Agreement Between
Monroe County and Clean Florida Keys, Inc.
This Agreement is made as of the 1st day of October 2001, between the Board of County
Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, hereinafter referred to as the "Board" and Clean Florida
Keys, Inc.
WHEREAS, Monroe County has millions of visitors each year, and the small permanent
population is faced with managing and controlling or preventing the litter, both land and water borne
from these visitors, and
WHEREAS, The County faces severe litter problems throughout all areas of the Keys, and
WHEREAS, Clean Florida Keys, Inc. provides services in the form of program management,
including educational programs and community action programs; and
Whereas, in Fiscal Year 2002, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection has awarded
Monroe County $12,839.00 to coordinate Florida's mandated goal to reduce litter by 50% through a
local Keep America Beautiful affiliate. Clean Florida Keys, Inc. is Monroe County's local Keep
America Beautiful affiliate.
IN CONSIDERATION of such services rendered, Clean Florida Keys, Inc. and the Board agree
as follows:
1. The Board shall allocate the total grant to clean Florida Keys, Inc. toward payment of
administrative and operating expenditures shown on the Clean Florida Keys montWy budget and
specified in Option 1 of the grant.
2. The Board will compensate Clean Florida Keys, Inc., on a reimbursement basis, for providing the
measurable objectives as specified in the scope of work in the Litter Control and Prevention Grant
application program budget. The Litter Control and Prevention Grant application program
budget is attached and made a part of this agreement.
3. Records, checks and receipts of the use of the funds shall be kept by the Executive Director of
Clean Florida Keys, Inc. Records, checks and receipts shall be kept in accordance with Monroe
County Policies, and the general conditions of the grant, under the direction of the Department of
Environmental Protection. Records and receipts will be available for inspection during regular
business hours.
4. The term of this agreement is October 1, 2001 through September 30, 2002.
5. Clean Florida Keys, Inc. shall indemnify Monroe County for all claims of any sort that arise from
the use of this funding. In this respect, Clean Florida Keys, Inc. shall hoJd Mon~ CO'QIlty
harmless and assume all responsibility for any claims or damage resulting ij>m~he ~e ofihis
funding during the time wherein the funding continues. ~p~ ~ ~
IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreemenf'"a:8""6f t}ui da~nd
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Year first above written. Cl C")' 0 ::0
~~C~ Mayor Neugent Yes ~?Oc -0 ::0
~~~ O~1; Mayor Pro Tem Williams Yes :<~~ :x ~
~~~18. "'~f1J ~. Commissioner Spehar Yes ~ ~ W ~
~ ~ .' ~. Commissioner McCoy Yes ~ U1 0
\ 1, ~-'"' . 1 ",~ ~ Commissioner Nelson Yes
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Chairm~ of Directors, Clean FL Keys, Inc.
Mayor/Chairma,n.PRovED AS TO F M
Attest: ~ t,...(!C. ~~
Danny Kolhage, Clerk of the Court
Draft Budget
Clean Florida Keys, Inc.
Oct. 1, 2001 - Sept. 30, 2002
Private Trust Grant
State FDOT Grant
State FDEP Litter Grant
Membership Dues
Earth Day 5K Run/Walk
Dumpster Art Project
Community Service Benefit
Special Event Benefit
Keys West Pops Benefit
Fees-Litter Prevention/Beautification Consulting
Telephone/F ax/Emailllnternet/Home Page
Postage/Delivery General
Litter Prev/Beautification MtgsfTravel
Litter Prev Cleanups/Educ. Materials/Programs
Office - Donated Space
FL Keys Scenic Hwy/OH Trail
Fees - Tax Prep, Corp, Reg, KAB dues
Membership Campaign Annual Mtg