10/19/2022 Agreement J1 g°URTa
Kevin Madok, CPA
Clerk of the Circuit Court&Comptroller—Monroe County, Florida
Roe cou+4
DATE: January 11, 2023
TO: Sheryl Graham, Director
Social Services
ATTN: Lourdes Francis, Administrator
Social Services
Kim Wilkes Wean, Sr. Administrator
Social Services
FROM: Liz Yongue, Deputy Clerk
SUBJECT: October 19th BOCC Meeting
The following item has been executed, and added to the record:
V3 American Rescue Plan Contract No. RP-2129.2 between the Alliance for Aging,
Inc. and Monroe County/Monroe County Social Services for grant funding in the amount of
$142,333.49 for contract period October 1, 2022 through September 30, 2023.
Should you have any questions please feel free to contact me at(305)292-3550.
cc: County Attorney
500 Whitehead Street 3117 Overseas Highway 88770 Overseas Highway
Key West, Florida 33040 Marathon, Florida 33050 Plantation Key, Florida 33070
Anufltan Resette Plan
THIS ('ON'rR.ACT is entered into between MeAlHance Or Aghig Inc, hendnafter refarned to as the "Alliance," ind Mootme
Counly Board oll'County (70,1111TINSInSelf, 80CMI SiewicesAwfloine Services, heroinaftorricfermid to as the"Provider",and
eolfedhiiely roforl-od 10 as Me`Pmrties! 'Me term I'luvider Or this jucrpose may,desipwite a vu Qw-,.sub-grantee or sul)-rocipient, the
stamrs to,be Ruilier idetaffiLed in.ATTACHMENT 11, Exhibit-2 as necessary.
WHEREAS,the Alliance has cstabfislwd Ifit-ough,thie,Area Pl.an Mat it is h"wed of wKS,services as,(fiesciribed[terein",and
WHEREAS', the Provider has dellilorlstrukxJ filat it 11".1s the requisite expefuse mid abiliod to 110116y puAnn sumo services as an
Provider oF We A Once.
NOM(TI 1ERJ`,F()I1AE, I conMidmadon of A soNdes u�i be perfornted and pay morns to bic rnade, logdbu willi the inutual cloverlants
and cmdMwls hercinaher set Rol, Ow Parties agree as Ubw
1. Purpme of Counael
The pturpose of this conimet is ki pTovidv services in,acccirdance x0th the limns and conditions specified in this conlract Aludhig
all attachments and exWbits, the ciinlract doctunerti,
1 Definitions
ADL Activities,of Daily Living
,AP'S Aduk Proiteefive Services
AI)A Antericans vvidi I)kabififies Ad
AJhmxe- Awn Agency smi Agirig
AVC L-A s sessuHM Dri q C omurn a L im
CMIS-Am ItlR)rntadori and System
DOEA- Ekptrtment of f"Ider A If-airs(Ile Fkpaooiew)
1&:1 Infiornl(atici,ri kind Referral
1ADI., -- A.elvvidts afl),nly Living
N4DD, Mai,jorf�)iSkiSti2rt�' [)CCIaj'atioRI
M(M Meniorandituri of Agreernent
MCH I- hdanorandum of Aderstandirij.;
PSAs- Plannhag and `service Arv.,,is coiTeSpOoding,1C) Nfii'loli-I)ade arld M0111-00 COIL H16CS
SPA. Service Provider•Applh�eflojj
I JSDA -- I Jnhed Sules 11opiat-tritem ol"AWAAw-c
3. tueorporalkni of Documents vidtidu the Chumt
The contract fficor�porates by ruforetwo altachments,pmpwWPj sdickation(sL Priividor's Service Provider Application, and the
mnvm DOEA Propens Mid Sax ices Handbook, Any, and all connects or agruenlents exentled knueen dw Pnwidwinmd the.
At Ance diem Ag the dko No li ofthi�s (,,,)ntract sNall he goveined in neconfiancic "ith iiie appljcaklle laws and suautQs.
4, Tenn of Contract
The cmumet Mull Q&at miclive p 2:00) AA, Eastern StandardSm,on Otto ber^ 1, 2,0122,or on the date the contract has beerri
sWwd by the last par, rinoydred to sln A NAicheiver is later. It shall mid at elfiveli Uy nine (11:59) PAI, Eastern Standanll
l5i,tw,ori Stpleniber 31), 2,0'*13,
S Connviet Anmunt
Ile A Hiame a0vois M Ivy A cmtraded services according lo, the terms and com'ditions of,dlis ci-inlract in an, antoura riot to,)
nceed JHMjjjul!suWedlo the availability of'17uncls. Ariy costs or rviccis paid for under any Other contract or.,frani any other
source fire not el i gi We Ar paym eW unider AK c muma.
6. Renewals
By nolual agreernmo of the parim Ike AlUmme may reneme die comract Or twam addidonal one-year pedods. Contra gorl.t. uIx")n
milisfacuny perfornianee evalwations,by the AHiatxe mid die availabih,of funds,any rene)Nikil is such ect to the same terins as,th(:
Page I of 72
(),riginal Conirvict apid any amendmenK%01 Me excephon of estAHANg unit rMes Weli K describedl furtirer in this,qeetion. I'lle
orighal amareretual unit raws am set f0rdi it We bid proposW and mpdy,
Requests to renegotiate the original contractual established rates are proviwded for in the Alhince's approved FWitibursunent Rate
Review I?Wky, "Wh k incorporated by mWnce.
'11tis contract nt,a), be extended upon, rnutual agivemon Rw oncownion perkut iuit to emwd six months to enstilre continuity of
suvke. Services provWed unda thil extension W be paid tiro- out c.,4thc soccoedirig agreenwIll WIIDLTIII�
Coniii4lance wNh Federal I aw
T I W cmi1wd cmititins Rderal funds, flue fblk)wvirig,shall apply:
7,1,1, 'Flic PrDvkler MWI wrrip"Wit he pmvishms of 45 CFR 74 aadQr 45 (Tit 91 and Wer aplAkabile repilatknu.
T 12 4 Ns amtrwl contains 1� deral funds and is over $I DIDGIOU, MR Nwider shall compt; with .all applicable
Mandards, order), or regulalions isstied undim, s. 306, of die (Than Air Aw as wmended (42 USN, 7401, et seq.), s.
N8 oft o Fedeml Water NHWAv Connid Act as arrrmided (33 LASC 125 1, et sciq,), l,wwmcurtivc (�)rder 11,739, as
arrmndmL and where applic4able Envirotutlental modMkyns 40 CFR 31 Ile l"ww0dadmH mpwt
any vk*itions,ot'the amliove to the Alliance.
T 13. The Provweq or agau acting fior the Provider, may not use any Rxicral funds received in w,.onnectkwi with this
connod to in MMMM kWSWA11 Dr apprqHaHons pmWhV before he Congmssor my We kgislamw�Hw Prodder
nium Complete all d6cwMwe Rwiris as requNQ speciRcAy the Curtineation,ol'Wssiirances Artachnient,wVrich riaAst
lie cowlip1cled and returned with this,signed contract.
7,[,,1 Iri iccord,anciv., with Appendix A to 2 CF'R 21 1,5, the Provkhr shall compb w6b Executive Order l 12,46, Equal
Eniplo.ytnenji Opp won unQ as ammmled by Extortive(kder- H 3 75 and ONTS, and ins supplernenled in Department
of kibor regislation 41 CFR 60 and 45 CFR 91 j r applicalAo.
15. A coth-radowaitl with mi, aniount expecled to eqwl or evued S25MIJOAD and cer(ain 4�11her contract awards Shall
not be made to parties listed on the governrivem-Nde 1,-,',xc[udLd Parlivs list Symcni, in accordance vvith the ()MIA
guidelines at 2 CFR 180 Moat mp lam ent Execwive Orders 12549 and 126,89, "Debannent and Suspension," Ile
Excluded parties Lim Symmm contains 6w mares of panics deban-ed,suspended,or aidienvise excluded by,agencies,
us Well as parlies dedared ineligible umder suttutoiry or mgulatmi autliuri y mother than,f.-Ncculive Dreier 12549w '11ke
I'l-OVidCT Shedl comp m1h We provisions before doirig busities<; 01, vinviing into subcontra,cls receiving low eral
Raids pUTSUantlOtili�SCOr,ltl°I)Ct, the Vro%i der sNall complete crud sigma thaw: Celhution and Asmumues Auadwwnt
prior 1xi execinkm of this continact,
T1 Ile Pi-ov-ider dwH mum employ mi rumuthtwized Wit "Me Allimc Awil conwider Me empkjoina of unmahodmil shens
a ANAm of time NumWotion and Nationality Act( U.S.C. 13,11 a)mid to Wrigration Rel"orm and Control, Act of 1986
18: U'sk" 1 10 1)� Suc[I 'vk-dation sliall be,cause for of this conhad by Tice Alliance,
T1 IF l e PmOder A a nowMW prcwideu and is siil�jew to Inwrivil Revenue evice (IRS) wx exompi oijandatki mpoiling
requirentents(filling a Fbnn 990 or Fonn 9=0 and has its tawcump sMWs revoked for failing ro,Coniply vvitft 1[w filing
requ,irentents of thie,2006 Pension Protection Act cw for any other rezisaii, the PRIVider ITILISt rwfif�� thie Alliance in %vriting
vviddri 1hirty (30),days of reiceiving Ifie IRS notice of revocation.
TA, 'Me Provider shall conipl.d� witfiltitle 2 CFR Parl 05 regardbg IjAcking in Paimm,
75, Unless exempi wder 2 CFR it IX 11 Nbj the Pwider WU comply,svith Me replo,ning requirenients
Act as expressed in 2 CFR 170,
7,6, Io comply vvith Presidential ENeCU1iVR Order 12989 and Slate of Flohda Executive Order NLwnber 14 H 6,
Provider agrees two utilize the, U.S. Delmi-lintn't art" l,lonwimid Sewiiq% EavQ, systern to veri fy the eititfloyinerit of roll
new entj)loyeies hJud by PmOdcr dwing the contract win, Provider shall includle in related subcontracts a I-quirefflern
IN subcontrackws aridlor vendors pew1hnning xwwt or providing,services pursuant to Me slate contract utilize the L-veri r�
SYMOU 10 VelIQ MMPWYnWM Of aJfl llre'W employees hhvd by time silownetor and/or vendor chning We contract tmai.
Providets nwaing the to nos and conditions of dw E-Veri its jWmn am clumed to be W cwmWitice wUh IN proOsW.
Page 2 of 72
8. Compliance *A'ith State Law
respects in accordlarice with die Fknida la%v, incltoding I'lorilda prom isjons for conRa of laws-
&Z 'Me ProWder shall compb�with 1he requirements of-, 287-058, Florida Statutes,(] .S,) as,aliriended.
,8,2 L The Provkler W pmvWe uKB of ddiverab]Qs, including wponQ findlings, andl drafts, a s,pmifiefl in (his
coin mutt, %Akh Me Cwwd Manager niust rmcivv and accept in a.vrifirig,prior to payirnen(t.
&22 111C PWVWa SNLH conpt- wills dw c4cria and rim o! due by "hkh mich NOW imist Inc no IN cmnplcrflon
of His conowt as speMed jai NIA ACI lkl[Wl 1, Swn,ciion 111. N101W(of Pqinenl.
&133 he Pro,vider WH mtbrnh bTs for ties ol- adwr compensWon foirservices or expenses hi suMcWnt ddad For a
proper pivaudirt and pamaudit.
&2A V Imnind paymou Or isavel expenses is perivi[ted hi this contract, 1he Pnivider wdl suhad W Qr any travel!
expenses in accordarme m1h v 1121161, ES,mml such loweiNsus as nmy be provided W this conhict.
825. The PiroOder shall' Maw pdAic ,runs to ,till dummero, pWax koms, or oler public retords as (101ined in
subsectk�)n 119,011(1), FS, made or received by Me ProWer, in coWunction Y% this connect except for those
records wNch am made confidential orexenipt by taw. I'lie Provider's reffisa] to cornply With this Provisioln,"fiall
cons0tute an initnechate brekw,[i ofe,onh-W Rw whkh the A%me fi5ir Aging, 111c nlay rithlabervildy tonSwe the
&I WdkMs mv m be transported under this contrael, (lit Provider shall coinply m1h Me provisions cad"C[taprerr 427, and
RoW 441 Florida Adnihigivive Code(F. 0, Q-
RA, SubamMmuors ancVDr vendors %olio are on the distriminatol, vendor Or may-not tnumact Witless whh any public clAity,
in a Qeord-n lice with time pr(wisions of's.287.1.34,, F.S.
&5. Ile PmOder "A! earn ply m1h be piroOdeas of v I I AQ ES. and v 216341 RK, vOich pinobiba Te eWelichitme of
caninct IS& Or the purpose of lob4ing time, kgWaftirejridicial bralich air 'a SU"Ire, agerwy,
8.6. In uQo)rdance wilh s. �87.135 FS, art.), Provider on the Scrutinked Cornpulks Wth AVAIN W Admi WL die
SCTU1i1*(,Cd (70111INUfleS with Aclivkie in Me han Poirolemin lNoTy Sector 10L or the Senninized CAnpanies thm
llqycotf Isr"'Iel LW (I"ists),Creiated put"Su'ant to s. 2 15.473 W. and,2154725, F,S,or is CrlgrApedl h1l fir boy coin of 1sraQ,1,or-
is engaged in business operadons hi Wa m-SyS, is incligible to emer W or ralew a owmact w1h Me DefsairtmeM Or
goods aar services of S1,000,01010 or, Itiore. Purmuird to * 287135 FS, Ow Alliance may tmOnate 1his cmunwt if Ke
Pnn*kr is par trid to We mWitud a talse cordricy, or its An um CM, the, Lists or°hams been placed on the LJ!sts or is
Vilgageld til a boyc),[t of lsrrmc,l or has,been engaged in bUsiness opowions bn Wba or Syri& FurKen dw NWder k subjw
la civil Penalties, attorney', kes and costs and any costs Or invemigations, ihor led to the finding o,f falw ccrtifieation-
Vie PWVWU AMU OWMpow MW sigil Me Cot Raitioris mid Insurances Anadirneril,j)rJ(!)r to the CXCCLItion con(pacl,
Background Servening
A L Ile ProAder shaLl comply vvith kutd, ensuiv mv in cwntilizince whih time reldmiawnts of s. 43UT402 and
(:"'hap ler 435, FW asaniended, are,niet regardlAg Wpourld screenirig bw A Innmis who rimel be defirlion of a direct
service provider and,who am not exempt firom the Deparlinent's lewd 2 WkWamd,screening piirmant to s, 430,,040,2(2)
(3), FS. I'lie Provider nilust also Con-rPly with any applicable ruks p,mmiulfand by Te Delmarnent, and the Agency fiw
I kAh Cmv Administration regmAng hirpleniWation of s, 430%0402 andl Chapter 435, F.S.
1),2'� [F'urther inforini.ition concerning the pawodues Am backgmund screeriNg is Rumd,at
man why Ulu:
Page 3 of 72
11), G HvTa Incr Proced u res
The ProNider shall comoy with mW emw-e subconmetal-andVar vendors eolllpliancv %vIth IN, Milrinnini (J,uidefines lbr Reciffient
(irleviniwe 1), 11'rograrns and Servicts Handbook, to address coniplaints rcgat-dingthe tenninadon,
suspension or redue6on of servle%as rub uRn.wd fb,r receip of"Rinds,
10.1. Cornplailit Procedure";
The INvider shall develop and irnpbmau cmWhirn pvudmes and enswe 1hal suktumadom amdAw vvndws deNop
and irripfoirQuit cantpWrlo procedwvs to process and resolve client dissatisfaction witli serv,ices.Coirlj.)kaini shal 1,
ad qua ss the qyWhy and thrichness i�ffsiervices, Irovider and, direct servke worker conipdairits, or asqo1her advice relatesd
to camphiMs adwr than tenrlinatk�,,in,Rispensioncir reducli,on in Set'ViCCS thk1t:reCILdre the griovanee lrroees� as cicscribed fil
App,Qn(,lix J),, Delmommu of EWu Wirs Progmi-ris and Sendces flandboolh Tlw corliohint procedures shall hiclude.
nol:iHadion to aH ctieits of Ole.comphAt pmwedure and hwhWe traclhing dw date, nmwe of comphirih the detelarikadin
ofeawli complaht and My Nowap with the dK"D en, ure smlitisfkictk�)n with the reqo1vaion
I L Pubbic Rem& and WWWri
I I j By execution of this collIMCL Pnwicler agrees, to all pro%WWA of Chaocf 1 19. W, and airly (Aher
1)p I i C a.b 10 In k%, a I ll d S I'l al I I°
1 . 1 , 1 Key alad maintabi pullk: rccowds reqVrcd by die Delmulnient to po&mmt Me emnmied savi-avy.
I 1 ,L2 I"on requesl from the Deprisintent's cusiodin OFMOR: lvw:ords, provide a copl of the requested
I-CcOr'ds,oralloNv Ilre riecl,:)rds to be inspected or copied Whin a rcamyw= Am at a cum Ow Owes
imn exceed the cost pmAded in Chopler I PTF S. or as Wwrwivc pnnkkd by lmv.
11 ,1 J Ensure fluil public records rhal: mc, excluffl, or c°.orl fide In I altd horn pul"flic recor(is
Ackywo r"Wilmums am mo disclosed excA!pt as authmhed by law IN Me durvition of Wc
condmet tani and kflllowwjnp coniplvtk�ai of 1hc t'.onnact if the PivvWcr c1m, rml Imnslir Ve
FCCOI-ds to tfix Alliance.
11.1.1 Upon compleRn of We conamL W WWI- will c,ajlhcr minsfer, al Rik) C"OSt lo the Departillerit,or
the Alliance.all public records in jwsse"imi of the Mida. or wdl keep and inminlain public
rcumAs required by atc Dcparnnent, i r1he Pmvidcr transfers all pul)[ic records 'lo 1h(,-,
upon corriplel.ion of the colinvier ProOder shall Wrliv wig duphc�utc public rcccrds, Olai 11111re
cNclllpt.. or ccinfillenthl and exernpC Roni pubhc records (fisL"k:uslire* rcquh curcols, I 1`111c, Pr,".lvidcr
keeps and inaintairls publiv rm"As upon compktion of We co=cL the Provider dial] rneel all
apWOW inequil-onients for retaining public reeords. A,ll iccords slorc,(A c1cco-onically niust be
pro% idQd lo llic, 1[)44patl Ill cull Ill "i (6ralat flult is NN,it'll [lie infi-wili'll ioril
s" Sterns of th,e
1 1 .2 11-wAlhance ina� lhi's ctworaol- nWwhWWKg wqAdicr proOdons ofibs colinso, IN
rvilusal 11—the Pnwkkr to comply wifl) ,VFTA(7'1 INIF.IN I,' I i�'dllis contrad b% low allowill pubkc access to
all documents. papa& Wow or Whici, nialcrial niadc or recei%ed 1) the Provitt�r in coqkmohn xi Th this
coininw]. unless the rccoMs mv exempL or wrindowhrl and uNnInpr Ihmi Seclion 24(a) of" /to Lie I of Hie
00110 (WALHion ands, I 19117( 14 IS
RI,!A,AT1N(; To Ti ns nwritkc-ir, Ck aS"J'ODLAN OF P1DBLI1.7 ftl,%C�'010)s AT:
1"UNC Reec"As (300111hia"a"
Floe-ida Depal"Intellot ol r F,1(1
AM'" irs 4040 tNplanadle 1W),
,i "
a v, Os raf," Juz,!"I,
Page 4 of 72
12 skudS, llnspectWim, lavesUgaMn, PuWk Rixwrds and ROMIlaii
12.1 The 14mvider shall establish and nikkintain books..,recc')rds and (hleuments,(including electr(mic storage inedia)
sufficiewm to retlect all amets, oWfation, imm%med balanc:Qs., inconie, itmerest cincl expenditures of hil"Ids
pvvidM by he UK=under His cmaract. Provider sl�ikdl A sudtassys mixt amure bey mv used
sAdy Ir Me pmpnes ,itithorized under this contract. WlicnQva- appropriate, financi,'al infotrrikttk�)n should lie rclawd l�o
pQrtbrniance and unit cost(hita.
12,2 Tlic Provider diall remhi A client recoils, Rnmr6al recoMs. suppailing document, stakkal records, and, any other
donumems (WeNdOg Antick swrage nwdk) pmAmA to this contract leer a periad DUK (6) years after cmuNchon al"
Sc contact or longer when requAd Qdaw.
a ahAnwrt perk) of si,x(6)years aRer die au report is kmwd w untH resohoWn of aq akkht findings or lhigabion based
an Me lemn of IN mmumc; at no addhowd con no Me lkpamnoit or dw A llhince�
122.3. Upon dQuiand, at 110 ad(Jitional cost to Me Del!)artrnom or Me AIJAwa, the 13 Wder will facilitate the cit.iplicatkin and
transfer of arty, mc(�)rds i�w docuntents during the recluirQd reterikon period in [:Iio-agraph Ill,
12.4. The Provider shal I assure that the records clestrilied in Mis sulkn shall be suNea at all reasonable times to inspection,
Federal,, Stale, Dr other personnel duly mohorimW by Me Wncc�
12 J. At A rms,onable tirries far as long as rve(ir(is are,t'nainitainel pemons alma y authodzed lay then Al hatwo the Depmurent and
F'cd ena I atuarno rs,,pursuai i t W 45 C F K Paii 7 1 AW be W kwvd Rd] access t a and be ri gh t (o e Nain i tre a ny o f the Pravider's
c,oniracts and irchiteld rec,cirds and doicurnents PWOM to IN sfwc fic coiqrixt, regaixiless of the Arm in which kepl.
12.16. Fhe Providcr AWI provide a inanciahnd coniplkice aWit W the Alliance as speci tied in this contract and erisauv Ilut all
m6ted kirlparty transactions are 41isclosed loci the knidit.ew.
12 7. The Provider shall coniply and cooperate hitnielaWy m1h mW inspections, reviews,, invcsfigations, Or audits deenked
rwmssary by% office of to DqmdrnmWs RiqxdaQmmW pwownt to s, 20,1035, FS. Providei- 1'i';11-thCr
S1't,111 Jndbd)c 41 reh,:) Od Suhcontracts a ru"ClLoV03WHI 'llial suktourmiors omkw voton paRwruing"ol cw pv6dhng
st'!rOV,.QS pur,;mam t(�) ih,s conu',�"A apnv tocoq)naw "hh than AQxr(wInspecior GencrW hrany OvApubvi. mudd,
inslx'cfle,:�,n, or lWalring pursuant tc) S, 1, S. 13r of flik, L...owritci die Prow coll,,,qs that
A MWOSOMS Mid "in cmnpb with His subechon
11 Nondheduduation-Civil Riglas C"timphante
13J Ile Prodder shall e,�ccutc assuranQcs in ATTA(,'l1NdENJT V1 that it will not discritriin,ale against any lici's-on, in the
pioviskni q�d services or 1.)enefias under this contract or in employmein bmame of agg, race, religAn cokm; disability,
natkmaJ odorrimrital,status;or 5;QN in coiril%we with mwe and IderW, Wvv and regidatiorls. The F'rovixlcr further assures
that kill Providers,mibconuictovs, vendors, wIlrartirnow other wkh whonn it an2ngrs U:),j)rovidQ services,or beneffs in
comwaWn with any of its paTranis andactivikc-s are iwit dis,crimin,axing againq chems oc mmployces Ka use of vige, race,
rel,igion,color, chsal,oflity, viaki,onal cirigin, rnarital stalus or sex,,
112 Dam hg be temi of IN conamt time ProwkIer sludd avnipIete and rota Wman Hk a KQ complete,mid accunVe(100 R Whts
Gorriij!flkincc Chiecklisk, attadwd to dais cioinrav,
113 The Provikler diall estabfish proQQdures pursu-ant to federa] law U) handle comphlus of dindmOtim imalving soNkes
or bmwfim dwough ME curmset. %se procedures will hwhide n0ying chents,eniployecs,,and pailicipants- of"the right
lo file as comphha m5h A alqumpdwe Idenil or maw m0y,
13A If I& cocand coiMadis Wend lbrids, these assurances my a emidWon of continued reccipt (&or beinefit firont f�deral
tfimnciM assisame, and mv bAdQg kWon OiQ Provider, its Successors, trans fore os., and assigric,es lbr the period (juiring
w1hkh mwh ass a= is provided. The Providcr further asnmvs that all subcontraoors, vcn(kws., or others, with whoin it
arranges to jmvvide suvices.or benefits to parl icipanis or omployees in cormwedmi wit any ofits prognints nd adNirks
mv am dischn0vadqg aWhnst dinse particoams or emphyees hi violdion of the aho%,4_, slaliAes, regulations, guidelines,
Page 5 of 72
wdsWWard& In We evem offaHuroto coinj,)Iy, the Provider unki-Mands that the Alliance niziy, at its discretion, sock aI
onirl order requiring contifl iance with the terms ofthis assurance or seek cohei appropriate judkial or admirdwative rchel",
including but n(:jt Junked to,tern'iinat iori of and clenial of" urthcr 41s imaaltcel
It Fro&Wn of Senims
The I)Wdor At provide We servizes reNared to in AUACHMENI'"ail in the niannerdescribed in Me DqmMmertil Progmins,
& Svi-vices Hand:bool< and Me ProviAeVs Service Provider Application (SPA), In the event of a conflict between the Service
Provider Alip[4caiiini and this,contracl,the corar-alut language In-evails.
I& Moniturilig by Me Alllinwce
Ile Prodder All PMV it IXTsons chOy atahoirzedl lyy the Alliance to irispect and copy mu rmaW pMem docurnmn% WNW,
goods and wrvices o4' the Provider which am rani unt to this conuact, and to PMQrview any chents, empkiye,es and,
en-ilAoyees of the Provider to assmv the Alliance of the salistlampry puRmwanoe of the kenns and,condhlon�
of Ods cordr=L FollowWg such rev%4 Me Allince ;OH ddi&wo Me, Provider a wriucri ncport i�fl` iB findings, and where
at raalrrirate, A PnwWer shall deveWp as Corrective Adion RK (CAPY Ile Provider hereby agmes to hme[y correct all
deficiencies klenti 6Qd in the CAP
16. Coordinated NbuhtwWg wRk Other Agencies
I F to Pro6du nxeives lbndMg Imn ow or tomv of be Sutte of FEW hmman smNicc agawk. A additilm to AlThmee llindkig,
then ajoint monit(:)ring vkh Aludig such other agencies ntay be schedtiled. For tine purpents,01"'Mis Q01toro'ct,and Pursuant W s'
287A571 KS. as amcnded, Florida's hi,,i man. solike agencies shaH include the Department of (Itildren an(] 17-amilies, dw
Ekj')uIrftiwift of 1, the Agency for FOwns,wvhh DOWM4%We Dqmnmmg of Werans AL A%,and the Department offilder,
ARW Upcm Wification and the subsequent schecWhig of such as vkh by [lie desigiiatc(l atNincy's lead, adnfinistrative
emminato; OW hVvWW MW11 Comply and coopeinate with aril monJtois, inspectors, and/or invcmigawrs,
16 1 Ne%� Contract(s), Rcpujing,-
11c WArdmil notify the Alliame within Wn(1WckWsofeMeHng inter a newanuaa with my othastate human savke
agency- 11kc nolil"icatk5n shaH it clude the Allowing Of4matHE (0 commabg state agcrwy and lhe apilil4cahle ciffice or
progroni ksAng A Mwwt(2)contract itarne andl nurnbeil(3)contnict Mart and mid dates;(4)contact animmU(5)conuirct
de�eripfion,oiid Qoutnioichty or servkx-, and(6)Conuact Manager name and emmact WOrnation,
1l 7. 1 n tic in n H ica flon
The Provider dwll induninity, save, delind. and hold harmless the Depaninu mul the Alliance and its agents and eimployees
from any aml all Ann& dentmWx avkw cnses of action of whoever nalllre, of tharacter, irisirig out ofor by reason oft[ie
eXeCU6011 oaf"tl1i.SagrQQujent orr pert-ormance of the services pircivided fior,herein. It is undow too d and agmed that the NvAder is
not roquired to irdviradQ the Alliance Or Wra% &rrimtds, actions or courses of action arising solely out of he AAWmes
18. Insura ace andBon(fing
18.1 The Novider s1=11 lira v% cwthmmm Wqu,,ne ha bifily insmwice covalgo Whig A exWome of this contmet anti an.),,
rencmal(s) and eNwnsion(s) of k BY exe'cutic)n of this connia. unless it is A state agency or WEAK m defilted Wr
subsection 7682RZL ES, Hje l'`''r-owricic�r,°accepts hill: responsibilit,), for WHYQ and doWrinining than type(s) 'and emmo:
of' Hability insurancv neciessai), to provide mmomKle fimnell protabons RV Ow P"wider and Me clients to be setwed
under dils cwWma 'Um Alliance shot be,, iricluded as an addlifimiM insw-edon the Provider's liability jinsurance policy or
po,ficies and a (-Nmy of he CaliBMW of hutuance dull be pavided aninwHy or "Men any changes occur. lit limits of
Qoveraige ender each liicflJc'y maintaAwd by Me Prow idler do M Mail be Providerl fiabifily and, obligations, under this
cunkaa Ile Mwider shall ensure that 111c Allikirice has cqV of the mom ammit written wrifige'�;Jtiojj of jjjjSr'n'aj'jj:e CoVerra
throughout the lerill'offitis contract, Such coverage array 1.ae jx'ovided by to sdh,i1LSU1-iU1,QQ ffograjjtj established and oplerating
undcr the 11aivs,ol"1110 owe of moshmic Alliance resti-veq dw right Ui read dre additional insurance as specified in 11tis
con tract.
1U Throvglv:ntt Me term of INs agreement, dw Provkh- W mAnwin an is urance bond Kni a msponsade cmumercial
Anumnoe company covering all Weem, dimetort mrydoyces and at of time: Pt-ovider auModad to handk, funds
received or disbursed undier all agreernents and./or contracts incorporwing this contract by refeivnice in an ammint
commensurate with the funds handled,be degree of risk as deernihned by A insurance compziny and consistent%vithgood
Names PMACU"
Page 6 of 72
19. Confidentildity (Of
The Provider slialil nt toe or dhc6se aq WInualtion concondij a redplint of scrOws under this cortmict for a!iny 1!)urp(�usQ
pro,hOWled by Me or WerM law or regulmions ncepl ;WW the wrWon corncM carat pusai legally Eashodzed to give that con%ent
or whmr nufluirized by laNv,
ZO, Tivallib 1nsuranmAQHnWRq and AnoundahliMy Act
Wbere amificalile, flie Provid,er,shall comltly—mdth the Walt hisirrance PortalhWy mW AQcountabi lity Act (4A 9,96, Public I aw
104-191 J, as xvd I as aall regi,flati,(itis proaiulgated thereunder(45 CFR 16D, 1624 and 1 My
21. InddeN RtW"lWg
2LI Tw P mv Wer sha 111 irm i fy t h e A H ince Wmm&aid y but no Nk rM ai i rort y-eight (4 8)hours from the'Prow ider"s,awareness
or discovery 4�)fcondidons Mats inay materially, affect the, Priwider's, subconsam's, or vendoes ahilhy W perkwm the
sorviecs rciquirc,d l�o be perhmud umkr mW conna, Such nwke shall be nude (WO to he Commct N-lanager (b)r
tdeplu)nv) vvithan Clilail to inlinlediately follow,
2 1.2 The Providu shall inuavdiately report knowledge or rvasonable suspkion W'AUSC, ol-VN,p](Ittatiott of,'j difl(l, aged,
pason, or d isaW ed adW t k) the Fl orida A louse I lad hic on Me sw ew We t 011-Cree i e I Qplroav ii u no her(I-8 00-9,6Aa 134 J S 1�j AS
retpikrd by Chaplas 39 and 415, F.S, diis provision is bindWg upon the Pro,vider, subcontractors, vendors, and their
ern fill oyVes.
22., Bankrupley Ni�fificatjjon,
K at my time dwirig A tam of TO comma, the flvvideq its assignee, subtonvacic'n's, veirdorN oraffifiates files a claim fbr
bankrupcy, the hxWer must immeditey iniff the. Alin, Within mean 0 0),days aftcr.noliAwlAwn Me PwAder amm also
provide the folklwhw Wi-matimi w Me Uiaricc: (1) the date of filing of We bardumpicy petition; (2) die case imunber; (3) the
court name and the dWan I mkich the p0i'lln was Hled Q g, Nordiern EWE OFFROAA61mmee EAKNnY mid (4) Me
nam"address,aml telephone nuniber of the bankruptcy, attorney,
�23. Sponsorship and 11*140(y
211 As mquimd by s. 28125. FS. W he Provider is a non-gmtrnmental m1adathn whidi sponsors a prognum Nnanced
Wolo, or in part by AM WN hidudirig aq humis obtaiined damugh this conhuct, it sluill, in publicizing.advertising. or
&sMbhg to spnsorsNp of he prograni, suite: "Sponsored by (Provider's name), the State of Florida Department of
f"Ader Affairs and the Alhance Air Aging, Inc," If the sponsorship refererwe is in writIcti material, the words "State of
F I(tr k1a, Depart rile 11 t 0 r Elder A fh� its"'and "A 111[ance, for Aging, he 1 du U awou in at WaM the sani e size letters or type
as the 114111le of tlRQ,organizatknr,
212 'The Provider shall not use the wouis,40 SMW of Mwida Dqammmn WNW ARWrs" or "Alliance for Aging, Inc," to
Wine qx=rship all pmgmn otherwise,fimanced,imless speci He audioNabon 45 been oWWnW by time AHAme prior
10 ime.
21 AsAgurnenis
11.1 The Provider AW not anign the rights and responshilities uridmiks erne n-act without We prior wrhkn appmvW of time
AHWun wbich sbafl rux the unreasonably withheld. Any subliense, askigninimt, or transf r other-wise occurring wilhoialt
prior%Vdtteriappn ival of the AlHance swill constitute a material breacli of floe eontrict,
24.2. Fli Q,A I I iance Will at a H Urnes be entTl alto a aWn or t ra us ft;r, in whole or paid, i ts righ 1,s, durt i es,or ob ligations ull t(ler till is
cmitract to aWher agomy upon gKing pdor written notice to time Providen hi the event We Alhance appruves Unnsfer of
to ProOdal obligations,the Providonernahm responsible for all work pQTfoj-VTjCd and all expenses,incurred in connection
w1h he cmax,
24.3 Tlik contract W remain likIng,upon the stweemors in interest of6tha A Provicla or he AllOw,
Page 7 of 72
2& Subconhvets
25.1 The lhoviW is respwidble Or all wtni [,)a,fixtriod pursuan't to this, contntc(whelher actually furniAwdl by, die, 11rovider or
its atbc(xntractors and,lor,venclars. Any subcoraracts diall hm evWwwed by as simWn clocutrient,An(]subj�ect to any conditions
of approval the 1U Hance die ins neeesszij� The 1huyidermust vnsm-c Mat the IA,Ili�ajilc,e liasac,Lii�i°i2,iit IiSt Ofall SUhC0ntr-aQ(0rS
and4ir vendors, The lhoWder Brilher agrees that tine Alliarinc Atall nut be hable to the subccauractoir and/or vendor in any
%vay 01' for ally, MISIC)n, The ProvWm M Ns mperme, s6H defOid,the All1ance against any s1wh chins.
212 Ile Pn,)vj(j,cj-sjjajjl proniptly li,rojy array stflxomiactors andlor vendors upon rQc6pto,f'payrnvnt firrnrnnr the A[Jian,ce. h,`adu.ry to
make payments to any st6contractor andAn, vericlor in accoahwe widi Y 287,0585, FS, runless wfitrnvise stated in the
4xinract between rho Providu and subommacum wuhr vmklm,will reml in penalty as provWed by smhae.
26. IndependenA cap an or ProWder
It is the intent air(] undem%g of We Parr% dn"he Prodda� or any or is subamhzMrs andA)r vendors, are jridepcnidmit
1'roddets and mv iml ernMoyevs c4ifie Alliance mW W no hold Qaiiselvcs md as wnpoyees or agents(A'dre Alliance VVith()Ut
We6fic awhoNxtion Frou-i tbe Alliance, h is the further intent and tumbAmWing of Ilre Parties 11rat the Alliance&.)ies not control
lFie 12111ployntern pradi,cw of Ric ProOder and sAH in be liable Ir any imge and hour, muplynmM dhaWmahm or rut wr
labor and cmpl(:nw/nient choris against he ProvWer or its sulmmumoms aWA)i- %ieridors, All deductions for sc)cial socarity,
%,vitlrholchng raNes,incorne taxes,n�)rnrbuhonsto unemphymorm Caimpanabon, fulrds and all necessary insuran,ce forthe Provi(JQr
siml I be the sole roslitmilbiky of the F'rovider,
21 Payawnt
27.1. Payments wil I be We to Me lNoWlir pursuara to Y 215A24 KS, as savkcs am rendered and invoiced by the Provider.
Ile Alhance w0l luive final approval chle Woke fbr paprienR and will approve the inv(,kc for 'llayinern only if'thc
Pruvider has inel all tarns and condifloris (.14,the Corill"Act, L11'dOqS the bid SlILICi ric4ons" purchase Order, cir 11,1is, canal act
specify otherwisc,. The approved invoice: wDl be mfirriRted Eb the Alliance's fisQall section fiir budgeuv�y apl!)roval and
272. '[he provider agrees to suhnih biUs Ar lies or other conVeinsion hr services or eNpenses ui sulTicient (jelaill for a j!)rol!W1.
pre audk and mamma audk Tered Ile Provider AaH c:ornj!)1,y with the parliudar requrrements undu the INWOW laws mid
guidelines that are appkable to the anurcias or agmem= Nurporalkw in 06s contrati by ref6vnce: (a) paragraj!)h (16)
(b)of s. 2.16.1811, F',S,,regarding ndvancx&(b) Rule 69kli).10-3 pwlairring to Regriahn of ExperidRures hum,sure
Inch,and, (c) the Invcnce Requiernerris of dw Rdbrence GuWo Nw SWW Opendihires Rum le Depammu of Fhaiwikal
Sacco at;
'rho isovider %011 cenQhM detailed clocurnemmki is available tau suppadvi-101 ftlern 0,11 the kenfizecl invoice, Orpaylticni
request f6r cost reiniburstd expenses, firx.ed rate or deliverables contraels or �ngreeincnls, incorporating this Contract 1,)Y
1VOwnce, hicluding paid subcontractorandjor vendor invoicev and SO be pradixed "on relvem by Ow AllAws Ile
PmvWu%dI Ndher cat#UnuednWissurient requests are only in the
circulars Qited in Sections 4 of this contract, in the Refa rence (iuidc fi,)r Stale Expendkinvs, and any other laws or
reguhnions, as applicable.
2T3. 11m WvW= its subconwaami aWlw vmWors AmIl provide uWts WelivemNes, WhWhg repwis, &Ahgq W dralls
as specified in the commas or agivemems and atlachnierns whilch WTmate His emna to be reeeked and accep,ted by
the(Tuntract Ndanager prank w to pa nient,
27A. I"ayments swill lie nrade to the ProvWer based on a amqlldc! rind cc�irrecr invoice, iinvoices that are ir'Wornplete or With
incurrc,ct total will rwt be lonxemed and will be returned lo ilic Provider lbo, ccin,eclion. Fiscal staff will not be a.b1c t(,,)
c4�,)rred or IT'lakie, changes W We Wake, Rettmr&W iswcrices Jbr=Tedhins nuW result in Wire to receive payinew for
Omt month, Ifivoices shall be sulindued timely an per AVACHMENT V1 If in order to avoid any paytrient dolay.,.i.
275. Fach service perWirmed shall be iveorded as specKod A time cheat iniiirmMicni and regis trail on necUng symn (CIRTS)
W,ddelines, Suplicinkgdocuimmamimi of wakes rniwWcd mum be wkWmte to pennit fiscal mid prpgranumane evahuttion
am$ensuiv inter na I !I Ni an"'I'ge nier it.
Page 8 of 72
2% Re"irn of Funds
"ph,e Provider will j-durn to the Alliance any overpayi-nents due to urwarned funds or firrids disallowcd and any
to, such luads pursuant io the teens wd Cona6mis of Ns COMM that woT disbursed to rhe ["rovider by (he Alliaxwe. [it flic
ev"It that the P'rov% or As imkpawenl auditor discovurs that: air c:)verpaynient has been rnadc Me PmvWu WH repq"Id
overpayrtrunt inunudiately will-roul pfit.ir rw4fication f7run the AMiamc In Me event that the Alliance first (liscovem art
murpyrnern has b"n mad,Me(Onset Manager,mi behalf of the A 11hume, %Q1 nady the TOWder by letter or such timlings.
SWuld mpaymom mA be We NOWN, the Prinider will be charged at the lamfid ra,te ofiritereit on the outskanding balancQ
Inirsunrit to s. 55-013, F,S.,after Allimrce,rjcnifica6on or Providler dissi�,ovcr�y.
29. Data Integrity anal Safeguarding Inhirmallan
Ile Pnni&r and in subconuractwo anWor warn dlors sIx.ill irtsure ,in aaj?proprialc luxe a dam secutly Ir Me h1mvalon Q
11rcwider is collecting or uAW in Me pernmunmee Of this canUct. An aplyroprime levO of security tircludes approving mid,
Nakirig W1 Pmvidu ernplMTes that miluest systeni or irrforrnwkm access and ensuring that user access has been mirnoved Poir'l
all terminated erriptoyet�s. The Provider, wirrong adwr mpiinernerms, must anticipate, oamid prejxtry for Ore liass of" in,fin-ritation
l!)rocess,ing,* crrjiabilitien iUl data and software shalli be remaindy backed up to emure reanory Urn Imms, ninnimgm of be
Computer syslern. ,nie securi, owthe backed-trio data is tof be as stringent as the pntnectian rvWdred of the primai,sysum& lie
PwOdu MmH ensmV 01 M&WnWomrs ancUby vendars Wntkn wrimn prondures Rx computer SyMern backqq)and DECOVer)-.r
Ile PmvWkr WH carriplete and sign ATTACIMIENT 0 1 ow to the exemort or to canbuct..
30« Social NI(aJ ia arial Persomal(:ell Phone use.
3111 Inappix1date use of social ivedia and persurnit ccH phones may pose WE to DOEAW conhWhil ad propriewry
inkmindoir and: inay jeopardize compHmme whh lqpl obHgathns, By Qving th ccoWact, Provider agrees lo The
hHaWng sooial medJa ad pawrnd ed pMme use requirernews.
31),2 Siuxial Nlettia, Defined, 'Flic lerin Suchl Mkifia mid Wr personal cdWhir ammmNatimi Whudes, but k rwr hmjmd to,
scwial nctw(trking websites,hlogqn,r,) (Icists,dicussWn knum,RSS 1heds,Won sharing,SN4S(01riding,Dimct ktess'ages,
OYMS), i`vllt'ssages'ted rtres'sages, social. networks like Instagrant, UkTok,Sriapiclta,L(�iooglt Hari��Pnrts, WhWhApp,
dip;mk Fuebook PinturvsL and Twirteq and content diming networts sixii as FHckr and Vaullbe. Ibis Awkibs Me
Uansmission of social ni"Ha Mrough ail; adular or anlirw n-ansmiNskm via any cKwuh, intems, humna or other
wireless conirrjunication,
3 30.3 Application to any dar"t or im'-idcaW WEA or Aer State bushms Ilis cantraci applies to any EX)EA, or other suve
Nirsiriess con&wwd on any of" flae 1'juvidcr'S, SUbcontractor's, or their ernployees' social rytedia accounts or through
personal cellular conuriurrication.
30.4 ApplJc,',Woa to DOEA,A Hidno, and lhovidcrs Equynnaw Ilk cmtract applies regard less ofwlteffier the social inctlia is
am"sed wbg DOEAN rr Whs md cWiprnent amquomerd belonghig to NvAder,Subcontnwor,ar Meir respechve
ernoclees. EquyimeM Jnckks,but is no HmAd wqvmmal o=puters,cul]ular phones,persoual digital kusistartis,sroar"I
WaWW% O"Mam tablets,
31U 11oridHr Go vcrnment in the Sunshne, Willa PuNk: Records I Any and l?UPAA.&rovMcr acknaudedges IMmy(DOEA or
other Marc bushmss condueWd by SOCII inedia or through person"'d cellular iis subject to Horithl's
(Joverriment in,ffit Sumhhe LA,171odda's Public Records Law(Chapter 119, 1-1orida Stattitts),and tiro Health Insurance
11c)rLability and Accountabildy A0 (MIRNA1 UrnWhist whh Tese hws and rather applRable kims mv Wher doWled in
the votumv.
30 6i Any social ineffla. posts which include photo, Videm or names of clicmv vWunteu& staff, or other mild mes of DOEA
nrmy o lye be pwwd %den awhmhed by law and m1cm any, required I IIPAA audwdvokms and any ottier consents or
pursuant to federal,wsmim Ww am cor file w%ith,the l"rovider's rccords,
3L coranki or hoemst
'['he Provider small ombli0h uQuaWk W prohibit mmployajimarcl menibers,nianagenicat artc]subicontraclors Frorn using their
pWinn Rv as pupose that ConsWes 01' presents flicappearAnce af pei3mwl or curp'an i zw kn'tal Ccnill ict k�)f i ri terest o r pe r sona
No eaq)loyee, officer,,tn agent emptier Pro%idei-OF suboonvamw WH paticilmlie ur selection, or W he award c9 an agreement
supported by state ou federal Funds if a conflict ofintertst, real or apparent wouk! be WoNeT Ach a conMa would arise
when: (a) the enqfloyeq ofTicer, or agent; (b) any ryiember 4A' bisiher fininediate family,' te) his or her partner;, or jd) itil
organizablon which eniphys, or is about to einloWy, imy of the above, has a WaiwAl or other imervo in the f0i seksed IN,
Page 9 of 72
awarti.The 1havider or subconkadm"s office!r^s,eniptoyees w agms W ndther sol%nor azcept grahifk% Nvors or mWthbg
of'roorictar�� vzihie fi-oni Providers, p(!)tentia I providers, 01,parties to t;ubcontracts�
I'lu rSL18[A tO ChPipt,21- ection 2 of Wz Depmerm of Hda ARWm Wgrarn and Sexices HiandWoC no Proybu nmy einNny,
In aiq capacity, any mernber of Is gmemittg boan] or kitty fatrifly nitin,I)er of as pawn mi Me boardl or fantily inein(ber of ils
Executive Dixeclor.
Tle Prtividers' board niernbers and rnanagvnen inust diseWse R) dw Alflianco any ralwAnhip wlh ch inay be, or ritay be
periceivect to be, a conflict ofinivi-cst willihi thkov (30)calmidar days o"n hANhuds origival appointinent or placentent ir,
th"'It posiflon, c1l. if the individital is saving as an inctunbenr UK Wy f30) cahn&r (hays ofthe coninienceirrient of'this,
connUOLT"he Pivviderserrtployames ajidsubcorni'actors triust rnake the sarne cEschstires desedhodabove to the Providers' Board
of Dkeemrs. Cornplinrice This provision will be nioinkored,
3L PWAc Wily Wnte
%suent U) s, 287A 31 KS, as pamon or MENte Nvho has been placed on dre cwvkwd vendor list as vmw.ction, for a
pubfic entity crirrie inay riot subinn bid., propcwsifl,im,reply on a cortmut to provide aq goods or services u)a pubfic entity, rnay
not mhund a Wd,, or reply an a currhad mwkh a puWk rniq+ f6r,the oi-•rcpah-ofa Furl-dic Ntilcling r.m,public
Nvork,inay riot sitbroit W propmals,or replies on leases (14'rea111 property,to as 1!ntlflic enflRy;niayiult be awarded nr perforni wvork
as zi Pnwider, sal!)1flier" sub-Provi(Jer, a. Consultant undeir a coirtract kvidi kkity, public mrthy wd nmy not limmact Ntshess wUh
any plibific entity i'Ur excess of the threshold arricurnt provided W & '2871P, FS, for Category 'kvo I'm- a period of 36 nionAhs
hAWwh% this dmtofbehgpbcod coma 1ecanOvedvcn&wlist UK ProOder or any of hs== ardikedors is comricwd of
a public entily ct-firte dwhg the period of Ods agreentem, we ProWder dull nofif�, [lie Alhan,Qv irnnRvdiately, Ni�,,,n-cornpha.nce
Wh IN statute stall consfituteza breach
33. Eumergenry PrepaiOness and Continuity of Operatieins
'Ile 10wider shad, %QfAn thirty (30) calmidai-days of the execution of Mis co met, sukth w,the Corrtraa N14111c),ger verificadort
cffan ernergency'preparedness plats in the event onin ennaTency trine Prodder shaH notiff 10 AWmwe aferimignmy pmviskvs.
In the event a sittiadon resorts W a cess-ation of'services by a su&Pmvkkq Me ProvW-shall re iin responsibtlity for perf6rnuance
under fliis contract,sand 91AUSt fOlAW PTOCAUMS W olSllre cir�,Iridnudy (il'opeirations %virhoul irnOrruplkni.
34. L"urchasin.L.
14.1: '1 lie Provid'er shall proctire pi-c�)ducts an(For services ivquired tar perkpirrn this contract in acconlance ovith s.413.036, F.S.
413.0360) AND (�2), lF;',S,,; ANI) FOR PURK)SES T'IHS (TWIRACT THE VEIRS()N, [FIRM, OR 10,1111.,�.',R
31 L2 Pbm= to s, 413A3Q 1) and (4 h FS, dw Provicla W run be required [opplocure a pix)(Iluct or service front
RESPECT W (a)The product or MOM is not avaihble Whin as reasonable delivery ([)�)the Provider is required by
la%v to procure the pmdmt womv ice Wri aq ageitcy of A Mon or YJ dw PrvvWer detenn in.cs thaq the per fbi-ni ai ioc�
price, or quality Q.!4'the product or serve is not curnpuable k)Ott IhovMer's rettukemerns.
34.1.3 Addirionzil inAwmadmi about the deAgnated noiquofit agency and the products it offers is ",'Evailbble at
11-2 FhQ Provkler nmy Purchase amicks which are the sijhjc,ct ofor arc required lo carry out arry contract or agreernern. (ioru
Prison Rdnbihmdvic Inclustries, and Diversified Enterprises,, Jrtc— (PRIDE) identified under Clap er 94C F.S, Q T,,
surne nianner and trider the prm),cedures set rorlh in subs echoils 946,5 li 5(2)and(�4), F.S, F'or pjurt,)oses ofthis ccirvnao., the
Provi,,der shall be deerned to be sWnWted for Me Allineo hook as Khrigs wMi PRII)E, This clause is notaj.)pkcablo
to gJacontractors uniNs oMerw ise required by, W. Poi abbreAW HM of pnkluctgsawkes aval Olt ham PRUX! mm(
be obtatneld at lit tlwflpr ide-en terprtses,org/.
Page 10 of 72
34,2 The provider shall pwculv any vecyckd proWN or malerk" %Akh miry, die sOlut of or am rejAred to cany this
ConlMej in unCOMIMiCer sVidj,Ific Provisions of s, 403.7065, I'S.
W "Me PUR IND Furn
'On PUR VKW Fmw k hemby Incolpmated by rel�rencc and available at::
L wtwtlwww_uw[w,uzor'L -';., �
In Me ewM of mq—confl A bowcen the 111JR 1004) Forin and any terns or Cowitions of my, war Irgreenient terms or
Condifiolis tile contract shad We Reoedence iwer the PI* 1000 Ann. 11myeve, if he endlAcAST terrin ar cum Widans in the
PUR INO Forin are requited Ignmy;seelianof the FEW Swines,Metemis arconditJons colimhud in be PI W MOD Foml dtal]
lake precedence.
36. use or wate Fonds W I'mirchase or Utprove Real Properly
No funds under this contract will be used by The Provider to purc-liase or iinpvx),ve Real Property;.
,Any stale; furt(Is Provided or Me purred we of'or kriprovurnents W real Property are corltixlgejal upon the Provider or pofitica[
Subdivision granting,to am AM a sectuhty huerest in the property at W to Me arnmiul of,wr, furnis l')rovicted for at[east 5 years
from Me die of pumhu.se or Me completion of lhe impovemenis or as 11adfun rcqWmd by I=
37. Patents.(',opyriahts,,Itovalfigs,
371 If finis comract is awmnled stale Wing and Uny disaweryq invemt;ion or eq,t-ightnible inaterial is develciped, lwodwt.d
or for Wch ownwstdp 44i s putAmed in dw coursc of or as an result K�A'Nvork or services pert6rivied mider this,cottir',ro the
Provider dmH mAr die Ascovery,invemian or niawhl W Me Uiance to be reRMTed M lk DepAnierit.Any mid WI ptent
rights or colgiights acendng aixler dais commov are hereby resenvd to Me Mak of I'Vicla in accordaiwe with Chmp�r
286. FS, Purmw U) 1 287A571 (5XQ as arnended, die only excepticam to this pmvisix)jl shah be diose that are clearly
cxpressedand reasonably valued in tbis,conrl'a,ct,
3T2 it die pdmmy pmWosc of Sus contract is the creafion (.1f property, the State cif I'lori(ki shall retain all
unvwundered right to use soch pniplerty, mi(AWWWaMbg any agreenicnt inade pursuant to this seWun 33,
37.3 If US contract as awarded Kelly huleml Atriding dw Wmis Mid cWhing MV gme-ned by 2 CFR Nn WE 5 ar-15 CFR
§ 7532Z as aplAkawe"
all. lAspute Resuluthin
Any dkpme ommartirW perhmmme of dw cuntraci Ott Im decided by the A Hime Conow Manager, slial[ reduce the
deckiun In wriAT mid save an calq; wi the Pnwider,
391., No Waiver of Sovereign Inairtunity
IMMAg cmintirund in this agrewnem is immmled to setve as a vmiwr of mwvreign fininuirity by any entity to which Sovereign
inirrautily nhty be klptfliullfle,
A Vemie
Hiny dispirte adws out c0thlis conmet, the venue(if such legal rummse xvRI be 101imniWade Unusy, Fladda.
41, l,",nitire(Aonlratl
Ibis contimcl: conwim ,all Me terms nd cmdWotm apnd tilm by line parties. No oral agreernents (11' represiculations shall be
vilid or binding Upwi dw AUdwe Whe Pruvkler Wess expmssly-contained hadn or by a written airriendment to his contrad
signed 1)), both Parties.
42. Force Pdajeure
The Parties Will not lie Hahn filr any deW)s or bilures in perkuwanec Mute to cimurnmances beyoM Sh cminW, Radkd Me
Party experiencing the force nlaM�Cuxr Condition provides ininiediate twitien notillication In,the other Party and Wkes all irasanab]c
uffixts to cum flw condifion.
0. Severawlill Chase
Tle Punks agree At i F a coun of compoent juisdiction deons any turin or Cond[tion herein vo.41 or untitlAwmeable, the other
Iwovisjons are sevembte to that void provision and shall remain,in full force,and cffi!m
Page 11 of 72
.44. Condition Precedent to Contract: Appropriallions
The Parties agree that the Afliance's performance and cwhlip,aitictw to pay under this contract is confingent upon in annual
apt),ropriation by tllC LegiSlaftire.
45 AdditionlDeleflon
The Panks apte Qq iwnwWwmAhW the anns or the pi,murernmH doounents and actions licading to this contract, the Alliance
iwmvn be don Uj add or to delete any of the services rejdwd under this consaa vdwn deeiried to he I dw lant Atems of to
elder p)j)ulal[cin largeted by the Arva Phil mid reduced w a mQuen anwridinent signed by both Panks, The Panks dmH negmAwe
compensation for any itdditioinal services added.
4& Tvaker
The delay or I'aflure by Me ARiarwe tc:w exercise or enfoE cc arly of its dgMs under thk ciarind shall ruit constiiu,me Or be deleriled,11
W."Jiver of dic Allimice's rWht dwWwo enhae ton inigNs.,nor shall any single or parLW exercise of any such right preclude
any other or fijilher exercise thereof or the exeldse of arly other right.
47. Conij)liance
'Me Provider AwR abide by aH nprilicable cutrent federal statutes:, laws, rules and regiAWK6 as weH as aRAWNe cunwa stag
statittes, laws, rules ami nagubtiam, policks of Me Alliance and the Delmillnent, ,and Me, tcrilo[S w�5(this O:mftrac'. I"I"le [�Iartjes
apvc ho lWhire of Ow ('u oWer w abide by these yarns,rules, regu lit iogis,I'wheies, lind terms of Ak CwAmd sAH be deernW,
wi ew of det'huh of Ow PwOder arxi suNev Me ProvixImfive W01m; adkn imkdhg wilivoke actimm unannottriced
swchfl rnoniloritig, temliorary assuniption offhe upaidon ofmw or nime twilradual scrvicQs, placenietit ofthe Provider oil
stauls, iniposing a nloratoriurn a.ql hx�)videt action, Ampining IOWA penalties Mr wqxrtAmmme or
noncompliance. or (Aher adinhisaiihive actin to himediate, unihimakontrael cauiccUationat the discretion of lie Alhaxice
If Abe, 11 once Hrids TM We Provid,er Wils to abide by all appheablecurrent Cede,I d al arid starts statutes, km,s,niksand,regulaflons.,
as xvdl as condhima A&CmuraeL the A I lance shawl I provide the Prtwider a KRAce of Vidatki which shaven include as cmincise
statonenil of the qwd 6c vja�flalicjns of the 11'rovidler and the fkl.CtS kdiCd L11),011 to,emabl ish the violal icol,
Ulicn)receipt ofthe 1406ce cal,violahm he Pwv ides shall have 1mvidy-one(2 1)days to rospond N)the Qtkeof Violwhn, IS
TA VOWS TVSPOMSC nnot include a sWrnew of any dipmed Wits ofmawd[al % and a conti-se Slatertiolt 4)1`1111(;Stlecific I'Scis
A %vider contends warrant rever�sal, or Wadmi bum the ABIncel pmpaod action, inclading an expfiariation of how the
aWgv4I fik,,ts Mate to the qxdhc Mks, suattlies" 01,Contraclu"ll tel,1111.
Failure of the lInwid,er to re"pDad ID he Mitice of Vi(,�Plktflori v6diiill 1)cloy�a;sluill be tkcnied a wzliver ofthe rights
outlined aNwe and Me A 11kince wdl pn�weed against dw Provider[)y default..
"The A H Wwo, upon receYving a Andy Rid mspene to as IS&of 001mion, Vvi'll the I.Q.51)onso., alld zfll accompanying
docuiliem-,,,djon to the Canmel NbMwer trw revie)v zind Consider, 1110 Contrad Manager shall,xvitlih 30 dys Aerthe receipt o'
the Provider's response, h W an oidernddch IOYS DW the flu] adion by the Alliance,
48. Final Invoice
The bra 0dershall adirnii die Ilmd HYDOe OPWITIMirto Me ARiame m,spec 115 hv&h ci�nitract, If"dic,Provider 1-ails u-isuhnit
hwl reWwo Rw plinent as specified in ON cmarac4 then all dghts to Imyriliern rna� be fbrf�oitcid and Me Alfianc-e wlla;y niot honor
any rc,aIuiests Subritine&Any pay merit lie uncler the terms of leis Coirltratt,truy be whhhWd wrild all,rquils due fironi the 11ircivider
mW nemmay ad[itantimas Werao,haw bun qprovd by the Alhaiw.
49'. Itenegodalkons or klodifications
WARmlimis of Me proyWons of It cmuma shl be &W only whML they have been rreduced w, writing 'and, duly sipwd by
boM pwks,
54). Suspension of Work:
The Alliance nmy in W sole discredon, amporid mW m-,d]activities under this contract wand any contract or agreenient ineorl)(irating
in this con1mv, at any tune, Mien in the bet intelms of to AHAwe In (to so. The Allince dwiH pmOde the Provider w61ten
no6ce (nAkning the pa nicuNrs of'suspension. 1`:Xarn4zks of dw Maw or sw;p-wQlisiori include, but are not I[mited to, btldgeuNry
consvainN,declawarion of ernergemicy,or other such eircurrimanco.s. A rter mce'%g a wqxnsii�,m no ice,the f"rovider steal]Cornply
Wit he notke and MmU no accept my pumbse enders. V604 Owl Qv or wW longer perk)(1 agreed lo by Me Provider, the
Page 12 of 7Z
ARE= 4lahl either 0) Aw as nWe adwriAng msurripion W'work, at w1Qh titne activity shall rQsinow, or (2) terni,in-ate flie
conhicl nr pa-chase 4�)rcfer, Suspension(if wet WWI nut muMe mine Provida to any additional
51 A TermhoWn fm Convenience. Ihi,s con'truct rinaty be Wdiated by either party without cause U[)(1,11 110,ICSS tf12111 thirty (30)
calendar days' notice in writhig to the other pauly unless a worier dam is munnHy agreed tWon hi writing SWd itolce
shO be deHvered by US. Posial Sewice widi, verifica,fioni of delivery 01' aY15' eNpeditftl delivery, servocc driat Provides
Wkat% or delvo, sm- by hand 6tivo-y to the Allkawiec Conorad Manager c)r the representafive of the llrcovidu
responsible fai, aciiiisimmen n r the co=WlThe PmAdu W not hionkh any product after it recoives the natke of�'
tennitimion, except as necessary to eainplete the owithued portion uF Me cotsict, if any. 11w fl'rovicfer shall no( be
ma Ned to recover atry calwAltim charges or JOSt PPOM& See Wes(mi enuW ivgmdhg his pmigmIk.
51 2 1'ent-tiomdon fcjr Cfl.L1,Se. Tile Alliance alay tenninaW Ws ConVad Ithe PwvWu Nils w(I)del Ner the product w0hin the
We Specified in tile coottract Or any exlQnsion,, () InainWhi adequate pmWws, thus endangering prerlbnmarice or the
coliqo,rict, (3) ho'nor MV tmn or the ccuitract, (4) abide it, any, Mouton, I`Cgtflak)o) recURNITICIA, hCcTl.<;ili
requimrnenL or Depailmoot pWky or (Y in the event 11inds hw payment become untivaHable A, US contract. Ibc
Alhance wdl be the final,awhorhy as to the availabi lily iimid adeWvwy ofhmd& In the event of teronination aflis contract,
be ProvWx M11 be ctntiperisatod lbr any work salisfactordy, complieted prior to the date of termination. Rule 60A-�
1,00,6(3)�, F,A,,C".,,goverils th,C l)rOCCdUrQ 2MKI consequences ol'(10"ault, "floe Tln wider shall continue work on arty work not
tonotinated, Excelit Ar de6whs of subconhucturs ad any Or, the ThoOder shall riol be halik Q any excess cams if We
110we to!perf6ri't"I ffic,contract arises from evenis cornMeWy bqvrxJ he cuoA, nd without the fSkor negugYnce,at'
the provwer.Xle Wure W,peofmn is caused by die,(default ofa arm my lit and ifthe came of Me de lull
is conilyletely;beyond dw control ufboth tile Provkkrzind the without the fiatflt or negfigence col either,
the fluvider shaH tuil be liable Ir my cxcvs-,Casts (4r ("ziflure to perfirin, unless the subcontracted products or scrvicv.s-
wery obtainaWc Ran oWeinources in sAndent arne Ar Me PwNidla- W rneet 1he required defivery SChedUle. If, aflCl-
tenninatR!m. it is demermhied that the PnoWer was not W deW or that the illefinult vvas e\cusali[e, tl,w ilghts and
ob5pions of be Panics WN be the%ante an if the tennination WW been Wred kv Me convenkrice of be A Wams Ile
rights and ren,wdies of the A 11ijairice in this clau,;Q are in additicai to any i�nber rights anckeoriMies poWd by law or altior.
Me Cmaluct,
513 1 Jpon expdkoion or tennimmian of this contrao, the Pnw% and sub,contractors shall transfi r all public records in it,.,
Immsessicnt tc the Alliance and destroy any duplicatv public records 1hal mv eump oc conlidtatial and exmIm null
public records,(fi!.sclosuro rctluireinents M no Qus"o Me AN= AM electrorkWY stured records shall be pinvided to,
the Uhme 5 a Ramat diahs unotpatibW whh the AllYces systemt$).
Tbh cmvact shrill runain bin ding upon the mitcQssors in hawvst of eWwr Me Allliau-e 4m,the Providei., sulr.ject:to the a.ssipimeql
provisions in Section 22 above.
5-3., Elettroiflic Rvcords and Signature,
53A 'Die Alliance awhardes, but does nut nNubn Me ffovWo cmmv mul retain electrunic records and to use clectronic
sigiiamres to conduct transakons newswry to cury; out the lenus of Mk ccnmniuc Movida dul creates and mains
Oectornic moords and USCS CICUTonk:snip utums to c4oniduco transeu-ijol[IS Shall CCATIPIy kl'ilh the NCJL61'01'rltrn contained in
the Unifb,rill 1"Iectroak hunsaction Aot, & WN, FS. All elecoonric recoMs nuts be fiffly auditable; are subject la
Florida's Public Records Law,Cb, 119, FQ inusl coniply with Sectian 29, Duta Integrityand SaIgunding Inkrinatix,
nint maknom aH conWendality,as apralkable;and niust be reaked and rnaioitajned by die Provider to tfNe sarne extent aI,,,
n(in-electronic records mv remkwd arod niaintained asrequ ired b ,,this Ccl,ritnact.
53,2 The .AlHancel awhocization pui-suarit to Ibis section does not authorize electronic transactions between the llrovkfer and
time Ulric, 'Me himhIer k antji()rizcd to ci�)nduct ehownic tramachnis with the Alliance only upon furiher %virittcn
wnma by Me A Ma=
533 1 1pion requeso by die AHAwco the Priovidu W provikil he Uhme m� [)eparnnent with norimfecumde(pper) Quoes,of
records. Stori-clectronic (paper) copies provided to the Allikince of mV downient that wAs orighaHy in clech-onic Arrii
Page 13 of 72
with an electron sjalirre:mirst indicate the person.and,the person's capady"In olvOronically sign,ed the rhea t.intent on
away Qoj)y ofthe doctakient,
54. Spechd Provisitim-,v:
"Ibo Provider agrees 0 dx 6AWwAg pwWow
54.1 hivestigat ion of Crina inal Allegwioris;
Any rqwrt that irriplis crininal inm smi the part of the 1havider or WK Wars wd uns refirrined
to an gov,enammus.1 w investigatory agency rnaisl be, sent to the Uhne-lf Me Provi,dor has reason l�o helieve that the
allogatons vvHI be rclnvd hi A SUOQ ,Aai�irney' as hl",enibmarrent agmxy'the United States Attomey's office, or other
gmtmmenta] agency,the R-ovidor shall notil"� the A Ifiance inuindhoey, A coj!)y of all dcwurnenl.s, rQpolls,Mes or catherr
wduen nwilaMI cu=cmhw We hweQation, uldha A ffie PoSSCSS4r1'1 1�)1'tile Pr(�)'vidcr., its subcontractors, mar vendors,
inust be sent to the miumpu md1h as surnmary of die investigation and allegations,
542 Volunteers:
Ile Provider Will ensir-c Me use of Imbled volivide,ers W povilng direct services delivered to ulder indivi(huds and
individ,uals widi disabilitics ireeding such sanNices I I'llossible, the Provider shall, work in toordination with organ izaficins
that have expederwe in pnwichng trabing, phaomient and stipends Q volumeers or parlbpaw (awh as oTmAmOoris
curying ow UNA service pirommms adn%tered by die C°orjx)ratiori for Narional and Ccannionity Service), in
conintunNy sonic e sedrig.s.
5C3 Eldhvement:
agahni this connect mwhd IN swowt I dw A H hue fimh thac
5132 An intendonal or negligent act of the 11wider has iwaleriaHy aRbeted tine heahk WRwe,or saby MAW saval
Wnrilto any coinict cw aprernek m sx*MmTaHy and nepwively affected Ow opmvion of services swemd
un&r M1 OMEW1 ear ogmurrmy;
5113 The Provider lacks firiaricral stability suffick"I'l(to [1400 CMAMOwd Obhgirtiq.nnts 4.�)r that conlracwal ftinds Nave kaccmn
5C14 Ile Pmvider has connnitted nwhiMo or mp=Wd vio%ms oflegal and rygulatory staridauh,regardWss oNhwho,
mwh lauds, or wgulatkms are en1rced by the Alharx, or the %vidler has co'llintirted or rep c"Wed 0(il"Ifions of
A H hwice s mWads;
5135 Ile Pmviclmleers Ruled W, cwKnim A IwoOsion or eqansion of services, after the declaration of suuc of
543A Ile Provider his 11 led to ad1wre to the terms of any, convaci or agreenrent in'Cot Iloral ing in this o�)Jltracl"
5133 In the; "inter native, the Affiancvniaj at is sole d1cmikwi, take iinmedite mnswes agkwt die Flvvideb kiclading
Corwave acton, unannounctcl speAl monhwW& teniplorary assunit.6on of [lie opLralk,)n of one or lilore
contractual services, Mawmerrt of Me PmvWu an pmWonary smw% kqw&irrg at inawrinii on Pnwi&r aviml,
hirposing WWI pwaides Ar nontierlYmance,or other adladirrisarmive acthn-
54A In nwaking mV dannnhm6m tmder this pwviWWn the AHWxe rnay re"upon Mt findings ohailother MaW or f0deralagency,
or oVer regalmory body. Any elainis 161.dainelges f6l,breach Orany contraict or agreernent are exempt froin administradve
proceedings—carnal qhal I be broup'llt bdwe than apy"hate einfity in be vervue,of'Mianti-Dfide
54.5 tjse and'S c rVite 1111 la
"The Provider wilt optinrize (lie use nahcontmct hmds by semhg be nmVininn possilaiv nunitici- of individuals with, the
services allt)wved[)y flik;Qonlract, 'Fbe Provider W1 spend and funds pmvWcd by this cmitnal k) pmvkle such nices,
5W SwOuNDdkit Repm
The Provider )vill stibmit as consohdated stwphisIdef"[61 rej!wrt in, a 66rinat provided by the AllJance. to the AlHance's
Page 14 of 72
Conow PdAnager in cotqmwthn mwith tho reqafted inorithly biljg suhnishn. This repoirt is far this contract hetw"ti
die lhovider and theAlAiaric, The repart W! QW11w Rdlowing:
54AA The%xiderl detailed phom Imu dw mjrPki. or deficit spending exceeding the Vi,threshold will be rusolvQd;
54,6 2 Nunilver of dienU ammulf an die APCn Mm reeeive a piar4y ranking score of 1bur(4)or live (5);
5113 Number ofdAB ulrmny on Me APO.Wiglmwd a0mmQuo Rkk.
516A hlklmbw of chents seined and Agkig and Disability Resource(°cntcr("AT)RC-)client
fti accordance wth its stwpluiddkit mampnnCIA POACY ill 01AW to 010SWC ckWlilable funcling and iniinhnize
Me tin e bat pmwW dims mum wait 11i,r services" 11he Sub ance in A Swe discrivikin (,,,-,an!redL1Ce fun(fing avvards it'
the PlaWder is not spendhig according to nionlhky Qns and A padected to Sur as surpltts at Me end of dre qm'.
W Tm&WW The Pri�jvjder will anew! all nxphed Wnhgs and meoNgs selmdule Q the A Hiance,
Ile=nce nmy sths,thaeny AlAince ornployeeu') Serve as't[w Colltract Manager
56, (Wficial Payee and Represent and ves (Nanle, Address, and'I'vivpbone Numbers)
Ila nanne, addres% and telephone number ofthe Ifir the Allhice Ar ViS cmwwt W
PYLIN B. Rollinuin,MY U.Nd, PrWdenl and CE0
760 N W1 10 7th A ve,So i l�e 214
Nfiann., Fli,)ri(fii 33172:
(305)670-6500, Ext, 224
The mine, addres% aml lel:ePIRAW ClUtribet oflo mpmwntatike offfic Provider respw=e Rw Aninisimthn of the pragrain "under
Is Contract W
.............. ....................... ........................
Numv owy Roant ornuiny(Amnlisdonas. Social
4,11C Flrov k1cV.ilanic.as shown oll,pago. I ('10his %vicelln,41mme WN kes
A comrad, and nWWj Wrc"Wk oMdW pqu u-j I MCI �iirKmion �,krooci-2"" Floor
whotil the payntern shall be trade W Key West. FL .3,30,10
............... ........... 1-111!.................
Sol I Nomra
Fhe nallic of"111C Colaacipersoal of lhit" Provid'cr and Nfonroe("':11.1my i3mit-d of CoLtnl� Gal-ninisdoncis. Sociat
titsimer Wess Mae hitmwiShmW M&MV Servielln-Ihnne ON=
words Wr inahm wed k: Sn'll'oolon slrveL tiotm7
Key AM. FL, 33040
............................................. ------
I lac iianic- addxc�i,and wkAmse inoiso Nlonroc Colinly Board of C"o 11 in I ksknier�«. 'Skwial
repwonafivc offfie Provider rcspcoisible Isar SM011.11MMe Sem"es
I 100 S i Mort oil Save. V F Wo I.
Key Wo;l., I"L 11040
Allhncc Ir Aghg Inc.
Hie sccl to ii wid loeat i on as i lb i n thine AAA %%-I wre I"'iscal Departarielit
as R eWwM s Raw Puy inu in wxI R cuc 01 and F x pend Qu re 70 AM 1 01h,Averiuc. Suilu 214
ISms are a)be inailed is: MAN BY%33172A 155
................................................ ------ ...........'1T--:t.'.()-6,500
(Twow Cu—Mm
11"le I'la'11W. atfdyess,, and selepbone nonMer oftlie Alfimice, For Aging. Inc.
Cookra,ick for Ow AAA Ir this coninacq is� 760 N M! MA 4 A wun SW k 2 14
N4 inti. BY&3317N3155
.............. ........
Page 25 of 77
Upon orange of representatives(names,addresses,telephone numbers).by either parts',notice shall be provided in writing to the
other party and the notification attached to the originals of this contract.
57, All Terms and Conditions Included
This contract and its Attachments and any exhibits referenced in.said attachments,together with any documents incorporated by
reference, contain all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the Parties. There ire no provisions, terms, conditions, or
obligations other than those contained herein,and this contract shall supersede all previous communications,representations or
agreements,either written or verbal between the Parties.
By signing this contract,the Parties agree that they have rend and agree to the entire.contract.
IN WIl'NESS THEREOF,the Parties hereto have caused this contract, to be executed by their undersigned officials as doily
tifigetiSICrNE®BY: �t� d N
Sl(3NEl By: mi,p.4�lhn1ai)(' i11.2ci,IPA$r'11
DATE: October 19,2022 DATE: Jan.1,2023
to ...,,..
James D. INaltaly signed by James D. }
Molenaaf n im2o22,1o.araM.1a a-ea'ao• ',.: t_.
Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency - { T
James D.Motenaar ' --
Asst. County.Attorney :-
MONROE CournvATroRwEYPS OFFICE _ ,-, _. -
_._.,t c r..,..
,AY 4.- • 23 li:
'ry"i„,,. ,: 1;_ E l tit ''�,'(;+1�„ '
Page 16 of 72
...................... .................... ...... ..........
ATTA(I I I M ENT II F E 1, R.ESO k�RC,17S A NVA R DE",1),11,N RS 13 A NT'I"011 III; .A G R F ENi ENT
EN I'll 1131,12 ............
ATCA C l"IM["INT III 1�I,R'11-11"1 C A'11'1 ON S AND AS S I I R A N(1�S
. —-............... —-—-—--------- .......
,V .....................
CHMEN I'Vi I .......................(.-....O.......N........r.......R......A.......(I"I'l�il"lC)( Er SUMM,ARYB)"SERVICI ANDTI't"Ll",
N '
..................................... ......... .. ....................................
I'TA C I kel 11-N1'X, ICI:"071 PTA N"D I�N FF COST R E I'M IA,'OR. S I j 13 Po RT S ER VI C F S (R 113 B)
ENHIBIT I ........................
ATTAX."1,1 N/1 E N't' X., RE(I UPTAND I MT OS F IMPOR'll FOR N t�''I'R I I ION SE IWK TS (R1:1.;C I)
.................. A:....
[A I I l 13 1 F 4 s E R v I C["s,(R P3 D)
["AlIH1611 5 SIERNPIC111S (111:'JE)
A11-AC1"[MEINT Xl f R:, I_,'".......... R-E IL V
................. ................................ .....................-
VI-J'ACHN11"N 1113
,ATTA C'f IM F N T D BACKG'Kili"T f Eli-]:............E.............N I...........N G...........A"i i-lb''AV—YFO,F COMPLIANCE
................ ............. ......................-
Page 17of,77
American Restue I'llan
�1.1, Alliance forA�ging, Inv. Mission Stjtejraent
Yhe ANAme m0ion is ro pn)jjjote aa�ndadvocale Ar Me ophul WKI of Mh Rw oWer alls and A& hm=s,
1.2 11"rogirI pipe cific ]"crins
Arta Plan; A plaui dQvQ1J,'opedby the area agency on agingmahnQ a conVrehonNe mM courTmurd wnice dOWny qstern
1 Rs PNWAT aml Savic, "11I in acvor(kracc nth Te Sedon 306 (42 IE&C. 3026), oTllie (Adcr Anwricalis Act and
Child! An individual m10 Is nm morethmi indiviclual �6th disability.
DisasterReliel*Servites;AdmInistr0jon onC%ntnuMliAtV(ACLkomMmslmmard&Nuvko NoWer individin.0s
io be any all,mkab[c
0AA services duritig, Me pakid ow reed by 1"lorildim's Major EhmmUr DechimV (MIDD)th(at are 1.)rcividcd t,o Oigibl,e older
indivWuals or Notily carcgivQrs ns (10mcd utider-the 0AA.
Fain fly Cart%iver:, An ;I fiinrifly rnember or another indivkWaL w0w is mi infortnal provider affin-horne ami conimunity
crov to an oker indki&ml,
Flak When an okkT inchvilluA is unabh to pedbmi at kaM Iwo N&IN of Ian Hy lAving (ADIA) Whom mbswrylial
Mmmn asMMmwq indulng vwbW roninding physioal cucing or supervisiwiw due lo cogni6ve or anther nkemal inipainnent,
requires qubstantial sup Qrvkion because the hVidual behaves in a Irma nnee that poses a sehmB hahh mAdly hum-d to the
h0vidual or in awlwr individual,
GrandparoW Ag=Kjumom"Wpymn*wvnlofa chi $ orardatNv art'achddbyhtodtitai'i'iagL�m:)i'A,idol-,ti(,iriniii,dwli(i�
hVes with the Child; is dw priniary caregber of he dAW bommme the bhIogkaii or adol!)tivo 1')Ltrents are unablt� or unn'fing
to serve as die 1whruary varogiver of Me chU mxf has a legal relation sidp to Me child,SLICh as legal custody or Vuardianship
or is rams hig the eliki ARnmiaHy,
Major Diq. ister Deda rat ion; $Wcs Tnay reqAtesIt and rec:eive an MDD by the President under the Stafford, Act, Fk),'rida's
["equest was a.j.)j')ro%1oAn 201 vdhh po-ndtled dw AHISIxe an Me Prnovidnto use any port ion of dw Ends made avoibble
Wider contract IS digsoMer mlWf Rx- ok1a indivi&mls, Afthough, the MDD erided, on June 26, 2021 when the State's
crongency order ccasxL these MRxibiddies were WWmvd toymninue in commas thm wuv in Que as the done the [Anergenqy
(Jrckr kvas lifted. As many of the sen,kes and pins Q Anterhmi Route Plan (ARP) funding %vas subinAwd v) the
Deparimem prior to than Emergmny Order beitig IiRW. he HeANWK Wh%vd durAg do hMX)wiH be a&wed K On ARP
U Gmeral DwerflloWn
13.1 Goleral Stntelikerit
The ofthr Araeric in Resmw Phn Pmgmrn is to prev no jmvpare fi)r,aml resliond,to ec')ronavir-LIS(ISMSe-19
(Covir�)-i9), includdig supponive serviceN ran whion services, preventive lwahh,acrid nWpon sonviRes Rm fhmdy camgNers,
L12 Arut orhy
SMI apmkalyc fmcial 11MV regAm"n" 00K "nono-nowls, progmm hmnaKs, rem>ic-w guides iud shnflar
(10CU,Plleg III UA fi 0 to 1'efiawd tc:)Iffic. l6flmving:
Page 18 of 72
RP-2129 2
a. of`Fcalu:m-mn4 DomicsiJc Assisuowc 1%:)� 93,043, 93,014. 93A)4�, Q.3.02. and 93.0.;:
h. (Adcr Amoric,ms Act ad' 1965 as arnended 20 IN
c. ,Nrncric.an Rescue PLmi Act;
ch 42 ITSE. 247d,
e. ,12 1,Y.S.C. §31)3, 4 2 1 T.S.U. tim N)I
E Ride 54wA-4 Fkvkhi A&S do mHA c ClAc I FAQ,
fit. S-Lc I i u�mi i 13 0.1,0 1, 1:1 or i da Sa.,t i ui es (F.S ): a i iii
h. Vrograms and SmOn 15m4ly5ok, "Sch is lwrQh3 by ilinclude army,
SUb'SCc1LIC111. re%kiCMS 11 W1 e0f.
1.13 Scope Sorvice
Flte Pr(�)vjder is resl')orkw04 Rm Me programnutin fismL and opumimml matugmmu"WK Ame&an Rmaw Plan htgrarn
WOW d& connect,
IJA IdWor Program Goals
The mkkjot,goids of'Me Arnedean Rmmw flan program are to prevent, prepare for, and resp.m,d amm C()VIID-19, inckicho'g
uppalime smvkes, matTion smkes, ptvm1he healk and mVpod seakes ku %dy caregivem, ERoms mmy include
C(lVID-19 vaceination outreach, education, and asw&wd wrOms with h0ping older adults y,,et vaccinations;, and
services that address social, isolation, in,cluding act Nkies for investnivnis in te6nological ey6pment,
1-15 Lea,dership,and Advocacy,
As a ckjnmed Fbcal PSI a pawithr is onwinn-aged to jwoOdu comlinotimi of servic'es, for older indivicluals. 'fhe
Provider niust a[so �,wovidc conimunily Waderdlipon aging hum and save as Me a&omw and IS phat Ar Te elderly
swidtin the community in cooperation whh agowics.a ganimimis and IdividtmIs participating in activides fined ed by [Ile
AHWwe, Admcwy shoWd hwkWh iWdmimg pmAke chrigns in public or jw%tv polkks mW anku&s mwaiAs oWer
powmq King acAn to finimme, niodify, or chiminate situnkm whkh ahendy impad (m lKs of oNhr pasmu, or
expressing support fin older piersow�, and ih6r imemsts. Advo,caey acdvitic�,, inay be bnmdly supplortive 4.4"the gieneral
hvemsm of Uer IvI'S'Ons Of may h1VOK SPC66C ACKOW on bdwhFoHndividuals,
1.4 Clientslo, Be Served
1 (ienend I)escription
U w A m eHu n R me ue PI kat Prop ra n't g i v es pre ferei tQc to older i mH Wilm h w h h pv=amnonic med w d maid a j nd N kW M s
whh pwat social twed Cwhh paakular anodion N) 01(10- indiVidU,11S, inClUding h)%V4aC(*'1'VL` 111iflill'ity older
individuals,(flder individuals%N,All lunkod F`ngksh 4a1rofi0micy,mid 4�fldcT individuals residing iin rttral,areas),11111d ChC[ItS Who
are Ilnracliciing social dkmnchg due ki flto(-X)VID-1 9 public cmcrgQnQy.
L4,1A Ainerican ReSCLIC Plan Prograrri, General Chent E'figi,hifily
a. Arnerican RCsCLIO Plan Prognarn
Ci:msurnovs shall mm]v du-,ifly Qnrol Wd A an AmcKan Rmom Plan PmWum aind an Miechicaid caj!aitalcd I ong-Territ
Chtv hugam,except consumers 03 need or American Rescue 1111an Lqnl Assistance services and.Anierican ReSCLIO
Pbn Congregate hhowhimn SavWx &Wding,Wanspoladon to aml RomAnongregme nwal Mtes.
b. Anterican Rescue Man. Pmp-am Rw Sqp,aolke Semices under'51le 111-B (�ff 1he Act
i. lndi,iduals iriust be age sQ 00) or oWer;and
c Arnwham Rmmie plan PMPMM Sr ?4unition Senims undet,TAW INC I aW 111-C2 of t[,ie Older Arrioricans Act
(kneral fiwtors th-at shall be c,onsildcred in cobishAg p&Ky Gm Me rec6pt Of nutrition wrvkos irIckide thme
saki er posms who:
i- Carmw aflbrd lo vat adequately;
i L fAAck (hoskilb,in-know[Qdge to s0ect and prepare nottrishing and weHlalancal mcals,
kh I hve lindied inobihy-witich may impair dwir capacity to shop and cook fb,r thernseK,es;
N. I lave as disabihng Am or Owsical condition requiring wtun,ftional suppon,
v. I law becri sercened as a hQh notional riAq mr
Page 19 of 72
vk A= unaNe to obtain nutrition beca use the in divid1=1 h pmoickng,social d istancing clue to C°OV I D-19.
id, Nineric-an Rescut Pkin Pmgmn kv CNIgregate Nuklon Servias uWer 1jrjc I I 1!-C I of the Okler Arnerleaurs A4:1
i,, In, addition, to nwaNg the geneml mAkion savices el QTQ reqr&ements fistio�d Ir'N Section LA.1 v abme,
indvKS ehghle ti.) receive nutrition servico include the 1`61 IoNving;
0 11 lnd'iv Jduals age sixty,(60)or(okler,
(2) Any spouse (rieg!arrdless of ago) who resides ;at Ironic %OM or mmmis the, dining center ivid'i hisidwr
cligible spoase�
(3) P'mmsons with a,disabdipq regaroHns ong,%ho resHo &a hoinkg Net,oawpied pOmu irk Ay older
individir,als %%,here congmgme nuMiAn scrUm are pvAded or ho,aw defivered rneals aredcRvered,
(�4) 1)imbled perscons svho imide at Saw with tv,acconIrwany aon vhobk person to OwnlJrdng emn',
(5) VoluatcompWulless o"ge, ulo resWe al home with or provide es sent services on as regular,basis
durrhy mad hours,'
Proms M nau ldticanmal risk who,have NqWcah owdomon or behakwal cond idons whRhcwoidd prevent
flical, koni d�)biaizflng inuvition; and
(7) Persons at nutd6mud rig k who,are Socially Or athelm ise isolated andi unable to oblain,imbritioin,
i. In additicm( o) meeting flee gaaA mokhro saOms d&M, rephummAs INVed in Secticii IA , above,
indix&ds nunt lace tmabk to allemi a curlgregate mmThn proWmm Lndkidunh elWjbk lo receive home
dclivacid amnis,include the fifl1oj:wi)'l1g:
ImHOhWs apd SNQ(0) or older who are incaapac;ita twit botause of Obicss, disabil'tty, or isolation,;
(2) A bomv MAU arcAs mdNent's spousle, regardless of age, al"the jamvision as the collateral IneM
nippms m W nu Wing flee paw n aOo me',
(3) 1 ad i 6 chiah with&A N 14%regnd Nss oNje,wtu"mid e al hm n c"i I hnnw deliver cd awal s rec 04mrs
-'Uld are diependeril 4�ijr there fbir m,arres,asd,
Pumms M nutri4ional risk who have pfrysical' er'notionan W. behavixt conditiom vAkh mmWd nuke
their land ence at conVvgate nusition sits happmprine;
Persoms M naldkxiM Sk vdw are sociWly or otherwise isolmed, including those %who are seTholal:ing
at home dtm w CUNUT t%and unaNe U) aumrd,a congregate malion dw w-
J6) Imlividuak age hO or oNer who am imabb to prepan-c nwals due N)as hack (.)[1mxkqLjacy of facilifics, an
inabdity R)shop. cook,ijrprepaire awals sandy,or a lack or apKupiato knowWdge or skU
1'. Arricrieuj jkcgkje [,11an Progr-anr fi.r Pu°ev nraatiwarse Irealth Serviceg Under Thk n wo or the Older Arneldcan Acts
& Orget individuals,inust be age sixty(60,) Ot"'Olrdcr, and
ji. F'rio,rily k6l I be Qwl to Ad vi(,]L,];@,]S rCSidifIg in fllediCal],)+ an,cfersQrved;ire as-
g. Amoken Rescue Phin frogram for Fzinrd.y (kiregiver Suppoa Pmgmn thdor We HAE of Me OkWr Antelhan
i, [AigR)Jc indivickufls include.
0. For imphe ilod SUpployiental services, ar farndly caregiver vaust be providing carc, Foran older, individual wvho
ineets the definition,of the terms "frail"�as defilied above,
iii, Priority will be given to fandly cmegNas who prodMare by individuak with A,Jzheialier's disease and related
disor-ders With nek'lrc)1'Ogiczfl zmd organic brain dyshnotion and to gmadpwoms or older individuals Who are
rdmNv cuqNers "to pwide cart RW chiNren WWI severe disabifitics,
Page 20 of 72
2.1 Service Tashs
In order to achbve to goals of theAnieficiln Rescue Plan Program, 11w Prcj%idcrshsl I ensure the f6tIoNving tasks:
(1) Client I-digibility The Provider sball nuum tht agdkam dwa is onthned. annuWj to doetwille
ofigibilily prior to rendehRg suvke& Efigibil,ky lo blecorne,gi cNent is based coi rriec�fing,ONQ YQquirentenis descfil� d in
this coribuct.
(2) flargering mid Screaming rat`Servike DdWery Rw New A= The Provider Shalt devel"olt rfirld finplenle'llit policile-9 ould,
p-occilix" cwsWetit %vith Americart Rescue Phn Ptugmni, tm glcting anct screening_,', ei rear.I �e
(3) Prow am ScrKes; Ise pnwildershall ensk,tre dw provisAn of a continffiltn of services that inects dic. diverse needs of
e1dem mW MW caregivers, The Provider sWH emmv the:per fiminance mW report 1!)erforrnance of the (14lowing serNiices
are in 'Weol-dallec, "ith flea,o,trrent [X)J A Prograrns and Services f1mulbook.
(�14 t Progyarn Rcquircinvies
a. FlWhili" RAW
Inithies inust nwet the 1110"IngWA n be cligiNe Rw pnTrolm,ankow5w
i,. Ali, dim: hl js riw�ccivc^d n, p',im imkr ArneKan Rissaw Phil Pirogalwal.nd
/C nullitim savla., tm-o%At- that sorves rrinds and is under W jmiwr ellm. smisul, rimmwornem
and "illifil allthorily ofthe Allialncic, and the L)c[%:,atrl lei it
b. Provider's Nutrition Savicc Operations
I Ile Provider shall cn= the nuorhimi somice opemlions (if dw IND,icler incel dic- rcqidd�,,-cmeias of, 1his
contn"Icl, als vvi,,11 as an.-4 olho ,%ppfic lhle I t,4urIaWlBuwrmw and by dw cwNnHXA0% PnTmrn,s
,jud I l"ImANXT. We 11kramnwro of I kalth and I horixt Services. I 6DA IX)II arxi local lic"fli'll
clepari I I lei DFUT, kwnuiy ckwig"Wed to insfoo invil qualily fol the statc. [11c Poovidcl- HeN
1rgo`cw.° Lciruaretitlj the AHWmw ofmV saniulajon inspeaAB.espuidly 1hose Wt include high pritwhy Whoions
a nd pii,nid op c a Cy ofllu,' rctport W the Alharico wJlhin 24 houis. Closutes gnust beropi:wn?d anlllCdi.atL:Iy.
Ak INS1 savicc voiduN nmat pmAkic a "rhm ccavotive action phan to the Nnniiion 1"ro6der
[br higdl priorily or signihmni Wings on sanitatii::ei insfrocWu I W cN'Nedve action PON inusi be
qymned by Ow Pnividvr`.s R[)and subt-nitted to the AHWce to enstue ti,tat deficiericies are rernedied.
c. Procribod NkitriR,i(niatl Rquirertlenis
The Provider shalt ensure 1hat each W pnwWed mwe"his cmuract rneets the fifllowirtg Criteria:
i. Complies wifli th(,! cuucll( Didlarry Guidelines for Antericarrs, published by the Secrolniics of the
Department of I%Wumd I Wnmn Services, and the Departrrient ()f'.AgirjCLtftLlYC;
i E. 111rovides mr ini,riArrann of 33 113 pement of Te dilury relmme h9AesJMeqwae inakes NY an age 70
as Qst-utifished by We Fbod and WNW FWA of We Na.flonal and,
iii. Is served Cironi and approved Alhaiwe nienu.
(5) Mol-WAng We lierroi-iriuncc offts
(6) Clonifdy widi the A I Hance's Nutri0on policics,an(I proce(fi.rires,
Ile A113we Imams i;ontr,tQtQd tbr teQlinology services through CLARIS, CARE PRED1154 ELIQ4 IRUALT& artd,
AGELESS INNA)VAT10K Where appruprWil, Provider shod! cotnply � ith he rise offlx.,r;Q w6nology Service
cmdrads W STPM't in reduchIg social [solation and lowed iness ind tea Support Caregivers.
U)se oF Sim becon I radol's an 111(flor Vendors
I F I Ns ca Umt, ii n N ves Ow use of a suboxnmcwr andkw vcn&q� d wn dw Provider shal I mot dclay fl;w iimmminta rmrri1tollwmur of
A agmenwra with Ow mAccemactor or vendm% I f any c Wcumsonce twouis dun inq—�su A hi a duNy Q a po6od or sw,,�
(60) d.n�S or nioro tho 11lejalion of the or to PoRwinmwc of the sAcmVm0o6xmW the Prov%.
shall noi.ii') the Alfiunk,.e Conlroct ,"dannger in %whing of such delay. 'I he Provider shall not ficrinit a
to panwin sovices mhWd to this cotruso Qdune Why a bkufillg IhQ
Allimmy mill me be msymKible(w fiable Qr any oblWatioris or clalins ivsulling Wn smh uokn,
221 Coosa f&%)MmOWWWors
The Provider shah subynit: it copy i,�&a[l subcoritrlicts and/or venfm5 to the Al I iance Contract Nlanagpor within,
fleirty (30),id-ays ot"execution ofeach st,ibcolitrElct agreenteni. 1,11rolighou( the conlract perioll he FloyWer Atilt
initneddle" subrttit ari:d changes tan to the Alliance Mallager,
2-2.2 10o nit oring the Perf'brmance of S ubco�nllraclo,rs wtnd/br Vendors
The Provider shall rnonitor, at least aince pa yen each ofits su bcort(nactors,sub-recipients, venclk)rs, and/or
Page 21 of 72
R 1P-2.1 29.2
consAtants paid fi-oin 1"unds pn�wjded under this Contract,
as SU1b,-1V6piilQ1TlS - T'he Puwjder shall perfonn f1sclal, adnidnWatV, and prk;iprarraoi,adc numitoring to emw-e
Contractual comphancv, r1scal PMPArnnnide Ni-f6rinance and elampliance widi ajilificable
state and f6dera] laws mW ivQWon& Ile I'mvickr sliall' inonitor to ernt-11,-At ghat 6111C SChQ(11,111CS are ji'aCt, thle
budgel and scope of work wit acconipHshed whWn Me specified tirne periods, and other perlbrinarice, goals
stated in this contract are achieved.
�1) VencloNs — Ile PaWer MA plerkmn adminimilative cartel jil.ogralnniatic rnonitc)ring to, ensure cointretetual.
wmphmwq pmpurnamde perfoi-irtarwe and compliance Nvith applicable,state and falcral laws and regul,alions,
Me PmOda QwH mobsir M enqurlc flno,firne schedulles,are met, and,the scoj!w of work isactxmiptished within
Te qw,cided We pskidl, and othm- plerl'onliance go"NIS sillmed in this coraracg are aehievcd., The Prov idle r
W11 pulmm a niandThd nacd nxmhmhg W Wde biH&jArwoRWg prlocedurcs curt! reconciHadon ki,ensure
Hs ad a0untritd,HO W Sustaiembdity,
-.1-'23 l Provider shall ensure that all required chent (,fiita f'or slervices provicled [1)," SUbcoraraetors arid/ci,r vendors are
entered in the CIRTS datallase Ver qlw DepaHrnmWs CIRTS Polky Guidelines Itte di an rriust be co,iflureid the
CI S Wabmle W('6re the Provider suhn-iits the Re(�lues:t 1,in, llayinent: and ExplendilLiSe ftel)(N-t-S to the Allkirice
I'he Provider slill est.,,ib lishl Barrie fi-L"inles '.%l in s0cmWedms mid VMWOM 10 MISUre corii,pl i.aiacc, with duel dates
liar Te Sytests Ar Pqawm and [Expenditinv Reports k)the Alliance.
U SWHbg ReWAmm=
I lw ProWler shall amign its ownadmNswouiveand supp, Was riecdccl rk.1 peirfin-ln lhotarsks. responsibililics
dlld Ch IlJeS Hill.11-T 10 "Aunici amJ onsmv ihat sublenuawky, andYN vcnows (byCaWyAmpm gaffaocordm,,1.1]� .
2 3.2 Proression.,,d Quafificafilirris
I Providers1oll cicslrrc, for pciltvitring diikcs cr 1,611clions l.vithin thin,corllr,,rcg h,'in,"o
to W 0 H rinuioru as sluci WU n tim I X)l:,Q Prl mid WiNes Handkok.
2,33 Strvice 'Hines
1he Rovider shall cristrin! On: jaNnisin; nor serNes Wrod in this cwnwt during nomml hushxns hours indess
wha dnws mu numv wppnqwia;: the inow the jun]01131,111C.-e KlUCJI-Iik�!rn�nr,(W this antl n sliaH na'l us
mAxwomans mhhlw vcnJum io cmmc 0a) am avlaikiNlv w pull,.1cle scr6ces (11.11-ing hclUrs
a)COJS a!ad (IlUrinit! thn.a,le th-lics 'l best, 111,xi lhk, of[110 V'lolO,"t.111 SC16CC•COMA-ratnio
114 LNe orvorunteas A UpW die PmvWon d0mlaihitde Sovices
The Provider shall nmke one of hNned V01L,111teer,'S in, pf'016(15V dirml sciNiccs d,Qlix,crcd to itichlvidituals and
individuals ,vith cliwbilhios rwel qg such serNes. If posAW, Me Provi(kr shrill Nvork in Coordiluatkpn wit'll
oTandatkis Owl lim p en. i.
llc ex ence n pircividiing training, placeAriml and nipaAls Ar vWunwen or panikoaw(mich as
Wyanizathns CmTying imam Fbkwl searce limpunis axIminiqlcmd by die CmplaratWn Rw IbAmW W ClamrnuQ
SM&L in COMMI.Why sciNke Wngs,
2.4 Deflverahles
I'lilll secficill kA, dl,,.hN,cn1l,-1lCs am"I S(Mttrco
oddewc We conqAclkni or Itill; Ws specifiled A WiN ammuct the 1,11 co"ictcr muss, s,0116n roxpliirod ill
We Ame W nmnncr s1weincd 10or Hr:mhknwn polknunwe Rels U) he mot. FActn dcfivrmibk! must in ,,,rifinp
b� Cl to Al I ilirrca.° Coniruict �,,%Islod I�n 0w I lulll ocins Rm ewh d0knaMe bc We 1 Vic P=40 suNnits an i nybee
MqwAing Pa YW111.
dw limOkkonol'a cami,rumn alfsavices dtm inecis ffic''Ji.l."orse
"I'he llro6dcr sm.11 cnmuc the poWmimc and roymig or the WWII smic" in accordance Nth the ctment D(WA,
Nogranis aml Slum ices Ilumb(nk and Ns cxnarao. Docunwaim orservicc ddivoi nuis imh0c as mpai smunisQ,of
the IbEln-rl nuinhcr or clieWs somell numNy oC savice units pi-clWd by sorykaAmd two Irn senkc unit "W1
cakuhnions that ciRud t1w tonal invoice anilown,
The 10mider shall proviAle Me sler&m descrIed in Me cc)titraet in aeclardiince vl the carrent [Y)EA Pro.grarn and Services
INUK. UnksofsavicemdU be paid punuawto Me rates established in, A'FF,A(7HN1EN'F ,VIL
Addkitrnal Staflbrdl Ad HexiNktismn'few allowed an,d are refleot"] on A'FFA(7IlMENrVIL
Page 22 of 72
'I lie sLnFviccs incluk1c tho
2 A A Amrdwn Rescue Plan for Supportive Servkes kutdcrTitle 111-B of(hie Oldier Americans Act
Sopporl'iVic hickide an vadmy d cornmunity-based aim! homadthivoW w0ces Man s4Tml be judAy of:"
lfl'i fin-Older indivi'dil-als by helping thern remain independent mul productive. mAces Welude die foHowing�;
(1) Achilt Day Cam; (14) Persona I Carew
() Calvgivor,Fraiin'ing& Support, 05) Pet Su"Ort Services;
(3) (1wory & Cli,orc (I nhanced); (16) Recreation;
(4 (,'rant pan i oi nsh i p; (17) Respite Services,(In-1 hivne A: FaiciMy�)
(5 CouvisieJing (18) Screvning and Assesmnem,
Eidiwwwt An I Training,-, (19) Shoppiq AsSwumte,
1,7 Emmyenry AW Rupwac; (2:10,11 Short J ern) Case Management
(8) New, (21) Speciahzed Medical Equipurierit,
(9) 1 leaktic-ure Navigatq:w; serviicies,and stq)phes,"
(Ul Hmnernaka-, (22) TCAR.E�
(I f) I fousing (23) Thchnolqgy
(12) Ugal A"Wance; (2 4) J'eliepho,ne Reassurance, and
(0) Material Aid;
2A2 ArneHnn Restue 1"bu For(Angregate NuUUWn Services under Ule H hC1 or Me Oider Amieduns Act
Nutrition sLi-viQQ,.,, are deli giwd ti:ji nAhwe hunger-and ft),od inwcuri,ty'a,nd tcj,prolliole solicializatitm and the heafth itrid,
wdkW&W of oddir hdividoinIs tbrottgh acccss ro nutritkin and 4�)thcr disease prevention kirld heafth j!won'lofiorl,
wrviQies. SCrViQQs indlide the 1'6110wjlng:
0) (Angivyienwah;
2') Ine"ils sci-VOung;
3) ljonlo Defivereci MQ,41k,;
(4) NuIrOwt Kicatk"In axid n'tariflon, C01,11"ISQ1 ing,
(5), Shopping Assimance,and
(6), 'T'elephone ReassUl",111CC.
III Amierkan Res"r Phm for Home Dichiered Nubtion Swivices umkr TMe "KC2 of Ow OMer Anurkans Ad
dirsipied to reduce hunger wul food insecurity awho promwe 306AMAn and dw 1wakh and
wAhNing of oWer through aamss to =WhOn ii Other disease prevention and heahl'i Im-ornoticiii
Scry iQcS in leach:dw kilknving�
l'i Defiveried N-1cals;
(2'1 Nutrition eduemkin
(3) WOOL counsiding;
(4) SQnxiiing and
Shopong Awskmnic,and
111cphone Reasmwanice,
2AA Axnedmn Rescue Pion D)r Preveitfive Services and ivrTitle 11114) of the OlderArnericans Act
Disease 1'rowndon and Heakh 1hornadon (EW11P), servicies have beien deirborNtratod dti,ough,
Qv"I'dwflon to be efl+ctive hir WWmvtg heahh and %vVbdng or re&wWg disease, disabifity, and/or irljjuq winong
Wdu adutt& lie AC L &W EBDPHP servku as niceting highestdevcl criteria. Ordy serviee-s that aleet the
laig1wii Criteria are allownNe under WHWroysm, EBDPHP senkes reseal be didNeivid pu° We
mquirerneMs of Ow propunon mid nume progarn fiddity, EBDP11P services,indUd.e the fol,lowirig!
(1) A Wter o f El A n ce, (0) Hekdthzare Navigmor;
(2), Bingoicise; (7) flo,nieMeds;
(3) U ronA c Dlease A I Kh4a nagennn t (8) Progrmina de Pdariplo 10vional die la DiabWay
prownill (9) IS QVINJi Ou,an, k1i for Acktier Bahnee
(4), Diabetics 11'rogran); 0 lwbesyl Xwo",
(5) Enhance Flinemi, (10) Achnialogy,
Page 23 of 72
(11) Telephone Reassurance;,
(12) 1bnl,an,Lk) C o,nlrol de su Saludv
145,, Caregiver Support Services (I I FE
I'lie kfllowing services are intended to providc, ifinecl help to caaregivers, assist in the areas oTheal,th, nntrit ion zind
finku'xial fiteracy and irsq c ist aivL regrs in niaking dc6sious and problem :S
tela robtc'd to th6l-eorcgi'ving and rolc's
re n sjx) ,;ibi11j6e&!.
(�8) Home Delivered NleaK,
(1) Adult Da), Cate, Respite Services,(fia,Houne& F-acilky)'-'
(2) "areghrer Scieciiii,�g/Asses l'ite�iit;
f,I 111 Shopping Assimarwe,
(3) Cl amg i vc,r Fo I lic)w W, TC ARE;,
,(4) Caring fbir You, Caring folt,May; (13) Technolowy;
Ctiumseling(Gler(intological.), (14) Telepluxw Rekisswance. and
(6), 15) Ctregiviel, Support Groups
(7) 14eallth Care Navigktt(W."
2,4,0, 'aregiver Support Supplenuenial Services(11IF"S Prograul)
The followi ng servkcs provided um the care by ciuegrkers�
(I) Chore services:'
(2) Housing Improvenlent;
P) Materia I vial ai d
(4) Spleckilized Methwal Fcjuij)Irnetll' sel-61ee"'arld supphc'i'
2.4-7. Caregiver Support 6'randparent Servites(III EC 11rugrain)r
Svi-vraces 1`41, grandparems or older indivicktals %%ho are rclutkv cai-egivers, designed to help n'teel flajoir caregiving,
obligations include dw frplknwi'ng!
(1), Legal Assistance,
(3) C.arcgiver 1,o11o)v-ujx
C.arCgiVell' SLI11110TI(ol"OUI)s
(5) Carillu. fiii, You Caring kv NIC:
( ) Child Da.y Caire;
(7) ("'ounse I ing(G erorl to log ica 1):
(8) Ed uc�a I ion/Traj n i i i g,
(9) He'allh,Camara' Na-aJgator,
(10) Legal' Assisuince;
(11) Per Supplort Serviccs;
(12) Screening& Assessntent',
0 3) Sitter,
,(14) Ted kri I ogy
(15), Telephone Reassurance, and
(1Ci;t rransporla:tion
2,5: Rvports
The Frovider is responsible 1"br responding in a tirliely f"'Ishilin ti) routine and,,'or special, rociue�ts to]. i'llfbi-ru."Ido'n "Ind
rcporls required by the Alliance The Provider mist establish due &ues for any subcontracto,rs an.dlor a,endurs that 1wrntit the
Provider to ineet flie Alliance's reporfirit,rquirem(nts,',
2,51 Retrospective Unit Cost rvlt-thodologY
The Ill'ovicler4i,all subs gait ffit kelruspuctive Unit(lost Methodology to [lie Alharwe arinwdly, no kou than 90 days 11"let
the provider Fiscal'year end. The Retroqpectivc, Unk Cost Wthodology sliall rellect actuall,eosl�;ofpi'Qviding each,scl--vice
Nir the pmvecding Provider fiqcal yoar- If(11Q. Provider desires to renegotime its rei.iril')Ursentent raLo,-, Ow Provider sl'u-01
make a request in writing to the Alfianp=in acc(,),rdance with the Alliance's approved R.chribursvmQw Raitc Review Policy,
which is iracorporatod,1')y refierenco-
Page 24 of 72
2,5,2 Surplus/Deficit Wporl
The Provider vviIl respond to We conmflidated Surplus/Deficit repcil"t in as 1'u.nrnuit provided by the Alliance to the
AWanceN contiract,manager, SurplusiDeficit reports niust be subinkled w1th the: monthl'y request for payniet1t, Yh[s
nVort is liar W"enrices provided in lhis aWvemeni WoMmaihg in this Comma baween the Provider and the Alliance.
'rhe rw pad w"rill include the loflovving�
(1) A Hst of W Sel-vices mid Ven-current stiltus regarding sm-lihn ardeficil,and why they diffier firom its original bUdget
(2) A dcWHed pWn an 110W &0 MUPHS Or dericit spending exceeding the I�aei) nlonthly threshold vvill be resolved 1,lie
pt;lll lin'rit include specific bufFt numbers to wHect how the Rnivider plans,to address the variance,
(3) Ahunbo-dclicnis currerilly(,in the,maittist(AP(.1"),
(4) Number 1111 fildulih,catcd ("licrn scrvc(l.
153 C I RTS
Client Infirnuawn mid Regilvadmi TWOing Symern (CIUS) Relx"U:
The NNW skill bpi ARParecitic dain 'unto Ars or delieltding on the instruiokajns provided by the
Alliance, to emalre CIRTS dala awmagn Ile Pnwikr MwU we CHU& (or WWFS-gaieWed mpwts mfich WcWde
we Wkwhy
(I) C'lierlt Rcpolls;
(2 Monitoring Rcport�;
(I Scrviccs Kepoils; and
(14 OuteolraQ Measures Repor-t-S.
(5) Final Ropuds,
15A Pwgn m I QdWhtts
Ibe Provider AW subinit Progn-Int f figIiJights 1-O'erawing specik events dial occurred 'The Provider
slak providc a nvv, success stoly quote, or hwilmiAdemst vilgnetle, 1,11C highlights Shall be wVritlien, 1,61, a
geneml wflaw, Wth no nawwrils or Wdalkal terms. For Wh agerlcies i:,,ir organizations that are referenced, ill, them
Holight, be PmAder shaill pwvWe a brief descw1phon of thek in Won or rob 'Me oNve owe W be conAsteluly
uwd in the highfiglu nal-rati've, ill In-der to ildelltif� Ill(-specTe h1viOlml m entily that per%ned the wivig desedbed
in Me higkligWnle Pm6du Alaill revkw and elt Plrogmil THWAgNs Mr chryn re lalmdki relevmwe, speciMcky°,
liurmin ilrilerw st, and gmalmar,Mir M wNWAN Urn tole Allhince,
US HvdM and Wellness R: eporsN-. Healtill and Wellness 141epmls:
Ile Prm;Wu f1wil sAmit NWnihj ProgmmmMk Reports ka EBDPHP seirvices on the, dates specit-iled in Attachinent
VHL ]'lie AlhariQQ HeAthry Aghg Wwill, providc Provider with mi Excel rvpwi Wmphite m1h any ohs Ar, 100th
mW Welkims CuumesJUNims oHbvd hicludog Mteslalkms (mmuWNe), 11nnershos (updWed as neededl and
Success Stoics (rqoded M two once each MOD,
(I), 1111brillatioll;provided in Mv Manly Programnlatic Rellort must mamh CIRIS &.aki and the ReqUeSt f0l Pa)Inertt
(2), The Provider shal I reviov pro grant dOCU115Cutfition lo, ensure docunientation is contplete and adeql.Alfted, SLIt,)[1forts
the imrorniallort reporled on Me NWnTly Pmgmmmatic Report prior to submitting a Requem fbr Payment. rlic
Provider vvdl attas!Ao he wOew in he "Corantents" snfion of Me kWnNy Prograininatic Report and provide
TOlevani infbnviation regarding the doctlinlent".1,0(in as neleded,
(3) Paigraiv docuntentatinn elm il WhWe Wl Me Wlowirig deniems Sign-hi Sheets or Atlorldwee lAgy flyms ar
doculnenlation denionsbiOng eftints to mcmR parlicipmis and Mornote EBDNIP sadus provikled; cutrrent
100brorcertificalejeq, ofprqgnmm license(WapMicable),nd any Rams rupiked I, the spocillic program.
(4) Pn)dkr dall amme Mat Sign& Shcos or Atiendaime LAgs acorrately Weet: (haes, times, ttkuttes of'prograins,
participant INInles" MW immoo of proyArn hAhmmll H' ulie Atten(kincle, Lap; does non niclude a sp:lacc ifor
parfic ipa lit signatirres, a Quin We QM Qmwms and dates,111USt acconq,,Pmly it. Exceplioris rnay be all!)proved,
by the Arilli"WICe C10:1111'kio Nhinager, R.equests niust be nuide up dw AHInce A mWitig and kept with progi-aril
Page 25 of 72
(5) Participands miast$&their ratme on pvpmn SWnAn Shins or Anen&uice Logs, If a.participant is unable to 5ign
their naine, die Wshimtor may sign by—pnxxy Or the pwAhiam (Utcluding likeir()%vri initials and date) %vifll a noto
on the SW>fi1S,hQCt explaining the need kit. the proxy%
(6) J lit Prmider s1mH WA& by all prormn fidelity requircrtients,and zinnuzilly observe delivery of EiBDIIIII` servicos,
A owl; wN he inehid,Q(l in the Monthly Propwmmatk Rqwn, W the commols section, when a fn,ograrri, has been,
WmNed. 11mummAn perWhitig to die obseiwAon will be keprt and providWo We ARIne qpn requea
(7) CDSME ANWholi data must be elito-ed ink),the (I)SNI E F)atabase
0) Ile hadda Alai! corn act the Allian c (7onlnic( Managcr W Me evetH of an eniergency or an exigerit eircuinmarice,
We to pmvWcr is tumble to inakah an tripe of My ofte EBDf1 ff'serviee5(e,g,, ritininiunt or ri1axilirturri
nuSbm, of imirticipants) beftnv thin Qsd of die workshop Al the Ablizimm I kalMy Al.hig mat the ser0ce may be
rehabursed Wer thk emantet; hDWCVCq 1 Nhe 17iddiQr hillavion is d1covered after flie pr�.)gram ha:w fili'tished,during
the Request Or Pay-nient Pnwem, or as as resuh of as C104 revie", the llrcivider Shall not be+ rejfl1li)ktrSedj fold ffle
woii'shol)ow•shall refitibLIN't the All iance Rm the cost cW the%workshop,
(9) Ile Pi,ovider shall collah,onae ancl partner%k ith orpirli.zations l�o extend the reach of EBI)III-1HP services, Nartnersll�l)s
and colbboradons, may be developed %vith DOH, the Florida Pepartinent of CbjMren and Famills, USDA's
NUIRS1 l"Mown, irhalnance tonip"'Inies, colon AW Disease Wool and I"t,cvention, Area 1-teeflih EdL[Ca.filml
Geraets, local health coutmits, pubfic and privaw universtlics, I 4111',difiCd health CHTOCS, UAIM5' health
departments, arid Florida's Age-Friendy Communities- Psionvii-slils sWU Inc, d"Wned to sti'multe, Novation of
new approEwhes aliKI activities in EBDPHI'services, devclop greater cWadlfy, and Wyerage cAher lbndhig MWCOS,
Panneislifs Mull also Was NAUNg and sustain4iglin inhastrudure A A dimmOMW of EBDPHP services.
This includes, but is not limited to, rtcruhmeta of trainers "Ind par6cipalils, covering Costs fbr licenses, and
replicating p[OgI11.111( fide fity.
1(l0)'The Provi(ki, shaIl docurn.eni, and provide to A Alhance upon request evidence finnually
Winxigh Nkmorancla or WGUMAY. VIC 11'rovicivi, wild be relluired keel) track of'
Partnerships in Vlore hdonlho' I"Togninunatic Report- Each morith A Provider shall revilew this infixinatioci and
P4 OVide Lrlldalti,u)the AlhaiiicQ as jwcQssury,
2,5,6 ARP Quarftrly Report
"Hie Pmvwa AsH momh a Quarterly Rtliort, in ia brunn pmvWed by the Alhance, as Wd 6 AITAOIMEmr xn wa,
it Awoke submitted cwh qmrm% lie Allbricir cord:inot ntanager OR provide the Thovider wkh an Wei tamphte wk[i
tab entries Am each quat-ter A quartals dirlited as as calcrxhir quaW,
2.6 Records and Doclutnentaition
Fhe Qxidm agi'k.,.,es to, rn,JkL! AV�6hlhle (OAffiN ick:,.,mxhw Mo Dolmemi a sw R mWAw my pwqAhQWmWd b) dw AIlihiwc,
.arldAn, DCj);.a1rr1er11 ziil colln.ac,°L rchucd ivnAds owd "Fh% P1-o%,6J(x "la0l crlslll%"° Ille Collectic'n
Illailacnialicc c-d"iff pnTiviriawaRtl illl�)rlillali(ml and docionwitalioll oll an), stlk!h s,, stoni by lh,2 Alli«lnce
ffic lJcl!)m-1rlivW1- Vinoll'unalicc II cludc!" vo,lidcXporisrowl backups(40 damanci symons acawdinyoDepartment
wndaidy Dami imio be usaNc and in a rudaMe nnwlwir to IN!
2.6.1- CIRTs [bla Maintenance
The Provider w,vill elisime dw accumm collWon and nmArdenance WhoU and savice infiinnation i�nt a rnongily SO
fir(�)tn the CIR I'S (m. arly Such systelm designated by the Alliance. NlahVenance iinclurdes valid eNPOTtS and, hackUpq ofall
data and w,ystcir-is aecording to Allince and WEA sumilmW Ile Pnwkler iniast adhere tx) the Alhanto CIRTS floa
Integrity PlaliciQs& Procedures, incorpimmind by ret�rence, in or(ler to ensure data accuracy,
2.6.2 Data Integrity and Back-up
I fic llrovldcl Shall I'llain'tain mry,riltmara policks alai procclues IN C(1nP1qCrS,1j,St0r think IVC(ACry and shall
We Go smne rcquavrwrit of is sub(initracm andOr voiWomAlive policies aim! Isocedkiwos Alull lie ind&,
availabic U) dw Alkanno t"7YM1 ivqUOR
Page 26 of 72
2.7 PerforiTtance SpebAcahous
Dome Ow pmvbon d Me services desedbed in this emmia are; A acawdasce "AM the curreta EVEA fhopirn.s
und Services Handbook =1 hi ihe Pdann,of Service Provision desQff-ibcd in, this
(2) 1 im dy and avows My m1m U to Oic A H hwe a H 0 Rmirn atkin desa%od 0 flans co,mact,
Develop, (11:1cuiltont, and Nfl,lowstrategies in the SexWe ProOder ApphWon (SPA) to support the Departrnent ,.q
prihmmice 01,11xiinIQ 011CMUTe"s in the f,0110:kvirrg critcria!
a) 16V`6 4�if riew so-vie mcoilm Wh higlrisk nurribn semes W Wiprove their riukhonal status.
e) 6511 of'riovsci-vice recipients KH nraha& or hipvnt dAr ADLN ass"wient s,cm,
d) 62 311 u f i w",sery ke recipiem s vd H nu Wri q�)r irtn 1')rove tire i r- IJA D,L's en( sc.qire,
C) 99A"i�,of fiarild'y am! WAY-Mshild caregivers WO sdArMort tlru are very fikcl)y to provide care,
2 7.2 Monitoring and Evaluation Methodolop,
Ile AMiance wilWAmy ad e"hwie the peNnniance of Me Prmdda wider the terms ofthis contracc, Monitoring shall
be cmducwd dumigh dOw omma wTh the: Provkler thrfffl.�h teleplicino, na writing, and/or an (lit-ske visit. The
A.Hiance's detertniriation of acceptable performance AwN be conclkadve. The Provider agrees to cooperate with the
Allianve in niou'rilo,ruil;the Ixogress of cornpledon ofMe savilt lads anti ddiverab,les.'Fhe Allionce nlay use,but is not
lin't'ited, to, 011C 01,niore'lA,fliQ 1'61k)Wn1g 1,11 ed) S R'll, nionitoring,
(1) lksk rodovs a add arialyticzii[ reviews;
(2) Stheduked, umdwthild, and hillowup mosin Wils,
(3) Client visits;
(4) Review ofindepemadent auditor's reports;
(3) Review or thir-d-parly doculnents and,?Or evaluatiorl:
(6) kcvioww of progros rcpo r1s,
(�7) Review of custr)nwx satisd�CtJon surveys:,
(I AgvedqMon pvmdurm revie",b.yan exierruall audiror or coursuhant,
01,11C].pr(Kedures as d'oellied,necessal)",
2.73 S(,,l-vje s
Hie 1-Ircivider sJuill enwre ON aril particoams setwN1 under this agreeme. arQ eligillk I"or tile prograt'll, and lhat all
monlifly and/or cluari.vr-13,, per(brniance repons and Mnanchl records are ninhilorricd A each rqYnAng pe&d and,
A1,1111t i H Cd as a ipu lalvd i i 12,4,2,5,, 2,6,a nd 3,
Any rmnaulkinibg limpnirri suOces, perhmin once mpms or RmWM reemAs not nwaing die requidelinews of this
Coiltract Atall nat he dWibk A reitinbuirsament tinder this PrUgUan'L "Me uWS osmxiawd wRh 101W,WnWg,repwOng
an&or the pwWam WH be bmiie solely by the Provider. The A.I.Hance reTri.res .him-nediale notice oTarry
significant and,orsymWo WITKwis that compromise the Naviderl aWfity to provide participant services,h3 achieve,
pl-opwarnmatic pahniumv or W pmvde s(xitld (inancial! i.tranageniont ofdiQ pro,graiu,
18 F"rovi der's Financial Obligations
2.8.1 Oxisulvio-Contributions
(),nisinno-contrikiHons mv W be used under the following terrns:
Id Ile MmvWer asmues aiiilfilimxe with Sectiori .315 of []it, 0,AA as atiiendcd in 21006, in re,goard to consuiner
2) Vokudwy corrt rib ubarn are not ton be LISC(l, for cost s[mring c)r uuuautclairat
3 3,) Avounridatcd volunt;lry cci,ntributions are to 1!we, tmed 1,)rior ro reqkws'ling f�a.41eral
4) Whailmy contriWakns W ID be toed Ky to eMmnd selvica,
Page 27 of 72,
2.8.3 1 Ise or Serve ice Dollans
The Provider is expected a)spend 01 Fudenil,swe and i�)[her funds prxivkful by Me A lHance for the purpose speci 6ed in
the contract. "Floc Provider must rnana,�,Q the sawke doHus in such a nimiria seas to kiw)icll having, a wail list, a ckficit,
or a mwplus of WIS at the mA of IQ cm*ad puioa fiv exh, pmWern managed by the Provider. PrOlgraln, SLU1-PfiJ.-,,-Q.s-
rilost be reported to the A I Hance.
2.8A Surplus Riecktj!)ILWC
In accoidance wNh its surpKideNch managenicill polkies, in order to maxintize aY&hbk Wndirig and nidnWride die
tine that potendal dkms mum vmk Rw services, dw Allihme in ds sok discrerilon can reduce funding aiN�ktrdq if the
Provider is nq�)t s[,aendhg auotA19 W nzonthly phans and is prqPcmd to hwur a surplus at Me end of To yew',
2,8,5 'IFIre Provider agrees to use fards as dended in die Budge l Suntniary, Al"FACHNIEN'r V111. Any ell,kinges im Me
amounts of federit funds identified oil the Char Nct Sumnw-y for serviclus %vithin each tiflie (Siiplxjrt Services,Nutrition
Services C�aregiver Suppawt SeiNkeo wV allowed v6dumt coloract amencb-nent, Providers unrest adhere to Alliances
Modifiul Spen,ding Pohc,5,, a]lowed, under this Contract, ineorporalQd Ivy rervrence�
1&6 IS lardy der Mull, inatch, at least ten percent(101%)of the Weml suvke Iiinds received, The Provider's match svill be
mmkin he Rmn of cash, Wor As kind tre-sourcos,except nu smKos 1wavided purstiant to Arnerkan Resaw Pbri Lair
Preventive Services under fifle HIND of to UK- Aineriorins Act Ile I'Mer shall rqoH nimch hmds by We eadi
monT on Me Receilms mW I% Cost Report idouitified in A]"FACI IMENT �X, Exhibits 1,2, 1 and 5, At Me end of dre
contratt perkxt,the Provider 111LIS1 1!iropei 0 mmoh Amorkaii Rumm Plan Rinds War mylim a mmcb,
The Provider assures Compliance with Sectial RM of Me Ower AnuOmm Adoisankended i4i 2006,thal fund,riec6ved
umler ARP W not be used to pq, any Pali or a cost (indhirg an WnWoNe anQ Numd by Te PwOdu to
ittaintain it contractlial or commerchhWonship Mat is not canied 4a)ut u) irnpletnent ARFI services,
19,1 Prograni Gukhatee and Teclinica I As'sislance
'Hw AAWwe will provide to the Providler guidmee and WcAWd assitance as needed to ensum dw miceemb! IMArrienit
of the omamet by To Pro idor. The Provido's likkist att"411d add Tequirvd ti-ahing,sessioin andrriectitags. The siqlporl, or
Jack them(4, shawl not reh"e M&Provider froin ful I peribi-niarice 4:,lfcontract
The Method of"Payrrient fk)r dais corina is a eambOtAn of fixed &VAnif raw w (xist reirikursenwnt, and ad"wre papmews,
ndQect to the avaAlab[liq oF Rinds aixt I'mWer perkurnsawc Ile Al Wme wHnmy than Provider upon smAhaDry cam halal
of th eTasks e I i vetrali Its,as specified in Sodion 0 W W avrordance Mth Wher teen arKI condhions of the c(urtnia.
3.1.1 T`ixed Fee/'Utdt Rater
Payment for Iked NO% Rams,AraH not enced aniolints eshiblished, in Al"FA(I-IMENT VH, per unit ofservicie.,
3,12 Com ReirriNwwriient
Ilayrt'lent inay be audiorind only ki'l. idlowalitc experldhum% Whkh am I anccordkrnce kvith ffic services, specified in,
A TAOINIEW VH. A.11 Cost Rehriburseirent RequesN Rn Payment must incluck Me Receipt knid, ExIieridWe
ltoj!!mort (A"I'JACI IMENTX),bqiririing %Oth the tl[rm itionth of the contract
3.13 Ad va rice Pay ort on rs
110 ProviJer limy ruquest up lo (%V(,) (2) nionihs of Wances at the start of Me contract period to cover pmgmrri
adrri inktrativeand serviQc ,;aasts, Tire Ipayrneril of an advance will be coiningent ijoili th,e sufficiericy and alnoUrn 11 f
Inds rekased in the lop adlilent by the Slate of lorida("budget release").11m Puy0dir requems for advaiiec payment
require the written appovat of t�he Arfliance and the Depailment's Contract Manager. I'or the first trio nth'
Page 28 of 72
advance requem.the Pt'cwicler shall prmide be Aldmice Contract Manager docunienlatiori jL1Slj fying the
need hr an adva.rwe and clesixibWg hmv Se funds will be thstributed I Fine PmOder is requesHng nva(2) rnoro,lw
of advances,documentation must be Ixovided rolleeling the liceds ol"the Piroviiie'r Avithirt the initial vvvo(2)
momits and shmAd be SUpported thmugh a c&Knaw analyis aroter inlbrnlafiomi appropriate to dernonstrate flic
Contractor's financial need for file secorld nwmh of advances, If sufficierilt budget is axailabl% and the Alhance's
Contract Manager, I him, or her sWe dketSmi, lias determined that there is 'a jusliflied need for ark advance, the
[�)eparllllen(11tay issue apymvd whance payment up to 30 days aher, but Plot priori-lo, amendirient eXCCUtilml (hate.,
the Alliamm and Me Dqmnirrart inay Nue approved a&mwe pqnwMs aher July Ist of the connect year, All advance
pap-novis will be reconciled and rccouped Ran dw IDA through the hvdAh nwm1h, Recand IhAon and 1"eCoUlling 09'
advances made under this connect are to be cmuMacd in accordance with AT-I'ACOMENT 011,
�3,2 Melbod(,Pf Invoice Paymicni
Payment fluill be upn the Provider's presentation ofati Wmake subsequent to the by the Alliance
of Me de4vi-ables shown on Me imake and pM,nleni has I)een received, 11roni the I)cpartri-roit, The f6ml and,substance ofeach
I vo ke s uh-n Wed by the Pw v Wu sliall be as RA kvs:
Rcqucsi paymao on a rnamhdy basis for the units orserKes emalAM in this cmtr=prxwWed I cordlwmmwe with
the m(luironclits as describcd in Ilte D()EA 11rcIrmns and Services R"INIC11104, and at the rates established in
ATTAO[NIFNT VIL servke delivery nwst helude a rpDd CWSWAT Of Me RAAWAW 1 WnTa Of
cAms serve& namber ol'suvice units pmvided by saNice, and isle per sovice unit wit calculal ions that equal the total
inv,oicv wriount. Any chaRge to the CoU comma ammml:requires a. ibrinal
322 "Rv I'm0der A= umsol Wale aH s0noirtraelmd Reqwms AT Paymem and Expenditure Reports that support Requests
Q payment anxt shall suNnh to % Allhirtee using Inns Request Q Poymod (01"I'ACHMENT IX), Receipt and
Expendittorc Reports (A'I1'ACHMEN'I' X) fior services,
313 AH Rquests for Pywem MmU be Nised cmrr to stiNnAdon of mowMy Expenditure Re sorts beginning with the. not
nionth of the contract. The schedule w. mornksion or advance rcquests and invokes is frivoice Schedt,rlc,
12A In onler U) properly nlanage Me program budget, the PTUV WJLX norm MAW R hlVCdCCS for pElvient no bier than 90 days
aher the end,of the mowdi in mlich time experise was incumvid,except that invoices canncit be,stibirritted k1flor Close Out
Report &ate, Invoices suhWtmd ]Me 011 requalm:die approval of dic AHWmej Cmdwcr Mariager Late invoices will
nm be paid tudess jugilknihn is suhm Awd and apRoved 1')y the (.''o,ntrac:t Ivisnager,
325 "Elm Provider sh;dI majim"lin chwurnentklfl'on to MqVoo payment mquegs which AMR be MITIN W Te Uhnu, Me
Depai,tinent,,and the Del'iatoilent c&["'i.nancial Sej'ViCosj'OrjjrheLr mudsmized stele and fikder-'al personnel ujilon reclues'l.
326 All payments moor lentis ol"this contmetare contingetil twon an annual appropdation by the Legislature, and subject
to die availabil it; of lbruds,
13 Nymerd VOMIN001Mg
Any payment due by the Alliance under tire terir!is of CwAwd nmy be wilMeM pending ifte receipt and al!)j!)ro,val by the
AM= of all hnanckl and prcp�raririnafic rel)otls due frorn the 11rovido- and any acijustinents thereto, iriellg(ling any
dis."I'llowance lu'jt rescflved as Outlined ire tl"iis contract.
3.4 Final Invoice Insirmcdorts
IN Pwvillu Mull M.Mmit the fiml Rellem IT Ngment to the Athance no laler thmi 30 days after the ccamea period cruds aiki
as n:,ferenced sin ATTACU III:NT VIH. iribe coidract is w9mmil prior to the end date ofthe contract,than the Provider must
almil the Hml mifimst for payment to the Alliance no mime 1% 30 days abT MC CDmUaC[ is tCrmfim;E1:tCtI If the, PIA)VidCr flails
to do so,all right for payman is RwIdedjind It AlHaxico Or not honor any requests subinittedaller the aI,rosaid brae.pNiod.
3�.5 Providers" Monthly CIRTS Rtqwrls,
Page 29 of 72
I Inc.PMVWeT 1111,154 runitininthlyORTS roporls and va!N chent and suvkedata in flte 'Ili TS is,'accurate. ]'his report lffi]St
Ise suhnained in the A 1hitilge with lfw nw)nthly rqiwst fiii-pwPaU and expendilure repolland niusl lie reviewed Illy than
A I I iarice before die Piwidul's mques! SpEwnient ond cxIicndi1wry reporiscon Nupproved by the All4unct.
3.16 CIRTS Data Entries
lie Now must enter all mclAmd dam Ar ollents arld.wirvievs in tfic (7113"J'S,dalabase per the[X)EA Progranis,arid
Semices 11andwook and die CIRTS Lher Mainial - AgAg Novider•Network users (locatvi] in Docuinvitts on die CIRTS
Pmvideis must enter di is dam So die CHIT pi-6r-to sul-,in-lining thOr reqw0s 16r,
amwv ewqx1hime wkh chic dwes Or the mquem RA,payment mid expendhure ruporls IM nwsOc Kul Wed M die A]hance,
4.1.,1 Matching, Level of Effort,and Earitiarkittg Requiren1ents
The Pwvida diall alaitch M Imm tin rmxwt(1016) of the cost Or sen ices Shied Ihmugh this unitnict, cxwrj f4)r
Se ry i Ce S pro v kled p ursit kult uu A incur-jean Re suie P hn Rw Pwaa i ve hS ery ites under' 11 de I H-D of the()kler A ni ai cums
Act.The rnatch will be nmde hi the Ibmi of cmh and%hwkAd mompus. Ile Pwvider sKH rqxid maWh Wds by
title each nionth, At Te crulnWile contract period, ffi�e Cororactor ri,iLiq,l properly imattdi Anwviean lzescilc Plan funds
thalneqwv as Match
-1 1�2 Consunier Corari,buit�kins
Cori Sual er cowl"Ankfioris are to be used Linder the fbllmvirig lorrns:
I). The Provider assures counplianee,wiffi Socticni 315 or the OAAAm amencled in 2020,regarrlrnj,p,consunier
21 Volunmy envibutions anima not 1.0,IV aged for cost sAmaring or unatching;
3 1 VoWwwT emAdAtimis am to he umul,wanly to e"and serviceq and
4) AcumlAwed VOILAIM[Y Mw%6011s aire, io be used prior to requesling fedual trein-lbunernelA,
(Seriteinber 202 1 -September'2024) KR 1121
4,1.3,, Use of Service DoWs and N%Agunog of dw Awssed Wrly Conmlnwr I A
'I h e Pro,,v j&r is e x1ve led Ica speri LI a I I federa I, ,,tA t e, in i d w I wr finds 1,irov i(kdl by t lic Depail n i lie purpose
spec iRed in this conlraci. For each prograni ivianaggd by OR PmAde, die Provider must, ul'-wil'age lliv sc,rvice(hilhar"; ill
swh a mane"s to avoid lmvhg an wS 61 W a vurpS of hAnds at the end of Me contracl peNK If Te Adhatux
detertnine iha$ the Novider 5;not spending scrviix, Ifie Alliance imay travls-]i�r fillids,to oflaer
PmvWos dwWg Ow emmia pald andwi,adjkl,'.A SjUbsequeril lAinding aflocuOons is alloivalble under Male and 1� diural
law, .
d.1.4 Anierican, Re�eu.e Plint Funds
The Provider as surLS torliph'Ance N6,01SQcti,on 3010 ol"Ith,Q(")AA, as amended A 2020, and Nvill irnot use fiinds received
under Me Amelkan Resaw Pbn to pay any pah A crowd oncluding an uJAWWWA cog) hwuued by than Pmvi&-r lo
mazinwfn as whiclual or conurici-cial velaflvn,.I;hip Mat is,not Qwl-ried Oul to iniplenn evil'ride 111
Al I the of Saw Re DuMms and n mr-tagenwo a r A mused Py Wity CA surn er list
The f,ro%,Eder is ex ped ed to s1wnd call Funds prov i d ed by l lic AI I jarlee liar the purpose,spec Pried in the owurac L 'Than.
MAW num manage Me servilce dullam W sk,,ich a manner so as to avAd 1mving as waft list and SUrplus of fund sat the
end ()('tfi,Q contract pabd fix enh pi-opuni nlanqqed by the Pro,vider,
4.2 Inchleat Reporting
Ifie Provider shall n(,)6J`y the A 11iiince inimelmely bW no hWr Umn la NywWU NS"aws Wn he ProvklaN awaivnem c-j,r
discovery of,chungvs, rclowd lam as PwvWu awWwked Proviso, lhiit may matchalfly afFea the Provider's ability to perfiorm the
.scrviQe-.,requ ii-vd to tw perhmied widler flits,Qowrao ittid ih awWw0ing Proviso, Such ni(itice shall be nude ondly to dle
Pap 30 of 72
A&Wwe Comm NblvgCT(by teleowne)with an email to hirninediateylbHow, inzbditig ffie Rrovider's plan fbr provision of
the services authorized in 11roviso,
43 In ofOrfininal Allie.gAtions
Any,reliorl that intplic;crimiml Intent am The pad offlie Prxwilder or any SWwommuou and reTerrod tap a or
investigator,y agenc, must be sent lu the AHWnce which W W twn forivard the inAnnadon to the flopaNiwo. If be
AHWxe has umwn W beHeve that die allegations xvilt be retbued to die Ime Aumm, a law enkmetrient agency,die United
States Aftorney, 's office,or other goverrinienW agency,, the Alliance shaill nutify the Inspector General at the 1.),epartinew
inunediately. A uq)y of all d0CL11T[t11[S, R-lep,11,11S,noWs or oher writtmi mawhl comenfing ther jtiVeStigkkflfjn, w1tother in we
jx)ssessiori of the 11rovider or SubcunImckwK nium be seimo We AHAnce which %vdl in turn send be material to the
�DepaaniniVs Inspectar General with as surnmary(if theinvestigafion and aflc atkans.
4A Volunteers
ne Provin dum mumv we use or uabrod vu6nwrs in pvvifng died saNkes defivered to older individuals,arid
individuals,with disaWides needing W sow ices. ]fpovible, we Provider steal I wmrrmrk iin coordinafion %vith ot"g�alnzaflons thol,
have,e,q)eri,enee in pra)vidirig training, placertiew, -avid Mijivnds Ar volunwers or pzirticipaws (such as organIzations carrying
out fdena 6l &Cr['%,jCC pjr()grairis adntinistered by&Corpmkin Or'National and Coranlunilv selwice), in conlllnurlity, Service
'Me ProvWer duH subin it an annual undiMikaud report of vokuUmImum on the %wat prxwided by the A.1 liagice. The data
e0l lc,o ion Period is fron'l jul'y I w,June 30, 1161.each cal.endar yevir, Re data suhnilskmi dale is 5 bulness days 111ow hig the
cR*e of be conwmt pet iod,
Page 31 of 72
A71-17ACI1ME'NT 11
A'11 At�I I N1 EN'11' I I
Ile adndbstradoii ofreqources akvarded by do AHIme a tire prci,vider rrray be�U[�Jcld to aucfits arid/or irumitoring by Hic
Alliiam.u,aj K.Km-11v[Xjxij1nwvA as (]Qwriboxt in this seoinn.
I i i addition to rev i e'�,s 4:5 f aud its c ond uced i n accordance %v i4h, 2 C F R P a N 20D ( WMCHI'y 0MB (:jrcu1arA-133,. a.s
r0vised), and -, 2 15,91 KS, (see 'W IDYI-S" bch)u), moni1ofing pwcaums ritay include, but trot be I imited to, on-site
v0s by the Atha= andAr the Doparmimu Stun" hruited scope audits asdef"Jinedby ()MB Orcuilar,A-133, as, roJsed, and/or'
odrer proeQdurcs 13'y entering into this agreement Me Pravider agmes W cm-nip" and coqaaw WK mW mmWig
pmcAwwqxmvmcs bm-ned anmvpHate by 1he Wnce In My enni the AH Once andjor tire 1)cpartnient daet"inines that a
JJJC Ptj!)VidCj'-�Jgr)ee'
is approprime, t(5 Coiriply %%Jih any additional insiriiakins, provided by,
he A I H a n Qv an d io r the Dcpzulirienm to the 11'rcw i id er regarding sucli Win Ile ISNider Wher agrees lo coraply and
cooporan with any inspections, revWw% isixestifrOW m- Ws &awW by the Alhance and1or the
ThispArt i'sapplicahk ora non-pWoMmizationasdel bicid
as revAed,
jrm the eVein tJJat tho Ilro%,idercxponds S750§00AD cw nure W Wal awwAs dridug is nscW year, fliv, Provider ii-no have 'a single
a, pn�)grarn-specihc audit cWwwd in accorkImme mith die provisims cW2 CFR Part 200, EXHIBIT2 to this agreorient irtdic es
foderkrl reed iarces aNviinded through IS AlHmice by tins agivenwril- In cidenrining 1he federal a%%ards expandal in its 6scal yeav die
Provklcr,diaH comlier aH smu-vQs a%%",irds, including Iederal resources reccived I= Q A111m;cAlm daermirunkm of
amvunts of fidmal awwrcis expmWed should be ini accorclkurce %Qh Me guidebres esrabtidwd by 2 CFR Part 20(). Air audit of the
ProNaa cmlwkd by the Audium(knemi in nQccodanoc Wit the provi,wiairs ot"2 (7FR [:Iail 200, %0111 ineet the rcquireme'rits 4�4111is
In connectimi mith the Wit requiemeats adchtmed in Pan In paispiphi 1, ttw Provkler shaill fulfill the rectuiiQrrients rLdathc to
,'Nijdil:QQ resplinsibifitiQs as providcd in 2 (7'R Pan 200,508,
If he ProOder expemis less thmn $750RUCK00 in hdowl awaMs in is Hscal year, an mcid ondmted in accoilaiwe w1h We
1!nrovisions af 2 CFR Pan 2K h not required. in the cv=1 that the Provider expends Jess than 5750,000.00 in Jedcral a%v;irds in W
Ns cal yvar and dects,to have mi audimc-inducted iirn accordance widi the provisions of 2 CFR Pan 2N, be oostof die aWA nurst be
paJd Ran rescimus On, It cost of W audit rn, be paixizihmi Prakdc"twwws obtaked I'Vin Wr Own, Wil
An au& Nvith Hiis Pan MIWI cover the eitifire orgx4nization Rw We opalzadcofs Hsral year CompHance
Wirigs re1awd tan agm rune nis vvhh Me Uiance shall be based an die anglawement's requkeiments, hcb&ng any ruk, reydations,
or stannes mthrenced W be agremnent, The WWI suternenu shall di ch,se whether mnwt die rnatcHng ruNkment wanmet
fbr each applicable agmaman, AH quemkmed costs and IiAbiJitics due to the AHWrce arkIAr Te DepaniciA AmH be 111y
diSdDsed in the Midit report with refereiice to Ow AHhnce agreernent hivolved. If nat c9h,ermise disclosed as required 1)), 2 0"k
Pan 2005 1 OAhe sdeduk of ex"Whums of f d,eiraI a)vzircls W WaMN- expenditures by agreetrient rnurnkrer fac-each,a9l"cenlent
with the A Uhme W eff' ct during be audit period, FiilianciaI wparthg padages ruptimd tardmohis fmn aw be m1m Wd WWI
am eWkr MID playa aHer rec6pt of taw Wit report or 9 nwnMs aHer be mid of Me WOW fiscal yar crud.
Pap 32 of 72
PA 14,T 11: 1,51'ek T E F Ll N DIE D
Sh pram 1 applicaMe ifthe Mvividw is a non-state entity,as defined by s. 215.97(2), 1`",S,
Ln Mv vvent that he 1ho0der expends a Umml aniount of stale financial assistanav equal to or in eNcess of S750,000,00 in an), fiqCal
year of Such Provider (Car fiscal years ending Sege die 30.2WW or Tereafterl the, WWI: mum Sve as Saute Wgic or pr6ev-
specific audh No swh fiscal year in accordance with 021551 ESq apWicablie ruts of Me DePaItriort of SwIncial: SavVeK and
(7,hiapters U0,550, (h�)cal goveirnmenttIl entities) or 10-650 (nanprofit and Jbr-profif organizations), IRule.s ofthe Auditor (knicral,
EXHIBIT 2 lo this agmemsm Adicaws statc finaii6alassisluce awarvied OulmIgh the AlIhme by 11tis ap-cemoo. In doel,1111jung
lite Mate financial assiMance expended 0 its fisca]ymq Te Provider shall considur all sourees ofsaw firmn6rd assimme, including,
male finandal assismme Inceived kon't the Alliatwe, o1her st,-,itc agencies. and odier now9me muMes, Awe Rua nelid amblumv
does not include 101cral dhvel or pess;*vugh awardis and nuoumes,receKed by a non-mate Cruity fiv Fede'ral progra I'll 511'atching
requi ry moits,
In connectio'n vVith the ajuidit requirernents additmed in Pad It pwagraph 1, to Pr(ivider shall ensure that the audh cornoies vvillf
be rapaimm,ems of v I 51AKh KUMN includes m1misfion of a Himnell repwAg package as dellmd lys, 2 097(2L FS,
and(Tapler IR550 0ocW governnivnInd entities)or IOA50(nonprani anti An-profit organkotjo,as), Rules ofthe Auditor Gai,end.
If the I)v%jder expends less Own S75100IT00 in OWWmUzil crawsisriance in its, fiscal year(17or fiscal years ending IS,eptend:To- 34),
20,04 or thereafi.Qr), an audk QmWudvd in accoMance with dw pwvrsii.!)ns of s. 215-97, is aural rvquired, In the cvent that the
Provider eNpends less than S750,00010 in state assistarice in ns fiscal year and elects to have an, aludit conducted In,
amoMame with die Provown on 2 1 va K v we cost of the aWh nest be paid front tht non-srate atty's resomees 0 v, the
cosl of smoh an audh amm be has bwn dw Provider resources ol,)mKncd kum Am than SWW emlv)
An Wh ixrjnductcd in accordance with Mis pad AH covu the emire organization, for the organizadon's fiscal year. Comp[Wricc
findkip rdMed to agrcolients with We AllivInce MmU be based on W agreemein's nquArrsonts, AwWdQg mW apiflkabk rules,
4�)r m'alu,tes, The financiaLsialenients Audi dsc%o wheMor or not die malciring requhmmaq"was inet Air eadi applWable
agreement.Al I questioried costs,and I I&Wks dw to the A Wice NuH be RAY Xclosed in,tile audit report with i-cfereinee to the
A H We agreement invoWed I f nm obenvise diblosed as required by Rule 6,91��5.0,03, FXC,the schedule of expenditures or state
financial asshlance duH iderrdl cypoNdurm by agiveirient number Rv each apvanent vvidi the Ad Limwe in eflAt during Me audit
Palo& Stamial ivyw6rig packages required under I& pan nint be WnWed whK 45 day-, of delkvei) iif the mWk mpmt,
bunno lawithan 12 nwWwahm-the WNW% fiscal yearcrid lo,r-Io�,fl govournemW evWK NworaW or is:rprofit orgailzakiris
art, rectiaired to I!,)e Smuitted iddli 45 days a0er ddikey ofMe oWh repon, bw no Mkr Man 9 ivionth,.', after the PRwider's, fiscal
par en& TAWWAing dw applicaliflit), of this Port ion, the Alliarwo ndahs aH rjht and oWiptian to nwuhor and oversee die
rivrInnsawe of dirk agreement as oudked through(lUt thiS(JOCUBIC11tallid INEI'SU',1111 to IaNV,
11. 11ART III. Rl!T()jU' SUBNJISS10N
Chpics of mpulng pacUges Witudils cotWed in accuTdance SAM 2 CFR PaIl NA), and recli,iirod lay PAKI' l oftli-is apvemem
shall be suNmWeQ whot raptimcl by 2 CFR 01201511 by or an InImIf of the Provider directly to each ofthe fioltowing:
The.Allharice am cacl'i ofthe fiollowing addresws;
Alfianct for Aging, bic.
Atsit: Fiscal Deparintent
760 NW 107" Aven tic
Suke 214,
Miand, FL 3317'2
Page 33 of 72
Fur HscW yen Via; HAnd bwi% pwwmi"o2 CFR §X10.512, the reponing p;ickageanclthe data collecdori fbi-ni must be subinined
electronically to the Fedowl Auld ClearingNmis,
Pumums no 2 (�TR §N0J rZ wall other I`ederal al"N'ricies, pass-twough 09hies and whers interested in as reporting packagc and data
collevion Ann must obtain it by,accessing the Federal, Audit
Ile WOW WH miNsh a copy of miy nimagoneni letIvr ismted by the auchtor,to the Elprilda Npadizient ofEWer Affairs at the
011mving address:
Alliante thr Aging, Inc.
AW Fiscal Department
761) NW 107111 Avenue
Sahe 214
Mud, FL 33172
Addition ally„ copies of finandM repaiing packages requi-ed by dais contrzict's, Financial (7onipliance Audit Alrachnivvit, P'-,lr[ If
shall bc stibilflned b� or on helialf'ot'dw Provider directly qq, each offhe fillk)wing:
Jhe Horidn F"Ide'r aNffiairs at mime -fol 10"'ing addiv'ss!
Alliancr hn QW& Inc.
AHn: Fiscal Department
"%D NVV HVO Avenue
Suke 2 14
11disini, Fl, 33172
IN Aulkw wwwrs CHhce anhe INWOg uAdwss:
Shic 0 VAdda A uW1or Geneval
C ha I idle Vepjwr 130141ing, Roorri
574 111 West Nindisan Stmct
1101ahassee, FlnrhJa "523461450,
Any rctiorts, maniigemmv Wer, w other hkmnw ion rvquircd to Ile sulanidecho dw Depnmmm purmtaw to Wis contsad W be
submitted limoly in accordmice with 2 (1l-R,Ran�2010., Florida Sutme,and Chapters IM550 OuN govummenul Wks)w IOA50
(nonpToRt and (or-profit orgainJzatimul RtAn of be Auditor Genund.as upp,JWW
Pr4widers, when submittAg finmwW rwal-fing p"'ickages to file 1)epartnient (ot°audits done in ucordauc with 2 CFR I'mi AM or
Omplem IM550 (Weal governmenUl emitim) or I4tA50 (mimpro6i. aid R1Npr1,)1n organizalkni,$), Rules of the Auctittir (ientral,
MwWd AWWme MR dam that the repoving paekage (Iefivv,red tl') (he 11rcivider in univspondence Iccornpanying the repm,-Iing
The Providu Shall retain sufficient records devaonstubg is the ternis ofthis contract or a perici,L] of sip; (6)yvars
Rmn dw Mai e time audit repml A Vied, as shad allow dw Depnmenl or its designee,the CFO or Audhor Genowl access to such
focl)rds upon rt!quost Ile Provider AaH moury tat audit workh,p"ers we made available to the Alliance 8111d"'Orthe DcjmrkFM2rA
or its desil,,,,nee, (1r or Audhor Gervervil tqxxt mytest Rg as puNd of six(6)3vars kurn Hw dwe die mWit rTon 6 imml unless
extended in %vriting by the DQpaqjqjejj(,
Page 34 of 72
PARTI: AVD,ITRI',[.A'1'1(.)NSI]�ll,"I�)t','I'ERMINA'1'10,N
PiMirs who recKe mow or Idem!remmmes nmy or may not be subject w t[ie audit requinnitcrits of (71"R,Part §200,500, 'and,/o,E,S,
21191 FS, Pro6den vols mt deormhed to be rocipicnts or subrecipients awardsand/oi state finan'Cial asmktarlcu alay he
Qjet la dw Wit requJivnents jf"Mv aukl,A flirc-sholid requirements set fix'tb in M I MY Pan H of KhTh I k M ProvWas Mi
ba ve lbee n dic terni i ned to Inc ve i Mors are rwt s ub'ject to, tfte requaments ar 2 CFR fart §NM3& Mw s. 215,97, F,S, Regardles� of
vZolba be M requMmmN my meL ProMrs wilo bavc becil docrulilled mow be recipients or Medpiem of Fedorad awads andkv
mat firumdal aWstame man comMy ;AT aWhmbk progmrnmatk a,nd HwM cmuohme requh-enners.
In accordance NAM 2 CFR Pan §MO aWkw Rule 6945M,, FAC', Providcr [ias becii doernrivied lo hc�
Vindmim suklectU01 CFR Part§200.38and/ors,215,97,1:'S'
Qpa to 2 CTR Part §MUA6 wd §N6l!13 wxIAx & 21 TTI FS'
ENMnp mpaiAzation rtal sulyccl to 2 (-TR I'arl, §200 an dfor s, 215,,97, ES, For 1,ederal awarck, for-j!irofit
orgmhathmm arc exempt; Cor st�.,rle financial assisuance pMlo& puNk UverMsks, conumMycollege, distriel schoM
board% branches of staw alor%) govamirew, and draacr schoifls are excnipt, Exempt organizatioris raust C01111)[Y
witli Al, conipliarme rquirements set M wAhn dw contract or awiud dammov,
NOTEKIT a Prxwider is determawd to be as of Cederal 'and (�)r ma,qe I'mancial assistance and I'ms I)een approved
by 1[w Alliance tO SUbCOnlract, flicy irmsi cain[,,fly with s, 215BA71 ES. and RLI]e 691-,500,6, FA statofirtancial asdstancej
M 2 CTR I'm §MM"IdaM awm&f-
aWMAY State ruablenawc 0"HY kmd& or MM mWding l'unds, on I'lederal awaMs and who am dammled tu be a mbreQma
UMM Comply WUR tine lbllowi,ng fis'cal 14,rws, rules andl rqpjlafions�
I CF'R, Part §200-4116-Cost 11rinciples*
2 C F R Part §NM201- A dni hi soaki ve Req u hnnim i NA
CFR [,art �20,0.500�� Aud'it Rquiremenis
Re`ercncQ,Okikk,, for Swic[�-,xpendiu,ires
(Aber (%Qal rQquirenienh set fbah Ki pro gran') lakvs, rules and rqgulation,s
2(10 Pwn §200A00-A I I-Coq Prins iples"
2 Ca FR Pan Requironents
2 CFR Pon §NMINK Audt RaqKmatars Ref�rencC('hlkk Fiver Suite f".xpendaure-s
011rer I'mcal sel forth in prugrain law k Ms and nquMn.s.-
2 4'1'R Pan §2()OA 18- Cost Principles*'
2 CJ"R. Part §21;10.100-Advii,inistrative Requirerrients
2 0`1�, Part §200.5:00-Audit Requi rements Reference Guide ("or Stat�,,Extivil(MuIvs
Other fiscal requirenierrLs set Irth ki prograni I:aws, i°uksiknc[regulatio,ri-q
Page 35 of 72
*Sonw Fo&ral pi-cigrams nwy be exempWd imm conNime Mi die Cost ["ThICiJACS (.11'CLOars aria ncq:Q.,d. in the 2 CFR, Part
**For lundirtig, pzjmicf (1,1'rough U-S, I lealth and I iuman S-ervicm, 45 CFR 91 Or fwuHng pamed though OR MpanmoM
ot"I"Aucatiort, 34 (111180,
STATE FINANCIAL ASSMANCE. 11'i-o N,u chi.:rs who receive State f-linancial assistarice and vvito are tieternifiwd tc) be a
reci 1!.�iem/siubrecipicmat must comply with flit", fiscal laws,mles and regulations:
Secdon 2 15.97, F.S.
Chapter 691-5., Fla- Admin. Codc
Suite Prqjed: Coml-furnace Supplom(Qut RO'crvnce Guide
R)r Stale Exponcfiluro;
(kher fiscal requireinents set ("orth in prograni laws, rules, and rqguhnfions
1he Remainder of-1]his FagQ, I�Qft: 1111cillionally 11hink
Page 35 of 72,
Now Ilk 2 CFR. 20( ,331, as rQvisccf, ands. 215.97, V.S., FCCILdre dial in Nwnwdon abwd QW0 Pwgrains and SWe Pixkjeas
AbuM in AITACI INIF'AfF IL Exhibd I he providal to 1he nbMwin InkmnwAn cmmkwd k as pre die ion, t�&
and r6aled arnoums kmwd on Me ameact budger.
C'O N S I ST (' F' 111 E F()L LO'W'l N G:�
. .......... FUNIANG SOURCE FDA AM01,jwi-
T�Rnerican Rescue Plan f0'r SLIPPOTIiVe SOV&S 11S- Fkakh and I hinsnServices 93M44
underTnie I 11-B (A7 the()Ider Atnericarts Act
wQs ;WF,,� �,; .-,, .�i;, —111,11,I...,..�..","-''''"""""Ill""I'll",.,."."lI........................................
AIT, lgrvpil s U�S, I k�a 1:t lia nd 1,1 u in a n S em kes 93A45 WA6193
kinderTille 111-C] ohl,ie()Jkler,Aineiricans s
...... ...............
Avirerican Roscqw Phi G Harne DWhwiTd Na
M& I kaMi and 1,lunizin Servkws 93145 $1 03AK 56
Lfl.!�i 11-C2:of'ffit,01JQr Anwrivalls A Ct
--Xnw&mi Rescae Plan for heventWe Health under LLS. 112auh mm! Hurnwn savkcs (3A43,
TRW 104�)of dw Older Aincricum An
..................r Bms I Como VM'S. .................. U S I eakh mml Hwnmi Sawices 93D52
under Tide ofilw()1der Anieticans Act
- —", I...........
TO TA L FEDE'RA L A,IVA R D S 142,3,33.49
FEDERAL V-1 J1�'[)�
2CFR Q-1200-Unhbrni Adminishvilve RyWroments, (7ostflifinciplee, mrd;Udd ReWdmir�wnl� forF'ederaf Awards-OMB
(Iretilai-A-133 - AM ofSMWY &K CAvownienm andNon-ProM1 OrganKajons
PR(XIRAN4 1"ITIT, Q�-'_ ................
------ ---------------------
.......................................................................... -----------................
.................. ..........................................................................................
................... ................................ .....................................
VATE RNAN('IAL ASTIANCE SUMECT 10-smK 5.2,7. F,S, .................
PROGRAM Trri.E F1,,1NJ)[b0 S(MJ R(J". ('FDA AN101 INT
... .................................................. —---------------
........................................................-..........................----............... ................
5`1611 J�JN.��N QA L 6 55 1 ETA N E E;
Secdon 215.9Z F.S, Chapto- 6905, 1-.A,C, RoMme 6mWe for Siwc� f�`,xpendftures, 0dier fiscal rCCjLR1VruCA'AS Set findl in,
program laws,rules,and regulatimm
Page 37 of 72
11,w A I I i a w Icc. ,%i I I F Do I a%%o 1-o 1 1:11 i s Co I I 111 a u W as 0 W p R w i do r cm n p ki c s I I i C'F]0 I f]("A I ll wN S A D
SS RAMC. in inciAwmarmv oftlik, c.onlrocl. Hic, 1'ro,,Jder provides the WhMing CCJVtifi1C,,Ati0f1s W)d =Llranccs:
A. Wbartuent and S,
(".,"U'R Pa rf,95 a a d1_45,CF'R,F'p il 7 t5)
I.m—bb v i ft"2 1),C F 9,3,1
LA ojjUqJ1v% 0 tub __iNjs 1"1 Z ml 3 7 a n 0 4
(7virtillcafiM &'Liard ,i L
IL — �tL :Iallra II II .
�F, Associali f C Onamnimpiky,jUir=jUA g
!Pub.t. 111-117)
F Ce I.I ji filic''ri t io,m J4 c Iva—rd i nix S bml am au1A s 8 13
st.au l , C E H, N/C r i AV vo ion I" Im 0��Irl c 11 L —ficafloLk
1, Records 1,
J, C'ellificaflon ReggrdiLtux !aDQ$Z!��l°Pub WVW
Ihc mWasigmaul Mide"YoNcst,"ho best ofks 1"Ickel', drot it r111d its
1. Arem prcsoMly dcbm-rod, susixnxied, propose'd deckired irrohgilAc, or
covo-Q6 iran�'actions 11"6 ') 16jcnal dep"artillic'PI 01" ma aoararga,
2. f W vc no I "kh in a I h me-,Nw pe&xl pvW ng IN s Untract [)co"11! corwictec I k ir In l u c ivi I it n 11(1 o rci�,
rwainsi Omn AwsonmissAt Wfaud m a crinsinal 4'Pn6he 6 comwakri "iM WAIT. mompthT h)olmdn, or
puAmnKg a IWO (11(krah Sian oc Immn uans,,.wdon oir corltr,":Icl underr.i pulbfic n-ansacliurr, OA'I'don of
F4dcud or sialic arrtilnvo, SUItutcs 111, C()�Ilfrrk-sion +ut, emIx.wlerneill., theft, fovycl,y, 1'alslficali'.:-�11 or
destriskm ofmcords. making 15he smunnost (v reudOng skAm pnqwdy:
3, Axc� 111:)l prosenlo, Aficted or oduer"ise cidinhMO cm MHO chalged I, a gummnwra My IRMA Slaw o,r
I o�x!a G) 1 i t I)c o nr m j sim (&any o r I he(OWnses onh o imnwd A paraprophM.2. of I h i s c orb H cm t 6 m Y a I KUO I'
4, Have %vidiin as lhi pc,-riod prcc,,eding fliis aN51icWWWpmRmu1 Wd mic or nuirc Imildic iransachon's
WedcraL Smis or QW) Wmd mwd Rw cam oNkhuh.
i cmnMe undasigned sha reqtAre thal snguaVo us"onnn F�c hich"IcIcd in dic dqmoumwots stribcc)ntracts zil
A Am Onck,vdirig Morlmom mWorsAuNgrsms and convaus Wor gmnK ken mW coTcraW agconenisf
an-d 011alt C111 sul) rec'Quoss aud emnamom sAH provide dris cohilka6m amonlingO.
Page 38 of 72
I OA N S, A,N D, COO U'F]14,N11 N"F, AC H.IF',EANI U',NTN.
H le I.I I l"I'rs i go U""d I?in V kk r cot n on to t I i C bc S I (,f,its Li ro,,�le d.r�c w i rid be iof1 I ha l:
No Fedowl appivrwrimed WKIS Irave burn paid or "i H be pakL by or on behod r or to wMvWpwdAD wri,joi-swi Or
h1l wnciOng or auonpirtg to Mietwe an onrimir or onphy ce o wongress. or wail e11rp1o�',!C ol"a Nlcwvd-vr ol'Co11,tjCSS
in c'x-1'nncc't k:in krJlh dw a"MARW of all kderaI Co'ni nict. the nukkW orm, I Wend QML 101C H wkilig o0n) KIM
foom Oic, inio, it, int) a�:reenw'-nt , and the ~is-lisi(wi rcne%% ;"fl. ani��YILIIncnl ill-
111-.-uIdflic;rlion of "my FeWil commm grals tan or cooporative arum enrent
If at, hinds (Ahcr Omn MW Wpwp6MM lAds We Ivan paki or Mil [w pid to mt jvrnon Am WarlwhT or
monpQ to Muawo an onker cw Apkice or an) agency. a offiCcl' Or CH'IfIk"yce of
Ck"Ingivss, or w'mrpkqee of a N/lernber ofUngmss Or cominslon "Ali a Fodera1 cormrao_ gl .'tiril. longi. cw C
rg1,,rcciricm_ the uiKkTdgncd shall Wo canplare and Will: Swn&nl F'of"m I , "DiSCk)SLUr,°U Fcarri to RcIlort
My hW! hi nowdulwo "M its hwnwilms ,
I ho undwasWiwd shnfl rvtjitirc fliall langtKqg kW tMs ceWcation be inchAdal in Owe For all sukowncls al
'dl lwcrs rinch'idirl""."'ulw'onlracts ill-9-ginims rund contmos widergvanslows md wxWeNKNe agivemens)and Quit alf
sly moolms and controx"As sh,'ill ccrrtly "Ind disclose
111 i s e Q'F1 i I"ica0k.11i is "I maicl.k.-O rolircsommkin of to up)n whkh imlince was phiced m On I& Unitma "as nmdc
or w,,giroroll into. Wwnission of Wis curdhatfial) Ys a for Inaking or enicaJI-Ig diis irtiflosed,
by 3 1 1 352. Any persixii W) IhOs to MY dw reqtBod cenificalkwn skflH [lie su.:'�jcct to '.A ciowil itol
1c, Hmn S HVXW and mq niow don S HMAWO Ar uwh such Mum
PAM'SO). -As nwWwar"ures do it NORI comply 1011) "Mi the MINAWrinlinwition
011hl e(JiAld prot isjolls 1611cl"Orlp, ["r%%S�
I Sow` ion 188 4 We Worfk['6rce rlwestnaeni AO cW PA', (=y UNW. l05-._"`!1t1r WhiCh 111011tbilS dk,Cr�41uu,1010a
aganisl MR, individuals ill the I I v(4 il''] Sons 01 we wis or rwe, 00% religion. sex runkmal odow ago MAQ-
1WRal offiliMM or Mcf, and agwOM befulkinks on Q [')asis ofcitlim cifi/orrslup sulllls as a ImN ftt"llm
zidlrrilirkwd irrirriip;ralil allihoril.el"'I w -ko',:Irk ill Illy 1,�rritcd Sim or pmik4wahon in cup VVIA file 1-Municiully smsimcd
2, 1 ifle V1 offfic,,Ch 0 RiqNs Am or 1064 1 Pub 1. X8-3521f. as Biric-ft1dCL]. 1111d L111 by orpursititint
10 lJ_l%,! RCPLlkAlkV1(&Uw Dqmamou orl beallh;uK[ I human Semlug 445(1°R llart 1'sOt,to tbeevid il,mi, illwlccolcfiulce
ME& V1 ofdral AV and die lu:', persoll ill dre I 1nhod SiziiGcs sl'r,rll. ori tu grorurd ofnacv, k:xdor, or,-
nutiowd urra l rilA be froill ImuMc4mdon in. be dKed the beitetus dot. or Nam® ofltunvisc 0')
cliscriniWitiort wider at,, program or acikky Rw "hich die Applic.,,tral reccive� ; FedeVllrl 11191affi,'t"ll Clon)
�3� See 1:i A:,t l' 501 (1 f d w R d M N H M 6A i A 0 o r i w 3 aN s. 1,... 9 3 d 12) as n in arld it I I requ i r-en be I I 111 11'rSQ'k] b or
fn t rs 1.1'l u I t to (Ire Reg t I la t i I (:,l"the De fla rt,ii!�w i 11. of I 1�ea i t It anc,I I h mu n S n%&w;0 5 C T R Ps n 8 41 m t W cnd 0 w 4 h i
ancordante as i d i See tion 504 o f d wi t Am L ,algal the Reg A ON& w uawi"he q ua H E ed h mid uq I wd!nd hhhu 11 n 11,rk!
Wed `~rota es scd'el) b reasan of his WWWR be cwhidrd Acan rawdQunkm hy be &nWd Ow bowfits or',,
cw be suNcoed to cliscrint nal W uwK aiq pnWmn"w ad W) Aw M k h Ow ApM Kant weives lickial 5 rvowial
tissistanc,c from the Depar,irricar.
10 the Ifegir 1whorr or I leallh and,FI illi]art SQI-O+ cs(45 IZ Ptro 9 U, to I ho evid flult, i ri acc ir�,Jniwe
"it the Act and the Rcyulwilbon, nopsamm in K I&AW NaWs4irilt, oil fhc'
ok be WiNd him, pn&Qm1% in, tm- be stdoeded w dMiTrOmMi, WKWr all pnTmrin (w w4hy Kr which
Ow reccives 11dicial 01miciil "issisl.�llrcu from Hic I)vIl"artincrill.
ride IN ol"die Lducalion Anwriclincios of 1972 (PIN 1. 92-318L as amwWW and MI mWAwmcras hMowd hy
Page 39 of 72
cwMwnlard h; to Regulm ion or We Depronan of I bakh and FhmmnSwvievs (45 (. FR It" 86), WIN wwltK.
in amnMmwc m4h UK fX and the RegWatllmy no pwmm in Te IlIrIInm1st"'lles Shall oll Me l'osis, of sex. Ilk:
excluded Ihnn rml1kipwin im he (knicd to henefits col to be rrdlrowhe mQrwd to
oltew On pmWern or wdvi ty Aw "hVh to A ppWom mee Nos I Idwd III i,roli I(:.i;-fl assi!stalwe fnm ,an
6, [ho Arnerical,"i %%i in [)is.,lbi i i I AL�,l or 19%) (PuK L 10 1-3361 "h0h proh J)i�,,s discri In lin"it 1l)n in,a II cniploy 1.1-lent
Iwacti('Cs- inctuding .joh aj,-)Jlheolioll prou,d,orc& hiring. Ming advancenims ccunpownikuL Wning, aml other,
hcrl'o4lls. and all
Pnnidos a6w "sums l0wit k "iH canply "Ah 29 CTR Pan 37 and MI oQw- ieguh.:jflons inipkniwmin,,,� lwos
listed I hi°� ko Provkler's oper,Ition k�-& to Wl''A I life I - awswd, pr(m,�m,ralrl ol,
ac,livily an".] Ioall cmumdn PmWer inakeslocaxQ out the "m%IA 11de I - OwncNIQ 2"hwd pRVmmormAvig,
Provider LIJUJONIZIM10 dal ke Depadinem wul Ow I hited mIns We theriglo t,,rseck judicial cinforcarrlwnt 4-fl"the
the undms§wd shall mxph-c thm hiugtiop,, oflihis assumxv be hwhdod bw the th)WHYMS 10 1111 Sk%whraOs al.
It 601 (imAdV9 mdxmMaUv vevWx sub-glo"Is suxi conaws Wx graw knwtu:d Uq-1jVQIVI0."rII^)
and that aHsul!:b reeillicnis and sh"'Ill this ass�ta'Mllco
Novidu 14"reby ccriTcs Ihm nehher it, wi any poorn or wAiliaw orFhwkkr Ims Nwn amwicted of a PuNic Mt�
(.,,'I inw., w;ckdirwd in x 28T 133. RS Iww Maud on dw cmwkwd vordva- W
ProvidL,!r undcr-stands and agmes Ova h is rquiNd ut hMwm the 1Xjmnnwnt hinnedisteb, npon an) clwIngc of
I Ig this sl.Itk.ks
RE5rRK11ONS ASSVRAN( F(PI lim,, L. 11 VA 17).
As a Londilitrn ;:jf 11w (Amulsel. 14AW asmnvs 1109 it "ill wwnpl-y hilly %vilh te fm derad fwvfing rcsilictions
l'-wmiinhy It) "\C01,%�,"' arlcl ("onscahchacd Acl, 2(jl(), F)iv'Isi+:wi F. ';ccdo-n 5I 1
L, I II 1171), [lw I'll Iinu Ad, 20 1 1, Sc0on's kill nIrld M3 (Pub I, I I 1 --! w). jllo vil.,tcs
I,,.. I I I-1 17 al u re v.,dhllle unkr We condithmis provided Ism- III L. I I I�1 17.
[to undoNjnrJ shaH wquke Ili, U lanWay, ofths assunallu be hudmAcd ill wick llrrlents k")r ,,dl miil-ICorlmr,'rels '.I[ all
lik,!rs (illk"'Illdat'g snhcoluracls, sul pr"trits an"d corlAnkcl� tindcr gronils" 1cw1w, and ccl,'qx.,raliv'e Ilgi:CC1,11cuts)au'd
sh,,dH pic'n'idc rhis ussi'll-01h,"k,
If Wis Controct is in the annount of $1 WW or inow. in acowdmw %vith dw wqilronoas w& s. 28T 131 IS.,
Pircvidcr hvrch',,o lKat k is nol parlicif.)�a.iug, in as [xim of IsmeL is nol liswd on 6dwr dw Scm0d"Ll
Cbrnpmks "hh Axtivities ho Sud,.,,in 1-ism or Hi c Scmdnizcd Cornq,ln4,-,,s wiflh ,1Vt4iliC's ill 011,- klin Pol.101CIIII-I
Scoor Lig. and Ilml: it cbes not him, bmAw" cxpcmKmN in Cuba (w Syria, Both hill aw ewated pHumm to S,
21 YA 71 KS,
Prwn ida wdeloWs dut punuant lot 28TI31 KS , th,esubInkshn ofa Ust; cablkshmi may adWoul [hindduto
chll powlhiev ana5tn,14 K& amho aws.
I f is unablQ to coo§ any orihe slakw iwnls. in INY c.c.ilication. Provider Ault numh dn c"WOn io His
L Ito Pnn der uncl ,.iny ;ulti"orArwcIxws cW sen ims under His cotamel have Awnchl mmwgcnwni s)morns
emmmu or pnwid ing cumOn hAxnakol, hwWdQ: ( II acuwate, eurreni. �and com[ItCN' di SCIOSLU'L' 0["t110
Page 40 of 72
finavicial rcsuhs of each (II'lrc�ject 01' plograln, iii, v6th the pivsCribod repl�irlirlg
mquUmnew (2) aw source and arplicAn, or Aws RW a I 1, 1,0 11 tTNQ I S1 acr i%,i tic"S". a,rid (.3) I Ir 0
conlp"rri so I i; o f, oi.It I ays %' i I I I arric,I Ints t,,-o I caell IJIC imilr)i1h), to IWOCCss in
amomlarwo ulh 15so roquimmoits omAl IresIlll in a rown of punt firild"; tholt I-uvvc riot 11,OCI) accoiojrtx d I`ilr
2, firk'a"t-riation ),S, Clrls used 1),V ebe 01' IUry cn
milich tho Vv°ovjdek" is du�j,wndenl lbr dau'r that is 1.w,) lie i-cl:Kwicd injoisn'dwd, or (,alcuhticd, have bo,,,n assesst.'�,d
and vedhod wD dMamewatQ delwndcni 41wi. Fordw�wsysren)s
id,noTod tobc nawcmnNKnw MAderiOl take inirnalkle wkwi toonsurechia Irrlegrity.
3, 11' this contracr includos the provisibri of hmd%aw. soMary finnwin-, vnicmuN or AMMd Kip
lochnology. the Wwsipwd "Aaams dia"hwe pyclica aN cqmWc ofliroccisin, <,IQjww1cn1 do�,a
All %vrsions of thesk" 1m,,oduw onowd by dw ProMr Onprcsomod by To wKiwQW) and
pirchmcd ly thv = u HHw veMled in accui-vicy and Mph) Maw jAw rw:m hunMr.
4 [r) the e�,,nri of any decrvrse In re��zacd lo [hire wrd, d;Oc rt,'krto:l co"Jos and
Ow impedh dw hanhwe or wo%we pmgmms hvin opvrmWg proysly. Mo MY% aWen on inumd4teb,
to robve hanNow am[ W"mv pnwrarrw 0, Ow mmw Owl MAbwiWNmhW as
waamited OWL at no chwVo to die maw, and QdWa I IIHICUNtM)n 0) Al"HWAng NMAOS OFTC MMOAkie,
MY OFMO enowe
5, IN Proyider ancl ail vubconnawkws andAr verri.k.'rs ofscl%�Ccs i"Indcr 0-us c:i,wnkci %val-raol 11-161- pohck s ".11rud
pRwQnvs kwhi,de a dkmw Mmi to pxwWc ror w0cc dclivery locmithwo W one ofan owrpive; STAng
cmeNowics Wsinp thwin dMa WyHij amnNhwicc Mucs.
AS fl Colildinort ol'emomody "hh No Dcparoriont. Provilor coThes Ow use Mw (MV Departnicni of I JoIndanc]
SCOQ's 4Wf1 sysarv'b to %crif), the Crnplo,Incut chgd:�itily ol"Ol nev. eirljlki�ccs hired k� the, Prcv�,Jcler cluring,
the conuaclt (ol"In to p,crfonn C'niph,)ylilcul dlili�mu 1.11"Irsirwil fi:-p Otis contn"w"t aind that "Irry ilinclude av�
express requinnneig Hum suhnumamw andfor vendn, Iw6mmOg mot or pwvMWg mmOns purminni. a) dris
tilili/c the F",Q ',}Mcni to voil thc cwpkq;vm" cTOM) of A nou anpikjon riked b IN-
subunmrackw andAm vend,w dui-ing Ow onkv spiow tenu,
4,11c, Provider rcquire tlr,.ao Iric lanoinge MMs ccrolivalion ilinicluded ni "di arld
av d 111A all Mmonywhin anvow VOWMI W)"ild ck",riif" oal Irpl k:il ice acowdingly .
r his LcIlk"'icatk-111, vs a nun.crull reprti,,S=W)n of 10 tWon "hick rdAwc "as Mated "hen Th tivinsaction mus
madc or w0cral in[C SLIbIlINSion orNs ccridkatim is a pvmpkin for natking or wair, Into Wis Imnsuoku
iniflosed by ('ircuilwN A-102 and 2 CFR Pan M mW 215(Kniwidy OMB (Whr /YI I M.
1. R E COR 1)S A N 1), DO(A,,,,M F NI'ATI,0 N
"I I w Pro v W r a !"roes 4) n A e a%a H a Mc I,,,) -I hc A I I i a nc e aA 1"] 1 t I I I c I']t S I;t If e1 1,1� �,l I I y 1:1-I RK-ty d ew;i�-p ui,l c(,I h t I I
A I I�i�r w rce a Nicl I)o 1,t I I I o'ri I a 11,% amVmd '.I H Cotu ra 0 ry bad rmor-d s aml &xu i'vi cr i la t i ob 1. ,I Ile I'v%,)v I,,:I w,r s t nwi I I Crisi I 1-4: I I w
col'1C(.,I ion, 41nd niah Onnanco of AI pmgmn i—mbind hAWmakm and dkwunwwab mi ,m ving such s"ran dc sign wd
11 dw Mpi-Immla. Womanav includes Oki expoils and backips Will dota Lind systenis �wcorchng io
I. In addhion lo die r,dTonems of swiOns. IT 1. jo.2 or the Stand,,ard CorAra,cn W 119.0701(3) arxi (4) M. am]
niny o0wrappliczOlc W, Ta W aclK is cw4nnieiwed as b� s- 1 V9.070 114), F.S', �11111ull flrv�Afli,,rncc or
dic is anivne"d i"11 tho civil, acfitxn. Ilrvi,vicicr agacs k) MMY am! NAd hmnlessAhe Alliame and the
Dpamrimitl Rw any costs hwurrod by die ANiarn,We Dcpamm, aml, any awricys' lies vasessed or awairdw]
,,ig,:On6t ileum,AI1iarK,-(-,�ow1w Dqwiritman Rcwrr a Piublic, RowAs Rcquml inachr piinintrit tcm Chajiler I 19 F's- (I)Mer'Mng
Page 41 of 72
0i,is coni rao or scry ices porl'q wnwed t1
I Soction I 19JHO) 1 S- slafws if pllhfic lblrd"ri eXIN.""Ildc'd an ill [XA��Illefll Or HICHIIIQI'Shij)
cowiribulions 161.. ally porson. COTPOI'alknk f4lirndafio1'1, ln.6L "ksscmci"60V). 0,011p, ull rfw
bu6invss' a)nd rmords of mxh an"Inky"vh1ch perlain VP IS wolic agency (11"lorhU
nxicwds, SQcOon of
mxh a p= ruwmd W jwnW1 dic word WD be hispected aml upied by ariy person desii irlg 10 do sc% unclor
I cc.rdf', dlis cfao." --clocs nol. N 171FOAR'112 ('01 MP&AffliOMII
txdou dial cuctmis rwrWr6iig to llic duv"" or by 11-le, �Iod
By owaawn or lfos calwaa Win% inust hwhude ihc.-sa: proN�kk.wl's in n1l il'Ibcoll"111r,"wr" 01,
By emimbn of 11uis cmHmv Provider lnusl� incluc', r4e,,,Q, p"WIns (Ad) in .iil rc'-hoe(l S�uhcorllr'a("l agrk"'on-l(na" (if
13,, siping I'mokV ce0ks Oro mprosolurokwls makwil hi [mus A ihnmCh J Wyn, am ime mW coumt,
W QQ OWN QwL 2"" Floor ro 25
—41 go Julia,6tu rw'e and 'filk of aut1w6dd kepresewativ'e Street Address
N'lon role (7,ounty Boa rd of count)
Social ServicesAn-Hoitte Setwices Kel Wf§ FL 33040
Provider Name 044 Stab, Zip VO4C
Digitally signed y James D.
James D.Molenaar Molenaar
Date:2022.10.07 11:19:57-04'00'
Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency
James D. Molenaar
Asst. County Attorney
Psge 42 of 72
Public rep ortirig burden for Mh col ledion (I infinnim5r; is enduated to average 45 litil,li per resi"Nonise, including tinic kir
roviciving instruction sending existing dam sawrr s.gmherWg and ma0MnWg the dwa neulled and completing and rivviewQ
to vd1tetion afinNinuallon, Send cotmmmrs regmAing die burden estinate or any other aqect of this collection oCinfontiation,
06dAg mygestions IN reduchng this bivAeli to fhe ORke of Ninagei,rient and Budget. Paj!)erwork RedUtt1011 ProjQ0 (0348-
00,11), Washington, DC205011,
PL EA S E IX)N(M R ETL R N Vr(tj 1 1.,(70NI FLETE 1),FORM T() TI W 0 FFW E 0 IF KM AN A.G EM ENT .A ND 131A)G LA',
Note!! Ceitain of throne wssurances Riiii nor be apWicahk to your rimout or p gran, V you Imme pesthey ;Anse colitact tic
awarding agency. F'urther, Qcrti F"odivral avvzlrding agienclives ntayi require applicants to,cerUld to additional asmiraimes. If such is
die case, you wW be nimined.
L I-ills the legal aulhoisy to aplAy Or- Fv,(]Qral and lie OmWxrkmal, inartagedal and Orlmdal cqmWMy (AduxAg
funds sufficiern lo, pay (lie non Fmhvl Omw uA'pjjyjec,r cost)to 0115,111re p1rilper plallrljng� nrarrage2vient, and, conit,)1c0cin of the
j!)rqjecildescribed in this application.
I WiH gNc dw awanfing agency, the (7oiviptnAler General of Me IMAul States, and if appropri ate, the State, through any
a u d mid zed at i Vo, nCcoss to mid to 600 to exurphe all imawds, bookv pqemmr doommmB rdmiml to to Award;
and will establish a proper aiecounting sysloin in accordance with generally aciceptied KC014116 1'�" Stallrdards or agency
3. "U estalflkh, safeguard; tu, pr-c),hi,bk cniploy(,cs (roiri ining led posithns Rw a puipose duct cmistittacs Or junscrits the
aj!ij!icivancc orfiersonal Or organizatiol-rid coriffict ofili or,personal gain,
I MA H hddwe and cmiriphte the woli whhh A aphuNic time We aher miceip of Wproval of the awaulling agel"Icy.
5__"Vill covnpb� with he Margoverriamniial Peruprilm] Ad of 470 02 1 VSA! 4 7=4763) relating tau prescribed standards 1`6l.
merit symems for Mogmais hum ded under one or Ae A vAs or regulations specifkd in Appendix A of(.)VNTs, Smandards
16r a Nli Sy ltein, ol'Flersonnel A(JrnAhMmjWn (5 CER, 901 hUpan F).
61. Will coniply vvkh al.1 Federal st'otutvis relatillig to nondiscrimination, These indud,e bw am not limped W: (a) 1114 vi ordio
Chil Rh K Ad oII964 (111. 8&35t which pmIliffs.discrimirtaik)[1 on the basis of race, color or national origimi; (b)Title
I X of Me Elwathn Ameradlincrits of 1972,as airliendad(20 1 ASY 1681-1683.and 1685-1686),which prohilks diseriminadorb
on the bads of sex; (c) Sedhan 504 of te Rchabilkorion Act i�if 1971 as aniwdmi Q9 (J.S.C. 79114), witich prollibils
discrin'tination,on tire bads of VuhnTs; 0)lie Age Dkel-im hwkn AU of 1975, as arnendedj42 1F,11C. 6 1 D A6 100, which
pvh%hs disain-li an dic baAs of ag,(e)the Drug Abuise 01fice and Tmatment Aict of 1972(PI. 92-255),an aniCILded,
relating to non.discrimitiat hin on lie bail of drug abiwo (J)Me Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Fireventzinn,
diva knent and Rehabilftatkm Act ol' 1970 (RI. 910,16). as amended. rebting to nondkaimAnHon art die bads ofakoh(A
Knit (g),523 and 527 uric Powic IN=Suvke Act of 1912 (42 U,SXn 290 d?3 and 290 cc 3h as mnendull.,
gvlating w confidenfiafily ancl drug nhlse patient recor&(h)Title V 11[ of the(10J Rights Act of 1968 (42: U.*Sii.C.
36011 et seq..), as anicndkd, richatirig, U) W time. park; ranal or flimn,chig of honing; (i) any othier
proSioin in the specHic shunte(s) under x0ch appljc'atjon for Federal, assistance is being nuide.; and lj)
dic requirernems ofany Wier viondiscrinlirl'alion suatiltiets) whidt inay al')ply lx) the application.
I A&H ownQ or has almady cwriphei? with the requiremems of This A and, in or the Lftliforni Rckx:atk:)n, Assistance and
Real Property AQL[juisftum Policies Acl of 1970 (141. 91146) which provide for ffir and eqUivable Ircatnient o,fpersons
displaced or-whose property is aoqdrvd as as result ofFedier"all or federaly asMsted pvgmnis,. r 11CS0 to al I
Anovs, in rml pnTiody aapdmd hi laippet pwpmes rvigarWess,o1"1`edera4mininipWon 4 puiditans,
K MAR cmnpbn as applicable,%,vifli flic 1xiovisions of Me Hatch Act(5 U.S,C. 504-1508 arK17324-7328Y Wch lbuh The polldcal
adhAs of employees whose principal enliAloynient neelk"itics are finided ini mi,hole or in partwili Federal finii(k
et. Will, comply, as. aplplikablv. wNh the rrrovkimu of Me I)avis-Baoxi Act (40 276a to 27ti*jy to Copland Ad (4)
276c and 18 LJ,S,C 874) anct the Conu'act Work I lours and Saky Smnhlrds Ad 00 UST! 3271331 reprdiing
Lahorstandards (6r fQdfl-ally as isle construction subi.igreentents,
10. "i'd1l colliply, if applic"11111c, with flood lionsurance purcliase rqudiernems oaf Seelkin 102(a) of Me, Flood DOW PrMedion
Act ol"J'973 193134)whkh reqiikes rccQrns in a speckil flood hazard areA to paskipatic in the Program anid to,purchase
Mid knixt-mme W We fowl cost of insurame Comitruckm and acquisition is $1 10,0100.00(I'l.ntore,
11. Wi 11 vorriply%vifli crivironniental standarcis wNch ntay be prescribed ptnuant to dw Coflowing:(a)institution
qualk:y collilr4A nieas�resi uncler the. 'National Environmental 11ohicy Act of 19691 (11-L 91-1190) and Executive Order (U))
1 151A, (b) notification of,violafing facimps pimistatm to ED 11738; (c) jAvAlsokm of wedamis pinvaM to EO I IND; (d)
Page 43 of 72
evalawlion of flood Waids in noodlAahis in accoftlance NvElh EX) 11988; N) amwwwe of pqect cornimetwy m4th die
appond We management progwrmn devel:or!med onder the('oast al We Nimagoment Ad of 1 W2 (11 1 I&C. WS I et seqj,
(f) cortAnniq or Federal aakms to Stag (0ear Ak) lnqdenimmathn Nmii; 1111do- Svo:Ron 176(c) of the, Clean ;Ur Act of
1955,as arnencled(42 1 ASIA 7401 el seal(g)protectit'.in of urrderground sourcesof drinkn,ly,water ttrider the Sale, Dr1frkirig
(P.L 930231 and (�h) [,)rot eel i on of enda ngered spcel os.Nj rid er the Bul an gered SpieciesAet
c')f 1973, 913-205),,
12 WM romp with (lie Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968, (16 IJ721 0: seq-) rt,,lalcd to ptx�)tccrin C04111poljel its, tn'
lisgen6al components ofthe national wfld and scertic riven systent.
13. V611 aksl the awWWg agawy in assut-ing camid imice with Stainn W6 of Me 1BADnal I lktarlc Theservabon Axt of 19,66,
as ainemicliod (16 4701, E01 11593 Oden6ficalkin an(] protection of hhuwk pmperfe0q and the ArdureWagical and
I listorie lljvsa:rv""fliolr Act oll 974 (16 1 J.S.C. 469'a-I et seq.),
1 4. Will cortiply with 11'1"',, 93-348 regarding the prolecli011 Or[IL11111111 SIL111JUIS im,olved in rescar-6, develorintenC, and related
activnio; suppravid lby this n%vard of assistance,
15. Will comply wil he LAamoy AnbW Welfare Act of VM6(P.1. 8550k as an-remid, 71.00 2 131 et seq)penaining to
the care, handibig, and treadnent of",%,arni-blooded axibnals held Or rescaith, teactritig, or offitr a(ivitics supported by� (his
as ofirssistarice.
16. Will coriMily with dic lxul-13rtsed Putt Poisokbg Prnentimi A0 02 11 SK 4801 ct wqb w1kh pKIAN We uw of kad-
band pahl h cacsirriction or rebabi 11itafion c)f
I A %A H carme We pubt-imd Q Mpkd financial and comphance audits in accordmato%Qdi die ShVle Audd Act Anwndlmems
or 1996 mKI ONIB Cimular No, A,-133, Audits of Sumes, UK Govenuvent, and ?4on-Pro6t(Irganizations,
18, Will coinj)]y, %,),,hh ad, qTHubk mqukentems oFaH ather Federal laws.execwke order,rqWakms mid pMkks gmvmhg
tha A pmgmm.
S'NANATURfOF AU'7110RIZI:])04(t]f I re (W I 1(1 A I HT F'
ATM ICAN F ORGAWA I KN 1),A,H S 11,N111 T 1171)
ligi,311,,ignell,J3me,l,,,�ol,en r
James D. Mo1enaar",',..,,, 33
Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency
James D. Mollenaar
Asst. County Attorney
Page 44 of 72
Service it its of Maximum
Services to be Provided Rate Service Dollars
Congregate Meals CI $9.00 4,171 $37,540.16
Congregate Meals MLTC CI $9.00 -
Emergency Congregate Meals CI $9.00 45 $40438
Congregate Meals Screening CI $20.00 20 $400.00
Nutrition Counseling C1 $70.56 2 $141.12
Nutrition Education CI $1.02 100 $102.00
Home Delivered Meals C1 $5.00 4 $20.00
Shopping Assistance CV C1 $30.90 1 $30.90
Telephone Reassurance CV CI $27.37 1 $27.37
Home Delivered Meals Frozen C2 $5.00 14,769 $73,843.34
Home Delivered Meals Hot C2 $6.53 4,287 $27,994.99
Emergecny Home Delivered Meals C2 $6.53 173 $1,127.47
............. ...................................................................... ......
Nutrition Counseling C2 $70.56 1 $70.56
Nutrition Education C2 $1.02 100 $102.00
Screening&Assessment C2 $26.46 20 $529.20
TOTAL $142,333.49
Page 45 of 72
RP 2
Ikeport Nunif)er Based On, Ski h m i I to 1%Hia mv
On Thk Date
I (),do1wr Advance* October 25
�?, November Advance October 25
3 Ocwkr EquAme Relmil AMwender 6
4 November Expendim Rqm,t Deemnhr 6
5 Deceimber II xporiditury Rcli4,n't Jimmy 6'
6 Jamay ExpenclHure RepoN February 6
7 Feb,ruary L.xpenditury Report Mamh 6
8 Nhmh ExWmAwrc Report April 6
9 April Exi!)en,dituro Repod Nhy 6
10 00hy Expendhurc Report Jww 6
I 1� Jun,e fNpondiluro Report July 6
17 Wy EMWitme RWoiq August 6
13 August Expenditure Rcporl: Septeniber 6
14 Sej!r ten lam t- L',xpenifiture 'Report Ckwba 6
15 Final ExImiditureand Ckxse Out Repo,irt October 31
Leg"CII& Advance based on pr(�Iected casIt netd..
Nate fl� 1: Rq)ort A I lkwAdvance Basis Agvemerns cam uA be suhniml to Ow Deprtmon p&r Wkwber 2'21
or umil Me agmement with the Alliaitee Iaias been ewolled,
We H 2; Report nimlem 5 Owngh 14 shAwnwan mfl'the ma al Avarice arnount,on
emh ofthe reports, rep yh advances isswd Ow 6M rmmM oFthe mmmmmt,
Tome 031 Suhnishn of expnditurxe,repom:s mpy momy nut gwwratva pu�vmet% request, fffinzd expendilm-c
rqml mflWs Wds dLw back Io the Alliance, the Provider shall submjl payinient 10 elcconmx"Ilty the
Page 45 of 72
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Page 47 of 72
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Prapairma'fxi-_._._.._. P101!a;.__------------A ......,,,.,, rhpprumdla'y::
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,rr.mc rfl K,SnAs Tlrolmi warded FSiMIIaINlu Ylillabla LIM"Ap..C,Immu*ris. 'A wlq L„:11Wis
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Page 48 of 7
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'FNO-046,kik Apomm�d O—uc4p,—I —BAckuW-1 M-11M,lit-lig Mflal IDiffingi Lr %0
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Fedwtil ruiv.1% ODPIM!'
Program lrv�wie I
Ca5h MOM 011b, -'I,11111CZ,RIE
Lzeal Nmcnd m',ui1Tl T Vora--------......................
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BIMI able UMI CuiA Report WidulpUralai d Clionm Served
tA A i rl'p, (0) (Al, (B)
sqroraN ("aftraft ROAM@ U61 Rate Amwit Eiwri�d Y 7 ri YT 0 currud MOM) Y-T-D
Am,,,kuni Drills Thi8 pa4iod, BillablL FIAMAM Uridkkp Dimly Ji-64i Chanif,
Wifla CaM S Humid S'ermd P,riar YTO mms I Fiat VV S............ ........... ....................... .......
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Page 49 of 72
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FIrr,T,jered by Da��: A- Mx* ................
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bola �epm.lo, Y�mlr lu Dem Buoep, Mormo Rec,V MYTD
Federal rulw%
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(Whrwl rlfllahle Urul R-Ar,m E�-,wnvrl Y-F D of I D c'uKirtwil P&mflh Y-T
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Pagle 50 of 72
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Pipepimtd byr.. Dom A Amara'* Fiy _,...___.. ...... O o
I NC M DRECEIPT :A. hopwa yed Budget "U'RI I rAFA B11114tO C 161M EN1lltrwd 0 A nN'Approwd
lea> �a I Bud gm it PHU'u m'rlvella,YT�
Federal FFwxft $a ... ... �a ' MIN ,
Pra9mm wcame
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A IN1010 Ur k CIPA Report, IUntluplkwNd C11pn4v Swrvad
�A.j @) �C. (DC, 1.;,ti I;'P 1 ,k SAY 115;
SepArrisi c aadrad., RIIINaMe &vwM Rate arm aurd r,,aer'ind y 1-0 `f-T-irg OvWL Mubr1r•Nw YA-D
Amarmr UnKs INg Rviod 1760.Iaible Nllarkdara NrnaSaap Chao Jr dW C'aMs
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�r�r;.r�rrhemm# Fti�w;#Nrw�rr,1 a�r��drh�urr.��,,mnr,r��,d r�oarXfirey��^e>�FOa�rfrr�s MiX7�'FFSuTtX4adl'�IMCm�'naM e,Trw�af:�"w�r�e,la�rr�ce,
PlrePafed by ................. -_IIIJWGu A .....__.. A;4wra by __......_ ,..,�,.,�„�,�. ,�,,,rz,.id`�✓yPS, ...,
--------- .......,...... ,......,,, ..._.„.......... .._.._....._ ,„m„
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......... ........... ...._ ,,,�,,,,� tflhi%RRPW _,....... m'^mr lo Dat,m (rTNar IWcrmiI r -VTD
Federal Fun dt - #� �., - NDWO
PrI rem Imr ner ... _.__
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Irv,� � ww
N Yical k-Kwd malo „ ems
ElIIMrslon,upin cam,Ropo#t Undollp*pa d Chants Sorved
Ewa^ca a fpmlr ,l Mllahk UNI NEAB Aritounl E,mfinod m",T-1f Y-M"-f> cY..mmll W11,1.11 Y-T,D
Ar�taw-4 UAW This VPl Mod B'illhblIVm IWINAN O !UIYYEA4p Cherdi Jrdup Ullmer%v
iVyMr�Mm f"aaapG Sanr z# ,5� POW^r°Tlrnunft PeRur'M1DS w`r
m . __ qb
NON:' S ..
$ 5
.. .......
�A�ATL. CoatU-0aOro , S
Holm T.Ou,Remrrb "3' -71
w. �
4 5�i E�uM Iawnu
A— .,
Mk W 905 3E Fewns,Odahar 2l i
Page,52 f 72
RP- 1; .,2
hlc"CIO You plan to
How wall tlier: fw,anrts keep trnp.;,;m a tivitiip;
erdianceorrsuppllerr'r nA Whratnewseirvices Des rurmhap.l w FIowv4i1 you be custains°alalfezwafil
c urrpnt 0 AA servDres, CIO You pl,a11 On te tfirvulog qm will lie adicimssi rig nienta Majjor pnjIsm and ARl.P furichne„is spent
�msrerrtin ,s' kAspd_ health? rxfsN�m�tr ts tfar0 Ire
('title, sra[ticES t umvr
._ ...... .....
lt �t,
rt,C� D
.9muHer�f por>r-Quarter2 rneric�lrr F�es��>r�IPlarnw SIP,
How wind you P1arm to
Hrarva WRI twat f,urds lthese ar6v� ties
CaYR,aomr_a:N mam Srmlapip merit Mal new services ()'escribe how l Willi VOCA I'm sustain al (ter
r',ls roit C)AA sewicom'. dr,:i vulm trlara 00 tedmolcst;y vall the arfifn,„,-.i g rnmpnraI Major ptraIs aild ARP l k°s sa Brit
Titl se pra(:tires impls�r�pnt,orl'� usrtwif, health? ub.e troves tttrwxru Iwo
ett�w:� J
tt 3C2
... ". ........ _ .................. . ________. ....__...
.,W.......,,,,o .....
nu ric to Pe clue P,Ian(AJRP) ,tu , erly ort-i u oir ter
How rho yrja,m pRw-n to
I'lo wr wvINV these funds keep thlos% ictilvlties
aznhanr,p r)r„ pprlem ent what rarwr services il hrrmw htwsw Willi YOU be suA,,Taaal after
t:wrrrumst DAA services, din Vnua pian on tedurology w'wN ibc. aa.`AdIl,mentaI Majarr l and ARP flunrting is spent,
Title rartncr.+s? i an Nomrnsiat��," r0r9 m Falrh'..........__ rr �th
----- _....._ ..,. _..... m,,, .....................................__.._.._......
Ct C,,';
_____ ........ __ ......................
.. _........ _.
�, ._�fl ..... .......
Aimerica Rescue P Que r porgy- martell
I-low do yma I+Ad n to
Flaw rwull tll funds keep tlae,r ax"tivitirms
einli,araee,or sulpli1eii'ter19 What new svi-Oces �Desrl N)war 'Horn m II You he �sustainable after
current OAA serve 6,rns, �wfo,$,acu plan Un umhrnaa �'¢wink be admiresswing mental Rnr gmlI9, and 1�h4N'frlrVdunt N�5 slaertt,
Tl le practices _ impipnm mvting�r ttspsf kuCalkhp� e7fatetires tl7irra�c�hp
�... _. _ ._,_.._.___,__ —__ ___..a .. _ __._.
fa isItt
�. ....... ......... ......... ...........
_ ...... .........
Ra,gc 53 of 72
l�rm,M a°ruuuu° c,M,S1iq� °Nanvcuc Monroe County Boardof County
or nssi n r a, Social Seivicesfln-Home Services. Ccwunly:
L I ii ),::s , 33 0 40
N°A K,.T VI,
L Bd e Oy clesc ribe the Mr„eognip is area serVed by the pnu )g rain/fi c i Il ity an Iluc: type nl'service I)rovicledl Pp
2. t"OP RLA VI ON 01 AREA I.R EID !'ourcw,o LhILI,
e ki���'iw�fWl1�." ��,-, M'bl6W�l'� a�
��. CLI N'I' .CrrRRr°;Ni'M.Y ENR(,AI VIA)OR RT(ja1)'l'M�6;Rt A,)I'(Tv,6:0%0(1440:
R o (A l7 r_ , � ��,
Lar uR ury kk',hiI�" ki.a� w .� . �- ��ur Wm�'�lett
Rol ck �� �.� urmr: �.- V ��r����V� dui,
R �ucl q)Mick ""-i� I li�:panic �,O1Ard�<I-
h an Assurance u,viTcanip a'aruce on lilaW wkh the Departni�enl.' H�-NA oa°' 0,
tr" exl,lruim
7" C;u��uulur� t�u� r° �Ctl ;MUlrrup.�Wr� mtir�uu:mr� tlu l:uu�, �rultrr:�u��. l" tuuf'f"� lu�'Puumauwti �fI7 Rc,}u�,lti� mu"? ltl, ���
kl, d u li Sul ilily� r l�uio ruu:uut N�� r uw s rGI I�Ii�°rl dra r.lir^u tw u�rl I I�Ii ° ru9 w��utlu�a uut r rug cll �� a°xu r°, rulr c°, NA w1:� �s u
ru,alion, cuu°iqq uuu, tiuu, , �urli is m� uuu cli culkuiliq ,'ro ld� � car 1�, �� lul,�dru. m, El
9. Are all benel'i Is, services and SH Ries a"!two to"applicants,',I Ild plmvd qpam'- ul kill equally CR&W marma regmAc. of race,
sex,cobq agar nadurml odgW, red gkmi or OWHJ? N A , YES,I", N()-- If NA (!w O. explain,
——--------......................... ..........
................................ ...............................
10. For W pal lent services, are roo III, 11-raide w it hout regard I o raco,coh-j,v',national,origin or di sabi I ity"! N A
Yl-.',S NO, If''NA ter N(.),,ex[,Anin.
.......... ............
C ........ ...
............... ...........................
11, Is theprx mm'I"acilky avmssNe tononknghhli speakin,g clicrits'.1 11'NA otM'.'),explain.
.................. .....................-....................................
12. A re em p hyces, app I icants an d Ix �!1"Cipal uIrl!s i. d ills:(
lf'yvs, liow? VerbA V Written 2 Poster 5�fiN.A o "NO�,explain.
.................... ................................1111111111111-11.......................................................................
13. (:Jve ffie 11U]Mbel'and curTW1 Moms Mny dismInkm(lum comphArts mgm-ding s(,rviQes orvinployment
filed agairlst the
.......... ............................................................................................
........................................ ...........................................................
—-—-------------------------- -—------".....................................................
11'' IS e p ganObdilly p4skAy amssible tarmoNNY Imm4g, md sWirsknlyhred indlYMN? KA
A th/kr
NtC ,, If NA or NA).explaim
04 As a WhevalmlWn bem emmiumd to idemify au*, banims u"ervAg disabled huhbdud, and to raga e ay
FlQccssajj)r nimfifications? l(M),eNplain, kfe-,S
I I I .................--.....................................
........................ ....................
............................................................ ..............................................-
16, is (hQr-c and estahl ud gricrice ]" UCII[re ffiat irlompodine, Proce
ss in the resolution of
complaints? YF,'=-- N(),, v�a PO I'NO,ex Ii I I i n
Page 55 of 72
RP-2 129,2
17, 1 las aperson been designaWd to wordinale Section 504 compliance activities'.1 YES/M) if No ,Q N p la i'll
18, Do recruArnerit and nofilkation makrials a(tvise app 1,i,ca i its, en,q)1byees and, participants of"
riondkcrindnaflon on (Ile basis lot'dis-ability? [f'N(.),,' eNplairl.
.............. ......
..........................- ........................... ...................
1-1111111�11�1�1�1�1111-1�1�................1.1.1-1..................- ...............
19. Ary "llixillial), �sfl')
aids , aid,alble to i6sure acccility of so ".n-vi to hearing zind sight in,lpaired
N N individuinh,0 YVSll o I f ( I a ij i.
............----..................... ........ ..............
............................ .............................. .........
.........."I'l""I'll""I'll'll""I'll""I'll",'llI.............................. ..............................................................
$50,000 OR MORL
20. D,o you have at writteri, plon? YES 'ZNo IfN0, exp,kairt.
....... ....
............................ .................
........................ ............. ...... .............................
Pagir, 56,oaf''72
A11116me USE ONLY
Revkwed By NO"' 0
Pmgmm 0Hk'e N04 We 0 f Q wi-wel i v c aA o ion-IS",cm
Date 1311tv
on-Sile 0 Desk ID Rmclwal
In Dosallbe Me 9U%MNAC savice area sud as a district,emm, city or- otho. lo'cafily% 11"the pl,ograsilifiwility
serves as qxcific WWwl pVuWhn such as Wewaw dmahe Me taMa pqmhdw,AIsm ddhe tht qTe
of 50 1-0 ce hero vidol.
2. Enwr IQ pavart of the pupdatOn sand by raze aml sex. 'Hw pqiudarion suval includes peisai:s A Ko
tP20_g'1-,'Ej)ldcaI1 area Ibr which services are provilded such, as as CS amnly or Wher rqA&I area PbR&thi
statiqRs emi be obMiAwd hvm heal &ambem c9cmu nwrcw h4mAy or any pan Niewition front Me 1980 Census
containing F"lorida populMion statistics InclWa the mmme oyour population stati.qios, ("Other"races include
Asian/flaci,fic ls[andas and Anierican Indiaiv'Alask'arl Natives)
3. EnWr A tolAl nuumber of 61 kAw swR mW Meir percew ly mce. sex -and disability Inclucle, the Qffctive date
4. L.riter the Iota ll 131,1111her of Clients avhoarc, cnrolled, mgis,tered or nvaWy saved by dw progmm or 1066ty,
and LW lick percent by race, sex anci disabifil)- Include lhe &,tte that enrifflnion't was'countei(t
5. Enwr dw tMal munber of achism), boa ni nwmbers and their perceng by nact." wN, and dis'abi'lity. IT 01ere is
no,advisory, 01,90VUlling Ixont leave this soaion ISK
& Each recipiont ofl�,de.ral 11inaincTaal assistmwe mum li�ivc 4,-),n file ware aassorancem that the prqt;,ram w ill be C011dUdedl'
in compliance%Ah A nandherimbatoy piwvkimn as rej6red A 45 CFR K his is ksual 1;-a stmidaul part of
die contract language by DrInimmum recipients and dwir imbIrawasA5 CFR 8114 0).
it Is the race, sox. and nalimal odghi of the staff'relleclive anthem 9weral pupwWw? Fm emnpk, W IWO al"'
We populatilon is Hispank, k tam as cmipwaWe percemage of Hispank slaff'
H. Wbae Ile is a significmn vull On bowwn dw rue, sex or An& compWon cW the cHems and Air
aN,aflability 61 the popuhation, t[le has the responAbIty to ddmwhe dw reasons Rw smh
wrarmma twain and W(e),dialever action may"be necewmij to conta any diso-imini'trRm. Sonle [egilirnow QMwies
ni,oy, Qxist %vhen progranis am saiwdoiwd to serve larget Populations such as eNedy or diisaKled law nons. 45
803 (b)(6).
9 l)o eligibility requhmerits unl0twhily exclude persons in protecred wvups hem Me 1woviAon of seNices or
Eviclence of such may be indlawd in MaN and cheat representation,(Quiestions,3 and 4)mid ako
lhvMh ow% mcwAl analfAs of persons kvW) applied but wert dmkd wakics or empkInimm 45 CFR 8113
(o) and 45 CFR 80,1 (h)(2).
10, Pankilpants or cHmAs ntum he provided savicQs such, as medical, rain'sing and den1a] care, labor'atciry survices,
Page 57 of 72
plysioal and recre-afica"Ifal therapi,les, counsefing avi,d qocial� scrvices without regarDo race, sex, color, national
i,irigin, religion, age or disability. Courtesy ON appoInonerd scheduhng atid ,,wvuracy (ff record, keet)ing must
he applied urdforinly aid w1hota rvgani to race, sex,oflor, natkjiml Origin, rtligion, age or disability, 1-,'nlrancies"
waitig roano rempHon awes,remuonis and rather NeHifies rivam also bo vqual1y avvidable U5 alit clients,45 CFR
H. ForKparkrit serviev residents must be assigned to rourns,wanis,etc,,%vWiout regard,to race,colcur.,rlatixotal
odgh or disability. lsoavideivs must not be aAW KeTer-dwy am wiMn to Am amornmmbooris with
pasmu of a different rate, color,national origin,ordis,ibifily,45 C11"R.803 (a).
11 Um pnWrarnWhy and all setwices must be accessible to partitipants and applicants, inclu(Jing those persons
who may rml spnk Frigh4v In gvograNtc amas her asigriifiicant populafln'n of 1u:)1i-F'i-igI ish,spealdng people
1W,ruvourn accessh by rnay NO&Me mnooynmn of WNVuM staff. In othcr at-vas, it is sufticient o�)ltave
as poHoy or phn for savice, stwh as a awmW Burst of names and telephxnw nuni,l),ers cad bilingual individuals,who
W1 assist in the pwoviswri ofscrvic s, 45 CFJ�, 8,03 (a),,,
13, ProWsmsJORks mum imise Wrimitiori rtgarding thc nondis,criminato" PWv.M.Ons of'IFitle VI available lo,
Mel par-kipar0s, Immel'iciaries,or any oMer hamwed parks. This should on Unk HWU W,
nk a cmdairit ordAriminmimi wow h chho-the Rvida. Departrrwnt ol'Flder Wirs or Me US, Depatweta of
HHT The hAmnation inay be supplied verbally or in wrij m evory indivicaua4 or may be supplied thn-itigh the
tme of an equal opporuinify poky ploster displayed in as public area of tl,w I'acility, 45 ("'I"R 90.6,(C"l),
It Spurt number 6kd ap% Me proWsarn/thcHij, Indkate the Lusk,e.g., racq vdar,
creed, sex, arpa,a, nation-al origiri, disabflity, 10"Ic VMS hwoNuh e,g,, services a:)r evolfloyinent,
etc, Indicate the W rights hwAw poky allqFd to We been vh1awd MmV%w1h Me
name and Mess of be Waal„states a IderM agency%vhh whCML the comphim No been MW hkkaw dw currera
stalut L&r�WUW,no reasonable cause pound, Wuna to coned W, Wum to cm1wrron undu revQw,Ov
I' Ile lampurn/IdAy mum be physkalyd amossible to diablul WKWOK PQW a"nWhy NeWdes
designateci parking aman ettrb W or level approaches, ramps and adequa(c, widths lo,entr-ainces, 'The Iobb),,
public telephione., W1 6untains" inibrination, ard kuhnissions offlico, should be
acicessilAQ. Door widihs and W11C Smas of adwArWatwe c)fijccl,' k'-,ofOcrias, restn)orns, relcrearion areas,
colarriers and servirtg lac observed for accessibility. Elevators sfloulcl,I)e observed fiv door ividdi,
'Arld BUJIle or rais'erl nu,aibers, Switches gmd cwn-Ws row ligh, heat, ventilmion, fire alanns, atid other
esseaiak AwuM be inmal led at an npprq�)pfiatv height Rn,mobilil:y, itrij!mirod individuals.
16 Sectit�oi 5(d')4 or ve Rdww rimum Act of 1973 requhres that a recipient of federal WWI avWance raver uct
a Whevahtation,to any accessibility barriers, is as hour-step process':
%Th ow vokume or a A"bIvd evahme cwymt 1!uractices and poh6cs which
not Nvith Section 504.
Modif), policies and priaciices that do not Incle"t Section 50 1 roquilvinents.
"fake reniedial dWs M cHnihme any discritninatkni that Lias been identificd.
Maintain sQIC QvaluatWn ran Hic, (I'his checkUsi may be ased to satisl this mquiremou if We Wr
steps have Imen (bHowcd,),45 UR 84�6.
IT Ftx)granis ao facilides that diviphy 15 ov more pernme UMS1 adopt P'ievancc j,)t'(jcedUms that hiewpor-ate
appropriate due proicess stwiclarcls ind p,rovkie Rw the pmmlA aaa ! eqAtabb nndwkm of comphirns abging
any action pWAWWd by Secfion 504,45 (.1,R. 8,4.7 (1)).
18. 11'rograrns or facilkies duet mnphy 15 crr more persons rnust dedgwe at W one Person k) cqx,)rdin;i(e efyorts
to corn ply %),,i th ',wc t i on 504�4�5 (.!I'R 84,,7(a),
19, tiara in stej)s rnust lacy takert lo noGy envptoyees and the public i.�)f drie pol,i(�Y of'
nondiscrhahmCionondi,e basis oUSIAH1.
Page 58 of 72
ads.and Wer appropriate Won cmwmwkmAnA5 CTR BCH
20, that employ 15 or mwv penwis must provide app,ropriate auxiliary aids lo tar rsovis with
intpaired sejis,ory, ntanual or spciiking skills vvlierc necessarv. AUNifiary aick litay hicluciv, but nre rit'it hunired
to" ('61.hearing iulplireld ill,dividuals,taped or I: any allvi-native resouirces th'at can
be used to provi4Q.equ,'ailly 016 (hle serv[ces, (15 (I FIR.84.52 (d)
21. PmgmmMeMes widi 50 or inore cnipk)yees and S50,000 in federal contract-i rimst dQveliop, implentent and
Mimi a whuen aflumOve acOwl comphame pugram in accordance �a itlw Exceutive Order 11246, 41 CTR,
60 and Ille A of die (Al I lUghts Act of 1964,as amended.
Page 59 of 72
E LD Es'R 11 FFA
1 011
01 ii !�
1.110 Im IN
Attestation of Compliance - Employer
AW'HOWTY, This form is,required annLla[ly ofalll employers to clornply with the
attestation requirements set forth iin section 4 35.05(3), Florida statwe s,
the term "ernioloyee' means any (person or entity required by law to conduct background
screenings, includrig but not limited to, Ammar Agencres on,Ag�,,rrgtAgioq and Drsabd4y Resource
Center,, Lead Agencies, and Serwce Prcpd6deri lhfai cootract diroc0y or iodirrectly with, the
DopartmoM of Aftirs (DOEA), egret any other person or endly vrhiuch hPres employees or
has vollunteem in SrerWicl)Wtio n'wet the definitron of a dkecl :service provider Sze 435.02,
430 040Z Fla,Stet
> A difectservilre provider is 'a person 18 years of ago or older who, JOWSUant to a program to
provide services to the elderly, has, dinact, face,1oface contact with a d1fieril while providing
Services to the client afld hias access, to, the clienft Iliving area, funds� personal properly, or
personal udentrficaboin information as defined in s. 817.56�5 The tOfnl includes coor,01,tlaliofs,
nia nagers, and su pond is ors of resildontia I facilities and volunteers,' §430,04 02(1)(1b),F I a Sta t,
As the durly auflionzed representative of
lacated at
fo 3,a"tkl
's h(,,,reby a ffirm u rider pena Ity of
per,ijury that the above norned ernployer is in compliance with thic, proOsioris of Chapter
435 and section 430.0402, Flcrrida Statutes, iregairding(level 2.background screening,
............... -—--------
Signatuirecif Representative Date
001,.A 17k)rro,73.9 AV�WaUm of Goymp0ame, Forrrjkjpor.Effedwa January (9, 202) Serlon 435,0.5q 3j,
F S Form avaAebfear:dtPro Ilderaffanrs,
James D. Molenaar Dig ita I ly signed by James D.Molenaar
Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency Page 60,c)f 72
James D. Mollenaar
Asst. County Attorney
Alliance Ibr Aging, Inc.
Wine"Awwdak Agin~motl
'I"his Business Ass,ocialo Agroentenil is dated 10111 z z?z— . by Me AUbwe An-Aging, Inc, ("Covered Endq")
and NIon.roc Counly fWard of Counq Canuniissimaiii-J, Social SeniusAn-How Sawlical"WwWms AmodMej a no-
for-j!)rofit Florida eoq,:)o,rafiori..
1.0 Background.
I Nvoed Entity Ims entered into one or niore contrails Or agreeiriews with Bush= Associme that itivolves the use of
Protected I leald'i InAbriiiation (11111').
II (Awovd Why recognizes the recluircinent~ oftht I Iciddi hisurancv, Ri!)Oabifily and Aecmintability A,ct of 1996
(1-111"AA)and has indicated its intent it) comply in the Counky's Policies and Proc(AuTes,
13 [IWAA. regulations establish sl)ecifie CC)n(fitions nn �,hen mid Ism euvrred ewitivs may shiarc, n46nitalian 10111
f1roenders w4o perfiwrn flumdorn Rw he Craw and Err iq .
14 111 PAA mqlireS the Covered [Enfily ari'd flit fluslrlesS AS!Wlnatc to clitcr into a Q011tract 01' agreeirlent corlwinin�g
specific requkenvents to 1wolect the confidentiality and security ol'patiews' 1`111,as sd Awth hj W nW KAMM Me
We of Federal Wgulatimis(CIF.R.h specincally 45 (!KR. §§ 16150ley 164104dej 114308(1-uy and 1613141a-
bX 2 0 11 (a s nmy appN)a nd em im ined in I h is a greari en t.
L 5 W OWN In6mmation TkAnology for Ecorioink and OWN Health Act (20,09), lho American Recover), and
Rein eslnieint Acl:,(2009)and No I— Pri�,,aey Pro%,isions and Sunwhy planisions li,),cated at 42 L,nked,Slates
Cade OESQ §§ 17931 and 17914 (NDO)rupdrebusAwss amachUsofcavaW WSW comp" %W the ll IPA IA
;murk yBrine,asset Wh in,bui w lirrhadwo C114R. §§ 164301 164,31(), l64,3,l?,a,rlcj 164,316(20109)aind, sluch
secdons slull, appN to a %Ws ass" eiate ol"a covered, entity in the 5arne rnamner tat mxh scoRms appY to the
cowred eraity,
'Die parties dierdbre agree as lblknws:
10 DeRtuRkms. Or ptu dais es of% agreement,the fbllo htg ddlinitions apply:
any SYSM msotiae.
2.2 AtInfinisirative Saisguards. Die adniini.strwivc action, and pokin and Procedures, lo itianage theselectio!n,
Cleve lxqnn ent, and, niainterlance of security MUMMS, 1q) I)roW(A: Iles runic F'riltv,cted Healflt
Infortnalion,(0111)and to manage the conduct of the oovcw�d entity's work(orce in relation to the protection of that
23 ARRA. The Arim-ican Recovery and RQinvQsljwiQnt Act Q20,09)
24 Authentication. 't lie e(wroborad oil that a porson, is Q'I""tinled,
2.5 Availabillity. 'lle larapery, that dam aw in1bl-niation is -accessible and uwabW upon denland by an awhodmd posm'),
2-6 Breach. The unaiA1jl,ori7wd acccss, use, or(fisclostwe of III H which cornprornises the securky or privacy
21 Compromists tlwSvcurity Posing a sifi�nifjc-aittj risk of%twK mptnal0ml,or rather harm to indixQuals.
18 CvnHdtnHWjW Vw pwpul Hmw&W or Wbullwimn is jult made available or chsclosed to unia Lohorized pemmm or
Page 51 of U
19 Efedrotiie Pivtecletl I lea!M In furnwHon QPH I). H eW I h in bonnadon as speci Red in 45 C FR §160.103(1 Nj)at,
(I)(H)", filt'l ited to th,c irillonnalion erealvd tw rucKed by Business Assockle Rown or dun MUNI`Cavered EnUty,
2,1(�) F1 ITEC 11. 'Me HeA h 5 Amnea hn I bAmAly Gr Eico no i it ic wand CI i n i cal I-ka,I t h Act (N)(0)
2.11 MAWMA1110M SYFIVOL An imemannectod s-d ofinfiviri-ation resources under the same direct rnmmgmnow consul
that shar"C's C01,11111ton hmetiomh". A symmm nwnAly includes Itardwwar,soRwar, AfDrIVOIN,C101a,OpphCaGnS,
and pe(qflc.
2,12 lategrhy, 'Me pmperty that data or infiontiation have nol hcoi AIM or dmwyvd in an wuMN)rked Inarnwr.
Z 13 NNUdew sahmarc Soh am, tor exattilfle,a vinj�, designctf to 4-image or-disrupts a s)Stelud
�2,14 Part 1, Part I- hnproved 110my PravMmu and Securib, proUsions located at 42 1 Wwd States CWe QKC)
1'79,31 an(j: 17934 (20 1 0)�
2A5 Paswul CaKdavial, authenticathn inKmation emnyned of a MON of chatudem,
1 U6 l5ysWal Safeguards, IN physbal measurn, ludicics, an(c] procMures to protect a cove-fed entity's etectronic
hiAnwatian symerns and rebled buildings mid equipment, Burn nahwid and mvivnmental hazm& and
1,111'autliorized intrusion.
2. y % l b l hart 1160, and
Pan 164. subparts A and E,
2JR PmUdul Health Inforniallon (PlIky tteal& IBM% as dettwd in 45 CFR P60ADI Uked to Q
K&Twwon cmawd or rmeNvd by Mateo Aswchtc Unt or wt behairof Cuvwvd Entity.
Z 19 Rwp 1 md By Law. I lain the sanae nwmd ng as dw tarn "required by I aw" in MI5 CFR § 164.1,01
220 crota, Ile Seam,of the Depamnent of I 101h awl I 1wrian Services or his or 1wr desigriee.
2.21 Sc,eno-fty incidelit Ile wtemped war SUC,C,'Oq1,fUl L1rjau1h,orizcd accos, usc, disclosum. modi1kwim; or destnwhon
Offillbrinatil�"In or 41,lerf�rence %th *sun apenSmA in an h0wrnmion Ustow
1-2 SeCUl'ilry ()Ir SeCurily nj,eajSum& AH of Me a&Arusva(jvv,,, pjjy-sia^al, 'and meclvnical safeguar& in an infbrimation
223 SmuQy Rule.The Senwity Stan(dards for the protcon-in I kWh hddmmkn M 45 CI R put
164, subpart , an(hamendi'tients thorcto-
214 TnhWcM Salkpards. The ter hnodogy and A polky wwl procedures fbr its use thart P'I-Caftt t]Qdr(A1iC jn-(?j1QCtQ(1
heahh hfunnalkNi and comwol access to it.
2,25 Unsecured PHL flrc)tected health intbrinaflon M,i( is nN secumd thnwoi the use of tcchnOlrO'gY 01. 1110111140Wgy
specdledl by the Scuretary in,guidance issucd un&r 42 USIA semion 1793jhX2),,
226 All other terns toed, but not othmmisc ddiiigd, bi diis Agrmrnaw shall hut; Me smne nwadng as Oune turns in
the Prhacy Rule.
3 M, (:)bligartioii[s:itid .Aci�iv°ities of Btviinv.�s AssvviaW
I I BusWess as ssochde agrees u,) ntit uw or disclose 11011 Wher than as penmined or requhvd by this aWvmntaU (w as
Rupti red by I aw.
PAge 62 of 72,
12 Buskess Asmwkne agrees tw
(a) faq*rnoil polkies and tnvadures to pevmv. dded, comaki and conrect &,curity violations in atcordance
QW,45 CFR§ 164 306;
(b) Prevent use or disclosure offliQ I'l H other tan as provided Or by UW Agreeniew N,kIS required by lmv;
(c) Rcararoinrbly aq(i apponpHalvY pvtect the confidentinfily, Integrky, aind avadabil.ity of the el?[11 1[jat time,
Bmhwm AswdMe croatm, m=hvs, behWofTeCovued Endy, and
(d) (,%nriply wi.th the Smoky RK r-equirvinents KAWAg Te Administrative Szilleguards, 111ySiCkil SECRvVL]ards,
I-echlo�cal '11141 poticies and proceclurcs and dmunientation requireirlents set (brih, in 45 el`"R §§
1164.3 08, [6d.310, 164.3 12., w id 164.3 16,
33 Bushoss fumcim agrem to nAWA, to Me mero prookalile, ally IN11111fill efl:°Ct drat is UONVII tO BLAShreSs
Associate radar uw. or AN=of P1 H by Busivem Associate in vilobtioli of Ae ralukentents of Ods Agreemetn.
14 Business Associate agren to pwropUy report to (Wvov(l F"'Riii(y 'any use Or disclosure of the P1 11 not provided, fbir
by, tfris,Agreeirierrit of'which it htcorlws aware, 1his hoothsany requests I'i)r inSPCUiDn.copying cw amtrldnient of'
such ,uRd including any security incklmn involving PHL
31 Business Associate agmes U) Wy Covue(jl f,-,'jitity without unreastnioNe d1lay of any senwhy limadi paldnhg
(a) Wentifleadori ofari), individual whose uriscQui-ed PHI: ll,ns been, or is reasi�mabl believed by^ be Busirress
Associale to have I'leerr" "'ICCCs"'Cd., acquiivd, C:5F dis,ch)wd during such securily breach', and
(b) All in Winvoon roquir-ed for fliQ N'ooJ(-,,,, io S CVO'X1c:n,:v ey Hhs q/ Mvwh ty I 5000red 000C.1 I kahji
3.fi llusinesq Assochte agrves to stswe lind any agont, incluitfing a slribc4�niiractor, to wlroni it provides P1,14 receixecl
frorn,or created cn revived by 43ink As m:x:ia tv,can lie[i W f o f Cbvwvd Enfi ty, agrees u-j mite Sa I rte rest r ic tions and
conditions that appQhnxugh His AgivernmA to BusWem Amoebae with mspect to such inOnvation.
.1.7 if tl r irressw Ns.mpciate has V4 11 in as Nsignated R"ord Set:
(a) 1AL1Si[1C.,s Asso,chuo agrees to,provido avcesN at Ow rv#wsl of Onewd Endly dmilig regular- business twins, to,
PHI hi a Designated. Recorcl Set,to Covu,,red WQy oq as dkeeted:by Cilvered Entity,,to an in,dividual in order
to trwo be m1drenwims un(Jer 45 (�`J-`J� §164524,and
(W, Busirron AssuciaW awe" to md,e any amendment(s) U) PHI in a Designated Record Set that ffit Covered
Lmtity directs or agivvs to lyramwnt to 45 CFR 1 160526 M the request of Avered Wity or an 1WROd
"I h A 10 b We s�e days o frmv,i v i n g Me recl nest,
IS Bmirless AssoWe agres in makc iRriv,rnal lzamctles, books, and revAq Ncludhig pAkies mW pnwodures ,arid
11111,relating it)the u5Qand(4wlosure ciff"I If received fiTni,or cmated or mceived [)y° Business A ssc)ei.,,ae oo behalf
af'(',avered Entity, available lo,the Covered FANq or to die Secremy upon request of either party for purposes of'
daumiining Covered Fnfity's compliance with the Privacy RrUlel
.0) [hisiness Asgiciao; agrees to doctaniervt suh dicknures of 101 and inforniatic)n rehi.ted to sucl°i disclosures as%voutel
lac required f6r Covercd Entity to respond u:;a request by an hdi&Wbal fbi,an accorintirig ti,]'divckxiurv;ofP1 H in
ai:Qordar1eQ with 45 (J'R § 164J2 ,
3.10 Bushmss Associate aWees to Rovide to Covued Entity or kur, individual, upoin request, irl (-,ollQcted to
pernait Covmvd Eivity to respond to a rquest by an Individual fi!rr an acci),unfing of'disclosurcs ot'll TJ in accordance
w it]l 45 (�'F`R, § 164,528 and A,R R A § 13 404.
3A I Buskess &wdMe MWIlically agrees to use security tricasures drat reasonably and appropriurely pr0m,( the
confihndahty, bleg6ty, mid avaibbility-of Pill in el,eCt]'011it OrEUI)�otherili'm-ni,dral it civates,rceeives,tnahnains,
or transmits on,behalf oftlic (..,overed Einky,
Page 63 of 72
112 Business Associate agrees to Splanent securi, nicilsores lx)secure passwords used to access K 11 dud it ancessm,
maimaills, rml trernsrnits as part of US Agmanwt from malicious solhvire and other irlan-niadQ, and nalural
vulnerabilifiesto assurethe avai]AH44 01-SUCh inforlinati0m
W Business Associate agrees to,4liplernent secudly ineaurres to safiguard cP1 11 titan it accesses,aminiLtins,or iransrxi4ts
as pad of NS agmMilent f""mrn inalicious sollwarc and other rnam-niade wA namral vu1nerabMW to ammv the
availability-, ivttegrity�and Col'ifilden'ti,ality ol'such. in6,in-nalron.
30 B w hmm Assoc iate agirces,10 cc)nl ply IV il h:
(Q ARRA 13404 (Application of Knawkdge Winelits Assuchted w0h Connscif
(b) ARRA at 13405 (ReWaions on Censin fSeWww" "Ind Saks ofile"'11th 1J11`6'rr)1aijon):' and
(c) Al:�CR A 13406((7u,n(fitioas on Ceamn Coasts as parl of I Nwlh Care operations).
,L0 Permiltvil Usys and IMsdomms try Wness Amodats Except as odwnvisc limited hi this Agmement or any relarwd
agirewwrl, Bmirwss Assd�)(Jaie rnay USe W' ChSCIOW 1111 tO 1)ON-forni functiom, achvj% or services Or, or cm behalf'of,
Covened FAQ, as speciried in any and all cordracts wkh Cwwvd L,.nnity, pr(:wided that SUCh LJSe or disclosure tivoulld riot
Subte We Privacy RuW if doriv by Cmvmd Emil, or Me mirdunuin necessary policies an(i pvocedulvs of the Covered
5.0 Sl)(-ci fic Ust nand IN sc lostj m Prov 1(si ons.
5.1 Except as oth,erwhe Wind in Oil agreernein or any rdated qgmenwnt, Bushicss Assrxiate may, use PH I [(',ov 111C
proper mawgumerd and admidstniciDn of Ow Rushwss Assockle or to canj° out the legal responshilides of the
Rusilivss Associale,
12 !AcqA an adlenvise SAW in thil agreenian or any relmod apteincrlt Buinve Ass(x,kate ixuty disclose PHI lbr
die jupper managemeld and or dw Whwss Asmwia , provided that disclbsures ku,e Required, By
1AW or Bwwws ?WWWW DS'lins re".1sonable aissuraritcs li-cnn flitpo-mm, to %vholn die is disclosed,
that it vdH remain conficlentkil and used or farliter disekxicd oally ,is Required 13y Law or kir the purj!)ose for vvInch
it was disclosed to the pemwt and the penoli Wks the Buskiess Assoiciale 4:)fany instances of which i is;mvai-L
ill %killich the r�d-die intinmiation has beeli breachocl.
53 Totem Assochte amy um PHI w pnovide dwa qgrogadun swaNices to Covavd! Why as parAtted by d5 CFR
§1615 01YX 2 X 0(B I on ly mp himi spec 1 R ca Hy a w 40 zod by C o"md EM hy,
5 A Bushess Associan may we Mt tar eport viobahms of"I'aw 10 appn�lpriate Federal �nrid !State kwiborideq7 tansisteill
W 45 CFR §M4&MQX 1).
6.0, Obligations(PF(7(overvd Enfity.
6J Cmvmd Entity Miall ri,oiify BKness Assochte of'ony hmHadmi(s) in jrs 1,10tiCC 01f'j)riV`kLCy 11,11,1CA[CeS ()J'(,,'q)VeFCd
Entity in accordance vvhb 45 CFR § IM.520,to the Went that sitch lintitafion may aff&t Busitresr,Associate's,list
or didmum of PHt by pmvWWg a copy or 1he most Qurrent Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP') w, Bushlcs:s
Absociats Fwture Notices an&or modifications So the NPP sheall be postied on Covered Entity's 'website at
62 Cmered Enthy QmR ncitify of my nwrict0i w Me use or dkdoswv of P1 H that WNW Stity,
has agreed to in acaxdmwe with 45 CFR § 16C521 to the emma that SUCh affi,,er Business
Associate's use or d[sclosure of I'll H.
7,0, Permissible Requests by Covemd Entio Euq)t Ar dMa aggivgalion or niatragernent arid adminktralive activities of
Business ASSOCiMe, Covered Wity not mquest 13usiness,Associate to use or diszkrse N 11 in any manner that%vou,h.j
nW be perm 1M N e uncler flie P'ri vwy R W Q OF doiw by Cmvmd En 0
Page 64 of 72
8.0 EfR.,Ojvv Date andTerminalkon.
8.1 1 he Wks hereby agree th'at this agivemeta amends, remmm md reph.ces my athcr Business Associ,ate Agreement
currenfly in Q11'ect between COW Entity and Nairiess AmocWc and that the pniviskms of Ws aglventmn ,shall.
lie effooiv ris (61 lows;
0) We Witless AsweiMc Agmentem ptovisions. whit Me e=e06n, of the eleclank: securhy provOwn mid
the provisions mandated by ARRA, FUIECII and Pan I WH be enbove upon A IaWr of Aphl WWI or
the erfcctivc date of the Qm-hest c(11,111-act entered, int(t, bietmvm WMess Associate anal &Ncmd ditty that
trivolves dw two of PH V;
(1)) The clecri-onic -.,QQurity provkions heraWsW he effaacdvc th,e [ater of April 21, 2005 or Me Oective (,late of
be cAllm emMed cnrercd too Wvmi Business Associate and Chvelvd Entity that irivoh;es A me of PHII,
(C) Provision.." hcroohnandatcd lay ARRA. IfFFECH andYor Part I shall be effQciive tlte later'al'I'chru,ary- 17, 201()
or [Ile effodive data; of the wWWA camract emued into buixem covered entity and business a5mleiinc, that
involves the knic" of,11,11 11 or el'111'
82 TainthmHan Mr Calay. t,,Jpon(7overed Enfijcs knawledge of a material breach by
Entity shall eidw:
(a) Provide aln oftporwnily f6r Business AssochW to awe die brewh cw erne! the vKhAoit mid tumbale finis
agromnern if Badness Aiwdate does not cure dw bmach or eml Ute Cotton SMS We tune spevified by
Covelvd Entity-,
(b) hmrncdh1cYAennWtMe this agreement if Business YUsociate has breached a illaterial terin olOds Agreenient
arid care is not possible, oi-
(c) If neidwr tern ination nor cure is ('64dble, COW Endry shall repon the vioNtim"o Me Secroary.
V Effect ofTermination. Except as providai in subparagn;plk(b)ofthis seCtiOlt,Llp,011 ternianadon tit"this
for any roamm;Business Asso*teshaH Mum aH PI-H and eAll received from Covovd ES,or cmated or mOved
b)' BiNiness Assncimc on Emily
(a) This provision W11 a"boo PHI wand WE that is in the possession of sul!)COVIRF-ad'urs or agents (34,Bulsiness,
Assochic. Badness Assi�)cmatc sh,aafll retain no uVis ddw PHI and ell H.
(b) In the event that Ehmines,.,,,Assocj,,de i�)r Covered Ekiq deteradnes that rdirming the F4 it or chil is inibasilde,
ra:lrifilcafion of the t.�kindftions that niaRe return of PHI or ePHf infeasAfleshad be pmvidled to Me Whu pmV,,
Bmhwss AsmMaic shaH extend die pnMectionS Df'MiS Agremmew to mtch rcwhwd MUI wd ePHI and lKht
Rulhor uses and dkelosures ofRtch rciained PHI and ePH1,Mr a ntinkritun of six yvals and so long as Badness
ikswdwe mAnWns such M U and ePM, In no less than six (6)years ally the lorn-Amthn of Wis agreement,,
9.CJ, Regulatory Rekrences. �% ilt djjis agjeejlienl to a Section ilk the Privacy Rule 4rr Securily Rule means the
Salil"'nl the"ll ul m'41"Qct or as rna), be antet,ukd in the 11tittEel
I O.D Aniendnn= The PaWes agree to Uke W adon as 1 nemssay to anwild iNs agreement h-oni Hiatt to ifine as is,
rteco;sury ('t'n. (`(Jvercd D91-1p cwnply whh he, requirvinetits of the Privacy RW, fhe Sv,curity Rule and the F[ealt[i
fi1'SLl1'kL1lQC Podlll)jjjly' und Aclootintal-wility Act of' I 9,96,, Pub. L, N('j,. 104-1 9 1.
11.0 Sur-skval. Any tent, condition, covenant Or(AdightV vahich inquitts pakmurwe by either party hereto subsequent to
thc wt-ndnation 4�)fthis agreelUent SKMI E'duarin enforceable against such Imily subsequent ro such tennination
110 1 n N Tron t W, A ny a mW gW W A this agmementshW I be mmA nd M Pam h (5yet-ed End W to comp"it di the PC YaQ
RWQ and Smurity Rtde
Page 65 of 77
13.0 Incerpornlian by reference. Any future new rcquirement(s).Changes or deletion(s)enacted in federal law which create
nett or diferent obligations With respect to I-itPAA privacy,and/or security, shall be automatically incorporated by
reference to this Business Associate Agreetnent sin the respective effective dete(s).
14,0 Notices. All notices and communications required, necessary or desired to be given pursuant tr this agreement.
including a change of address for purposes'of such nctiees and nlittiunicatio ts, shall be in tVriting end delivered
personally to the other part,:or sent by, express 24-hour guaranteed courier or delivery service,or by certified mail of
the United States Postal Service,postage prepaid said return receipt requested;.addressed to the other party asfollows
(or to such other place as any party may by notice to the others sped }:
To Covered Entity: Alliance for Aging, Inc.
Attention: Max Rothman
760 NW 107 Avenue
Miami.Florida 33172
'lb Business Associate: Monroe County Board of County Commissioners,Social Services/In-Home
1100 Simonton Street,.2"1 Floor
Key West,FL 330.10
Any such notice shall be declined delivered upon actual receipt. If any notice cannot be delivered or delivery thereof is ref used,
delivery will be deemed to have occurred on the date such delivery was attempted.
15.0 Governing Law. The laws of the State of Merida,without giving effect to'principles of conflict of taws,gotiern all
matters arising under.•ttiis agreement.
16.0 Severability if aliy provision in this agreement is unenforceable to any extent,the remainder of this agreement, or
application of that provision to any persons or.cirvunrstanccs other than those as to which it is held unenforceable, will
not be affected by that unenforceability and will be enforceable to the faillest extent permitted by law,
1.7,0 Successors. Any successor to Business Associate(whether by direct or indirect or by purcha!;rnerger,consolidation,
or otherwise)is required to assume Business Associate's obligations under this agreement and ogee to perf'onn tlyeni in
the same manner and to the saute extent that Rusiness Associatevtronld have been required to if that succession had not
Wien place. This assumption by the successor of the Business Associate's obligations shall be by written agreement
satisfrctory to Covered Entity.
I$;I Entire Agreement. This agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the'parties.relating to the subject matter o:f"this
agreement and supersedes all.other urat or written agreements or policies relating thereto, except that this agreement
does not litttit the amendment of this agreement in accordance with section 10,0 of this agreement.
Covered Entity: Alliance tar Aging,Inc.
Avi' tt Jar, i1 2023
By:: m.rC,.R.!+hnm1Jan11,71,J13.a115r! Date:
Business Assotimie: Monroe Count°Board or Cleanly Cotrimissio rers,Sueiol Serviccstln-home Sereices
I-. ::'
/ 11.......)3, „er'll, .„....„---- , 'k;•r ' le-' ',':::(-7:
4.0/.0 --1-.o' —
By: =� I %,--,';Date: I a 1 1 ci1;F1.� _: ::::.7:-..''
Digltalty signed by lames O. 1 to an' , 'i ,
James D.Molenaar MOtenau -�, .
Drte:2022.10.O711:22:2R-OM M'.,` .r��l ..� .J ) t ..
Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency �, e , • '' AT7t31'1'i ii MAW :I
James D.Molenaar Peg''i't'.-,i°?- CLERK_.,_t
Jest. County Attorney ;�; '1�,.� 1 ,r},'� `+yr', r` r-=,
P.' 1. ; .
Page 67 of 72'
Al"T"A(31 DPI E NT G
Alliance ftor Aging, Inc.
Aging am] J)isabifity Resource
If appEcable, the-Trovideragives to the folknving:
A. Perfor-on A,DRC ounmeed hmuhms in acconlance Wth theAlliance's,policies and procedures,
L Policies and NocedUrts f-or OutsotirQcxJ Function-Screcir i,ng
W Pohdas and Noceduxes IS CUmmuced AnctionGriage
H k PoUcks and Procedures Or Act vvnimi korn NVAH& Client Senkes
in PoUcks and Procedums Or Amdrunki Wri Waiflist- (1j.ent Services
B. Maintainwai'l lists in OR] S in accordance "ith Depnmm reWWmeMs.
C'. Adh,ere to prioritizatilon and Uirgoing Ivolky as so IS An the DOE A Progninis and ServNes
flandbook, as apj�flicabte,
D. Ensum dire Prc vider's, Disaster 1`11an reflects, ADRC Oidsourced Functions, annually or ai needed
to in(corporate ADRC' outsclurced f6rtctions
E. 1`,Asure agairisi conWs of irmemst aiml by referring ConskiAllel's in need
a F oykms commellng tv long4emi cue sty vi,ces beyond the provider's scope ofservices, to the
AgOng and DkWA hy Remourve Canter.
V Ensure that services pmvided are in Me dienis' best intercst, are Me onost cost effective, of high,
quakQ, and an respoNve and mppropriate to the assessed needs,
The Asweed Priority Cons',urner LIM (AdTCL) is nuintained when sit rvioos funded by' the I)qxirtniern a11'e 1101
;'.ivoi[able. ("ontracted Providers of reg6wred snvkes Ir Lowl Services Progran-i (LSP) and (Ader Americans
Ai�t (C)AA) and ,ARV inust naaiii,tain makOg WN W Me ORTS dMaWne Fier regkored semices when NnIng is
na available-
Page 68 of 72,
ANiance Car Aging, W.
Aging and D6aNHq' Rmonwe UnUdElkler HeWline
PoUcy am! 11wedure For Oubounmed hmwdun—Scueening
Creation Date- March 5, 2008
Rtvisionl mite. ()ctober 2019
Review li)afe: Oct otie r 2 Ct 1'9
(Mijectiva To ensure thal a,comprehensive Ho ofcHents in need of services is rnaintAntd, in CUTS by
appropriaate funding souroc isid Choi die ADRC 6 11hereby able to eff ctively gauge 11w, level of`ekler
scrvicv raced in Nfimni-WIS and Monme AWN.
Policy: To obtain Blecessal-3, 11166nuation fronfw clients in oW to ussist in determining level ofneLxl and
eligiblH, Nr womewd servkes l'unded through OAA and LSIP am! ARP pirogum,
I Prcrviders will colket inforn't,ation firoon callers, and conduct a 701S, assQs nwni, Ahcrow"ifivel, ifa
701 A03)assess rn ej it a I rvad y ex i si (i,r is 1)ro v We d fton i ap Notlier Pr(mr i cler Me hdAmutdon Rom dw 701B,
can I',),e ti t i I izcd
2. The Provider W delennine the services iwNkd and We appoplie hinding source(s) that provides
di,e needed services.
I f the valler is in need o f a service0) thm is not provided by the. Ptovidk r,, flua Pro v ider w ill refer caller
to the A DRC udder HeQine,aswcl I as, to other umvincted Providers and communij, organizatiors,
3, The caller will be provided witt; general inWrinalki regarding the ADRC as "op] as We AINK7 Elder
Ile WHne conw! number.
Ile caller will be ird"ormed sQrvioes ""'Ind WdIng mmus Hiatt they ,ue being jflat;ed on (fic %vait
list IZir in (A 10'S
I fir non-case managed, pograrns, the ProvAr "A creme as client relcorcl in ("IRTS (iJ' there is riq)
existing re"W) artid enler the services needed N)r Me caller by hmd,ing sourco aaul service- [If there is
an exisling record in CIRIS, 't[tc al)Iii-(�)priatie filiCkIS Will be Updaied�j,
6, If Te Pro,vider dMoubses Ihm We caller imam' quald! Or more than,one prograni lbi- which,t1w Provider
is 11i,ndied, the Provider 0 cocounapd to enter the appoprhate information urik�r rrndfijfl!e funding
soutces. 1JI'thcre is an existing client record in (7IRTS, tbe, cliont rccord in (AR'JI'S Nvill be updated with
appnquiwe inkwmadonj,
7. The Provider a-111 inknia CUAICT Wt they vill receive an amual roassessinont kased on Departnient
Wraj( List Reassessinwit Standards and encoumge caHer to contact th4 ADD("' Ekk:r I felpline with any
Page 69 of 72
RR Q 1212
AHImcwWr AgWgjnc.
Aging and DbaNfily Rewurte ( euttr/Eldez- lielpfine
Poliq and Procedure for
Outsinn-ced funclion - 'J'riage
Creation Date- March 5, 2008
FWAM DuW: 0cwher 20 19
Review 1)ale; October 2019
Ob,jecfive. 1"0 ensure dud dints in need of Deparhimn! Inded sawicm rmeNe servin based on We hWhom
]Qv el of rteed, first as %ding twecomes awailaWe,
!'olicy. Toasskl Anus W AMMOg Depammm hmdul services as huiding hoe(,'mws zwailable, based on
level (�ifneed ate; dewrm hyd by a CARTS pdoHW eme,
I. The thoWler N,vill ct�niduct annual reassessnienh based on DQpannwnt Wail Ust Reass'essnaent SUuldiiirds,
2, If dere is no currQra 70 1 A or., B in C HUS, the Prov idet mA I conduct the winual lVasussmuni (WH s) as
,Iplproprkitte Hasied on Ke MwaOwn provicied via 1& 701 S,/,A(B) assossinen 1, dic Provider, will 1,111(fine
the client in f761,11nation in CIRTS specifically as U poulis, to level of'riecif fii,r sQrviice I:)�, funding source,
I Th Provid�r swill CINSLIN that the CIRTS pr1okkation scorc is Itc(urawly Frudlita.4nect, "Iccordirig tcr
Deparmient Standarr!K Ifia significant: change has ocQuawl Qn-U) the ammi w-screening, the Provider
nut-st re-so'ceni. DeMnitiom and examples of Mg6ficant idiange (4)cumcracd in the DOEA Pr(,q rarris
& Servicqs' Nlarvua I Chapter 2.
1 If to CMIer its ill need of as service(s) that is ium provkled by Ke WACO The ProyWer W rethr Wow,
the AI)RC.' Elder MhAno as well as, to oiler ccusacmd Providus arld cornniuniq opankaiNs. 'rhc
Wo- will he NOW of the semius ami f1uhng suumes that the wah I ist A anWor have been removed
ti'O"In t:N xvait list lbr
5. "Ile Provider will remind chmt of the Al" RC Elder I lelp Une contact nunfli,or—aiad to contacl: the AI R('
Elder Help Line witti ;oW queslAs w converns-
6, JkS Wnding becomes avniia%, the Novider wM run CIRIS Prk)rifizaion Rej:wrt and activate cliews
accMig to, DepamnQnt StandmAs (Mr U) AI)RC Ojent Aotivaitiml Policks and P"Mumsy The
Mmewd Pruvider W appy tamuNg WWI as appopriate,to 1xiorkized A= k)enMHv aWations
Page 70 of 72
Adliance Mr AgWgjAe,,
AgWg and Dhability, Resource (cnler/Elde Ifelphne
Pofic,y and Procedur-c foi-
Act W Wn Rv un Wai I Us I --(THen ts/Seiw ices
O.JL-ation Da fey Ma rc li 5, 2 GO 8
Revision Date: Ocixiber N)19,
Wview Date: ("'.)ctober 2,019
CRgectilm To ensirm that elders in need of Deparnnent Wded serykes in NlWmkDade and Nionme Counries and
on the CIRTS miall list beghi to receivi s(:rvicesrs fundiri,g becomes available,
poticy' ADRC ivill work AN Provirlms lo t,,nsure Mal: cknts waithrg Q Deparnam firrided wiNkes begin
to receive those savkws as ibndhg becomes availdde,
I . "Flit Provider W aWilvate cHeMs on CIRTS %viait ksl based on Ek-partn'lQt1l piolices, and
RHWWg availlabihy.
2. The NoMer wil] ri.pdoo CIRTS s= her %ding 5mwm umd savice 6or any serviei�s bcjnj� activated, R)r
lb e ckerfl usingappropriale CIRTS caIks,
3, Chug may be WH on W list of as diRkent Ruiding source Man We (me behg WNW if the PRwkWT-
deWrInirros d4al it isappropriate.
(Tom omy aku be Wh on wait Ha in (ARTS U'dwy are being aefivated by the Provider under a tempim-ary
non-Departawnt l"Ond.ing sourve and the Provider dewmines that the client's need will persist after the
tcn)porary ftrndingsourci is
5. Ile Provider W1 Albrm the 6ent of mV semletWing soume dN9 dwy am beNg aa&wd Aw as wel]
"is those services 'and RmANg swoms out RMY Will Continue to Ile Wait limod 116'r.
6, Ihe ProvWer xQ1 inOnn client to ec"Aact die ADR(" Elder 110phne [I'dwy have any, qLWSHons orconouns
noganthig Ow stalus of any of Wir services,
Page 71 of 72
Miance Mr AWn, Inc.
Aging andDisability Resouree Centei-Xider HelpAine
ll'oficy and Procedure foi-
Termination from Wait 1.1st--C]W MOWN Ices
(,"i-eation Date. M a rc I 1 5 2008
Revision, 1)ate: ()dober 2019
Review Date: ()ctober 2019
Objectivv: 'Fo Qnsuiv W1 me cNnpvhenMve At of chents in need ofsem[cvs in (ANTS is apprupt-imely
mahAwd by hinding soumQ an,d that die ADRC is thereby able to ellbcfively gaug flic curront level
of Oda service need in AA Wnd-Dade and Moruve Amdes,
PON, ADRC MH makiMin an accumle and, curreal list 017CHeMs in neul of Obler serwAs in NdWnd4)adQ
and Monme Counvies widt the assistan,ce ofthe Al RC Contracted Flrov idors,
L The Provkkr will re-scrum clients vOrich It PmvMer &WIFly pheed on A CIRTS wah HM Ru survkcs
bowd on DepArn,ent Reassemment Standards.
I Tfio rt,,-scrcening nmy be in Te form of a phmte screlcoing or a honve visit depending on lhi° clitna's staurs
(Lt. aodvopendhg)
3, The Provider%611 deterni,ine ifthie chtnt is umi, Onger in need ow eligible) A any of die services they ivem
w a i i-I[mv d For.
4. Ibc MW will lennharle the cfihejil 1"roiri the waii list (Vildrel'y ur by specific service) using the
apprcliHate CIRTS terruMbn We for any services or HwAIg .qua wee Rw which me Am is dulennined
to no longer be AgiWe A or no Ongn in need of.
5, 'The Provider MH !nMrm the clilent of any semimOMMg smuce that they are being removed fi,onri 01,C
wait list for,
6, The Flovixter wvffl hiforni clinu oft heir abd4y to be readded to It man list if their level of need should
7. The Prodder W imUrn cheto to contact the ADRC fddQr He4dine if they have any questions or comems
regarAMg dwir wad Hsi sms,
H. Relbrence lit EA Flrograms and Serxices 1-landbook as applicabW
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