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Restoration Project 02/13/2023
Monroe County Purchasing Policy and Procedures ATTACHMENT D.5 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR CONTRACT SUMMARY FORM FOR CONTRACTS LESS THAN $50,000.00 Contract with: Murals of Baltimore, LLC Contract# Effective Date: Expiration Date: Contract Purpose/Description: Big Pine Fire Station Mural Restoration Project at Big Pine Key,Monroe County,Florida Restoration of the Main Mural,Decorative Murals,and Statue at the Big Pine Key Fire Station Contract is Original Agreement Contract Amendment/Extension Renewal Contract Manager: William,DeSantis 4307 FaCilitieS (Name) (Ext.) (Department/Stop#) CONTRACT COSTS Total Dollar Value of Contract: $ Current Year Portion: $ (must be less than$50,000) 7 �5 � ql�'°ts�tlClycaa pia lweilua u�lhen equip.: RC.1C'C,SrpprDval,1.9111OSSi 111u a t wililklh 'lilnn iltt t., kill ,M'i M 1ir,11 Budgeted?Yes X❑ No ❑ Grant: $ County Match: $ Fund/Cost Center/Spend Cate o : 001 - 20501 - 00038 ADDITIONAL COSTS Estimated Ongoing Costs: $ /yr For: (Not included in dollar value above) (e.g. maintenance,utilities,janitorial,salaries,etc.) Insurance Required: YES ❑ NO ❑ CONTRACT REVIEW Changes Date In Needed Reviewer Date In Department Head Yes❑No X❑ William DeSantls Digitally signed by Patricia Eables County Attorney Yes❑No 19 Patricia Eables Date:2023.02.1012:24:43.05'00' 2/1 0/23 Risk Management Yes❑No ` u Digitallys 02.0 Lisa A Lisa Abre 7-0 Purchasing Yes[I No ® Date 202302115090500' John John Quinn DaDigle 1ly 2023 02.10signedy16 05 113uinn 05'00 OMB Yes[I No ❑X __ Comments: Devised BOCC 8/17/2022 Page 85 of 106 w 1f Exf f'c:ad a ea ti OR' r,rr„� d �:L�F,� AArvf ,.f"P �f� lfax&3�RR'1'Rf1 9��Wg�4 ���I"! this Agreement is rauade and catered into, betweon li110NR F COUNTY, FLORIDA. ("COUNTY"),a political.5Ubdrvisicnn of the State of l lorida,v Lese address is I I00 Sinouton lnr cl,Key West, Florida 33040, and MURALS OF h4rh,F,'ffM4➢RE,LL , (`CONTRACTOR"), a Mitylaod Limited Liability Company,whose principal address is i l South Ann Stlreet,D rlturime,Maryland 2123]. Wif RLIAS, Monnoc Conrrty entered into air Agreement on AprH 15,2009,Witt Murals of Baltimoic,Lt_,C tirrpainGng ofa Mtain Mrural,S3rcet'<rtave Murals,,rod n Sta tile at the;Big Pine It,ey Fruare Sisaion at Big Pinc.Key,FlOvida CTroject");and rJd17I IZEAS,through tone the coloring and scanning of the design and rrawals has dctrriarated as �•a insult of the environmenid Factors and other rvratheror-rclated issues of flic Florida Keys which cause this ur,ntinacd deterioration;and WHEREAS,A1S,it A the;intent oftha Noatd oJConnty Cor arnissioners q'`FtOC")to crrrrrti culturally and benefit the citizens of this(°ouraty thlongh the rrstobliahnresrt of Busch rnerrrortlds and other pulalic art projects;and WfILKEAS,tyre COUV`I Yusns:t nern tirn suc.ha nucnnot'iafs and pubbc art projccis once r:he.y,re uwallcd for the enjoyment ofbrah residemi,and visions to mortme C.'oiloty;load WM l FA',the COUNTY f Y c,itsru s and is need of the services ot,a profession at 1,perfoon a eomptoc and full leloovation and rep;airof theClosign and mooring ofthe Main Mural.,fieccogii,a Murals, nncl`uoulo ofthae lhg Phut Fire Station Mulld Prpjeol,dare to its cununt dot'eaiorated condition;and 1ArICpREA r COUNTY do net to rotaun the services of a uoutracim to providc c lcirvng ana9 poolnaratnrn of tile,snrtare area,inpainting of the surrounding surface of to(,murals,repainting of tide isms-al do signs and statue,and sealing the murals and statue,for a complete rostor'at'ion of the Biy„littleKeytriestationMoodsI'mcetatF3rgPirn.tCrey,MoxuxreG..onor and Wi ih'R'A5,theorigtnal Artist,Mic hats Kirby,as the sole member cr9 Mur,th;oP"I3altiunr*i°c,1'.1C, is faanili a with his original work and is:available to perfotot sticlh fall ant[cosnpicoo renovation of the Big,Fine hey Fire Station Mnr;al potted a;a sole source provider mince he was the original arrest and is the;best choice forpsrforitemcc of t'itis work lbt the Project;and Wt-I^.R13AS, Cd)NT ACTC)R desires and is little to provi&cle+atmu and pieparnlsuri of dac surtace area,Uolor repainting of the mural designs arid,stinue,and sualutg the;ourma designs Land stasl:uu, of the Big Pint key Fire Station Mcnar l meet;nn(l Gvllht{MS,it serves itle° ithriatepubbeplig)nse for Lt3NTRAC'OR n 6e sreur rrrovider, top"ovicIP Cleaning and prepsiation ot`the sui taCO tine r color repainting thcar na,ol l designs and st itrte,and ge,ding,tbc;mural designs andstatue„ror a full and complete restoration of itiv Big Pine Key Fire SIntlont Moral Project at Big; Pine Key,mottroa(:,lca'y, Floridl, a NOW,TI I E M FORE,bu consictoratio,I r I'the"I'Anual cOvellaott.9 I'll(I I)roYfljSQ!;contained beriern, the parries have entered into rhos Apoement on fire terms rord z%Mditkxns asset forth below "E'MENT The Agreomerd consists oftlais docribloin,ilia CAMTRACTOR'S Proposal,all (Atunly fortl lavorm-,,,,anti any antaximenlis issued after execution oftlasAgivcmurit oWy' L ff—'011p,0E S—E XV—IC The CONTKAC I'OR strait perform all won(and services as news.my,and furnish all Labor,supplies, MateTials,tools,equipment,transportation,and tiny invidentals therclo,fol iesloradmi of the spuffic, artwork as follows: RiG PINE KFY VIRE STATION In REST(MATION PROJEC7 Aj'ffl(,'PINE KEY,MONI�()F COUNTY,FLOMDA -file PojcG(i,lova(cll at 390 Key Derr Blvd,,IMM 30,5,14ig Pirx Key,Florida 33043.Services shall Lie l)(ntbrined in a professional leallur and in latlict compliance Willi all tennis and Conditions ill this PtLIM0 at ilic Big Vino Key Fire Station by performing a cletuting and preporioton of the surfack,area, color repainting ilie,murint des pia and statue,said scaling the moral designs and statue, Load,Jilad,and properly dispose of all restoration debris. CONTRACTOR thall c nfesc Avial said Activities with the Execuillve Director of the Florida Keys Coundl of(be Arts(FKCA),ElizabOh Young,in ordu to ensturo thalt thew is as much cooporadcal colrosivenesq in Illu mstoyation ol,ill(.,air in or around the project aron so that thorit Shall be the least airouaL ol'intol i6rence hotween the CON TRACI OR and anyotle who may be in Imes mily ol'ifie Project. The,C'ONTRACTOR shell be responsible to swcuro trial pay flor ally necessary pei mi(s and appiuvah to P'l-folm the worl< during the loan of this contract, which may include: Monroe County Building Deparmicat learl any ot.trer 11CY[nithry or regultnory agencies as possible. Fh,CONTRAC7011, pnM(k,to COUN I Ya reSIMIKH)schedl.ltc brier to Work. I. CPLrCqA-C—"l AMMILTI. The COUFfry sian pay.flat fee"Inlocift(it-SEXL red Flifty,qM!A(J/L(�O to theCONTRAM'OR R.irtheflolliful it,lawfalitioncy OftbOU'lited State,in sell for comp lotion of a I I re.stoiationworh as may be nocessary iofinisli ifils Protect, There shall be no addiliorml fees laud for travel,moils,or lodging beyond the cataract aillOL1111 Set f0l'th heroin. 4. LAYME.NT T(b C-Qisi ALrOlt flka_ _ puy--t by Rh.C,011r]RA"TOR lool a-6-,v#.11 the COUNTY'by the CONTRACTOR. B. couN'ry,s and obligation to pay under this Agreement,is contingent uport ao 2 Marital atpproprival ion by die 8n arri atf K I'uurtty(,,oj'xmi3siouers. C COUNTY shall pay in accordance with dw Florida Local aal Government Prompt Payment Act,as Set'forth in Florida Statutes,Section 218.735;final payment will be nr,ade altri delivery and rcnsPection by COUNTY and upon submission of a proper invoice fly CONTRA M to support completion ol'the Project. 'Eire Executive Director,)I PhCA shall review and approve 'Ali I'ravoin,es prior to their submission in tine(,'fork for prayinenc. M C ON 1 RAC'TOR shall submit to CotiN`CW invoices witil.suppo rtiaig cloeur^r'rrnnt atic ru trstr;ep I>le to the Clerk,upon full exuerution ofi'be Agreerner t as phase I and upoai coalpleti<a,as Phac IL Acceplabality, tar the{.Ilene is 9raecel on genauhlly iiecepled accounting principles and tnanh 12Wv, rules,andredailalainbns,usmaypovcrnthed"Beule'sdasbwasalirfd'wnds E'itiabnxaymuntrcque¢;Curaust be submitted no later than thirty(30)day3 alter completion of tlic l'rasject. Id. IJliron receipt by the COUNTY of an lrrvoaee fior each o,f the two(,b)iaraws,and dU(: oWnlanion to satisfy the(.1elk that(lie appropriate phase hap';been compietecl,payi1wat vhall be rriaile for the following phases at tdie referenced r�atas: Phaso I: 0.CNTRAC1(7It aheall submit ta'proper Invoice with ta.celpta for niatci'nds,equipment,in uthei,applies ncessary to Pntgin the 1'rq ck.Pceynientunder Phase shall be equal to oilr- lialf of thr contract total place and shall t'w no gremci iban'I•heec"I'Lnanesan l P'lght Ilaondke9 Sev¢a9y-I1we and 00/100($3,873,00) Dollars, which shaH pratvinc 'foil-all m rteriais,equipment,supplies,and any Other expenses incurred by dic CONTRACTOR to inmate this swolk on thin,I rcppcct. k Phrase ll: CON FRACTOR shall sutinfiL a proper' Invoice, alomnf with n roiEniluum of six (h) photographs,ce vitying that the,Scopc of Walk for tills Project has been rot p fried. Tlae final)e7—ni ,ol m Phu.qe H.,nil Ma it.... 1rhr..'f1w.srnd Etg9a 1Ra,o umeuaerR SeVelity-five and 001100($3,875ACI)Dojhtt'a.Pnyutro nt of Phase(P is conflogent upon tine,, delcrmiuntimn by'Chc h:'uculive Director of`FKCA that tile,sca>p>c of Wort,per Che pro.i cj is wannpiated and that au original hrvoiee and rlornurenatioil iwu;ssma to saa'pl7art fic. cevnpk<lion of the work hus been submitted. "S. �I"�1�:16!( ➢xlj'�r�4dlfSl:Bm%uh✓BIV,,�;,E This flpreeimir, shall conunnce neon approval of (lie Apaoernent by Woaaoe County rind notiticatir)ra to the CONTRACTOR of such appravad and shall terminate upon filial coreplcrion of the L rolec1 which shall lac ei.xty(60)days dicieureer„o ma l e,s terivainaled earlier anliici P al-ag,raph. 20 oI thaw Agreement, 6. A C i;l"'I"4a N_CIr,C F f N!LI'F'd(ANa III C Gk 'd'if 4C'I'4D�'2, (,'0hfTRA(,,,rc)t has,and shall maintain throuof honl dill term of this Agreement,appilopriate licen,sr^s. 3 Proof of such hewis.9 and approvals shall be sx¢holiticA to 111c^u'LPUN'1"Yuprnn.re;tfuest. 7. M AINTir:PdA1V(,-—OF G1T?ti CONTRACTOR shall inaii,gain all books,records,mid docurticnis directly pe;reinent to performance under firs Agicurnontin accordance with geacrallyaad e rated accoinfSng principles Consistently applied. Records shall be retained Cot a period ofsevcii(7)years from the torixtinuation of thi%Agreement or for a Perot of three(3)years fran❑the sulinuaaion of tide final expendburee roporl as per 2 C f 1t.§200.3'3, ifappli able„whichovcr is greater liach patty to this Agreement or their authorized representafivcs shrill have,relSonablc and timely aC2.M to such records o'f each otherparty to this Agrocatent forpulrlic records purposes durum the lei In of[he Aga. roam and for seven 0)years following the termilla:don of this Agreement, ieht to,Audit fwuatlebilrty of liucord. Tire records of the parries to thin Agre mend relsrtiny to the;Pro fe t,which stall illclude but not Ira Iuinet d to accounting, C rrds(bald copy,a wall at computer readable rBtttai if a can by made av cr4ilr@e;subcodntract fibs(including proposals of succe,s�s�rul and uwel"essful bidder,„ bid lecaps, biddilug, instrections, bidders list, etc-), original usttnrates; criitnating work sln;casm cojm,sronde'll= change order files (uneluding docnnnernatiori covering negotiated seulernents)„ backcharge logs and supporting doeunrenuuion; cur„nd�al. Hedger cun'ies derailing gash and trade, diSwuntsCalTiOd in,nrancefehates and dhvidcuds;atdv Other.vupporeing evidence cleoiriednecossar.yby County or the lblonroo County Office,()]:*tile(1rrk oi'Court and Comptroller(lie,einanct referred to:as "C„nieiiy C�lcrlo"')fo vtrtvstaurtaaEc cln ugca r elaled to this agreenneu,and Of other tagrv.emenis,sourm,s,of information and nr alters that may in C'ounly'.s or the;County(Icrli's reasonable judgment have any x,(Aring oil or per'tanr to[nay matters,riy.hCs,duties or obligations uncW1,br coveped by ally contract document(all foregoing ion vaaflcrre.Perred;a as"Rocoids")shall Ircopen to inspection and subject to audit aed/or reprnducijorl by c,leeiy,s ruPrescreativc and/or agents or the County Clark County or loran 4 Clerk na ty also conduct vcrift"'ations such as,but not linuted to,cournhrig cnitlnit>yccs,,it ilrc,jah ,av-witriossrug the distribution of payroll, vcrifryvirig pfyyroll conipnla,tions,ovettrend CUrnrnnatianS, a,rt+servaug vendor and sulrpliex paynrents. ❑uwellanuouS alleseauuws, special charges, velilying nf'(mwition. quad amounts thrdnrgh interviews and written confiianlatous with cnaployees, :4hcorlraetors,suppliers,crudconivactor s rtpt'e�werrt(truce,.All rc cord;,shall he lecpt for tell(M)year, 'trlcr k oral Completion nP4he Prol ect."I'll0,County Clcr k pogsesscs!he.4a idrpandeot arnthur by to condixt -'ant ofrCee:aatis �nssces.,arrdaotivi¢Iesrelnflnrgh7tlniraR'rgjecr.,Irt'anyauditorr.rxsplcyecth}rtierMrani•oe. Co ling or Curley Clerk deturinwes thal monjes paid It)CONTRACTOR pursuant to flu AgivQnneart were, spoin for purposes not authorized by this .Agicement or wore wiongully rctdmredl by (l're CONtRAC",Oct tile CONTRACTOR sildlkropraythornonicstogle t;r'withirnerestcalculatedpurstiunt in Section 55.03. Fla.StaP_,runvning fi�onx the date tno monies were paid to CONTRACTOR The ro,4,t to uuadia Provisions survive the Pcrraunalion or explrauon of this Agreement, @ll. f Y1Pff.C4 f8�vffbR,675(:dVMff'7.➢Ar r1Cq? C,C]NTlNII(7TGTk aunts(anavriply ruttla f'lnridn poblio aeroad,a hrvrs,iucludnr[t bttt pert 4uinitczf to C'Ixdal;r[ar i l°l" f'loa-IW Staines ,and Scedun 24 of Article I of the Consfilutioa of Florida. The COUNTY and CONTRA(TOR sinrall allow aanil pesrinit reamnable ta,arrd ,wt7e iaorr of all rto" nt.,«...orA., paper, hatters or other"public rccesrd"rnatortals in its posseswian ar under its,control Subject to the Provisions ofChap€cr 119,Florida Statutes and made or received by the COUNTY and CONTRACTOR n conitnca on with Itnns C n4ractaiud uclated fa oorarvant fnerl2wrtne rc<+. Tire COUNTY shall have the right 4 to unikit rally cu lcel this 4aaatraact"Tr as vtolatioa aC this provision by the CONTRACTOR,Failure of the CONTRACTOR for abnide by the tanns ofthis pruvisrutr shall In,deemed a tit ate carat breach of this contract and ibe(.;OIJNTY may oil force the tenars Oft) provision in the forth of a court firoeeedmh and shall,as a pr evading pany,,be unfitted It)rohraboraminkalt of all attorneys'fees Maid costs us,tociated with that proceeding,7"lais prowiwiott,;hall survive tiny termination or expiration of the crajdact. The CONIRAC1 OR.is oncouraRed to consult,with it,,,advisors about Florida Public Records Law in order to comply welt this provision. pursuant to flat. Fseu Sea;. l l9.t11b1 and the terrris: arid coudltio ns of this contract, Oro CONTRACTOR Is ragturorl to: (1) Kcep and maintain public records that would be rquired by the C'ounly to paerf rm the service, (2) Upon receipt from the County s custodian of records,provide the,County will'a copy o9 the requested records or allow the records to be inspceted or copiavit Within a,r easonabl,e thin,at:a cost:that does out exceed the cost provided in this chapter or as otherwise provided by law. (i) f usure that public records that lira,exorupY on;confidential and exempt froaa publie records closure requirctnents are not disclosed except is authorized by haw for the duration oftlre contract disrant And following completiou of,the contract if the contracior duos uui transfer tlrc,roctorrls to the (:ou nty. (4) Upon coropletiou(if the, collpillet, taosfer,at tx) cost,to tine('ouuty all pnhliu records pat Possession of the C".o'ai'ractor(it keep and that would bu required by the Courtly It)pcafiurirt trite service.lf the 0miractor transfers all put,ahcr records to the County upon o,arurpletim%of the Contrlkd,the Contractor shall u0strpy any dupht ate public reuauhs that are Ctoallpt or Co,otftdential and exempt froth publie^.records di,sclosurerequiremcnis,iftire.(°olura,toa keeps and inaiotain public, rreoids upon complutirtar of the carrtfaaet,tile Corluractan shall meet:all appl#Gublc ce,rluirc^utearttw for etuniup Public records, All records atoned el"ironically nmet be provided to the County,upper request t%orf'tits^C.ouory cuModian of records,sn It fonvat that is compatible with the information eetanrrloly syetcu's of tiro County, (5) A rcqucsi to rrtspeci or copy public records eul'atinf to a C'oonty routract ratusl be made directly to(lie County I w if,thr^a"omny doe4t flat lro,,Wss the requestacl re¢ORK the Courtly.hall Immediately uociYy the C'ontracior of the retclues9„said the:Contractor ctor trust proud e,thr,rccrords to the County or allow lice records.o be in,pee"ted or copied within a roarsonable brae. If ific C ONTRACTORdoes not cornplpwith il'e County,�requesa f6r records,the COC,J`Nl Y shall ertfcrrote. the public aecr®rdv contract provrsio'ua io accord aucc r ilh tine couhact,notwi Ill sutnding tire.C'ouuty's option and right to unilaterally Cancel this contract upon violation of this provrsiou by Che CON RAt-TOR.A CONTRACTOR who fails to provide the public records,to the C„7OUNTY ear pursaaant It)a valid public roeena'da rcclnest Witlull a real outtblu&itne may be sraltpcct to penalties purer;Section 119.10,Floridn stalluo, 'he t'oigl1'4 ACTOR shall not trausloi custody„release,alter,destr(ny or ot]atrwa,sQ dispose of any public records unless or'otherwise providcea ht Chas prev,isiou or as otherwa,o provided by law. jai' dip a x u M�:fat p 5 IQYx,11MUr�MILO Ni( 8�-#E'Rr�f"�����As��"A�➢ '0.1 AIl"''A-.--)„L iDAS'rA lUT ES TO Tf-1',(°QN PjjL tl ]�cv 11'Y"5 m q ? 451][ kid&3�RQ�.�.jq gKI ��EY,�.T_"fl�' 9" � AiV v i RQ.� 'QNLAK,.f, 'rlUM!"'9 BdbV d W" r,fQ rf RAY ` �DTM A efDk; ('NJf�fANm ?„ dD�P�9µ ]trDS"�QDY r Il➢47 � r� s�lD r r l (�Ur. 9, ���r,rr mr��� �r,�����rr����.�air ����rDrv,A Lp Id���lax��cg CONTRACTOR covcasalbs anti agrec"v to ntdelrve y and hold harmless l4 onroe County tonal any ohtheir officers and antployeee front and against any and all claims,liabilities,litigation,causes,ofaction, (builages,costs,expenses(including but not lianited to fees and expenses arising from any factual invesf gation,discovery ar paepaaration for litigation,and the payrnent of any rind all of the fareg ping tar arty demands„settlumenes,or judgments arising directly or indirectly usndai this Agra,-m;nt wlaGh arkt,, out of,in coarnve:hon with„or by reason of services pa'ovided by CONTRACTOR ocusioned by She negligence, errors,or other wroaghAl act or Canis sign of CONTRACTOR,its employees,oragews;, Phis Indemnification wshall sinvive the terrnutation or expiration ofthis Agreement, The extent of liability is kilt aao tra;py liouled to,redateed, or lessened by the insurance,rcguiremewt a:ont ahtcd elsewhere within tht4 Agreement.Failures of CdYI'VTRAC OR to comply with tinerecprirr..mrnir ofl:his,scction shall be cause V'or immediato Iti-minration Of this r'gioa rraetrt. Prior to execution of this agreement,CONTRACTOR shill furnish the COUNTY Cortificares of Insurance indicanaig{the rrrainimur t covcrige limitations it,tilt;bellowaig amounts: WORKER'S COMPLN°i4I ION A.NDE 1PLG,)YER'SLIATIIL` JY f N S 0 RA N CE: where applicable,worko?s compensation to apply for all empdoyeesa[aaminhaanrn shttulary limit was requirtad by Flavida Law,and I„uaipkryei'.s Liability coverage ir] the,moron[ of$' 0000,.!0 bodily injury by accident,,S rOff 00,0 OO ditrdily in.Jaq by disease,policy limits,and nl(IC),t100 00boddy injury by disease,each crnpiovoc. COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABI [ Y:CommerrialgeneralliabilityeovcragewashInnil,ail'lutbrlity Of not loss, than Y,_(0t1 d 0..(Lo per occurrence combiaed sinlsic Irreait frtr P30ehl,y hrlury 1 r'ahrlicy and PrupurYy 1Dausuage Liarlaili ri. C"LIL T li ICA„ES OFY'CJSURANC.E,Origyuaal 6'er'tifiiusles oflasuralwe,shrill he provided to fits Cu OUNT Alt the tune of exccutiorn of this Agreement and cortitred coprus provided ii'imbiesied. Fat>li.policy aea'rifwae shall be endorsed with a provision Ghat aaot less Haan shirty(30)Calendar days written nuke Shall Pie, Provided to the, COUNTY before gray policy or coverage is canceled a'tr resideted, fire underwriter of such ra:nsrancu shall be qualified to do buainexs in the State of Florida.if Yequesteal by the COunly Adminialrrator, the in of°ante: coverage shall ho 'isimary iusu¢"ancu with respcct to the COTJNTY"it4taftreiala, ere}tlny;es,agetrt,an<laaalunteers. MOIVROIs"COUNTY BOARD 01,C4I& w;6'T'C�dllhPSlDItYAI rQS'„3!9E7£arx nastarda Street,Rey 61zrs Flew'Mie 33040,MUST BE,NAMED D AS AdDIyAX'O 4 L INSfJ@ ED ON ALL POLICIES E C ds"PT WORKER'S COitM,Pm S.4770Aa, Natwitbstanding the ptaavixionl of See.708,28, Florida Statutes,the participation of C'0Ul,ITY nud G CONTRACTOR in this Apeatuaat aaad the IrMii,sitian ofaaty commercial flability insaaraaacv o,orng se€f trrsmra 1co coverirge,or loraal government iiai i lity int°.orance pool covorap Shall l riot be deemed>;a vaarvice of itxrenntity to the exta,ot of laabahty covemp,nut•shell any Agreement wrested into by tine (:1MINTY berecluirod to conta inanyproviaaonforwa,ivar. +',I all urne�S aril.➢l'faa all purpose~uatdcr`liras At;reerara nt QY(;7N"C"itA.0 TC.7�I2.is stir rtrdope�ndeaat connackae and not art employee of ihtl tioanl of County Commissioners,of Monrc+eCowify.No litatenieit comaineal in flats LItVer'rient Shall be corlsimcd so us to find CONTRACTOR a'ar any ol'bs canployusa;,suabs, a.oa vaut,,Sae tageanrs to be etnploywe.5 oP the H3crnrd ai'Conncy Ctamrtrarssiarueirs of Monroil C7otary. 9s', N[)I'd��YSC;�kI@��TtEs➢�]fY4PPV' COIJ NTY and CONTRA TOR a2l,ce;Ihat there will bo no dim iminaalion a2ainsI a:ny person,and it is es.garessay uucleasWaad tlaa.t capon a alstu^r-�nanaNrcan h;N ar s:aaua't pf cmrtlretent.inr�i adic•4fun O'h2rt drsa;a�iavinatSora has naa uuod,duv fay,re^a atat^ial xnzlornaticmlly Italminar s without:any I'm 11103 action on the part of ally parxa utha+;rivc 11aa date elf the eroizrf rtidut.CrC)tJ"t91 V of d".C7NE7tFhC"N"llld a revs to comply with ail Fec(uiokaudPlotidtstnuLos,.r�trlallUcactalordntanee.�, awnht}lrcirlalr, celatrrb�,Fouoirdtscrtntna[trr.n.'l"bevc uieatadv last arc aaot lurar`Inai¢a� 0-title V11 ohaha;Ctvii Rights Act of IcI64 QPI.gfl-9S2)whirlr prrohihits disCl-intanation oa the basis ofrace,color of national of ig11);2)'Dbe,IX oft he Educ Scion Anion dlmmllC of 19'77 ,aa amended (">ti l,ISC ss 1681-1683, and 1685-1686), ulucktprohihih disr„riornnata'm orathe basis of sex;3)`vectiun 504 ol'thae Rehabilitation Art of 1973,as amettdexl (20 tJSC s. 794), which txrobihits discrimination on the basis o1 haandicaaps. 4)1beAgeDwrnninallon Act of Ic175,asamcndcal (42 U5t s.6101-6107)which hrohibils ebsaoarainniton no the of ate; 5)The Drug; ,Abase, Utica and Tr<tatlritena Act of 1972(11L.9 p 15)) as inne Tided,re)athng to noardawranuinatiou oil ihu,,basis of drat''abuse; 6)The Coanprehoeoslvc Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism fre;vonaion, tuaalillent and 111ohnbititatiola Act of 1970 (Pl.9'1-616),as ameatalod,relating,to m irdiscumnti,oll oa°i tile lxasis of aloaalxol ahusaa 0Y alcr'hniasma 7) the Pubhe Ileahli Service Act of 1912.Ss.523 and 527(42 tiS,C sty. °90dd-3 and 29(➢a e 3➢ as amended,rclar'ut g to ctmticlentacaYity o1 Acoliol and arise(abuse psocnt rea.ords;. S)TWO "dill of the Clwd titylxts Act of 1968 (42 I IS(; s.31)(11 el:,secT), rls amended, relating:to anondiscrimf cation ur the sale,,reillal or financing;oFhonsnegr 9)The Anwrieons with Disabilities Act of 1990(42 CJsC st 121 p 4 Note),as nlaay be a.n ended frown time it)1 one,relating to nondiscrimination ran eBxe ky 4as cif tfisnb�Iiv l lot at4 c C,nua ay C ndu Ch,en1., 14,A.itaedc If,wkn i pruit wos,dnscrimi,,aali'a,n can.the h r is of race,color,sex,te;Yigibo,national origin ancestry,sca all oricotarlion„gentler identity to r„x4urr SiOti,faunfli al,slants or age;and 1.1)Ally ol 11 Or Llondi Seri In ination provisions in any Federal or state statta.les which reely apply to t➢tie fr,al l ea ill,at the subject matter of,this Agreement. )[;i. ,h?i`iIQ:SmlbltlR,l�`�'d?vCfl&Q 4@PbI'�NCat�d;::°tl�. CONTRACTOR RACTOR shall not atssigil or subconoti a its obligakions under fbis Aii,memcni to ofi e,rs,toteeptt in wrmttg and with the prior written afilarowd of the Board of Ctottrrty Contarrissioareas ofNlonloe County,which approval Shall be aaul,7ject to w..ueh c ardilions and provisaionu as the tdoard may deem ncces s aa.y.I'lais p alaeaa➢roh Shull be incotporatod by rcefel flee into any assignment or sub"it1 lad and airy assignee or aaabcaaakra,char shall cons➢Sly with all Of fhe provisions off this Agreeinetil.Uaalcse cxpless.ly t° "i l"t F",il-R A —h aI pp--) "dAdi I)]aA P Iasmicl OR evl9•nt lie deemed 10 1111JI05C ally Caddit`iolaal obligation upon the Hourd. 14. LQi6➢H"IH"LIINL ALITkiz § W aP 6i Rc' .Yhkfl mlp Ci9ibp 6d Jew In providing allservices/goods pursalaul to this Agicon tlo,CONTRACTOR RAC;"TOR shall iNdc by all 'laws of lhe Federal ano S3hate tovetzlnten't nrdinaaycos rules, and regulutions pertaiaring to or rcgulvtin thuprovisions of,such services,including those Crow to ctTect.and hereinafter aclopned.C orrtphancer wails all Caws includes but is trot limited to,the immigration laws of tile,f'cwluiral a,ixl stare glovnrument.Any violation of said statutes,ordivanc^es,rulers,and reguhtflons shall caonstitut,if nucerial bf-cuc r of'this sIo-c rient and shall entitle the Board to laminate this Agreement. CONTRACTOR shall possess Prober liceu ot,to perform work in accoodarocc with those apocirications throughout the,refill ol'dris t�u¢urle^tit. Yf»a Cylea��"Y,6yblJ&�&�,pal�ti&tY;w,ICA�IEr��aC C'C��r_tksf f 0.t 0.d�f:�itl; C:CJNlRAC'I'ORreort esrtsthatr@ ilst�lne htr9,pr�afrcrplevandumployecsl,pr entlYhilveno,Interestand Shall acquire no interest, either(IituCt 01 rrrduect,which would conflict in ally n aide with the rrertv-folince,of arwecs1°eyuiredbythiscorobact,asprovidcdinelect 1t2.311 at eq.,,Fh)ndnStatutes, l'OUN I Y ogleece lh,u officers and rarrployeus oFthe C t1UNTY ruwgnize.and will berequired tro comply withtltestaaadaxdsofccrrronlltfeztpnbldco3lruereandemployees a dchtatrsrted in Section 112..11.3,trl.anids Statutr s,regarding,bait not I inli led to,so I lcl tation or acceptance of gifts,,doing business with rue 4 a,f;rrrey; unutalhorized cornpeosation, misuse of poblsr, position„ conflicting ornpluyement or contractual relationship;irnd disc]trsaaareor rise ofeerluuurftrrmation. Uponosecullon or This, caruhaet, and thorotafter ils Changes anfyrequire 1heC0NTPAC 1a,YR dial no'tity the COUNTY uYan.y floancital tntcrust it rnuyllavo roam and all prof rains if)Iilonure Utfunty Which Pile CON 1 RAC TOR sponsors, cirdw uses,wcuoanmoaa 9; supc rvise",orrt'quircs for corans6'hl 1, al;sist l a evaluation,ortrel'muni.This pauvlsion sholl apply Whether Or anal such era pl ol,rmrrl is re;elurired by stotnie as acmrditionofprubtatian,ori providedo vavoIlin-Ybitsii, Vp ohuautEon/loaydvcrrt_ MI,JN IV and r7Cltnit`RAC"TOR warr'tanl that,in r u<,I ed to ifselt,it haasneilbcr. onllployv d nor retained ally ccrnrlraey of person,other than a hone fide cml inyee ovoxkintg solely for it,to �,alic it or seclrre this Agreement and thtal it has'not piud or agreed to pay any person,company,cul poratton, un ividusl, or ftrnr. other than to bona frdo employee rvorlojog ;,ulel,}r fitr it, any Pie, cororrorn toll, percentaga lift„or other considelation comtntgoni ulror or resulting horn the award or naalcang!of fhis a;ry❑ea rr. P'o�d,,tuwactt an raoltetion or nae provtsrou dial t:ON'tRAC"1'C'tI3 rglees tholt the C OUNrY hhi1ll have llle right to Iernifi atc this Agreement wobout liability and,at its Girsalret:ion,to ofkej fro'ni lnoorus owed, oo otl,ler'wise reeriver, the fall aaruonnl of such f'ee; colirli sCcen, pcaccnlilgc' gift, or cellside glion. CONTRACTOR shell not pledge that COLIN"TY'td crQoh oa' nrahe it a yuarusstor ist lrrgnrC°.nt or sareetq for any contrnei,debt,obligativaa,ludgloont ben,or any form ofindebtuCauss.(UN RACA'OR frrtl�cr warrants and represents that it has no obligriuhon of inderteducss that would imp an its ability to Iulfi I the telnuotthiscontraael. fit. 1"(a[(i t It;Cbtfg Nlj—PdP tall vvenaun c,otaersparrxierrac ur tine iUJUN 1'Y shall he dared and signed by an authorized rcpresentatj ve of life(:OTRACwTC1R Any wrist a norm es or uoliespoudene n ruquned or porx illc d under this Altreernent shall be.Null by l lamed,Staate%Mail,ccrtrtrcd,return reccllrt requested,postage too-paid,,or by courier 8 with proof ai deflivety, T1'te 1>luoe a;rfgivn g Ra at:o o-,hnil rorn:ais the sanne as set Cor tln h,reiri� ui¢it ehnnged a wr#ting iu}ie rrnanncr}rravidcel in th¢s paral;ra}nkt. Notice;is n'lt¢hied recoWed'by C:(y1NTRAC°Tb:R when hand delivered by national comber solids prool`o't dolivery or by U.S.Mail upon volified receipt or upi;rrr the date o'f tdifis al or non-acceptanec ot'delivery. Notice shall he sent to the following,persons! FOR C Cy171�1'I=Y; FOR C_t=tjlt Monroe County Murals of F3ahinrore,L LC° lFamldles Maintenance Depsartmelo Attn:Michael Kirby Attn:Suraruie Rubio t I South Ann`tilrect 102050 Overseas Hwy.,Suite 213 Baltiin:aortr,fT,21231 Key Largo,IFl,.:33037 and Monroe Courtly Ataorney P.0) Box 1020 Key Went,FL,33041 19. 1'.yYCAC;S ('(UT111 Y is ex"'fri t Iicanr prarynncrit of Flolola Sala,Saks and Use taxui.C NTRACI OR il,all r)i,t tec eu.ertnpte'd by virile ofthe COUNb"I"Y's exemption Front paying sale,tax to its suppheis for materials used to fli1'i'lli its rrtrlipations under his contract, nor is CONTRACTOR aullimized 10 use than C(UNIY'S Tax Exemptiou Nurraher in securingsuch mntericis, CONTkRAC1'(;)l,l shall be itisponsible for filly and all taxes,orpayn3eirle,ofwithholding,related to under thi'sAgi-cement. a. The COUNTY or CONTRACTOR may t0lnuinate this Ag;recincio for cftwoewith wvi,u(',-i) }rs, writt.rt notice to CONTRACTOR.Cause shall constinne a breach of,the ohlig"Itionaa ofirailu r pin l;y to Lwr iouu tie obligations enuineranted under this,"4grr,emc:r�it. t,. F iaha.i vw1 ri pai ri.tu eviy ,ul du.s A,o v at w n,nne e t ya toIi"it panu:,y sixty(60)days'writtou anoeirs;or its irnlentliou to du so with neither prarfytiavng,a:uy1"nnitcrerh99tatla5rt under the terins ofthc contract upon termination. C. €f flirt C:;ONTRAC I OR is Inalju(lgu3 a.larurlingn, or On,makacs a g,encral assillumeni or the he ilia of il,'ciridilors,or if i re,ta.iver is appointed on account of its insolveney,or if it persistently or rolic atedly in l'fils,eatccpt in ease fit Which oxiension of ulna is provulod,in supply eniout;h props rly skilled molrk'rrieu or paroper xnutorilds and tarilt>au')maintain gear estublid ed soliedule(failloo a.) nlaiutanr Wiodule f;hall bc:daPvned all any sclaxitiled activity that fitly;sm.'n P)days or more but and •,choduic)of if'k Fails to roalac prompt payment if)shbcnnntramors liar materials or Jabon,of perwistcntly disrep,nth,laws, mhn,oreiinonces,regulations,or oidcas of any public authority having;juresdiotion, ,xi ollic.rWi e,is allilty o('u uu17*.iurnial uielaiiuxr of c l ,x,vier if ilia,Ajpp r � o i+.„�its,•r'rYa]Ari may,wahoul,piuludice to any right of remedy and rafter givitng,tire CON I RA.0 O R.anal i is suiety, d' nny, seven. (7) days' written notiCO3 rlaniog which Period ('C)N'TRACOTR Nib to comi'anence eorrvi dlon ofthe vlananon,tenlniruste the uin,ployuw ll of the CONTRRACIOR and tubes p ossessiorr of 9 the site,and ofrah materials,equipment,tools„construction equipment anr(I tnaashjel",ly flt con acvrred by the C f)WRAC OR, anal array kindsh tile, i'rOlimt by whatever method lbo COUNTY may dolem expecdictrt InStI.h case,the CONTRACTOR shall not he vnditicat to receives tiny turilter ptsyrustlf until fiat; Project is haushed nor shall if be relieved 1ka'r¢n its obligations assured "I'der Ptuagrapah 1 iteasonulaie tern unction expenses incurred by the COUNTY may ho deducted from ally phyla€aafs left owing the CONTRACTOR. cl. For Ci,mfl acts of awry stno tiet, if here C Cure determi et brat lhe K onnrcaeteorXonsultaln has submitted a fialse cortir'icattrnl Crider Session 287.115(4),Fboidis Statures, Or has been placed oil the Scrutinized Cornp aver;41rat fl oyrotf Israel Ust,or i ,argagetd ill a boy you of lsra ul,[dreg(-,nuo1y, shall heave the olof6on of(1)tennino-ating dre Agreement atho.it has given tsar:C:urnructnrPCansnitnut written notice and an oppiortunfty to dearaon5tratc the agency's a.etenumation of false cellidico lore was in er aog paursisoll to Section;fd7A M(5)(a),f'loricla Soitukes,or(7.)rnuintair'tiwz[)the A.grr:emorii if(lie con<lltionra of Section 1.35(a&),Florida Statutes,are lnet. Pt• CjQ3LFt@dlsdtlf'CG.LdAq NL,k a @ d�k 1�'tR&tltfk N' ]'Y 6Ps'. This Agroemuilt shall he governed by and ceroolsbtletl in e eorda ncic ovilh tile,Ims ol'the state,ofT'lodda Cal,)plivableao.Agreements inadc and C)he performed emirelyintlar."onc.ill tile evcrattiior soyCause of aaclion tar adminisivatiee procradnrg ss Iristatuteai bar tine-MR)"ceinent or of this 4f crnellf, the COUNTY ML7NTY and C,C}i'd]RM.,JOR aL is s,lbat venue will'lie ill dw aappropli ule eour't or before Ilie ap proprfale ill,n,iti strativr body in Monroe t'ellooy,Flog Thee parue�lioli,c their,rights Io Trial hyjwy^ IRL Tire COUNTY antd CONTRACTOR agree That,iutlre c°wei'a4�o#" rrilic.uny;iuenparetaGom rid`IIIO terlwi or u trrm ol'this tAfroxmicni by of boliween mny ofthem tho ir,sur shall be sublrultui to Taut.chation prior to tilt instrtntionot any Wier adminitAralweor legal proocedin mo,chafion proucedinglo initiated Auld cfonfuejed I,rursunui tar this A greernoltt shall Pic in e,;coftlefle with the Molid a Rules of(1ivil Procedure and usual and customary procedw es required by the cirrv.uiY Col,intp. p`faziiy fain„ covenant, condition on pnrrvi3ion of Ibis Agreement(or the ttpplicntian thereot'tts any circumstimcc or Irrlson)lihafll beduclared invedid(it unenl"uruclablr tar any extent by<a cu)urt of coiulact.eaat Jurisdiction,the remaining;feline,covouani„aroraeditions,eirldeisawisiunrtofths,AttaOoment,shall not:be affected Qicruby;and e n,h reu rifling teran coauntint conditions,onl provi3karr of this Aaicearrwnst r,hs l be v alid and shall he enforceable u)the ful!Ost e cint p eronitted by Warr,inidc s 9hei enfoy,cOincnt of the renrannng brass raavenarrts, coidition. and provisions tat" Ilbs Agreement would plvveiat the acw'.a,anipolvwflnnent of tilt,o;riganrd intent of Ihis Alpresniean,File COUNTY and CONTRACTOR R a'rpeO on reform the Agicenieni to tie plane any sna kwi provision with a valid dnwvision g aat eo"Ies as ciosu as posible Co the intent of file strickwap rovi,sion. 24, ATTORN y tt r Vtap tNDCC�&:UST!; I NO UrPUN I Y and UO..aN FRAt7Y'C)d',t.agree that in lire eve,raa uty cause Of rlebo,or na4nruaistratdue. proceeding is initiated or tiete+sided by any parse^ty relative;to the wifincelnuilt nr intcrpretafion of 911ai„a, .Nftr meni,'die;prevailing;party xhull be entitled to ra.atsonaf le trtlon y-,s faa;a,Court Costs,lean Dsligadve, 10 and out-of-pocket expenses,ens°es as aat award againsI,dnu mni pra vailingf pierl'oy,at all levels of,the c ourl systcrn, and shall uacluding,,ill appulJatc pr r: ^dtlrps,. 2v, atlb k7A1A�;h"A'14 1V�ABL ASP'L Ai�h @I;q AS 9G9k�.�;IN�t.Y°d#V C'd 111,111Y and CONTRACTOR OR agrec that all dispules and r6xagreensenta shall he attempted to be c,nlvicel by rrna el drra<9 eontea st wwroras h twuen reptesentrati;ves ni coaa>h oPtho pnrtios. If'thes iamrrc or issues rll e sti II not rcan9ved to the satisfaction ol'tho parties,than ally party staff have tho right to seek slioh relic[ or re❑aealy,is way be provicle d by this Atpoc niera flat by Florida law, This Agreement is not wittect to arbitt rtlon. This provitsklu does mot negate or uuarw the provisions o➢'Paragraphs 12 and 20 of this Agreement concerning termination or unimllation. 26, CQQjjr,.,RA In the,evetu any aelanlnistortrorear legal ynouoedirst is instituted tyalrrsl eifhan pansyrelatitng to the fora ation,execution,perfoarnarnce,or breach of thi,Agreement,COUNTY and C llNTRflo.'I,'CIR agree dal fi n trap ate,to the:uateaat tequiwd by the arlher party,hi all ltarocb crhuhs,heal nngts,Aran c su,rncofirm{%, and other activiiatarolarecl to the rarbataner of lhis Agternctit or provisforn of Ow, geniecs umdcr this Agnm ment COUNTY and CONTRACTOR[C}I^v,pcuifra Belly¢clgrce that no purly to this Apn[^unorlt shall he required to cuter inters any arbitl a Hal g r'occodillp Matod to tiles Ap roornc,nt. 27. V31EWY,mINt��F�111 ',he tot Iris,a;r'.nee:mants,oorrdrtusns,and gran isiorr erl iflis Agrce>nronfl ihall bind and i ntm c to the l8enetit of C'OUN'I Y and 4;CriPs1'I"1tF4.F;TOR and ihe,ar•rFpaeteJive l+agol rupnosrnitdtivc strccerasons,and nssipns. 2d. ,t�.ffiJ�fl;l�k.Y��,�rcFY finch pally reprosents;and eiauarntr,ter the oipnct�th at the eeectnrrcr®,ch;livery,,Hutt patrtolnuorlcn Of this Ag;re annent hawo been daily aut1whi-d Brw ,ill rrr.,ws sary CC)UNT V mad corlrcar,aic mlioar as required Litt 1 ew. ! ,ch party agleus that it has had aaanpalc;oppontatusnty ict sublow this Contract Pay ic"'al counsel of if", rholCO"I'dr,lnrea's into this�Ag i-cCalenrt�Erns1y„wohornaraly,and With advice of Co unsuel. P,eE. C 9,r Po'1„b'!„w;a f AA91 A+"Psff 1fRrC..Y,O.;PA1'`�6i�"V E fp.pAD CON tRAf`rOrt mill C'()UN I'n asa,,o l a,tt each shaft hu,mid is,copowtc(l h,apply fen,wuk,,mid obtain fodcral and sinlefundsto huther the purpose of ahis Agr cur rn c;pyrnwedreC'1 Cptart oBl mpryaJpc:akeon„ vcquest, grant,prolrosaN.,slid funding solicitaliolls,shall be approved by cilch paan•t'y prior to subioAsslon. Any conditions lnrposecl as a re cull of Funding ng;lihar affect the Pt ralcct will be provided to cm- h peaty. 30, pflk9�B,1,mCClM_I �q! A�tiP1C�'4„rAl±; All of Ili,pri;vileveslind imrranwtrc"s firurna liability,cxi,,ogjIiollsflonn laws,Old:i alms,and nachos talyd pensions,and rche f.disability,workers'c onapena,nfion, and nither buncfiis which apply iar the aataivh), of erf{it rs, agetnis, or employee Of' airy Publkv� or angrlo;yces, Of this, C0tJNTY, wb,crt perboryning, their respeclive Purktions Lander thk Lgre,nwrat ewalun the terlitopial 7muts or Phc COUNTY shall apply to tha spare degrr,c and extew to of,rich Function,and duties c,1s,u1 w,l:£ca ,., 4 or:,aah„rua.us.oe amyloynoa oerraide ow wrnrorial amus of use C UUNFY. 3L l A gMll cAA11yV PaT1(1 nw W9Y Alp l'81 plAAl l A�kA; 19. Nim-Delegation off Aarnstiaunoaay.l or ;Iatufoiy]„Dukes. This Agreement is no hoende rl to,near shall it fir co ustruod as relieving.€ny partacppraarig entity Imill ally obligation or respouyitipl.ily hispaosed upon the entity by law except to the cxtt,nt of act ul and tulmly pfcrfornnance then ol`by iiny participating; eatady,mwhoh case lho perforrnimcc may be,offered in mli,f°.actioll ol`dre obligation tat responsibility. Further,this Agrocnientis not inl:era"d to,nor Sllaall it l+e conshvcal as,authorizing thedelegation of the consilli-ItiOlaill or sd onory duties ol'the COUNTY",evxCa.ps lxa the ewrrfft pacrfxdUM by 4hc Florida collstd:ution,state,statute,and case law. 31 hlf:Ml'W,.[tirf tAl'+C4 r,,p_y V{1, ::LA& T�ro No person of entity shall lark coodcd to rely upon the Walls,or gray Of thorn,of tlwia Agreement to etaforce or asttenrpt to a*nforre ally,third-ptirty clahnor erititicm(�ae to orboncFAo,f any service or firinipaor contaampslattd herconcor,and the COUNTY:and the CONTRACTOR agree tli+i neither me f:;(,7UNTY nor the 4:O?aSTRAC,l')R or ally ngekfrt oClicnY, err rnip^aloyce of either snail[ have tlta ..uthwhy to inform, cotresia, or othetwvisea indices that any parlicular oidividaaal or group of individualsr,crany nt miilitic,,have Onlittenients o1 beiwfrts under this.Agreement sc'par"ate kind apa,'t, infectroe to,o saperaorto the Community ingctieztslorfurthu purpaoscs Contemplated intIrasAgreement. CONTRACTOR of rues a) cxCer"C Such doutiriont,as the C.`f)'4.1py"TY may reasonably ir�tpwre, eo incirdo sa flubhu Tintity Crinou Seoeovort,an Ethics Statarinent,,Won-Colht5aon Slaty meant, aria a DTug;FmoWos:kpltace Stat:eixaem, IL Nt3r>,;;fl, NA ..� ALJil4�LCX No covenant o rt,tc�t;tnefst ronlahu."d heian shall he deenind na be ar covonaru or ng'I vrncrat of any owulhcr, officur, apgont or cmpiloycc of 1u3'owoe C.'otuaty in his or herindividu€il r,�,aprcify, .and no I'lleianprt;i,officer kntcllt o"ritippnycc of Monroe Cruutt}a dual)Ice^liable polsonally oil this Ag'r("eraacav or be,subjerci to au),personal Habiliry no act irutk'lsdnitty by ietasnn rif ilitc emoc ation of this Agrce,ment. 35 i sP y:,:mlADI A1'l fi'wimp.ld;tilllY�'Yti$..9„1,,E+1TS This Ag—uemz u p tu„a°.xaowd in any nuinsica'of c.otr.rarcrpanq,caali W which shall be tcy YsJc6 as im oliginul,all of which nikelt log ha"r slaill uonsunae, eirr and the 5inTic loginnlerlt and tualr ,aariliouzed rcp,>ru;;rrtifsrtirre Of d:'C3CTNTY and C'C"'N't-RAf;'6OR her,'e:to enay wrecute this,Agrun,wi t.l,,y situing rury suck ucrunterlaart. 36. Sit I;I;�:ANNIEfl 9U�pau Section headings have taeeu inserted in this AgrocnlCnt as at tnaucl,of convenience tart furence only, and d is agreed that Saaeh s„t lion headings are nol ea pall of Ilary Agnxi,nont and will not be;ust,,,rl in die innspretafion ofaray prcivisiun of diis fAgicernoilL 37. A4it,=;A3p,fw&a, 1iBY91 p1C1N&titAuC;'li'N#fti f rr rH ,ctnl th r tl a ».�xamsc ui...... It err uher u✓crtlw.aai Ilia Pag'sert[o ally aura 1—ty,the; U0111a uctol Specifically tally agiv w ut ideratif"y the(.ouji.ty as as additatana7 hastu-ccl on all ptatiniers FeqUired by tall County.In adch6on,rho Call tractor spx-rahc.ally ap,it a.,ill"ll all sagrc©aai.ur is or contrac'ta of any nature with its subcorn,eri,ngors,shall include ahe foamy as additional insured, 12 }lei itrrrurp.laanrr try 1 2021,in lKXordance with Fla_"fill_,;tie;.44806,6,if applicable,llie Contractor and any slbconnabtoi shdtl regisHtl'vwAlt and deal!utilize the.US.Department off Il ariela❑it trerllYlty S f,'- Velrfq system to vonCyr bhe work authorization States of all uewa rnploycea hired by die C:ontracim durhig tixe torte of late C oriltrct and shall erpr oWy rcguim any subconuaetcrhs Petii,r IMIR wtai k or garevidirkg, servicespia-ruarittotheC:ontraettOlikewiseuldizothe:US,Department of"1aruleltsnr',C cunrrtyra-Vesr¢C 9yrskcnr to verify lire work authorrizrttion statuw of all nemc crryrlcryees abed by the subcor tiaclor during the Contract term. Any surbeaatractar shall provide an affi+#mvit stating taint the;stibcoalraidoi does not e~mpluy,Contract with,or subanntraer wtth an miatitholized alien. The Contracror shall eon ply with uurt'i be,subject to agar,pr'ovisiorrs 01,Flu_utal.„See.448.095, 9' "A pe;rian or affiliate who has hoc it placed on rite coovicte.1 velti'dsrr list following a conviction a,u p:rublrr, entity crunr,Ipsy ant submit i bid,}Proposal,or reply r>n a contract to prruvidu silly goods or s,urvicos to d public err'thy,may not sulama a bid.,pnrposa),or reply tare Er camtract wilt a pniblic entity ?or the uol Istruct i oil or repr,ur of a public building or public work,rnar,y not submit bids ens lease„of real lranper'ty to a phallic erstaty,may non;be awarded (a perlorin earnrk as it coniracaen", t,npplick, subconlroulor, or ccnlsultrmt larder a coralact with ally Public QlaiC,'y,and rally not t7arrsael bi ttirriesn With holy public cnirty it'r excess ol�the'areshold k9moont p,rovlded ill Section.28TbP.,I'I(a-ida Su'Sa4'at'&s, fie(A1FIGORY TWO for a period.of Chiity-six(36)months from Cho date of being placed oil the ronututed vctidc)j,list." 40. C,ta�t,5;aPtC16 �'MN,CDd �Cw6fid�1L9&EX,. This lAfrccnxcet wlratt IDnt ho e eurstrucd more rurw0v,tyrinst orle fratly thrill I},ains'e another merely by votue of the faint that it ntay hawe lacers preyorrcd by one*of rha;lP hriw s,it being aulnnowledged that both Obi, X)hl'fRACi'I OR and the COUNTY have,substarnually rand materially contribih'ed to Ill,prrapalatiott i hereof. 41, CCl d:ti sGdAd'. akllW9d�1Hi;dvd, d°v,1l.11gl"�' and('(1NTTd.Af IOR eovren,nat that norther plesenfly has any intercsi, and shall arol. aoe'puirl,arty raterrst,wslrirth would oonlli(,t to d'rtay rrt2nurer car dopeeewiP,lt rr,„lrcrfcrrnranee carder 1ltis ALucumen, ratio that only inaercat cif I.^auh is to pie fonrl anti receiver,lumcits io@ recited 61 this A,p;rec motet. 42, fill ;]'a`@0�4Pd�.M.1fdP F CdTtC"4;7Wdv tCd; /�d➢3 Cd I4h 461&Jk2l, Any elday ur Failure eutetltrcM'9',rals Gsa p,,airrrrvi rt olrli[narirrntt ttodue Plus Agri,cm m will bI,axe llrmol to heir extant that dru delily car Diidnac we is car,xl iirc cfl in,an e^,.vctnt lees(Iud such l'a fv's comred,�r°ialt+7M1rI Such Fany s fauh or neprhtxitr c and throat by,ris arature i oUld not have hccP 4b s xaI d>y vault h,itr y ter,if it could I,owe bml 1clres.eu,Was nusvoir Ibla,_(a)act, (d'God,dirt flown, dtir, a ibiqu l( ,.,pj(o,jc)n, oupicat sb mr,hrnticanc or o le sr ftelmed meCggnc) in tdre gvogtraphic well A tlPc Troia t,fc veau-. invasion,frost lift.q(Wlwoi(,,u war ,ele:dmred or IAWt,,,rNf l Ul i5r tAliy,AVS i)1'4i la.i I a[,or,Iher oi,f rlY r"',o, the bcoglaptuc am i,cif the Fr'oluut;(d)govorunnetit older or law in the p?ue}ttaplue area Of flik l'xrajectd CRr) actions,embargues,or blockades in effect(are or inter Itta dwo of fluff;A ftreriruut,(l)w ii.wl by any govcr rrurnrltal author ty prohibst'hng work in the geographic;areas of llaee lvr°oject,(cilch,a"l lueontroll able. 13 016 IIIIS. 11)LP.'") CONTRACTOR I'i fincrncial mmbility to perfurm,uhangus in on,t or llvnil2Nlity of ,matcr u4,,cumpnracrtts,or as�xxc�,^r,mantel wild4iorls,our,Ilppl er,rvf ons or ctnh ad displa s vvill Ito[ exr.,Ilsc prrfommilce by C„0.1,4 fiRAC::TOR mhlea tivti cmicm. CONTRACTOR shall gave COUNTY vvunUon notice,with n%wen(Y)days co,any evunC ol cnaaeon(sluance flull ins leasun�abl,y lik,cty to resulr in ,a1 M lnusrrr xoll blc C ircums&mcc,and the wtfieip;itcd.&,Ir titm of s och Uncomtolllable cuonn t'ance. ('ONTRAC:IOR shall use all diligent eff"arts to(turf the Unconollsable Cixruanrtancc,ca,u c hual the ctffbx. s of any Uncontro labJe Cwirc ue s4mc,e are r nnnnxed and rosome lull porfurrrrante under this Agleccrdi,m.Thr,tl:Y76JN'ry avdl not quay addhtiomal com m a a'c guft of au Uuvonuollublv(nUflis'tance, The d."HbR'^dTR',ACI OR may only sock a no cost Chanyrrr Order for,ua.9a einre as the S�kznutp's Rcpr culaf,iv(e lnay detcroli c. 3. f P��,'hHtER ,WMA t 4 The parties shall promptly cxvmatle all docaillent'n reasonably raoURd and lake such other step,in aaddilion to 111c,execution of this A.g,rep^,lttent 9ra effectunle he intent and purpose of ihis Agcoment. 4C EFFECTIVE DF'9`h? 'I his Agro maul shall bccomc<rffi^cTivc( ffIbctivc Ogle")upon the date drus Atcromuucat is signed by butt(parties. I'MA.tC DElt OF GE'INTENTIONALLY p'.,ksFT H rClWiK SJGNAT'UlIU,'PAGE TO FOLLOW la. N WITNESS'I HEREOF,Ibe patites 110rcto have caostA this AgrecoI to be executed on the day turd date first above written, E'Xecifliou by the CONTRACTOR l-nusa Ile by a parson With Llutborily to bill([the CII bywrotherofficer of t1w 09ity,or,by two(2)other witnegm, MON,ROE COUNTY,F1,0RIDA MONACE CIOWN ry M tORNEN SUTI By: (it 5,si"EIluc PATRKMASIB-, Wfxlm, AT, Roman Gastesi nal Nanic DATE! WIT N1 ESSE's; NURALS OF BALTIMORE, LLC, CONTRACTOR Aki ,sigjeerhe Print Name prival Naltle DATE: I '- - 1)ATE: 2) Sipa t Ile 11f,fill Name '4 COUNTY OF On 11lis day 202 i,bulbre ree,the uudursigpled notary public,by fru'uns of PhYsicat presence or 0 online,Ile rsonally tippeared _ L,,, , n L to nee to be 'tL�' �4'-L�A !L—IL--,I'la'Wo' the persou w1emse Ilsire IS SIA11tscribed above ce who prodecvej t),,_ idenrifioation,audackeIevvjccjged that IlejS110 is tho per'son who execuled Mcsrro� ("'ourny for tire restoration of the Biig Pine Key Fire Sttrthel MILIM19 PrOJOCt In Big PjaC Key Cot tile Purposes(berein ronlains(L Notuy-TIub ic, My CcImmission fxiI u "'u A PANIAGUA HER NOTARY PUBLIC' t,i ry OF BAMMORF MARYLAND VENDOR Q;'ER INCAAPON REGARDING fSCRUTIIUBZED CC3pa1G''NtME S USTS Project ye p . � k e, A r Respondent Vendor Name: � ._l'k ---- en Vendor Autirprized Repr es;rnt tklvP flarne and frtle Addies t .. .,.. ,,. . city:, Hrw.�x-r emc a mate: kynSR Zip, luhnnr Nrarraber._ r ,1m, 2A�"....... flnall Adds res ;a,mrn ,Mf gnu c�YeG��pauu:�o K. Section 287.135,Florida Sfatuies prohibits a CnaMPany Prom hiddinry on,suboiiting a proposal for,of,entering into nl'rene-ing a COnlract for goods ot"Services'of aw amount if,at the flme UP wintrPacting or renewal,its co 1pany Is cr'rl the Scrutinized Cortnpanioa that Boycott Israel List crowded pursuant to Section 211,4725 Florida Stajute,;, or its eniyaged in a Boycott cf Isiae1, As 11le Iverson authorized tosiglu on Wolf of RuspurldoM,I hareby certl'ty that the camfowny identified above in the Section entitled"Respondent Vends Nome Is not listed rut the SScrolinized C alolpalves.that HOYCGtt Israel List I lualdoist'and that purslane to f3s(Alon 287^135 Florida flit kite s,Pie glJbmj5s'Non of a false t;r alficsil1linn%tray aijA)jpcj o<alwrpany to¢,iUP pa nnitiev,taftorneys Nine, andpal a oats.i Purthea`understand¢fiat any ceontm&,,fh IFre(;rt)1.9f Ty may be(earmlhiatna w Vhc,cpgirn)of than COUYW'rY,if ale)company Is ioUnd to 1'11,ova strbmltled to Pal eo carlilicatton or has haw p'aRacsd on the Sol utinized Ctompts les that Glhyrutt I,roof UM rlr'angaged in a boycott of Israul. Grin,+ledy. �� ' �, ..__..._. who le auPnarrl;rad re,sltln on behalf of the tul,anv¢d referenced a+d r,oraa,panW- AAWhoriz;d aigilaturc ry Nose Ttie List twat avallalllrr Ise tntt i'otllcwl'K)M'VanrrlenH of Marloc,iernaM Servicom 1 ilia,/r d"'Min Il n'y[ i,ri}Pia ul 1 l o n,¢Irll Ill rrr, ,Il vo r ,(,fr Intl Pul=; e,r I u ,lrpa t,rpr.Nl,lr r^ v r .. II,P r rghwel Jr,roarua f¢lilt ..`."_ . ,rla�,g;r ur II of - ,.A°t+l a4LPr,d!.af?, 7.1i __ t �lZdeat L of kiln city c,rP �+r r t: accarc9heq to law on rrr,y oattr rind ui tdei lre�nahy of er urY,depose and say that t. am y y sal far tilt i ert described in the the o f proposer�_i a the fine of p 1 notice for calling for proportaps roc lira s�� P tile I io'o .k ....... ........__ ._._.,.__....,w„ rand that I eieecuted aici ro o a1 woLh ftaPl autbol rty to do sea and y. "rhe prices in this proposal have been arrived at indapendently without collus10rr C011sultration, cornnrnnication rrr agreegrnent fear the rimprose cat restricting competition,as to any matter relating to such prices with any other propose,^r or with anyaornpetitorr and g. unless otherwise reagfinred by law,the,prices which have been eluoted it"this proposal have not been knowingly disclosed by the proposer and will no¢knowingly be disclosed by the proposer Pilo,to proposal opening,directly or indirectly,to any other proposer or to any cornpefiaor;and 4, No attelopt has been made or will be made by the proposer to induce clay vialer parson, partnership or Corponatia.in to submit,err next to snbMit,a proposeol for the purpose of restricting comp'tition;and 9 The seateanents e;orrteina^,c#in this affidavit are Srrie;and uorroct,and irradn With fail knowledge of said (Signature 4 of h''ropata ._...__w...� .....al ej C,rC)IJh!T"r`C.ff':._2 � S>;a.d Subscribed and e,wrrrr to of�atPmrried i be�frarea me.,Via rneens of fS 8r� ) y p y Gr,*al l.urt^rcenr,,,e or CJ onllrres notaraeation,clip of af tprareti). Fdafa.N1e to pev'rsorrF,ullY 0GI'YG4Nrp 10 rnr,ar has prrndurPd (Wri,of identification);asp identification, Ti flltlA PANIAGUA HUM htYdt p NOTARY flPUBLIC # PUBLIC � f BFtt.,YBkV'IG��R Mycearn MARYLAND 17 LOBBYING AND CONFLICT OF INTEREST CLAUSE SWORN STATEMENT 5W)ETk ORDiNANCE NO.010-1990 MONROE COUNTY,FLORW ETHICSCiALISE 01, (Company) warrants Hiat hot![has not ernployed,retained 01 Whorwise had act on htefils behalf any fourtei County Officer 01'emPluYee in violation of Section 2 of Ordinwioa No,010-1990 or say(,ounty officer or. Ou'PlOYeeinvic)h tior)ofSectfori3of0i'dinanc,,No,010-1990. For breach of v6rition of this provision the County rnay,in its disoretion,tPrminale thiri contract without liability and may also,in its discration, dG(JUGt from the Contract or pumha,,o)Price,w otherwise r(-uxjvor,Ria full amount of any fee,commission, percentage,gift,w ronsideration paid to the fortnei GwWy officor or ompioyee". ............... ---—--- Date: STA if COUN'ry Subsombed rsraaj srpvuj,a to(or affirmed)before vne,by rrreans of W phy.-aibol p&spj[,,e jr wl'arization,on Monlirta (date) oy nie or Naas produced NOTARY POKIC ROWNSON A PANW31JA HDMER;y NOMALF)MILIC, My cornmission LxPhos;. CITY tw ARYU;ND DRUG-FREE 1flltbtlttVGF"9.ACE q011M 'Phe undersigned vender in ar¢urdarnce with Florida Statetos Sec.287-087,hereby certifies that: 6 A a (Marne Of BUSOr.se) 'i. t�utalklies a statement ncdtying employees that the tdnlawl`ul ananufrack"e, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a Controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace and spocifying the actions[hag will tea taken agoinst employoos for violations of such prohiagiun- Z Informs employees:about the dongers.°of drug abuse in the workplace,the business's policy of mairatching I drug-free workplace,any available crop counseling,rehabilitation,and entpioyea @ssti;talice programs, tend fhrs perualtieil that may be,unposed upon eutrployeee for drug abuse vioakat9ws. g. Gves each ernpioyete engaged in providing the eonarnodifics ar confraclual services that are under Innpaosel a ropy of the staten7ant specified in subsection(1), A. lea tNae atetecnent specified in subsection(1),nofffies the employoes that,as a condition of working on the cornnaoclkties or contractual servic'GS that are under proposal,than ernplcyee will abide by the terms of the siatxrnent and will mortify the employer of any conviction of,or plea of guilty or nolo contenderea to,any violation of Chapter 8193(Flarida Stafuteh)or of any controlled substance law of the United Sales of any state,for as malsatior seem ring in the workplace no Pater than five(5)days rafter such Conviction, d. Imposes a sanction ore,or repuira the satisfactory participation In as drug ahau•e assistance or rehsabilRaation pro prarn it ut h is available in the employers corbrounity,or any employee who ds on,convicted. 6, lM asses a good frifth effort to continue to mall it' a drug-tree wok place,through implementation of this section, As the person aurho zed to si,grr the steteniant I certify lhrat tivsJ firci coollAles fully with the above requtrements. f-"ray5oser';„Sic3nartrara 97.ate: Subscribed and swona to far affirmed)before ire by moans of`Q fiti;ysur aN presence or F online no. nation,Con �I 6 (ctaw)oy. i--�_..._.��sr ' �...._ U G-7r (atnma at tatfl uaty. I-lefSYrc is prrsrrnally known to me or his produced r ((Y[ye of#danYkfication)as idenalPloato1n fdkbpslf( a aa"( o la V'dON@Phtat.lJ1V'ahafuf^IL.(d)t NOTARY PUBUC rte rn� Y U€t.lc G!i Ty OF(''.R/, AVRFI My c;prnmi ssion emires MARYLAND 39 PUBLIC ENTITY CRIME STATEMENT "A parson or affiliate who has b"n placed on the convicted vonador list following ca conviction for,public antityr or8'ne may nut sutornd s bid,proposal,or reply on a contract to provide airy goods or services to a Public ecrthY,maq'lot submits hid,proposal,or reply on a Contract with a public entity for the cr nstrraati n or ir,pair of a public building or public work,may not submit hoick on leases of real property to a public entity,rneay ruet be awarried cur perform work as a contractor,supplier,subcontoactur,or crmsultaant undcar a contract with any public entity,and may riot transact business with any public entity ire axress of the threshold amount provided In Section 287,017,Florida Statutes,fraa CATEGORY TWO for a period of t'birry-six(36)months front the crate of being placed on the convicted vendor list," i have road the above and slate that nether ��I (Proposer's name)nor any Affiliate has heera F31 red tars the(:onviaatecl voaactor li,t mYttrin tWrm Oast thirty- six(36)rnonfl4n —-.. ,.. adnahara) —..._.._...----- ,STATE"far; _._ CO4JtdfY kid=: i r�(_...:.....t.�—...........__.,..w..��_ SubsGrihed and sworn to(ear affirmed)before are,lay means of,K1 fiYrysiceal prerour„e or l"I online. noterlxaltron,on f d (date) _(naavme ofattlant) I•I¢;!;'h,is personally known to ine ad has prci<9cred ...� ..:_ _,...m........._,.,.__.(type uFud¢,nCoficaUtart),as ic'IentiPicaBltan. iN hPtIjk`k�tb6.4A yRVIB;4g�. Cktd4t )h CtF Q�AIUBU �E htCJfAIaY V t1HtIL°, My commission fro MONROE COUN"IfY,FLORIDA REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF MISIJWMCE REQUIREMENTS It is requested that the insuranCO requirements,as specified in the Oounly's SchedLito of Insurance Requirements,be waived or madified on the following contraci. CootractorlVandor: Protect or Servim j A Carrie etor/Vandor Address&Phone P General Scope of Work: ........... Reason for'VVaiver or d'fi t —----------- ------ Flol(cjes waiver¢Imcdiflcarlan will apply to. ........... Sigmature ofG ontrador/Vendor: ........... DatG. -2,14 23Approved x Risk Managernerit Signature JadynFlatt .......... COUnty Admin[stratal appeal: Approved: Not Approved: Date.,--- Board Of C OLJIIIY Commissioners apped: Ajpp,.—d� App,--30: to"ti'19 L)�-"e DATE(MM/DD/YYYY) CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 2i7i2023 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S),AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies)must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT NAME:Janilee Bitsue Citadel Insurance Services, LC PHONE:866-916-9420 FAX: 2600 W Executive Pkwy, Ste 500 EMAIL ADDR:IDAL@citadelus.com Lehi, UT 84043 INSURER(S)AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC INSURERA:Crum&Forster Specialty Insurance Company 44520 INSURED INSURER B: Michael Kirby INSURERC: Murals of Baltimore, LLC INSURERD: 11 S.Ann St. INSURERE: Baltimore, MD 21231 INSURERF: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR TYPE OF INSURANCE ADDL SUBR POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF POLICY EXP LIMITS LTR INSR WVD MMIDDIYYYY MM/DD/YYYY GENERAL LIABILITY X BAK-21462-60176 7/15/2022 7/15/2023 EACH OCCURRENCE $1,000,000 X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY DAMAGE TO RENTED PREMISES $100 000 EA OCCURRENCE A CLAIMS-MADE FX OCCUR MED EXP(ANY ONE PERSON) $5,000 PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $1,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE $2,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PRODUCTS-COMP/OPAGG $2,000,000 X POLICY El PROJECTEl LOC AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Ea accident ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per Person) ALL OWNED SCHEDULED AUTOS AUTOS 'i �i BODILY INJURY(Per accident) HIRED AUTOS AUUTOSWNED 2 . 23 PROPERTY DAMAGE(Per accident) UMBRELLA LIAB OCCUR WAN,WANO K1, -- EACH OCCURRENCE EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE DED RETENTION$ WORKERS COMPENSATION AND WC Statutory OTHER EMPLOYER'S LIABILITY YIN LIMITS ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? E.L.EACH ACCIDENT (Mandatory in NH) E.L.DISEASE—EA EMPLOYEE If yes,describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L.DISEASE—POLICY LIMIT DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES(Attach ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,if more space is required) Operations necessary and incidental to decorative painting,decorative plastering,and wall stenciling. Contractors, Lessors or Owners are considered Additional Insured on the general liability policy when required to do so by written contract with the insured. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCALLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN Monroe County BOCC ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. 1100 Simonton Street Key West,FL 33040 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Anthony Bardley ,J 1 176 Website:www.muralsofbaltimore.com e-mail:info a)muralsofbaltimore.com Murals of Baltimore,LLC 11 South Ann St.,Baltimore,MD 21231 Tel(410) 522-5515 Letter of Waiver of Workers Comp To Whom It May Concern, This is a letter requesting a waiver of workers compensation for my business,Murals of Baltimore,LLC to restore the murals at Big Pine Key Fire Station. I am the sole owner and employee of the business and according to Maryland Law,where the business is registered,because of the size of the business I am not required to carry Workers Compensation. Sincerely, Michael William Kirby Murals of Baltimore,LLC