Resolution 614-1999 AFFIDA VIT Resolution No. 614-1999 was inadvertently assigned to a document in the BOCC minutes of December 9, 1999, Page 99/458. Said minutes should have read "approval to advertise resolution for adoption at a Public Hearing by the BOCC". For the record, Resolution No. 614-1999 does not exist ", e-Lq. tC. sabel C DeSantis, D. . January 6, 2000 RESOLUTION NO. -1999 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS REQUESTING DESIGNATION OF A BROWNFIELDS AT THE MONROE COUNTY DUMP SITE ON :MIDDLE TORCH KEY aka BALTUFF DUMP SITE, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION, REHABILITATION, AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR TO NOTIFY THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION UNDER CHAPTER 62-785, F. A. C. BROWNFlELDS CLEANUP CRITERIA RULEt OF SAID DESIGNATION. WHEREAS, Habitat for Humanity of Key West and Lower Florida Keys, Inc. npw own tij.e Monroe County Dump Site aka Baltuff Dump Site. See Attachment 1 an'<i-2. and WHEREAS, the United States Environmental Protection Agency has made available funds such as EPA site assessment grant $200,000, EPA targeted site assessment grant $50,000, HUD Brownfields Economic Development Initiative (BED I) of $2,400,000,000 ($2.4 billion) Clean Water State Revolving Fund, Federal Brownfields Tax Incentive, and WHEREAS, local governments may designate a Brownfields area by resolution and WHEREAS, a person who owns or controls a potential Brownfields area may .designate a Brownfields by resolution and WHEREAS, Habitat for Humanity of Key West and Lowel" Florida Keys, Inc. agrees to clean up and redevelop the dump site, creating ten (10) new jobs, remaining in compliance with the Monroe County Land Use plan, giving 2-07-1995 8:46PM FROM P.2 appropriate public notice, establishing financial assurances and WHEREAS, the requested designation is the requ4'ed first step in the funding wrocess therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that the area known as the Monroe County Dump aka Baltuff Dump Site shall be designated as a Brownfields. Habitat for Humanity of Key West and Lower Florida Keys, Inc., shall be the responsible party for the Bl'ownfields Site Rehabilitation. The Monroe County Administrator is directed to notify the Florida Department of Environmental Protection of this designation, and this resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, F10rida at the regular meeting of said Board held on the 9 th day of December 1999. Mayor Shirley Freeman Commissioner Wilhelmina Harvey Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner Mary Kay Reich Commissioner Nora Williams yes yes yes yes yes Seal Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By By Deputy elcrk MayorlCbairman