Resolution 040-2022 Resolution No. 040 -2022
WHEREAS,it is necessary to conduct a public hearing as required by section 129.06,Florida Statutes,to amend the following:
Road and Bridge Fund 102,Impact Fees Roadway Fund 130,One Cent Infrastructure Surtax Fund 304,and
Series 2014 Revenue Bond Fund 314,for the fiscal year beginning October 1,2021 and ending September 30,2022,
now therefore,
conducted on January 21,2022 at 1:30 amend Road and Bridge Fund 102,Impact Fees Roadway Fund 130,
One Cent Infrastructure Surtax Fund 304,and Series 2014 Revenue Bond Series Fund 314 budgets and to adopt the amended budgets as follows:
Road and Bridge Current Inc./(Dec.) Revised
Revenues: Budget Budget
102-RC_00006 Sales Tax County 9th Cent $565,000.00 $0.00 $565,000.00
102-RC_00007 Fuel Tax Local Option $1,985,000.00 $0.00 $1,985,000.00
102-RC_00073 State Shared Transp.Fuel Use $1,125,000.00 $0.00 $1,125,000.00
102-RC_00074 Constitutional Gas Tax 20% $525,000.00 $0.00 $525,000.00
102-RC_00075 Constitutional Gas Tax 80% $2,115,000.00 $0.00 $2,115,000.00
102-RC_00173 Service Transp.Road Permit $5,000.00 $0.00 $5,000.00
102-RC_00174 Traffic&Hwy Light Maint. $20,000.00 $0.00 $20,000.00
102-RC_00175 Service Transp.Signs $1,500.00 $0.00 $1,500.00
102-RC_00176 Service Transp.Road&Bridge $7,500.00 $0.00 $7,500.00
102-RC_00299 Interest Earnings $150,000.00 $0.00 $150,000.00
102-RC_00324 Miscellaneous Revenue $10,000.00 $0.00 $10,000.00
102-RC_00338 Misc.Other Gas Tax Revenue $20,000.00 $0.00 $20,000.00
102-RC_00396 Less 5%Florida Statute ($326,450.00) $0.00 ($326,450.00)
102-RC_00397 Fund Balance Forward $5,710,999.00 $2,346,360.00 $8,057,359.00
Total $11,913,549.00 $2,346,360.00 $14,259,909.00
102 22500 SC_00***,SC 000** Road Department $5,135,129.00 $0.00 $5,135,129.00
102 22503 SC_000** Local Option Gax Tax Project $362,583.00 $0.00 $362,583.00
102 22504 SC_000** Street Light,Local Option Gas Tax $183,617.00 $0.00 $183,617.00
102 22506 SC_00122 Const.Gas Tax Projects 80% $650,000.00 ($354,846.00) $295,154.00
102 22544 SC_00122 No Name Key Bridge $16,857.00 $4,321.00 $21,178.00
102 22556 SC_00036 Sustainability Roads $360,666.00 $456,524.00 $817,190.00
102 22560 SC_00006,SC_00036 Bimini Dr.Bridge Replacement $1,242,166.00 $1,163,286.00 $2,405,452.00
102 22561 SC_00036 Harbor Dr.Bridge Replacement $0.00 $183,289.00 $183,289.00
102 22562 SC_00036 Twin Lakes/Sands SLR $117,943.00 $258,710.00 $376,653.00
102 22564 SC_00036,SC_00122 Seaview Ave Bridge $610,539.00 $203,636.00 $814,175.00
102 22567 SC_00036 Key Largo Burton Drive $25,237.00 $31,440.00 $56,677.00
102 22002 SC_00***,SC 000** County Engineer Road&Bridges $735,145.00 $0.00 $735,145.00
102 86501 ST_CA001 Budgeted Transfers 102 $8,919.00 $400,000.00 $408,919.00
102 85504 SC_00125,SC_00124 Reserves 102 $2,464,748.00 $0.00 $2,464,748.00
Total $11,913,549.00 $2,346,360.00 $14,259,909.00
$0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Impact Fees Roadways Current Inc./(Dec.) Revised
Revenues: Budget Budget
130-RC_00020 Misc.Impact Fee Road Dist 1 $40,000.00 $0.00 $40,000.00
130-RC_00021 Misc.Impact Fee Road Dist 2 $5,000.00 $0.00 $5,000.00
130-RC_00022 Misc.Impact Fee Road Dist 3 $65,000.00 $0.00 $65,000.00
130-RC_00302 Misc.Interest-District 1 $2,000.00 $0.00 $2,000.00
130-RC_00303 Misc.Interest-District 2 $6,000.00 $0.00 $6,000.00
130-RC_00304 Misc.Interest-District 3 $2,000.00 $0.00 $2,000.00
130-RC_00305 Misc.Interest-Key Colony Beach $500.00 $0.00 $500.00
130-RC_00307 Misc.Interest-Countywide $25.00 $0.00 $25.00
130-RC_00396 Less 5%Florida Statute ($6,026.00) $0.00 ($6,026.00)
130-RC_00398 Fund Balance Forward-District 3 $269,722.00 $0.00 $269,722.00
130-RC_00399 Fund Balance Forward-KCB $41,451.00 $0.00 $41,451.00
130-RC_00400 Fund Balance Forward-District 1 $176,725.00 $0.00 $176,725.00
130-RC_00401 Fund Balance Forward-Countywide $22,138.00 $0.00 $22,138.00
130-RC 00402 Fund Balance Forward-District 2 $6,033.00 $571,696.00 $577,729.00
Total $630,568.00 $571,696.00 $1,202,264.00
130 29000 SC_00006 Roadway Projects $22,162.00 $0.00 $22,162.00
130 29001 SC_00006 District 1 Roadways Projects $158,223.00 $20,670.00 $178,893.00
130 29002 SC_00006 District 2 Roadways Projects $16,483.00 ($9,484.00) $6,999.00
130 29003 SC_00006 District 3 Roadways Projects $333,372.00 $0.00 $333,372.00
130 29017 SC_00036 Bimini Drive Bridge $0.00 $581,180.00 $581,180.00
130 29018 SC_00006 Cudjoe Gardens Trail $58,402.00 ($20,670.00) $37,732.00
130 29004 SC_00006 Key Colony Beach Road Projects $41,926.00 $0.00 $41,926.00
Total $630,568.00 $571,696.00 $1,202,264.00
$0.00 $0.00 $0.00
One Cent Infrastructure Surtax Current Inc./(Dec.) Revised
Revenues: Budget Budget
304-RC_00008 Discretionary Sales Tax 1 Cent $24,566,456.00 $0.00 $24,566,456.00
304-RC_00299 Interest Earnings $50,000.00 $0.00 $50,000.00
304-RT_00044 F_311 to F_304 $668,914.00 $0.00 $668,914.00
304-RT_00045 F_171 to F_304 $753,170.00 $0.00 $753,170.00
304-RC_00500 Contributions-City of Key West $0.00 $808,272.00 $808,272.00
304-RC_00396 Less 5%FL Statute ($1,230,823.00) $0.00 ($1,230,823.00)
304-RC_00397 Fund Balance Forward $13,842,693.00 $6,392,744.53 $20,235,437.53
Total $38,650,410.00 $7,201,016.53 $45,851,426.53
304 22004 SC_00***,SC 000** County Engineer Construction Man. $2,343,402.00 $0.00 $2,343,402.00
304 22005 SC_00036 Finance Miscellaneous $0.00 $1,500,000.00 $1,500,000.00
304 22008 SC_00036 City of Marathon-Sparky's $0.00 $500,000.00 $500,000.00
304 22022 SC_00036 County Engineer Maintenance $562,655.00 $0.00 $562,655.00
304 23001 SC_00006 Canal&Culvert Projects $75,000.00 $0.00 $75,000.00
304 23002 SC_00006 Canal Monitoring $49,767.00 $0.00 $49,767.00
304 24000 SC_00**,SC_000** General Government Capital Projects $241,656.75 ($219,086.22) $22,570.53
304 24001 SC_000** County Facilities Capital Projects $1,544,500.00 $26,480.00 $1,570,980.00
304 24002 SC_00038,SC_00003 Jackson Square Chiller Building $1,150,000.00 $0.00 $1,150,000.00
304 24003 SC_00003 Ocean Reef Building/Fire Boat $475,000.00 $0.00 $475,000.00
304 24005 SC_00038 Jefferson Browne $200,000.00 $118,000.00 $318,000.00
304 24007 SC_000** Public Defender Simonton Property $1,321,821.00 ($217,059.00) $1,104,762.00
304 24008 SC_00036,SC_00003 Senior Nutrition Center $75,000.00 $0.00 $75,000.00
304 24009 SC_00002,SC_00003 Rockland Key Facility $1,658,343.25 $302,250.75 $1,960,594.00
304 24010 SC_00036 HMPG Wind Retrofit $0.00 $43,750.00 $43,750.00
304 25001 SC_00036 Higg's Beach Master Plan $100,000.00 $0.00 $100,000.00
304 25003 SC_00036 Big Pine Swimming Hole $547,708.00 $255,757.00 $803,465.00
304 25005 SC_00036 Rowell's Marina $1,232,014.00 $15,197.00 $1,247,211.00
304 26001 SC_00100 Trauma Star Helicopter Replacement $500,000.00 $0.00 $500,000.00
304 26002 SC_00006 KL Fire Hydrants $150,000.00 $0.00 $150,000.00
304 26003 SC_00100 Fire&Ambulance Fire Truck $837,000.00 $0.00 $837,000.00
304 26004 SC_00036 MCSO Generator $300,000.00 $208,946.00 $508,946.00
304 27001 SC_00122 Twin Lakes $1,000,000.00 $0.00 $1,000,000.00
304 27002 SC_00122 Road Paving Backlog $385,000.00 $0.00 $385,000.00
304 27003 SC_00122,SC_00036 1st Street/BerthaAve Improvements $555,012.00 $2,569,677.00 $3,124,689.00
304 27004 SC_00122,SC_00036 Koehn Sub Division $475,718.00 $105,880.00 $581,598.00
304 27005 SC_00122 Duval Street Mill and Resurface $100,000.00 $0.00 $100,000.00
304 27006 SC_00036 Dennis Street Pump Station $0.00 $812,874.00 $812,874.00
304 86502 ST_00018,ST_CA014 Budgeted Transfers 304 $15,566,218.00 $0.00 $15,566,218.00
304 86502 ST_00020,ST_00043 Budgeted Transfers 304 $1,000,000.00 $0.00 $1,000,000.00
304 86502 ST_00019 Budgeted Transfers 304 $0.00 $961,291.00 $961,291.00
304 85532 SC_00125,SC_00124 Reserves 304 $6,204,595.00 $217,059.00 $6,421,654.00
Total $38,650,410.00 $7,201,016.53 $45,851,426.53
$0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Series 2014 Revenue Bond Current Inc./(Dec.) Revised
Revenues: Budget Budget
314-RT 00343 $0.00 $961,291.00 $961,291.00
314-RC_00397 Fund Balance Forward $3,500,207.00 $1,290,311.00 $4,790,518.00
Total $3,500,207.00 $2,251,602.00 $5,751,809.00
314 26008 SC_000** Public Safety Fund 314 $3,200,000.00 $2,251,602.00 $5,451,602.00
314 85573 590990 Reserves 314 $300,207.00 $0.00 $300,207.00
Total $3,500,207.00 $2,251,602.00 $5,751,809.00
$o.00 $o.00 $o.Do
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD,that the Clerk of said Board,upon receipt of thg above,is hereby authorized and
directed to make necessary changes of said items,as set forth above.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County,Florida,at a regular meeting of the Board on the
21st day of January,AD 2022.
Mayor David Rice Yes
Mayor Pro Tem Craig Cates Yes
Commissioner Michelle Coldiron VPc
4 0�� Commission District 3,Vacant Vacant
Commissioner Holly Raschein Yes
.,---. =o By.o _ - - G�
q� a J.
4,O°r.°, ,. 1"1.4 VIN MADOK,Clerk
fjAs Deputy lk
DATE 1/18/22
The Florida Keys Only Daily Newspaper, Est. 1876
PO Box 1800,Key West FL 33041
P:(305)292-7777 ext.219 F:(305)295-8025
1100 SIMONTON ST STE 2-213
Account: 421120 Ticket: 3829021
STATE OF FLORIDA [legal.text]
Before the undersigned authority personally appeared
Melinda Prescott ,who on oath says that he or she is
The legal advertising representative of the Key West Citizen,a five day newspa-
per published in Key West,in Monroe County, Florida;that the attached copy of
advertisment,being a legal notice in the matter of was published in said newspa-
per in the issues of:
Wednesday,January 19,2022
Affiant further says that the Key West Citizen is a newspaper published in Key
West, in said Monroe County, Florida and that the said newspapers has hereto-
fore been continuously published in said Monroe County, Florida Tuesday thru
Saturday weekly,and has been entered as periodicals matter at the post office in
Key West, in said Monroe County, Florida,for a period of 1 year next preceding
the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement;and affiant further says
that he or she has neither paid nor promised any person,firm or corporation any
discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertise-
ment for publication in the said newspaper.
(Signature ofAffiant)
Affirmed and subscribed before me this 9th day of January 2023
(Notary Public Signature)
Laura M Robins
(Notary Public Printed Name)
My commission expires 9/26/2026
Personally Known X Produced Identification
Type of Identification Produced (Notary Seal)
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ELANETHONIP501v,me Pns - —W Roc ad Pamit $5,00000 $000 $5,00000
$20,00000 $000 $20,00000
Terra Power's Michael Anderson,manager of test engineers - anaRS ape sls0000 s000 $l5.
and technicians,holds a glass jar of purified salt during a tour - a� g $v.soaoo $o.00 sls0000
of the nuclear reactor development facility,Thursday,Jan.13, - sls0000 oo so.00 $1$5C:.o oo
in Everett,Wash. - slo.000 oo so.00 $lo.00aoo
i.- ne szo,000 oo $000 szo,000 oo
Majority of states 02RC 0039, F dB.I.Sao m�a°w �� �.710.9 9W CC) $oap $sa57($3264359
s h F ara 11111,14 oo $2346.36aNN $6o5T,359o0
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$11,913,5a9"" s�a,6""" $1a,�4,9"9""
III- $5.135:12911 $000 $5.135.12911
for emission cuts _tLttirL xTrPro,ert 62as3NN Soap 62as3NN
t Lighe Iuml Opeov G.Tax $183,61�00 $000 $183,61�00
e- $6511NONN ($35484611) $2as,1s4 oo
a,Bld $1685'/-00 $4,32100 $21,1'/800
BY IENNIFER MCDERMOTT nuclear reactor construction $36a66600 $456524. $
Associated Press in the more than thme 11136 $1,2a2166o0 $1,163,ze611 $2.415,45211
decades. B.
xeplacamant s000 $18328900 $183,28900
akax/Savdx SLR $11'/,94300 $258"/1000 $3'/6653-00 lot 225C2 SC 00036 IMVL
PROVIDENCE,R.I.--As Roughly One-third of the l02 22s64 Sc o0036 sc oolzz Sua.4ew A�esndge $6la539oo :21363600 $814r/s oo
climate change pushes states states and the District of 000 -yL_.snnunn $25:237 $31.1111 $566r/10
intheITS-to dramaficatt t COLumbia res dad to the °nnry>sg;nee<zz°aa 1s�agaa a-�35,14s oo $
000 a-�3s,14s oo
ycu pon 102 $8,P19oo $4.q.c o $w8,P19oo
their use of fossil fuels,many AP's survey by saying they oz 85504 SC o0125,SC 01194 Baer.-ea l02 $2,46424e oo $000 s246424e o0
coming to the conclusion have nO plans to incorporate Teta, $11,913,549.00 sz,346,360.0o $14,Z51,1-oo
that solar,wind and other re- nuclear power in their green
ewable powet'sources might e lergy goals,instead lean- rmpaaa—Raaawava mr�(oe°->
not be enough to keep the ing heavily on renewables. eV`=: g g
lightson. Energy officials in those states _ a°-rrnpaaFee Ruad rn t1 s$4o,00aoo $000 s$4yooaoo
Nuclear power is emerg- saidtheir goals are achievable - ar-rrrpactFooxuaa L>;atz $s,000 oo s000 $s,000 oo
ing as err to fill the because of advances in en- - a°-rrnpaaFeex D,l3 $65,00aoo so 00 $65,00aoo
RC M312 $z,000 oo s000 $200000
gap as states transition away er'gy storage using batteries, 131_ - s600aoo s000 s600aoo
fiom coal,oil and natural gas investments in the grid for - - $2.000 00 $o 00 $2000 00
to reduce greenhouse gas high-voltage interstate trans- - - �Cumny aev $50000 s000 $50000
emi.. and stave off the m energy efficiency _ ss-s"ro-daS m�aese $2s-00 s000 26 C-1)
(s6o265. $000 t$
effects of a warming efforts to reduce demand and - - 3 $26972200 $000 $z6P,T22oo
planet.The renewed interest power'pinvided byhydmelec- - - $41,45'oo s000 s41,45 o0
nuclearin ompa- n'ic dams. _ - $sTaz.3�a oo so 00 $1'3�a 10
byincluding one cstarted The split o nuclear 0-RC 00402 Fondsalanra Farads-rna $603311 $571,6P600 $rr/,�2a-oo
sMicrosoft founder Bill power'in ITS.states mirrors 'rota, s63a, $511,696.00 sl z
Gates,are developing smaller, a similar debate unfolding PP p °on"�
cheaper reactors that could in Europe,where countries
supplement the power grid in including Germany are phas- s158,2z3,00
-it e across the l7 S mg out therm t while m $1 ($ ) $
Comm oz oo
Nuclear power c others such as Rance a - $33-. - - -
with its own set of potential sticking with the technology �..n�s rau (al�1 or)
problem, especially radio- or planning t0 build more 130 29004 SC OOUOfi Kcy3"u—Be.r,:n Rond Prnju:le ml W1,Y26.00 100o 541.926.P0
active waste that Can remain plants. lu s63",s6s.o" ssv1,6•i6."" $l,zoaz6a.0n
dangerous for thousands of The Biden administr'a-
year's.But supporter's say the tion,which has tried to take
risks can be minimized and aggressive steps to to reduce `ranuaa. wdget g
that the energy source will be greenhouse gases, v few,
- �,3axl anda. a2gs6q"1no
to stabilize power' nuclear as necessary to help - $6ae,414.00
supplies as the world tt'lea to compensate for the decline - - - $- ,I N
awayhom carbon diox- of carbon-based fuels in the - - r eal s8o
idevemitnng fossil fuels nanons energy grid -0c F la. o ) [. t
Tennessee Valley Authority I15 Energy Secretary 3041CC o03'Y! Puudl3ulvnen Par d Intel $l 142611N $63s2'! 53 'LU 235 37,11
ey ty g' 5dx,65"pl"."0 S2.a n,a16.s3 $a5,aslAa6.53
President and CEO Jeff lyash Jennifer cr'anholm told the
puts it simply:you can't AT that the administration
significantly reduce carbon wants to get to zero-carbon _00- Coin pngmuer cunanuoeou M., $2,.343,4tn.ON a,3is.(12.r0
.. is without nuclear electricity,and"that means slsoo,ouo.00 sls0o,000.00
prnae�mr nuclear that means hydro h;11021 IC
ash '
At this pomtln time I dont power that means geother _ ,,,,a(R.t ,
e a path that gets us there mal,that means obviously
without preserving the exist- wind on and offshore,that _ $a' ta2ls.oe62zr
s1 sa ,s
mg fleet and bulletin;new - solar _ _ _ ar,s. $I,Iso veo_oo
nt' means :la mnoa 03"'of oc. R.:ei�euadhb P;xaw- Ono :ono
clear',"Lyash said And that's "We want it all,"Granhohn sod, a4vs,00".00
alto having maximized the saidduungavisitinDecembo azcCo
ou it of solar we can build to Providence Rhode Island mi ^ s1,3. ra. .o� x
in the system to promote an offshore wind _ 03 eJA, $1,65 'll $
TheTVAisafecierallyowned project d r
utthty that provides electticrty, The S1 trillion mfiastruc sP 1e salsa-
soo3 0036 w � s- one n° 00 s 00 so0
to seven states as the nation's Lure package championed vso"5 "a6 R"_',Marina $I,z3.nm oo ,sv 1. $ .u.0o
third largest elecnicirygene- 6y Biden and signed mro law 304 21011 sc omlro I sw.noio,ro Repo and s5ogo0o.00 so 0o ssoo,000.00
r°Hyaraae $15go"o oa
ator.It's adding about 10,000 last year will allocate about 301 26003 11 110111fi It,vi Sono sls,3ullulo
.'r,n,.x $s32,o0.00Sam
megawatts of solar capacity S2.5 billion for advanced „ter $30o,00n o" ,.304 261a14 0c:0o03A, Mc:,o car208yac,oo sso8,"a600
by 2035--enough to power' reactor demonstration p of 3oa Wool se oorzz dwlacal;Q $1.00a000 0o s000 $1.o0g0o0no
r - Son 2Too2 as Pam
nearly 1 million homes annu acts The Energy Department a $3e 0.00 so 00 csss 000 Un
3oa noon _z,sc_ao. <rtn ..snprnr�,n,�nry $ss-, z.oa $z,sv06-n.00 $a,ra c8v.o0
ally -but also operates tluee said studies by Princeton z,sc of_ - aaysnsoo si _
mcleai plants and plans to University and the Decarboa
27006 aw aloo,00uo,00 sal
test a small reactor in Oak America Research Initiative - y1.1-'"°n xlesea,ziann sisseazlx"a
Ridge,Tennessee By 2050,it show that nuclear'is neces- _ o0"a3 a1,0oo ooc0e a1,or"Noon"
hopes t0 hit its goal Ofbecono Smy for a carbon filCW'e 304 85532 SC'_o0125,51 00_4 Reur.� 304�fc,a 3U4 86,204,595.00 S50,00 31'1,059.00 56,421614.0e
ing net zero,which meansthe Gr'anholm also touted new lut>,I xsa,6.s",alo.0" s2.z"1,d16s1 x4s,as,az6s3
unt of greenhouse gases technologiesinvolvinghydir-
pr'OduCedls more than the gen arts capturing arts stor'- Series 2014 Ra.uoue B-1 1L 1 In,J(pw) l2wi.cJ
unt removed from the ing carbon dioxide before it is aranaaa. g g
atmosphere released into the atmosphere.
An Associated Press sin'- Nuclear'reactorshav>i oper'- 14-Rc oo3m aoJ B.I.-rorwa.J ss,soo.zo0.00 a14z0o.311.00 $4_z9o',sla.00
vey of the energy policies in ated reliably arts carbon-flee lanai sssoowzu0 $2,2e1,6112.00 ss,751,809u11
all 50 states and the District for many decades,and the 11 p Im-
of Columbia found that a current climate change con-
snon about ver"atlon brings benefits 314 26008 11011 r7 P,�bllc 5a"1 P,md 314 $$CO,telI", S2,2aL,6U2.o0 $5,4S1,6o2.U0
strong g 314 &5503 590990 Rcsorvus 3la �h90R20'1110 $0-00 SOQ30"/.00
thirds--say nuclear,in One of in
to the forefront, rural ss,snn,zo�-00 a2,251,6102.00 as,3sl,alw.on
fashion or another',will help said Marta KOr'si ick,pr'es-
placeOffOsarlfuels ide it and chief executive TNe pvNk e.,,an 1-ticcti,y on M. Counry's MCI Comcon Ch ,cl 11"o1 11.11 - CM1onncl'J'- 1.. Ruci""rl,lu a R.ola,
The momentum building Officer of the Nuclear Energy aevire they rau aearrr,foraud dad'11V to 0,en➢e>=oaer unenp._mU,noe 0 ra alan p.—a via me MuaOe I..... ...
6ehmd nuclear power could Institute the industrys Wade -
lead to the first expansion of association t- b r 1v a r OI I I a n ed r n f u d by h
„e`i witty We crosed<aptionivg on anintegrared page th iuctades the Agenda/Agenda bacl np.
City of Key West R' wiahn. „ r dine aeaaua,when we M rwlbror ape k u=nrn,0, rd y wshwwnm,enl.,.�u, ue
Code Compliance Hearing at n n ''O''t sty a n dl n Z n
Thursday,January27,2022at130p.m. N/ n nloo o0lmc renhe zoom onl0 ri 0$pp .1 rvoo°un11 ny0 jylrt cmAsw,eOaza
CiTy Hall,1300 White Street n mpl°d - - p
M rhu Zc binar..aicn 1 rl Liud.�n lncm c.-Hurl t Inrl v ZUl rn �b„arl nk al.:, lw in Lc Fubli:nor Ab,nda
ft lsthe polloy of the Clry of Key West W—ply with ell requirements ,d Agcada"ot.
of me nmedaenawah ii-bilt-net.The f"aWN Is 0aaessldle.P0r
sign language Interpre a IlsVening devl"e erlels itity�v a etltlpalx
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