Resolution 346-2003 RESOLUTION 346 -2003 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA DESIGNATING CONSERVATION AND NATURAL AREAS FOR PROTECTION AND ACQUISITION FROM WILLING SELLERS BY THE COUNTY, IN CONJUNCTION WITH STATE AND FEDERAL ACQUISITION AND PROTECTION PROGRAMS; AND DIRECTING STAFF TO PREPARE AMENDMENTS TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS AND TO TAKE OTHER NECESSARY STEPS IN ORDER TO IMPLEMENT THE FLORIDA KEYS CARRYING CAPACITY STUDY, GOAL 105 OF THE 2010 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, AND THE WORK PROGRAM MANDATED BY RULE 28-20.100, F.A.C. WHEREAS, the Florida Administration Commission in 1996 enacted Rule 28- 20.100, which created the "Work Program" in the 2010 Comprehensive Plan and mandated, among other things, the preparation of a Carrying Capacity Study for the Florida Keys; and WHEREAS, Year 6 (July 13, 2002 through July 12, 2003) of the "Work Program," section C., mandates that the County implement the Carrying Capacity Study by the adoption of all necessary plan amendments to establish development standards to ensure that new development does not exceed the carrying capacity of the County's natural environment; and WHEREAS, the "Work Program", section F. further mandates that the County initiate and complete a collaborative process for the adoption of Land Development Regulations (LDR) and Comprehensive Plan amendments to strengthen the protection of terrestrial habitat; and WHEREAS, the Florida Keys Carrying Capacity Study (FKCCS), completed in September 2002, provides a scientific basis for limiting further degradation of critical habitat and sets out guidelines that, inter alia, would direct future development away from "native habitat," and into "areas ripe for redevelopment or already disturbed"; and WHEREAS, Goal 105 of the 2010 Comprehensive Plan, "Smart Growth," was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners in 2001 to address the long-term development of the Florida Keys; and F:\FLCdocs\90355\010\5859I,DOC Page 1 of5 WHEREAS, the Smart Growth program provides a framework for implementing the mandate of Rule 28-20.1 00, Florida Administrative Code ("F.A.C.") within the 2010 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, Objective 105.2 of the 2010 Comprehensive Plan, pursuant to the Rule 28-20.100, F.A.C. mandate, directs the County to map and designate land within the Florida Keys into three categories - Natural Area, Transition and Sprawl Reduction Area, and Infill Area - based on the Smart Growth principles set forth therein; and WHEREAS, following numerous public hearings and an extensive planning process undertaken by the Planning Commission, the Growth Management Division staff has prepared maps depicting the boundaries of the "Conservation and Natural Areas," which represent and are consistent with the first land classification category, "Natural Area," under Objective 105.2; and, WHEREAS, the maps depicting the boundaries of the Conservation and Natural Areas are accurate, reflect the best available data, and are consistent with the FKCCS and Goal 105 of the 2010 Comprehensive Plan; and, WHEREAS, within the boundaries of the Conservation and Natural Areas are all significant upland habitat of four acres or more identified in the habitat data utilized in the FKCCS, including all high quality hammock and pinelands, lands needed to connect isolated patches of existing upland habitat and provide buffers between habitat areas and development, all CARL lands, publicly-owned conservation lands, and most lands zoned Conservation, Sparsely Settled, and Native Area; and, WHEREAS, these lands within the boundaries of the Conservation and Natural Areas are precisely those significant upland hardwood hammocks and pinelands that are important to the sustainability of protected species and to maintain the ecosystem integrity as called for by the terrestrial module of the FKCCS and Goal 105 of the 2010 Comprehensive Plan; and, WHEREAS, the protection and restoration of these lands within Conservation and Natural Areas are essential to implement the recommendations of the terrestrial module of the FKCCS and Goal 105 ofthe 2010 Comprehensive Plan; and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners finds that, as funds are identified and become available, acquisition from willing sellers of certain remaining privately-owned vacant lands within this area may be necessary in order to implement the FKCCS and Goal 105 of the 2010 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, under Section 9.5-122.3(a)(5) (ROGO) and Section 9.5-124.8(a)(3) (NROGO), Monroe County Code, applicants may receive positive points for the dedication of certain lands located within a conservation area or areas proposed for voluntary acquisition by governmental agencies for the purposes of conservation and resource protection; and, F:\FLCdocs\903 5 5\010\5 8591,DOC Page 2 of5 WHEREAS, based on the Property Appraiser's records the assessed value of privately-owned vacant lands within the Conservation and Natural Areas is over $42 million; and, WHEREAS, the Conservation and Natural Areas designation would specify these lands for priority acquisition from willing sellers by the County in partnership and with significant financial assistance of the Federal and State governments; and, WHEREAS, based upon allocation awards under ROGO, the Growth Management Division staff is concerned that the eligibility of properties within significant upland habitats to receive positive points for aggregation under Section 9.5- 9.5-122.3(a)(3), Monroe County Code, is contrary to the findings of the FKCCS and Goal 105 of the Comprehensive Plan; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission and Growth Management Division staff have raised concerns about the impact of development activity of not-for-profit organizations, exempt from NROGO under Section 9.5-124.3 (4), Monroe County Code, within designated Conservation and Natural Areas; and, WHEREAS, as a state-designated Area of Critical State Concern, coordination with and increased financial participation by the State and Federal governments are necessary to implement properly and fairly a number of the policies set forth in the 2010 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, Policy 1 of the 2010 Comprehensive Plan recognizes that "The State of Florida has made a substantial commitment to provide, and actively assist in securing, financial assistance to implement these policies."; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has considered the recommendations of its Growth Management Division staff; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1: Pursuant to Policy 105.2.1, Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan, Conservation and Natural Areas are hereby designated, the boundaries of which are described in the maps attached hereto, and made part of this resolution. These boundaries may be amended from time to time by resolution of the Board of County Commissioners, based on the criteria applied in the original designation, unless superceded by boundary amendment provisions for Conservation and Natural Areas contained in an ordinance adopted by the Board on August 20, 2003 or later. Section 2: The Conservation and Natural Areas contain lands proposed for future acquisition from willing sellers by the County, in conjunction with other State and Federal acquisition and protection programs, for purposes of conservation and resource F:\FLCdocs\903 55\0 1 0\5 8591,DOC Page 3 of5 protection. Voluntary purchases may be considered as adequate funds are identified and made available to accomplish this purpose. All private vacant developable land within the Conservation and Natural Areas shall be eligible for ROGO and NROGO dedication points under Section 9.S-122.3(a)(S) and Section 9.S-124.8(a)(3), Monroe County Code. Section 3: The County Administrator is requested to direct the Growth Management Division staff to recommend amendments, as expeditiously as practical, to the following sections ofthe Land Development Regulations as follows: 1. Section 9.S-122.3(a)(3) - assess the impact of the existing aggregation policy on lands within designated Conservation and Natural Areas and to recommend changes as necessary to implement the FKCCS and Goal 10S of the 2010 Comprehensive Plan; and 2. Section 9.S-124.3(4) - evaluate current NROGO exemption policies, particularly with respect to non-profit organizations, and assess their impact on the preservation of lands within designated Conservation and Natural Areas and to recommend regulatory changes that will implement adequately the FKCCS and GoallOS of the 2010 Comprehensive Plan. Section 4: The County Administrator is requested further to direct the Growth Management Division staff, or other appropriate staff, to: 1. explore legally-defensible methods of funding voluntary acquisitions from willing sellers of certain privately-owned, vacant lands within designated Conservation and Natural Areas; including partnerships with state and federal funding and regulatory programs; 2. develop amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Regulations necessary to implement the FKCCS; the Work Plan mandated by Rule 28-20.100, and Goall0S of the 2010 Comprehensive Plan; and 3. prepare a request of the State to: a. expand existing CARL boundaries to be consistent with the Conservation and Natural Areas boundaries herein designated; and b. make available on an annual basis grant funds specifically to Monroe County for land acquisitions from willing sellers that at least match any County funds set aside for such purposes. [THE REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE IS LEFT INTENTIONALL Y BLANK] F:\FLCdocs\90355\0 1 0\58591 ,DOC Page 4 of5 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Momoe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 20tbf August, A.D., 2003. !~{(r:2IJ;ti t/ ' ,'\,' ;1,:/ I./,~, '\ /-',- "-'I ,C I ," "\'-C"C'" ii,,'" I" (S'n.^,,,", ,Y'c,- \\/" ..n~}\;~,:' " " Mayor Dixie Spehar yeR mayor Pro Tern Murray Nelson yes Commissioner Charles "Sonny" McCoy yes Commissioner George Neugent YPP. Commissioner David Rice yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: ~));. >n ~a,U MAYOR/CHAIRPERSON .~ .)' , . . :~E'CLERK . PUT CLERK Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: z,j ~ E. Tyson smLsq. C~." \..0 c~:: Cl tlJ ""1: C-:;. .. el _J C.) - ~. Ll... /.,u x: :r.:1-=;>-: Q;;; 0- -lUr- a '2: B ..::t' :x::~:::> .uo i..l... , -oJ .U a 0... >-xw W lLJ zz-:!o <n z '.r ~ ..." <( z 4. = (:;) 0 c::::> r ('-.,j F:\FLCdocs\90355\OlO\58591,DOC Page 5 of5 Monroe County Conservation and Natural Areas MM 105 to 108 _Conservation and Natural Areas Military Land -USl · Mile Marker N A 0 0,25 0,5 , Miles A~{ijJi'i> p'an4~~~~mentaJ Resou.roea ~~ent ,,,,' . ';:/ ,~;~/~ Jlu m..r i~ fw ~('_\!J Gnrwlh \l-r___ l>i.,.. ru~onl'\l. Thtdalllc~iwon:mi~il!~~..>d",,1 ....~.WIy~~I~.~l..~.np,IOJf.ays, t"Ii.$entif)qtiOlllilllonlllllion. Monroe County Conservation and Natural Areas MM 103 to 106 _ Conservation and Natural Areas Milijary Land -US1 · Mile Marker N A 0 0,25 0,5 Miles , - - ~4::'?J~,'c,; Plan_'.Jff'~~~"J. ty u'"'",,!lidl nV1nnnmental Reso~Oea ne"7i- ,~..~ent ,. ,~~.~/ J~:=;I~'::=:~~lh~T)j""- l1"It~'I,j,\I)'..,..n~ ml$lll.......n-.:....._>f c>r~~::~::o.d.\,rWltuf_.~, Pr<."...T~d fly I(R Dtlt,~ t:'6:u~ . " . 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Mile Marker PI~~3~menta1 ResoWoea ncJ$1ment \~~,~._~!- rhi~m.1f"~ fwM..-C_t,.C...".1.b ~Di~_ '\ll~onl1t_lllcdlU("OfIf.u.o.ihm:-in h il!~f'ooClndelllY mcltC~.""I't""""<<~.r-<<I., ~.I\PItll.f.ays. (l4'~_11I""~1I l"r...'tlilr~d ih: t..:R l)tll;~ g.'6.'U1 Monroe County Conservation and Natural Areas MM 93 to 95 _Conservation and Natural Areas Military Land -US1 . Mile Marker N A 0 0,2 0,4 , Miles ~~ty Plan~~ t~~..', nmental ReSO~B~~ent ~~~..;'~::i' Thi.ma('!~ Ic:t M.rnrocClJUDtrCJftlwVI M~"iril_ 1'1IPJ'<~ <)fIt,,_ TIle ~ ClJfIl,iaod hm:in i~ ili..-ewiw lllld Iftt'!' nnllI(".("l<<lwl'ydrr<(IIK.~.r-uJ., ~.",nIQ(.ays, t>fj..kntif_~"llIfotll_l<>tl Pr<.: ;IJ~ lhe h:.R n.tti: ~,6'lJ:'l Monroe County Conservation and Natural Areas MM 91 to 93 . Mile Marker N A 0 0,2 0.4 . Miles "0'^'';;Ci;,-". Planm:1L~~~mental Reso~ ft::rent ,~~~/ Ttnslllal' '.MM__n_ly~th M~J)i~'iaicaII JI111l'<'fC$:on,,",. 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Pr.."ptlTl,'d Rv kR n,.l<: i:;:6."lJ~ Monroe County Conservation and Natural Areas MM 60 to 63 ~ ~ _Conservation and Natural Areas N A 0 0,25 0,5 , Miles Military Land -US1 · Mile Marker \ r.mDroe..(:O~ty PlannUj~ 'n~nmenta1 ResO~8~~ent "Z~_.~~-~' rtli$mat' ;~to:.rM,,_CQUl~IY('.Inlwlb~n,Yiaq l'mp<"';:~Q"tv_ n.,.1lllR(:OfII~heTl:in b ill~r\oll:lltlJftIt.... ........II(-C\#.'~ly...,..rt~,r-ctf~, ",.l-iflht..r_~ C'li4erllif"lCM;onlllf""....)o.. f~r"""Pilr.:d fly: ~R nil"': K"6.'~Yl " Monroe County Conservation and Natura! Areas MM 35 to 41 _Conservation and Natural Areas D Military Land -U51 . Mile Marker N A Plan4-ift~~menta1 Reso~ Ilc~ent ""'~,;.~";"-' rltis mar i~ fur M""I'TIeCclUI:ty Growth \4~ J}i~.iwl ~'1"""''''' onl\l T11CC ,tauF.C:QOlI,iIoc:d hc-nm i$IH-...,loiC ,nJ_~ mf''''CUfiWl't .ter'~t~. fWUl~. rwW.. li~"': Ilfw,!", N idon'-.ificati'ltIl1,r<l'l'II1M;Qll Pr..."t1Tcd B.~' kR n"t;' :,:6:t.P o 0.5 Miles Monroe County . Conservation and N aturaI Areas MM 29 to 35 _Conservation and Natural Areas 1!'I~,1 MiI~ary Land -US1 . Mile Marker . >> . ."., N A .-,;t'.- .i:""'~, PlanJl~(;~~mental ResoWoes ~~ment '~~-::~!;~/ Tm$ll'IoIf' i~ fc.:tM.....lQe C'>'It:lrGn-w\h "_r~ T>i~._ j>l!tp<>tCl' onl,,". Tlw..w~ (""'oil;",...;. hct1:w i~ ili..-trali\1:..1J fftl1l "",_OC'UI'"',,I~"""rt~.~~I'.F".Ii!t),:C1J...~, ....i4cfltir~I;""1J"otll....'<><1 PI.... h.:d lh: t..:.R 1),,11' S.6.:0~ o 0,5 Miles Monroe County Conservation and Natural Areas MM 24 to 30 i ~ , ) , N A · Mile Marker ~~.,,,,J ~>':'io;,.- Plannit~t;~menta1 Reso~ Iblrent "-~;~:.':":/ Thi, tM(' i~ ro, Manroc ('(NlI)' Growu. 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Mile Marker N A M~~6f'>'unty Plan~~' iiYiijonmental Reso~oes .~ent ";-J~_~:..~_~'" HMn'",,;~ f'>r M"DIN'("lQI'lfy(~lM&n"I'~. ni~ tlUlp',_nflh,Tht.dawot.....ilK'.1bcn.1fl'lilllUTl"ati.-r.ndnllty ,,," ..x~1) J..pL~' "'_0l0I1..., pilrn'l., "'lIo'b. ti~lI.ll'f Wllh. oIlJc1l1iflC....,.",flJnlWllio., Prql:J.n'd H\,' 1-.:R n,M !5't) u3 o 0,5 Miles Monroe County Conservation and Natural Areas MM 8 to 12 .",. _ Conservation and N Natural Areas A- D Military Land -US1 . Mile Marker 0 0.25 0,5 , Miles , , -::;~ . .~ M,6nroe,i;oUnty Plan~iM,fiiYitonmental Reso~ Oe~ent ';" ..,,', ..-,." lllillllilJ!l' c.'! MOll"'" C.Qllly tm-uJ ....t&ll&ir1"fJffil ()i"",lO'Il t"'l1"l_\Cli"l\!yl1H'<.J.u.<,<><lUHIt,l~'Lllihll""a,i~..ulnNtY n..>l ."........,j)' J,,;P'~' ........nd...w... r~l.. "'~1. rl,tJll.... .....)'10, .)I",Jr:fIlif;~al;"..;..fanNII"'" Pr,'p:m:d lh K R n;;I!-:;: flU:; Monroe County Conservation and Natural Areas MM4to8 . .. . Mile Marker o 0,25 0,5 . ~~~6(founty Plan~"1hd ~ii~onmental Reso~~ Oe~rtment - '~','-~:-;:" TIII$ Ill;,p j, f= MOWN c..'IUI'lty (i!Towtt. MlIIlllflmRnll)i'"ll''''"l 'I''''I'''_~'.''"'Y, 1lt.;-J.ta.."..."w:ofhcrci"u i1!,ulrlli",-r"lllmBy no.OI ......~r.d:r <kp1~'1 to'lfflf.i;ww.;, l'UlR'I.. 1"llVI', n~l\l rot """,;... """.knrjfi~III;."" ,"f,,",,,,*,,m _Conservation and Natural Areas D Military Land -US1 N A Miles Pr\'l);Jr('d i-h KR l);iIl 71!;.;