Miscellaneous . i ", .. ~ " , . ~ It'" ~ '1f~"""""'>'~""",~ \ l~ lorida f.'~~..'~1~~~""";""J'.,.".'.i........., Department ,.t."~",."""""~_".,, " ~~-"~... j';' ': .,."';l,t;t.t ' REUBIN O'D. ASKEW "'o,';,~,.~ \r . '. GOVERNOR 1...,' of Transportation TOM WEBB. JR. SECRETARY 780 So uthweJ.d 24;th S.tJr..e.e;t Ft. Laud~dale., Flo~a 33315 Nove.mb~ 20, 1975 BOCULd on Cour~y Com~~ione.h6 MorlJt..oe. County CouJt..:thoU6e. 500 WhUe.he.ad Ke.y We..ot, FloJvi..da RE: Se.ction 90060-2516(5240) PaJLQe.l 43 MOntLOe. Courdy Re.ntat ton a Pe.4lod Ob Two Y~ - MafLQh 5, 1974 to ManQh 5, 1976 Sill: OWl. ne.QOILd6 imu.Qate. that :the. amount. ob $1.00 nOIL ;the. above. ~ubje.ct ptw- pe.JzX.Y, plLe6 e.Yl.-tty bung U6 e.d non ambu.ta.I1Qe. ~ ~viQe., WCLO due. MandL 5, 1975. It WM aiAo note.d ;that 1Le.n;t.a)l payme.nt WM ne.v~ ~ubm.Ltte.d la.ot ManQh whe.n the. le.a.o e. aglLe.e.me.nt wa.o duw..m up. I:t W-i.U be. glLe.afty appILe.c.,[a;te.d in you wou1.d bOlUlJaJui $2.00 f;OlL :t.1IJo ye.aJ1.6 1Le.n..:tal the. above. addJLeM ~o :that YOWL bile. may be. bnougtu: up to date.. r n ;the. e.ve.nt ;that you have. a1.JLe.a.dy mcU1..e.d YOWl. Qhe.d" ple.a.o e. cLL61Le.gand .t.IU.-6 nouQe. and a..c.Qe.pt OWL :tha.n.fUJ. V MY :tJwJ..y YOWt6, W. A. MeUM VLt,tJUct TUgtu: on Way AdnU..n-i.6:t.Jw.:to1L BY: V ~7 /1_ / /cl1/I v cZ-ce-::t~...~ G. M. Haddad V Lt,.tJUct AdnU..n-i.6 :tJw.;tonf P ILO pvr.;t,i.ru, Mal1ag e.me.nt. Tete.phone. (305) 764-0200 Exte.noiol1 30 (;1/' /"--;"/./; Y'v'1,;..f",. GMH f dmtt 9....; ,......... ,,/ ,H '"' >..,.~. ,'f, ,)1' "I. ;'J.._' ,',/1. c~. Li 0' ,,&()&';J:.iQ~-.'t t(.~<....1 ,-'t.. 1.'(_1..;.... "- ...... t., t;':i/. ,/ 1-- " &<:f.c. /,J(/ . I. / .://') /1//.. ., " ,", .,/.-:;, ,': '),'./ _ It c.; "'{/ ,.,~/ /,....<-1 '-/..7 /....... " . y ...... ~..r.../ ".>"