Miscellaneous T EMS San~ Austin Dallas EI Paso Houston San AnQelo .......... Ilm1inphem ..- AlIa_ Tues"" AAKAH..... Uttfe Rode CAUFOOMA Monlerey ~. CONNEcnc:UT NewH.wn FLORlOA 00_&_ -I<eys F/. "yers JacI<sorn<<e ItA.". ~ P.".,.,. CIy _socolo rdaMsSH T_ W..t_ &_ KAHs.. -. KENTUCKY ~ Louoswu. -~ MA.UACNJ<<n1 Sprlngtlo/d Moc>llCWl Grond Ropkh _SOT. Minneapolis -..... -- 51_ NEW YORK A.tJany NoRTH CAROLINA GIeetl.sboro Ro/elgh """' CIe_ Ooyt"" Clt<LNtOMA Gurmon 0IdM>0m0 CIty T.... PENNSl1.VAHIA, Atont-. ~ Unca_ R.ed01g RHooEISUHO Ao_ Sount CMOUNA ~ ~ TENHElIEE CooIc_ "'-ophIs - VIRQNA - Richmond Wloc-., Wwou/(eo " CLEAR CHANNEL BROADCASTING, INC. January 19, 1999 To Whom It MayConcern: RECEIVED JUN.! 4 21CJ2 Dave Harris was elected a Vice President/General Manager of Clear Channel Metroplex, Inc. on June 21, 1998. On December 31, 1998, Clear Channel Metroplex, Inc. merger into Cle~ Channel Radio, Inc., which is now known as Clear Channel Broadcasting, Inc. Mr. Harris is now serving in that same capacity with Clear Channel Broadcasting, Inc. and, as such, is authorized to sign contracts and other documents on behalf of that corporation with respect to its operations in the Florida Keys. We! Richard W. Wolf Vice President/Corporate Counsel .--~ 1f~ItIN' TNlltlrS DAVE HARRIS Vice President/Market Manager 5450 MacDonald Avenue. Suite 10 Key West, FL 33040 305-296-7511 · Fax: 305-296-0358 · Cell: 664-1321 daveharris@clearchannel.com ~ CLEARCHANNEL RADIO 200 Concord Plaza, Suite 600 · San Antonio, Texas 78216 Phone: 210-822-2828 Fax: 210-829-8080