Resolution 461-1998 RESOLUTION NO. 461-1998 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AUTHORIZING THE CONVEYANCE OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA. WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 125.38, Florida Statutes, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners desires to convey certain property within State Conservation and Recreation Lands (CARL) acquisition areas to the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund of the State ofF1orida (hereinafter "State of Florida"); now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, THAT: 1. The State of Florida has applied for the conveyance of property located within State CARL acquisition areas for nominal consideration. 2. The purposes for which the property shall be used are conservation and recreation. 3. The conveyance shall be a donation. 4. The Mayor/Chairman is authorized to execute the deed, the release of Florida Communities Trust grant restrictions, and the closing documents necessary to convey the property identified in Attachment A to the State of Florida. ::r \0 oOco ." :or;:r.,. - PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Monroe County Board of County Commissio~~~ a lul@ meeting on this 21st day of October , A.D., 1998. C")?:r::- , .." 0c"). 0\...... c:- - :z: ?' 2 33a ::0 -to r- :z ;:0 :<:-f.::t: ", "J;> 6 n r-C).. <:) ::> ", G) ::0 . ClD C Commissioner Douglass Commissioner Freeman Commissioner Harvey Commissioner Reich Mayor London ---Ye.s... Yes Yes -yes //".:\'~~ /' /'~~'l~ /- :"+, l~.,\ ""-;.."','" / ~/ ,-.-:::-: ,~~ ., '" - ,.;\ ,p~~~" ! , ',..., '..' \< ,""'\ ,~), ' I\',:,'~ I~t;.~" '..\' \.~, ~," 1 '0 -,;",,~- \l .".-'"'.~ \ ""'~ f,:i< d ., ':S\fS-- ear"~:~ ' \, , ~ ',.,~'" ' ,'- - '.f~ ,.~ \. ~" '" - .,~ _: -"-\ ~~/ - : "..., --~ --/ AITES%anny L. Kolhage, Clerk Yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MON E COUNTY, FLORIDA "'....-;,..- By~~C. ~)J~ Deputy Clerk ~. Mayor/Chairman B ATTACIIMENT A PARCEL 65: (RE #89900) Lot 5, a/k/a Gov't Lot 5, of Section 28, in Township 62 South, Range 38 East,lying and being situate in Monroe County, Florida. PARCEL 66: (RE #89920) A parcel of submerged land in the Straits of Florida in Section 33, Township 62 South, Range 38 East, Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida, fronting Government Lot 2 in said Section 33, Township 62 South, Range 38 East, and more particularly described os follows: From the intersection of the dividing line between Sections 33 and 34, Township 62 South, Range 38 East with the Southerly right of way line of the former Florida East Coast Railway, run South on said dividing line, a distance of 500 feet to the Southwesterly corner of Block 7 of Largo Beach as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 108, Public Records of Monroe County, Florida; thence continue South on said dividing line between Sections 33 and 34, a distance of 203.8 feet to the Bulkhead Line and the Point of Beginning of the parcel herein.;.... after described; thence South 73'00' West, a distance of 2080 feet, more or less, to the the mean high tide line on the Westerly end of Government Lot 2 of said Section 33; thence Easterly meandering said mean high tide line, o distance of 2350 feet, more or less, to the Westerly line of said Largo Beach; thence South, a distance of 300 feet, more or less, to the Point of Beginning. PARCEL 64 (RE #89910) Lots One (1) and Two (2), a/k/a Gov't Lots One (1) and Two (2), of Section Thirty- three (33), all in Township 62 South, of Range 38 East, excepting there- from the right of way of the Florida East Coast Railway, lying and being situote in Monroe County, Florida; LESS: A parcel of land in Government Lot 2, Section 33, Township 62 South, Range 38 East, Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida. Being more particularly described as follows: Being at a point of intersection of the East line of said Section 33, and the Northerly Righ t-of- Way of State Road 5; thence along the arc of a .circular curve, concave to the Northwest, having for its elements 0 Central Angle. of 15.24'05", a radius of 1860.08 feet, and 0 chord bearing of South 52. 53' 54" West, for on orc distance of 500.00 feet; thence North 02.12'04" West. for 0 distance of 1262.54 feet; thence North 81'47'56" East for 0 distonce of 408.84 feet; to a point of intersection with the East line of said Section 33; thence along said East line South 02'12'04" East, for a distance of 977.32 feet to the Point of Beginning; A-I ANU ^, ~JO I I SS , . A parcel of land in Government Lot /, Section 33, Township 62 South, Range 38 (ast, Key Largo, Monroe County, florida, being more particularly described as follows, Commence at a point of intersection of the East line of said Sectian 33, and the Northerly Right-of-Way of State Road 5; thence along the arc of a circular curve, concave to the Northwest, having for its elements a Central angle of 15'24'05", 0 radius of 1860.08 feet and a chord bearing of South 52'53'54" West for an arc distance of 500.00 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence continue along the arc of said circular curve, concave to the Northwest having for its elements a central angle of 6'09'38", a radius of 1860.08 feet and a chord bearing of South 63" 40' 45" West, for an arc distance of 200.00 feet; thence North 02' 12' 04" West, for a distance of 1344.23 feet; thence North 87"47'56" East, for a distance of 182.45 feet; thence South 02'12'04" East for a distance of 1262.54 feet to the Point of Beginning; , AND ALSO LESS: Road right of way for Highway 5-905, as shown on Florida Department of Transportation Right' of Way Map Section 90060-2507, sheet 2 of 5, dated May, 1964. AND ALSO LESS: (Puyanic Exhibit A) A parcel of land being a 100 foot wide portion of those lands of Robert E. Recan et at. recorded in Official Record Book 494 at Page 958 and Official Record Book 559 at Page 1119 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida; adjoining and contiguous with Phase I of Tavernier Towne Shopping Center; and lying in Section 33. Township 62 South., Range 38 East. Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida. " , Said parcel being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the Easterly line of ~id Sectlon 3~ with the Northw~~terly , ,Right of Way line of State Road No. 5 (US Highway No.1), ron thence Southwesterly along SAid Rieht of Way line 'and alone the arc of II. circular curve concave to the Northwest and having fOf itS elemen~ a central angel of 21 degrees 33 minutes 43 ~.c(lnds and a ICldius of 1&60.0R feet. for a distance of 700 feet to an intersection with the dividinp line between said lands of Robert E. Regan et aI. and Phase I of Ta~e.nller Towne Shnpping Center. this point of intersection b~ing also the Point of Beginning of the hereinde.. scribed parceL Prom said Point of Beginning cot\unue thence along said Right of Way line and along the arc of a circular curve concave to the Northwest and having for its elements a central angle of 3 degree~ 15 minutes 59 seconds and a radius of 1860.08 fect. for a dis(ance of 106,04 fcdj run (hence North ~ degrees 12 minutes 4 seconds West {or :\ distance of 917.23 fcel; run thence North 87 degrees 47 minutes S6 &eCQnds East for a di~u of 100 feet to the Northwest corner of Phase I of Tavemier Towne Shopping Center; run thence South 2 degrees l2 minutes 4 seconds East for a distance of 882 feet along the dividing line between said Pho.se I of Tavernier To~neShoprin~ Center and the &aid lands of Robert E, Regan et aI. to the Pomt of Dcguuung, . Said parcel containing 2.1 acres. more or less. A-2 AND ALSO LESS: (Puyanic Exhibit B) /, p<\rC'<.' I of laIld brine :\ 100 fool wid~ ponlon of those lands of Rohcrt E. Hcgan el al. recorded In Official Record Book 494 of Page 958 and Official Record Book 5~Q llt PRC~ 1119 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida; adjoining and conligllolJs with Phase U of Tavernier Towne Shop. ving Center: and lying in S{'.ctinn 11. Township 62 South. Range 38 East. Key LMgO, Monroe County, Florida. Said parcel being more particulltrly de.scrihC"'o Il!\ follows: Commcncinc at the inlcrsection of the Easterly line of said Section 33 with the Northwesterly Right of Way line of State Road No.5 (US Hiehw;\y No. I), run thence Sout!Jwes(erly along said Right of Way line and along the arc of a circular curve, conc~ve 10 the Northwc!;t, and having for it, ele.m~nt!: a central anele of 21 degrees 33 minutes 43 seconds and a radius of 1860.08 [eet [or l\ dis-' l.D.ncc of 700 feet to an inte'rsection with the dividing line befw~n said lands of Robert E. Regan et at and said Phase I of Tavernier Towne Shopping Ccntcrj run thence North 2 degrees 12 minu~s 4 'econd~ West for ~ di,c;lance of 882 feet along said dividing line to an intersection with the dividing line between Phase r and Phase II of Tavernier Towne Shopping Center 2.nd the Point of Beginning of the hercindescribed parcel; from said Point of Begin.. ning, run thence South 87 degrees 47 minutes 56 seconds We!;t for a distance of 100 feet; run thence North 2 degrees 12 minutes 4 seconds West for 1 dist.ance of 562.23 fcct; run thence North 81 degrees 47 minutes 56 &econds East for a distance of 630.29 feet to an intersection with a Northerly exten- sion of lhe dividing line bdwccn Pha.se II and Phuc IU of Tavernier Towne Shopping Cen~!';, run thence South 2 degrees 12 minutes 4 seconds East for a distance of 100 feet along said t::xlcllded dividing line to the Northeo.sterly corner of Phase II of Tavernier Towne Shopping Center; run thence South 87 degrees 47 minutes 56 seconds \Vest fur it dis(an~ of 530.29 feet along tho dividing line between said lands of Robert E. Regan et al. and Phase II of Tavernier Towne Shopping Center to the Northwe5lCIly corner of said Phase II of Tavernier Towne Shopping Center; run thence South, 2 degrees 12 minutes 4 seconds East for a distance -of 462.23 feet alulIg ~d dividing line to the Point of Beginning. Said parcel containing 2.5 acres. more or less; A-) The following parcels in Ocean Acres subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 1 at Page 188 in the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida: RE# 454120 454130 454140 454150 454160 454170 454180 454190 454200 454210 454240 454250 454260 454270 454280 454290 454300 454310 454320 454330 454340 454350 454360 454370 454380 454390 454400 454410 454420 454430 454440 454450 454460 Block 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 12 13 14 Lot West half of Block 2 East half of Block 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Entire Block Entire Block Entire Block 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Entire Block Entire Block Entire Block Entire Block A-4