06/14/2000 SOLID' ~TE MANAGEMENT RECYCLING PROGRAMS Q . ~ RESOLUTION NO.222 - 2000 ~ '..:J" Lt..J .,1 C",) '- C)' :0:.,(..... tu "!to ~.~~SOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COl\WISSIONERS OF : li c::<MbNROE COUNTY FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE SUB- ~.... >C~. SSION OF THE RECYCLING AND EDUCATION GRANT Q '::" ~~PLICATION TO THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ~ ~ I?~RONMENTAL PROTECTION FOR FISCAL YEAR 2001 L;:Q oq: :.z: Q t::) ~ WHEREAS, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection has announced the application deadline of July 1,2000 for the Recycling and Education Grant, now therefore: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COl\WISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1. The Monroe County Solid Waste Management Division has approval to submit the Recycling and Education Grant to the Department of Environmental Protection, and that; 2. The Board authorizes the Mayor to have signature authority on the Department of Environmental Protection grant application and agreement, and authorizes the County Adrnini~trator to have signature authority on payment requests, and that; 3. This resolution shall go into effect immediately upon its passage and adoption and authentication by the signatures of the presiding Officer and Clerk of the Court. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a meeting of said Board held on the 14th day of June A.D. 2000. Mayor Shirley Freeman Mayor Pro Tem Neugent Commissioner Harvey Commissioner Williams Commissioner Reich yes ~ yeo ~ ~ Attest: BOARD OF COUNTY COl\WISSIONERS OF M ROE COUNTY, FLORIDA · -:F~ M or Shirley Freeman G.~H ny . olhage, Clerk . . ,.tCTi" ~. ",',~\. '"v!.. ,v,f. 1S1.t""i\ .... ~..'~...'.'..".' ~~"">~") ~,;\;,;..;\>....' ~;fFLOR ~,.._~ ~~ ~...... ~- --......-......-.....-.......----......--~ Department of Environmental Protection OEP FOfm 82-718.800111 EfiK'tjv. Jeb Bush Governor Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee. Florida 32399-2400 David B. Struhs Secretary Solid Waste Recycling and Education Grant Application Part One 1. Name of Applicant: MONROE COUNTY SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT DTVT!=:TON 2. Address of Applicant: 5100 COLLEGE ROAD, ROOM 506 KEY WEST. FL 11040 3. Federal Employer Identification Number: 59-6000-749 292-4432 4. Telephone Number of Applicant: ( 305) 5. List of Counties and Municipalities Included in the Application: MONROE COUNTY. CITY OF KEY WEST, CTTY OF KEy COLONY ~EACR AN~ CITY OF LAYTON 6. Contact Person (person handling program on daily basis): CAROl. A r.ORR. "E'XECTTTluE ASSISTANT 7. Address of Contact Person: 5100 COLLEGE ROAD, ROOM 506 KEY WEST. FL 11040 8. Telephone Number of Contact Person: (305) 797-4417 9. Name and Title of Authorized Representative: Name: .TAME!=: L RORFR'T'S Title: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR 10. Required Attachments (Due July 1 of each year): ~A copy of any interlocal agreement entered into between local governments to accomplish the purposes of this rule. Rule 62-716.41 om 11. E-MAIL ADDRESS: NONE I CERTIFY that I am familiar with the information contained in this application, and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true. complete and accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to apply for this grant on behalf f this local government. Page 1 of 1 Please return form to: Department of Environmental Protectio Bureau of Solid and Hazardous Waste Solid Waste Section . Mail Station # 45 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 "Protea, Conserve and Manage Florida's Environment and Natural Resources" Printed on recycled paper. INTERLOCAL RECYCLING AG REEMENT . tJL. . Agreement, made this ~ day of ~ ~. 1998 between Monroe County, Florida ("County") and the City of Key West, Florida ("City"). In consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, the parties hereto agree that in regard to grant funds offered by the State of Florida, Department of Environmental Protection for Recycling/Education and Small Counties the following is provided: 1. The City of Key West will receive 33% of these grant funds. Actual monetary amounts available to City will be adjusted ann~lly to reflect actual grant amounts made available to County by State of Florida, Department of Environmental Protection, 2. The City of Key West shall receive their portion each year in the form of reimbursement, The City shall make written application to the County for reimbursement of funds. All requests for reimbursement will be made in accordance with the State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection's Recycling and Education Grant requirements. The County agrees to reimburse quarterly the 'City the amounts provided in Paragraph 1, within 60 days of the City's submission of proper documentation to the County. No reimbursement shall be made for funds expended in a manner not authorized by Sec. 403.7095 F.S. or other applicable statutes and the administrative rules adopted pursuant thereto, In the event the County disburses grant funds to the City which are later disallowed by the Department of Environmental Protection and the County is required to pay over to the Department the disallowed amount, the City $hall reimburse the County in t.he amount paid over by the County to the Department. 3. The City shall provide the County a quarterly report of all expenditures and recycling activities taken place in the City of Key West. Prior to August 15th each year the City will provide infonnation in complete fonn to the County for use in the preparation of the grant application in accordance with the Department of Environmental Protection Recycling and Education Grant requirements. 4. The City shall maintain accurate records which will remain open and available for examination by the County at all reasonable times. 5.. The City agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the County for any and all claims and costs that the County may incur due to the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the City or its agents. The County agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City for an~ a?d all claims and costs that the City may incur due to the negligent acts, errors or omISSIOns of the County or its agents. . 6. This document supersedes and takes precedence over any prior agreement for the same purposes. . 7, This agreement shall be effective from the date of execution by the County and CIty when a fully executed copy is filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court. INTERLOCAL RECYCLING AGREEMENT Page 2. 8. Each party shall have the right to cancel this agreement on a 90 day notice or by mutual agreement of both parties. Notice shall be served as follows: City of Key West City Manager P. 0, Box 1409 Key West, FL 33041-1409 Monroe County County Administrator 5100 College Road Key West, FL 33040 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA '-..... .., By ~~- . ..-:: . . - '....... " (SEAL) / :,<~ : .', -' .I~~..'/ ..\.~ TO' r. !/~ ; \ \A ~"'l'i . .' .--... \ ~" . J ' 1 \~~~(\~~ \< ..;J,.~.:i \~~ -~1J '<-+~'2;)' -'<- ."::~7 ATTEST: ~C~l~rk L\-~-q~ CITY OF KEY WEST, FLORIDA By ~~~ ity Manager (SEAL) RECEIVED I JUN 2 3 1998 BY: /J17! RESOLUTIO_J NO. 98-145 .A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CO!lnlISSION OF THE CITY OF KEY WEST, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE ATTACHED MODIFICATION TO THE INTERLOCAL RECYCLING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THB CITY AND MONROE COUNTY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, the City commission has approved an Interlocal Recycling Agreement with Monroe County; and WHEREAS, County's staffing and funding has changed, causing a change in the level of service; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF KEY WEST, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: section 1: That the attached modification to the Interlocal Recycling Agreement between the City and Monroe County is hereby approved. section 2: That this Resolution shall go into effect immediately upon its passage and adoption and authentication by the signature of the presiding officer and the Clerk of the Commission. Passed and adopted by the City Commission at a meeting held this 7 day of April , 1998. Authenticated by the presiding officer and Clerk of the commission on APRIL 9 , ,1998. Filed with the Clerk At;)r:f 1 q , 1998. L;. , . 'fi\:s (: '~~y .'.J ,~ .~. ,. n r j .~~ ~ :: .'.1 (' ~ ~:,:~_:1';:'.. ... ~_"'lIq~ ~ JJ. . k.J,CM.L u' ~~ '" '2 t.:vo>J. _ y ~---_.~_. ~- MEMORANDUM TO: Julio Avael, City Manager E. David Fernandez, Utilities Director [ i/? FROM: DATE: March 25, 1998 RE: Modification of Interlocal Recycling Agreement Background The Interlocal Recycling Agreement between the City and the County has been in effect since 1994. County staffing & funding change year to year, The County is unable to l?rovide services. Purpose, Justification & Options The recycling program is integral to the City's waste management approach. The City's program has suffered as County efforts diminished, Lost revenue is 30/ton for each reduced ton, The recycling program also provides an environmental benefit to City residents. Who, Where, When, Cost City to receive 33% of all recycle and education grants, BFI will perform all work under the terms of the grant at a direct cost reimbursement basis. BFI will adjust the annual budget based on changes in the grant funding. There will be no additional unfunded costs for the City. EDF/avb c :\wpwin\citycomm\n:soluti\fy98\recycle.mem . ~ INTa.t{LUCAL Rl<.;CYCLING AGREE.MF"lT .JElWEEN MONROE COUNTY, KEY COLONY BEACH AND THE CITY OF LAYTON ~ This Agreement entered into this 16th day of August, 1994, by and between each of the undersigned municipalities (thereafter referred to individually as the CITY and collectively as the CITIES), and the Board of Monroe County, Florida (thereafter referred to as the COUNTY). WHEREAS, the goal of the State of Florida Solid Waste Management Act of 1988, (hereafter referred to as the State) is to reduce the amount of municipal solid waste by at least 30 percent through recycling~ and WHEREAS. in an effort to reach this goal the State requires counties to develop and implement recycling programs within their jurisdictions to return valuable materials to productive use, to conserve energy and natural resources. and to protect capacity at solid waste management facilities~ and WHEREAS. the State encourages counties and municipalities to fonn cooperative agreements for implementing solid waste recycling and education programs~ and WHEREAS, the State created the Solid Waste Management Trust Fund to provide incentive grants to assist qualifying counties and municipalities in the operation of solid waste management recycling and education programs~ and WHEREAS. in order to apply jointly for the incentive grants the County and the municipalities must enter into interlocal agreements that determine how the grant funds. if awarded. shall be used~ and WHEREAS. grant applications submitted to Florida Department of Environmental Protection must .include copies of the interlocal agreements between the County and participating municipalities~ and WHEREAS. the participation and cooperation of the CITIES and the COUNTY is essential to the successful award of a state incentive grant and the development and implementation of a successful recycling and education program in Monroe County; and WHEREAS. it is the desire of the CITIES that the COUNTY apply to Florida Department of Environmental Protection on behalf of the CITIES and the residents of the CITIES and the unincorporated area of the County for available recycling and education incentive programs. NOW THEREFORE. the COUNTY and the CITIES hereto mutually agree as follows: 1. This Agreement shall be effective until Recycling and Education Grant funds are no longer available from the State of Florida. Upon such notice becoming effective. this Agreement shall tenninate as to the party giving such notice but shall continue in effect to all other parties. 2. The COUNTY shall. by October 1. of each year. report to FDEP the COUNTY'S annual solid waste management and recycling activities for the duration of the period covered by this Agreement. ,/ 11'1 .(LOCAL RECYCLING AGREEI' r BElWEEN MONROE COUNTY, KEY COLONY BEACH AND THE CITY OF LAYTON PAGE 2 3" The solid waste recycling and education grants provided to the COUNTY and CITIES by Florida Department of Environmental Protection may be used for any purposes allowable in accordance with the State of Florida, Department of Environmental protection, Recycling & Education Grant requirements. 4. The goal of the recycling program, designed and implemented by the COUNTY and CITIES, shall be to meet the State of Florida's waste reduction and recycling goal. S. The City agrees to indemnify and hold hannless the County for any and all claims and costs that the County may incur due to the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the City. The County agrees to indemnify and hold hannless the City for any and all claims and costs that the City may incur due to the negligent acts, errors or omissions to the County. 6. Each part shall have the right to cancel this agreement on a 90 day notice or by mutual agreement of both parties. Notice shall be served as follows: City of Key West City Manager P.O, Box 1409 Key West, FL 33041-1409 Monroe County County Administrator 5100 College Road Key West, FL 33040 lb~ (}. Lb>>~ DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK CITY OF LAYTON W~~ MAYOR ~ C[~~BEACH '(,.<ct.-MAYOR ~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF M OE COUNTY, FLORIDA -... ATTEST: ~C:;;'~~ ATTEST: ,-J~~~~~ ATTEST: (SEAL)' .. ", " Saved under: AgreeR&E -- - ....1:;in.cJy.-s or.,c~ -;1 _\~ _.--..,. --' ~I " Revised 2/95 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 9/20 - 9/21/00 Division: Solid Waste Management Bulk Item: Yes XXX No Department: Solid Waste Management AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval to submit Part II of the Fiscal Year 2001 Solid Waste Recycling and Education Grant. ITEM BACKGROUND: The Department of Environmental Protection requires this grant application to be composed of two (2) parts, Part I of the application was approved and submitted to the Department of Environmental Protection and Monroe County was awarded a grant in the amount of $127,034,00, To complete this application process, Part II of the grant application must be approved and submitted, PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: Part I of the application and the accompanying resolution was approved at the 6/14/00 meeting and the acceptance agreement was approved today, 9/20/00. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval TOTAL COST: N/A BUDGETED: Yes XXX No Cost to County: N/A REVENUE PRODUCING: YES XXX NO AMOUNT PER MONTH YEAR $127,034.00 APPROVED BY: County Atty XXX OMBlPurchasing XXX Risk Management N/A DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROV DOCUMENTATION: Included: XXX DISPOSITION:. ~ 1~U;/'d To Follow: Not Required: Agenda Item # (J.,,( ~OlffiNG,&REQUEST<::V Please... DRead ~ Handle o Approve And... o Forward From: o Return ~ Keep or T~33 o Review With Me To: ~ bate: /~/~d ( PoIl-il'" 71164 COM ll19S ~I_- ______....______ - - ____~___~ --- ------- Department of Environmental Protection DEP Form 62-716.900(1) Form Title Solid Waste Recvclinl! and Education Grant ADDlication Effective Date 11-16-1994 Jeb Bush Governor Twin Towers Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 David B. Struhs Secretary Solid Waste Recycling and Education Grant Application Part Two I.Name of Applicant: MONROE COUNTY SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT 2.Contact Person (person handling program on daily basis):__g1\ROL A!- COBIL-__________ 3.Address of Contact Person: 5100 COLLEGE ROAD, ROOM 506 KEY WEST, FL 33040 ) ( 305) 292-4432 4.Telephone Number of Contact Person: 5.Required Attachments: Are the following items attached? If not, please explain. Due October I of each year. (a)__ XX __ A description of the recycling and education projects or planning studies, including any business and accounting plans. Rule 62-716.410 (1 a) (b )_~~_ An estimate of the quantity and type of materials to be collected and recycled, including an explanation of the methods used to estimate this quantity. Rule 62-716.4IO(1b) (cL~~_ A description of all existing or proposed recycling facilities, collection centers. or other related service centers located within the county, including ownership, capacity, type of facility. and approximate service area of such facilities. Rule 62-716.41O(lc) (d)_ XX _ A demonstration that the materials to be collected or processed, or both. are not presently being recovered to the extent necessary to meet the goal established in Section 403.706(4). F.S. and would not be so recovered, but for the proposed recycling project and a description of the method used to make this determination. This demonstration shall include an explanation of how existing private and public sector recycling programs and efforts will be incorporated into the recycling and education program. Rule 62-716.4IO(1d) (e)_~ A summary of all costs incurred, or to be incurred, in planning or implementing the recycling and education projects. Rule 62-716.410(1e) (f)__~ Any contracts or agreements entered into or summaries of contemplated agreements or contracts to develop and implement the recycling program. Rule 62-716.410(lg) (g)_ X~_ The measurable objectives of the education program and an explanation of how theeducation program will directly promote the use of an existing or planned local recycling project. Rule 62-716.410(lh) (h)_ X~_ A description of the methods to be used in evaluating the success of the education and recycling programs. Rule 62-716.410(li) (i)_~~_ An explanation of the manner in which the recycling program will be implemented. Rule 62-716.410 (2a) (j)----1Q.<_ A timetable for the continued development and implementation of the recycling program. Rule 62-716.41 0(2b) (k)_~ The estimated percentage of the population participating in various types of recycling activities. Rule 62-716.41O(2c) (I)----1Q.<__ The percent reduction each year in municipal solid waste disposed of at solid waste disposal facilities as a result of public and private recycling programs. including the success rates, perceived reasons for failure or success, and the public and private sector recycling activities which are ongoing and most successful. Rule 62-716.410(2d) (m)_~~ A description of the type and the weight of solid waste generated within the applicant's service areas and the general type and the weight of solid waste that is expected to be generated within the service areas in the 20-year period following the date of the grant application. Rule 62-7 16.4 1O(2e ) "Protect, Conserve and Manage Florida's Environment and Natural Resources" Printed on recycled paper. Page Two (nL__ X~__ An identification and description of the facilities where solid waste is being disposed of or processed, the remaining available permitted capacity of such facilities, any planned increases in the capacity of such facilities, and the anticipated effect of recycling programs on the type and size of such facilities. Rule 62-716.41 0(2f) (oL_~~__ An explanation of how existing or anticipated solid waste reduction or recycling will affect the type and size of any planned or existing solid waste management facilities in the affected service areas. Rule 62- 716.41 0(2g) A description and evaluation of solid waste that is being or could be recycled, including, but not limited to: The type and weight of solid waste or materials which would otherwise become solid waste that is being or could be recycled by the public and private sector. giving consideration at a minimum to the following materials: glass, aluminum, steel and bimetallic materials, office paper, yard trash, newsprint, corrugated paper, and plastics; (2) The anticipated and available markets or uses for materials collected through recycling programs; and (3) The estimated costs of and revenue from operating and maintaining existing and proposed recycling programs. This does not include specific costs and revenues from privately operated recycling programs, but a summary of such costs and revenues is required if the applicant intends to provide funding for such programs. Rule 62-716.410(2h) (q)_~~_ A description of any recycling activities implemented or existing prior to July I, 1989. Rule 62-716.41 0(2i) (r)---KL_ Local governments whose comprehensive plans have been submitted at the time of application shall provide an explanation of how the recycling program relates to the future land use elements, sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, potable water, and natural groundwater aquifer recharge elements; intergovernmental coordination elements; and capital improvements elements of the local government comprehensive plans prepared pursuant to part II of chapter 163, F.S. by the county or municipality. Rule 62- 716.41 0(2j) A description of how all special wastes will be managed. Rule 62-7 16.4 1O(2k) (p)~-- (I) xx (s) 6.Does each solid waste facility owned or operated by the county or municipality have weight scales? Rule 62-7 I 6.420(2a) Yes II' No 7.Has the operator of each landfill owned or operated by this county or municipality completed an operator training course approved by the Department? Rule 62-716.420(3) Yes II' No I CERTIFY that I am familiar with the information contained in this application, and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true, complete and accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to apply for this grant on behalf of ~, _Seplember29,2000 Signature of Authorized epres~ntative Date Please return form to: Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Solid and Hazardous Waste Solid Waste Section 2600 Blair Stone Road MS 4565 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 Printed on recycled paper.