1st Amendment 12/08/2022 U. S.Department of Homeland Security Region 4 3005 Chamblee Tucker Road Atlanta.,GA 30341 1FEMA December 8, 2022 Mr. Kevin Guthrie, Director Florida Division of Emergency Management 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 Attention: Mrs. Laura Dhuwe, State Hazard Mitigation Officer Reference: Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP)Project#4337-0525-R, Amendment 1 Monroe County BOCC, Twins Lake Subdivision, Drainage -Phase I HMGP Project Closeout Dear Mr. Guthrie: We have received the State's letter requesting closeout of the above referenced project. As identified, a cost under-run is associated with this project. In order to balance our NEMIS Module with the Payment Management System, we have de-obligated the under-run amount. The date of this letter will serve as the Final Claim Date. Below is a summary of project amounts: A) APPROVED FEDERAL SHARE PROJECT COST $ 122,680.65 B) STATE IDENTIFIED FEDERAL SHARE CLOSURE AMOUNT $ 122,680.65 C) APPROVED NON-FEDERAL SHARE PROJECT COST $ 198,069.35 D) STATE IDENTIFIED NON-FEDERAL SHARE PROJECT COST $ 198,069.35 E) STATE IDENTIFIED FEDERAL UNDERRUN AMOUNT $ (;0,00) F) REVISED PROJECT CLOSURE AMOUNT (B AND D) $ 320,750.00 G) SUBRECIPIENT MANAGEMENT COST UNDERRUN AMOUNT $ 718 77C� www.fema.gov If you have any further questions, please contact Guillermo Da Costa Gomez at(202) 394-4567. Sincerely, DigitaRHOAlDSsignedbyVALERIEA VALERIE A osao o��.,�.08,6:5�s4 RHOADS Valerie Rhoads HMA Branch Chief Mitigation Division Enclosures: Obligation Report Supplemental # 1028 NEMIS Project Closeout Report 2