Resolution 052-2023 Resolution No.052-2023
WHEREAS,it is necessary to conduct a public hearing as required by section 129.06,Florida Statutes,to amend the following:
One Cent Infrastructure Surtax Fund 304,Infrastructure Revenue Bonds Series 2007 Fund 308,Infrastructure Revenue Bonds Series 2014
Fund 314,Long Key Wastewater Fund 315,Land Acquisition Fund 316,for the fiscal year beginning October 1,2022 and ending
September 30,2023,now therefore,
conducted on January 18,2023 at 1:30 amend One Cent Infrastrucutre Surtax Fund 304,Infrastrucuure Revenue Bonds Series 2007
Fund 308,Infrastructure Revenue Bonds Series 2014 Fund 314,Long Key Wastewater Fund 315,Land Acquisition Fund 316 and to adopt the
amended budgets as follows:
One Cent Infrastructure Surtax Current Inc./(Dec.) Revised
Revenues: Budget Budget
304-RC_00008 Discretionary Sales Tax 1 Cent $31,542,441.00 $0.00 $31,542,441.00
304-RC_00299 Interest Earnings $50,000.00 $0.00 $50,000.00
304-RT_00022 F_308toF_304 $0.00 $186,086.00 $186,086.00
304-RT_00025 F_315 to F_304 $0.00 $398,299.00 $398,299.00
304-RC_00396 Less 5%FL Statute ($1,579,622.00) $0.00 ($1,579,622.00)
304-RC_00397 Fund Balance Forward $24,967,757.00 $2,930,689.00 $27,898,446.00
Total $54,980,576.00 $3,515,074.00 $58,495,650.00
304 22004 5***** County Engineer Construction Man. $2,710,591.00 $0.00 $2,710,591.00
304 22005 530310 Finance Miscellaneous $1,513,232.00 $0.00 $1,513,232.00
304 22008 530310 City of Marathon-Sparky's $500,000.00 $0.00 $500,000.00
304 22022 530310 County Engineer Maintenance $562,655.00 $0.00 $562,655.00
304 23001 530310 Canal&Culvert Projects $100,000.00 $100,000.00 $200,000.00
304 23002 530310 Canal Monitoring $49,767.00 $0.00 $49,767.00
304 24002 5***** Jackson Square Chiller Building $814,000.00 (814,000.00) $0.00
304 24003 530310 Ocean Reef Building/Fire Boat $350,000.00 $87,000.00 $437,000.00
304 24005 530310 Jefferson Browne $0.00 $1,590,000.00 $1,590,000.00
304 24007 510000,530310 Public Defender Simonton Property $1,325,000.00 $0.00 $1,325,000.00
304 24009 530310,560600 Rockland Key Facility $315,000.00 $0.00 $315,000.00
304 24010 530310 HMPG Wind Retrofit $262,377.00 $0.00 $262,377.00
304 24011 530310 Gato Building Repairs $100,000.00 $0.00 $100,000.00
304 24012 530310 Ellis Building Renovation $400,000.00 $0.00 $400,000.00
304 24013 530310 Lester Building Renovation $400,000.00 $0.00 $400,000.00
304 24014 530310 SOE Bayshore Manor Renovation $400,000.00 $0.00 $400,000.00
304 24015 530310 HMGP Generators $123,750.00 $0.00 $123,750.00
304 24016 530310 Historic Courthouse Envelope Rest. $0.00 $31,763.00 $31,763.00
304 25001 530310 Higg's Beach Master Plan $0.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00
304 25005 530310 Rowell's Marina $132,866.00 $316,944.00 $449,810.00
304 25007 530310 Upper Keys Activity Center $750,000.00 $0.00 $750,000.00
304 25008 530310 Middle Keys Activity Center $500,000.00 $0.00 $500,000.00
304 25009 530310 Lower Keys Activity Center $1,750,000.00 $0.00 $1,750,000.00
304 26001 560600 Trauma.Star Helicopter Replacement $2,500,000.00 $0.00 $2,500,000.00
304 26002 530310 KL Fire Hydrants $150,000.00 $0.00 $150,000.00
304 26003 560600 Fire&Ambulance Fire Truck $837,000.00 $0.00 $837,000.00
304 26004 5***** MCSO Generator $825,000.00 $0.00 $825,000.00
304 26005 530310 Joe London Fire Training Site $70,000.00 $0.00 $70,000.00
304 26009 530310 MCSO Cudjoe Substation $50,000.00 $0.00 $50,000.00
304 26010 530310 MCSO Marathon Substation $660,000.00 $0.00 $660,000.00
304 26011 530310 MCSO Detention Center Spalling $200,000.00 $0.00 $200,000.00
304 27003 530310 1st Street/Bertha Ave Iniprovements $1,500,000.00 $64,125.00 $1,564,125.00
304 27006 530310 Dennis Street Pump Station $550,000.00 $0.00 $550,000.00
304 27007 530310 Seaview Drive Bridge Replacement $3,791,748.00 $632,956.00 $4,424,704.00
304 27009 530310 Deepwater Horizon Projects $1,107,947.00 $0.00 $1,107,947.00
304 27011 530310 Bimim Drive Bridge Replacement $1,200,000.00 $59,612.00 $1,259,612.00
304 27012 530310 Harbor Drive Bridge Replacement $2,533,734.00 $1,059,768.00 $3,593,502.00
304 27014 530310 Key Deer Blvd Repair $776,000.00 $0.00 $776,000.00
304 27017 530310 Stillwright Point $888,746.00 $0.00 $888,746.00
304 27018 530310 Toms Harbor Channel Bridge $0.00 $336,906.00 $336,906.00
304 86502 581000 Budgeted Transfers 304 $19,598,612.00 $0.00 $19,598,612.00
304 85532 590990,590991 Reserves 304 $4,682,551.00 $0.00 $4,682,551.00
Total $54,980,576.00 $3,515,074.00 $58,495,650.00
FY23 Budget Amendment Resolution Fund 304,308,314,315,316
Infrastructure Revenue Bonds Series 2007 Current Inc./(Dec.) Revised
Revenues: Budget Budget
308-RC_00397 Fund Balance Forward $0.00 $186,086.00 $186,086.00
Total $0.00 $186,086.00 $186,086.00
308 86565 581000 Budgeted Transfers 308 $0.00 $186,086.00 $186,086.00
Total $0.00 $186,086.00 $186,086.00
Infrastructure Revenue Bonds Series 2014 Current Inc./(Dec.) Revised
Revenues: Budget Budget
314-RC_00397 Fund Balance Forward $797,976.00 $400,000.00 $1,197,976.00
Total $797,976.00 $400,000.00 $1,197,976.00
314 26008 530310,530430 Public Safety Fund 314 $500,000.00 $400,000.00 $900,000.00
314 85573 Reserves 314 $297,976.00 $0.00 $297,976.00
Total $797,976.00 $400,000.00 $1,197,976.00
Long Key Wastewater Current Inc./(Dec.) Revised
Revenues: Budget Budget
315-RC_00397 Fund Balance Forward $1,115.00 $397,184.00 $398,299.00
Total $1,115.00 $397,184.00 $398,299.00
315 86573 581000 Budgeted Transfers 315 $1,115.00 $397,184.00 $398,299.00
Total $1,115.00 $397,184.00 $398,299.00
Land Acquisition Current Inc./(Dec.) Revised
Revenues: Budget Budget
316-RC_00299 Interest Earnings $5,000.00 $0.00 $5,000.00
316-RT_00047 F_304 to F_316 $500,000.00 $0.00 $500,000.00
316-RC_00396 Less 5%FL Statute ($250.00) $0.00 ($250.00)
316-RC_00397 Fund Balance Forward $257,758.00 $924,115.00 $1,181,873.00
Total $762,508.00 $924,115.00 $1,686,623.00
316 22015 530310 Howards Haven&Conch Key $24,424.79 $0.00 $24,424.79
316 23013 560600 Land Acquisition $738,083.21 $774,115.00 $1,512,198.21
316 85578 590990 Reserves 316 $0.00 $150,000.00 $150,000.00
Total $762,508.00 $924,115.00 $1,686,623.00
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD,that the Clerk of said Board,upon receipt of the above,is hereby authorized and
directed to make necessary changes of said items,as set forth above.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County,Florida,at a regular meeting of the Board on the
18th day of January,AD 2023.
Mayor Craig Cates Yes
Mayor Pro Tem Holly Merrill Raschein Yes
Commissioner Michelle Lincoln Yes
Commissioner James K.Scholl Yes
Commissioner David Rice Yes
FY23 Budget Amendment Resolution Fund 304,308,314,315,316
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The Florida Keys Only Daily Newspaper, Est. 1876
PO Box 1800,Key West FL 33041
P:(305)292-7777 ext.219 F:(305)295-8025
KEY WEST FL 33040-3110
Account: 421235 Ticket: 3875673
STATE OF FLORIDA [legal.text]
Before the undersigned authority personally appeared
Melinda Prescott ,who on oath says that he or she is
The legal advertising representative of the Key West Citizen,a five day newspa-
per published in Key West,in Monroe County, Florida;that the attached copy of
advertisment,being a legal notice in the matter of was published in said newspa-
per in the issues of:
Saturday,January 14,2023
Affiant further says that the Key West Citizen is a newspaper published in Key
West, in said Monroe County, Florida and that the said newspapers has hereto-
fore been continuously published in said Monroe County, Florida Tuesday thru
Saturday weekly,and has been entered as periodicals matter at the post office in
Key West, in said Monroe County, Florida,for a period of 1 year next preceding
the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement;and affiant further says
that he or she has neither paid nor promised any person,firm or corporation any
discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertise-
ment for publication in the said newspaper.
(Signature ofAffiant)
Affirmed and subscribed before me this 16th day of January 2023
(Notary Public Signature)
Laura M Robins
(Notary Public Printed Name)
My commission expires 9/26/2026
Personally Known X Produced Identification
Type of Identification Produced (Notary Seal)
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11AKSrs CrtzeN.WEEKEND PDMON,JAN-14-15,2023
Pursuant to the provisions of S—ion 129.06,Florida Statutes,notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held by the Board of County
Commissioners ofMomoc County,Florida,on Ianuary 18,2023 via a hybrid format with the meeting occuring live at the Marathon Government Center,
2798 Overseas Hwy.2nd Floor,Mazathon,FL 33050 and also via Communications Media Technology("CMT")using a Zoom Wcbi—plat£rm for the
purpose of,-civing any comments for the proposed supplemental Budget Amendment for the fiscal year bcguming October 1,2022 and ending September
30,2023 for the One Cent Infmstmcture Surtax Pund 304,Infrastmcture Revenue Bonds Series 2007 Flmd 308,Infrastructure Revenue Bonds Series 2014
Fund 314,Long Key Wastewater Fund 315,and Land Acquisition Food 316.
One Cent lnfraetmetnre Surtax Current hw./(Dec.) Revised
Revenues: Budgct Budget
304-RC_00008 Discretionary Sales Tax l Cent $31,542,441.00 $0.00 $31,542,441.00
304-RC_00299 Interest Earnings $50,000.00 $0.00 $50,000.00
304-RT_00022 F 308 to 304 WAD $186,086.00 $186,086.00
304-RT_00025 F 315 to F 304 WAD $398,299.00 $398,299.00
304-RC_00396 Less 5%FL Statute ($1,579,622.00) $0.00 ($1,579,622.00)
304-RC_00397 Food Balance Forz+ard $24,967,757.00 $2,930,689.00 $27,898,446.00
Total $54,980,576.00 $3,515,074.00 $58,495,650.00
304 22004 5***** County Engineer Constmction Man. $2,710,591.00 Moo $2,710,591.00
304 22005 530310 Finance Miscellaneous $1,513,232.00 WAD $1,513,232.00
304 22008 530310 City ofNl—thou-Sp-ky's $500,000.00 WAD $500,000.00
304 22022 530310 County Engineer Maintenance $562,655.00 WAD $562,655.00
304 23001 530310 Canal&Culvert Proj ects $]00,000.00 $]00,000.00 $200,000.00
304 23002 530310 Canal Monitoring $49,767.00 WAD $49,767.00
304 24002 5***** lack—Square Chiller Building $814,000.00 (814,000.00) WAD
304 24003 530310 Ocean ReefBuilding/Fire Boat $350,000.00 $87,000.00 $437,000.00
304 24005 530310 7eflerson Browne Moo $1,590,000.00 $1,590,000.00
304 24007 510000,530310 Public Defender Simonton Property $1,325,000.00 Moo $1,325,000.00
304 24009 530310,560600 Rockland Key Facility $315,000.00 WAD $315,000.00
304 24010 530310 PG Wind Retrofit $262,377.00 $0.00 $262,377.00
304 24011 530310 Gato Building Repairs $too:000.00 WAD $I oo:oo0.00
304 24012 530310 Ellis Building Renovation $400,000.00 WAD $400,000.00
304 24013 530310 Lcstcr Building Renovation $400,000.00 WAD $400,000.00
304 24014 530310 S OE Bayshorc Manor Renovation $400,000.00 WAD $400,000.00
304 24015 530310 HMGP Genemtors $123,750.00 WAD $123,750.00
3o4 24016 53 o3lo Historic Courthouse Envelope Rest Moo $31,763.00 $31,763.00
304 25001 530310 B ste H,gg's each Mar Plan WAD $50,000.00 $50,000.00
304 250o5 530310 Rowcll's Marina $132,866.00 $316,944.00 $449,810.00
304 25007 530310 Upp cr Keys Activity Center $750,000.00 WAD $750,000.00
304 250o8 530310 Middle Keys Activity Center $500,000.00 WAD $500,000.00
304 25009 530310 Lower Keys Activity Centcr $1,750,000.00 WAD $1,750,000.00
304 26001 560600 Trauma Star Helicopter Replacemcnt $2,500,000.00 WAD $2,500,000.00
304 260o2 530310 KL Fire Hy'. $150,000.00 WAD $150,000.00
304 260o3 561611 Fire&Ambulance Fire Tmck $837,000.00 WAD $837,000.00
304 260o4 5***** MCSO Generator $825,000.00 WAD $825,000.00
304 260o5 530310 toe London Fire Training Site $70,000.00 WAD $70,000.00
304 260o9 530310 MCSO Cudjoc Substation $50,000.00 $0.00 $50,000.00
304 26010 530310 MCSO Marathon Substation $660,000.00 $0.00 $660,000.00
304 26011 530310 MCSO Dctcofion Centcr Sp dling $200,000.00 MAD $200,000.00
304 27003 530310 1st Sh—VIRrtha Ave hnprovcmcnts $1,500,000.00 $64,125.00 $1,564,125.00
304 27006 530310 Dconis Street Pump Station $550,000.00 WAD $550,000.00
304 27007 530310 Scavicw Drive Bridge Replacemcnt $3,791,748.00 $632,956.00 $4,424,704.00
304 27009 530310 13—pwatcr Horizon Proj ects $1,107,947.00 WAD $1,107,947.00
304 27011 530310 Bimini Drive Bridge Replacemcnt $1,200,000.00 $59,612.00 $1,259,612.00
304 27012 530310 Harbor Drive Bridge Replacemcnt $2,533,734.00 $1,059,768.00 $3,593,502.00
304 27014 530310 Key Deer Blvd Repair $776,000.00 $0.00 $776,000.00
304 27017 530310 Still—right Point $888,746.00 MAD $888,746.00
304 27018 530310 Toms Harbor Channcl Bridge WAD $336,906.00 $336,906.00
3o4 86502 581 000 Budgeted Transfers 304 $19,598,612.00 $0.00 $19,598,612.00
304 85532 590990,590991 Reserves 304 $4,682,551.00 $0.00 $4,682,551.00
Total $54,980,576.00 $3,515,074.00 $58,495,650.00
IntYaetroetnre Revenue Bonds Series 2007 Current hw./(Dec.) Revised
Revenues: Budgct Budget
308-RC_00397 Food Balance Forz+ard $0.00 $186,086.00 $186,086.00
Total Moo $186,086.00 $186,086.00
308 86565 581000 Budgeted Transfers 308 WAD $186,086.00 $186,086.00
Total Moo $186,086.00 $186,086.00
1ntYaetrnetnre Revenue Bonds Series 2014 Current lnc./(Dec.) Revised
Revenues: Budgct Budget
314-RC_00397 Food Balance Forz+ard $797,976.00 $400,000.00 $1,197,976.00
Total $797,976.00 $400,000.00 $1,197,976.00
314 26008 530310,530430 Public Safcty Fund 314 $500,000.00 $400,000.00 $900,000.00
314 85573 Reserves 314 $297,976.00 WAD $297,976.00
Total $797,976.00 $400,000.00 $1,197,976.00
Long Key Wastewater Current Ioc./(Dec.) Revised
Revenues: Budgct Budget
315-RC_00397 Food Balance Forz+ard $1,115.00 $397,184.00 $398,299.00
Total $1,115.00 $397,184.00 $398,299.00
315 86573 581000 Budgctcd Transfers 315 $1,115.00 $397,184.00 $398,299.00
Total $1,115.00 $397,184.00 $398,299.00
Land Aegoisition Cudrent Inc./(D—) Revised
Revenues: Budgct Budgct
316-RC_00299 Interest Earnings $5,000.00 Moo $5,000.00
316-RT_00047 F 304toF 316 $500,000.00 Moo $500,000.00
316-RC_00396 Less 5%FL Statute ($250.00) Moo ($250.00)
316-RC_00397 Fund Balance Forward $257,758.00 $924,115.00 $1,181,873.00
Total $762,508.00 $924,115.00 $1,686,623.00
316 22015 530310 How-&Haven�Conch Key $24,424.79 Moo $24,424.79
316 23013 560600 Land Acquisition $738,083.21 $774,115.00 $1,512,198.21
316 85578 590990 Reserves 316 Moo $150,000.00 $150,000.00
Total $762,508.00 $924,115.00 $1,686,623.00
The public can watch the meeting on Momoe County's MCTV Comcast Channel 76,or AT&T UVcrsc Channel 99.Al-,if a citizen has a Roku device,
they can search for and add"MCTV"to their personal lineup.Momoe County's"MCTV"is also provided via the Momoe County mobile apps for iOS and
Android and tluough streaming web portal @�na�=live.Citizens can listen to audio from their phones by
dialing(646)518-9805 or(669)900-6833 and,when prompted,enter the WcbiD-M#839 0232 1010 followed by the#key.The public can also watch the
meeting online by visiting the County's meeting portal at h".// to view with live closed-captioning on an
intcgmtcd page that includes the Agcnda/Agcnda backup.
If a person wishes to comment on a particular item on the agenda,when the Mayor calls for speakers on the item on which you wish to comment:
0 Ifphoning in:Dial*9 to"raise your hand"to be recognized by the Zoom—bin—monitor,
b) Ifwatching online:openthe Zoom Webio-lik.h,tp.//—
When prompted,enter your email address and name to join the wcbinar and to speak on an item select the"Raised Hand"feature that ppc—at the bottom
of the Zoom wcbinar screen to be rccogoi—d by the Zoom wcbinar host The live Zoom Wcbinar link also appears in the published Agenda and Agenda
ADA ASSISTANCE:If you are a person with a disability who needs special accommodations in order to partiopate in this meeting,please contact ce
the County Administrator's Office,by phoning(305)292-4441,between the hours of 8:30 a.m.--5:00 p.m.,prior to the scheduled meeting;if you e
re hearing or voice impaired,—1]"711".Live Closed Captioning is available via our web portal at e