09/08/1999 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND FAMILIES AND MONROE COUNTY IN HOME SERVICES PERTAINING TO MEDICAID WAIVER PROGRAM SPENDING AUTHORITY FOR SFY 1999-2000 This Memorandum of Agreement outlines the Medicaid Waiver spending authority for SFY 1999-2000 and details the responsibilities and the expectations associated with this authority. I. The Department of Children and Families (DCF) develops an allocation of Medicaid Waiver spending authority by district each fiscal year using the original base amount from the inception of the program. 2. The SFY 1999-2000 Medicaid Waiver spending authority for your program is $27,512.00. Service providers must not exceed allocated spending authority limits. DCF district program offices shall have access to all provider documentation that will facilitate monitoring as needed. 3. Failure of providers to remain within allocated authorized spending authority limits may jeopardize future legislative program appropriations and may result in economic sanctions or provider dis-enrollment as a Medicaid Waiver Program provider. Providers who exceed allocation are responsible for costs incurred. . '...,... 4. The provider will execute an agreement similar to this agreement with their subcontracted service provider agencies which outlines the provider's SFY 1999- 2000 Medicaid Waiver spending authority and their corresponding responsibility to carefully manage client care plans and program spending authority within allocated limits. 5. Providers will have to control all billings through care plans so as not to overspend budget allocations. Providers will have to monitor subcontractor billings to ensure adherence to care plans. 6. Providers will accept financial responsibility for service claims found to be out of compliaQ.ce if they are the result of a failure by the Case Management A~ent<< to update, renew, or terminate the service authorization , '~1~'t3!.~gq~~~NOW 3nVH10}f '1 AHHVa & I !U WcI t~ AON66 OH003M HO~ 0311~ 7. Providers will submit to DCF by the 10th of each month an expenditure report showing the number of clients served, units and type of services provided, cost of service unit, monthly cost of service and year to date cost. This report will also include the number of clients on the waiting list at the beginning of the month, the number added and deleted during the month and the final count at the end of the month, See attached exhibit for the report form. 8. The district program office specialist will work with the provider and monitor expenditures for problems that could contribute to the district exceeding program spending authority. 9. Medicaid will furnish client data monthly on paid provider claims. DCF will sort the data by district and forward management reports to district specialists who will then utilize this data in working with providers. These reports will be helpful in identifying program spending patterns among waiver providers and will assist in managing program budgets. 10. DCF may provide an opportunity in October, 1999 for providers to reassess their caseloads for possible additional shifts of CCDA funding to the Medicaid Waiver Program. . '~ This Memorandum of Agreement will be in effect for the period July 1, 1999 through June 30, 2000 or until otherwise revised or terminated. PROVIDER: MONROE COUNTY .-.--- .---...... IN HOME SERVICES '\ /\ STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND FAMILIES - ,~ ! au ~ ~; ~~ In NAME: ELENA J-IET2.r2 GIlA TITLE: IROtrtZlll'-f/J1Jf-/ i N/S.rRA tc> 12- DATE: !O [;..;2 / tiC; I I