Resolution 530-1999 ;; Commissioner Nora Williams :J: c u:t .." ~ > ,\10 r- :::0('".)% .e!' f'I'1 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF CO~ c 0 COMMISSIONERS SUPPORTING FULL AND EXPEDITIOUS gw=- C; d ESTABLISHMENT OF HISTORIC WATER FLOWS THAT ARE CRITICAL T~~ ~ :::0 RESTORATION OF FLORIDA BA Y ~.~~ % ~ .... > '/1' g ': ~ 0- ::0 .- ClO c WHEREAS, the ecology of Florida Bay has been drastically altered by the RESOLUTION NO. 530 - 1999 restriction of fresh water deliveries from the Everglades; and WHEREAS, water quality and the overall health of Florida Bay are in a critical state of decline; and WHEREAS, Florida Bay is a vital, natural breeding habitat for the commercial fishing industry of Monroe County; and WHEREAS, the back-country recreational fishing industry in Monroe County is dependent upon a healthy Florida Bay; and WHEREAS, the tourism economy of Monroe County depends on the health of its natural marine resources; and WHEREAS, a healthy and productive Florida Bay contributes significant economic and recreational benefits to citizens of adjacent counties and throughout Florida and the United States; and WHEREAS, restoring historic, freshwater flows to Florida Bay and is a key element in the implementation of the Central & South Florida Restudy; and WHEREAS, the C&SF Project Restudy, 50% of which is being paid for by all American taxpayers, has been mandated by Congress to restore the South Florida/Everglades ecosystem and enhance water supply and flood control benefits to the citizens of South Florida into the 21 st Century; and WHEREAS, Monroe County Citizens have made great sacrifices in term of the burdens of stringent development controls combined with aggressive public land acquisition programs to protect and restore this unique ecosystem; now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: That this Board supports the full and expeditious re-establishment of historical water flows through Shark River Slough and on to Florida Bay. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a meeting of said Board held on the October 13th day of ,1999. not present yes yes yes yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY~~ Mayor/Chairman jresiiishark