03/24/1993 Agreement 1Bannp 1.. Itolbagt BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 TEL. (305) 289-6027 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT MONROE COUNTY 500 WHITEHEAD STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 TEL. (305) 292-3550 BRANCH OFFICE 88820 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL. (305) 852-7145 MEMQBAHI!.YM TO: Larry Keys, Morrison-Knudsen/Gerrits ~. Isabel C. DeSantis, Deputy Clerk ~ .~. FROM; DATE: April 30, 1993 ~~ .tAl On }Fril It, 1993 - The Board of County Commissioners authorized execution with Gonzalez Architects of the following Contracts: Contract JS-99C, for design of a new 40,000 square foot facility to be constricted at Jackson Square to house Monroe County JUdiciary; Contract JS-99G, for conceptual design for renovation of the Old Monroe County Courthouse for the Clerk of the court; Contract CG-101, for design of construction of a Monroe County Public Works Garage, approximately 10,800 square feet, to be located on stock Island; Contract JS-99D, for design of renovation of the Monroe County Courthouse Annex at Jackson Square, for the Monroe County Judiciary; Contract JS-99B, for design of renovation of the Lester Building at Jackson Square for relocation of the State Attorney, Supervisor of Elections, and one County Commission Chamber; Contract JS-99F, for design and site placement of temporary facilities and interim occupancy of Courthouse Annex building at Jackson Square for County JUdiciary, Clerk of the Court, and the Sheriff's Court Support Department, during rehabilitation of the Jackson Square Complex; Contract JS-99A, for design relocation of the Jackson Square Sheriff's facility to a new location at the new detention facility. cc: County Attorney. County Administrator w/o document Finance Director File AlA Document B141/CMa Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Architect \f7Jere tbe Constructioll .\tanager is .vOT a Constmctor 1992 CONSTRUCTION MANAGER-ADVISER EDITION THIS DOCl',l1E.\T HAS 1.11PORTAST LEGAL COSSEQCESCES, COSSCLTATIOS ~'ITH AS ATTORSl:T IS ESCOCRAGED \'OTH RESPECT TO ITS CO.\1PLETIOS OR .\10DIFICATIO.\' TlJis document is intended to be uSl'd in conjulIClioll witb tbe 1992 editimlS of .-IIA Documellts 8801/C.l1a, AIOI/CJla Qlld A201/C.\1a, AGREEMENT JS-99 C AlE * 93001.04 made as of the ~lf~ day of ~~ in the year of BETWEEN the Owner: Monroe County Board of County COl1lDissioners /,\,,,1/,' ,,,"l ",ldreSS) 500 Whi tehead Street Key West, Florida 33040 '~ ~ \C5 -Tl UJ - Pl ::;::. 0 -0 :::0 N '-C .' U ~"J 0 rill :1""'/'\ 1I1dlUltt' day. I~/',nrll illld \'l'"r I -, I qq,. o Z ::0 __ c;~~ and the Architect: Gonzalez Architects 3130 Northside Drive Key West, Florida 33040 (305) 294-3748 (-,",,,,It' (/lId ilddress) for the following Project: !/nt-,';Illt' dl'r,illed ,,('-,(n/HJ."l r~l J'n'!l'd /"l,l!!fJ11. address allcl..\"pt' J Design of new 40,000 square foot facility to be constructed at Jackson Square to house Monroe County Judiciary. The Construction ~lanager is: Morri son-Knudsen/Gerri ts /SOIl1,' <l1Ii1 address) P.O. Box 5283 Key West, Florida 33045 (305) 292-7845 The O\yner and .\rchitect agree as set forth helmy, (:\~"\\ ~:~ht lq-~. ll):-\ll. ; lU'),2 h\' Tht: .-\mt.:'flcan In...llwtc: of .\.n:hlIcd:'o, 1-."':; "'t",y Y\ lfh A\-,:;~uc'. :\ \X \\'.l..h!n~t(ln. [) l~ ..!()()oh-':;..!l)2 RC"prodw:lIon, Ifrhe ffiJrt'nJ: ht'rt'\I1 llf "u~"'lJI1lJ..1 4WHJtJun (lr J[... pr()\"l~HlI1" \"\"lllhlUr the wrITtt:'n pt'rmiS~H)!) 01 tilt: .\I.\. n\';.Hc~ tht: l.-tIP\'fl~ht IJw'" (If [he l"nHeJ S[~lte'i JnJ will ~U~tI.."C[ the \'i. ..iiOf ill k~~il pfllselution ~ ~~I~: AlA DOCUMENT B141/CMa . O\X~ER,""RCHITECT AGRED1E'\T . CO,\qRl'CfION ~t~NAGER. ,~D\'JSER EDlTIO", . 1992 EDITIO'\ . AI.~~ . f 19<)2 . THE ,~~IERIC~", IV;TlTl'TE OF ARCHITECfS, ,-,,, 'f'\ \['R~: \\1'''1' ,\\' \\'\'HI'r,T<" OC 2'"''''',''2<)2 . WARNING: Unlicensed q~,11/rM::>_100? 1 2.4.4 The :\rchllect shall assist the Owner and Con<truction \bn.l~er in the prepJrJtion of the necessary biddin~ infor- 11l;1t1l ;0, biddlOg forms, the Conditions of the Contracts. and the forms of :\greemem between the Owner and the Con- trad"rs The\rchitect shall Jssist the Construction \Ianager in Is,ulOg hidding documel1ls to hidders and conducting pre- hllJ conferences wnh prospective bidders, The Architect. with the ~lssistJIKe llf (he Cunstruetion :l.lanager. shall respond to questlllOS frnm bidders, Jnd shall issue Jddenda, 2.4.5 The ,\rchllect shall Jssist the Owner and Construction \Lllu~er in conneClll)J1 with the Owner's responslhility for filing'documents required for the approval of gm'ernmental aUllll1rnies !1a\ing jurisdiction O\'er the Project. 2.5 BIDDING OR NEGOTIATION PHASE 2.5.1 The .\rchitec!. following Ihe Owner's appro\'Jl of the Construction Documems and of the Construction \LmJger's ):lIest estimate of Construction Cost, shall assist the Construc- ti"n \Llnager 10 ohtaining hids or negotiated proposals ;1Od a"i,t In preparing contracts for construction, 2.6 CONSTRUCTION PHASE-ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT 2.6.1 The ,\rchitect's responsibility 10 provide Basic Services for the Construction Phase under this Agreemem commences with the aW:lfd of the Comract for construction and terminJtes Jt the earlier of the issuance to the Owner of the fiml Project Certificate for P"Jymem or 60 days after the date of Substan- tial C,)mpktilln of the \X'ork, 2.6.2 The .\rchitect shall pro\'ide administration of the Con- tract for construction in cooperation with the Construction \Ianager as set forth bdow and in the edition of AlA Docu- ment ,\2OJ/C\la, GenerAl Conditions of the Contract for Con- struction, Construction \Ianager-Adviser Edition. current as of the date of this Agreement. 2.6.3 Duties. responsibilities and limitations of authority of the ,\rchitect shall not be restricted. modified or extended without written agreement of the Owner and Architect with consem of the Contr3ctorS Jnd the Construction \Ianager. \\'hich consent sh311 not he unreasonably withheld, 2.6.4 The ,\rchitect shJlI he J representati\'e of Jnd shall Jd\'lse :lnd consult with the Owner (I) during construction until final payment 10 the Comractors is due. and 12) JS an .\dditional Service Jtthe Owner's direction from time to time during the correction period described in the Contr3Cts for Construction The .\rchitect sh3ll have authorit\- t,) Jct on hehalf uf the Owner unly to the extent provided in this Agree- ment unless otherwise modified by written instrument, 2.6.5 The Architect shall visit the site at intervals appropriate to the stage of construction or a~, otherwise agreed by the Owner and Architect in writing to become generally familiar with the progress and quality of the Work completed and to determine in general if the Work is being performed in a manner indicating that the \Xbrk when completed will be in accordance with the Contract Documents, Howe\'er, the ,-\.rchirect '11311 nllt he required to make cxhJustin: or con- lInuous un-'lIe inspectiuns to check the quality or Lju3ntity of the \,\'ork, On the h3sis of on-site obsen'ations 3S an architect. the :\rchitect sh311 keep the Owner informed of the progress and qU;llit\' of the Wurk. and shall endea\'or to guard the Owner against defects and deficiencies in the Work, (\lore ('xlells/n' s/Il' Tl'prl'St'lltalioll may b.! agreed 10 as all A,llllliu/lal .'len'/ce, as desaihed ill paragrapb 3.!) 2.6.6 The Architect shall not ha\'e control over or charge of Jnd shall not be responsible for construction means. methods, techniques, sequences or procedures. or for safetv precautions Jnd progr3ms in connection with the Work. slOce these are the Contr3ctorS' responsibility under the Contracts for Con- struction, The Architect shall not be responsible for the Con- tractors schedules or failure 10 carr\' out the Work in Jccor- dance with the Contract Documents, The Architect sh3ll not he resr<1nsible for the pert'()f\l1ance hv the Construction \lan- agel' of the services required h\' the Cunstructl< ,n \lJnager's agreement with the Owner, The Arcl11lcct shall not h3\'e con- trol o\'er or charge of acts or omissions of the Contractors, Subcontractors, or their agents or employees. or of 3ny other persons performing services or portions of the \X'ork, 2.6.7 The Architect shall at all times have access 10 the Work wherever it is in preparation or progress, 2.6.8 Communications b\' and with the Architect's consul- tants ,hall he through the ,\rchitect 2.6.9 Based on the Architect's obsen'3tions and evaluations of e3ch Contractor's ,\pplication for Pa\'ment. the ,\rchi- tect shall re\'iew 3nd certify the Jmounts due the respec- ti\'e Contractors, The Architect's certification for payment shall con- stitute a representation to the Owner. based on the Architect's observations at the site as pro\'ided in SuhpJragraph 2,6,':;, on the recommendations of the Construction \13nager and on the data comprising the Contraetors' Applications for 1>;1\'- ment. that. to the best of the Architect's knowledge, infor- mation ;lnd belief. the \1(()rk has progressed to the point indi- cated and the quality of the '-"'ork is in accordance with the Contract Documents, The foregoing representations are subject to an evaluation of the Work for conformance with the Contract Documents upon Substantial Completion. to results of subsequent tests and inspections. to minor devia- tions from the Contract Documents correctable prior to completion and to specific qualifications expressed by the Architect. The issuance of a Certificate for Payment sh31l further constitute a representation that the Contr3ctor is entitled to p3yment in the 3mount certified, The issu3nce of a Cenific;lte for P"J\'ment shall not be 3 representation that the .\rchitect has (I) made exh3usti\'e or continuous on-site inspections to check the qUJlity or qU3n- tity of the Work, (2) re\-iewed construction means. methods. techniques. sequences or procedures, (.3) re\'iewed copies of requisitions recei\'ed from Subcontractors and material sup- pliers and other data requested by the Owner t(l .;ubstantiJte the Contractor's right to pa\'ment or (-I) 3scertalOed how or for what purpose the Contractor has used mone\- pre\'iously paid on account of the Contract Sum, 2.6.10 The Architect shall ha\'e authority. after notification to the Construction ~Ianager. to reject '-"'ork which does not conform to the Contract Documents, \1('hene\'er the Architect considers it necessary or 3d\'isable for implement.1tion of the intent of the Contract Documents, the Architect will ha\'e authority, upon ".rillen authoriz:ltion from the Owner, to require Jdditional inspection or testing nf the \1('ork in JccordJnce with the pruvisions of the Contract Ducuments, whether m not such \X()rk is f3bric3ted, inst;llkd or com, pleted However, neither this 3uthoritv of the Architect nor a deciSion m3de in good f3ith either to exerd;e or not 10 exer- ise such authority shall give rise to J duty or responsibilitv AlA DOCUMENT 8141JCMa . OWNER-ARCHITECT ....GREE.\IE:o.IT · COJl;ST~U..1l0N MA.\;AGER- ,~D\lSER EDITION' 1992 EDmaN' A1A~ . ~1992' ruE ,\.\IERIC.\.\; tNSTITl'TE OF ARCHITECTS, I-,'~ NEW YORK AVENl'E, N,\\'.. \X:~SHI"GTON, DC 20()O6-~292 . WARNING: Unlicensed c~c!ocoovina violates U.S, coovright laws and will subject the violator to legal prosecution, 'l ~1.11/r.M::!..1qq, TER~1S AND CONDITIONS OF AGREEMENT BET\X'EEN OWNER AND ARCHITECT ARTICLE 1 ARCHITECT'S RESPONSIBILITIES 1.1 ARCHITECT'S SERVICES 1.1.1 The ,\rchitect's services consist of those services per- furmed hy the Architect. .\.rchitect's employees and Architect's consult3nts JS enumerated in Articles 2 and 3 of this Agree- ment Jnd any other services included in Article 12, 1.1.2 The :\rchitect's services shall be provided in conjunc- tion with the services of a Construction Manager as described in the edition of AlA Document B80l/CMa, Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Construction Manager. current as of the date of this Agreement, 1.1.3 The ,\rchitect's sen'ices shall be performed as expedi- tiously :.IS IS consistent with professional skill and care Jnd the orderh' progress of the \Xork, The Architect shall submit for the Owner's 3pproval and the Construction Manager's information a schedule for the performance of the Architect's services which may be adjusted as the Project proceeds, and sh:.lll include allowances for periods of time required for the Owner's Jnd Construction Manager's review and for approval of suhmissions by authorities having jurisdiction over the Project, Time limits established by this schedule approved hy the Owner shall not. except for reasonable cause, be ex- ceeded by the Architect or Owner, 1.1.4 The services covered by this Agreement are subject to the time limitations contained in Subparagraph I I. 5, I. ARTICLE 2 SCOPE OF ARCHITECT'S BASIC SERVICES 2.1 DEFINITION 2.1.1 The .\rchitect's BJsic Sen'ices consist of those de, scrihed in PJragraphs 22 through 2,6 and any other ser- \'ices identified in Article 12 as part of Basic Services. and include normal structural. mechanical and electrical engineer- ing services, 2.2 SCHEMATIC DESIGN PHASE 2.2.1 The Architect shall re\'iew the program. schedule and construction budget furnished by the Owner to ascertain the requirements of the Project and shall arrive at a mutual under- standing of such requirements with (he Owner, 2.2.2 The Architect shall review with the Owner and Con- struction ~lanager proposed site use and improvements; selec- tion of materials. building systems and equipment; and methods of Project deli\'ery. 2.2.3 The :\rchitect shall revie..... with the Owner and Con- structiun \bnager altern;Hi\'c approaches to design and con- struction of the Project. 2.2.4 Based on the mUlU:llh' aweed-upon program, schedule Jnd construction budget requirements, the Architect shall prepare. for approval by the Owner. Schematic Design Docu- ments consisting of drawings and other documents illustrat- ing the SCJle Jnd relationship of Project components, 2.2.5 At intervals appropriate to the progress of the Schematic Design Phase and mutually agreeable to the Owner. Construc- tion :-'lanJger and Architect. the Architect shall provide schem- Jtic design studies for the Owner's review and the Construc. tion Manager's information, 2.2.6 In the further development of the drawings and speci- fications during this and subsequent phases of design, the Architect shall be entitled to assume the accuracy of the esti. mates of Construction Cost which are to be provided by the Construction Manager under the Construction Manager's agreement with the Owner, 2.2.7 Cpon completion of the SchematiC Design Phase. the Architect shall provide drawings, outline specifications and other documents for the Owner's approval and the Construc- tion :-'lanJger's information, 2.3 DESIGN DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2.3.1 Based on the approved Schematic Design Documents and any adjustments authorized by the Owner in the progrJm. schedule or construction budget, the Architect shall prepare Design De\'elopment Documents for the Construction \lan- ager's revIew and the Owner's approval. The Design De\'e1op- ment Documents shall be based upon data and estimates prepared by the Construction Manager and shall consist of drawings and other documents that establish and describe the size and character of the Project as to architectural, structural. mechanical and electrical systems, materials and such other elements as may be appropriate, 2.3.2 At intervals mutually agreeable to the Owner, Construc- tion ~fanager and Architect, the Architect shall provide draw- ings and other documents which depict the current status of design development for the Owner's review and the Construc- tion Manager's information, 2.3.3 l'pon completion of the Design Development Phase, the Architect shall provide drawings, outline specifications Jnd other documents for the Owner's approval and the Construc- tion Manager's information. 2.4 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS PHASE 2.4.1 Based on the approved Design Development Docu- ments and any further adjustments authorized by the Owner in the scope or quality of the Project or in the construction budget, the Architect. utilizing data and estimates prepared by the Construction Manager, shall prepare. for approval by the Owner, Construction Documents consisting of Drawings and Specifications setting forth in detail the requirements for the construction of the Project. 2.4.2 At inten'als mutually agreeable to the Owner. Construc- tion :-'laoJger and Architect, the Architect 5hJII provide Draw- ings Jnd SpecificJtions for the Owner's :Jnd [he Conslruction \lanJger's review. 2.4.3 l'pon completion of the Construction Documents Phase, the Architect shall provide Construction Documents for the Owner's approval and the Construction ~fanager's information, AlA DOCUMENT B141/CM8 . OWNER.,..RCHtTECf AGREE~ENT . CONSTRVCIlON ~lo\NAGER. ,\D\'ISER EDITlO,\; . 1992 EDITIO,\;. AI..." . -st992 . THE ....\.IERICAN I,\;STlTlTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1-" -;F\\' \"~Rl\\\T-;n: -;\\' \\'\'11 I "CTn'\; , Dr 2I)nn(;.';2l)2 . WARNING: Unlicensed C't......'" !".._ ...""',,"" Ill' the Architect to the Construction Manager. Contractors. SulxontrJctors. material and equipment suppliers. their agents llr emplnyees nr other persons performing portions of the \'fork 2.6.11 The.. ,\rchitt"ct shall reyiew and appro\'e or take ,Hher ;Ippropn.lle action upon Contractors' submittals such as Shllp DrJwin~s, Product ();Ila and Samples, butllnlv for the limited purpllse of (heckin~ for conformance with information ginc"n and the design cOIKept expressed in the Contract Dncuments, The .\rchuect's action shall he taken \vith such reasonable promptness as tll CJuse no dda\' in the Contractor" \X'ork or in <.'olblfu<.'tion b\' the Owner's ,)wn forces, while Jllowin~ sutficienr time in the ,\r<'llllect' professional lud~ment to per- mit adequate re\'iew, Ik\'iew of such submlllals is not (on- ductnt 1', lr the purpose l)f determining the accuracy and com. pleteness (If Olher details such as dimensions ;md quantitieS or for substantiating instructions for inst.1l1ation or perfor- nunce oj equipment or systems designed by the Conrractors. all of \\'hil:h remain the responsibility of the Contractors to the extent required by the Contract Documents, The Archi- tect's rt'Ylew shall not constitute approval of safet\' precau. tll Ins llr. unkss otherwise speCifically st;lted h\' the ,\rchitect, ,)1' construction means, methnds, techniques, sequences or pr()<.'cdure' Tht' ,\rchllect's apprm'al of J spcClfic item shall not ind1l'ate ,lppmyal of an assembh' of which the item is a C< lmp' >neIll, \X'hcn professional certification of performance characteristics of materials. systems or equipment is required hy the C,1I1tract Documents. the Architect shall be entitled III reh' upon SUdl certification to establish that the materials, systems or equipment will meet the performance criteria required b\' the Contract Documents, 2.6.12 The ,\rchitect shall re\'iew and si~n or take other appropriate action on Change Orders and Construction Change Directin:s prepared by the Construction ~tll1ager for the Owner's approval and execution in accordance with the Contract Documents, 2.6.13 The .\rchitect may authorize minor changes in Work not im'ol\'ing an adjustment in a Contract Sum or an exten. sion llf a Contract Time which are not inconsistent with the intent of the Contract Documents, Such changes shall he effccted by written order issued through the Construc. tion ~lanJ!!.er, 2.6.14 The ,\rchitect. a~si~ted hy the Construction ~IJnJger. ~Iull <.'onduct inspections to determine the dJte or datl."s of 'uhstantl.lI Completion and the date of final complelIon, The Architect shall forward to the Owner warranties Jnd similar suhmituls requircd by the Contract Documents which ha\'e heen recei\ed from the Construction ~I:mager, The .\rchitect shall issue a final Project Certificate for Paymcnt upon com- pliance with the requiremcnts of the Contract Documents 2.6.15 The Architect shall interpret and decide malters con. cerning performance of the Owner and Contractor under the requirements of the Contract Documents on written request of either the Owner or Contractor, The Architect's response to such requests shall be made with reasonable promptness and within any time limits agreed upon, 2.6.16 Interpretations and decisions of the Architect shall be consistent with the intent of and reasonably inferable from the ContrJCl Documents and shall be in writi~g or in the form of dra\\lI1gs, \\'hen nuking such interpreutions and initial d<.'C1sions, the ,\rchitect shall endel\'()r to secure faithful per. formance bv both Owner and Contractors, shall not show par. tia!it\' to either, and shJII not be liahle for results of interpreta. tions or decisions so rendered in good faith, 2.6.17 The .\rchitect's decisions on matters relJting to aesthetiC effect shall he final if consistent with the intent expressed in the Contract Documents, 2.6.18 The .\rchitect shall render written decisions within J reasonahk timc on all claims. disputes (lr ,llher matters in que'lIon betwcen the Owner and Contr;Ktors relating to the execution or prngress of the \XlJrk as pflwided in the Con- trJCl Documents, 2.6.19 The ,\rdlllens decisions on daim~, disputes or other matters. including those in question between the Owner and Conrr.Jclllrs, exccpt for those reLltin~ III aesth<.'tic effect as pro. \'itled in ~uhparagrarh 2.h,!-, slull he ,ub\ect to arhitrJtioc as pnwided in this ,\greement and in the Contract Documents ARTICLE 3 ADDITIONAL SERVICES 3.1 GENERAL 3.1.1 The sen'lce' Je,<.-ribed in this ,\nick; Jre not includ<.'J in BJsic Services unkss so identified in ,\rucle 12, and th<.'\ ,hall be paid for h\ the Owner as prm'ided 111 this ,\grcemen;, in Jeldition to the compensation for Basic :'ervices, The ser- \'ice~ descrihed under Paragraphs .1.,2 Jnd .'-i shall onlv be pnwided if authonzed or contirmed in writing by the O\\:ner. If sen'ices described under Contingent Additional SerYices in Paragraph :'>':'> :He required due to circumsun<:es bcvond the ,\rchitect's control. the Architect shall notify the O~vner prim to commencing such sen'ices, I f the Owner deems that Stich sen'ices des<.'rihed under P'Jragraph :'5 Jre not required, the Owner shall gl\'c prompt writtcn nOlite to the Architect I f the Owner indicates in writing that all or part of such Con. tingent .\dditional Sctyices are not required, the Architect shall have no obligation to provide those sen'ices, 3.2 PROJECT REPRESENTATION BEYOND BASIC SERVICES 3.2.1 If more extensi\'e represcntation at the site than is described in Subparagraph 2,6,; is required. the Architect shall pro\'ide one or more Project Representath'es to assist in car. f\'ing out such additional on-site responsibilities, 3.2.2 Project Representati\'es shall be selected, emplm'ed and directed b\' the ,\rchitect. and the ,\rchitect shall be compen. sated therefor as a!!.reed b\' (he Owner and ,\rchitcct The duties, responsibilities and iimiutions of authority of Prnject Representati\'es shall be as described in the edition of AlA Documcnt 8:'52 current as of the date of this .\greement, unless otherwise agreed, 3.2.3 Through the ohsef\'Jtions by sUl.'h Project Represen. tati\'es. the .\rchitect shall endea\'()r to pru\'ide further pro. tection for the Owner against defens and del1ciencies in the ~'ork. but the furnishing of such project representation shall not modify the rights, responsibilities or obligations of the Architect as described elsewhere in this .\greement, 3.3 CONTINGENT ADDITIONAL SERVICES 3.3.1 ~Iaking re\'isions in Drawings, Speciiications or other el, )n:ments \\'hen SUe'll re\'isions are: .1 inconsistent ....'ith appro\'als or instructions prt"\'ioush' gi\'en b\' the Owner, including re\'isions nude net:. essar\' hy Jdiustmel1ls in the O\\'nefs program or Proj. ect budget: AlA DOCUMENT B141/CMa . OW:-;ER.ARCHITECf ,~GREE;>'IEST . COSSTRl'C.l'Ol' ;>.t""AGER- AD\lSER EDITIO~. 1992 EDlT10!ll. AL~" . @1992. THE ,...\IERJC,...'" I:-.ISTlTL'TE OF ARCHITECTS, I-,~' "EW YORK .~\'E:-;t'E. SW, W,~SH1!1lGTO!ll, DC 2()()()(,-"292 . WARNING: Unlicensed ohotocopVi"<l violates V,S, copyright laws and will subject the violator to legal orosecution, 8141/CMa-1992 4 .2 requesled b\' the Owner hecause the Construction ~tanager's estimate of Construction Cost exceeds the Owner's budget. except where such excess is due to changes initiated hy the Architect in scope. capacities of basic systems. or the kinds and quality of materials. finishes or equipment: .3 required hy the enactmem or revision of codes, laws or regulations subsequent to the preparation of ~uch documents: or .4 due to changes required as a result of the Owner's failure to render decisions in a timelv manner, 3.3.2 pf()\'iding sen'ices required because of Significant changes m the Project including. but not limited to, changes in size, qualit\" complexity. the Owner's or Construclion :\lanager's schedule. or the method of bidding or negotiating and contracting for construction, except for services required under Subparagraph 5,2,), 3.3.3 Preparing Dr:lwings, Specifications and other documen- tation and supporting data, evaluating Contr:lctor's proposals, and providing other services in connection with Change Orders and Construction Change Directh'es, 3.3.4 Pro\'iding services in connection with e\'aluating sub- slllutions proposed by Contractors and making suhsequent re\'isions to Drawings, Specifications and other documenta- tion resulling therefrom, 3.3.5 Providing consultation concerning replacement of \Xork damaged by fire or other cause during construction. and fur- nishing services required in connection with the replacement of such Work, 3.3.6 PrO\'iding services made necessary by the termination or default of Ihe Construction ~lanager or a Contractor, by major defects or deficiencies in the Work of a Contr:lctor, or by failure of performance of either the Owner or a Comrac- tor under a Contract for Construction, 3.3.7 Pro\'iding services in evaluating an extensive number of claims submitted by a Contractor or others in connection with the Work, 3.3.8 Providing services in connection with a public hear- ing. arbitration proceeding or legal proceeding except where the Architect is party thereto, 3.3.9 Preparing documents for alternate, separate or sequen- tial hids or providing services in connection with hldding, negotiation or construction prior to the completion of the Construction Documents Phase, 3.4 OPTIONAL ADDITIONAL SERVICES 3.4.1 Providing :malvses of Ihe Owner's needs and program- ming the requirements of the Project. 3.4.2 Pro\'iding financial feasibility or other special studies, 3.4.3 Providing planning surveys, site evaluations or com- parati\'e studies of prospective sites, 3.4.4 Pnwiding special surveys. em'ironmental studies and submissions required for approvals of governmental authori- ties or others having jurisdiction over the Project. 3.4.5 Pro\'lding services retati\'e to future facilities, ,\',terns and equipment. 3.4.6 Pnwiding services to investigate existing conditions or facilities or to make measured drawings thereof. 3.4.7 Pro\'Jding services 10 \'enfy the ;lccuracy of drawmgs or olher mformation furnished by the Owner, 3.4.8 Pro\'iding coordination of construction performed by the Owner's own forces and coordination of services reo quired in connection with construction performed and equip- ment supplied by the Owner. 3.4.9 Pnwiding services in connection with the work of separate consultants retained by the Owner, 3.4.10 Providing estimates of Construction Cost. 3.4.11 Pro\'idin~ detailed quantit\' ,urwv' or im'entones of m:.lterial :.Ind equipment, 3.4.12 Pro\'iding analyses of owning and operating com, 3.4.13 PrO\'iding imerior design and other similar services required for or in connection with the selection. procurement or installation of furniture. furnishings and related equipment 3.4.14 PrO\'iding sen'ices for planning tenant or rental spaces, 3.4.15 Makmg investigations, in\'Cntorie, of m:lleri:.l1s or equipment. or valuations and detailed apprais:.lls of eXist, ing facilities, 3.4.16 Prep:.lring a set of reproducible record drawings sho\\'. ing significant changes in the Work made during construc- tion based on marked-up prints, drawings and other data fur- nished by Contractors, 3.4.17 Pro\'iding assistance in the utilization of equipment or systems such as testing. adjusting and halancing, prepara- tion of oper:.ltion and maintenance mJnu:.lb, trammg per,on- net for operation Jnd maintenance, and consultation dur, ing operation, 3.4.18 Providing services after issuance to the Owner of the final Project Certificate for p..Iyment, or in the absence of a final Project Certificate for Pa"ment, more than 60 davs after the date of Substantial Completion of the \Xork, . 3.4.19 Providing services of consultants for other than archi- tectural. structur:ll, mechanical and electrical engineering por- tions of the Project provided as a part of Basic Services, 3.4.20 Pro\'iding any other services not otherwise included in this ,\greement or nor customarily furnished in accordance with generally accepted architectural practice, ARTICLE 4 OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1 The Owner shall provide full information regarding requirements for the Project. including a program which shall set forth the Owner's objecth'es. schedule. constraints and criteria, including space requirements and relationships, flexibility. expandability, special equipment. systems, and site requirements, 4.2 The Owner shall establish and update an overall budget for the Project based on consultation with the Construcrion ~lanager and the Architect. which shall include the Construc. tion Cos!. the Owner's other costs and reasonable contingen- cies related to all of these co'!s, 4.3 If requested by the Architect. the Owner shall furnish evidence that financial arrangements have been made to fulfill the Owner's obligations under this ,\greement. 5 B141/CMa-1992 AlA DOCUMENT B141/CMa . O\'C\ER.ARCHITECf AGREDIE=,"T . CO:\STRl Lila='" ~IA:\AGER, AD\lSER EDITtON' 1992 EDITION' AlA"' . @1992 . THE A.\IERICA." t:\STITI'TE OF ARCHITECfS, 1-35 NEW YORK AYE:\l'E, N,\l', \HSHINGTO:o,:, D.C 2f)()()6.S292 . WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates US. copyright laws and will subject the violator to legal prosecution. 4.4 The Owner shall design:ue a represenuti\'e authoflzed to act on the Owner's behalf with respect to the Project. The Owner or such authorized represenutive shall render deCI- sions in a timely manner pertaining to documents submitted h\' the ,\rchitect in order to a\'oid unreasonable dela\' in the orderl\' and sequential prngress of the Archllect's servICe" 4.5 The Owner sh:1I1 retam a construction manager to admin- ister the Project. The Construction ~Ianager's services, dUlles :l11d responsihilities will he as described in the edition of ,\1.\ Document B801/C~la, Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Construction ~Ianager. current as of the date,)f this ,\greement. The Terms and Conditions of the Agreement hetween Owner and Construction ~Ianager shall he fur. nished to the Architect and shall nO! be modified without writ. ten consent of the .\rchitect. which consent shall nO! be unreasonably withheld, The Architect shall not be responsi- ble for actions taken by the Construction ~Ianager, 4.6 The Owner shall furnish surveys describing physical characteristics. legal limitations and utility locations for the Sill' of the Project. and a wrHlen legal description of the site, The sur\'t'\'S aOlI legal inforl1ution shall include. as applicable, grades and lines of streets, alleys, pa\'ements and adjoinmg property and struClures: :IJjacent drainage: rights.of.wa\', restrictions, easements, encroachments, zoning. deed restric- tions. boundaries and contours of the site; locations, dimen- sions and necessary data peruining to existing buildings, other improvements and trees; and information concerning available utility services and lines, both public and pri\'ate, above and below grade. including inH'rts and depths, All the informa- tion on the sun'ey shall he referenced to a Project benchmark, 4.7 The Owner shall furnIsh the services of geotechnical engineers \"hen such sen'ices are requested b\' the Architect. Such services may include but are not limited to test borings, test pits, determinations of soil bearing values, percolation tests, evaluations of hazardous materials, and ground corro- sion and resistivity tests. including necessary operations for anticipating subsoil conditions, with reports and appropriate professional recommendations, 4.7.1 The Owner shall furnish the services of other con- sultants when such services are reasonably required by the scope of the Project and are requested by the Architect, 4.8 The Owner shall furnish <tructural. mechanical. chemical. air ;md water pollulinn tests, tests for hJ7.:lrdous materials, and other laboratory and environmental tests. inspections and reports required by law or the Contract Documents, 4.9 The Owner shall furnish all legal. accounting and insur- ance counseling sen'ices as may be necessary ;1l any time for the Project. including :Iuditing sef\'ices the Owner ma\' require to \'erify the COl1lraClor's Application for P'Jyment or to ascer- tain how or for what purposes the ConrraclOr has used the money paid by or on behalf of the Owner, 4.10 The services, information. surveys and repons required by Paragraphs -1,6 through -1,9 shall be furnished at the Owner's expense, and the ArchiteCl shall be entitled to rel\' upon the accuracy and completeness thereof. 4.11 Prompt wrillen notice shall be gi\'en bv the Owner to the .\rchitcCl and Con-rruoion ~Ianager if the O\"ner becomes :Iware of an\' fault dr ddeCl in the Project or non- conformance with the Contract Documents, 4.12 The pmposed language of certificates or certifications requested of the Architect or Architect's consultants shall be submilled to the Architect for review and approval at1east 1-1 da\'s prior 10 execution, The Owner shall not request cenifi. cations that would require knowledge or services beyond the scope of this Agreement. 4.13 The Owner shall furnish the required information ane sen'ices and shall render approvals and decisions as expedl- tiollsly as necessary for the orderly progress of the Architect's services and Work of the Contractors, 4.14 The Owner shall furnish the Architect copies of wnt- ten communications with the Construction ~Ianager ane Contractors ARTICLE 5 CONSTRUCTION COST 5.1 DEFINITION 5.1.1 The Construction Cost shall be the total cost or eSli. mated cost to thc Owner of all e1emel1ls of the ProJect designed or specified bv the Architect, 5.1.2 The Construction Cost shall include the cost at current market rates of labor and materials furnished by the Owner and equipment designed, specified. selected or specially pro- \'ided for by the Architect, plus a reasonable allowance for the Contractors' overhead and praHt. In addition. a reasonable allowance for contingencies shall be included for market con- ditions at the time of bidding and for changes in the ,fork during construction, Construction Cost shall also include the compensation of the Construction ~1anager and Construction ~lanJger's consultants, 5.1.3 Construction Cost does not include the compensation of the Architect and Architect's consultants, the costS of the land, rights-of-way, financing or other costs which are the responsibility of the Owner as provided in Paragraphs -II through -1,-1 and -1,6 through 4.14, 5.2 RESPONSIBILITY FOR CONSTRUCTION COST 5.2.1 The ,\rchitect's re\'jew of the Owner's Project budl:t'l and ()f preliminary estimates of Construction Cost or det.1iled estimates of Construction Cost prepared by the Construction ~Ianager is solely for the Architect's guidance in the Archi- tect's preparation of the Construction Documents, Accor- dingly, the .\rchitect cannot and does not warrant the accuracy of the estimates of the Construction Manager. or warrant o'r represent that bids or negotiated prices will nO! vary from the Owner's Project budget or from any estimate of Construc- tion Cost or evaluation reviewed by the Architect. 5.2.2 No fixed limit of Construction Cost shall be established as a condition of this Agreement, 5.2.3 In the e\'ent that the Construction Manager's estimate or the 100....est bona fide bid or negotiated proposal recei\'ed by the Owner exceeds the Owner's budget for reaSOI15 mher than those described in Paragraph 55, the modi' fil;llIon of COl1lraCl DOL'llll1entS shall be the limit of the :\rchitect's responsibilit\' The Architect shall be entitled to compensation in accordance with this Agreement for all sef\'ices performed whether or not the Construction Phase is commenced, AlA DOCUMENT B141/CMa . O\);'''ER.....RCHITECf ....GREH1ENT . CO:-;QRCCflON \I....:'<AGER. ....D\'lSER EDITIO'" 1992 EDITIO". ,\1.\" . S!992' THE ,\.\lERIC\:-; I:-;STtTl'TE OF ,\RCHITECfS, 1-<< 'F\\' YORK \\'Eo..:,'F 0..:\\ T"IlIo..:CTno..: DC C"'"I',;C"c. WARNING: Unlicensed ARTICLE 6 USE OF ARCHITECT'S DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS 6.1 The Dra\Yin~s, Specifications Jnd OIhn docull1l'l1!S pre- pared b\' the Archlll'Cl tilr this ProJect Jre IllSlruments of the ,\rchllect S sernce for use solely with respect to this Prolect .lI1d, unless othl'rwisl' pro\'ided. the Architect shall be deemed rhe Juthor \)f these JucUml'lllS and shall retain all common LlW, SUlutor\, and mher resen'eo ri~hrs, includin~ lhl' COP\'- ri~hl. Thl' Owner shall he permitted 10 rl'llin copies, mclllding rl'producihle copies, ,)1' lhl' ,\rchllect s DraWIngs, Spl'clfica- U\J1b .1110 urhl'r d\ ),'UI11L'nt.s for In fu rll1.1l I< )J1 and rl'fLTl'lh'l' 111 cnnnl'L'unn \Yirh the \)\\'ne(s use ;md \>c,-upanc\' of 111<: Pnll- ed, Thl' ,\rchitl'ct's Dr;m'ings, Specific.IlI<>Ib or uther docu- l11enlS shall not be used b\' the Owner or others on \>ther proj- ,cts, for additions to this Project or for completion \11' this Project by mhers, unkss the Architect is Jdiud~ed ro be in ddault under this _\gn:emel1!, except by agreemel1! ill writing and with appropriate compensJtion to the _\rchIll'ct, 6.2 Suhmission ur distribution \11' JOClll11el1!S to ll1n:t iltllLi.il rl'gU/;llOf\' requirements or for similar purposes in ,-onne,'- uon \\'I[il the I'nlject IS not to he construed as puhlicarion 111 dnngatlon nf till' ,\rchitect's resef\l'J rights, ARTICLE 7 ARBITRATION 7.1 Claims, disputes ,Ir Illher matters in question het\\een the panies to this Agn:ement arising Out oi or relating to this ,\greemenl llr hreach [hereof shall be subject to ;ll1d decided by arbitrJtion in Jccordance with the Construction Industry Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association cur- rently in effect unless the parties mutually agree otherwise 7.2 Demand for arbitration shall be filed in writing with lhe olher pany to this Agreement and with the _\merican ,\rbitra- tion _\ssociation, ,\ demand for ;lrbitrJtion shJlI he mJde within J reasonJble time after the claim. dispute or mher mJt- ler in question hJS arisen, In no e\,ent shall the demJnd tilr JrbitrJtion be nude after the dat, when IllSlitution of legal or equit;lble proceedings based on such dJllll, Jispute or other matter in queslIon \\\iuld be harred b\' [h, Jpplicable sUtut,s of limitations, 7.3 :-;0 JrbitrJtion Jflsing out oi nr relJting to thi:; _\greemel1! shall include, by cunsolidation, joinder or in any OIher nun- ner, In additional person or entit\' not J pJn\' 10 thIS c\gree- ment. except by wrilten consent contJining J specific refer- ence to this Agreement signed b\' the Owner, Architect. Jnd any other person or entity sought to be joined, Consent to arbitration il1\'ol\'ing an additional person or entity shJII not constitule consent to arbitration of any claim, dispute or other mJller in question nor described in the wrillen consent or with J person or entity not nJmed or described therein, The foregoing Jgreement to Jrbitrate Jnd other Jgreements ro arhitrate \\'ith an Jdditional person or entity duly consented to by the panies to this _\greement sh:u1 be specificalh' enforce- Jbk in JccordJnce with Jppliclble IJW in Jm' coun ha\'ing jurisdiL'li\)!1 thereuf 7.4 The award rendered by rhe arbitrator ,If JrbilfJtors shall be fin;l!. and judgment ma\' be eIllered upon it in ac'-,JfdJnce with applicable law in any coun hJ\-ing jurisdiction thereof ARTICLE 8 TERMINATION, SUSPENSION OR ABANDONMENT 8.1 This ,\greem,Ill I11J\' he termw.ated h\' ellhc.:r pJny upon not less than s<..'\en dJ\'," \\'fllten nC'!lce should lhe other pan\' f;lIl substanlJalh' t(1 periorm in ac,-'lrdal1ce with the terms (;i thIS ,\greement through no iau!t oi the part\' initi:lling IIK'terminalJon, '. 8.2 If the Prol,ct is suspended h\ the O\\'ner tilf m\lre thJn 51) ,'onSeCUrl\', eLi\s, the _\rchite,-: ,lull h, ,'ompen'Jt,J for 'l'f\'ic,s pnfi lImed pnl1r to III )(IC,: ,i such sUSPL"llsl< >!1 \X'hen the Project IS r,sumcd, the ,\rchlle..t5 compens;llion shJII be ,'quitJbly Jdjust,d [(l pC<l\'ide f\ l~ ;:xpenses incurr,d in the iIllerruptiol1 :lnd r,sumption Ill' r;.e ,\rchitect" SL"f\'I,'es, 8.3 This Agreement mJY be ternllnJted b\- the Owner upon not less Ih;1l1 se\'CI1 dJYs' wrillel; notice to the Architect in the e\'ent that the Project is perr.;an,nth' Jhandoned, If the Project is Jbandoned by the OW~er ior more than 90 con- secuti\'e c1:!\'s, the ,\rrhitert nl;l\' te:11linate this ,\gn:emcnt hY gil'll1g wrilfen 11\ H ice, 8.4 Failure ()f the (hnler to nuke: ;1J\'m,l1[s 10 till' ,\rchiteCl 111 Jcu)rdal1c, \\Ilh this ,\greem,:,,[ shall he consl<.kred ,sub- stJntiJI nOl1p,rfurmance Jnd ca,:-<: ti)r terminJtiun, 8.5 Ii the Owner iJils to mJke pJ~;ment when due the ,\rchi- rect for seryiccs and expenses, the: :\rchitect may. upon seven dJ\-s' wrillen notice to the Ownc, suspend pertt)rmance of ,S,f\'ices undcr this ,\greement, l'nkss p;lyment in iull is recei\'ed b\' the ,\rchllect within Se\'en dJ\'s of the date of th, l1<Hke, the susp,nsionshall IJke el:',ct withuul furrher notice, In the e\'L'nt oi a suspension of 'ef\'ICes, the Architecr shall ha\'e no li:lbilit\' to rhe Owner f. r del:!\' or danlJge CJUSL'd the Owner bec~use oi such suspension of ser\'ic~s, 8.6 In the ewnt of termination not the iJult of lhe Architect. lhe Architect shall be compensared tt)r sef\'ices performed prior to terminJtion. together with Reimbursable Expenses then due and JII TerminJtion Ex;:>enses as defined in PJra- grJph ~,-, 8.7 Termination Expenses are ir. addition to compensJtion for BJsic and ,\dditional Services, :md include expenses which Jre directly Jltributahle to termina::un, TerminJtion Expenses shJII be compuled JS J percentJ!!e >>f the t\1(a) compensJtion ior BJSIC SL'f\'icL"S and ,\ddirional Sernces eJrnecl to [11, rime ni termil1ation, JS t(lllll\YS: .1 T\\'ent~' percell! of the total c"mpensation tilr BJsic and AdditionJ] Sef\'ices e:lfl1ed h-' JatL' if termination occurs before or cluring the prede<ign, site JnJlysis, or Sche- mJtic Design Phases; or .2 Ten percent oi thL' tmal c.':11pensation tilr BJ~IC Jnd _\dditionJI Sef\'ices earned Ie' JJte if terminJtion occurs during the Design De\'e1ormenr PhJse; or .3 Fh'e percent of the tOlal cumpensation for Basic and Additional Services earned ro date if termination occurs during any subsequent phase, ARTICLE 9 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 9.1 L'nless otherwise prm'ided, t:-,:s ,\greement shall be g.1\'- erned b~- the IJ'<\' of the place w~c're the Project is louted, 9.2 Terms in this _\greemem 5h.;:1 h;1\'e the SJme meaning as those in the edition of _\1.\ Dxumel1l _\201!C~la, Gen- 7 8141/CMa-1992 AlA DOCUMENT 8141/CMa . O\X'~ER-ARCIIITEcr ,\GREDIE\T . CO~STRl'(..TIO~ ~I.\\_\GER- AD\'ISER EDlTIO\ . 1992 EDITION. AlA! . os 1992 . THE A_\IER:C....'i I\STlTlTE OF ,\RCHlTECfS, ]-,~' \E\l" YORK ,\\'E\l'E. \W, \X'ASHI\GTO\, DC 21}0<<--"292 . WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates US, copyright laws and will subject the violator to tecal D'Os..cution, erJl Cllndllillns of the COOlrJct for Construction, Construc- tion \lJn3p.er-,\d\'iser Edition, current :as of the date of thiS ,\p.rel'lllent. 9.3 C.luses' lf JCllon ht'tw't't'n the pani...s to this ,\greemel1l pl'nal11l11~ to Jcts or failures [<1 Jct shall he deemed (0 hJ\'e .lCCfllt'd Jnd the Jppliclhk statutes of lllnllations shall com- 1l1t'nce to run not Litt'r than "'lIher the date ,11' ~ubslJl1lial COl11j'ktt\lI1 for acts or fJilures to act llCcurring prior to SuhsL1I1tial Clllllplellon, or the date of ISSUJnce of the final I'fl1i,'ct Cl.rtltlC~lle for Pa\'l11elll fllf acts llf f~lilures tn Jct occur- rtl1~ ,lIter suh-t,lI1t1.ll Compktll1l1 9.4 The Owner and ;\rchitect wai\'e all rights Jg;linst each lHher Jnd J!!-Jinst the Construction :'>Ianager. ClmtrJClOrs, Jnd the consultallls. Jgents and employees of any of them for uam~ll!eS, hut onh' to the extelll co\'ered tw property insurJnce dunn'\! construciion, except such fights Js the\' nlJY ha\'e to tht' p;,'ceeds llf such insurance JS set forth in the edition of ,\1\ O. ,cU!nent ,\.211l.C:'>IJ, Genefal Cnnditions l,f the COlllfJct fllf C. 'lbtrUcti,)I1, COl1stfuction \!Jluger,,\d\'isef Edition, CUf' ft'nt .1- 1)1' tht' date of this ,\greel11t'Ill, The O\\'nef ;lIld ,\fchitect t';lch -lull reljui fe slmiLir w;li\'t'fs ffl1ll1 tht'lr C'lIbtructinn \l.lI1.ll:er. C,1I1tCIl'tllfS, consultants, agents, Jnd persons nr t'n, tities . .lwardt'd st'parate contclctS administered under the Owner's own forct's, 9.5 The Owner and ,\rchitec!. respecti\'ely, hind themsel\'es, their pJrtl1ers, successors, Jssil!ns and legal representati\'es to the l,ther p;lrt\' [() this ,\greement and to the partners, suc- ceSSl.rS, assigns Jnd kgal represelllall\'es or such other part\' \\ith respect (0 all cO\'enJnts of this .\greement, :\either Owner nor .\rchitect SI13ll assign this Agreemelll without the written consent nf the other, 9.6 This Agreement represents the entire and integrated Jgree- melll hetween the Owner and Architect and supersedes all prior negntiJtions, represenutions or Jgreemel1ls. either writ- ten ,lr orJ!. This ,\greemeOl may he Jmended only hy writ- ten instrumelll signed h\' hoth Owner and ,\rchitec!. 9.7 \, lthing c. lI1ta1l1ed 111 this ,\greelllelll shall create J cnn- trJctuJl relationship with nr J cluse ,,1' Jction in b\ur of a third f'Jrt\' Jgainst either the Owner nr ,\rchllec!. 9.8 l'nless otherwise pf(wided in this _\greement. the Archi- tect and ,\rchitects consultants shall hJ\'e no responsihility for the di-co\'er\', presence, handling, n:mO\'JI ,lr disposal of ,lr expllsUfe nf persons to hJl.2rdous materiJb in an\' form at the Project site, mcllluing hut nO! limited lLl ashestoS, Jsbestos products. polychlorinated biphen\'IIPCB) or other toxic substances, 9.9 The Architect shall ha\'e the right 10 include representa- tion- l)i the design of the Projec!. including pholOgraphs of the exterior 3nd interior, among the Architect's promotionJI and prllit'ssional materiJls, The ,\rchite,'t's materiJIs shJIl not 1I1c!uck the (h\'nl'r's cllnfidl'ntul or pr,)prielJf\ information it the l)\\'nel' has pre\iouSh ad\is<.:d tl~<.: ,\rch:!eCl in \\Titing of [he ~p<.:,'it'ic infornution cllnsidered hy the O\\'ner to be conlid<.:ntialllf proprietar\' The Owner ~hall pro\'ide profes- sion.tl credit for the ,\rchitect ,1Il the ,',lI1slfuc'tion sign Jnd in the promotional materials fur the Project. 10.1 ARTICLE 10 PAYMENTS TO THE ARCHITECT DIRECT PERSONNEL EXPENSE 10.1.1 Direct Personnel Expense is defIned as the direct SJb- fies of the .\rchitect's personnel engJged on the Project and the portion,)f the cost of their mandatory Jnd customary con- tributions and bendlts related thereto, such JS employment tJxes and other StalUlOry employee bendlts, insurance. sick lea\'e, holida\'s, \';KJtions. pensions and similar contributions :1I1d hl'ndits, 10.2 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES 10.2.1 Reimbursable Expenses are in addition to compensa- tion for Basic and AdditionJI Services and include expenses incurred b\' the .\rchitect and Architect's employees Jnd con- sultants in the interest of the Project. :as identified in the following Clauses, Expense of tr:lI1sportJtion in connection with the Prolec!. e'Xpenses in connectilll1 with authorized out"lf,tl,wn tra\'eL long-disunce clllnmunications: and fees pJid for se,'ur, ing Jppro\'JI of authorities ha\'ing jurisdiction O\'er the PflJlect. Expense of reproductions. postage. express deli\'- eries. electronic facsimile tr.msmissions and handling of DrJw, ings, Specitications Jnd other documents, If authorized in Jd\'ance by the Owner, expense of O\'ertlme work requiring higher than regubr rates, 10.2.1A Expcn'iC' of rendering.s. models and mock-ups request- ed hy the Owner, Expense of additional insurance coverage or limits, including professional liability insurance. requested by the Owner in excess of thJt normally carried by lhe Architect and .\rchitect's consultants, Expense of computer-aided design and drJfting equip- ment time when used in connection with the Project 10.3 PAYMENTS ON ACCOUNT OF BASIC SERVICES 10.3.1 .\n initiJI pJ\'ment as set forth in Paragraph 11.1 is the minimum payment under this Agreement, 10.3.2 Subsequent pa\'ments for Basi<: Sef\'ices shall be made monthly and, where applicahle. shall he in proportion to ser- \'ices performed within each phase of service. on the basis set forth in SuhparJgraph \1,2,2, 10.3.3 If and to the extent that the time initially established in SubpJragraph 1\.:;,1 of this Agreement is exceeded or extended through no fault of the Architect, compensation for any sef\'ices rendered during the additional period of time shJlI h<.: c, )\llpllt<.:d in the nlJnner set forth in SubparJ' grJph 1l..~.2 10.3.4 \\'hen compensJtion is based on a percentage of Con- struction Cost Jnd In\' portions of the Project are deleted or otherwise not constructed. compensation for those portions AlA DOCUMENT B141/CMa . OW:'>ER,,\RCHITECT ,\GREDIE:'>T . CO:'>STRU...JO:'> ,t;\..'I;,\GER, ,\D\l"ER EDITI0:-i' 1992 EDlTIOI" '\1.\' . ;:1'>92' THE ,...\lERIC\:\ I~STlTlTE OF ARCHITECfS, I_'~ ,,\\' ""RK \\['I;I'E ,,\X' \\'\-1l1'l;c.TI''I; DC c'>flIK',<;c')c . WARNING: Unlicensed "11 ~_ I-.~_" ''''ro ,.;.....11......... t,.., ICl""~' r'lrT""C;t>>("I_lti0r"1 8141/CMa-1992 B of the Project shall be payable to the extent ser\'ices are performed on those portions. in accordance with the schedule set forth in SuhparaRraph 112,2, hased on (I) the lowest bona nde bids or neROliated proposals, or (2) if no such bids or prnposals are receh'ed, the most recent estim:lle of Construc- tion Cost prepared by the Construction ~lanager for sllch por- tions of the Project. 10.4 PAYMENTS ON ACCOUNT OF ADDITIONAL SERVICES AND REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES 10.4.1 Payments on account of the Architect 's Addition:11 Ser- \'ires and fm Reimhursahle Expenses shall he made 111<,nrhl\' upnn presentation of the Architect's statement of sen'ICes rendered or expenses I11curred 10.5 PAYMENTS WITHHELD 10.5.1 :'\0 deductions shall he m:lde ir,)m the Archilect's com- pensation on account of penall\', liqUIdated tbmages or (Hher sums withheld irom payments to Contractors, or on account of the cost of changes in the \X'ork other than those for which the Architt'ct has been found to he liahle 10.6 ARCHITECT'S ACCOUNTING RECORDS 10.6.1 Records of Reimburs:lhle Expenses and expenst.s per- taining to Additional Seryices and ,nnces performed (In thl' hasis of a multiple of Dlrl'ct Per', ,nnel Expensl' shall hl' :II'ailahk to the Owner or the O\\'l1l'f' authof!zed represen' t:IlI\T at mutually cO!1\'eniel1l tllllC' ARTICLE 11 BASIS OF COMPENSATION The O\\ner shall compensate the ,\rchitect as follo\\" 11.1 ,\'> I'>ITIAL P,W:--IE:\T of Zero------------------------------u---------------- Dolbrs ($0------------- sh:1I1 he made upon execution of this :\greemenr and credlll'd to the Owner's account at fmal p:llml'nt. 11.2 BASIC COMPENSATION 11.2.1 FOR BASIC SERVICES, as descrihed in Article 2, and am' other seryices included in Article 12 :IS part of Basic SerYices, Basic Compensation shall he computed as follows t/ll....erf "dSI.... uj 0'111/1('11.\'111011, ,,,ducllll~ sIlIW/lllt'd sum...., mu/tlflh....; IJT Ilt'n'ell/ages. awl it/ell/ll\" p"as('s III U'h,t"!' /Ic,nh I/Iar nlt'f/lllc!'" "I (fJIIJI't'''.\a(lnn "fllJ/r '/ Jh.(.t'...StlTl') 7% of the estimated Construction Cost. For the execution of this Agreement, the estimated Construction Cost is $4,815,800.00. 11.2.2 Where compensation is based on a slipulated sum or percentage of Construction Cost. progress paymel1ls for Basic Sen'ices in each phase shall lotal the followinR percel1lages of the total Basic Compens:llion pJyahle: (IIIserf tlddllrUllal /1!JlIses as appruprttl/t') Scht:nutic Desi~n Ph;lse: Design DC\'e1upmen[ Phase: Construction Documents PhJse: Bidding or :'\egotiation Phase: Construction Phase: percent ( 15 ",,) pnn-nt I 25 "" I percent ( 35 %) percent ( 5 ";, I percent I 20 ";,) Tntal Basic Compt:nsation: one hundrni pl"fcent 1100"-,,) 11.3 COMPENSATION FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICES 11.3.1 FOR PROJECT REPRESENTATION BEYOND BASIC SER\ ICES, as descflbed III Paragraph,~ 2, compl'nsatlon shall he COIll- puted as follows Compensation shall be on an hourly basis per the schedule below, or a negotiated fixed fee at the time of request for services. Project Architect $65 per hour AlA DOCUMENT B141/CMa 0 O\X'~ER-ARClflTECT AGREE\IE;<;T 0 CO;<;sTRlcno~ \IA;<;At;ER, AD\'ISER EDITION 0 1')9~ EDITIO:'<lo AlA" oSl992 0 TIlE ,-\,\lERIC"';<; I;<;STITl'TEOF ARCHITECTS, I-,~o :"E\X' YORK AYE~l'E, ~.\X', \X'ASlll;<;GT()~, DC 2()()()()-o292 0 WARNING: Unlicensed pholocopying violales U,S. copyrighl laws and will subject Ihe violalor to legal prosecution, B141/CMa-1992 9 11.3.2 FOR ADDITIO:'iiAL SER\.ICES OF THE ARCHITECT. as described in Articles." and 12. other than (\) Additional Project Representation, ;IS described in P'JragrJph ~,2, and (2) services included in Article 12 as part of Basic Sen'ices. but excluding sen'ices of consulunts. compensJtion shall be computed as follows: ,111,,'rl h,w< "I """,,,,''',<''11..11, IIIcI"di"~ ralo',< ,lIId..r ",,,1111'''-' of Dirt"'/"",.,./J",,..I f,\'{>t.",.. I/Jr PrlllCl{><lI,< alld o-mpIOl'Ws. ami id,,"lil.l' l'nllCl{><lI,< ,lIId da.<SIll' ~"n/'" .\'tV\. 11 n't/urn'" 'e/ell/lf" ,'/)('Uf!l' ,t'rnt"l'_' :u II'hllh/klrtiol/i,T mel/lod.; III (om/1l'"...,ltloll apf>'-'o, ~I IW(l'ssarr I Compensation shall be on an hourly basis per the schedule below. or a negotiated fixed fee at the time of request for services. Principal Project Director Team Manager Project Architect Interior Designer/Space Planner Administrative/Clerical Civil/Structural Engineer Mechanical/Electrical Engineer Cost Estimator Landscape Architect Staff Architect $120 per hour $100 per hour $ 85 per hour $ 65 per hour $ 65 per hour $ 35 per hour $ 75 per hour $ 75 per hour $ 75 per hour $ 65 per hour $ 55 per hour 11.3.3 fOR ,\DDlTIO:-;AL ~ER\'ICES OF CO:-;Sl'LT,\:-\T~, indllLling Jdditional suucwrJl. mt:duniCJI Jnd dn'uical engineer, ing st:rvice' Jnd thost: pmddeJ under ~ubparJgrJph :'>,~,l<) or identirkd in .\nick 12 JS pan of Additional ~en'ices. a multipk of one point zero five--l 1.05---) times the amounts billed to the Architect for such sen'ices, (Jdenll{l' S/k'O);( Iyp..'s "I t'ollsulttllllS III . \rttdc.' /.!. U n'(/uirl'tI_) 11.4 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES 11.4.1 FOR REI:--lBl'RSABLE EXPE:'ii~ES, as described in ParJgraph 10,2. and Jny other items included in Article 12 as Reimbur- sahle Expenses. J multiple of zero---------------------------------------( 0------) times the expenses incurred hy the .\rchitecl. the .\rchitect's employees and consultants in the interest of the Project. 11.5 ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS 11.5.1 IF THE B.\SIC SER\'ICES cO\'ered by this Agreement ha\'t~ not been completed within twenty-four------- ( 24-----1 months of the dJtc hereof. through no fJult of the Architect. extension of the Architect's services beyond that time shall he compensated as pnwided in SubparJgraphs 10..3,5 and 11..~,2, 11.5.2 Pa\'meOlS are due and pJvahle ) days from the date of the Architect's inn)ice, AmOU0l5 unpJid l days after the in\'oiL'e d:llc shall bear interest at the rJte cntereJ helmy, ,)r III tht: ~Ihsence thereof at the Iq~;ll rJte prc\'Jiltng from time to time Jt the principal place of business of the ,\rchileCI. ({IIS(:,.I rale UJIIlIt'rt.'.,'/ agreed upOIl J II ,'lilT It II. < .,,,,1 r"i""','''"'II/.' IIlId,'r "'" F<'i/l',',/I hllrl' III /.,'1/.1/1/).: ,4<'1,'1111.1,/1' "III/l' 11<1<11"".,1 '''",'"IIIl'r ,redt/I<III' ,/".1 "rlll'r rl'glllllll' ,'" ,1I11>e 'l/'II<'r', <1".1 ,~rd'II,'<1" 1"'l1Id/,,/1 ri",,',' "I h"SllIess :/'" 1..',1/1"" '111>e 1"'''Il'<1 <111l1 1'/,'1'11'1>,"'" ""/\ '/I/l'<1 :1>1' /'t/I,d"r '1 rll/S /,""11.,/,,1/ 'I,<'d/ll "',~t/I ,/.1, ,,,' ,,1><1/1'" ,..: "hlt/II/".1 lorh 1"""_'/'('(( lu dd,:tJi,n... IIr mudi/lt:.il; II.'. Llud illsu re,l!.tlrdlllg n"III,rf..'IIlt'Il/.\ such 0.' urzttl'll disc/uslIn.'..;; ur lUUlen; I 11.5.3 The rates Jnd multiples set forth for AdditionJI Sen'ices shall be Jnnually adjusted in accordance with normal salarv re\'ie\y prJClices of the Architect. ' AlA DOCUMENT B141/CMa . O\'l''\EK\RClIlTECT .\GRED1E'\T . CONSTRl'CTIO," \l.\:'ol.\GER- \[)\ ISER EDITlO",,' P)~ EDITIO,"' ,\1.\' . ,; I')<)~' THE ,nlERIC\'\ INQlTl.TE OF .\RCHITECfS, ,_~.:: '<!"\_ \I"\I;L \\_~"'\l F '\"\'\ \\\>l'l'\{~Tn" DC ":(11111/,-':;21)2 . WARNING: Unlicensed ~1~1'r.M::l-1qq? 10 ARTICLE 12 OTHER CONDITIONS OR SERVICES ,/","'".I.,,,'.,{>,,,,,,, ':' ",ht., ,,""'H'<, "I.,,,,,!,, ...M,'","a/ S.."".'(" 11,(/,,,1..,, U'II/'''' HU,<lC Cum".'"'''''''''' .."d "".'" ",...1'/''''''10>1$ Iv '''''/>oP"..''' .."J n,m""",.I' .'I..n ;,''''',,\ ,,,dlu/..,,J :" lbl~ ."'l:rt't'"h'PII J The attached Supplellelltal Tel'1lS and Conditions. pages 1 through 10. a.end. supplellellt or clarify these -TERMS AID COIDITIOIIS OF AGREEMEIT BETWEEJI OWNER AND ARCHITECT. AlA Doc.-ent Bl41/CMa-1992 Edition-. Acceptance by execution of this doc..-ent constitutes an acknowledgment that the individual executing the doc~t has the capacity to consent to the tenus of this AgreeEl1t. ------- --- -=- -- -- ==------ --~ (Seal) R/J5 Attest: Danny t. Kolhage. Clerk . BY: JJoo.bl C. JD~ DATE: 03 - :2. ~- 9J This Agreement entered into as of the day and year first wrinen abO\'e, ~ ,,-- ~,( I { (Sl!!.'/(/~'~~") ,,-/1 (/''''I/'''{~I/d!''~ ~ ::1at:.K. '- .n'/ f) n mAIlf)"/ Cha/,.,,,..n (JJrr"!t'" name {lH.'~rth.)1 k? ~.. - mm CAUTION: You should sign an original AlA document which has this caution printed in red, An original assures that changes will not be obscured as may oc~ur when documents are reproduced. See Instruction Sheet for Limited license for Reproduction of this document. AlA DOCUMENT B1411CMa . O'ir:-;ER.,~RCH1TEcr .~GREDIE"'T . CO~STRI'cnO!' ~I."'''AGER. ,~O\'l'ER ,0ITIO'\ . 1992 EDITIO'\ . AI.~' . ~,1<)<)2. THE A~IERIC~\; I\;STITI'TE OF ,\RCHlTECTS, , . '-")J1_Ct,)I""~, 1I...1;....e..~e"" SUPPLEMENTAL TERMS AND CONDmONS 1. Paragraph 1.1.2 - delete reference to AlA Document B801/CMa and insert: "AlA Document B801-1980, Standard Form of Agreement between Owner and Construction Manager as amended and executed by the Owner." 2. Paragraph 2.2.3 - delete in its entirety and insert: "During this and subsequent phases of design, the Architect shall review with the Owner and Construction Manager alternative approaches to the design and construction of the project and shall incorporate changes requested by the Owner at no additional cost to the Owner." 3. Add Paragraph 2.2.8 - "In this phase and subsequent phases of design, the Architect shall interface and coordinate the design with the local public utilities to provide complete construction documents meeting the requirements of the utility companies. " 4. Add Paragraph 2.2.9 - "The Owner's review of any documents prepared by the Architect or its consultants in this phase and subsequent phases of design shall be solely for the purpose of determining whether such documents are generally consistent with the Owner's construction program and intent. No review of such documents shall relieve the Architect of its responsibility for the accuracy, adequacy, fitness, suitability and coordination of its work product." 5. Paragraph 2.3.1 - delete the remainder of the sentence after "character of the Project" in this paragraph and insert "as to architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, civil and landscape architecture, materials and such other elements as may be appropriate." 6. Paragraph 2.4.1 - add to the end of the sentence; "including compliance with all applicable Federal, State and local government regulations and laws." 7. Paragraph 2.4.4 - delete the last sentence and insert "The Architect, with the assistance of the Construction Manager, shall respond to questions from Bidders and others. Responses to these questions shall be provided to the Construction Manager within three (3) working days of the Architect's receipt of these questions. The Construction Manager will issue the appropriate addenda." 8. Paragraph 2.4.5 - delete in its entirety and insert: "The Architect is responsible for the coordination and filing of all documents and permits required for the approval of the local, state and federal governments, with the exception of the building permit. The Architect is responsible for providing all documentation required to obtain a building permit." Contract JS-99 C Page 1 of 10 9. Add Paragraph 2.5.2 - ''The Architect shall provide to the Construction Manager for bidding and construction phases, complete packages of specifications and drawings as requested by the Construction Manager, but in an amount not to exceed a total of 30 complete sets." 10. Paragraph 2.6.2 - delete in its entirety and insert: "The Architect shall provide administration of the Contract for construction in cooperation with the Construction Manager as set forth below and in the edition of AIA Document A201/CMa, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, Construction Manager-Advisor Edition, as amended by the Owner." 11. Paragraph 2.6.4 - add the following sentence to the end of the paragraph: ''The representatives of the Architect assigned to the Project shall be subject to the approval of the Owner and shall not be changed without the approval of the Owner." 12. Paragraph 2.6.5 - delete the first sentence and insert: ''The Architect shall visit the site at intervals of a minimum of once every two weeks to become generally familiar with the progress and quality of the Work completed and to determine in general if the Work is being performed in a manner indicating that the Work when completed will be in accordance with the Contract Documents." 13. Paragraph 2.6.11 - delete the second sentence and insert: ''The Architect's action shall be taken with such reasonable promptness as to cause no delay in the Contractors' Work in construction by the Owner's own forces, while allowing sufficient time in the Architect's professional judgement to permit adequate review, but in no case shall this review exceed fifteen (15) calendar days after receipt thereof." 14. Paragraph 2.6.14 - delete the remainder of the paragraph after the first sentence and insert: ''The Architect shall forward to the Owner, through the Construction Manager, warranties and similar submittals required by the Contract Documents which have been received from the Construction Manager. The Construction Manager shall issue to the Architect for approval a final certificate(s) for payment upon compliance of the requirements with the Contract Documents." 15. Paragraph 2.6.15 - delete in its entirety and insert: 'The Architect, in consultation with the Construction Manager, shall interpret and decide matters concerning performance of the Owner and Contractor under the technical requirements of the Contract Documents on written request of either the Owner, Construction Manager or Contractor. The Architect's response to such request shall be made with reasonable promptness but shall not exceed seven (7) calendar days." Contract JS-99 C Page 2 of 10 16. Paragraph 2.6.16 - delete the last sentence and insert: "When making such interpretations and initial decisions, the Architect shall endeavor to secure faithful performance by the Owner, Architect and Contractor, and shall not show partiality to any party." 17. Paragraph 2.6.18 - delete in its entirety and insert: "After consultation with the Construction Manager, the Architect shall render written decisions within fifteen calendar days on all claims, disputes or other matters in question between the Owner and Contractors relating to the execution or progress of the Work as provided in the Contract Documents." 18. Subparagraph 2.6.19 - delete in its entirety and insert: "The Owner's decision shall be final on any claims, disputes, or other matters, including those in question between the Owner and the Contractor( s), after consultation with the Architect and Construction Manager." 19. Add Paragraph 2.6.20 - "All written communications to the Contractors shall be forwarded through the Construction Manager." 20. Add Paragraph 2.6.21 - "The Architect shall prepare a set of reproducible record drawings showing all changes in the Work made during construction based on marked-up prints, drawings and other data furnished by the Contractors." 21. Paragraph 3.1.1 - delete after the first sentence and insert: ''The services described in this Article 3 shall only be provided if authorized and confirmed in writing by the Owner. If the Architect determines that additional services described in this Article 3 may be required, the Architect shall promptly notify the Owner of the nature, extent and the cost of such services." 22. Paragraph 3.4.4 - delete in its entirety. 23. Paragraph 3.4.13 - Add to the end of the Paragraph: ''Providing Interior Design Services such as the following: _ Inventorying existing furniture, fixtures, and equipment and furniture, fixtures and equipment lay-outs to determine possible reuse, relocation and expanded needs. _ Developing schematic furniture, fixtures and equipment plans for approval. _ Making selections of recommended furniture, fIxture and equipment appropriate to needs. _ Submitting statements of probable project cost. _ Preparing necessary bidding and procurement documents for furniture, fIxtures and equipment. _ Assisting the Owner in coordinating delivery and installation of work. _ Visiting project premises on installing days and review final placement of all items. Inspecting to determine all furniture, fixtures and equipment are installed in accordance with Contract Documents." Contract JS-99 C Page 3 of 10 24. Paragraph 3.4.16 - delete in its entirety. 25. Paragraph 3.4.19 - delete in its entirety and insert: "Providing services of consultants for other than architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, civil and landscape engineering portions of the Project provided as a part of Basic Services." 26. Paragraph 3.4.20 - delete in its entirety. 27. Paragraph 4.3 - delete in its entirety. 28. Paragraph 4.4 - delete in its entirety and insert: "The Owner's designated representative authorized to act on the Owner's behalf with respect to the Project is the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners, which meets to consider agenda items scheduled two weeks in advance, approximately every three (3) weeks. The Owner or such authorized representative shall render decisions in a timely manner pertaining to documents submitted by the Architect in order to avoid unreasonable delay in the orderly and sequential progress of the Architect's services." 29. Article 5.1.3 - delete in its entirety and insert: "Construction Cost does not include the compensation of the Architect and Architect's consultants, the Construction Manager and Construction Manager's consultants, the costs of the land, rights-of- way-, financing or other costs which are the responsibility of the Owner as provided in Article 4 of this Agreement." 30. Paragraph 6.1 - delete in its entirety and insert: ''The Owner reserves the right to utilize the design at other locations determined by the Owner. If used in a location other than the site specifically designed for in this agreement the Contractor's obligations and liabilities for the Contract Site will not carry to subsequent sites." 31. Paragraph 6.2 - delete in its entirety. 32. Article 7 - delete in its entirety and insert: "Article 7 - Claims and Disputes. 7.1 Should any claims be asserted against the Owner by virtue of any deficiency or ambiguity in the plans and specifications provided by the Architect, the Architect agrees and warrants that he shall hold the Owner harmless and shall indemnify him from all losses occurring thereby and shall further defend any claim or action on the Owner's behalf." 33. Paragraph 8.7 - Delete in its entirety and insert: "Termination expenses shall be limited to bonafide costs directly attributable to termination. A mark-up of 15% shall be added to documented termination costs to cover all overhead and profit. The Owner shall have sole discretion in determination of allowable termination costs." Page 4 of 10 Contract JS-99 C 34. Paragraph 9.2 - delete "...current as of the date of this Agreement." and insert "as amended by the Owner." 35. Paragraph 9.4 - delete "...current as of the date of this Agreement." and insert "as amended by the Owner." 36. Paragraph 9.6 - after "This Agreement" in the first sentence insert ", which includes the attached Supplemental Terms and Conditions,". 37. Add Paragraph 9.10 - "Insurance." and the following subparagraphs: "9.10.1 Following award, but prior to execution of the contract, the Architect shall provide satisfactory evidence to the Owner, that the Architect, at their own expense, has obtained the limits of insurance specified under this paragraph. The insurance form included in this section is to be executed, unmodified, and submitted as the certificate of insurance. The Architect will also ensure that all consultants and subconsultants in any tier have obtained the same insurance as specified. 9.10.2 Delays in the commencement of work resulting from the failure of the Architect to provide satisfactory evidence of the required insurance shall not extend deadlines specified in this contract and penalties and failure to perform assessments shall be imposed as if the work commenced on the specified date and time. 9.10.3 The Architect, and all consultants shall maintain the required insurance throughout the entire term of this contract and any extensions specified. If any coverages are required to remain in force after final payment, a certificate evidencing continuation of such coverage shall be submitted along with the application for final payment. Failure to comply with this provision may result in the immediate suspension of all work until the required insurance has been reinstated or replaced. Delays in the completion of work resulting from the failure of the Architect to maintain the required insurance shall not extend deadlines specified in this contract and any penalties and failure to perform assessments shall be imposed as if the work had not been suspended. 9.10.4 The acceptance and/or approval of the Architect's insurance shall not be construed as relieving the Architect from any liability or obligation assumed under this contract or imposed by law. 9.10.5 Indemnification and Hold Harmless The Architect covenants and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Monroe County, Monroe County Board of County Commissioners, and Morrison- Knudsen/Gerrits from any and all claims for bodily injury (including death), personal injury, and property damage (including property owned by Monroe County and Morrison-Knudsen/Gerrits) and any other losses, damages, and Contract JS-99 C Page 5 of 10 expenses (including attorney's fees) which arise out of, in connection with, or by reason of services provided by the Architect or any of its consultants or consultants in any tier, occasioned by the negligence or other wrongful act or omission of the Architect or its consultants in any tier, their employees, or agents. The first ten dollars ($10.00) of remuneration paid to the Architect is for the indemnification provided for the above. The extent of liability is in no way limited to, reduced, or lessened by the insurance requirements contained elsewhere within this agreement. 9.10.6 Workers' Compensation. The Architect shall obtain Workers' Compensation Insurance with limits sufficient to respond to the applicable state's statutes. In addition, the Architect shall obtain Employers/ Liability Insurance with limits of not less than: $ 500,000 Bodily Injury by Accident $1,000,000 Bodily Injury by Disease, each employee $1,000,000 Bodily Injury by Disease, policy limits Coverage shall be provided by a company or companies authorized to transact business in the State of Florida and the company or companies must maintain a minimum rating of A-VI, as assigned by the AM. Best Company. If the Architect has been approved by the Florida's Department of Labor, as an authorized self-insurer, the County shall recognize and honor the Architect's status. The Architect shall be required to submit a Letter of Authorization issued by the Department of Labor and a Certificate of Insurance, providing details on the Architect's Excess Insurance Program. If the Architect participates in a self-insurance fund, a Certificate of Insurance will be required. In addition, the Architect will be required to submit updated financial statements from the fund upon request by the County. 9.10.7 General Liability. The Architect shall obtain General Liability Insurance with the following minimum coverages: a. Premises Operations b. Products and Completed Operations c. Blanket Contractual Liability d. Personal Injury Liability e. Expanded Definition of Property Damage f. Medical Payments Contract J5-99 C Page 6 of 10 The minimum limits acceptable shall be: $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit (CSL) $ 5,000 Medical Payments If split limits are provided, the minimum limits acceptable shall be: $ 500,000 per Person $1,000,000 per Occurrence $ 100,000 Property Damage $ 10,000 Medical Payments An Occurrence Form policy is preferred. If coverage is provided on a Claims Made Policy, its provisions should include coverage for claims filed on or after the effective date of this contract. In addition, the period for which claims may be reported should extend for a minimum of twelve (12) months following the acceptance of the Work by the County. 9.10.8 Vehicle Liability. The Architect shall obtain Vehicle Liability Insurance with following minimum coverages: a. Owned, Non-Owned, and Hired Vehicles b. Medical Payments The minimum limits acceptable shall be: $ 100,000 Combined Single Limit (CSL) $ 5,000 Medical Payments If split limits are provided, the minimum limits acceptable shall be: $ 50,000 per Person $ 100,000 per Occurrence $ 25,000 Property Damage $ 5,000 Medical Payments Contract JS-99 C Page 7 of 10 9.10.9 Architect's Errors & Omissions Insurance. Recognizing that the Work governed by this Agreement involves the furnishing of architectural services, the Architect shall purchase and maintain, throughout the life of the contract, Architects Errors and Omissions liability Insurance which will respond to damages resulting from any claim arising out of the performance of professional services or any error or omission of the Architect arising out of the Work governed by this contract. The minimum limits of liability shall be: $1,000,000 per occurrence" Contract JS-99 C Page 8 of 10 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE MONROE COUNTY In consideration of the premiums charged on the insurance policies shown in this certificate, this certificate is issued to the certificate holder shown below. This certiticate does not amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed below except as shown below. NAME. ADDRESS OF INSURED: COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGES Company Lea... A Company lAter B NAME A ADDRESS OF AGENCY: Company lAter C Company lAter D Company Leaer E ThiI ;olD c:enil'y that the insurance policies listed beIaw have been issued ID the insured and are enforad at this time. It is asreed thatllOllC of tbcse poIi<:ies will be cancelled or changed without providing 60 days wriuen nocice of such cancellation of change ID the c:enirlC8te bolder. elI<epl 30 days Cor Wort.en' Compensation. COL11l. TYPE OF INSURANCE I'OUCY II EFFECTIVE DATE EXPIRATION DATE ALL UMITS IN TIiOUSANDS General Liability General Aggl'egate $ C Commercial General Liability Products-Comp/Ops Aggregate $ C Oaims Made C Occurrence C Owner's A ContraclOn ProtectiYe Penonal A Aclvertiaing Injul)' $ C X. C. U, Coverages Eacb Occurrence $ C Broad Form Propeny Damage Fire Damage (any one fire) $ C Independent ContraclOn Medical &pense $ C Blanket Contra<:tll8l (any one penon) Automobile Liability Bodily lnjul)' C Any AUlD (Eacb Penon) $ C All owned AutOl (Eac.b Accident) $ C Scbeduled AutOl Property Damage $ C Hired AutOl Bodily Injul)' and Property $ Damage Combined C Non-Owned AutOl E=ss Liability C Umbrella Form Bodily Injul)' and Property $ C Other than Umbrella Form Damage Combined C Oaims Made C Occurrence Wort.e.... Compensation and Wort.en' Compensation Stawtory Emplnyen' Liability Employers' Liability $ Other $ Commenta: Monroe County, Monroe County Board or County Commissione... and Morrison-KnudsenlGerrita are named IS additional insureds with respect ID the General Uability. Vebicle Uability. ProCessional Liability and E=ss Uability Policies. Name and Address oC the ~rtificate Holder: Dale Issued: Monroe County c/o Morrison-Knudsen/Gerrits Authorized Representative: 5090 College Road Addr...: Key West. Florida 33040 Telephone: 38. Paragraph 10.2 - delete in its entirety. 39. Paragraph 10.4 - revise to read: "PAYMENTS ON ACCOUNT OF ADDITIONAL SERVICES." 40. Paragraph 10.4.1 - delete - "...and for Reimbursable Expenses". 41. Add Paragraph 10.5.2 - "The Architect shall pay, to each of his consultants, not later than the end of the calendar month in which each payment is made to the Architect, the representative amount allowed the consultant on account of the services performed by his consultant's interest therein. The Architect shall, by an appropriate agreement with each consultant, also require each consultant to make payments to his subconsultants in a similar manner. The Owner may withhold payments due to the Architect upon proper notice of nonpayment from consultants or subconsultants until such time as the nonpayment notice is resolved to the satisfaction of the Owner." 42. Paragraph 11.5.2 - delete in its entirety. 43. Paragraph 11.5.3 - delete in its entirety. 44. Add Paragraph 11.6 - "In accordance with Paragraph 11.2.2, progress payments for Basic Services in each phase shall be submitted monthly to the Construction Manager for review and the Construction Manager shall forward these applications for payment to the Owner for approval and payment. The Architect shall provide documentation as requested by the Owner and Construction Manager to substantiate the requested percentages of the total Basic Compensation payable for each phase." Contract JS-99 C Page 10 of 10 MORRISON/ KNUDSEN - S TRANSMITTAL LETTER KNUDS CORPORATION Morrison Knudsen/Gerrits,A Joint Venture TRANS NO. PREY.TRANS.NO, P.O.Box 5283, Key West,Florida 33045-5283 DATE 4 , MK JOB NO. IS PROJECT: SHEET OF CLIENT: NEW TRANSMITTAL❑ RESUBMITTAL ACTION TO: Approved as submitted. A Approved except as noted.Resubmission not required. B Approved except as noted. Resubmission required. C Disapproved—Resubmission required. D ATTN: See Remarks. E WE ARE SENDING: `❑ HEREWITH '- SENT VIA: MESSENGER ❑ BLUEPRINTER Lii 1ST CLASS Li OTHER ❑ UNDER SEPARATE COVER __= SPEC.DEL. ❑YOUR PICK UP J UPS FOR YOUR: IS APPROVAL ❑ REVIEW&COMMENTS ❑ CORRECTION ❑ INFORMATION/USE ❑AS REQUIRED ❑ABOVE ACTION ❑ RECORDS ❑ ❑ PREPARE COST ESTIMATE AND SUBMIT QUOTATION BY THE FOLLOWING: ❑ CONTRACT DRAWINGS ❑ SHOP DRAWINGS ii SAMPLES ❑ SPECIFICATIONS ❑ LETTER -- PRODUCT LITERATURE ❑ CHANGE ORDER ❑AS-BUILTS DRAWING,SPECIFICATIONS, REV. NUMBER OR ITEM NUMBER NUMBER/ OF COPIES TITLE OR DESCRIPTION ACTION DATE � �. ( t L i 7,r), f"}"A" f cm REMARKS r< t..t 1 4 lCcsX�.c T '�c_F � t✓f (/ r- <' ?r , . 0-)(, tj..k \ I v'� U.V AL 'C' f ct_ `'`-� '�,�'fit >� lQ..L( .A r' C.': e° aL1t_Gd 1 k �0_c _ y< K 4L n f CQ ! Gc COPY TO ADDRESSEE:SIGN&RETURN COPY NO.2 TO ABOVE ADDRESS VERY TRULY YOURS THE ABOVE LISTED DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN RECEIVED BY: MORRISON KNUDSEN CORPORATION COMPANY NAME: BY: NAME&TITLE: TITLE: DATE REC'D.: CBC142/90(MK/GERRITS) COPY#1(Orig.to Addressee)COPY#2(Return Copy to MK/Gerrits)COPY#3(MK/Gerrits File Copy) #2397a/91 411bC MORRISON KNUDSEN /-:< RR TRANSMITTAL LETTER CORPORATION Morrison Knudsen/Gerrits,A Joint Venture TRANS NO. PREY.TRANS.NO. P.O.Box 5283,Key West,Florida 33045-5283 DATE 1 (0 ef 3 MK JOB NO. <.› PROJECT. SHEET 1 OF CLIENT NEW TRANSMITTAL❑ RESUBMITTAL e�.�-_; _6` ACTION TO: Approved as submitted. A Approved except as noted.Resubmission not required. B Approved except as noted.Resubmission required. C Disapproved—Resubmission required. D ATTN: See Remarks. E WE ARE SENDING: C HEREWITH _ SENT VIA: MESSENGER ❑ BLUEPRINTER 0 1ST CLASS 0 OTHER UNDER SEPARATE COVER SPEC.DEL. ❑YOUR PICK UP ❑ UPS FOR YOUR: 14APPROVAL ❑ REVIEW&COMMENTS ❑ CORRECTION ❑ INFORMATION/USE ❑AS REQUIRED ❑ABOVE ACTION ❑ RECORDS ❑ ❑ PREPARE COST ESTIMATE AND SUBMIT QUOTATION BY THE FOLLOWING: ❑ CONTRACT DRAWINGS ,❑ SHOP DRAWINGS ❑ SAMPLES II L❑ SPECIFICATIONS ETTER ❑ PRODUCT LITERATURE ❑ CHANGE ORDER ❑AS-BUILTS ❑ DRAWING,SPECIFICATIONS, REV. NUMBER OR ITEM NUMBER NUMBER/ OF COPIES TITLE OR DESCRIPTION ACTION DATE + '.,i / 1 r ., LQj /j( f e /VCJ ZCc.S L fff / (/�' /I . err j.L--1 _ IS„z-..�d-( ( ns/ REMARKS A/ t-E v-r 11'i i --(y 12 ci010 1 . , A._et e-4 --74" 0-P a..."-4 0_, COPY TO /R '-LJ ""/ " I (J• 1 ��] .3,424 - . ADDRESSEE:SIGN&RETURN COPY NO.2 TO ABOVE ADDRESS i;yl,; . VERY TRULY YOURS THE ABOVE LISTED DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN RECEIVED BY: MORRISON KNUDSEN CORPORATION COMPANY NAME: Wet/47.-W BY: NAME&TITLE: TITLE: DATE REC'D.: CBC142/90(MK/GERRITS) COPY#1(Orig.to Addressee)COPY#2(Return Copy to MK/Gerrits)COPY#3(MK/Gerrits File Copy) N2397a,91 • • Co KNUDSEN RRITS TRANSMITTAL LETTER KNUDSEN CORPORATION Morrison Knudsen/Gerrits,A Joint Venture TRANS NO. PREY TRANS. NO. P.O.Box 5283,Key West,Florida 33045-5283 DATE , -. MK JOB NO. PROJECT . SHEET ( OF CLIENT: NEW TRANSMITTAL❑ RESUBMITTAL I ACTION TO: ''`. Approved as submitted. A Approved except as noted.Resubmission not required. B Approved except as noted.Resubmission required. C j Disapproved-Resubmission required. D ATTN: 1'!'. (..t Le 19, .re r See Remarks. E WE ARE SENDING: ❑ HEREWITH M SENT VIA: IV MESSENGER ❑ BLUEPRINTER ❑ 1ST CLASS 0 OTHER E UNDER SEPARATE COVER ❑ SPEC.DEL. ❑YOUR PICK UP ❑ UPS FOR YOUR: ($_APPROVAL ❑ REVIEW&COMMENTS ❑ CORRECTION ❑ INFORMATION/USE ❑AS REQUIRED ❑ABOVE ACTION ❑ RECORDS ❑ ❑ PREPARE COST ESTIMATE AND SUBMIT QUOTATION BY _ THE FOLLOWING: ❑ CONTRACT DRAWINGS ❑ SHOP DRAWINGS ❑ SAMPLES ❑ SPECIFICATIONS LILETTER ❑ PRODUCT LITERATURE ❑ CHANGE ORDER ❑ AS-BUILTS ❑ DRAWING,SPECIFICATIONS, REV. NUMBER OR ITEM NUMBER NUMBER/ OF COPIES TITLE OR DESCRIPTION ACTION DATE 7 Orel; a k14 t 'za f (r 1 � 1^.,, ! 0 t" I _✓�S re : Qrr-.�. • C.t trc 1 u', des cs cL� REMARKS + i/ _d 4j( a±r-A—t16---,ok Y-62 , V..- . COPY TO ADDRESSEE:SIGN&RETURN COPY NO.2 TO ABOVE ADDRESS VERY TRULY YOURS THE ABOVE LISTED DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN RECEIVED BY: MORRISON KNUDSEN CORPORATION COMPANY NAME: BY: e - NAME&TITLE: TITLE: DATE REC'D.: CBC142l90(MK/GERRITS) COPY#1(Orig.to Addressee)COPY#2(Return Copy to MK/Gerrits)COPY#3(MK/Gerrits File Copy) #23970/91 April 2, 1993 SEIY.IN COMPANY INSURANct Monroe county Morris/Knudsen-Gerritts P.O. Box 5283 Key West, FL 33045 RE: Gonzalez Architects County Projects: 93001.01 Sheriff's Office Building 93001.02 Public works Garage 93001.03 Lester Building Renovation 93001.04 NeW Judiciary Building 3ackson Square 93001.05 Renovation of Courthouse Annex 93001.06 Tax collectors Office 93001.07 Interim Trailers Jackson Square 93001.08 Clerk of the Courts Office To Whom it May Concern: With regard to the above referenced projects, please allow this letter to serve as confirmation that Gonzalez Architects currently maintains a professional liability policy for the firm with limits of $250,000. A current certificate of insurance is attached for this policy with this letter. It is understood the Monroe County is requiring minimum limits of $1,000,000 on this policy. Mr. Gonzalez has advised us of this requirement and that the projects are scheduled to beqin construc- tion in the fall. We are by this letter advising the firm's annual renewal of october 23, 1993, we will propose limits of professional liability at the required amount and can issue certificates of insurance reflecting the increase at that time. I trust the above meets with the requirements of your division of risk management. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call. FEW:dm Ene. btc'bllshed 1945 ~ A$W~l( 8125 NW, 53 Street Suite 200 . p,o eox 025220 . Miami. Florida ~3102.5220 ,,,,.,1:.\ "0' .MOr, . 8~~W!l'd (30S)76~-6771 . Telex 510600~OC5 . Fax (305) 593.6993 ~ PRODUCER nos CERTlnCATE IS ISSUED AS A MATl'ER or INfORMATION ONLY AND CONnRS NO R1GHl'S UPON TIlE CERTlnCATE HOLDER. TIDS CERTlnCATE DOllS NOT AMEND, Seitlin & Company EXTEND OR ALTER TIlE COVERAGIl AITORDIlD BY TIlE POLlClIlS BilLOW. P. O. Box 025220 Miami, FL 33102-5220 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE COMPANY A LIl'lTIlR CODE StJB.CODll A af at N ~MPANY B g~~' ,r...""- R INSURIID t }~<JI co~ C ,fI \.,J. L~\ Gonzalez Architects ("! ~~:e..r .~ COMPAIA'\ I ,~~ b D 3130 Northside Drive 1""1 ''l:.1c' ) ~ , LIl1TEI( Key West Fl 33040 \0. f! " lotoMP .\NV , ,. Tudor Insurance Co. \', LIlTI# E :::pnVERAGR~t',',',:,:,:,:",:::{"",:",:,:,:",:"",:,:",:",:,:::,:{",:,:,:,:,t:,:,:,:,:,:,:,::t":,:,,,t:':,:,:':' ,,:" :::::,t"":,,,'::,:::?;:m~,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,::':'::':':'!":~it:",:{{,::::":",:",:,:":,,::,,,,,,:,:,:,t:,,:,,:':':':':':""':":"":':':':':':"""'::":':':':':,t",::",:,:,:,:,:":""""":,:,:,:,:,:,,,,:,,,,:,:':':':':':':':"':"':':':':':':':':':""':':':':':':,t,:":,:,:,:,:,:",!:",:,,!,!,!,!,!,!,t:,,,,:,,!,:,:,:,:,:t::",,: TIllS IS TO CERTlIY THAT TIlE POLlClIlS or INS ==:HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO TIlE INSURIID NAMIlD ABOVE roll. TIlE POLICY PIlRlOD INDICATIlD NOTWITHSfANDING ANY REQUlRIlMIl , ~'OJl.CO mON or ANYCONI'RACI' OR OTHIlR DOCUMIlNr WITH RIlSPIlCl' TO WlDCH TIDS CERTlnCATE MAY BIl ISSUED OK MAY PIlRTAIN, TIlE AITORDIlD BY TIlE POLlCIIlS DIlSCRIBIlD HIlRllIN IS SUBJIlCl' TO ALL THIl TERMS, IlXCLUSIONS AND CONDmONS or SUCH POLlCIIlS. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN RIlDUCIlD BY PAID CLAIMS. CO TYPE or INSUKANCE POLICY NUMBIlK POLICY Ilrn:CI'IVIl POLICY IlXPIRATlON TI ALL LIMITS IN THOUSAND8 DATE (MMIDDIYY) DATE (MMIDDIYY) ~ENERAL LIABILITY G ENIlRAL AGGRIlGATE COMMERCIAL GENIlRAL LIABILITY In.... I I CLAIMS MADIl 0 OCCUR. I .",nlVv OWNllR'S .. ~~'SPKar. IlA CH 0CCUJUlIlNCIl - , - t ,> " .. ~UTOMOBI~ CUi.iJ.in . CO MBINIlD 173DS I SIN GLIl ANY AurO ->:;0' .,..... LI Mrr - I ALL OWNllD ftfrO~'..,.. ~ BO DILY - I. pro f "' c: :-: , ~'} 1'""1 \ , .; a ,~. , j ty ~~ ;>1' ')<j~ INJUKY SCHIlDULIlD AU1'08> -~,,' or , ; , , - Aurot,:':,'r..:::' the oljgrs-'.p . .,21 .; f,1'j C 'j <; t.ile: . ) .' , 1 (pR. PIlR.) c' BO OILY WRIlD '\ 11w;s - .'- , I ns~r ance 2AVcti ab 1 e for c "- pre:!- INJUKY - NON.oWNllD ~., sented wi th1 n he pol i t) j1'I:f ~.v<1 for (pR. ACC.) f'.l- .~ GAltAGIl LI ~_~''" al 1 operat1 ons of the imoun ki PR OPllRTY - D AMAGIl .' RCESS UAB......, .' I IlACH AGGRIlGATE OCCUIUUlNCll OTHIlR THAN UMBR. roRM STATurORY WORKERS' COMPENSATION (Il.~CH ACCIDENI') AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY (DISIlASIl-POL. LIM.) (DISIlASIl-EA. IlMPL.) E OTHER AEL0002453 10/23/92 10/23/93 Prof. Liability $250,000 Ea. Claim $250,000 Ann. Agg. DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONSlLOCA TIONSlVEHICLESlSPECIAL ITEMS {CEl1iMCAfttli().U)mt',',!,!,:(;:::::,:,:,:,~,:::,:,~,:,:,:,:r:,'':':':':'!':;:::'::!::::':':':':':':':'!:!'!;:::"':"':::':,:,:,:,:,:,:,!,:,!,:;:::,:::::::,:,:(,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,,::,:::':':':, .. : : .., ;~:;:;:~:;:;:~:~:j:j:j:~:~:~:~:;:;:;:~j:j:j:j:;:j:j:j:j:~:~:;:j:j:j:j:j:j:j:j:j:~~:j~j:1:~:~:j:j:j:j:j:j:j:j:j:j:~:jjj:j~j:j:j:j:j:j:r:j:~j:j:j:1:~:~:j:j:j:j:j:j:j:;:;:;:tfj:jj;:;:;:;:;:;:r:j:;:;:j:j:j:j:j:j:;:j:;:;:j:j:j:j:r:j:j:j:jj{ .. ~mmmm SHOULD ANY orTHIl ABOVE DIlSCRIBIlD POLlClIlS BIl j~Ifm CANCIlLLIlD BllroRll TIlE Monroe County 11,:,:,1:,1,1 IlXPIRATlON DATE THIlRllOr, THIl ISSUING COMPANY WILL IlNDIlA VOK TO Risk Manager MAIL 30 DAYS WRITI'IlN NanCE TO TIlE CERTlnCATE HOLDIlR NAMIlD TO TIlE P. O. Box 5283 j~~j~~jj[j~jj LIln', Bur rAILUKIl TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSIl NO OBLIGATION OK Key West, Fl. 33045 LIABILITY or ANY ItIND UPON TIlE COMPANY, ITS AGENI'S OK RIlPRIlSIlNr ATIVIlS. .:.:.:.:.:.:. :.:.:.:.:.:.: ;:;:::;:::;:: AUTHORIZED ImPRESENT ATIVE 1 Jt k,G~ ~/ .:.:.:.:.:.:. :::;:::;::::: cE ;.:.;.:.:.:.: c,~ ,,~,~J,~' jr~jmj;j . .... ..' .. .. .:::;:::::::::::::::::::::;:::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: oKy.~rTY ~O~~~E (305) 294-4641 Monroe County Risk Management Wing II, Room 207, P.S.B. 5100 College Road Key West, FL 33040 j, A/'I/l/\ A J /~,. / '- j U f -,yr ,J>y' l/ PJ'vC(lc' r~Jj! BOARD OF COU{JTY COMMISSIONERS MAYOR, Jack London, District 2 Mayor Pro Tern, A Earl Cheal, District 4 Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Shirley Freeman, District 3 Mary Kay Reich, District 5 April 14, 1993 Mr. Franklin E. Wheeler, CPCU Vice President seitlin & Company P.O. Box 025220 Miami, FL 33102 Re: Gonzalez Architects Professional Liability Insurance Dear Mr. Wheeler: -~ This is to confirm our conversation yesterday during which the following issues were discussed and resolved: 1. In your April 2, 1993 letter to Morrison Knudsen/Gerritts you indicated that Gonzalez Architects would raise their Professional Liability limits from $250,000 to the contractually required $1,000,000 at annual renewal on Oc,tober 23, 1993, since construction would not begin until the fall. 2. I inquired if the policy was claims made and would the $1,000,000 in limits be applied back to the retro date on Mr. Gonzalez's policy. This is crucial since the actual design phases will occur prior to construction and the poli- cy's renewal date is in October. You indicated in the affir- mative that the $1,000,000 would be taken back to retro date. I requested that you forward me a current Certificate of Insur- ance, and indicate that "retro date" on the policy. I received your fax of the certificate, but there was no mention of the retro date. 2 Page 2 Mr. Franklin Wheeler Gonzalez Architects If anything contained in this letter is different than what was agreed, please advise. I am also not going to accept the term "propose" the higher limits on renewal. Please respond and ad- vise that you will "provide" or "bind" the $1,000,000 limits on renewal. Sincerely, O fV::) / \ \ /7 ( )" ." .. , \/(yv \,/'\;,--c--- )',. / C, 'l)L. '\ / Donna J. Perez', ARM /J Risk Manager cc: County Attorney Morrison-Knudsen/Gerrits Interisk Corporation DJP/kb LEFWGONZ/txtperez :::;: . .\. ......... \lllllillillli'ilsui"Nml aW14}\Od~:j;S) ISSUE DATE (MMIOD/Y)/ 4"..... s: :,:",.....::,:::.;:...}..,:':::}:;::::,:::::;::.,..;.:,\,:'. 04 /07 /93 PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE EY WEST INSURANCE INC. 104 FLAGLER AVENUE EY WEST FL 33040 A FIDELITY & CAUSALTY CO OF N.Y. LETTER B INSURED LETTER ONZALEZ ARCHITECTS C Risk Mgmt. &: Loss Control OSE GONZALEZ: DBA LETTER 130 NORTHSIDE DRIVE COMPANY D EY WEST, FL 33040 LETTER COMPANY E THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN... THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BYTHE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLlvIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EXPIRATION ATE (MM/DD/Y)/ DATE (MM/DD/Y)/ 3/15/93 3/15/94 LIMITS GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 1 PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG. $ 1 PERSONAL & ADV. INJURY $ 1 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1 FIRE DAMAGE (Anyone fire) $ MED.EXP. (Anyone person) $ COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ BODILY INJURY (Per person) $ BODILY INJURY (Per accident) $ PROPERTY DAMAGE $ EACH OCCURRENCE $ AGGREGATE $ BOX7199225(03) MMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY LAIMS MADE [iJOCCUR OWNER'S & CONTRACTOR'S PROT BOX7199225(03) 03/15/93 03/15/94 ALIL OWNED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS GARAGE LIABILITY EXCESS LIABILITY UMBRELLA FORM OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM weRKER'S COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY EACH ACCIDENT $ DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ DISEASE-EACH EMPLOYEE $ OTHEIpROPERTY DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION~~ICLESISPECIAL ITEMS ERTIFICA~DEl tS"~ED AS ADDITIONAL INSURED. P~<;1$",~n<>i\I} SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL...3..0.-- DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. ,m.>~g~(li~);<"""" ~L- >;:.,..:.:.........:~A99~'9QRpgR~T.~'~ " .' . SEIY.IN COMPANY INSURANCE April 20, 1993 Ms. Donna J. Perez Arm Risk Manager Monroe County Risk Management Wing II, Room 207, P.S.B. 5100 College Road Key West, FL 33040 ~(.,; Iii";' ~ , t '~j ( . f , Y~;L;)' -~ .._~__..__u..._.. RE: Gonzalez Architects Professional Liability Insurance Your Letter of April 14, 1993 Dear Mr. Perez: This letter will confirm that the current retroactive date of coverage on Mr. Gonzalez's professional liability insurance policy is October 14, 1987. When Mr. Gonzalez selects $1,000,000 of professional liability coverage for Gonzalez Architects, it will apply back to the retroactive date of coverage, October 14, 1987. This letter will confirm that we will certainly provide limits up to $1,000,000 for professional liability insurance for Gonzalez Architects renewal date of October 23rd, 1993. I cannot advise that we will bind these limits until we receive a check. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please do not hesitate to give me a call. FEW:dm Ene. Established 1945 ~ A;s~~x ~ Inlerrl<.llI0Ili11 .._-------_...-._-------~-_._-----~._-".- ------,---..-------~._.._- --- -- ------ - ~-- -------_.- 8125 NW, 53 Street, Suite 200 . P.O. Box 025220 . Miami, Florida 33102-5220 (305) 591-0090 . Broward (305) 763-6771 . Telex 5106003005 . Fax: (305) 593-6993 cr:sv .\. ....~...'..... I" ':.'.,.:.'...:......,..,............,........111111111~ ~. . ............,....',....'........,.,..','.'.'............':':':':':->'<-:-:-:':-:':':':-:'>,"'-'>:-. ',.. .... .~: liifllQilNclJMW .;,<:::,:":.",,.:: 0 4 / 0 6 / 9 3 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE ...................",".'.'................ ..-........"" ".. ..-". ....."..,...,,',..,.., '.-.-C,' .,'.-,..','.',',',.',",'.--"..,-,-".,. . '0"0'2":1:9":'.' :.': . .. ".. ,...". .'- . ' .""" - ... :::\,:: ,,:;, .:" ,::::", .,::.::.:::...:.:/>>>:-:-:::-: ISSUE DATE (MMIODty)/ PRODUCER EY WEST INSURANCE INC. 104 FLAGLER AVENUE EY WEST FL 33040 COMPANY A FIDELITY & OF N.Y. LETTER COMPANY B LETTER ONZALEZ ARCHITECTS COMPANY C OSE GONZALEZ: DBA LETTER 130 NORTHSIDE DRIVE COMPANY D EY WEST, FL 33040 LETTER COMPANY E THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED... NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENJ:, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICA I E MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN... THe INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POllvIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. POLICY EXPIRATION TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER LIMITS ATE (MM/DDty)/ DATE (MM/DDty)/ BOX7199225(03) 3/15/93 3/15/94 GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 1 MMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG. $ 1 LAIMS MADE [iJOCCUR. PERSONAL & ADV. INJURY $ 1 OWNER'S & CONTRACTOR'S PROTo EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1 FIRE DAMAGE (Anyone fire) $ MED.EXP. (Anyone person) $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE NY AUTO LIMIT $ ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) $ HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY NON-OWNED AUTOS (Per accident) $ GARAGE LIABILITY PROPERTY DAMAGE $ EXCESS LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ UMBRELLA FORM AGGREGATE $ OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM WORKER'S COMPENSATION AND EACH ACCIDENT $ EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ DISEASE-EACH EMPLOYEE $ OTHEIpROPERTY BOX7199225(03) 3/15/93 03/15/94 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATlONS/LOCATIONSNEHICLES/SPECIAL ITEMS ERTIFICATE HOLDERS ARE NAMED AS ADDITONAL INSUREDS WITH RESPECT TO THE ENERAL LIABILITY MONROE CO., MONROE CO. BOARD OF CO. COMM & MORRISON-KNUDSEN/GERRITS 5090 COLLEGE ROAD KEY WEST FL 33040 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL...3..0.-- DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. d<<}-.;)If/f-/07 C . .......... '-::::::':':'::::::-:::::-:::::::::::::::::::-::::::::::::::::::::::::-:::::::<:>:::::::::::::::::::":::: A.~...I.'lI/lllIrfil&I~A: ~::: - ...... . ........-...., ....., ..',.".".", "" ,.. . .:::::>::::::,::<:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::<:::>:>:> at!I.sdFl~tslCE QMVf ,Q()2m9< ISSUE DATE (MMIODty)/ ~..>> 04/06/93 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE PRODUCER EY WEST INSURANCE INC. 104 FLAGLER AVENUE EY WEST FL 33040 COMPANY A UNASSIGNED LETTER COMPANY B LETTER ONZALEZ ARCHITECTS COMPANY C OSE GONZALEZ: DBA LETTER 130 NORTHSIDE DRIVE COMPANY D EY WEST, FL 33040 LETTER COMPANY THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN... THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLlvIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER LIMITS TR ATE (MMIODty)/ DATE (MM/DDty)/ GENERAL LIABILITY GENERAL AGGREGATE $ OMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG. $ LAIMS MADE DOCCUR. PERSONAL & ADV. INJURY $ OWNER'S & CONTRACTOR'S PROT, EACH OCCURRENCE $ FIRE DAMAGE (Anyone fire) $ MED, EXP. (Anyone person) $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE NY AUTO LIMIT $ LIL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) $ HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY NON-OWNED AUTOS (Per accident) $ GARAGE LIABILITY PROPERTY DAMAGE $ EXCESS LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ UMBRELLA FORM AGGREGATE $ OTHER THAN UMBRELILA FORM WORKER'S COMPENSATION 51500358 4/01/93 4/01/94 AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY DISEASE- POLICY LIMIT DISEASE-EACH EMPLOYEE OTHEIpROPERTY DESCRIPTION OF OPERATlONS/LOCATlONSNEHICLES/sPECIAL ITEMS MONROE CO., MONROE CO. BOARD OF CO. COMM & MORRISON-KNUDSEN/GERRITS 5090 COLLEGE ROAD KEY WEST FL 33040 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL....4.5..-- DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES.