Resolution 380-1999 Board of County Commissioners RESOLUTION NO.380 -1999 A RESOLUTION PERTAINING TO ANNUAL LEAVE ACCRUAL FOR MONROE COUNTY EMPLOYEES. WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners feels they must examine benefits to in an effort to curtail costs to Monroe County Taxpayers, WHEREAS, it is the intent of the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners to provide a schedule of Annual Leave for their employees, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO modify their Personnel Policies & Procedures in the following manner: For current employees and employees hired on or prior to September 30, 1999, Annual leave for regular, full-time employees with a work week of 37 1/2 hours up to and including 40 hours per week shall be earned in accordance with the following table: Years of Continuous Service Hours of Leave Earned During Each Calendar Month 4 through 10 years 5 hours per bi-weekly pay period (16 1/4 working days per year) 3.: 0 U) -r'1 0 U) Z )...-;.. > r- :;0 (J ~; c: fT1 Or""" C') 0 r11 ::r- ,,< Co.) .." ,.....,. , < 0 0(")" ~.",~,,-,: :::0 -0 ::0 l' c_. ::;: - (J"- fT1 :<;-l- x - (") .." >- .. 0 r C) N :::0 :t> rrl CD C 1 through 3 years 4 hours per bi - weekly pay period (13 working days per year) 11 through 15 years 6 hours per bi - weekly pay period (19 1/2 working days per year) 16 through termination of employment 7 hours per bi-weekly pay period (22 3/4 working days per year) Monroe County currently has a bi-weekly pay period system commencing at 12:00 a.m. Sunday, ending two Saturdays later at 11:59 p.m. There are 26 pay periods per year. . For employees who are hired on October 1, 1999, or after Annual leave for regular, full-time employees with a work week of 37 1/2 hours up to and including 40 hours per week shall be earned in accordance with the following table: Years of Continuous Service Hours of Leave Earned During Each Calendar Month 1 through 5 years 4 hours per bi-weekly pay period (13 working days per year) 6 through 15 years 5 hours per bi-weekly pay period (16 1/4 working days per year) 16 through termination of employment 6 hours per bi-weekly pay period (19 1/ 2 working days per year) Monroe County currently has a bi-weekly pay period system commencing at 12:00 a.m. Sunday, ending two Saturdays later at 11:59 p.m. There are 26 pay periods per year. EFFECTIVE: October 1, 1999 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 11 th day of Augus t 1999. Mayor Wilhelmina Harvey Mayor Pro Tem Shirley Freeman Commissioner George Nuegent Commissioner Mary Kay Reich , . Commissioner Nora Williams yes yes yes yes yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~ ~ By \...t.:)'. ~ '1::,...; "'<'V..-. "'- .... ~ Mayor/Chairman