Agreement Between
Monroe County and Clean Florida Keys, Inc.
This Agreement is made as of the 1st day of October, 2000, between the Board of County
Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, hereinafter referred to as the "Board" and Clean Florida Keys, Inc.
WHEREAS, Monroe County has millions of visitors each year, and the small permanent population
is faced with managing and controlling or preventing the litter, both land and water borne from these visitors,
WHEREAS, the County faces severe litter problems throughout all areas of the Keys, and
WHEREAS, Clean Florida Keys, Inc. provides services in the form of program management, including
educational programs and community action programs; and
WHEREAS, in Fiscal Year 2001, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection has awarded
Monroe County $16,924.00 to coordinate Florida's mandated goal to reduce litter by 50% through a local Keep
America Beautiful affiliate. Clean Florida Keys, Inc. is Monroe County's local Keep America Beautiful
IN CONSIDERATION of such services rendered, Clean Florida Keys, Inc. and the Board agree as
1. The Board shall allocate the total grant to Clean Florida Keys, Inc. toward payment of administrative and
operating expenditures shown on the Clean Florida Keys monthly budget and specified in Option 1 of the
2. The Board will compensate Clean Florida Keys, Inc. on a reimbursement basis, for providing the
measurable objectives as specified in the scope of work in the Litter control and Prevention Grant application
program budget. The Litter control and Prevention Grant application program budget is attached and made
a part of this agreement.
3. Records, checks and receipts of the use of the funds shall be kept by the Executive Director of Clean Florida
Keys, Inc. Records, checks and receipts shall be kept in accordance with Monroe County Policies, and the
general conditions of the grant, under the direction of the Department of Environmental Protection. A copy
of the applicable County policies, the grant and the applicable Department of Environmental Protection
Policies are attached hereto and incorporated by reference. Records and receipts will be available for
inspection during regular business hours.
4. The term of this agreement is October 1, 2000 through September 30,2001.
5. Clean Florida Keys, Inc. shall indemnify Monroe County for all claims of any sort that arise from the use
of this funding. In this respect, Clean Florida Keys, Inc. shall hold Monroe County harmless and assume all
responsibility for any claims or damage resulting from the use of this funding during the time wherein the
funding continues.
IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year
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Mayor Freeman
Mayor Pro Tem Neugent
Commissioner Harvey
Commissioner Williams
Commissioner Reich
Kolhage, Clerk of the Court
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Chai;man, Bo d of Directors, Clean FL Keys, Inc.
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PO Box 1528, Key West FL 33041-1528
Phone (305) 296-3791 * Fax (305) 296-6132 *
Email: KeysBeautv~aol.com * Home Page: www.KeysBeauty.org
JUL 2 1 2000
July 21, 2000
Mr. James Roberts
Monroe County Administrator
5100 West College Road
Key West, FL 33040
Dear Mr. Roberts:
Clean Florida Keys, Inc. (CFK) continues to be actively involved in solid waste management and recycling in Monroe
County. For the past several years our community service programs, especially the Adopt-a-Shore program, have been
an important strategy for informing Monroe County residents about solid waste prevention and for organizing regular
cleanup campaigns throughout the Florida Keys.
The objectives of our organization set forth in our Articles of Incorporation, parallel those of Monroe County as outlined in
Florida's Solid Waste Management Act of 1988. The objectives of Clean Florida Keys, Inc. are:
· To carry out projects in the public interest for the general improvement of the environment by initiating, planning,
directing and coordinating programs for litter control in Monroe County
· To promote the development of plans for improving the health, sanitation, safety and cleanliness of Monroe County
· To encourage the planting and preservation of trees, native plants and wildflowers in Monroe County
· To make recommendations to various local government departments for the beautification and general improvement
of the environment of Monroe County
· To implement and maintain the Keep America Beautiful, Inc. System in Monroe County
Since 1992-1993 Clean Florida Keys has:
· Carried out litter prevention and cleanup campaigns throughout Monroe County, Florida resulting in the annual
donation of thousands of hours of time from approximately 400 dedicated volunteers. This year's Great American,
Florida, Monroe County Cleanup held on Saturday, April 22,2000 was very successful attracting 448 volunteers from
32 groups who cleared 71,000 pounds of trash and debris from Monroe County (see attached report).
· Vigorously developed the Adopt-a-Shore Program in Monroe County so that it is one of the largest in the state of
Florida with nearly 40 active groups. The Adopt-A-Shore program mission is to enlist the assistance of volunteer
groups to keep selected areas clean and litter free by conducting at least three organized cleanups annually.
To accomplish this, Clean Florida Keys plans and carries out:
· communications with volunteer group coordinators (updates by letter, phone, email and Home Page)
· ongoing recruitment of new volunteers and groups (encourage community participation in litter prevention)
· media campaigns to promote cleanups (radio & TV interviews and public service announcements)
· delivery of information and materials to cleanup groups ((safety tips, data sheets, bags, gloves, etc.).
(continued Page Two)
Page Two
· Actively promoted beautification efforts throughout Monroe County. Recent efforts include:
· Partnering with the Florida State Parks to assist with re-planting of native plants at Bahia Honda State Park
· Planting native wildflowers and plants on Sugarloaf Key
· Developing plans to conduct Phase II of the Parade of Palms in Key West (2001-2002)
· Utilizing the Adopt-A-Shore program of Keep Florida Beautiful as a base for the City of Key West's
Adopt-An-Area cleanup and beautification program
· Assisting with administration of the Florida Keys Scenic Highway Corridor Advocacy Group (a citizen-based,
volunteer group) working on the FOOT program to have US 1 from Key Largo to Key West designated as a state
scenic highway
· Partnering with Monroe County, FOOT, FDEP and other groups to initiate plans for a bicycle and pedestrian trail
along US 1-Key Largo to Key West
Utilizing a cost benefits analysis from Keep America Beautiful, Inc., Clean Florida Keys returns $9 to $10 in services for
every dollar allocated through grants to carry out litter prevention, cleanups and beautification efforts. In order for Clean
Florida Keys to maintain and expand the countywide litter prevention and cleanup services mentioned, we request the use
of the 2000-2001 state litter grant funds. A copy of our 2000-2001 budget is enclosed for your review. Clean Florida Keys
looks forward to continued partnership with Monroe County on programs that help to fulfill its solid waste objectives for a
cleaner, more beautiful Florida Keys.
Marie W. Klemann
Executive Director
Enclosures: CFK 2000-2001 Budget and CFK Report on Community Services October 1999 to July 2000.
Copies to Clean Florida Keys Board of Directors
An Affiliate of Keep America Beautiful. Inc. & Keep Florida Beautiful, Inc.
Clean Florida Ke~s. Inc.
Private Trust Grant
Total Income Grants
$ 7,000.00
$ 33,000.00
$ 2,500.00
$ 3,000.00
$ 2,000.00
$ 50,500.00
State FDOT Grant
State FDEP Litter Grant Monroe County
1999-2000 Other Income
! Membership Dues
Earth Day 5K RunlWalk
Dumpster Art Project
Beautification Fundraiser
Total Income Other
Total Income General
Consulting Fees
Postage & Delivery
Meetings FeeslTravel
Litter Prev.lEduc. Programs
Total Expenses General
--..< -... ---.. .
Adopt-a-Palm Project Restricted*
*Funds restricted for use in Adopt-a-Palm Program Phase II
2001-2002 - -