FY1997-1999 1st Amendment 07/08/1998 ~annp 1... I\olbage BRANCH OFFICE 3117 OVERSEAS InGHWAY MARATHON, FLORIDA 33OSO TEL. (305) 289-6027 FAX (305) 289-1745 CLERK OF lHE CIRCUIT COURT MONROE COUNTY SOD WHITEHEAD STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 lEL. (305) 292-3550 FAX (305) 295-3660 BRANCH OFFICE 88820 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY PLANTATION KEY, FLORIDA 33070 TEL. (305) 852-7145 FAX (305) 852-7146 MEMORANDUM TO: Reggie Paros Director of Public Safety Attention: Edwin Castro, Director of FirelRescue FROM: Ruth Ann Jantzen ~-I)/1 Deputy Clerk ANU/ ' DATE: Febroary 17, 1999 .lIll. 41 _. ----------------------------------------- At the July 8, 1998 County Commission Meeting, the Board granted approval and authorized execution of an Amendment to Agreement between the Lower Keys & Middle Keys FIre and Ambulance District and Big Coppitt Volunteer FIre Department, Inc., concerning reimbursement of incidental expenses. Enclosed please rmd a fully executed copy of the above Agreement for return to Big Coppitt. Please Dote: The same Amendment to A&t~. still outstanding for Conch Key and SuprIoaf Vohmteer Fire Depu1meats. H you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact this office. cc: County Attorney Fmance County Administrator, w/o document File SEP-15-98 08:19 FROM, M C PUBLIC SAFETY 10 2886013 PACE '/ . -- - " . r' F ~~f, ;' . , , AMENDMENT TO FIRE RESCUE SERVICES AGREEMENT Hils Amendmenr 'r:) 1he Fire Rescue Services Agreernen+ is made on HilS R~ day of h- 1998, by and between the _ i ~ ~~/r k~eYs Fire and Ambu'once District 'lereafter the D'STrlCt ana The _R ~3 Curt" tl-__ Volunteer FlU; Deparrme'll Inc" hereafter the Corporatloll WHE:REAS, occaSionally small amount purchases of goods need to be rnoae by the Corpmotiol-' on wee<enas or other times wher tile County's Fire ~escue Co- orejinator's Office is Closed: and WHEREAS. it is aesired to reimburse the Corporation for such small Purchases' now, therefore. IN CONSIDERldIO'\j of tne mutual covenanTs o":d conSICJeration set forth below, the pmties agree. 1.) Porogropr' 22 of the Fire Rescue Services ,A,greement dd1ed June 18 : 997 (0 copy of wllle- IS (lltaer-Iea c::n,j inCOrporOTeo into Th) ':'rnendn,ent) IS amendea by thfl addition of Hie following. The Corpo'atlon may also purchase srr;ai iTem goods 1~(1n C> 0 ~ ::t.... ornount no! fO e/'~eec $50 per calendar month o'ter normol bu@~~ ,." ~ -,~ no _ hOUI'S, r \OliOO'/S, or weekend~, and be reimbursed for triose purc~s ;z::::O;:1r,; -.' c under parogr(Jp~ 23 of This Agreemenr, In order to be reimb~&: "'Tl l> r- C) .l> ,." \0 " \0 - ...., r- G1 ,." 0 - " ....., <::> :ra. :u :x ::0 ,." ~ ("") ~ 0 A:J ....., 0 110Wuver tf'le Ccr;::.J'otlcfl must submi1 receipt(" (lp!r:l!irJ a,) H\e piace of purChase; b.) A description of the good(s) purchosea: SEP-15-88 ~8,19 FROM, M C PUBLIC SAFETY ID, 2886013 PAGE 3 c.) The need for the good(s) purchased and explonation of why the good(s) could not be purchased through the established purchasing procedures: d) The purchase price, Small item purchases made by the corporation that exceed $50 in any <;liven calendar month, and that were not made because of an emergency situation, are the sole responsibility and expense of the Corporation, The $50 per month reimbursement amount provided for in this paragraph is non-cumulative: in other words, any portion of Hie $50 unused in a calendar month may not be added to the following month's r'eimbLHselllent allocation to yield a monthly amount in excess of $50. /,~D,N-ES~ WHEREOF, the party has caused this agreement to be executed by a ol.,lly aul.r.,0'o/~'~.f e'presentotive. ti......"..~. " Ii . . f~l. .,/, (SF~~</ . .. ATTE51:'DANNYI. KOLHAGE, CLERK RS _ KEYS rlRC AND A ULAr'K-:F DISTRICT · . ~ e ~.~~ Mayor/ChairmCJn 1 Corp urn te SCClI) /, 1f I:~ I. Hy .~~ P:~J:kk~~ Tit:e,,_?I"e.S\de.r)+ B~", r '""' l'. r.. 'I-++- YOlUNTEE~E~H By_ -B.atL I/Jt.~ ~enf; ~.I{A~~li"/L Title:... Sil41A;k"~J'l pC(lIIJriro;o\(: 0:.;0,: 2