04/08/1998 By ~LT9- J~~~ \~~ \ , . 'J~, . . -Witness. .. . ~~~~ Wit es RENEWAL AGREEMENT (Mass Disposal of Animal Carcasses) This renewal agreement is made and entered into this ~ft\ day of .Ai ('\ I ,1998, between the COUNTY OF MONROE (County) and ANIMAL DISPOSAL & PRIVATE CREMATIONS (ADP~X1 order to renew that certain agreement entered into on February 19, 1997, as follows: 1. In accordance with Section X - Renewal, this agreement is hereby renewed for one additional year. 2. Section I - Scope of Work is hereby amended as follows: On or about April 1, 1998, service to the Key Largo Animal Shelter, 105951 US 1, Key Largo, Florida 33037, will no longer be required; however, County will notify ADft'n writing as to the exact date services will be terminated at this location. ..,Q.'. ~ ::t. 0 CP ~ Section XIV - PAYMENT, is amended to read as follows: 0 y '!O 0 ~~~ '?-' ~ "XIV. PAYMENT. ~1:-'~ '~ ~ g~'-;:c. '"'" ~ Payment by the County to ADPetor the performance of said service shall ~r1f.ide~ a~r month in arrears basis on or before the 15th day of the following month Ill-~ (j'(.'twe1ie (12) months, and shall be a rate of five dollars ninety-two cents ($5.92) p~c~s~CTlre aforementioned charge does not apply to very large animals such as hol',Jes and cows). Pigs and goats shall be at a rate of seven dollars sixty-four cents ($7.64) per carcass. The total dollar value of this contract shall not exceed eighteen thousand dollars ($18,000.00) per year." 3. 4. The term of this amended agreement shall commence on March 12, 1998, and terminate on March 11, 1999. 5. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONRO UNTY, FLORIDA ~- By , ANIMAL DISPOSAL & PRIVATE CREMATIONS ~~ .- > ".,K- ~ Title ,.' ----.. .~ Seitlin 1& Company P. O. Box 025220 Miami, Fl 33102-6220 ~-~~ nus CERTlnCATE IS ISlUID AS A MA'lTER or INfORMATION ONLY AND CONl'ltRS NO R1CHI'S UPON THE C1tRTmCATE HOLDER. TIDS CItRTInCATE DOltS NOT AMIlND, ItXI'ZND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE rUIORDID BY THE W DATE (MNJI)DIYY) 04/15198 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE Pet Heaven Memorial Park Att: Candy Santo. 10901 West Flagler Street Miami, Fl 33174 J COMPANY A COMPANY B Twin City Fire Ins Co BY Hartford Fire Ins Co INSUIUID COMPANY c COMPANY D TlD8IS TO CBIlTII'YTllAT TllSI'OUCD8 or ~ LIlft'IlD BIlLOW HAVE BUN ISlUID TO THB IN8U1UlD NAMRD AIIOVE I'OR THE POUCY PERIOD INDICATED..NCnWmISt'ANDING ANY UQUmDIIlNI'. TUM ORooNDmON or ANY COI'tl'llACl' OR OTIIItR DOCUMENI' wrrH RIl8ncrTO WlUCKT1D8 C1tIlTU1CATE MAY BE lS8um OR MAY I'BJrI'AIN...... DlIlJRAI'lCIt AITORDID BYTdC POLlOIlS DItSClUBID IDUIN IS BUBIBCI'TO ALL THE TDMS, EXCLllSlONl AND CONDmONl or BUCH POLIaJIlL LDUI'8 BROWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDucm BY PAID CLAIMS. CO LTR TYPE or IN8U1lANCB POLICY NUMBER POLICY EIT. POLICY UP. ATE (MMIDDIYY) DATE (MMIDDIYY) UMm AuroMOIIILB LIABIUIY A ANY Avro ALL OWNED Al1I'08 GENBRAL LIABILITY 00101. GaiDAL LIABILITY a.ADllltoIAU [iJ OCCUR 0'WNEll'8.. 00NI1tACI"8 PROT 21UUCKI3382 1/23/98 1/23199 GENERAL AGGREGATE PItODCOM'IO. ACe:. PIUlL .. ADV. INJURY IlACK 0CCllIUlBNCB mtE DAMACEIOne tlrel MID RXP(AIIJ _,..-1 COMBINIlD BINGLE UMrr A 21 UUCKI3382 1/23198 1/23199 500000 BODILY INJURY (Pw ,..-1 TRUE ORIGINAL " I ~ I 'SIGNATURE OF DAMAGE Y-EA AccmUR' OTIIItR THAN Avro ONLY, @f.m,wttt:f'{/')'{ IlACK AccmllHl' AGGREGATE IlACK OCCURRENCE AGGREGATE A 21WECDR2331 1/23/98 1/23199 "'ATI1I'ORYUMm EACK ACClDENI' DISIlASIW'OLICY UMrr DISIlASWACH EMPL. THE PROPRIETORI 'AKI'NIlIlll/EDCl1flVE OmCBRS AU: amBIl INCL aa. . .' DDClUPnON or OPBllATlOfiBILOCATlONIIVBIIIa.IIIIIII'BC2AL rrBMS CERTIFICATE HOLDER IS ADDmONAL INSURED AS PER FORM HC2600(10/93) AS RESPECTS BUS.AUTO 1& GENERAL UABlUTY COVERAGE. NAMED INSURED CONTINUE: 1& PRIVATE CREMATION : n@@ftftt'rrrrt]lr'GANCtiXinONmrt:~:t~t@ft:U:Mlft;%Kl;t;ttt]~ltt:WWU:M%WNUmm:~tr~t:~::t:t:,~,:,: SHOULD ANY orTHB AllOW DDClUBID POLIClBB BIl CANCIlLLID BIlFORIl THIl EXPIRATION DATE THIlREOr, THB 1SIl1llNG COMPANY WILL ItNDKA VOR TO MAIL 30 DAYS WRIT1'EN NarJCB TO TIlE CBRTlnCATE HOLDER NAMID TO THIl LEn, Bur FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NarJCB SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR L1ABILrrY OF ANY KIND UPON TIlE COMPANY. n'S ACIlNI'S OR REPRIlSEHI'ATIVIlS. AUMIORlZIlD REPRBSUR'ATIVB MONROE COUNTY, ANIMAL CONTROL DEPT., PUBUC WORKS DIVISION 5230 COLLEGE ROAD KEY WEST. Fl. 33040 c -If ~~_. ,1 ) MAOO1tD:25~S':~