Miscellaneous Division of Corporations Page 1 of2 l~,w.~,w.. .~".._'.'.'."W'W,_~"_.,,~~ ",_ Florida Profit CONDO ELECTRIC INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY, INC. PRINCIPAL ADDRESS 3746 E 10TH CT HIALEAH FL 33013 US Changed 01/30/1998 l,,_,~ MAILING ADDRESS POBOX 3340 HIALEAH FL 33013 US Changed 01/30/1998 Document Number G85631 FEI Number Date Filed 592377544 02/21/1984 State FL Status Effective Date ACTIVE NONE ~ W.,",',",'mm._. Registered Agent Name & Address GOMEZ, HECTOR A. 3615 E. 10 COURT HIALEAH FL 33013 b._w.~w_,w,~@',,_~_,,_"""~_w w,w,' ~,_,__"..w~.,w_w_w, __m"._"._,ww,ww,w'm~. I Name & Address II Title I ESPINOLA, JOSE G. c:J 11651 NW 37TH ST SUNRISE FL 33323 GOMEZ, HECTOR A. G 10435 NW 132ND ST HIALEAH GARDENS FL 33016 Officer/Director Detail L........ .. ............ .' Annual Reports http://www.sunbiz.org/scripts/cordet.exe?a1 =DETFIL&n1 =G85631 &n2=NAMFWD&n3=... 07/22/2002 Division of Corporations Page 2 of2 I 2000 II 03/02/2000 II I I 2001 II 02/19/2001 II I I 2002 II 03/31/2002 II I !~._m_.Y~~,.M~~^Wm'm~".",,~~~_ "" """,..w,__,_,_,_____m......._,__.__^W_~ No Events No Name History Information t-.'W.,_,@",~, ,.,.l View Document Image(s) THIS IS NOT OFFICIAL RECORD; SEE DOCUMENTS IF QUESTION OR CONFLICT l.,mmmm_nmm._m.'.~~~~.w~m^~'m_~~~mm'm_m_m='."mmm_..mrlm"mm'mmmnmmA""mn_mmmmm"_nmMmmmmmu_'A",,,,,,'wvmmm',_c_._,",_n",_mm"w._"wNmm'mw,_.'m,_,_,_>>._,"",,,mm http://www.sunbiz.org/scripts/cordet.exe?al =DETFIL&nl =G85631&n2=NAMFWD&n3=.,. 07/22/2002 D.ivision of Corporations Page 1 of2 Florida Profit CONDO ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR CORP. ~~~ .,--,,-- PRINCIPAL ADDRESS 3615 E 10TH CT HIALEAH FL 33013 US Changed 01/30/1998 ~ - MAILING ADDRESS POBOX 3340 HIALEAH FL 33013 US Changed 01/30/1998 Document Number H49843 FEI Number 592500665 Date Filed 04/01/1985 State FL Status ACTIVE Effective Date NONE "',~." ,_'_"_'mm.__"___"_~~'m Registered Agent Name & Address GOMEZ, HECTOR 3615 E. 10TH COURT HIALEAH FL 33013 ~~'~m,~_,__".,,__,_____________'__'_mm"m'__'''''''_ I Name & Address II Title I GOMEZ, HECTOR c:J 10435 NW 132 ST HIALEAH GARDENS FL 33016 GOMEZ, HECTOR J. G 11131 NW 60TH CT HIALEAH FL 33012 ESPINOLA, JOSE G c:J 11651 NW 37 STR SUNRISE FL 33323 Officer/Director Detail http://www.sunbiz.org/scripts/cordet.exe?a1 =DETFIL&n1 =H49843&n2=NAMFWD&n3=,.. 07/22/2002 Division of Corporations Page 2 of2 ~~ ..3 '---- I Report Year II Filed Date II Intangible Tax I I 2000 II 03/02/2000 II I I 2001 II 02/19/2001 II I I 2002 II 03/31/2002 II I Annual Reports k,'~mmmmmmmmm m_.. V"W"CW~C~~,$ No Events No Name History Information 'mmmmm'm~ _ "",.,,,",,"~,~,_..v_._._w' Yi~wDQCMm~l1tlmag~($) THIS IS NOT OFFICIAL RECORD; SEE DOCUMENTS IF QUESTION OR CONFLICT L .. ,n, ,_ >wn "n'w,',~.'~~m"""w,_._'w~__'u'W""~w"ww"w_",',w@ m~'~ww~.~,~,~_.. http://www,sunbiz.org/scripts/cordet.exe?al =DETFIL&nl =H49843&n2=NAMFWD&n3=". 07/22/2002 07/24/2002 07:52 3055915554 10~~0 JUL 24, 2002 CONDO ELECTRIC TEL NO' t PAGE 02 t476363 PAGE; 2/2 PAYCHEJC~ J1.lly 24, 2002 Monroe County Board of County Commissioners 1 it 00 Simul11uJI S1., Rin. 2-213 Key West, FL 33040 RE: Coudo Electric Motor Repair TI) Whom It May Concern: Pilychex Business Solutions, Inc. is known as a PEO, Prof:ssional Employment Organization, in which the clienb' (Condo Electric Motor Repair) employees arc considered to be employees of Paycbex Business Solutions, Inc. and arc leased back to the clienl. Therefore. the actual insurance policy is in Paychex Business Solutions, Inc. mm1e and the leased employees are beneficiaries under that policy. The name of the clicot is listed on the certificate of inSUTllJ1ce under the "Description of Operations" $howing tbe relationship between the two. Sincerely, ~~~~ RI~gional Underwriting 07/24/2002 07:52 3055915554 CONDO ELECTRIC PAGE 01 ~~ ~t&% (?Aee~ CONDO ELECTRIC INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY, lNe. 3615 EAST 10'/1 COURT / p,o. BOX 3340 HIALEAH. FLORIDA 33013 Phone # 305-691-5400 Fax # 305-691-6564 Send tQ: From: MARY BlALECK Attent;on' D 'd-. Date: Fax number: Phone number:305-691-5400 o Urgent CJ Reply ASAP i~ Pleuse COmment [J Pleuse T(!11;ew !SJ(FUT yOUT information Total pages, including cover: r;... Comments: I G...J 1l7--j 0J. I · att.j" f~ ~ 0- k tf... ~ Ptvyc4< ~~ ti- ~. 't~~~_ . "0 iJ~ 07/29/2002 10:03 3055915554 CONDO ELECTRIC PAGE 01 CONDO ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR 3615 E. 10th Court / Hialeah, Florida 33013 / (305) 691-5400 Board of County Commissioners Monroe County Purchasing Office 1100 Simonton St., Room 2-213 Key West, Fl33040 Roy Sanchez: In regards to the Emergency Generator Contract, our technicians will perform all work necessary to repair existing generator equipment. If the need should arise to perform new electrical work, such as run a new line, a licensed electrician that we Sub-contract will perform and complete that work. If you have any additional questions please contact me. Tharlk you, Mohamed Hallaj ~iJ~ Condo Electric (305) 691-5400 SALES & REPAIRS INDUSTRIAl. & MARINE MOTORS . GENERATORS . ELEcmlCAL EQUIPMENT . MARINE ELECTRICIANS