Resolution 345-2003 Commissioner Neugent RESOLUTION NO. .345 -2003 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA REQUESTING CONGRESSMAN BILL YOUNG TO SUPPORT THE SENATE APPROPRIATION OF ONE MILLION DOLLARS TO HELP FUND THE WATER QUAUTY IMPROVEMENTS IN THE FLORIDA KEYS. WHEREAS, the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary is America's most visited marine sanctuary; WHEREAS, businesses, community organizations and local governments are working to improve water quality in the Florida Keys, which has a great effect on our environment and our economy; WHEREAS, Congress has approved, and the President has signed into law, the Florida Keys Water Quality Improvements Act which authorizes matching funding for local government to improve our badly degraded or non-existent wastewater and stormwater infrastructure; and WHEREAS, without the appropriation of the $1 million this year, the federal/state/local partnership cannot move forward to clean up the waters of the Florida Keys and preserve the quality of our national treasure, the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary; now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Section 1. Hereby urges Congressman Bill Young, Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, to support the Senate appropriation in this year's Appropriation Conference Committee. Mayor Spehar Mayor Pro Tem Nelson ~I'nissioner McCoy ,;;~=~~~~ioner Neugent i':; ',,\ "),3Ce.m:R'ris~ipner Rice i.Y"~:':Z' ~~{ . i; r"''; ~"" V,<'.. .' ',:, f~'; .... " ',\. '..}lfte$t:.bANNY,LKOLHAGE, Clerk \~';;~~;~): /J. 4 B~~~ Depu.,y Clerk JresFKNMS Section 2. Hereby directs the Clerk of the Court to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to Congressman Bill Young. ~ ..." PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe C~t~ FI~aitit a regular meeting of said Board held on the 20th day of August, 2003. S...,~ ~ ~ ,.,,~-< " n',.... I '"T1 0(")' t..) 0 c::-;:::x: ::0 z?Oo " -I ("') r :m:: ::u -<~:r.: rrt . .~.... - (""') ;'J E~~ .. ~ )"). .'; 0 ~:'J 0'\ yes yes yes yes a1:rstain BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By ,{~J~ >n ~~ Mayor / Chairperson MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY ~FORM: RO T N. WOLFE D~~"rg-c.!'~ ATTORNEY