Resolution 531A-1999 531A Resolution No. -1999 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO ADOPT A LIST OF NEW MEMBERS FOR THE HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION. WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners wishes to provide citizens of the County with the best possible service in the most cost effective and reasonable manner; and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 022-1999, which provides more opportunities for the preservation of historical properties was adopted by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners on June 9, 1999; and WHEREAS, Section 9. 5-453 (b) of the Monroe County Code enables the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners to nominate five members for the Historic Preservation Commission; and WHEREAS, as indicated in Attachment 1, the Planning Department compiled a list of nominees for the Historic Preservation Commission, based upon proposals of potential nominees that BOCC members forwarded to the Planning Department; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: Section 1. That the list of nominees (Attachment 1) has been considered by the Board. Section 2. That the Board reviewed this list of nominees and nominated five (5) of these candidates as members of the Historic Preservation Commission. Section 3. The formation of the Historic Preservation Commission shall be~b effective immediately upon passage of this resolution. ~ ~ ;0("')-- or-X fT1:;x-< ("'). r 0;("')" c::-~ ::00 .....("'). :< , .:t: ...... > r- :;:'" !. fT1 \D ""T\ \D I C rr! ..., 0 C"".) I' -r'I (".) C> :;;:0 -u ::0 :J: f'T1 N ("') _. 0 -., ::0 C) C Historic Preservation Commission Membership Page I of2 RESOLUTION # -1999 Initials PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a meeting of the Board held on the 14th day of October, A.D., 1999. Mayor Wilhelmina Harvey Mayor Pro Tern Shirley Freeman Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner Mary Kay Reich Commissioner Nora Williams yes yes yes no yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ~O~ROE CO!}NTY, ~tORIDA .. \:~,,,,"L~~",-,,, ,\~~"-~~, BY: ' ~ MA YORJCHAIRPERSON ~cJdQ. ~~~ DEPUTY CLERK Historic Preservation Commission Membership Page 2 of2 BY RESOLUTION # -1999 Initials Attachment I County of Monroe Growth Mana2ement Division 2798 Overseas Highway Suite 410 Marathon, Florida 33050 Voice: (305) 289-2500 FAX: (305) 289-2536 Board of County Commissioners Mayor Wilhelmina Harvey, Dist. I Mayor Pro Tern Shirley Freeman, Dist. 3 Commissioner George Neugent, Dist. 2 Commissioner Nora Williams, Dist. 4 Commissioner Mary Key Reich, Dist. 5 Potential Appointees to the Historic Preservation Commission Compilation List Please note that this list represents a compilation of all the names of potential appointees to the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) provided by Commissioner Freeman, Williams and Mayor Harvey. Commissioners Neugent and Reich will be asked to provide the names of their potential appointees to the HPC at the October 14, 1999 BOCCpublic hearing in Key West. Appointment Requirements Ordinance 022-1999 outlines the following requirements for the HPC Board: · The HPC shall consist of five members appointed by the BOCC · Each HPC member shall be a resident of Monroe County · HPC members serve overlapping terms of three years · Initially two HPC members shall be appointed to one-year terms and three HPC members shall be appointed to two-year terms .Potential Appointees Residence Mayor Harvey's List Dona Merritt Bernadette Lannon Dee Lloyd Big Pine Tavernier Big Pine Mayor Pro Tern Freeman's List Lucie Adams David Ritz Alice Allen Key West Key Largo Tavernier Commissioner Williams' List Orlando Perez Alice Allen Dee Lloyd Key Largo Tavernier Big Pine .Names are bolded the first time they appear on the comprehensive list to draw the reader's attention to the 7 individuals put forward as potential appointees. ;,7/ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: November 10, 1999 Bulk Item: Yes No X Division: Growth Management Depancrnent:N/J\ AGENDA ITEM WORDING: J\ppointment of two new members to the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) . ITEM BACKGROUND: The Historic Florida Keys Foundation Inc. sent a letter to each BOCC member on September 9, 1999 that provided the names of potential appointees to the HPC. J\t the October 14, 1999 BOCC meeting in Key West, the BOCC appointed five members to the HPC. Two of the appointed members, Orlando Perez and Donna Merrit, have declined their appointments to the HPC. Since two of the five members that the board appointed to the HPC will not be able to serve on this committee, two new members need to be appointed to serve two year terms in their place. J\ttached are the names and qualifications of two potential appointees to the HPC recommended by the Historic Florida Keys Foundation. State and Federal guidelines require at least one recognized historic preservation professional serve on historic committees in order for these committees to be eligible for a full range of funding options. Currently the HPC is lacking a recognized historic preservation professional. Therefore, it is important that a design professional, such as Mr. Harum, who is one of the potential appointees, be included on the HPC. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOARD ACTION: J\t the October 14, 1999 Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) meeting in Key West, the BOCC appointed five members to the Historic Preservation Committee. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: N/J\ TOTJ\L COST: N/J\ BUDGETED: Yes N/J\ NO COST TO COUNTY: N/ J\ J\MOUNT PER MONTH N/A PER YEJ\R N/J\ J\PPROVED BY: County J\ttorney N/ J\ OMBlPurchasing N/A Risk Management N/ J\ DEP J\RTMENT DIRECTOR APPROVAL: ;( I'Jj- #~, ~<''':? K. Marlene Conaway Director f Planning DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: arry, J\ICP owth Management DOCUMENTJ\TION: Included X To follow Not required J\genda Item #: ~ DISPOSITION: