Resolution 231-2000 Marine Resources RESOLUTION NO. 231 2000 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ADOPTING WASTEWATER SERVICE AREAS THROUGHOUT UNINCORPORATED MONROE COUNTY, REQUESTING THAT THE FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY (FKAA) ADOPT THE SAME OR SIMILAR SERVICE AREAS, AND REQUESTING THAT THE FKAA BEGIN AN AGGRESSIVE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SANITARY WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN AS ADOPTED BY THE BOCC ON 18 MAY 2000 AS FINANCIAL FEASIBILITY ALLOWS. WHEREAS, the 2010 Comprehensive Plan reqUires that the County complete a Sanitary Wastewater Master Plan; and WHEREAS, the firm of CH2MHill has been working to complete the Sanitary Wastewater Master Plan and has provided and reviewed a draft Sanitary Wastewater Master Plan with the Board of County Commissioners at its April 2000 meeting; and WHEREAS, the draft Sanitary Wastewater Master Plan has been reviewed by technical staff and State and Federal agencies, comments have been made and addressed; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners approved and adopted the final Sanitary Wastewater Master Plan at its 18 May 2000 regular meeting; and WHEREAS, The 2010 Comprehensive Plan requires that the County begin implementing the Sanitary Wastewater Master Plan in accordance with the 7 year work program embodied in the Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority (FKAA) is empowered independently and on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners to operate as a Wastewater Utility for the purposes of planning, designing, building, and operating wastewater facilities; and WHEREAS, the enabling legislation for the FKAA, Public Laws of Florida, establishes that the BOCC should adopt Wastewater Service Areas to be approved and adopted by the FKAA; and BC000611 OS/23/00 8:29 AM Marine Resources WHEREAS, the FKAA has agreed, in a separate Memorandum of Understat:lding, to act as the Wastewater Authority for unincorporated Monroe County, has agreed to participate in the development of the Sanitary Wastewater Master Plan, and has agreed to implement the Plan, including the adoption of Wastewater Service Areas. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: 1. The attached graphic identifying Wastewater Service Areas within the unincorporated area of the Florida Keys is hereby adopted; and 2. The Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority is requested to review and adopt the same Wastewater Service Areas, or a modification as appropriate; and 3. The FKAA continue its diligent work to implement the Sanitary Wastewater Master Plan as rapidly as feasible. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners, Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 15th day of June, A.D., 2000. c 00:::: . OIl r.. (.) - w.;: a: cc a: o ,.... LL. CJ I.IJ -l - u... W #/ .." .J .< .'~ ::x:. ..>= ...JUf- e:> ..... ,- 0:: .... ---=> -uo ...J .u ;,-X:w z....Jo z(.)o:: <:( :;;e (:) Mayor Freeman Mayor Pro Tem Neugent Commissioner Harvey Commissioner Williams Commissioner Reich yes yes yes yes yes ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK BY: -.00 o.k.1.. o. ilu!sJ~ DEPUTY CLERK Y'S OFFICE BC000611 OS/23/00 8:29 AM ~ z r/) '~(' "~, I ,\ Ilf "I!' ~l, J IliiIJiil'll~t~I~SfIJ II' ]Iaa ~IIIIIJ~!1 -I DOOODDOCCDCCDDCDDD J U) .!! i 'r' N co 'r' It) 'r' N 'r' en c == fIJ = C&) ~ = y -.. u .. ~ ~ -~ = Q a ~ = (II) -e :g ~"'O oo~ .. ~ fIJ ~ .. ~ C) ~ = ~ = ~~ ~ = .. ~ y ~ ~ == ;-s ~ ~~j (II) ~ ~ ~ < ~ ~.E fIJ = ~ tj=oo .C U = ~ ~.- .~ = ~ Q"~ ~ ~ = y~U .e ~ bJ) "'0 .- ~~= OO~I .. ~ fIJ ~..~ ~ = ~ = ;.~~ ~ = .. ~ y ~ -= == ~ .~j IJI "I!' ~llfJ IliiJJiil'll!li;~SfIJ II' llaa ~IIIIIJ~!1 . DOLJODDOCDDDDDDDDDD J \J ~~:\ ,J\)\ ...,~ ~\ ',\>- '-", )r-,._ \J U) :! ~ It) It) . ~ It) M (II) It) N N ~ 'r' . 'r' It) c:i . C) It) 0 <\ \r,,- . III I,! ~I" j illl, [][][][][] U) .!! i !.~\ \ '''' . \ ". \, \"~'..."~ \ J \ (\ \ r~ )-- ''L y" t ~r''n .....r.'...?.. ..........i.. ,I' '.""...... _ __''''' ,,'of'.' '., },., -~l if;! ,. '\ ',<:ie" 'I . (-r<:V< j < /)... ! ~"""",,'1 . ". . > _'4. .; .. i i ~ '1/" !:ill. -", I . 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