Resolution 447-2022 Resolution No. 447 -2022
WHEREAS,it is necessary to conduct a public hearing as required by section 129.06,Florida Statutes,to amend the following:Key West International Airport
• Fund 404 for the fiscal year beginning October 1,2022 and ending September 30,2023,now therefore,
conducted on November 15,2022 at 1:30 amend Airport Fund 404 budget and to adopt the amended budgets as follows:
Key West International Airport Fund Current Inc./(Dec.) Revised
Revenues: Budget Budget
404- RC 00033 Fed Grants Public Safety $147,552.81 $0.00 $147,552 81
404- RC 00037 Fed Grants Trans Airport Dev $9,366,990.69 $0.00 $9,366,990.69
404- RC_00038 Fed Grants Trans Airport Dev Cap $20,603,806.00 $0.00 $20,603,806.00
404- RC_00039 Fed Grants Courts CARES Act $1,881,584.00 $0.00 $1,881,584.00
404- RC_00057 St Grants Trans Airport Dev Cap $5,571,515.72 $0.00 $5,571,515.72
404- RC_00058 St Grants Trans Airport Dev Op $122,053.39 $0.00 $122,053.39
404- RC_00160 Airline Rents • $2,000,000.00 $0.00 $2,000,000.00
404- RC_00161 Passenger Facility Charges Airport $300,000.00 $0.00 $300,000.00
404- RC_00162 Airport Parking Lot $30,000.00 $0.00 $30,000.00
404- RC_00164 Other Rents Key West Airport $1,700,000.00 $0.00 $1,700,000.00
404- RC_00166 Airline Landing Fees Key West Airport $3,000,000.00 $0.00 $3,000,000.00
404- RC_00168 Other Fees Key West Airport $3,200,000.00 $0.00 $3,200,000.00
404- RC_00169 Airline Security $450,000.00 $0.00 $450,000.00
404- RC_00170 Service Airport Parking Credit Card $375,000.00 $0.00 $375,000.00
404- RC_00291 Fines Parking Violations $250.00 $0.00 $250.00
404- RC_00299 Interest Earnings $25,000.00 $0.00 $25,000.00
404- RT_00028 Interfund Transfers $391,095.00 $0.00 $391,095.00
404- RC_00396 Less 5% ($539,013.00) $0.00 ($539,013.00)
404- RC 00397 Fund Balance Forward $11,080,194.00 $1,000,000.00 $12,080,194.00
Total $59,706,028.61 $60,706,028.61
404- CC 63001 5****** Key West Airport Op&Maint $6,164,530.00 $0.00 $6,164,530.00
404- CC 63002 5****** Key West Airport R&R $4,638,219.42 $0.00 $4,638,219.42
404- CC 63100 5****** Key West Airport Fire&Rescue $2,257,899.00 $0.00 $2,257,899.00
404- CC_63201 5****** Key West Airport Administration $1,802,968.00 $0.00 $1,802,968.00
• 404- CC_63200 5****** Key West Airport Security $3,530,520.00 $0.00 $3,530,520.00
404- CC_630210 530*** EYW Extend Txwy A Proj Const Ph 37-67 $4,183,283.00 $0.00 $4,183,283.00
404- CC EYW Apron 530*** EY Apron Overflow Parking Const 37-70 $4,724,987.00 $0.00 $4,724,987.00
404- CC__630219 530*** EYW Customs Phase 3B-G2A61 $1,955,305.00 $0.00 $1,955,305.00
404- CC_630222 530*** NIP KWBTS Final Phase Const.37-71 $3,877,195.00 $0.00 $3,877,195.00
404- CC_630223 530*** EYW Commercial Apron Const.37-72 $17,042,706.00 $0.00 $17,042,706.00
404- CC_630201 530*** Key West Airport Building&Security $1,071,601.86 $0.00 $1,071,601.86
404- CC_630203 530*** Key West Airport Planning Study GIQ04 $622,053.39 $0.00 $622,053.39
404- CC_630204 530*** Key West Airport Aircraft Overflow $1,315,964.60 $0.00 $1,315,964.60
404 CC 630208 530*** Key West Airport Essential Airport Equipment $1,250,286.00 $0.00 $1,250,286.00
404- CC_630214 530*** EYW Concessions Relief CRRSA Act 37-66 $106,585.00 $0.00 $106,585.00
404- CC_630216 530*** EYW Terminal Improvements-G2555 $750,000.00 $0.00 $750,000.00
404- CC_630193 530*** Key West Airport Building&Security Improvement $663,608.92 $0.00 $663,608.92
404- CC_630196 530*** Key West Airport Airfield Improvements $305,949.92 $0.00 $305,949.92
404- CC_630202 530*** Noise Improvement Program(NIP)Key West by the Sea $259,603.51 $0.00 $259,603.51
404 CC_630209 530*** EYW Extend Txwy A Proj-Design Phase $199,117.18 $0.00 $199,117.18
404- CC_630194 530*** Key West Airport Terminal Building Improvement: $195,580.00 $0.00 $195,580.00
404- CC_630217 530*** EYW Security Fence G2884 $150,000.00 $0.00 $150,000.00
404- CC_630218 530*** EYW Security Lighting-G2885 $150,000.00 $0.00 $150,000.00
404- CC_630206 530*** TSA Law Enforcement Officer Grant $147,552.81 $0.00 $147,552.81
404- CC_ W 630220 530*** EYWARPAGrant#37-68 $1,348,659.00 $0.00 $1,348,659.00
404- ' CC_630221 530*** EY ARPA Concession Relief Grant#37-69 $426,340.00 $0.00 $426,340.00
404 CC_630192 530*** EYW Hurricane IAN EMAS $0.00 $1,000,000.00 $1,000,000.00
404- CC85536 590*** Reserves 404 $88,234.00 $0.00 $88,234.00
404- CC__86505 590*** Budgeted Transfers 404 $477,280.00 $0.00 $477,280.00
Total $59,706,028.61 $1,000,000.00 ,$60,706,028.61
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD,that the Clerk of said Board,upon receipt of the above,is hereby authorized and
directed to make necessary changes of said items,as set forth above.
/L f' PASSED AND.ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County,Florida,at a regular meeting of the Board on the
-i. 15th day oftlovember,AD 2022.
�' 1---`.r. . ' c �� ',,. Yes
J' '� y�,"� Mayor Craig Cates
i,.V1 €- r,y`Y `4:'" Yes
•:_ s s/ �L_ Mayor Pro Tem Holly Merrill Raschein
- =T /' /� C- Commissioner Michelle Lincoln Yes
" ,7-� r. l4 Commissioner James K.Scholl Yes
_.,.c 3 'N' .,4.4i, Commissioner David Rice Yes
C�.. V gy ` �z. `{. /
(Seal) •`� ,r''
Attest: KEVIN MADOK,Deputyglerk Mayor/Chairman
✓s DeputyClerk
The Florida Keys Only Daily Newspaper, Est. 1876
PO Box 1800,Key West FL 33041
P:(305)292-7777 ext.219 F:(305)295-8025
KEY WEST FL 33040-3110
Account: 421235 Ticket: 3869201
COUNTY OF MONROE [legal text]
Before the undersigned authority personally appeared
Sierra Civin ,who on oath says that he or she is
The legal advertising representative of the Key West Citizen,a five day newspa-
per published in Key West,in Monroe County, Florida;that the attached copy of
advertisment,being a legal notice in the matter of was published in said newspa-
per in the issues of:
Friday, November 11,2022
Affiant further says that the Key West Citizen is a newspaper published in Key
West, in said Monroe County, Florida and that the said newspapers has hereto-
fore been continuously published in said Monroe County, Florida Tuesday thru
Saturday weekly,and has been entered as periodicals matter at the post office in
Key West, in said Monroe County, Florida,for a period of 1 year next preceding
the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement;and affiant further says
that he or she has neither paid nor promised any person,firm or corporation any
discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertise-
ment for publication in the said newspaper.
(Signature ofAffiant)
Affirmed and subscribed before me this 8th day of December 2022
Melinda Prescott
(Notary Public Printed Name)
My commission expires 1/11/2026
Personally Known X Produced Identification
Type of Identification Produced (Notary Seal)
Notary Public State of Florida
AMelinda (Prescott
My Commission
. m EXp.1/1112026
11AK6Ys CIT—N.Fri Novamefiu 11,2022
What's `Putin's chef' cooking Taliban bans
up with talk on US meddling? women from gyms
� BY RIAZAT Bl/TT en from must fields eE
The Ass001sted Press employment,and ordered
BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ( 9 ( T t tl tl d t d then,In r head ro roe
g In the [ d g t KABUL Afg} tau — dodang in public,
Yr,gru}Prig k t :t d I � "�, t tl i, }g Y The Taliban t g 4 p k tan from the
,aau)� I Undated f I v�f;( �H,�Iu1�� 1e1 Prig t ,called h,au niter E y g) M a}tV mieandXI—i,aid
d t t deg d O ,>-�1 (I �,, •p t l-t d in 2011 4fg} -t official e I •:bring mandated
f k}S[ Petersburg a H t usmesses expanded Kabul sad Tt d y the t nee people werei nermI
-t rant and holder of Ia �;� significantly to catering and nhgnas grey ps latest edu t geudersegngaoen eiders and
t g Went catering / )m`%y6 preetdmg school lunches ,b g dew - that women were net wearing
,attract,.Founder of a mar, ,i L In 2010 Patin helped p gt t, df d tt) the required headscarf,or
r,ruaq nolitaq ferr:emeeleed I irvl Prig— i Eact )t1 t t kp �rm h to a)ear tvlab Womenarealso banned
R etas vario 0 is / a � t It g Into, aght for.park
ezhm has kept I � � Ul� Y ,tat bout. I M The Tali t the 'Ili b sing
profile th years.But in �I r I t p )( d h I:t} g gB dpark,
d the 01)ear Il A // J)))) �/ Il fd II p Ann-2021 The) E h k dgt
Id [ p ur"it"Inks [ t-[ p d I- t t dg I-f ddl Melia d 4k f M t l ,
[ R -an Pastdent Vladimirt public Behr els He also —heel and high school Taliban appemted
Patin has-become mere and a '' y organ tied catering fur desptte natal premises pek non,fur the Mauslly of
m re public Mid,his activities, NIISHA JdAu DZETh,.A111-11.d Pres Kremlin el cuts fur s v ral to the contrary,re dirt d Vimieaud X1t
especially involving Mescewas Yevgeny Pdgozhin,top,serves food to then-Russian Prime yea — ing him the
8moner-old war inUkrah . Minister Vladimir Patin at Pdgozhin's restaurant outside nmkuanu,"Pmids,thef— NOTICE OF MEETINGS
This week he gained new Moscow,Russia in Nov.11,2011. and has provided catering
attention by admitting his and u[ili ty b'[lire,'to the CITYCOMMI66ION MEETING
vehement—previously as-St Petersburg. dug stand and then fancy Russian military
denied—n the euts that During the final ye, of esta—uts that drew interest In 2017,opposition figure November 15,2022 at 500 p m.
drew the scrutiny of U.S.offi- the Sevice[Union,Priguzhin from Putn.In his first term, and corruption fighter Alessi City Commissidn Chambers,City Hall,1300 White Street,Key
vials:meddli,, in American served time in 10 the Russian leader took then- leavaln y accused Pri Inu's West
g prison— g
elections. years byhisewu admission— French President lacgaes elmpanies of breaking ah, BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING
Priguzhin and Patin ge although he did net say what Chirac to dine at one of them. titrust laws by bidding fur
way back,with both bum in it was for "Vladimir Patin saw howl "a
ne$387 million in Defense November 152022,imm.d—y following the City C—i—e-
Leningrad,whatis new known Afterward,he owned abet built a business eatefa kiosk, Ministry contracts. meeting,ass ddn as the matter arise on the agenda
If ag.i items are not completetl on the same day,the
set rig w II be recessetl ant 5:00 p.m.the following day or
"II r 'II „III NOTICE OF MEETING meaame day as the....r ybe.
FLU 1 r
�;ry IIIIIlryp TCity HHale1300 White St20t2 It 10 KyWs0t FLI Adm Please a All
ll the TTVh pber at 800-9558771 hot 800b 19t55e
rpu`1Ann`II�u,7r�l 171 You th ay also attend the m eetngvrta lly via Zoom 8]]ONoce)o,the ADA Coordinator at 3058093811 at least
by telephoning 6465588656,Meeting ID:87614363796 five business days in advance for sgn language interpreters,
Meeting Notice Paaacad.47o945at..hasat: assisflv.letenmgd.e,W ,aet.riaeIna...� at
Monroe County Land Authority heth"t"eon owrom menro�s[Oen o4themeeOng are Pursuant td FS.2860105,odic.Is given mat if a person
available online atwww.ciryo&ey."Igdv. decide3td appeal any deci3ion made by the Comml33ion with
The Monroe County Lantl Authority AMisory Committee will meet in the Click on Agendas&Minutes. respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing,
Marathon Gwemment Centerlodated at 2798 0,Ke,e Highway Media Room mat person will need a record of me proceedings,and that,for
—tat floor Marnthon,Floritla on N. bar 18,2022 beginning at 9:30 AM. Members of the Key West City Commission may be in uch purpose,that person may need to ensure mataverbatm
The Qgentla is available online atwww.monroecounty-flgov or by contacting attendance at this meeting.I[is the policy of me City of Key cord of me proceedings is made,which record includes the
III Monroe County LantlAuthority officeat305-2955180. West to complywithallrequiremen[s of the Americans with te30mony and evidence updnwhi,h the appeal is to be based.
ADA ASSISTANCE If you are a person with a disability rob needs special Disabilities Act(ADA). Please call the TTV number at 1-800-
modaOonsNod,tob"icipate in these b,c d,ngs,ple...ontat 955-8771 or for voice l-800-955-8]]0 or the ADA Coordinator
the C—CAdmin—tor's Offlcq by ph.,,g"'A 292-444i,be(ween(he at 305�09�811 at least five business days in advance for Cheryl Smith,MMC,GPM
haws ofk3o5oop m.,noI.,1henflve(5)calendar days s
pnorto Ne ign language interpreters a, ietee sten liing devices,o Gly Clerk
schedufedmeeWg,-ifyouare hearipq or uoiceimpaired,,calf"Jii". materials in acce33ible f—ate3 Poblish.Friday, 2022
Pursuant to the provieidna of Seatidn 129.06,Florida Statutee,notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held by the Board of County Commieeionere of Monroe County,Florida,do November
15,2022 at the hour of 11 00 A M.via a hybrid format with the meeting daauring live at the Harvey Government Cente51200 Truman Avenue,god FlooS Key West,FL 33040 and aKo via Commur-Dona
Media Technology("CMT")acing a Zoom Webioar platform for the purpose of receiving any admmente for the propoeed eupplemental Budget Amendment for the fieaal year beginning October 1,2022 and
ending September 30,2023 for the Key Weet International Airport,Fund 404.
Key west lour....l Airport Fund Cwevt Inc./(Dec.) Revised
Revenues: Budget Budget
AN PC 00033 Fed Grants Public Safety $147,552,81 $0,00 $147,552.81
404 PC00037 Fed Greats Truro Airport Dev $9,366,990.69 $0.00 IS,366,990.69
404-RC 00038 Fed Greats Truro Airport Dev Cep $20,603,806.00 $0.00 $20,603,806.00
404-PC_00039 Fed Greats Coarts CARES A. $1,881,584.00 $0.00 $1,881:514.00
4-RC 00057 St Greats Tmns Airport Dev Cep :5,521,51522 $0M $5,521,515.22
404-RC 00058 St Greats Tmns Airport Dev Op $122,053.39 $0,00 $122,053.39
404-PC_00160 Aah.,Routs $2,000000.00 $0,00 $2,000000.00
404-RC 00161 Passenger Facility Charges Airport $300000.00 $0,00 $300000.00
404-RC 001W Airport Parlang Lot $30,000,00 $0.00 $30,000,00
404-RC 00164 Olher Rents Key West Airport $1,700,000,00 $0M $1,700,000.00
404-RC 00166 Airline Landing Fees Key West Airport $3,000,000,00 $0.00 $3:000,000.00
404-RC 00168 Other Fees Key West Airport $3,200,000,00 $0.00 :3,200000.00
404-RC 00169 Airline Security $450,000.00 $0.00 $450000.00
404-RC 00170 Service Airport Parlang Credit Card $375,000.00 $0.00 $375,000,00
404-RC 00291 F.Parking Violations $250,00 $0,00 $250,00
404-PC_00299 Interest Earnings $25,000.00 $0.00 $25,000.00
404-RT 0025 Intd-d'D .. $311:095.00 $0.00 $391,095.00
404-RC 00396 Less 5% ($539,013.0, $0.00 '539,013,00)
404-RC 00397 Find Balance Forward $11,080194.00 $1,000,000.00 $12,080,194.00
Total $59,7a6,a28.61 $6a,7a6,(h8.61
404-CC 630015...... Key West Airport Op&Mvvt $6,164,530.00 $0.00 $6,164,530.00
404-CC 630025...... Key West AirportR&R $4,638,219.42 $0.00 $4,638,219.42
404-CC 631005...... Key West Airport Fla&Rescue $2,257,899.00 $0.00 :2,257,899.00
404-CC 63201 5...... Key West Airport Administration $1,802,161,00 $0.00 $1,802,968.00
404-CC 63200 5...... Key west Airport Security $3,530520.00 $0.00 :3:530520.00
4-CC 630210530*** EYW Extevd lkwy AProj Covst Ph 3' $4,183,2sC 00 $0.00 $4,183,253.00
404-CC 63 0215 53 0*** EYW Aprov Overflow Parlavg Covst3 $4,�24,98"I.00 $0.00 $4,�24,98"I.00
404-CC 63 0219 530... EYW Q�stoms Phase 3B--61 $1,955,305,00 $0.00 $1,955,305,00
404-CC 63 0222 53 0... MP—BTS F1nal Phase Const.37-71 $3,8�J,195.00 $0.00 $3,SJJ,115,00
4-CC 630223530... EYW Commerial Apron Covst.3712 $17,042,706.00 $0.00 $17,042,706,00
4-CC 630201530... Key West Airport Building&Security $1,071,601.86 $0,00 $1,021,601.86
4-CC 630203530... Key West Airport Plenving Sandy P1Q $622,05339 $0,00 $622,05339
404-CC 630204530... Key West Airport Aircraft Overflow $1,315:964.60 $0.00 $1,315,964,60
404 CC 630208530... Key West Airport Essennal Airport Eqr $1,250,216,00 $0.00 $1,250256.00
404-CC 630214 53 0... EYW Concessions Relief CRRSA Ad $106,585,00 $0.00 $]06:515.00
404-CC 63 021 6 53 0... EYw Temnal bar, men[,-555 :750000'00 $0.00 $J50000.00
404-CC 630193530... Key West Airport Bolding&Security $663,60892 $0,00 $663,60892
404-CC 63 019 6 53 0*** Key West Airport Airneldlmprovemev $305,94992 $0.00 $305,94992
404-CC 630202 53 0... Noe,finprovement Progmm(UP)Kea :259:60351 $0,00 $259,60351
404 CC 630209530... EYW Extend 1k AProj-Design Pha $199,117.18 $0.00 $199,117.11
404-CC 630194530... Key West Airport Terminal Building. $195,580.00 $0.00 $195,580.00
404-CC 630217 53 0... EYW Security Fence G2S84 $150,000,00 $0.00 $150000.00
4-CC 630218530... EYW Security lighting-G 5 $150,000,00 $0.00 $150000.00
4-CC 630206530... TSA Law Evfomzment Officer Grunt $14�,55281 $0,00 $147,552.81
404-CC 630220530... EYW ARPA Grant-61 $1,348,659.00 $0.00 $1,348:659.00
404 CC 630192 53 0... EYW H—ii,lAN EMAS $0.00 $1,000,000.00 $1,000000.00
404-CC 85536 590... Reserves 404 $88,234.00 $0.00 $88,234,00
404-CC 86505 590... Budgeted Id—f s404 1-2sP00 $0,00 $4TI,2S0.00
Total $59,7a6,a28.61 $1,000,OOand $6a,7a6,(h8.61
The public can watch the meeting on Mourne CounryHe MCTV Co maaet Channel 76,or AT&T UNerae Chad 99.Also,if a citizen hat a Roku device,they aau eearah for and add`A='to their personal
lineup.Monroe County',`A=ie aleo provided via the Monroe County mobile ap,for i0S and Android and through streaming web portal®bCde.//Mourne-fl.vod.,y Th.ty/vod/71ive=ahl&oar—live.
Cltizene oan listen to audio from their phonee by dialing(A6)518-9805 or(669)900 6833 and,when prompted,enter the Webioar ID#850 5999 3999 followed by the#key.The publio oan also watoh the
tlng online by vieiring the Co—ye meeting portal at.htto'.// m2.'0cbCl A,rieDefault.aeox to view KID,live alo,,db prloning on an integrated page that includes the Agenda/Agenda
If a person wishes to comment on a particular item on the agenda,when the MD,,calls for speakers on the item on which you wish to comment.
a)If phoning in.Dial*9 to"raiee your hand"to be recognized by the Zoom webinar monitor;
b)If watching the Zoom Webioar link.hurt//maboaa.zoom.0 s/j/85059993999
When prompted,enter your email address and name to join the webinar and to speak on an item select the"Raised Hand"feature that appears at the bottom of the Zoom webinar screen to be r,,ogr.,d by
the Zoom webinar host.The live Zoom Web roar link also appears in the published Agenda and Agenda Pack,.
ADA ASSISTANCE:If you are a person with a db.bitity who seeds special accommodations in oc&r to participate I.ties meetiug,ph secoutaci the County AdedubtratorN Ofi'rce,by phoning(30 292-4441,
between the boors of 8:30 a.m.—5:00 Pan prior to th—vloeluled meeting;if you are bearing or voice hicalf"Ill".Live Closed Captiouiug is availabh,I.our web portal a cowtye.famzcoaa it4_jL faultasux