03/20/2002 r~y J. .,;). .vJ. ~ AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT STATE OF FLORIDA OF COMMUNITY "Dedicated to making Florida a better place to call home" JEB BUSH Governor STEVEN M. SEIBERT Secretary January 23,2002 Mr. William A. Wagner, Jr., Director Monroe County Emergency Management 490 - 63rd Street, Ocean, Suite 150 Marathon, Florida 33050 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED RE: AWARD LETTER Agreement #02CP-04-11-54-0l-044 Dear Mr. Wagner: Rule 9G-19.006(4), Florida Administrative Code provides for the reallocation of any unspent Emergency Management Preparedness and Assistance (EMPA) Base Grant funds for fiscal year 2000-2001 to eligible county emergency management agencies. Based on provisions detailed in the rule, your county has been determined eligible for i..:Q:... of reallocated ST ATE funds. This Award Letter also includes FEDERAL funds being awarded to your County under the Emergency Management Performance Grant (formerly State and Local Assistance [SLAD in the amount of $28.482. As a reminder, even though these funds are being provided to you through the vehicle of your base grant contract instead of a separately executed EMPG contract, these federal funds continue to require a dollar for dollar non-federal match. In accordance with Section IV, Modification of Contract, this Award Letter serves as a legal modification to your Agreement. Should the County not wish to accept the additional funds, then the County must provide notice to the Department within (30) days of receipt of this Award Letter. Otherwise, THE COUNTY SHALL PROVIDE TO THE DEPARTMENT ITS WRITTEN NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE within forty-five (45) days of receipt of the Award Letter. The terms of this Agreement shall be considered to have been modified to include the additional funds upon receipt of the written notice of acceptance. CI a::: o u l.JJ a::: 0::: o LL (::) l.&J ..J LL This A ward letter increases vour Countv's total amount of fundine: under this Ae:reement to $~.456. All o.ther terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. Please make th~ P3@ ofl1mr Ae:reement file. S' <:.u.. x: ~~kf you have any questions, please call me or Ms. Dee Giles at (850) 413-9940. c:r <:::>.~ ~c: ~ => .~..>o ".J .W --_::t::w ;,;:do z n:: "" z o 0 :r: ~1~ t.n N 0::: ex: x: C'--> = => ('-.I (j" W. Craig Fugate, Director Division of Emergency Management WCF/dgs 2555 SHUMARD OAK BOULEVARD. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-2100 Phone: 850.488.8466/Suncom 278.8466 FAX: 850.921.0781/Suncom 291.0781 Internet address: http://www.dca.state.fl.us CRITICAL STATE CONCERN FIELD OFFICE 2796 Overseas Highway, Suite 212 Marathon, FL 33050-2227 (305) 289.2402 COMMUNITY PLANNING 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 (850) 488-2356 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 (850) 413-9969 HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 (850) 488-7956