05/15/2002 Agreement
TEL. (305) 289-6027
FAX (305) 289-1745
TEL. (305) 292-3550
FAX (305) 295-3663
TEL. (305) 852-7145
FAX (305) 852-7146
June 6, 2002
Timothy McGarry, Director
Growth Management Division
Colleen Gardner
Executive Assistant
Pamela G. Hanc~
Deputy Clerk 'CY
At the May 15, 2002, Board of County Commissioner's meeting the Board granted
approval and authorized execution of the following:
Resolution No. 217-2002 authorizing the submission of a Grant Application to the Florida
Department of Transportation for the FY 2003 FHW A National Scenic Byways Grant Program.
Enclosed are three duplicate originals, executed on behalf of Monroe County, as well as three
certified copies of the subject Resolution for your handling. Please return the two duplicate
originals marked "Monroe County Clerk's Original" and "Monroe County Finance
Division's Original" to our office as soon as possible.
Monroe County Affordable Housing Services Agreement for Professional Services
between Monroe County and the Innovative Housing Institute, Inc. (IHI) to provide consultant
services on affordable housing issues (address for all future contact for the IHI is now 9811
Connecticut Avenue, Kensington, MD 20895). Enclosed is a duplicate original and a copy for
your handling.
Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact this office.
Cc: County Administrator w/o documents
Finance-Agreement IHI only
County Attorney
File ,,/
Monroe County Clerk's Original
Project Summary 2003
FHW A National Scenic Byways Program
All sections must be completed on an electronic form at hup://www.byways.org
Applications must be submitted online and on paper,
Sl8Ie SuIlrnlMlon Dele
1fot submitted Y("
Ollllllon Submlltion 0&1&
not submilled yet
Project Info
ProjeCl No, rroleet NMle
SB-2003-fL-50314 Florida Keys Scenic Highway Interpretive! Master Plan
P\'Cljed Y'"
Counties llnrtlor RaglOllS 1!MllII~
Monroe County, Florida
lor"'lon c)f Proj8d lIIong ayway(ll
Entire corridor (US 1 from Mile Marker O-Mile Marker 106.5, Key west To K.ey Largo)
FlldlVal Land, Crossed lly 1lW()l1/'lMl 8ywaY(a)
Associated Byways
State Byway Name Details
FL Florida Keys Scenic Highway Designation DalB Ilntnosk: Quelllles'
22 Jun 200 1 A,C,H,N,R.S
Byway Organiz8lior,
Monroe County 1)lanning Departmenl
2798 Overseas Highway, Suite 400
Marathon, FL 330S0
Phone: 305- 743-4387
Fax: 305-743-4301
F.-mail.: mcplan9@mai\.statc.flus
-10 codes: A . Archa80IogicBI. C - Cultural, H - Hi5torical. N - Natural, R - Recreational. S - Scenic
Project Category
Project Type
Project alons a State-designated scenic byway that is carried out to make the byway eligible tor
designation as an All-American Road or a National Scenic Byway,
Is the project consistent with the Corridor Management Plan for the byway(s)?
Eligibility Category
Interpretive Information
SB-2003-FL-50314: Florida Keys Scenie Highway Interpretive/ Master Plan
'I '
Project Category (Continued)
Is this application a copy of a previously submitted application or a revision of a prior non-funded
If yes, for what year was the previous project submitted?
Prior Projects
FHWA Proj No.1 Year I Project Name
Amou~t I Status
No prior projects
SB-2003-FL-50314: Florida Keys S~nic Highway Interpretivel Master Plan
- .
Project Abstract
The project will help define the !>tory that need!! to be told. how to best tell it and how the entire corridor
experience can be enhanced to allow for maximum visitor appreciation of our intrinsic quulities, and the
dovelopment and strengthening of physical and psychological linkages and the strengthening of the
undcrotilized and untapped qUldities,
A multidiscipline consuhinK finn will be hired to work with the "Iorida Keys S<.:enic IlighwlCY Advisory
Group (FKSHAG); building upon (h~ continued ~ffol'l.S or th~ FKSHAG and the work alrclldy produced
by the Corridor Advocacy Group (tAG) in creating the Corridor Management Plan will prepare the
Interprctivc/Ma!ltcr Plan. The Plan will :lctual1y consist of two diffcn:nt but interconnected projects: the
Interpretive Plan and the Master Illan,
The Mastcr Plan. utilizing and strengthening the cxisting invcntory of intrinsic qualities and building off
the Corridor Management Plan. will provide an invcntory on GIS of all the m~jor intl.'Tpretivc sites.
facilitics and resources, and furthcr dctine/re.tine thc intrinsic quaJities. The Master Plnn shall
concentrllte not only on existing sites but the creation of new site~nnd cnhlUlcements to cxi81ing sites
within the viewsh\.-d. Particular attention sholl be paid tQ the identification of arcus which may benefit
from enhan<:cments; through the opening up of scenic views. native areas chat have been degraded by
the inva~ion OfCAOLic plant spcdes thai would benefit from restoration. and bliLlhlCd commerciall
industrial areas that would benefit fTom aesthetic enhancement and an incCDtive based stratc~y for the
implementAtion of the enhancements. In addition the Master Plan will include the development of 3 ~t
of design guidelincs and an incentive program to encourage propt.'rty owner's to build and/or redevelop
within th" guidelinc!>. The gui~lines are In "nwide guidanct: tn th~l$~ who aT" rch...tlililaling l\uildin~~
through the identitication of the "Kcy~" style and to provide new development with a set of' guidelines
that n:sult in new buildings dlat lire in 11 similar. COnlc.:xt liS the exisling. The identification of lbe "Keys"
'JIyle will be accomplished through resident and visitor surveys and workshops.
The Consultants working with the FKSHMr and through public perticiPfttion will also dcvelor the
Intcrpn..'1ivl: Plan, The development and final dcliver..ble of the Intcrpn:tivc Plan will include;
idtlltificalion of fKSH ~Uttcnt and proposed market. a.n intcrpr..,tive mission. lhcm~(s). sub therne(s).
overal1 intl."IpTetive objectives of the entire 8yway experience. an intcrpretive storyline for (he cntire
fKSH, specific 8tory lines for six specjfjcsitcs,and an imrlemcntation plan. The dcliverables will
includes rcproducibl.c graphicclepicliol\ (mar) of the en.lire eonidor identifying specitic ~ites and
"m(.miti~thatan~ cUl'T\lntly availablt, provide the story:Jinc for the entire corridor and ,he dcvl.llopmcnt
nfintcrpretive intomtation for six FKSHAG identified !>ites, The Interpretive Plan will also provide
preliminary design draw.iDg.~ detailing botbphy!!icaJ and intc1llfctivc imf1rnvelllcl1t~ requited.at the ~ix
identified sites and an ichmtification of additional "tourism products" the sites and the FKSH will offer.
In addition an exhibit manualllhall be created, to distribute to aU ot'the corridor juri~dicti<m$ t() provide
for continuity and cohesion throughout corridor (.xhibit!l, AI!lo if areas are identitied that :thould
tJc"dcmarketizcd" a "ckmarketing" strategy wit be developed.
The development orthe FKSH Interpretive/Master Plan will definc the experience. and rCl.:ommcnd
c:nhancements to the FKSH ~tol)', it is the most critical !ltep to move forward with 3 coordinated and
comprehensive sconic highway program. The FKSH Clln not begin to reach (or cven recognize it's full
flOlential) unlil thi.. plan is complt.:led.
Project Narrative
The ""Ionda Keys Scenic Highway (FKSH) is ~ J06,5-mile corridor connecting the various island
c(lmmunilies dw make up lhe Florida Keys, All a.long the 106.5 mile corridor visitors arc pr(wided
scenic views or not only Florida Day and the Atlantic Ocean but also the Florida Keys National Marine
SanctuaJ}'. Everglades National Park, Key DeeI' Refuge, the Keys unique and diverse upland habitat~.
the exclusive Keys "funky" vemacular community character, and glimpses of the wild and exciting
SB-2003..fL.5031..: Roride Keys Sc.enicHighwey Inle,,,retive! Masler Plan
Project Narrative (Continued)
histOry wbkh includes pimtcs, scavenger!\, salvagers, Indian War.;, horrendous hurricanes, (he amazing
..~ncc:ril\g fete of the Flagler mHmad, and the temporary succession from the N.ttion to fom\ the
Conch R4:public. The corridor also provides extensive and varied recreational opponunitics including a
number of state parks (offering diving and snorkeling, fossilized cOTaI reefs, pristine upland habitats.
kayaking and canoeing) boat rcUIlps, fi~hing bridges (utilizing the remain!! of Henry t'lagler'!t railroad)
And the soon to be "crown jewel" ortbe fKSH: the 106.5 m.le linear park: the Fl(lrida Keys Ove~as
Hcntage Teail (FKOHT), The fltOHT is a ~rilic:al c:omponenl. of lhe fKSli. provid.ing nOlonly
recreational opportunities but also the ability to leisurely explore and experience the story lIflhc FKSH
at onc's own pace,
TheFKSH Ryway Organizali\ln
The F.loridaKcy.s Scenic lfighway ill.3 grass roots effort~pcarhcadcd by Clean Florida Keys, INC, a not-
for -proht volunteer orgilnization promoting s~wardship to protcct and inlprove rhe environment <rnd
natural rcsoun:es ot" the Florida KCYlI. W rth the assistance of a $ J J 0,000 private donation the Corridor
Advocacy gro"" was established in I 996(C AG). The CAG provided the forum for public .md
governmental participation and offereulIllisisWlCC in coordinating the various partners involved in .he
designation process which culmi.n.alcd in the ~orrjdor b~ing dcsigna.tc:d on June 22,2001,
Since that time the Florida Keys Scenic Highway Advisory Oroup (FKSHAG) has been fonned.
Contm\ling the succtSS of a foundation built on active community involvement and leadership, the
FKSHAG ha.. 25 voting memMn:. all of which ropr~tU differontcntiti\!l'<tnd ~t",k"hnM~r gmufls
throughout the island .chain. Membership include$,arepresentative trom each of the 6 local
govemmcnls, swc aDd federal land h(lhlcr~ including Florida Deparr:mcnt ofTmnsportation, Flnrida
Department of EnvirolfnJenmJ Protoction, US Fish & Wildlife, as well as rcprcsenrativc from an of the
corridor Chambers ofCommcn:c, the Nature Consenancy, the Florida Keys <':ouncil of the Arts, the
Monroe County I'Otlris! Development Council, and the Florida Keys Historic Prellcrvation Society,
Cu~ntly, six. at large members are being sel~\Cd to provide an even more diverse representation oflhc
Florida Keys cross sc.."Clion of in.lCteslS_ The fKSHAG rclics heavily Oil ils cl~ll\ll\iucc slNclure lO nul
only provide: community outn:ach md inclusion into the proceS!l but also to ensme that our cftbrt~ are
not duplicating thecffurt!l of the various different gmups throughout thc Keys dealing with is!l'\le~ that
are related to our iRtrin&ic qualit;es. It is a prinlary goal oftne committees to coordinate through the
ma~ planning proccN5 andimptementation to c(l()rdinate with other gmufl!\ throughllut the Keys to
improve our ability to implement our Corridor Managcment rJan and our Interprctive Master rlan
quickly, efficiently and effcctively, The fK5HAG .nlCClS on a mllnthly ba.~is and committees meet more
regularly to complete assignl11enh;.
How will the proposed projt:tt help ~trengthen your byway organization
In order to take IIdvantaee of the enthWii~m and commitment of our mcmbers and volunh;crs It is
critical that the Interpretive/Master J>>lanisprcparcd quickly. Throughout the yea.., as wc wait to hear if
our grant application is successful, the FKSHAG will continue to work hard to collect the data,
invcntnrieti: and public inpm thltt will mah the Intcrprctivc/MaGter Plan a "",:cc"sfulllnd imrlcmcntablc
projc.ct. We will also continue to cement relationships with the diverse range of government, busil\Cs!\,
~ci.aJintercst groups and citizens (0 Joster and enhance J 06.5-mile "super learn".
The Interpretive Master Plan will build upon the work that hM already been completed by the numerous
vl)luntcer~ who developed the Florida Keys Scenic Highway Corridor Management "lcm and a/l entities
working on this national natural res()urc~, It will act as the key to coordinating cff(lnS of the nlultipk:
ovcrlayingjurisdi~ti()t\s in the Keys lhal S\)It\Ctjmcs inlplemcnl ~uojccts in the absence of such crilical
coordination. The l'lan win !lave time, money and wi11 help preserve, prolect and implement our ~tory.
The Plan will also included detailed infurmation aboutspccific interpretive projcc~ that will be utili7.ed
as the basis tor t\1tUtt fund raising ctlorts. Just as a bank will not lend money to a business without a
SB-2003-FL-50J14; Ronda Keys Scenic Highway fntetlY8tiveJ Masler Plan
Project Narrative (Continued)
sound business plan. gran"'r:o; will not give funding to projects \hat do have not been carefully (master
planned) thought out. Organizations tbat are ~uc(;cssful in obtuil1ing funding arc strengthened by the
abHity to see the di~"1 results of everyone's efforts. This ontices people to stay involved
The Intcrpretive I'hm will identify the significAnt lltories that the Floridu Keys Scenic Highway hus to
tell,and it will outline specific str<ltcgies to allow these stories 10 unfold for viliOirors in an engaging and
infonnarive way. ~ommcndaLions for the Florida lCcys Scenk Highway will take into 8!;,ountlhc
different kinds of visitors that travel the highwa.y, markets to larget, amenities 1.0 provide, niches to
develop, how the locals utili7.e the amenities and the varyins amounts of time that is spent touring the
highway~ amenities a'\ opposed to utilizing the highway as solely a transportation route. The Key" arc
w(lrld re known r,w our laid hlM:k attitude we want vlsitor!' to take their time liS they drive II~ 106.5
miles to Key West and soak up an the Key~ have to offer, The interpretive plan will al~ include a
detailed implel1lcnratiQn plan al1d ,'itratcgies to evaluate the effectiveness of interpretive etTort....
It is the intent of the FKSHAG to use the Intcrprctive/MlIsh..-r PhUlasn tool to provide a cohesive visitor
experience along the Florida Keys Scenic Highway that providt~S li1\kagcs betwl~n all cammllniti\~s and
intrins:ic qualities,
How the byway tmvc)ers or visitors will benefit from the project.
The Interpretive /Master Plan is action and product driven. The benefits indude-~
J. The Project will bring. together 3 myriad of different and incomplete I'ieces of a m"lli-chapter st<"ry
and create a cohesive whole. Beca.use funding for the Plan wilt allow tbe fKSHAG to hire an expert in
interpretive planning our story will be told in a way that provides interest and C'lcitcmcnt to a wide
variCfy of tourist interests, The abil1ty to create the story out of the dillpamte pieces wlll fill 11 critical
need for the !lUCCC98 ofthe FKSH.
2, Ihc ~iect will provide product. Including ma~ brochW'es, Intelm.."t infonnation .l1ld other
tWvc:rlisinLl materials. These produclS will ~crvc a number of different touriSll\ccds. For the traveler
just planning their visit or looking for a destination. The product will :lcrvc as the cssenlial
comprehensive guide to the Florida Keys (as most of the Florida Keys arc yi!'lible from the highway). it
will be utilizedextensivdy to pttlft vacations. Many of our visitors tu"e only familiar with Key West,
ThcJ'1\lducts wllllet thorn in an our higgc!lt ~~t, i.e. that ~v~ry nlile of the FKSH is fillO<! with
interesting and varied landscape, history, culture, and recreational activities, Tourists, once tascinated
with all the Keys have to offer wilJ plan to spend mt\rc linlC (and Dollars) cnjoyillg the sights, sound.".
tu:stCll and smells of the entire island chuin.
3. For the traveler Wi they arrive in the Keys, the Project will prlwide colorfull\Dd creative nnrrntives of
the FKSH.
4. The project wilt identify where best to direct vlsit<.u'S, where pull/l\ffs should be located: who is the
lludience and how to best get the message out to them.
3. The master planning part of the project will provide the recipe for improving the overall byway
experience for ollr guests and residents. Throllgh the identitication of: opportunities and COll5trau\ts,
areas that need to be cnhanee~ habitat that needs to be restored. views that can be opened up,
communiliei: that could use some spnu;lng up, and the identification and mechanisms for the protection
of cultural and historic amenities that we are quickly losing, we can begin to make positive steps in the
right direction.
6. Until US # I was designated a scenic highway, no one looked at this highway as it continuous whole.
IlS an entire story. Now that we realize what n tremendous and inh.:rcsting story thst we have nnd must
tell many groups hlWt~ joined forces to improve nnd market this expcricncc- The project will further
cement and help 4.:rca1C man: ex<:itcment and c:ommiuncnt on the paIt of all "conchs" (K.ey's people) to
join in on the ell'ol'( III improve ane.! lllark.cl1he cll.p~ri~n~c.
Wh.at part of your byway's story will the propO!led project help enhance,
SB-2003-Fl..50J14: Florida Keys Scenic Highway Interpretive' Mester Plan
Project Narrative (Continued)
A!l stated earlier most ofthe information currently available telling the story ofthc FKSH is incomplc{c
and lack~ the information and continuity to murkct the f'KSH as a destination in itself. There is no
cohesive literature or product avail~,ble. Thousands of visitors a day are missing the opportunity to
learn not only about the FKSH history. "Culture, natural. environment & recreational opportuniti~!l. but
also fbccn\lsc many people visit the Keys witho\lt visiting the rest of tlorida) miss the opportunity to
see it part of the rich and varied history that aU oftlorida has to offer. The part of Florida that is lnuch
mor~ thall omllsement parks. The In{crprelivc Piau will not only fill the vl)id, providing for a detailed
and comprehensive stmyline for all of the FKSH intrinsic qualitic~, but it will also provide the means to
most effectively supply this information to our visitors.
The Master planning part 'lfthe prt\l:':sS will tell us what ar~as al'lng the FK~H ean ~. enhltnc,~d and
Ilrovidc a timclbudget schedule to efficiently and cffcctively implement the plan. As more and more
touri~ts arc discovering the Caribbean, central & S,luth America as alternative dC!ltinlltions to the
Florida Keys we must capture and maintain these travelers interests now. To surviw we havc to
enhMce our competitive 1U.tvHJ1tage. The Master plftJI will provide the blueprint to succeed before our
current and potential tourist dollars go elsewhere.
Jndirect benefits will include a more enhanced travel experience as the Master Plan is the action plan
that will improve the highway experience. The in.terpretivc Plan will also provide the best 5tratcgy lor
providing these interpretive information at the various trllil-hcads f'lr the FKOHT thal arc currently in
the process ofbcinglocated and designed. 1t will also designate areas that need imflrovemcnt including
naNral areas that have become chClkcd by inva~ive exotic vegetation, enhanccd tropical hahitats,
improved landscaping and the schx,-tivc opening up of sc...-nic views and pull offs.
The cost or ponion of the project that will enhance or interpret the byway's intrinsic q\UIlihcs, or
otherwise serve primarily byway visilors or travelers:
The entire cost ofthe project win directly, through product and infonnation or indirectly through the
creation of best practices, identification and enhlUlcement of intrinsic qualities, and the provision of an
implementation plan will cnhance or help to interpret the byways intrinsic qualities.
'mc relationship and priority of the project with other improvements or initiatives planned. underway or
in place along the byway:
The Interprctivc/Master PIM, reflecting the FKSHAG multi-year priorities. provides the r'lundotion on
which 3 successful byway program will be constnll~tcd. Almost every :iingle goal & objective of the
eMP and the eMl' Action Plan is somehow related back to this critical step. The preparation and the
Impletncntation of the In(~rpn:tiveIMasler rlan is priority I\umb\."t one. COl\currently and as 11 pari or the
Plan the Florida Keys Overseas HI.'ritagc Trail is being developed. While. funding is available to
develop the trail, little has been done to detcnnine the best location for trailheads and facilities and of
COUI'5C how we win ~ent our heritage. This comes under the auspi~ of the FKSHAG. The success
of the fKOHT i!; prodkatlld on it becoming more than a !;idl~walk. 1t trUly dl'pcnds on (h~ dcvclupm""t
and implementation ofthc Interpretive/Ma~r Plan.
Also.LS an integrdl part ofth~ FKQHT and the sccnic qlla1i'i~s ofthc FKSH, funding (millions of
dollars) is now being sought to restore many of thl: old Henry l-'lllglcr railrond bridgc~. Funding
availability should improve as the cntiTC project develops and is implemented.
How the byway organilation dctcnnined the project's priority - who participated in setting the hyway's
SB-2003-FL-50314: Florida Keys Scenic Highway Int6fpretive/ MaSfer Plan
Project Narrative (Continued)
The FKSHAG and its prcdecelisor the Corridor Advisory Group realized the benefit of having <l plan or
road map to arrive at lllJuccessful progrllTl1. The orgllnizatiomd l:ltructure (previously dcta.ilcd) provided
for a wide variety of diverse entities and citizens being involved in the setting of priurities
A~r"cmC:llts in plaee or anticipated (0 pay for the main(~nill1c~ of any improv~mellts over thc u~fullirc.
~enerally considered to be 20 ycars:
We are fortunate in that the State has made the entire J06.5-mile eOlTidor a state park. The Department
of Environm"ntal Prlltection, Otliee of Parks and l(cC'.rcation has llgr"ed to either take on the
maintenance respon'\ibilitics or execute agreements with the local jurisdictione; to ensurc that facilities
arc maintained
Work Plan
Line Start Datel
Item Task/Mileslone Description Duration Work Category
001 Work with the Florida Department of 10 Jul 2003 Interpretive Infomlatioll
Transportation and FWHA to execute any 2 month
rcquircd agreenmcnts.
Responsible Party: Sheryl 8ower, AICP Florida Keys Scenic Highway C
The Scenic Hiahway Coordif!..atOr will work with Representatives ofFDOT and "'HW A to
ensure the proper ~xecutiol\ of IlI1 tlocumc:nt:l and agreements.
002 Jlrepare and distribute Ii Request f"or 10 Ju12003 Interpretive Infonnation
Proposals and hire a Consulting firm(s) 3 momhs
Responsible Party: Sheryl Hower, Monroe County Growth Management
~....,..~_._...-- . "'. '~-'-;--""---,-"""",,,'~..,'~';;;.--,,~-' . --_..............'....1 "
Shcryf Bower, the Scenic Highway Coordinator working wilh Monroe County and FOOT will
prepare/distribute an RFP for interested firms. Fim\1I to be considered must have
qualifications in intel'JlTetive planning, tourism planning,cnvironmental rc!'ource protection.
and landscape architecture. A selection committec will rank the firm and prCSC1lt lheir top
choices to lhc Roard of County Commissioners fOf final appr\waL
003 Prepare Master Plan 01 Nov 2003 Interpretive Illformation
7 months
.~-:..t':~~"~."'~.\I,,' .....; ---'-'--, .-...._'.. -......,.....--- ~-,-_.
Responsible Party: Sheryl Bower. Monroe County Growth Management
.-.,.- .--.
Thc consultan~ working closely with the FKSHAG will begin and completc the Mastcr Plan,
utilizing and strengthening the ex.isl.ing inventory of intrinsic qualities and building ofT the
Corridor MallagclJlcnt Plan. will provide an inventory on GlS of aU the major' il\tcrprctive
sites. ftlCihties and resources, and fwther tletinein:linc the inlrinsic qualities. The Masler Plan
shall conccnlr"tc not only on existing sites but the creal ion of new siles and enham;cmcnts to
e~istins sites wilhin the vicw!;hed. Pal1icular atlentiOIl shall be "aid to the identification of
areas whieh ma benefit ftOtn enhancementS. throu h the (\ cnin u of scenic views, native
g p
sa.2003~FL-50314; Florida Keys Scenic HighwllY Interpretivel Master Plan
Work Plan (Continued)
003 areas that have been degraded by I.he invasion of exotic plant species that would bcnctil from
restoration. and blighted comR\crcial/indu~tria' arcas thut would benefit from aesthetic
enhancement and an incentive baset.l strategy for the implementation of the enhancements. In
tuldition the MllSter Plan will include the development of a set of design guidelines and an
incentive program to cncourage propcrty owner's to build and/or redevelop within the
guidelines. The guidclincs arc to provide guidance to those who arc rehabilitating buildings
through the idcntificlltion of the "Keys" style and to pr\widc new development with a set of
~idclines that result in new buildings that arc in a similar context as the eXi!iling. The
Identification ofthc "Keys" style will ~ ~\(:complished through rel;idcnt and visitor surveys
..~ '. ,-,._",'" ..;.0,1....... ,,,. .,....'.'.". ......'-
004 rrepare Interpretive Plan and associated
01 Mar 2004
9 months
interpretive lnfonnation
Responsible Party: Shcryl Bower, Monroe County Growth Management
Building upon the enhanced inventory and map!'! created through the master planning process.
the Consultants working with the FKSHAG and through public participation will dcve/elf' the
Jnterpretive Plan. The development and fInal deliverable of the Interpretive Plan will include:
identification of FKSH current and proposed market, an interpretive mission. themc(s), sub
tllemc(s), overall interpretive objectives ofthe entire Byway exreriencc. an interpretive
storylinc for the entire FKSH, specifk !)"tory lines for six specific sites, and an implementation
plan. The delivcrablcs will include a reproducible graphic depiction (map) or Ih\i entil\:
corridor identifying spceific sites and amenities that are currently available. provide the
storyline for the c:nti~ corridor ~.nd the development of interpretive information for six
FKSHAG identified sites. The Inlerpretive Plan will also provide preliminary design
drawings detailing both physical and interpn.'ti\lc improvements rcq\lir~~d I\t the :;ix id"'lItitlcd
sites and an identification of additional "tourism products" the sites and thcFKSH will oncr.
In addition an elChibit manual shall be creafcd, to distrihute to all of the corridor juri~dictj()no;
to provide for continuity and cohesion throughout corridor exhibits. Also if areas arc
id~-ntificd that shc.luldbe"demllrketized" n "demnrketing" stmtegy Will he developed. A fieT
fKSHAG review and approval 1000 copies of the final interpretive plan will be printed and
Item Oescription Total Cost Request Amt.
OOJ Execute Agreements/Monroe Cmmty/FDOT IFH W A $2.000 SI,6oo
002 Prepare and Di~lTiblltc RfP $3,000 $2,400
_,..,~~_w --. -----
003 Prepare Master Plan $97,000 $77,600
004 Prcpare Interpretive Plan and associatcd products S98,OOO $78,400
SB-2003-FL-50314: Florida Keys Scenic Hignway Interpretivel Master Plan
Budget (Continued)
'-.'='-1._._' "n, .n ."'._ .....--." ,.."'.,'''.-,.-. ,. ----.- ':'..::." :. ~_ ':,~,"A" ':~~'''I" '._ '_'.,""'1'" ....
Item Description Total Cost Request Amt.
Totals $100,000 S 160,000
Match amount (total cost - requested amounus $40.000 or 200% of total.
Match accounted for In Match erukdown is 0.000 or 20.0% of total.
These two amounts must be equal for the Budget and Match sections to be complete.
For your infonnation. 80% of Totel Cost is $180.000, ,net 20% of Total Cosl is $40.000,
Your match amount cannot be less than 20% of Total Cost.
Match Breakdown
.-. .,
Source Description Type Value
. .... - ,.".
Monroe County Cash $40,000
Total S40,000
Total from itelTl8 abo"'e: $40.000 or 20.0% of lolal.
Match amount from Budget: $40,000 or 20.0% of total.
These two amounts musl be equal for the Budget and Match sections to be complete.
For your information. 80% of Total Cost is 5160,000, and 20% of Tol81 Cost is $40,000.
Your match amount cannol be 1888 than 20% of Total Cost
Project Coordinator
Coornlnaror N8I11lI
Sheryl L. Bower. A1CP
AgencV/Gfu.!p ~rtle
Monroe County Growth ManagcmlmtlFlorida K~ys Sc dillltl~~vftjo~ftj~ CO(lntinatm
E.mftll AddNllll
I'PhOn.' - ". .J.flll( . - ....- ,.
305-743-4387 _._____~ _305-743.430 I
--.,... "/." ---
SlI'elIl Addr.u
2798 Overseas Hlghway
Suite 1#400
Clly I Stale IZIP
Marathon FL J:\OSO
SB-2003-FL-50314: Florida Keys Scenic Highway Interpretive! Mast.., Plan
State Program
Slatfl IByway PrOlJ'am Slart Data
fL OJ Ju11993
Scenic Byway Agency
Florida Department ofTnlll~portution
911Jl8 ScenIC Byways Cl)(Vrlln8ll)r
Mariano Berrios
e-mlllf Add.....
PIl4lIM: rllx
(850) 922.7221 f850)922-72 I 7
I Sb-eel A<<ldllJS6
605 Suwannee Street. Mail Stop :\7
CKy I Stele TlJP
Tallahassee FL 32399
Congressional Members
Associated States
State Senators
Fl Graham. Bob
Nelson, Bill
-.-- -".~-~-- -."",....,..-
State Representatives
State District Representativ~
-_. n. ... ..~-'- .... .___'1..".~-_~.._~'1'_~......:..::.:_;::
FL 20 Deutsch. Peter
SB-2003-FL-50314: Florid. Keys Scenie Highway InterpretiveJ Master Plan
State Scenic Byways Agency
Dat~ .
Matching Funds Certification
~ -Z-~ k.
.... ..' _ ,-.-::::.:1
Funds Allocation Preference for Federal Agencies
FHW A allocates the funds for the: project to my agency.
SB-2003-FL-50314: Florida Keys Scenie Highway Interpretive! Master Plan
* .
RESOLUTION NO. 217 -2002
WHEREAS, the Florida Department of Transportation has announced the FY
2003 funding cycle of the National scenic Byways Grant Program; and
WHEREAS, on June 22,2001, U.S. Highway 1 from Mile Marker 0 to Mile
Marker 106 was designated as the Florida Keys Scenic Highway
1. The County Administrator is hereby authorized to sign and submit the
application packet for the FY 2003 grant funds to the Florida Department of
Transportation for the FHW A National Scenic Byways Program for the
Florida Keys Scenic Highway Interpretive Master Plan.
2. The County will serve as the coordinating unit of government in the
preparation of the grant proposals.
3. $40,000 will be provided by the County as matching funds for the Master
4. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon the adoption by the
Board of County Commissioners and execution by the Presiding Officer and
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County,
~ F~dam aJ'Egular meeting of said Board held on the 15th day of May, AD, 2002.
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Mayor Charles "Sonny" McCoy
Mayor ProTem Dixie Spehar
Coinmissioner Murray Nelson
Commissioner George Neugent
Commissioner Nora Williams
Monroe County ard of Commissioners
ItF.2:::0VED ;'