Resolution 053-2023 Resolution No.053-2023
WHEREAS,it is necessary to conduct a public hearing as required by section 129.06,Florida Statutes,to amend the following:Key West International Airport
Fund 404 for the fiscal year beginning October 1,2022 and ending September 30,2023,now therefore,
conducted on 18th day of January,2023 to amend Airport Fund 404 budget and to adopt the amended budgets as follows: '
Key West International Airport Fund Current Inc./(Dec.) Revised
Revenues: Budget Budget
404- RC_00033 Fed Grants Public Safety $147,552.81 $0.00 $147,552.81
404- RC_00037 Fed Grants Trans Airport Dev $9,366,990.69 $0.00 $9,366,990.69
404- RC_00038 Fed Grants Trans Airport Dev Cap $20,603,806.00 $0.00 $20,603,806.00
404- RC_00039 Fed Grants Courts CARES Act $1,881,584.00 $0.00 $1,881,584.00
404- RC_00057 St Grants Trans Airport Dev Cap $5,571,515.72 $0.00 $5,571,515.72
404- RC_00058 St Grants Trans Airport Dev Op $122,053.39 $0.00 $122,053.39
404- RC_00160 Airline Rents $2,000,000.00 $0.00 $2,000,000.00
404- RC_00161 Passenger Facility Charges Airport $300,000.00 $0.00 $300,000.00
404- RC_00162 Airport Parking Lot $30,000.00 $0.00 $30,000.00
404- RC_00164 Other Rents Key West Airport $1,700,000.00 $0.00 $1,700,000.00
404- RC_00166 Airline Landing Fees Key West Airport $3,000,000.00 $0.00 $3,000,000.00
404- RC_00168 Other Fees Key West Airport $3,200,000.00 $0.00 $3,200,000.00
404- RC_00169 Airline Security $450,000.00 $0.00 $450,000.00
404- RC_00170 Service Airport Parking Credit Card $375,000.00 $0.00 $375,000.00
404- RC_00291 Fines Parking Violations $250.00 $0.00 $250.00
404- RC_00299 Interest Earnings $25,000.00 $0.00 $25,000.00
404- RT_00028 Interfund Transfers $391,095.00 $0.00 $391,095.00
404- RC_00396 Less 5% ($539,013.00) $0.00 ($539,013.00)
404- RC_00397 Fund Balance Forward $12,080,194.00 $1,129,000.00 $13,209,194.00
Total $60,706,028.61 $61,835,028.61
404- CC_63001 5****** Key West Airport Op&Maint $6,164,530.00 $0.00 $6,164,530.00
404- CC_63002 5****** Key West Airport R&R $4,638,219.42 $0.00 $4,638,219.42
404- CC_63100 5****** Key West Airport Fire&Rescue $2,257,899.00 $0.00 $2,257,899.00
404- CC_63201 5****** Key West Airport Administration $1,802,968.00 $0.00 $1,802,968.00
404- CC_63200 5****** Key West Airport Security $3,530,520.00 $0.00 $3,530,520.00
404- CC_630210 530*** EYW Extend Txwy A Proj Const Ph 37-67 $4,183,283.00 $0.00 $4,183,283.00
404- CC_630215 530*** EYW Apron Overflow Parking Const 37-70 $4,724,987.00 $0.00 $4,724,987.00
404- CC_630219 530*** EYW Customs Phase 3B-G2A61 $1,955,305.00 $0.00 $1,955,305.00
404- CC_630222 530*** NIP KWBTS Final Phase Const.37-71 $3,877,195.00 $0.00 $3,877,195.00
404- CC_630223 530*** EYW Commercial Apron Const.37-72 $17,042,706.00 $0.00 $17,042,706.00
404- CC_630201 530*** Key West Airport Building&Security $1,071,601.86 $0.00 $1,071,601.86
404- CC_630203 530*** Key West Airport Planning Study G1Q04 $622,053.39 $0.00 $622,053.39
404- CC_630204 530*** Key West Airport Aircraft Overflow $1,315,964.60 $0.00 $1,315,964.60
404 CC_630208 530*** Key West Airport Essential Airport Equipment $1,250,286.00 $0.00 $1,250,286.00
404- CC_630214 530*** EYW Concessions Relief CRRSA Act 37-66 $106,585.00 $0.00 $106,585.00
404- CC_630216 530*** EYW Terminal Improvements-G2555 $750,000.00 $0.00 $750,000.00
404- CC_630193 530*** Key West Airport Building&Security Improvements $663,608.92 $0.00 $663,608.92
404- CC_630196 530*** Key West Airport Airfield Improvements $305,949.92 $0.00 $305,949.92
404- CC_630202 530*** Noise Improvement Program(NIP)Key West by the Se $259,603.51 $0.00 $259,603.51
404 CC_630209 530*** EYW Extend Txwy A Proj-Design Phase $199,117.18 $0.00 $199,117.18
404- CC_630194 530*** Key West Airport Terminal Building Improvements $195,580.00 $0.00 $195,580.00
404- CC_630217 530*** EYW Security Fence G2884 $150,000.00 $0.00 $150,000.00
• 404- CC_630218 530*** EYW Security Lighting-G2885 $150,000.00 $0.00 $150,000.00
404- CC_630206 530*** TSA Law Enforcement Officer Grant $147,552.81 $0.00 $147,552.81
404- CC_630220 530*** EYW ARPA Grant#37-68 $1,348,659.00 $0.00 $1,348,659.00
404- CC_630221 530*** EYW ARPA Concession Relief Grant#37-69 $426,340.00 $0.00 $426,340.00
404 CC_630192 530*** EYW Hurricane IAN EMAS $1,000,000.00 $1,129,000.00 $2,129,000.00
404- CC_85536 590*** Reserves 404 $88,234.00 $0.00 $88,234.00
404- CC_86505 590*** Budgeted Transfers 404 $477,280.00 $0.00 $477,280.00
Total $60,706,028.61 $1,129,000.00 $61,835,028.61
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD,that the Clerk of said Board,upon receipt of the above,is hereby authorized and
directed to make necessary changes of said items,as set forth above.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County,Florida,at a regular meeting of the Board on the •
�R,,�;< �--18t1day of January,AD 2023.
f, f."'-k'. i Mayor Craig Cates,District 1 Yes • 4 Wiz,,. rrt v\t
!""�' L--_� "� Mayor Pro Tem Holly Merrill Raschein,District 5 Yes
r�` ' 't<� Commissioner Michelle Lincoln,District 2 YesCIP: .
g 'J �.," "{ Commissioner James K.Scholl,District 3 Yes
f ,P rJ" r h�'v Commissioner.David Rice,District 4 Yes C,.3
t `, f `�r it-_- o BOARD• •'.. Y COMMISSIO »�
<j cJ"��'- �fi w c OF k1,.*.'O',COUNTY,FLORI!w' .
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Vim . '~" estt: KEVIN MADOK,Deputy Clerk --
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DCle aS Tu�Ercr ROWS
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The Florida Keys Only Daily Newspaper, Est. 1876
PO Box 1800,Key West FL 33041
P:(305)292-7777 ext.219 F:(305)295-8025
KEY WEST FL 33040-3110
Account: 421235 Ticket: 3875672
STATE OF FLORIDA [legal.text]
Before the undersigned authority personally appeared
Melinda Prescott ,who on oath says that he or she is
The legal advertising representative of the Key West Citizen,a five day newspa-
per published in Key West,in Monroe County, Florida;that the attached copy of
advertisment,being a legal notice in the matter of was published in said newspa-
per in the issues of:
Saturday,January 14,2023
Affiant further says that the Key West Citizen is a newspaper published in Key
West, in said Monroe County, Florida and that the said newspapers has hereto-
fore been continuously published in said Monroe County, Florida Tuesday thru
Saturday weekly,and has been entered as periodicals matter at the post office in
Key West, in said Monroe County, Florida,for a period of 1 year next preceding
the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement;and affiant further says
that he or she has neither paid nor promised any person,firm or corporation any
discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertise-
ment for publication in the said newspaper.
(Signature ofAffiant)
Affirmed and subscribed before me this 16th day of January 2023
(Notary Public Signature)
Laura M Robins
(Notary Public Printed Name)
My commission expires 9/26/2026
Personally Known X Produced Identification
Type of Identification Produced (Notary Seal)
yw ��1�'tryio7rrm ilr�sGv�zn M�"hk�GI���GM i
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11" 11'W �i `e II I)1 M )i II , A
Tappers, s-I ppiug bags-, "The main thing is reduo- "As the rest of natural gas- le a suming less-energy
Plastic bee rage ceutamew,ugarette ing the amount of single-use Energy Ruminates,KEYS will adjust by lalong some nsage
FROM PAGE lA butts,straws,wtfee stirrers, pla rm,[ill is one efthe mot FROM PAGE lA the PCA charget'she said. adjus-finenfs.
plas-lic bottle caps,platic sit- impemmt slangs woman on,as- "We will be n mi raring Tejeda urged KEYS
The Key Wes[progmm is -wine,plastic Ecam plates :sr uety;'said Mill MmL'leary, In rumen[years t}reutilit)xs rests carefully and working cusmmersmlog en mhttp://
.radar to the Elurida Keys and miscellaneeus garbage motive direct r of Reef Fewer Cost Adjustment had with our puffer supplier m h w.Kb)Ene,g)-aria and
National Marine Sanctuatyrs There are t}rree different Relief."This is a vulm,faq been a crediten energy bills, mitigate increases" click en the Tup 10 Energy
Blue Star program,which tiers of em t ficatien.Tier 1 pmgmm,and we know that The reedit was replaced with Tejeda explained the total Saving Tips-link for tips-on
cetifles that snorkel and ii,achieved le getting rid lrany butane re already 1 charge in Canonry 2022, bill is driven w by both the ho to b sery fast cone energy,
dive upown, adhere to bet of one type of PI fit,while addressing theeE.sue so cam and additional ic . rate and energy usage.The While online cusmmers can
practices. Tier 2 elinamates My forces of expectaloteficE or" n March and FacebefeD, rate has-decreased meving sign.pfurafreehomeenergy
Plaric Ere,Key Wet would platic and Tier 3 is adtmately The City ofKey West
is cue- decreases were implemented l pleented into fall,and a anden Evey,rebates for qualified
target the top 10 single-use platic-fire, rently desimung a yee tn-be- in Oct bur expected to decrease as cuergy efficient appliances
plastics threatening the Some 2010,Reef Relief has- launched dedicated website. Tejeda did not rule well.Censervatien is still and r ecowe m infuratien
Keys'sensilive terrestrial and collect d more than 217,000 Eer infurmatien,visit http:// out future puffer must helpful,an it cusmmers can on tot to better track their
mane cm Tunments:food pounds efmarine debris v 'ecefieliefurg. adjus-finenfs. help offset the PCA charge monthly energy usage.
11"ro ud to be r�: ur
trusted news source.
The Supervisor of Elections office in Marathon&KeyEY` IZEN
Largo are accepting applications for employment
1.Be able to pass FDLE background check. SALE OF SURPLUS VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT
2.Bl gn a myelry oath required by aw. The City of Key West would like to invite you to
B.Provide excel)ent customerservice.Excellent interpersonal Scaled brlswill be received bythe Fbnda Keys Aqueduct Authority a Planning Board workshop to discuss operations
nican on is required forworkingwith the public In a at IN Big Coppitt Pump Station located at U.S.Hwy.1,MM 10.5 and procedures.
responsive courteous,and professional manner. Oceanside,on January 19th and 201h,between the hours of 9:00
4.Possess basic computer knowledge and be proficient in data AM and 2:00 PM.Bids will be opened on January 24U1,2:00 PM
entry. at 1100 Kennedy BE Key west,FL 33U4U,at which time and place The date and location are as follows:
5.Be capable to carry/Ilft voting equi Amen t an d boxes wei INrig th y will be publicly read aloud.Such bids shall be for the sale of to
tomai4tovaworkmgknowledgeofeleoenslaws,rules, �erollowing: Tuesday,January 24,2023
opinions,and office policy SALE of SURPLUS VEHICHLES AND EQUIPMENT 1:00 PM-3:00 PM
7.Maintain own
do he knowledge of me serviceswe provide and City Commission Chambers
becoaway Imouroficeadvices other county offices provide lnand SURPLUS VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT CAN BE VIEWED ON THE 1300WhiteStreet,Ke West,Florida,33040
away efaourmil tanthbeading. Y
8.Work well with others,develop,and maintain a mature, FOLLOWING
professional teamwork relationship with the ability to perform In a DATES AND TIMES Members of the Key West Legal Department,City
flex b e work enmronment. Commission and other Board members may be in
9.Commit to continuous learning. January 19th&20th Y
10.Be able to performinanenvironment of constant change. 900AM.-2:00 P.M. attendance at this community meeting.It is the
11.BewletopresemorMandwrinenreporbolearlyandconciisely U.S.Hwy.1 MM10.5OE..ide policy of the City of Key West to comply with all
12.Be able to exer0i se 0nsiderable independent lnlfiafive and requirements of the Americans with Disabilities
oundjudgmentln complefingday-to day assignments and As contained in documents on file at the office of the Florida Keys re q
viIIstosupportoperaens. Aqueduct AuthiFinance Division,Purchasing Department,7000 Act(ADA).Please call the TTY number at 1-800-
18.Be ava abIs to work
weegoods and after hours,somet meswith kOrrt St,Stock Island,Fbnda 33040.Bid packages can also be 955-8771 or for voice 1-800-955-8770 or the ADA
file notice. date landed from wvvw.FKAA.comas well asDemandstaEcom. Coordinator at305-809-3811 at least five business
Call or Email for an application. Any questions should be directed to David Jackson,Purchasing days in advance for sign language interpreters,
Manager,in carding via email In djack3sm0fcsocom. asslstive listening devices, or materials In
snperrisor of Elections Contact information: accessible format.
Email:info@keys-elections.or9 Kerry G.Shelby,NecuFive Director Nm i,,h.SSmrday January 14,2023
Pwsuwt to thepeovisi®s of Secnoa 129 06,Plonda Statutes,aonwis hereby giveathat B Pubtic Hemsg will bet ld by the Homd of Cowry Commissi®era ofMmuoe Comay,
Flmide,oa Immzry18,Te,via Bhybnd form awing Z..Wcgn.pllgfiveat fie,
hoe Oovenwent Ceatu,2'198 OV fie,
DHwy_tad FlwS ba Bale A33050 cad Blso via
B.sly bogin Media Telmlogy("CINT")us ma 3hebsm platfocmfoc thepmposeofceceiuT.Baywmmemts foethepeoposed supptemuaBt HudgetAmendmeat focthe
fisret yem begumsg Odobu I,20221 eadiog 3eptanbu30,2023 fin the Key West Imemetioal AuponPwd 404_
Eb' Airport LLsseot I-(-) Revised Budget Bodges
404- RC 00033 Fed Ocmas Public SBfery, $147,55281 $k he $147,55281
4al RC 0003'1 Ped ch Tmne Aupon Dev $9,366,99069 $000 $9,366,99069
Tal RC 00038 Fed Grants Tmne Aupon Dev ex, $2ndre,806Do so he $2rdea,806 Do
Tal RC 00039 Ped Grants Co�.h CARES AO $1,881,584 he $k he $1,881,584 he
Tal RC 00057
St OsBats Tmne Aupon Dev 1, $5,5'I1,51572 $0.he $5,571,51572
404- RC 00058 St�l.1STmos Ahpon Dev Op $122,05'as so he $122,05339
404- RC 00160 At fine Rents $2,000",11 $0.he $2,hereshe
404- RC 00161 PBsseoguFacility Chingos Aicpon $100,00000 $0.he $'aerrh he
404- RC 00162 Aicpmt Pmksg Lot $10,000 he so he $10,00e he
404- RC 00164 OIMx Reins Key West Abpon $1,'/00,0as he so he $1,'/00,0as he
Tal RC 00166 Ailiw Lwdsg Pees Key West Aupmt $3,000,are he so he $1'reter0000
Tal RC 00168 Onwx Pees Key West Aicpon $1,200,000 he so he $1,200,00000
Tal RC 00 AiSerene, $450'rea re $k he $450,lle he
Tal RC 001169/0 Service POT.,Pm gebeda Card $1'I5,has he $k he $1'I5,has he
Tal- RC 00291 Fses Pinking Vilanom $250 he $0 he $250 he
Tal RC E le 99 Interest mosgs $25,has he $k he "5111111
Tal RT 00028 steRwd Tmnsfus $191,095 he $k he $191,09500
Tal RC 00396 Less 5% ($539,01300) $000 ($539,01300)
Tal RC 0039'1 Pm'HBtwwPocwmd $12,080,194 Do $1,129,00000 $1a 2w,194 he
Total $6E7ON02861 $T..9,nnn.nn $61,H33,m8.61
Appropria 63DD
404- CC 63001 5>>>a» Key West Aupon R&Mast $6,638,5390 $k he $4,638,53D Do
404- CC 63002 5>>>a» Key West Aupon R&R $2,257,899 he $k he $2,257,899 he
404- CC 63100 5**>aa> Key West Aupon Pue&Reswe $2,25'1,899L0 $k he $2,25'1,89900
404- CC 63201 5h**>aa Key West Aupon Admissh - $1,802,96811 1111 11:812,96800
404- CC 63200 5**>aa> Key West Aupon Seanie, $3,530,520L0 $000 $3,530,52000
404- CC 630210 5"... E b3£ TmvyAPmj Coast Ph 3767 $4,183,283 Do 1111 $4,181,281 he
404- CC 631215 5"... EYW Apma Overstuff P-.g Coast 37-'10 $4,724,987 he $0 00 $4,724,987 he
404- CC 631219 5"... EYWCastmns Phase313 2 61 $1,955,305 he $k he $1.955,305 he
404- CC 630222 5"... NIP KWBTSPsBt Phase Coast 37-71 $3,877,195 Do 1111 $1,8'I'I,19511
404- CC 630223 5"... EYW CmmnsciBl Apma Cbow 3'I-'I2 111142,716L0 $000 $1I,042,7l6 he
404- CC 630201 5"... Key West Aupon HWdsg&Seumry $1,0'I1,60186 $hhe $1,171,61186
404- CC 63hare 5"... Key West Aupon Plmwog Study GIQ04 $622,05339 $hhe $622,05339
404- CC 630204 5"... Key West Aupon Aimm9 Ovenlow $1,315,96450 $k he $1,315:96460
404 CC 630208 5"... Key West Aupon Ess®Eat Aupon BTm,p t $1,250,286 he 1111 $1,251,286 he
404- CC 631214 5"... EYW C-oioas Relief CRRSA AO 3766 $106,585 he $000 $106,58500
404- CC 631216 5"... EYWTe onsllmpmvemmts-0 55 $ISO,aa he $hhe $I50,00000
404- CC 630193 5"... Key West Aupon BWdsg&Seumry PbOv. mesh $663,60892 $hhe $663,60892
404- CC 630196 5"... Key West Aupon Aidild lmpmvemmts $1e5,94992 $hhe $105,94992
404- CC 630202 5"... Noiseev,m mua Pi(N@)Key West by the See $259,60351 $k he U59,60351
404 CC 63raw 5"... EYWEme'Tmvy APmj-Design Phase 1:99,11'1.18 1111 $199,11'1.18
404- CC 630194 5"... Key West Aupon T.-al HWdsg evpmvemeats $195,58000 $000 $195:58000
404- CC 63121I 5"... EYW Seu.iry,Peace M884 $150,reare $k he G2885 CC60218 50a $550,,000000404 gog 404- CC 630206 5"... TSAL Afomewent col- cat $147,55281 $k he $147,55281
404- CC 630220 5"... EYW ARPA Omar.1768 $1,348,659 Do 1111 $1,348,659 he
404- CC 630221 5"... EYWARPA Cowesno.Relief OsHnt#3769 $426,340L0 $000 $426,34h he
404 CC 630192 5"... -raw--AS $1,000,00e he $1,129,has he $2,129,has he
404- CC 85536 59.... Reserves 4M $88,214 he 1111 '88,21411
404- CC HIM 59.... BudgledTmm 4M $4I'I,28e he $000 $4I'I,28000
Total $6n,�1nyn28.61 $1,ll.9,nnn.nn $61,835,028.61
Thep.btic can watrfi themeetsg®Mmuoe Comay's MCN Curators Chmm 1'16,or AT&C Weme Chmml99_Atso,if a cinumhas a Roku device,they ears semrfi sc BEd odd
`MCN"to theicpemoaBt tseup_Momoe Cowry's`MCN"is atso providedviathe Momoe Cowry moln$e fps fociOS mid Android BEd shemnsg webponBt @ kNsJ/
Momo�fl w6casmsdv/vod/TiveTfil�a,-five Ltitizeas canfisteato audio fiom thou pMaes by diafiog(64�518-9805 oc(669)900b833 cad,whoa pmmpteQ eatuthe Websm
Da83902321010 fonowed bythea key_Thepubficcon Blsowatrfit th,onagoatse by da/Agthe Cowry's meetsgponBt at kryJ/momoewwtya iemLwMCinzms/
Def u1L�az.cto view with five losedrepn®sg oa w stegcBtedpagethat s lodes the AgeadH/Ag®da backup
If apemoawishu to wmmemt®Bpmnwlm item®the BgeadB,when the Mayor reds for speakers oa theit-oawhifi yuwish to wmmea[
al Ifphosog uL Dias*9 to'k®seyow hm'"to becewgaysA by the Zoom webiam mostm;
bl Ifwmckog wtse_open the Zoom Websm fisl,hap J/mrbowzoomas/'/8390232 to ID
WheapmmpteQ emtu ywera 1 Bddwo 1amne 1.j.onde, ebsm cad to speak oa wit-sled the`Rai Hm'"feBnaethat appems at the bonom ofae,Z.-webiwc scceeu
to becewgaysA by the Z.-w oil host Thefive Zoom-in.Top atso appems on fie published Ag-s cad Ag-.Packet_
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Admi.fsira 's Offai by pho.i.g(3n5)2924441,between the hors o18:30 a.m.Sinn p.m.,prior t.the sched.led-fu;It you are hearing orvmraia,vd-,ra➢
1".Lke Closed Cap6o.i.g is availablev�a o.r web portal of