Resolution 391A-1998 RESOLUTION NO. 391A-1998 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA AMENDING FUND 153, LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE TRUST FUND BUDGET, FY'98-'99, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STATE'S REVISED ALLOCATION FUNDING, FUND BALANCE FORWARD AND ADMINISTRATION REVENUE FROM EARNED PROGRAM INCOME WHEREAS, the BOCC per Resolution 151-1998 has previously approved the local three-year SHIP Plan for FY 1998-1999, FY 1999-2000, and FY 2000-2001 authorizing additional administration revenue in the amount of five percent (5%) from collected Program Income; and WHEREAS, the Florida Housing Finance Corporation has also approved Monroe County's three-year SHIP Plan: and WHEREAS, the Florida Housing Finance Corporation has revised Monroe County's Annual Funding Allocation for the state's Fiscal Year 1998-1999. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COJJ1M~SI~ER8 OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA HEREBY APPROVES THE FOLLOWING CHAN~EStrO tGtE ~ PROPOSED BUDGET (FY: '98-'99) FUND 153, SHIP PROGRAM: 0 ~ S~ ~ C) rrJ --, .):'" r- ' ." Section 1. Revenue Detail Bv Fund ~:':.".. .. g Intergovernmental Revenue (FY '98-'99) Delete Add ~:-0 f2 ~ :;0 335500 State Shared-Econ Env-Ship $554,032 $536,912 ~~i: ~ ~ Other Sources (FY '98-'99) r C> en C> 389001 Less 5% Florida Statute $ -27,702 $ -26,846 ?> rT1 \D ~ 389002 Fund Balance Forward $330.702 $447.822 Total Fund 153 Projected Revenues $857,032 $957,888 Section 2. Budget Detail Cost Center Cost Center Name Account# 01006 HIO D. PymtlRehab 530493 01006 HIO D. PymtlRehab 530492 01006 HIO D. PymtlRehab 530490 01008 HIO FairHsg Counsel 530492 01011 Administration 530340 01012 Rental Rehab 530490 01102 Special NeedsRental 530488 85528 Reserves 590991 Reserves 590990 . ..Ab j2J' . . > . O-~. PPTED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a ",i_::...~.1 said Board held on the 17th day of September ,,7:/ BOARD OF CO (SEAL) -. .' ATTEST ~ ~./..d)A ~h.~. Danny Kohlage, lerk the Court Acct. Name HIO Emerg. RepairlRehab HIO 1st Time Homebuyer Cesspool Replacement Shelter Other Contractual Services Rental Rehabilitation Special Needs Cash Balance Other Uses Total Fund 153 Budget Rae Base Delete 44,100 244,100 322,150 19,732 56,250 81,600 39,200 25,000 25 000 857,032 Add 74,100 244,100 387,190 24,000 57,698 81,600 39,200 25,000 25 000 957,888 By: Reviewed f?/Rb~~IA~",~i~y ~~~ .. , /l~ A;l1TTON DAF 9/ fJ J Mayor London Mayor Pro Tern Harvey Commissioner Douglass Commissioner Freeman Commissioner Reich ~ . ....-. ~ Yes Yes Yes Yes Monroe County State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SI-llP) Program Budget Revenues SIDP State Funds Rollover 97-98 Interest Recoveries/Payoffs TOTAL REVENUES Expenditures Cesspool Replacement First Time Homebuyers Emergency Repairs Special Needs Housing Rental Construction F air Housing/Counseling Administration Reserve (State, 5%) Reserve, Contingency Reserve, Cash TOTAL EXPENDITURES FY 1998-1999 Fund 153 $554,032 $332,167 $ 0 $ 0 $322,150 $244,000 $44,100 $39,200 $81,600 $19,732 $57,715 $27,702 $25,000 $25,000 $886,199 $886,199 '\' '; - wO> oq l.L.CO l.L.0> O~a. en -- ~I-I ~~en (90~ 0:J~ c::::aJ-c a.OC .-Jwtt <(en -0 oa. wo a.c:::: en a. .. Q C) "C :l m OOOOONLONO LOOOOOM.....OO ..... 0 ..... N.. ~ "'. "'. "'_ O. N- ~- ~. 0) ..... 0) '" I'- 0 N~~MCO.....LONLO MN ~~~~~~~~~~ tn Q) :l C Q > Q 0:: OOOOONO' OOOOOMO OO.....N(O"'~ o -<i ~- 0)- .....- ci LO- CO~~MCO LO ..... ..... ~~~~~~~~~~ ... Q) > .2 o 0:: 00' LOO .....0 NO ~o ..... ..... 'OLONOO 0.....000 OMI'-OO o N- ,.....- It'i LO- ..... NNN ~~~~~~~~~~ ~ .. c (.J (0(0(0 NNco.....cocoCO 000.......... O.....NN N oOOOOOOLOLOLO ~""T""'''''T''''',....,...lt)tOl.O COCO CO .. tn o (.J ~ .. C :l o U u <C ONMCOONO.....O..... o)OlO)COO)O)~OOlO) ~~~~~~MOO)O) 00000000)00 MMMMMMMCOO)O) LOIOLOIOLOLOLOMLOLO J:J:J:a::a::<<ooo >0, Cl Q) .. C'Il ... .. tn 'E III <Il .... 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CXJ~ ~ .!!.! ~ c: ;:::: oE "0"0 <Il< "0 .... ~.2 E"O lU ~ a oiij Ui~ III oE ~ .cLO :J III - N o '" ",- N - It) CD ~ ~ C M ~ ~ co N LO 10 co ..... o o 0) co M o III <Il ~ <Il III <Il a:: III III <Il ...J ci o <IlC") .g>ci :IN .c'O ro- 05 ~ '~B o U ~ III ..10 WCl) bOJ ~~ co 0) -- I'- ...... -- '" .. Q) Cl "C :l lD C'Il .. o I- .t Revenue Detail by Fund FWld: 153 . LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE TR UST FUND T entadve 99 INO(DEC) "I. Chance Adopted 98 INTER GOVERNMENT At REVENUE 335500 ST SHARED-ECON ENV-SHIP 554,032 39,296 7.6% 514,736 To~1 INTERGOVERNMENT At REVENUE: 554.032 39,296 7.6'~ 514.736 MISC. REVENUES 361005 INTEREST EARNINGS 0 0 nla 0 369001 MISCEllANEOUS REVENUE 0 0 nla 0 369015 MISC- SHIP MTG SAT 0 0 nla 0 Total MISC. REVENUES: 0 0 n1a 0 OTHER SOURCES 389001 LESS 5% FL STATUTE -27,702 (1,965) 7.6% -25,737 389002 FUND BALANCE FORWARD 330,702 104,163 40.0% 226,539 Total OTHER SOURCES: 303,000 102.198 50.9'~ 200.802 Total Fund 153 : 857,032 141.494 19.8'10 715.538 :"'J: 54 " , ^. ! CIl 01 ;0 - - ..... .iij ; o 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 00 q q q q q 00 0 00 0 0 0 N 0 00 0 00 . 0 0 10 M 100 0 00 . - 0 .- ..... Nil) N 00 .. .Q .,. .,. NOl ID- Ol lOan 0 .,. .,.N .- IOCIl M NN . NM a: II' 0 ii III III > III w w a:.., III Ul WUl Z Z UlZ . w .., .J"'~ E ll. ll. <(ll. .. !5 X X ::)XIII Z w .., ~ "'1 ( -<( III Ul OUl Cll. ::) ::) <( ::) - .., :::I w 0 0 a:: 0 0 8 a: w W ~ W.. ZIIl 00 Z Z OZ <(W <l(a: a:j a:j .Jill W oj <(::) :E W -J W-J a::.J ilia:: ~W ~W W.., W -JO -JO IO Iw 0 Will wUl ~!!! UlI J: I- I- <(~ 1Il:E Ul:E 0:E0 00 "" EM NO NO 00 -0 :::I 01 0101 0101 .,.Ill III III o .,. .,..,. .,..,. S ~ ~Ig: III 80 00 00 0 <l(M M MM MM l"IM III III 10 10 1010 1010 1010 1010 " III III III -J <( <I( <I( W M l"I I I :r III . W W W Z 10 10 E a: a: a: ::) ... .... MM 1010 .. ~ ~ ~ 0 Z Z - ... z :E :E :E 0 0 0 111111 .. ~ ~ . >- >- >- 0 <(<( E ll. ll. ll. III c( c( II .. Z Z Z I a:: a: ww 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a:: a:: a: III Ul .J.J - 0 0 0 ;( Z Z . c(c( 0 0 0 0 u.. ~ ~ ~~ UlUl 0 0 0 0 0 ZZ ww J: J: J: J: 0 0 ww >> c( c( a:: a:: a:: a:: ll. ll. ll. ll. ll. ll. ll.ll. ww r z z r I I II IIlUl w.., III III III Ul Ul Ul UlUl a:: a:: E II 0 II) ID co CIl ... ... N N CXICX1 - 0 0 0 0 ... ... ... ... C'lC'l . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 III 0 - - - ... ... ... ... III III 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CXICX1 - ~ C M M MM M l"I M l"I C"lM :::I It) It) III It) III III III III III III u.. - - - ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ; Cl "C :::I III '\ \- ~ J :I l" . J I. \ .. \ ;\ Cl .J .. ll. 'j . LJ'\ \. \ J . FlORIDA HOUSING FlNANCE CORPORATION U\\TO:o.l CtuLES Governor CLARK BENNETT Chairman RICHARD MARTIN Vice Chairman BOARD OF DIRECTORS Sn;p!L-""IE BALD\'l:-l VICTORL\ HERNANDEZ EDWARD LEE. JR. CHARLES H. LVOECKER Cw. H. I\l\u:s WILLL\.'I J. RA,\ISEY h\IES F. MURLEY Ex Officio SlSA" J. LEIGII Chief Executive Officer ~\:S C~,' August 24, 1998 RECEIVED AUG 271998 ~ BY: MEMORANDUM TO: Local SHIP Administrators FROM: Stephen J. Bennett, Administrator~ State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program SUBJECT: Fiscal Year 1998-99 Allocations ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enclosed for your information and planning purposes is a chart that reflects the most recent update of the calculation of the local housing distribution for the State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program, pursuant to Section 420.9073, Florida Statutes, for state fiscal year 1998-1999. The chart reflects a budgeted appropriation of $90,090,000. The original allocation request for $92.9 million dollars was not realized and I apologize for the inconvenience that this revision may cause you. Please forward a copy of the new allocation break down to your local finance departments. Counties encompassing new entitlement cities will experience a decrease over last fiscal year's appropriation. I hope this information is helpful to you. Please do not hesitate to call me, or the Finance Department, at (850) 488-4197, if we can be of assistance. SJB/ Attachment 227 North Bronough Street, Suite 5000, Tallahassee, Florida 32301-1329, 850-488-4197 Fax: 850-488-9809 I COUNTYI i COSG CmES -tVlARION Ocala $ TOTAL ALLOCA TION 1,4S-r,-515.00 MARTIN 723,835.00 MONROE NASSAU OKALOOSA : Ft. Walton Bch. 536,912.00 ' 359,002.00 1,052,642.00 iOKEECHOBEE , ORANGE Orlando 350,000.00 4,849,687.00 , OSCEOLA 894,995.00 PALM BEACH Boca Raton Boynton Beach Delray Beach West Palm Beach 6,043,300.00 PASCO -PINELLAS'--- Clearwater Largo St. Petersburg POLK----- . Lakeland Winter Haven 1,924,205.00 5,363,167.00 2,780,005.00 PUTNAM 453,582.00 663,026.00 ST. JOHNS ST. LUCIE Ft. Pierce Port St. Lucie 1,104,439.00 COUNTY SHARE! I CITY SHARE i f,18-S,214.o-tJ 267,301.00 ----- ---72~JfO 536,912.00 : 359,002.00 ' 916,956.00 135,686.00 350,000.00 3,785,181.00 1,064,506.00 894,995.00 4,517,367.00 ' 412,153.00 314,856.00 318,482.00 480,442.00 1,924,205.00 .2.863,93{OO 630,708.00 410,819.00 ' 1,457,709.00 2,168,682.00 455,921.00 155,402.00 . 453:582.00 663,026.00 392,518.00 231,159.00 480,762.00 .SANTA-ROSA--- ------ ------'-645~012~b-6---..-- .'. -----645,012.-00 SARASOTA Sarasota 1,890,422,00 SEMINOIE---- 2,052,575.00 350,000.00 SUMTER SUWANNEE -TAYLOR- 350,000.00 350,000.00 1,578,502.00 311,920.00 '2,052,575.00 350.600.00- 350,000.00 - u.35d~d6o.oo- HENDRY HERNANDO HIGHLANDS HILLSBOROUGH Tampa HOLMES INDIAN RIVER JACKSON JEFFERSON LAFAYETTE LAKE LEE Cape Coral Fl Myers LEON Tallahassee 350,000.00 778,954.00 519,256.00 5,748,043.00 350,000.00 669,971.00 354,633.00 350,000.00 350,000.00 1,173,144.00 2,434,542.00 1,418,929.00 LEVY UBERTY MADISON MANATEE Bradenton 350,000.00 350,000.00 350,000.00 1,513,999.00 MARION OcaJa MARTIN MONROE NASSAU OKALOOSA Fl. Walton Bch. OKEECHOBEE ORANGE Orlando 1,462,986.00 744,171.00 554,032.00 359,267.00 1,066,478.00 350,000.00 I 4,913,288.00 OSCEOLA PALM BEACH Boca Raton I Boynton Beach IDelray Beach !West Palm Beach , ,PASCO iPINELLAS :Clearwater . Largo !St. Petersburg ,POLK : Lakeland !Winter Haven 904,166.00 6,193,240.00 1,973,109.00 i 5.564,861.00 ! i I 2,868,149.00 i I 'PUTNAM , 470,559.00 I I 687,655.00 ! 1ST. JOHNS 350,000.00 778,954.00 519,256.00 3,921,890.00 1,826,153.00 350,000.00 669,971.00 354,633.00 350,000.00 350,000.00 1,173,144.00 1,584,644.00 556,049.00 293,849.00 529,828.00 889,101.00 350,000.00 350,000.00 350,000.00 1,206,809.00 307,190.00 1,186,482.00 276,504.00 744,171.00 554,032.<X?: 359,267.00 924,316.00 142,162.00 350,000.00 3,819,590.00 1,093,698.00 904,166.00 4,622,014.00 427,334.00 321,429.00 328,242.00 I 494,221.00 I 1,973,109.00 j 2,970,523.00 I 643,298.00 ! 427,938.00 , 1,523,102.00 f I 2,228,838.00 i 477,834.00 I 161,4n.OO, 470,559.00 i I 667,655.00. = "---. - -----------. 1IflM.. SPECIAL PROGRAMS OFFICE c/o Key West/Monroe Co. Housing Authorities 1403 12th Street Key West, Florida 33040 (305) 292-1221 FAX (305) 292-1162 September 8, 1998 Hand Delivered Mr. James Roberts, County Administrator Monroe County, Florida Stock Island Government Center Key West, Florida 33040 Subject: September 8, 1998, Agenda Deadline September 17,1998, County Commission Meeting Budget Public Hearings, Fund 153 State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Trust Fund Dear Mr. Roberts: Attached please find a budget revision reference Fund 153, SHIP Trust Fund, based on the recent notification (August 27, 1998), by the Florida Housing Finance Corporation of a reduced funding level for FY '98-'99. Fortunately, unanticipated revenues (program income) from loan payoffs have made the anticipated rollover funds equal to the loss state SHIP allocations. The administration budgeted line item has been changed to reflect the decrease in the state funding aflocation and the increase in program income (fund interest payments and loan payoffs received). Enclosed for your records, please find one master copy of the Monroe County's State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program's Annual Reports, forwarded as of this date, to the Florida Housing Finance Corporation for: State Fiscal Year '96-'97 (July 1, 1996-June 30, 1997 ) Administratively closed out as of June 3D, 1998 (One year prior to the required close out date of June 3D, 1999) State Fiscal Year '97 -'98 (July 1, 1997 -July 30, 1998) Administratively open through June 3D, 1999 I have attached condensed annual reports with the 1998-1999 budget revision resolution to be avaHable to the County Commission for their September 17th public hearing as it pertains to Fund 153, SHIP Trust Fund Budget. Expenditures under FY '97-'98 have been slowed for the following primary reasons: 1. DCA postponed the CDBG application cycle from March 31, 1998 until June 30, 1998. "dedicated to the quality of life through housing and community initiatives. Housing application originally scheduled for May is now scheduled for September 15, 1998. The $75,000 in SHIP matching funds cannot be spent until after site visit. 2. Cesspool Replacement Program expenditures are significantly behind the initial implementation schedule. This delay is due to a number of external and internal factors. External: *Practical elimination of bore hole concept as a practical option. *Inspection data delays. *Continued inquiries as to when other options will be available to the home owner. ( Package plants, central system, advanced individual systems, county enforcement). Internal: *Requirement to process and expend $1,000,000 ( January 1998 till September 1998) in HOME Disaster Relief funds on first time home buyer opportunities only for low income households since January 1998. We have only one staff person budgeted for the application and field work coordination. I am currently able to report that the October through December time frame will see an accelerated implementation and expenditure rate of cesspool replacements and by March we will be back to our original completion schedule. The SHIP program has primarily furnished a First Time Home Buyer strategy alternative to our HOME program for the moderate income households. The program has enjoyed success as the only available funding for moderate income residents in a most difficult of real estate markets 'Nith an ever increasing sales price, significantly affected by the County's Rate of Growth Ordinance and cesspool credit requirement. In '96-'97 we were able to place 28 moderate income famHies in first-time homeowners hip opportunities. Effective July 1, 1998, the SHIP funding received will require Monroe County to expend a minimum of 30% of the annual SHIP funding for very low income households and an additional 30% of the funding on low income households. The county must continue to expend 75% of the annual funds for construction and 65% for home ownership eligible strategies. The moderate income client base participation will diminish dramatically as will the number of clients participating in the first time homeownership strategy. This comes at a time when HOME home ownership funds are no longer available in Monroe County. Our allocation of over $2.5 million has been completely expended with the last four closings scheduled for September 15, 1998. The SHIP Program remains an administratively intensive program over the 120 miles of our County and along with state's program requirements' matrix. If our office may be on any immediate further assistance in this request, please directly contact Rick Casey, SHIP Coordinator, at 292-1221. I will be the annual Florida Housing Finance Corporation Annual conference until September 11 tho I will be available to attend the soce public hearing on September 17th. Sincerely, cc: Board of County Commissioners Richard Casey, Jr., SHIP Programs Coordinator Jennifer Hill, OMB, Monroe County Sandee Carlile, Finance Director, Monroe County For.m 1: SHIP DI~TR'BUT'ON SU~ 'MARY . Sub mittel Date: ArCcSI 24, 1998 Us~ ~(c::::.::::(/on .".creg,es - sat'r'!" order 0.': all Forms. (rC,"" the beginn,,-;; of the allocction penoe rhrc:.:,;.'i June 30th, twenf\'-four mcnt!.,s following the end of the St:::ta fisc:::! year. 5<'::: tien ':::0. 9C75(9)(b), F.S.. NAME OF LOCAL ENTITY: FLORIDA HOUSING FiNANCE AGENCY - SHIP PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT for State Fiscal Year: July 1, 1996-June 30, 1997 FY '96-'97 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA TABLE A- " SHIP FUNDS SHIP FUNDS UNENCUMBERED STRA TEGY EXPENDED ENCUMBERED SHIP FUNDS DESCRIPTION A B C I I Proposed I Proposed S Amount Units S Amount Units S Amount Units 1 HOME mmERSHIP I 2 1) Down Payment, Existing/Reh 375,576 28 n/a I n/a 3 2) Down pavment New 16 044 I 1 n/a n/a 4 '>.) Dano;.. hO O~ 1 11 n/o n/" 5 4) Loan Guarantee -0- I 0 n/a n/a 6 5) Home Ownershio Counseling see below n/a n/a 7 REN'T'n 8 1) Rental Rehabilitation 41,042 62 n/a n/a Subtotal. 473.613 I 103 n/a I n/a I Home Ownershic Counselina 17 171 I n/a I n/a , Admin. from prooram Income -0- I n/o I n/o I Administration 52,960 I n/a I n/a I TOTAL 543 744 I 103 n/a I n/a I . This figure must equal the amount for 'SHIP Funds Expended" on Form 2, Table 8. r TABLE B: Total Revenue (actual and/or antle/Dated) for Local SHIP Trust Fund A B -C Amount Percentage Source of SHIP Funds of Funds of Funds State Annual Distribution 529 604 97.4% Program Income 14,140 2.6% Recaptured Funds -0- Other Funds -0- Carry over funds from previous year -0- Total Funds Deposited into Local 543,744 100'7, Affordable Housina Trust Fund' TABLE C- Enter Total 55 from Table A, Columns A, B, & C: 543 744 '''Enter amount to be carried forward to next year: -0- TOTAL 543,744 .. Must equal Total from Form I, Table b, Col. 8, ... Carry fONlard is used only in a close-out year when the amount of funds remaining are not enough to fully assist one unit, The unit assisted is counted in the next fiscal year, SHIP AR/97-1 EPRM :,,:' /\.ec;s CI1C I...CII1L.lIu1,,-e .JU', :lllu''f SubmllfOlOat.: AUGUST 24 1998 -s.)ctlon 4."0. ~'", e:, 1)). (c) F.S.: LJsf production srrcteg.ss", saine order on aU tom and only tor uMs for whell prog:am tuncc f1OW1.b6M1exps.' FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION - SHIP PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT I Y cr. July 1, 1996 to Ncme ot local Entity. _..For State Asca e . June 30, 1997 . MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA : . FY '96-'97 ,able A: Rental Unit Information Elf. (1/ renn vary tor the JanIe unit, en'. .. amount) I Bed I 2 Bed 3 Bed ABed 1 064 1 266 6.2% 56.6% "0 100% /lance Summ B SHIP Funds - Home Ownershl c "I. ot Distrib. 79.6% 75.2"'. /Construcflon/Rehab Fl Slalute Minimum "I. 65'1. 75"1. 4 CoItmn 8/ Column C Total ~ 0/ Units 66% 6% 100% (2) ProQram Compliance by Funds EXPended (If Applicable) A B C ". ot T olel Trust Fund Income Cateqory SHIP $ ExpendedlBudaeled Annual Distribution Distribution Very-Low Income nfa Low Income n/a Moderate Income n,a TOTAL n/a 7/IJSt Fund Oistnbution. squall Alocation .. Recaptured Funds .. Progwn Income.. Cony Ov.., Funds. Vallllt at _1>0< 04 Income Category MOIlV09... M~ Very-Low Income low Income Moderate Income TOTAL Table F: Allowable Administration Set Aside trom Pr TolalAmountot "5'. "'0"1. Pro rom Income Maximum Maximum o n a n a Countfes and EliQ/b/Q Municipalities which rec8Ne mote than Ihe mnirrlJlndislnbullon. .. Counlles and EIiQIb/Q MUfllcipalilies which receive Ihe mnitrom dislnbullon or less, SHIP AR/97-1 ram Income Total Program Income Allowed tor Administration n a >- .-I~ (.:J U 0 Zl-'::-~ - wO::::lO (!)O"Z <0.. w . w 0:: ~ U -I 0 Z < Q) <=>>-L.I.I ZZ- - Z 0 u.. 0 (!) < .~ 0 Z~~ v;<- => 0:: 0 O(!)v; ::I: 0 0 <0::_ co.. - 0.. 0::- o::I: -1(1) u.. . ~ i: :2 0 .. 0 "tl~- CII .. CII" ~ Z::l . ~:u..-~ !! - O.l. - C U ~ ~ ~ 8." f-- .E '" ~ . ] E :; ~ 4: ~ . - ::J 0 ~ on _ ;..,-:",~ .~ ' . . , . CERTIFICATION MJiRE <IlNlY'S .N>NJAL ffiIP RERRI' KR FY' 96-' 97 On behalf of Mm"'F mNTV , I hereby state that the information presented (NAME OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT) herein is true and accurate as of the date of submission. Date . "\Vitness Date RXEt HWN, ffi[p All1INIS1RA1CR (Type) Name and Title Witness or ..d: ~ - ,'\1''''''''11/1 Dat.e-...7~ftr -= Attest (Seal) s-,~~~\()tte Leo~;"'I~J ~""" t'"'~......... '-/"0' '...f. ~'''....'''ISSIONf-:... ~ ~ . _~,,",r .,.-..0...., ~ l",,<J" ~\\.20.<00 ~.. ~ := :~~ ~ffl~ 'i ;;*: .... .*: %a\ ICC715376 :~~ ~-;..\.. ~ ...~~ ." ~ .~. J:. 80rrded \\'I~ ~". <::i;::: ;;, :S!=~. I .~. ~i" ,.~'" ........:.c. ~ .".'" ~'" lie. 51 ~\ \0 :\",,, "'''''IIII\\'\\~ GENERAL INFORMATION Name of Person to call regarding the Annual Report Form: RXEt HW.N Telephone Nlli'1lber: ~ 292-1221 SHIP AR/94-1 Da te 8/24/98 Date 8/21+/98 ~ ~orm 1: Sri!::: D'SjK~EUTION SUMMARY Submlttcl D:;le: '\l';0ST 24, 1998 List ~roC:uction srroregles in SorTie coer on ef! Ferrr.:;. trem the beginning of the alloceticn penoe rtlrough June 30th, Iwenl}'-faur months folloWIng the end of t;e Stete fiscal year. Sectien J::J.9075(9)(b). F.S.. flORIDA HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY - SHIP PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT for State Fiscal Year: July 1, 1997-June 30, 1998 FY '-'98 NAME OF LOCAL ENT1TY: HONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA TABLE A- SHIP FUNDS SHIP FUNDS UNENCUMBERED STRA TEGY EXPENDED ENCUMBERED SHIP FUNDS DESCRIPTION A B C I I Proposed I Proposed S Amount Units $ Amount Units $ Amount Units 1 HOME OWNERSHIP 2 ) Down Payment, Existing,Rehab 65,102 I 4 300,184 25 n/a 3 2) Down PavrnenL New -0- I 0 -0- 0 n/a 4 I) n ,~~; ~ -11- I n , nn nnn ')" n /.~ I 5 ~) Loan Guarantee -0- 0 -0- 0 n/a 6 Is) Home Ownershio Counseling see below n/a n/a n/a 7 RENTAL STRATEGY 8 1) Rental Rehabilitation -0- 0 35,966 22 n/a Subtotal. 65.102 I 4 436,150 I 67 n/a I Home Ownershio CounselinQ 11 817 I. 13 163 n/a I Admin. from Proaram Income _11_ I 1 71'.1 I n/", I Administration 24,298 27,150 , n/a TOTAL 101 237 I 4 479.724 I 67 n/a . This figure must equal the amount for 'SHIP Funds Expended' on Form 2. Table B. r TABLE B: Total Revenue (actual and/or anflcioated) for Local SHIP Trust Fund A B C Amount Percentage Source of SHIP Funds of Funds of Funds State Annual Distribution 514 736 89% Proaram Income 1'.1'. "')0:; 11~ Recaptured Funds -0- 0 Other Funds -0- 0 Carry over funds from previous year -0- 0 Total Funds Deposited into Local 580,961 100% Affordable Housina Trust Fund' TABLE C- Enter Total 55 from Table A, Columns A. B. & C: 580.961 "'Enter amount to be carried forward to next vear: n/a TOTAL 580,961 .. Must equal Total from Form 1. Table b. Col. B. ... Corry for-vard is used only in 0 close-out year when the amount of funds remaining ore not enough to fully assist one unit. The unit assisted is counted in the next fiscal year. SHIP AR/97-1 "FORM 2. Rents and Compliance Summary SubmitfalDale: AUGUST 24, 19"6 SectIOn 4.'"'O.9075(8)(b). (c) F.S.: List productIOn strot&g19S In soms ordsr on all torm. and ono/ tor untls tor whieh program funds have. bfHIn sllp8t ".~ '~\ FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION. SHIP PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT _..For State Fiscal Yeer: ~~~~ ~o, li:~~ Name ot Local Entily: MONROE COUNTY, I : , IT '97-98 ,able A: Rental Unit IntormCJtlon FLORIDA (1f ,.nrs vary for th. .."". unit, ."tflr EN. I Bed 2 Bed .ft amount) 3 Bed 4 Bed 643 690 82% 7% lIance Summa B SHIP Funds 465,286 - Home Ownershi C % of Oi$trib. 92% /Constructlon/Rehab R Statute Minimum % 65% 75% Column 8/ Column C Total" 01 Units 3 t(, (2) Program Compnance bV Funds Expended (It Applicable) A B C % ofT otal Trust Fund Income Category SHIP $ ExpendedlBudaeted Annual Olstribullon Distribution Very-low Income law Income n/a n/a Moderete Income TOTAL "Trust Fund DrstnbutlOn 9qfJOlJ Allocation .. Rsccptur8d Funds + Progam Incoms + Ccny Ovsr Funds. Table E: ProJect Fundlnc V~at Numb<< at Income Category MOffgag... MCl<!9GQ." Value 01 Number 01 loan. A OPlJ loam A OPlJ GIants Glenls Very-low Income 0 low Income 0 Moderete Income b),LVZ 4 TOTAL 65 102 4 0 0 T bl F All bl Administration S t A.d f P a e owa e e 51 e rom roqram ncome I Total Amount ot "5'. .. I 0'. Totel Program Income Proqrem Income Maximum Maximum Allowed tor Administrallon 66 225 5% . 3 261 - Coun~s and Eligible MunlCipajtlss ...hiCll rSCSNe fTrJrs than fils fT"InltT'lJlTl drstnbution. .. Counties and Eligible MunlCi(xJ1iII8s "'hieh rSCeNe 'he mnirrom C1istnbution or Isss. SHIP AR/97-1 00 a- a- ~< o ~H 0>>:: <""10 aJ.....l C~ ;:l ...., ~ ~~ a-Z a-;::J ~O > u U ~~ z ~ ;.,~ w 0:: .....Z ~ 0 ~~ <3:; w 0:: -..: U.... 0 z < Q) <:::>>..... ZZ- - Z 0 LL. Ou ~ < .!!! z::ELL. c:;;<~ :::> 0:: 0 O~V; :I: 0 ~ <0::.E oc.. _ c.. 0:: - 9~ LL. .... ~ C5 ~ "tJ .2 ;;; Q. 8 '" (: u ~ "ti CD ~ ,0;; CD '0 ~ .~S ~ cn.:~ ~ . o'e .0 ~~;{ ~ ...... , OC: .i:! O...! ::<:::.2 -e co 0'" ~ L6.t:~ r-...:O_ 5 o :: c 0- o-~~ Q 0'" is It N ~ i .c '<;l' C5" ~ C is Q> ~ ,gr~ ~ u !!!~ (l) :;" U") ~ ~ ;; 8 i: E "5,,- ~~ ~~ ~ ~ <=~ I.i '""' .... og ~~ ;;; ~ ~ -, 00 a- 00 I I I II II 11111/ I I I I a- D a- S; ~ 0 ~ .:t I--- I I I I I II11I - N I I I I I H D Ul ~ j; ;::J 0 c..:l .. 11--- ;::J "0 -< Gl . GI . ~ z i ~ C1iLL. :g i~ '5 u 0 8- c I I I I I I '-- :E en E ~ J :l: .Q .. v o ~ ~ zs CIl I--- - D I I I I 1I11 III1 I I I ~ "'" (5 ~ , I 0)0 I I I I II I = 0 0 '-- ! ;; I I I u -e '0 -< ... 0 0 0 .c. - . I I I .. 0 Gl ;:l U 0 ... 0 0 0 w C :I: < a: '0 - -Ii I I "0 R c ~ 0 Gl i ~ e - "'" I I 0 0 0 0 0 1lI .. I ~IN I I I I i .., - . I I 0 on o 0 - ~ . '" 0 E ~ N '" '" .:t en C - ... I I I I I II (5 - a; o 0 0 a. - . S . , I N o 0 0 Cl '0 <> ~ .c. I I-- .. CII i' .-l '" Jl :; <""1 U :!i 0 .. . :I: ~ U '0 ~ ~ 0 ~ <> C "0 N 1; c I I - .c. GI on 0 e N o 0 6 0 - - I'" I II I II II I I I ..... " .. ~ '" .:t :2 "0 2 . - i u -g I'" I I ;:l .. 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(Type) Name and Title Witness _ ~___ ~r \"III"~ Bate ~ ~\\" II. Attest (Seal) ~'~'A\\otte Leo/}. ifll~jf. ~ r~V'. .........~,f; ~ ~ "V..:,~\SSION.c':..c:>' ~ ~ . f;:J"" -rA e. ~ ~ ..\<:J ~\.20.<..,_ ~.. ~ ~ :~ ~ ~ ~~ -: =* : ..... :* = ~~~ ICC715376 :~~ -::;.~.. ~ "9?~ .~ ~~ e. ~ o~::;.~~~ ~.. <::i ~ .. A:.' . ~. ~~ ~ '1;. : (/8'.......~ 0 _..~ ;'/11 ..Ie 51 ~ \.. ~\.. III/'I/hml"~ GENERAL INFORMATION Name of Person to call regarding the Annual Report Form: OCGER HW.N Date 8/24/98 Date 8/21+/98 Telephone Number: ~ 292-1221 SHIP ARJ94-1 .:: 0\ 0\ I 00 0\ ~~ ~ c:: ~j i z~~ 01U~ --~ Eo-ql) 00 ~-gC E-- .~ 3 ~~~ ~.co ~~~ ~~:::E 000 0\ ~! u~ -0 c.. ::> -0 r...,. Q) o > -.'Q) ~ 0 o e :::'Q) .~ 8 -0 0 Q) g s.- ,~ ~ - 00 e 0 - '"' .S c.. .s] ~ ~ -gr...,. 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