Resolution 567A-1999 567A .. Resolution No. -1999 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO APPROVE THE PLANTER SETTLEMENT SITE AS AN ARCHAEOLOGICAL, HISTORICAL, OR CULTURAL LANDMARK, AS PROVIDED IN ARTICLE VIII, SECTION 9.5-452 OF THE MONROE COUNTY CODE. MONROE COUNTY IS THE APPLICANT FOR DESIGNATING THIS SITE WHICH IS LOCATED IN THE COUNTY'S RIGHT OF WAY AT THE SOUTHEASTERN END OF PLANTER DRIVE, TAVERNIER, KEY LARGO AT APPROXIMATLEY MILE MARKER 92.5. WHEREAS, The Planter Settlement site meets the criterion specified in Section 9.5-452(a) and (b) of the Monroe County Land Development Regulations and the intent of the Historic Preservation Ordinance; and :x \D o 0 \D WHEREAS, the Planter Settlement is an archeological site on which on~~ ~ earliest settlements in the Upper Keys was located; and ~~=< (") ("). r . I On. CD WHEREAS, the site currently consists of a barricaded right-of-way for FB > unimproved County road; and ~:>.~ :z: ?J'.~ 2' WHEREAS, The Historic Florida Keys Foundation recommended that tfte rrt :;:. Planter Settlement Site be designated as an Archaeological, Historical, or Cultural Landmark at its June 24, 1999 meeting; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission recommended that the Planter Settlement Site be designated as an Archaeological, Historical, or Cultural Landmark at its September 22, 1999 meeting; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: Section 1. The Planter Settlement Site meets the criterion specified in Section 9.5- 452(a) and (b) of the Monroe County Land Development Regulations. Section 2. The Planter Settlement Site shall be designated as a Monroe County Archaeological, Historical, or Cultural Landmark. Historic Designation for the Planter Settlement Site Page 1 of2 BOCC RESOLUTION # -1999 Initials ::! r- rr1 o ." o :::0 :::0 I'TJ (") o ::0 o PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a meeting of the Board held on the 10 th day of November, A.D., 1999. Connn. Wilhelmina Harvey Mayor Shirley Freeman Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner Mary Kay Reich Commissioner Nora Williams yes yes yes yes yes ~,/ . " -, ",-," :" / '," /\, / ': '<.). (~";f~~ ,i "-,;,,,.~\~,<, ""~.~.."!'\ ~,'.' ,;, ,'. , ,':V~c7~; ~ ~, !, '.. (c:I. ..,'\!il' .~,' \,: " .,;~~,-,-,. '\ '.?"~~:(/ ,', ',~ , "" ';.r."\JI,, ;\~,;""'<>~r' ,; - ,/ ATTESl:tlXNNY .KOLHAGE,CLERK BY ~:~"( u~~ Historic Designation for the Planter Settlement Site Page 2 of2 BOCC RESOLUTION # -1999 Initials