4th Amendment 10/17/2001 Clelk of De Circuit coon Danny L. Kolhage Office (305) 292-3550 Fax (305) 295-3663 MemnranIium To: Dent Pierce, Director Public Works From: Isabel C. DeSantis, /) IJ /0 Deputy Clerk ~. L , p- . Date: Wednesday, December 12,2001 At the Regular BOCC meeting of October 17, 2001, the Board granted approval of a request by Conch Cruisers, Inc. (Salute Restaurant at Higgs Beach) for a temporary revised rental payment schedule for the months of September, 2001, through December, 2001. Attached hereto is a duplicate original of the subject document for your handling. Should you have any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to contact this office. cc: County Attorney Finance ~i1e STONES & CARDENAS ATTORNEYS AT LAW 221 SIMONTON STREET, KEY WEST, Fl 33040 TElEPHONE (305) 294-0252 FAX (305) 292-5442 ADElE VIRGINIA STONES, P.A. SUSAN M. CARDENAS, P.A. November 30,2001 Miguel Carbonell, Parks & Recreation Coordinator Monroe' County Public Works Division Facilities Maintenance Department 3583 S. Roosevelt Boulevard Key West, FL 33040 Re: Salute' Restaurant - Contract Amendment Dear Mr. Carbonell: Pursuant to your request, enclosed please find four (4) duplicate original contract amendments for the Salute' Restaurant, executed by Dawn Parrinello. Please return one duplicate original to this office upon execution by the Monroe County Clerk of Court. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. ~. Sincerely, ~(/(/la#J(7~ Susan M. Cardenas SMC/cms c: client CP~ -. - - -------==____ :_:.:.J CONTRACT AMENDMENT ( Salute' Restaurant at Higgs Beach) This Contract Amendment is made and entered into this 17th Day of October, 2001, between the COUNTY OF MONROE and Conch Cruisers, Inc. in order to amend the agreement between the parties dated August 12, 1998, copies incorporated hereto for reference, as follows: 1. Revise payment schedule for September through December 2001, from being payable on the first day of the month, in advance, to submitting September's payment by October 15th, 1/3 of October's payment by October 31st, 2/3 of October's payment and 1/3 of November's payment by November 15th, 1/3 of November's payment by November 30th, and the balance of November and all of December's payment by December 15th, 2001. 2. In all other respects, the original agreement between the parties dated August 12, 1998, remains in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seal the day and year first written above. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA k~e ~~ - C ;-...(\~~~A ^ ~~l ^~ ^ CONCH CRUISERS, INC. ~ness " ~;:.s~~ r--.) ." :< c:::) a C:J c;::::) Z )> r ~~~~: c::J fTI rr1 0 '--,1 :x:-< n ." n' r 0 C)(""), W ~~ ;0 ~x: ::u ......0 -0 :::0 -l ("") r :<-;::t: :x n1 . J> ("") .." 0 0 r ,...,., (.J1 :::0 )> 0 0