02/19/1997 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT fi This Agreement entered into this L day of February, 1997, by and between the County of ~ Monroe, a division of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as "County", and The Craig Company, hereinafter referred to as "Consultant". WHEREAS, County wishes to obtain the services of Consultant to assist in the completion of revisions to the Monroe County Land Development Regulations as they pertain to Airports; and WHEREAS, Consultant is experienced in providing such services; and WHEREAS, funds are available to pay for the services; obligations herein contained, and .~" CL) .._,-~ subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter stated, the parties hereto understood and::a~ree as follows: 1. SCOPE OF SERVICES A. Meet with the Director of Community Services Division, Planning Director pnd !-... Director of Airports to review the scope of the required amendmenrts to the Lqug ~) Development Regulations. .' 1-':; B. Review existing land development regulations, Florida Statutes Chapters 333, 380 and 1 63, the Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan and other pertinent portions of state and federal law to determine the requirements of the revised regulations. C. Prepare revisions to the Land Development Regulations in draft and final form suitable for adoption by Monroe County. D. Attend coordination meetings with Director of Planning and Director of Airports. E. Attend meetings of the Development Review Committee (two assumed), Planning Commission (two assumed) and Board of County Commissioners (two assumed). 2. COMPLETION SCHEDULE AND COMPENSATION The completion schedule for the work to be performed pursuant to this Agreement is as follows: Start date: Completion of Contract: February 1. 1997 June 30, 1998 County shall pay consultant, as compensation for the services performed pursuant to this Agreement, a Fixed fee of $15,000. The Consultant shall bill the County monthly for all services performed during the previous month. The amount will be based upon a percentage of the contract price equal to the percentage of services performed during the previous month as a proportion of the total required services, provided the services rendered were satisfactory to the County's Director of Community Services. The percentage of the fee paid shall not exceed the percentage of the completion of the work represented by the scope of services on page 1, paragraph 1, Items A through E as follows: Item A Item B ItemC 15% 35% 70% Item D Item E 80% 100% Final payment shall occur not later than June 30, 1998. unless extension of this agreement is agreed to by County and Consultant. Failure to pay within 45 days from the receipt of statement shall grant Consultant the right to refuse to render further services and such act shall not be deemed a breach of this contract on the Consultant's part. In the event of non-payment. the consultant shall be entitled to reimbursement for all costs of collection plus reasonable attorney's fees and court costs. It is hereby understood by County and Consultant that any payment made in accordance with this section to Consultant shall be made only if said Consultant is not in default under the terms of this Agreement. Default on the part of the Consultant shall be defined as not submitting materials as outlined in the Scope of Services, page 1. paragraph 1. items A through E. Default on the part of County shall be defined as not providing Consultant required materials or impeding the Consultant from completing the required work by means of not reviewing in a timely manner the submitted work or reports. If Consultant is in default, then County may terminate this Agreement and shall in no way be obligated to pay Consultant any sum whatsoever. and may resort to legal remedy to recover any sum already paid to Consultant. 3. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS All documents by Consultant under this Agreement shall be delivered to County by said Consultant upon completion of the services required pursuant to paragraph 1 hereof. Consultant hereby agrees that County. State and Federal Governments shall be entitled at all future times to the use of the documents free of charge. 2 4. NONDELEGABILlTY The obligations undertaken by Consultant pursuant to this Agreement will not be delegated or assigned to any other person or firm unless County shall first consent in writing to the performance or assignment of such service or firm. 5. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR Consultant shall be deemed to be an independent contractor. with sole control of the manner and means of performing this Agreement. and not an agent or employee of the County. and not obtain any rights or benefits under the Civil Service or Pension Ordinances of the County. or any rights generally afforded classified or unclassified employees; further. Consultant shall not be deemed entitled to Florida Workers' Compensation or Unemployment Compensation benefits as an employee of the County. It is understood and agreed between the parties that the compensation set forth in the paragraph above is the entire compensation for Consultant. who is responsible for any workers' compensation insurance. federal income tax and FICA withholding and all other costs and expenses of whatever nature. Consultant shall hold the County harmless for any injury or accident occurring to any employee or agent of the Consultant while on County property during the effective dates of this contract while completing the tasks required of the Consultant by this contract. 6. ACCOUNTING Upon request by the County. Consultant shall provide County at Agreement completion a detailed accounting of services provided. 7. CONTINGENCY PROVISION Funding for this Agreement is contingent on the availability of funds and continued authorization for program activities and is subject to amendment or termination due to lack of funds or authorization. reduction or funds, and/or change in regulations. 8. RETENTION OF RECORDS Consultant shall maintain all required records related to the project for three years after final payment. 3 9. GENERAL PROVISIONS County or its designated representative will review and approve all work by the Consultant and notify Consultant in writing, within seven (7) working days of performance of services if work is not acceptable. This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon seven days written notice should the other party fail to substantially perform in accordance with its terms through no fault of the other. Such termination shall not be effective if that substantial failure has been remedied before expiration of the period specified in the written notice. In the event of termination, Consultant will be paid compensation for services performed in a manner satisfactory to the County's Community Services Director and reimbursables to the termination date. Upon payment by County for services to date of termination, Consultant shall deliver to County all documents and materials completed up to date of termination. The Consultant must indemnify and hold the County harmless from and against any and all losses, penalties, damages, professional fees, including attorney fees and all costs of litigation and judgments arising out of any willful misconduct or negligent act, error or omission of the consultant arising out of the performance of its obligations under this contract. The County agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the Consultant for any error or omission of the County arising from the performance of this Agreement to the extent allowed by Section 768.28, F.S. The purchase of the insurance required by Exhibit A does not vitiate the Consultant's duty to indemnify and hold harmless under this paragraph. 10. QUALITY OF WORK The services to be performed by Consultant under this Agreement will be conducted in a manner consistent with that of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession currently practicing under similar conditions at the same time and in the same or similar locality. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. All questions, difficulties and disputes of any nature whatsoever that may arise under or by reason of this Agreement, the prosecution and fulfillment of the services hereunder and the character, quality, amount of the parties, shall be settled by recourse 4 to litigation under Florida law, with the venue for any litigation arising under this Agreement in Monroe County, Florida. 11. FORCE MAJEURE Neither party shall be considered in default in performance of its obligations hereunder to the extent that the performance of such obligations, or any of them, is delayed or prevented by Force Majeure, including but not limited to hostility, revolution, civil commotion, strike, epidemic, accident, fire, flood, wind, earthquake, lack of or failure of transportation facilities, any law, proclamation, regulation or ordinance, or other act of God or any cause, whether of the same or different nature, existing or future, provided that the cause, whether or not encountered in this article, is beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the party seeking relief under this article. Prompt notice should be given to either party, stating the cause and length of the delay. 12. NOTICE For the purposes of this Agreement, notice shall be by certified United States mail to the following addresses: FOR CONSULTANT Mr. Donald Craig The Craig Company 600 White Street Key West. FL 33040 FOR COUNTY Mr. Peter Horton, Director Division of Community Services 5100 College Road Key West. FL 33040 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this instrument to be executed by their duly authorized representatives on the day and date first By 5 ( RlSK MANAGEMENT POLICY AND PROCEDURES CONTRACT ADl\fiNISTRA TION MAJ\'UAL General Insurance Requirements for Other Contractors and Subcontractors As a pre-requisite of the work governed, or the goods supplied under this contract (including the pre-stagihg of personnel and material), the Cootractor shall obtain, at hislher ov,n expense, insurance as specified in any attached schedules, which are made part of this contract. The Contractor will ensure that the insurance obtaineD \\;ll extend protection to all Subcontractors engaged by the Contractor. As an alternative, the Contractor may require all Subcontractors to obtain insurance consistent v.~th the anached ~ch(:dules. The Contractor will not be perinined to commence work governed by this contract (including pre-staging of personnel and material) until ~;j;;(J(jClory e\'idence of the required insurance has been furnished 1() the County as specified hel()\>. Delays in the commencement of work, resulting from Ule failure of the Contractor 10 p,o\'Jde satisfactory evidence of the required insurance, shall not extend ~dlines speCIfied In thIS contract and any penalties and failure to perform assessments shall be imposed as If the \\ork commenced on the specified date and time, except for the Contractor's failure to provide ~atl~factory evidence. TIle Contractor shall maintain the required In"w~J)ce throughout the entire term of this contract and any eXlensions specified in the anached schedules, Failure to comply with this provision may resuJt in the immediate suspension of all \\ (Irk until the required insurance has been reinstated or replaced. Delays in the completIon of work resulting from the failure of the Contractor to maintain the required insurance sha]] not extend deadlines specified in this contract and any penalties and failure to perform assessments shall be imposed as if the work had not been suspended, except for the Contractor's failure to maintain the required insurance. The Contractor shall provide, to the County: as satisfactory evidence of the required insurance, either: · Certificate of Insurance ~~ or · A Cenlfied copy of the actuall1J(";~r,,c P(,jIC\ The County, at its sole option, has the n~hl 1<.> ~~'qiJeS1 (j cendied copy of any or all insurance policies required by this contract. All insurance policies must specify that thC') aft' not suhJect to cancellation, non-renewal, material change, or reduction in coverage unl(:<,< (j minImum of thirty (30) days prior notification is given to the Count)' by the insurer The acceptance and/or appro\'aJ of the ( ()111I;,( 1(., , Ill' Ufilntc shaJI not he construed as relieving the ContfiJctCJf from any liability nr ohll;I;1!IO)1 ::" 'JIr!f"j IJJ1der this contract or imposed by law. ( The Monroe County Board of County Commissioners, its employees and officials \\rill be included as "Additional Insured" on all policies, except for Workers' Compensation. - Any deviations.from these General InsuranCe Requirements muSt be requested in writing on the County prepared form entitled "Request for Waiver of Insurance Requirements" and . appr.qY~;;~~_Monro.e Go~ty.R.J.s~ Managem~nt.. . " . . .:?:,'{ ':{:':":'~"~ : . .. ....: . :i:k.';i"~ ~~<i~:'~~;'f:...:::..,.~,~i~!,,' ;.~~; ::.-- .j "1 ~;:;:j ." . ~" ..... -. .,0. '. ro"" . .' . ~ : :::~.-...'~ .~;.....~ . . .' 4_. ( GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR CONTRACT BET'VEEN MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA .. AND Prior to the commencement of work governed by this contract, the Contractor shall obtain General Liability Insurance. Coverage shall be maintained throughout the life of the contract and include,~ a minimum: e Premises Operations · Products and Completed Operations · Blanket Contractual Liability · Personal Injury Liability · Expanded Definition of Propeny Damage 1l1e minimum lin:its acceptable shall be: 5;300,000 Combined bingle Limit (CSL) If split limits are pro\'ided, the minimum limits acceptable shall be: $] 00,000 per Person $300,000 per Occurrence $ 50,000 Propeny Damage An Occurrence Fonn policy is preferred. If coverage is provided on a Claims Made policy, its provisions should include coverage for claims filed on or after the effective date of this contract. In addition, the period for which claims may be reported should extend for a minimum of twelve (12) months following the acceptance of work by the County. The Monroe County Board of County Commissioners shall be named as Additional Insured on all policies issued to satisfy the above requirements. ~~~ GLl , 1 ( PROFESSIO:\AL LIABILITY INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR CONTRACT - '" ~ ., : ,<.. :. .:;:: .:C1flO.l .BE1;\vEEr) "if(Hl",', "'-, MONROE COVNrY, FLORIDA AND Reco~l!\~ng that the work governed by this contract involves the furnishing of advice or services of a professional nature, the Contractor shall purchase and maintain, throughout the life of the contract, Professional Liability Insurance which wiII respond to damages resulting from any claim arising out of the perfonnance of professional services or any error or omission of the Contractor arising out of work governed by this contract. The minimwn limits ofliability shall be: $250,000 per Occurrence/$500,000 Aggregate ..... .. .~.. PROI VEHICLE LIABILITY INSURANCE REQUIREM:ENTS FOR CONTRACT BET\VEEN. MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND Recognizing that the work governed by this contract requires the use of vehicles, the Contractor, prior to,ille comm.encement of work, shall ob~jn ~ehicJe Liability Insurance. Coverage shall be maintained throughout the life of the contract and include, as a minimum, liability coverage for: · Ov.'I1ed, Non-Ov.'I1ed, and Hired Vehicles The minimum limits acceptable shall be: $1 00,000, ,Combined Single Limit (CSL) If split limits are provided, tlleminimum limits acceptable shall be: $ 50,000 per Person S; 1 00,000 per Occurrence $ 25,000 Property Damage The Monroe County Board of County Commissioners shall be named as Additional Insured on all policies issued to satisfy the above requirements. -- ,-u ( \\'ORKERS' CO!\1PENSA TION INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR CONTRACT BET\VEEN MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND . Prior to the commencement of work governed by this contract, the Contractor shall obtain Worken;~,C:ompensation Insurance with limits s:!fficient to respond to Florida Statute 440. In addition, the Contractor shall obtain Employers' Liability Insurance with limits ofnat less than: $100,000 Bodily Injury by Accident $500,000 Bodily Injury by Disease, policy limits $ 100,000 Bodily Injury by Disease, each employee Coverage shall'he"'mainL1ined thf()ughout the entire tern) of the contract. ..-. Coverage shall be provided by a company or companies authorized to transact business in the sL1te of Florida. If the Contractor has been approved by the Florida's Depanment of Labor, as an authorized self- insurer, the County shall recognize and honor the Contractor's SL1tus. The Contractor may be required to submit a Lener of Authorization issued by the Department of Labor and a Certificate of Insurance, providing details on the Contractor's Excess Insurance Program. If the Contractor participates in a self-insurance fund, a Certificate of Insurance will be required. In addition, the Contractor may be required to submit updated financial statements from the fund upon request from the County. \\ CI ( MONROE COr~TY, FLORIDA RISK MA.'\AGEMENT POLICY AND PROCEDURES CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION ~1AXUAL Indemnification and Hold Harmless for Other Contractors and Subcontractors . . . , The Cohu-actor covenants and agrees to inderTlI}.jfy ?J1d hold hannless Monroe County Board of County Commissioners from any and all claims for bodily injury (including death), personal injury, and property damage (including property ov.ned by Monroe County) and any other losses, damages, and expenses (including atlomey's fees) which arise out of, in connection 'with, or by reason of services provided by the Contractor or any of its Subcontractor(s) in any tier, occasioned by the negligence, errors, or other \\Tongful act or omission of The Contractor or its Subcontractors in any tier, their employees. or 2gents. In the event the; ,completion of the project (to include the work of others) is delayed or suspended as a result of the Contractor's failure to purch2~c or maintain the required insurance, the Contractor shall indemnify th-eCounty from an~ and all increased expenses resulting from such delay. The first ten dollars (S; 1 0.00) of remuneration paid to the COnlraclor is for the indemnification provided for above, The extent of liability is in no way limited to. rt'duced. or lessened by the insur3J)ce requirements contained elsewhere within this agreement. r ( \ 55TXO 05-22-97 DECLARATIONS PAGE - 1 OF 2 E STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY STATE F-\RM A INSURANCE 12 11 10 *** *C* *0* *p* *Y* *** 7401 CYPRESS GARDENS BOULEVARD WINTER HAVEN, FL 33888 ~K[j(I~KEXJ POLlCYNUMBER D02 8015-F07-59C 59-2418-552T MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS C/O RISK MANAGEMENT 5100 COLLEGE RD KEY WEST FL 33040-4319 .,.;' POLICY PERIOD AP R -16- 97 TO DE C -07- 97 5 ..,. NAMED INSURED: CRAIG, DONALD & SUSAN DO NOT PAY PREMIUMS SHOWN ON THIS PAGE. SEPARATE STATEMENT ENCLOSED IF AMOUNT DUE.-' DESCRIBED YEAR VEHICLE 1996 CLASS 6B304 MAKE VOLKSWAGEN MODEL CABRIO BODY STYLE CONV VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER WVWBB81E6TK023481 COVERAGES (AS DEFINED IN POLICY) SYMBOL-PREMiUM-COVERAGE NAME-LIMITS OF LIABILITY $149.11 BOD!LY INJURY/PROPERTY DAMAGf LIABILITY LIMITS OF LIABILITY-COVERAGE A-BODILY INJURY EACH PERSON, EACH ACCIDENT 100,000 300,000 LIMITS OF LIABILITY-COVERAGE A-PROPERTY DAMAGE EACH ACCIDENT 50,000 NO-FAULT (SEE POLICY SCHEDULE FOR LIMITS.) MEDICAL PAYMENTS LIMIT OF LIABILITY-COVERAGE C EACH PERSON 20,000 $100 DEDUCTIBLE COMPREHENSIVE $250 DEDUCTIBLE COLLISION EMERGENCY ROAD SERVICE CAR RENTAL AND TRAVEL EXPENSES UNINSURED MOTOR VEHICLE LIMITS OF LIABILITY-U EACH PERSON, EACH ACCIDENT 100,000 300,000 DEATH, DISMEMBERMENT AND LOSS OF SIGHT PERSONS INSURED-COVERAGE S AMOUNT CRAIG, DONALD $10,000 CRAIG, SUSAN $10,000 $526.05 TOTAL PREMIUM FOR POLICY PERIOD APR-16-97 TO DEC-07-97 $405.72 CURRENT 6 MONTH PREMIUM FOR JUN-07-97 TO DEC-07-97 A P10 $41.55 C $33.22 D100 $43.90 G250 $103.94 H $2.18 R2 $10.78 U $135.21 S $6. 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FOR QUESTIONS, PROBLEMS OR TO OBTAIN INFORMATION ABOUT COVERAGE CALL: (305) 233-4242 t . ;.i:j ~.l k :\.< ,:;'~~ u ~ 9? ,(Pl.! ,,' ,..' "v{\. . \', 8 ~ ~ ~ r~~ '~':f-'fq V~C:;__ ~j(, , /', CONTINUED THIS IS YOUR DECLARATIONS PAGE, PLEASE ATTACH IT TO YOUR AUTO POLICY BOOKLET. YOUR POLICY CONSISTS OF THIS PAGE, ANY ENDORSEMENTS, AND THE POLICY BOOKLET, FORM 981 0 . 6 REPLACED POLICY D028015-59B PLEASE KEEP TOGETHER 155-4976 DECLARATIONS PAGE - 2 OF . 7401 CYPRESS GARDENS BOULEVARD WINTER HAVEN, FL STATE FA'M A .. INSURANCE . 12 11 10 *** *C* *0* *P* *Y* *** RlXlX/NOOKOO POLICY NUMBER DO 2 8015 - F 07- 5 9 C 59-2418-552T MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS C/O RISKE MANAGMENT 5100 COLLEGE RD KEY WEST FL 33040-4319 POLICY PERIOD A P R - 16 - 9 7 TO DE C - 0 7 - 9 7 5 NAMED INSURED: CRAIG, DONALD & SUSAN DO NOT PAY PREMIUMS SHOWN ON THIS PAGE. SEPARATE STATEMENT ENCLOSED IF AMOUNT DUE.-- DESCRIBED YEAR MAKE MODEL VEHICLE 1996 VOLKSWAGEN CABRIO COVERAGES (AS DEFINED IN POLICY) SYMBOL.PREMIUM.COVERAGE NAME-LIMITS OF LIABILITY BODY STYLE CONV VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER WVWBB81E6TK023481 CLASS 6B304 EXCEPTIONS AND ENDORSEMENTS FINANCED- VW CREDIT INC C/O POP SERVICES, 7TH FLOOR EXECUTIVE PLAZA IV, HUNT VALLEY MD 21031. 01 6028E.5 ADDITIONAL INSURED-MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, C/O RISKE MANAGMENT 5100 COLLEGE RD, KEY WEST FL 33040-4319. 02 6028E.5 ADDITIONAL INSURED-MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, C/O RISK MANAGEMENT 5100 COLLEGE RD, KEY WEST FL 33040-4319. 6037F.11 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE-MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, C/O RISKE MANAGMENT 5100 COLLEGE RD, KEY WEST FL 33040-4319. 6038 AMENDMENT OF DEFINED WORDS AND CONDITIONS. 6082J AMENDATORY ENDORSEMENT: CHANGES-DEFINED WORDS; INSURED'S DUTIES; COVERAGES. 6090B AMENDMENT OF UNINSURED MOTOR VEHICLE COVERAGES AND CONDITIONS. 6093C AMENDMENT OF DEFINED WORDS. 6893N CAR RENTAL AND TRAVEL EXPENSES - COVERAGE R2. NAMED INSURED- CRAIG, DONALD & SUSAN 1317 OLIVIA ST KEY WEST FL 33040-7222 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (0/51[7- THIS IS YOUR DECLARATIONS PAGE, PLEASE ATTACH IT TO YOUR AUTO POLICY BOOKLET, YOUR POLICY CONSISTS OF THIS PAGE, ANY ENDORSEMENTS, AND THE POLICY BOOKL REPLACED POLICY D028015-59B 2418-599 155-4976 A 04-23-97 DECLARATIONS PAGE E STATE FARM 12 7401 CYPRESS GARDENS WINTER HAVEN, FL INSURANCE 11 K~[)(iH~~/x) POLICY NUMBER D 02 80 16-B04- 59B 10 *** *C* *0* *P* *Y* *** 59-2418-552T MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS C/O RISK MANAGEMENT 5100 COLLEGE RD KEY WEST FL 33040-4319 """ POLICY PERIOD AP R-14- 97 TO AUG-04- 97 5 ""1 NAMED INSURED: CRAIG, DONALD & SUSAN DO NOT PAY PREMIUMS SHOWN ON THIS PAGE. SEPARA TE STATEMENT ENCLOSED IF AMOUNT DUE.- , DESCRIBED YEAR MAKE MODEL VEHICLE 1994 ISUZU TROOPER COVERAGES (AS DEFiNED IN POLICY) SYMBOL-PREMiUM-COVERAGE NAME-LIMITS OF LIABiLITY BODY STYLE VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER SPORT WG JACDH58W3R7905335 CLASS 6B3HA A $93.13 BODILY INJURY/PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY LIMITS OF LIABILITY-COVERAGE A-BODILY INJURY EACH PERSON, EACH ACCIDENT 100,000 300,000 LIMITS OF LIABILITY-COVERAGE A-PROPERTY DAMAGE EACH ACCIDENT 50,000 NO-FAULT (SEE POLICY SCHEDULE FOR LIMITS.) MEDICAL PAYMENTS LIMIT OF LIABILITY-COVERAGE C EACH PERSON 20,000 $100 DEDUCTIBLE COMPREHENSIVE BY $250 DEDUCTIBLE COLLISION EMERGENCY ROAD SERVICE OME CAR RENTAL AND TRAVEL EXPENSES ~ UNINSURED MOTOR VEHICLE WAI\!ER: N/A . ' vrs LIMITS OF LIABILITY-U EACH PERSON, EACH ACCIDENT 100,000 300,000 $322.30 TOTAL PREMIUM FOR POLICY PERIOD APR-14-97 TO AUG-04-97 $527.50 CURRENT 6 MONTH PREMIUM FOR FEB-04-97 TO AUG-04-97 P10 $34.12 C $22.24 D100 $27.70 G250 $70.26 H $1 .04 R2 $5.13 U $68.68 FOR QUESTIONS, PROBLEMS OR TO OBTAIN INFORMATION ABOUT COVERAGE CALL: (305) 233-4242 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXCEPTIONS AND ENDORSEMENTS FINANCED- CHRYSLER FINANCIAL CORP, PO BOX 207001, STOCKTON CA 95267-9501. 6028E.5 ADDITIONAL INSURED-MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, C/O RISK MANAGEMENT 5100 COLLEGE RD, KEY WEST FL 33040-4319. 6038 AMENDMENT OF DEFINED WORDS AND CONDITIONS. 6082J AMENDATORY ENDORSEMENT: CHANGES-DEFINED WORDS; INSURED'S DUTIES; COVERAGES. 6090B AMENDMENT OF UNINSURED MOTOR VEHICLE COVERAGES AND CONDITIONS. 6093C AMENDMENT OF DEFINED WORDS. 6893N CAR RENTAL AND TRAVEL EXPENSES - COVERAGE R2. NAMED INSURED- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CRAIG, DONALD & SUSAN 1317 OLIVIA ST KEY COUNpRS IG.NED_ D BY' l1jL 9810.6 WEST FL 33040-72~-=r- LQ __ ,19_ LJ 2418-599 EP TOGETHER THIS is YOUR DECLARATIONS PAGE, PLEASE ATTACH IT TO YOUR AUTO POLICY BOOKLET, YOUR POLICY CONSISTS OF THIS PAGE, ANY ENDORSEMENTS, AND THE POLICY BOOKLET, F M REPLACED POLICY D028016-59A 155-4976 WINTER HAVEN, FL STATE FARM A 7401 CYPRESS GARDENS INSURANCE 12 11 ",X[)(IKiXlKOO 10 59-2418-552T *** MONROE COUNTY 80ARD OF *C* COUNTY COMMISSIONERS *0* C/O RISK MANAGEMENT *P* 5100 COLLEGE RD *Y* KEY WEST FL 33040-4319 *** POLICY PERIOD APR-16-97 TO AUG-04-97 5 POLICY NUMBER D02 8016-804- 59C DESCRIBED YEAR MAKE MODEL VEHiCLE 1994 ISUZU TROOPER COVERAGES (AS DEFINED IN POLICY) SYMBOL-PREMiUM-COVERAGE NAME-LIMITS OF LIABILITY DO NOT PAY PREMIUMS SHOWN ON THIS PAGE. SEPARA TE STATEMENT ENCLOSED IF AMOUNT DUE. __ BODY STYLE VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER SPORT WG JACDH58W3R7905335 CLASS 683HA NAMED INSUR~D- CRAIG~ DONALD & SUSAN 1317 OLIVIA ST KEY WEST FL 33040-7222 /.Q(=i/ y ~ THIS IS YOUR DECLARATIONS PAGE, PLEASE ATTACH IT TO YOUR AUTO POLICY BOOKLET, 'OUR POLICY CONSISTS OF THIS PAGE, ANY ENDORSEMENTS, AND THE POLICY BOOKLEt, FO M REPLACED POLICY D028016-598 ~1- --_ ,19_ _2418-599 155-4976 r ~ - . # - -r ~ \. - - - r """,':',~~~oRa,;','.:";i;;;i:;)",,tf""':':':':'",::i\}k:t}i,:""""""",:,::;:;;:,:~,;:jJt( ""'i::i,i.r""~::~;;roDNY) RTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MA ER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE PRODUCER THE PORTER ALLEN COMPANY 513 SOUTHARD STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 1-305-294-2542 COMPANY A SCOTTSDALE INSURANCE COMPANY INSURED CRAIG COMPANY 600 WHITE STREET KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 COMPANY B COMPANY C COMPANY D THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES, LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS, CO TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION LTR DATE (MMlDDNY) DATE (MM/DDNY) X GENERAL LIABILITY COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS MADE [] OCCUR CLS 442426 4-1-97 4-1-98 OWNER'S & CONTRACTOR'S PROT THE PROPRIETOR/ PARTNERS/EXECUTIVE OFFICERS ARE: OTHER INCL EXCL LIMITS GENERAL AGGREGATE $ PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $ PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ EACH OCCURRENCE $ FIRE DAMAGE (Anyone fire) $ MED EXP (Anyone person) $ COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ BODILY INJURY $ (Per person) BODILY INJURY $ (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE $ AUTO ONLY - EA ACCIDENT $ OTHER THAN AUTO ONLY: EACH ACCIDENT $ AGGREGATE $ EACH OCCURRENCE $ AGGREGATE $ $ $ EL DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $ EL DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS BY GARAGE LIABILITY ANY AUTO 'lATE 'VAlVfR: EXCESS LIABILITY UMBRELLA FORM OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONSIlOCATIONSNEHICLESlSPECIAL ITEMS :::::"",::,:,:",;,:,;,:,:::,:",;,;",:,J'.1_:i!ii!iii'i:",:;"";"",;,it:;",;;";;"",;,,i,,,:t,,;;;:,,,,;;":;"""",;"",;",,;,J1;,,,;;;,;,~,,;;;::,,;,;;~,;",,; MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE 51 00 COLLEGE ROAD EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 I: /'\(' l Vi 0 ../1--lODAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, W ,q '\ -, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY ATTN: AIRPORT BUSINESS OFFICE , ~ OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. AIRPORT LAND USE REGULATION AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ~ \:: a t z ell'] & A, S 3: C' i ate::. ~ I n c . ~41 Brya.:t ,i\Vt'nL:8 Glen ['"yn IL 60137 ISSUE Q)'4.t0@.t~)'\&7 At~ttlllt~ PRODUCER COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE f~T~~~NY A Leg 1 Oi'~ I n ~:.; '-A f~ anc e C:>jnoar--:y INSURED The Craig Company The ~ey West Armory. 600 White Street Key West. FL 330~O f~T~~~NY B 2:l C1 ,. 1 I i oor f~T~~~NY C BY NlA f~T~~~NY D DATE f~T~~~NY E walIJER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES, LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS, CO LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION DATE (MM/DDIYY) DATE (MMIDDIYY) LIMITS GENERAL LIABILITY COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS MADE OCCUR, JOES \1" ,APP~ Y GENERAL AGGREGATE $ PRODUCTS,COMPIOP AGG, $ PERSONAL & ADV, INJURY $ OWNER'S & CONTRACTOR'S PROT, EACH OCCURRENCE $ FIRE DAMAGE (Anyone fire) $ MED, EXPENSE (Anyone person) $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS NON,OWNED AUTOS GARAGE LIABILITY DOES NO'" APPL ') COMBINED SINGLE $ LIMIT BODILY INJURY $ (Per person) BODILY INJURY $ (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE $ EACH OCCURRENCE AGGREGATE $ EXCESS LIABILITY UMBRELLA FORM OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM DOES NOT APPLY WORKER'S COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY DOES NOT APPL'y STATUTORY LIMITS EACH ACCIDENT DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ $ DISEASE-EACH EMPLOYEE $ OTHER 6, Pr()feS,Sl()nal ~_ . d b 1 1 1 t \' FL00'73 $2:."Cr (I J 4 i ('j 'I '-j: (~ 4. / ) ~ /:3 t~ ~ ! d r1"; -' , DESCRIPTION OF OPERA TlONS/LOCA TlONSIVEHICLES/SPECIAL ITEMS Re: Alroort land Use Reg~laI Monroe County Board OT County Commissioners 5100 College Road ~ey West, FL 33040 Attn: A,rport Buslness Offlce SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRtT60N DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL _ DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES, AUTHORIZED \,".! g'~s :::C(, i ate ~~ , I r'~ @ACORDCORPORATION 1990