Resolution 615-1999 Board of County Commissioners RESOLUTION NO. 615 - 1999 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MAKING CERTAIN REQUESTS OF THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WHEN CONSIDERING FUTURE PROJECTS IN THE FLORIDA KEYS ::t 0 0- .,., 0.....0- ::z::...- r- ::0 z c.... o ("')Z :J:Ia f"T"! BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MOO~ c~NR, ("'). - I' ." FLORIDA: 0("'): W 0 <=:o;x ::0 z. 0 -0 Section 1. The following are requests made of FOOT regarding th~n~a':;';'e~s work and projects in the Florida Keys: ;.,. ~ ~: g 110 ,." (,ft ::0 N 0 1. More detailed project descriptions and materials be provided to the County Commission as soon as possible prior to the workshops. 2. A safety action plan to make the current 18 Mile Stretch safer even if the road is not widened. 3. Response to concerns about traffic congestion and accidents on Big Pine Key as soon as possible. 4. Safety improvements on Crane Boulevard, where Sugarloaf Elementary and Middle Schools are located. 5. Consideration of traffic signals on US 1 at Big Coppitt Road: East College Road, Stock Island: and High Point Road on Plantation Key at site of proposed Sheriff's facility. 6. The immediate construction of one two-lane bridge over Jewfish Creek on the 18 Mile Stretch. 7. Notification by fax or e-mail to the County Commission prior to the placement of advertisements of hearings. (See attached contact list.) 8. Realign and/or replace Mile Markers on US 1 which were damaged or destroyed by hurricanes or otherwise. 9. Approve the placement of "No Wake Zones" as requested by Monroe County Marine Resources and the Board of County Commissioners. 10. Signs in the Big Pine Key area be illuminated or improved in order to make travelers more aware of the need for protection of the Key Deer population. 11. Repair non-working lights on Boca Chica bridge. 12. Level out the bumps on the old Seven Mile Bridge. Section 2. The Board would like to thank FOOT for its efforts to make the US 1 corridor safer for non-motorized users in the proposed $12 million design and construction of the Overseas Heritage Trail. Section 3. The Clerk is hereby requested to forward a copy of this Resolution to the Florida Department of Transportation. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 8th day of December, 1999. MayorShirley Freeman Commissioner Wilhelmina Harvey Commissioner George Neugent ....:~~~-- . . . .~.~.:;:;..,;:;:.::"~:;,:~~!lmISSloner Mary Kay Reich I.,.,.:.'..>............".;.v ...r.../.;.;..)...f"''.lS.....~...'~.:.-....;-....m. issioner Nora Willia ms t'i~i~)f?!i';;~: \"'.:'~;A.:fi~'~f:ij::::.',:( Y L.KOLHAGE, Clerk >'~~;;;,t:sd ~ a;~k yes yes yes yes yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS :::Jr:;~~ Mayor/Chairperson jresiiidot Monroe County Board of County Commissioners Mayor Shirley Freeman 530 Whitehead Street Key West, FL 33040 305/292-3430 fax 292-3577 Commissioner Wilhelmina Harvey 310 Fleming Street Key West, FL 33040 305/292-3440 fax 292-3466 Commissioner George Neugent 25 Ships Way Big Pine Key, FL 33043 305/872-1678 fax 872-9195 Commissioner Mary Kay Reich 88820 Overseas Highway Tavernier, FL 33070 305/852-7175 fax 852-71 62 Commissioner Nora Williams 490 63rd Street, Ocean Marathon, FL 33050 305/289-6000 fax 289-6306 James Roberts, County Administrator Public Service Building 5100 College Road Key West, FL 33040 305/292-4441 fax 292-4544