3 of 3 NO:;, 1. 2000 3: 22PM NO, 47:,4 T\ r. ... THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE TONI JENNINGS Pnlitiutl of the Serl(lte June 14.2000 JOHN THRASHER Sp.., oftlw Houn of &pns."tDtiPa Ms. Donna Arduin. Director Office of Policy and Budget Office of the Govemor 1602 The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399~OOOl Dear Ms. Arduin: This is in response to your inquiry dated June 6, regarding proviso language associated with Specific Appropriations 192A and 193 of the 2000-2001 General Appropriatio~s Act. Specifically, you asked for clarification regarding ,the definition and amount,of.locll1 ',-. matching ~ds, and restrictions related to the non-Title XXI portion of the program. The . . followmS"is'providcd fa c1ari1)1t:egislifiVEliUeiirregardiiig me issuesoutIfue(lUi-your letter. ~ Local Match The terms '.commitment" and Ucurrent local match 'levels'" refer to the FY 1999-00"!evels-'- --- ","- , of match pledged by local entities, which on a statewide basis are approximately SII.3 , million. This is the level of match required for FY 2000-01 for most counties. Counties are not required to provide local match to participate in KidCare in excess of this amount; however, counties may contribute additional local funds specifically for non-Title XXI enrollees or Title XXI enrollees at their own discretion. It is the intent of the Legislature that local match be capped at a maximum level ofS14.4 million. Counties whose local matching funds do not meet Title XXI eligibility guidelines may continue to meet their "commitment" or "current local match" requirements by allowing these funds to be used for non-Title XXI coverage even if these enrollees arc not in their respective COWlty. The Florida Healthy Kids Corporation may accept local matching funds that do not meet Title XXI eligibility guidelines; however. such funds shall not be used as state matching funds for the purpose of drawing down Title XXI federal funds. . '---" Non-Title XXI Coverage The legislative intent as stated in Section 409.813, Florida Statutes, is clear regarding the non-entitlement nature of the KidCare program. The program is subject to fiscal limits as ll~'" 1 'n~' ~ '''PI,! . \IJV, ,~.IIjU j:~~'," lW, 4754 p, 4. (--- Ms. Donna Arduin June 14,2000 Page Two specified annually in the General Appropriations Act. It is the intent of the legislature that only S13,500,OOO of state funds appropriated for FY 2000-01 shall be used for non- Title XXI enrollees and that no additional state funded non-Title XXI children be enrolled in the program after July 1, 2000. ,-. It is tbe intent oCthe Legislature that non-Title XXI coverase be available for non- citizens, state employee dependents and children over 19 years of ago to the extent state funds arc specifically provided in Specific Appropriation 193 and to the extent local matching funds, grant fimds, or other funds are legally av~lable. It is not rIte intent of the Legislature to dis~oll non~ Title XXI eligible children Cor reasons other than the failure to comply with the family payment provisions within the allowable 30-day grace period or voluntary disemollment. However, state funded non- Title XXI enrollees whose coverage is canceled for any reason shall not be reinstated and the associated state funds shall be used to increase the availability of coverage to Title XXI eligible CIiildieii and to maximiZe Cederal fimds. Of the SI1.3 million in local match cozmnitment, up to $1.6 million in local matching funds may be used Cor non-Title XXI match. These local match funds must be in addition to the $9.7 million local match commitment required for Title XXI match and shall not impair federal Title XXI match earnings.. In the event an entity contributing local matcb funds agrees to provide loeal match for the purpose of increasing the number of non-Title XXI children served, such funds must be provided on an annualized basis. Any non-Title XXI child enrolled after July 1,2000 with local match funds may not be shifted to state funding. Sincerely, ~~ k&l- Ken Pruitt, Chair Fiscal Responsibility Council Locke Burt, Chair Senate Budget Committee KP;LB;sc --- NOV, 1. 2000 3:22PM CONFEREIfCE REPOR.T ON HOt7SE BILL ~US. GB!IERAI. Ai'PIlOPRlATICIIS N:r Py ~000.~001 SECTICl( 3 - HUMAN 5illVXas requ.1re~ ~ ~e GovermaeJ:lt. Perfonance aad AGcOWl1:~111ty Act. of 1".: _.__._..._.-____~.....__._..._....__.____._...._.._____...............c I;;;:.;~:::_-------------_.........._-----------------_::-~;;;~~;;__I QO'1'PUTS , 101:&1 n~r of unin.ured childr.n enrolled in Xidcar........400.'12 ~r ot children age. 1-20 anrall.d in Medicaid..,.,.,...1.179.1., .~r ot eld.r. enrolled in long term care waiver.,.... ..., .,13.61. HUaber of eld.~. p~..eribed drug..........,...............10.04...25 ...-----------------------------------........----------------------- Addie10nal approved p.rfonl&J1Ca _a.ure. and ataudard~ are le.Cabli'~d 1D ~e Py 2000-2001 Impl..-n1:1ag Bill aad A~e iIlcozporaeed 1I.~e1n by refereDce. ' .._______....................................----....&:...===a===.... CHIL1)RP'S SPECIAL HUIoTK CUlE U1 anNSES noM TOBACCO 5!TrLEHENT TltVST 1"UND nOM M!l)ICAl. 0Jl.E T1WST nJIID . , . '" .'40 1.719, no aVo LtlHP SlIM n.ORIOA. JaDCARE PJIOORAM F1tOl1 TOIlACCO SETTLEMDT TIlt7ST ~ FROM GlWlTS AND DOIIATI0N3 nOST FUlCD PROM MEtlICAL ClUlE nun f't1N!) , 40.tlll,"3 "', '67 54.956.656 Funds in Specific Appropriation lJZA are provi~ed to expand ~e Plorida KidCa~e Program fo~ ch11dzen eligible under the S~ate Children'c Healeh In$urance Progran (Title XXI), of ~he.e fund.. $18.400.000 from the TobACCO S.ttl_nt Truee Fund i. trazwfernd fl"Olll the Lawton Chile. Eodo~e Pund. The ottice of tha GoYemor may Autho~ixe movement of ~esc re~ource$ ~etween programe or .geD~ias bllOed on coneensu. estimmte$ of the SOCial service. ~timating Conference and purSUAnt to OIap'r.er 215. Plol:ida Seacutee. The agency. 1n coopel"atioa with the nepartment of Health &Dd ~e Florida Healthy Kida Corporation. ahall contraee for an avaluatioo of the Floriclll KidCare ProgrUl and ehall provide ~ 6valuation queetione and 'r.~ daell requioite io~ the required analy:e&. A441t1ooal local mat~h1ng fund. beyond $1....11,.50 are not req1.lireci tor progrUl participation in the healeh ifttl11'&nce ponioo of the Pn9~. Local _tch11l9 funds provided by the cO\lfttie. aDd. ~ittad to the Florida a.althy Kid. Corporaeion ~hll11 b. u.ed co match the Title XXI federal fuad.. 1Jl the event ~~reat local match level. ara not _t by ~o\&nei.a. die a.althy Kid. P~ogram shall free.e adai..iene in c:ho.e ~ountiec which do DOt: ...t eheir matCh comMic:ment. &Dd requirements acd begin reducing enrollmoa1: thrO\&9A &ttr1t1oo co reach the equivulene value of the 10'C: local. lJ~&t. and. ...0eLaced federal llI&'r.ching fund:;. Fundc ar. alao p~ided to A~l~c & dental bane fit package for 1IA eeci_ced 1'0.000 childree enrolled 1n the Florida Healthy Kid. Program co coun~1.. thac OQD~iftue th.1~ current level of lOCAl match. O~ will 1n the future. _e:cibuce local _cching fuadll eo the health 1AlIu~ence p:cogram, The d.encal progrUl .hall be _de availUle co eouat1e. which provil1eor eoea1c ~o provide local ma'r.ch )n exce.s of $6.0DO. The Florida Healthy X1= Corpora,ton ahall ccmduct a revie" of l;urrene local aaech requiremcntG and aevelop .. re~ndation for a mUlti-year propoeal relaced to the :codu~~1oD of local ..~ch. Thie report ahall ~e provided to ~e Governor. $~ax.r of the HOu8. of llepre.enelltive~. and Pr..ident of tbe Seaa~e no lat.~ ~b&n NOvember 1, 2000, 193 SPECIlUo CA'l'EGOIlI!S GRANTS AND AIDS - FLOIlIDA HV.I.1'HY ICIDS COItPOJlATIOlf noM GEN!1lAL REV'BNOE FURD FJlOH 1'OaACCO SB1'TLEHENT' TllU$T FtJIII) noM M!l)Ic:AL CMS TlWST FUND ' 14.430.U' '0.434..73 lC. 011, &52 Punds in Spoclflc Approp~i&cioo 193 are for 1:he operation Of the Florida Jt14care Prograll, General ___aue Fund. lind Tobacco Set~l_t. Trust PUD4e are eligible to _~ch ~e Seaee Children'S Heal~h Inaurance Pt'Ogram (Ticla XXII. The Florida Beal~y JCidD COll'Po~aeion 1. authorized to ~. up to 513.500.000 t~ tbe Geael:al Revenue rund for health ift8uraoea coverage for .~te fundeG (naft-Tiele XXXI eligible children it NO, 47:,4 P. ~ :. May 8, 2000 Mr, James Roberts County Administrator Stock Island Government Complex College Road Key West, FL 33040 Dear Jim: Each year the state requires the Rural Health Network of Monroe County Florida as the lead agency for the Florida KidCare Program, to provide local match funding for the Florida Healthy Kids Program. The local match is required to maintain the current enrollment and add additional children to the state's affordable health care initiative, Based on the current participation in the program, the forecast for program year 2000-2001 is for 1,500 children to be enrolled, The local match for the upcoming fiscal year is scheduled to remain at the current 15% rate, and not increase to the 20% capped rate, as originally established by the legislature. Fortunately, the legislature heard the pleas from rural counties concerning the challenge of securing local match dollars plus being penalized with a local match rate increase to factor against an increased number of enrolled children, due to the success of outreach efforts, The Healthy Kids monthly premium cost currently is $72.00 (up from $59,00 in 1999), for each child enrolled, with 48,5% of that total to be provided by the Monroe County and 51.5% provided by the Lower Florida Keys Hospital District. The totals are based on enrollment distribution, The County historically covers the portion of the current enrollment living from Marathon to Key Largo, The formula used to determine the local match figures is calculated as follows: 1. The total number of enrollment slots forecast is 1,500, 2, The state gives each KidCare region 500 free enrollment slots, reducing the number to 1,000, 3. The total cost of the program is $864,000 ($72/child/month x 12 months x 1,000 children), 4, The total local match requirement is $129,600 ($864,000 x 0,15), 5, The Monroe County portion is $62,856 ($129,600 x 0.485). 6, An additional $20,000 is needed for outreach to be divided equally between both local match sources, or $10,000 from Monroe County. 7. Total request is $72,856 ($62,856 + $10,000), EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR-VOICE 305-293-7570; FAX 305-293-7573; EMAIL RHNED@AOLCOM COMMUNnY OUTREAot DIRECTOR-VOICE 305-293-7570; FAX 305-293-7573; EM~~~~~~~~COM PRIMARY CARE DIRECTOR-VOICE 305-872-5522; FAX 305-872~2; =~~RE@Kel1"ticoNNEcnON.COM HEAlTHY KIDS/KIDCARE DIRECTOR-VOICE 305-517-9002; FAX 305-517-9004, E -2- Hopefully, a portion of the savings realized by the effort to keep the local match at 15% can be used to provide outreach to uninsured children and service the needs of currently enrolled families. Thus the Rural Health Network of Monroe County Florida, Inc, asks the Monroe County Commission to plan to allocate $77,856 to meet its portion of the local match required to provide the Healthy Kids Program to 1,500 children, Thank you for your continued support of this program vital to the health of our community. J;;" ~7 1 er , / /. ~ '.or' ~:-;:.-- . . Keith DOUglasY C KidCare Director