Resolution 047-2023 RESOLUTION NO. 047 - 2023 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF A GRANT APPLICATION TO THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF LAW ENFORCEMENT FOR THE FEDERAL FISCAL YEAR(FFY) 2021 RESIDENTIAL SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT (RSAT) PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement has announced the funding for Federal Fiscal Year 2021 Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Grant (RSAT) Program; and WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of Commissioners is the eligible applicant representing the county in the State of Florida in the preparation and submission of the grant proposals for the "Men's Jail In-House Drug Abuse Treatment Program", "Aftercare" (Men), and "Aftercare" (Women); and WHEREAS, to be eligible for consideration of funding, applications were required to be submitted, no later than December 9, 2022, using the FDLE grant management system "AmpliFund"; now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1. The Board of County Commissioners approve the submission of the Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) grant applications; 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized to sign acceptance of award and all related documents for the Federal Fiscal Year 2021 grant funds to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Office of Criminal Justice Grants, Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) Grant Program; 3. This resolution shall be effective upon adoption by the Board of County Commissioners and execution by the Presiding Officer and Clerk. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 18th day of January 2023. 0.4 Mayor Criag Cates Yes ? zi c rnrMayor Pro Tem Holly Merrill Raschein Yes ..) . ci Commissioner Michelle Lincoln Yes a `" " "�' c5,., Commissioner James K. Scholl " �S :�,4,,p ., ,,, Yes ci = rm-: �° �,@��7� Commissioner David Rice Abstained < J .\\e t <4 gar .0011, ' N 4CT.:--- },-,;,-7.-, vilV4 if. 8 j Y Monroe Coun '=o- d of C•... " missioners k\::,,X,P,' 1 ,--jr,q ..rn`,A.,:ttest:-�;,,., ° (///1,-- By. .4,„ TY ----*"- As Jerk of Court Iki - Mayor MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY � QPPROV4 O AS TO FORM: jA 1fI O�Y_ll trpC _�Y12R.02.14 CHRISTINE LIMBERT-BARROWS ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY DATE 2/3/23 IF Ln E 'repla rel bly Vk)nlf`oe Coq ni�!,d :3o do"l of Con,°Iin dsSkmers fix II p O:unientoffl' I. w II:nfixo Aryan ent II a „A M1 Submitted by Oksana Christow Submitted on 12/08/2022 10:51 AM Eastern Standard Time FDLE 2023-RSAT Aftercare43858 Monroe County Board of Commissioners Opportunity Details IIpIIpoirtqxormllty Illurm°fr:.)ururirlua,tli14:.)urm ..g.li Iialn RSAT21 E)(:nsciriiIgnIi:linrirn This opportunity is available to state criminal justice agencies and units of local government for implementation of Residential Substance Abuse Treatment(RSAT)projects. wnnnirngoirng A g(,irncy Pklnnnnme U.S. Department of Justice,Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance A gn,irncy 4°of nliaclll IPIgnoi ne 850-617-1250 A gn,irncy 4°of nlinnnr II II ii nanniill criminaijustice@fdle.state.fl.us s u.n 11 nk,r;Ih:na Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program(RSAT) Qgnlpoirku.nirnilly Il anirnangn,ir Krista Sanders Qgnlpoirgu inr lily lPosln(:A IDa llle 10/21/2022 irnrnou.nirn(xl nee nl g yg e Initial Announcement A a naslllanirncf Il...lislIl irnggs Pkl a nlbeir 16.593 Pu.nllnllc Il...liirnk https://www.gotomygrants.com/Public/Opportunities/Details/3dafd6bb-ael 14ca0-abaf-e897c5986882 F°°ul,uirmdliirm Illurm°fr:.)ururirluali14:.)urm follannll IPiro gir,,-.0 n II::u.nirnngiiirngg $1,544,428.00 I::u.nirnngiiirngg"°ou.nirc(:,s Federal Or Federal Pass Through I::u.nirnngiiirng "gou.nira( IE)(:nscirupin:ioirn This funding is available under Florida's FY2021 Residential Substance Abuse Treatment award (1 5PBJA-21-GG- 00051-RSAT).Additional information regarding this funding opportunity can be found on the FY2021 RSATfunding page:http://www.fdle.state.fl.us/Grants/Documents/Funding-Opportunities/RSAT/FY2021 Awaiird Illurm°fr:.)urururlua,utlii4.)urm wnnnird IP(:Nriiod 10/01/2022-09/30/2024 wnnnird..g.ype Page 2 of 21 FDLE 2023-RSAT Aftercare43858 Monroe County Board of Commissioners Competitive f:;nnnlpn 11nnnll(31rai nlC No R(:,sIll'k.1111 aroi non of n Illrndolrn:,K„II 4 oslli:s Yes allla,lhn i ng 1Rn,pJirn,nnei nlC Yes Si illburruiiissiiioin Illuri"fi.)ururriva lii4:.)urm a°"rou.nlbiirflll nw nw'lloi n Window 10/21/2022 12:00 AM-12/09/2022 11:59 PM Subiirfl,,;soin Fiinel i ne gyg e One Time Illlii liill� liillllii Illuri"fi.)ururriva lii4:.)urm E Illi gg li Ilnli Ik Ihy..g..W)e Public I Ilogglilbkl Ignlgnll canlrnlh:na • State Governments • County Governments • City or township governments • Native American tribal governments(Federally recognized) Addlilllioi nanll IElligglillnlill lly Illrnforlrnanlh:loi n Eligible applicants are limited to state agencies and units of local government.A unit of local government is defined as a city,county,town,township,borough,parish,village,or other general-purpose political subdivision of the state, including Native American Tribes who perform law enforcement functions as determined by the Secretary of the Interior. ,dd1iitiioina111 Illurm"fi.)ururriva lii4.)urm Addlilllioi nnnll Illrnforlrnanlllioi n I uIG~&II... https://www.fdle.state.fl.us/Grants/Home.aWx Addlilllioi nnnll Illrnforlrnanlllioi n IgR ID( •„cirlplll of n This site contains information regarding the various programs,funding opportunities,and forms managed by the Office of Criminal Justice Grants.Contact information and additional resources can also be found on this site. Page 3 of 21 F ® L E 2023-RSAT Aftercare43858 Monroe County Board of Commissioners Project Information AdpIplhlcatkxn IlIiiri"fi.)iiriirriiia,tlil.oiirI ApplhcallJoin Nan ime 2023-RSAT Aftercare-43858 Aw,,-.ird R(xpies1led $31,953.75 Cash Il allch IRm,pJir'(:1nein11� $0.00 Cash Il allch Coinllr'bullJoins $10,651.25 in Kind Il allch 1Rm,mpJirm,irmnm in11� $0.00 in KindII" allch Coinllr'bullJoins $0.00 1 oll all Aw,-.u'd Il:3udg(:fl� $42,605.00 Rrihirriairy Cointact IlIiiri"fi.)iiriirriiia,tli14.)iiri Naime Oksana Christow Eiir4l Addir(:�ss christow-oksana@monroecounty-fl.gov Addir(:ss Monroe County, 1100 Simonton Street,Suite 2-213 Key West, Florida 33040 Phoine Number (305)292-4474 Page 4 of 21 FDLE 2023-RSAT Aftercare43858 Monroe County Board of Commissioners Project Description RSATIRrogirairrii Rroject Overview g Illiuguiltkglg II6pcflpigint ttgur II SAI IlFuiu ds. g';IllliiggliiltAe qlg)llgAllitaints afire IllliiurTIlIed to state aggein6ibs aind Rxi*[ts of Ilkx4 g, oveiriuIII[Inr rout A Rxu*iit.of IIkx4 goveiriu ITTIr ll't.l yu �.� iumtyu t. iumu t. iumslllmliillg a Ilboirouggllli,Ilg�r�iHsllli, iiillllagge,oir�.t.11lm�rur�g�rium�rur lll.Ilg� urllg�.s II rx.Allliitlii�.6��t��°t'liiiu�m�r�t�� a�.liit. sut)dliVislik)in o°t'tIlhe state,liiin6lbdlikngg IIMa'flve AIITTIOHcain"1""uriiilt)es Who Ilpeirfoirllln kiw eiun°t'oirceurinr ll't°t'UioICtlii0111ms GIs deteirurinikn ed by the Seciretairy o°t'tllhe Illint.euriiioir Foir tJlhe Ilgwurllposes of tllltm s q..)IlF)llpoirt.uiutOyu IIrAIease Ilpirg.)V e tJlhe iuNIurmlrr re6iilFAiieint.Ilb6lk. i Ilogglilbkl 1R(r,lilpn eirnll:Pgaii ne: Monroe County in wltnik.h cou.rirnliy us Illtn( II Ilogullnlln 1R(:K iggnlin irnll Ila cached? Monroe -I ha 111 Vs IllN, li:Ilogullnlln IR(:K ipk irnli:1s SAM g nklu e III:)irnu.rirrrnlbeir"? QKLSCT2LM7M9 ha 111 Vs IllN, li:Ilogullnlln IR(:K ipk irnli:1s li li::IIE)or li II.. IIIR anccou.rirnll:irnu.rirrrnlbeir"? 596000749 Pkl nn se.nee::r;1C:Your de•fir(:A irn,;Ignoirtoirngg tlr(xjurei ncy for nnu.rlbii6l IJiirngg Ignanyirrrnei nll ir(xpiesIlls AND Ipeirfoirmnanirnc(:;ir(,,I oirti ngg. Q Monthly Q Quaterly uroject."1""liiurT1rrllllklle E)n„nnliir(:A Sllannirll IDaln n of lltn( IPirarg(,r„IC 7/1/2023 E)n„nnliir(:A lEi nd Dalle of lfwn lPirnrgn;a„IC 6/30/2024 <(:,YA(.11J nolllies Fii neline EES'EkITHIted to OIIITIllgAle liioin IIDate Descuriiillp,flioin of IIKKey ctliVi'ty t "gi""II , t t "11""116R 2 Q'I III,3 t "11""116R 4 t ''gi""Iltt 5(if qlg)llgAlliicatAe) t ''gi""116R 6(if qlg)llgAlliicatAe) t ''gi""Iltt 7(if qlg)llgAlliicatAe) t ''gi""Iltt 8(if ar)llgAlliicatAe) Page 5 of 21 FDLE 2023-RSAT Aftercare43858 Monroe County Board of Commissioners I . ,"I® Il murm:.) urn ururiu Rroject Sul,uioruriuururiiairy .1"urmmmmturmmmmint.IlPuro gurmmormm"1°ylllmmm F'.SA1""IlPuro gurmmormm fUliu ds urmmmmy be used tmm liiurmmlllmlllmmurmmmmiumt.t.11lmurmmmm tylllmmm of Ilpirolgrmmurmmmm urmmsliirleintliimmlll,jmmiiilll-lltmmm�ed,m ind mm°t'tmmurcairmm Ill,;a .11li Ilpirolgrmmurlm tyllpe has m11iiftureint urrrrtUiiurrrurmreints a.,ek::r:ll Illthm,auallalprarlpiriiaualle IGk".A I Ipiroggir,,-.urn for lilts s Ipirarga,a„Ii:: * Residential Programs *Jail-based Programs *Aftercare Programs Aftercare smmurmriiices°fixinded thiro a gllli IIF'.SA1""urm Ust liiiurolll jde betwmmein tJlhe��.mururmm�tlii�.miummmlll t.urmmmmturmmmmiumt. lmuro gurmmormm m ind otlheir sooliimmlll smmurmriiimm mmiurrl pirolgrmmurmmmm "1Illrmmsmm mm°I'f'oirts sllig.)UlM iiiiurolll jde mmm1uca liioin m ind jolltm turmmliiin iiinlg,Ilpargmlllmm sullpeirmriiislik)iu ,Ihmmlllfway houses,smmlll°t'.-Illirrllllp,m ind/oir Ill eeir I,grou p Ilpirolgrmmurmmmm "14.)m1RJ4llliify as mmiur aftmmurcaire Illmuro gurmmurmm,tlhe Illread of the a tmmurcaire°Irmm6illliiity state j oi wliitJlh m ind urmm�� t.w�.mur uuur��.miur��iu�m�.t.un i k.)c:mlll autJhoiriii,fle to ass ist.tlhe Illmllkicmmurmmeint.of Illmuro guralln kntmm sUlbstmmin ce mmlltwse pirolgrmmurmmmm UIllm01111 urmmllleas m Ithud,Illysu.rirrrnirrrnaairoa,Ihow Illthm,Igairarga,r:IC auallliagirnua wiililth Illthm;,•ek::r:lla;ng IGk"°CAI Igairo gir,,-.urn. The Monroe County RSAT program provides intensive,substance abuse treatment for men while they are incarcerated for up to one year. The proposed aftercare portion is an extension of that program to work with those same men upon community release. This allows for the community-based agency to follow them for six months post incarceration release. It is truly strengthening the continuum of care to ensure that these men receive wrap around support during incarceration(jail based) AND post release(aftercare)as part of recidivism prevention. Ill�ur�.mlltmlllmmurmm IIIrlmmiu�mtlii°t'lii�.mmtlii�.miu�m�Ill�lllll(°t� The Problem Identification is a key element of any grant application.Responses in this section should describe the problem(s)to be addressed or solved with the funding in a clear,concise manner.Applicants may wish to consider and include relevant data(quantitative or qualitative)to support the issue identified. Applicants are strongly encouraged to use evidence-based practices in solving their identified problems.To search for evidence-based programs and practices,search °iq�,uYtw rrilr,iuurriumrm���... RllD I IE)(:usciribe dlll Ihanza irds,husks,or coi nr:m:,irirns Illtnm:,Iu.rirnagiiirngg wiillll a ddir(:,ua ua. Reduction of drug arrests and increasing substance use treatment. RllD IE)(:usciribe why Illtn s Igrirmrj(,r,ll as a Ipirl iriilhy for Illtnm:,agg(:fl ncy,courirnll:y,au i nd/oir sllaunllm . South Florida, including Monroe County and the Florida Keys,continues to have the unfortunate distinction of being designated as a high intensity drug trafficking area and,as such, is a leading illicit drug importation area.This has increased the availability of illicit drugs in Monroe County resulting in drug abuse rates higher than both the state and national averages.The Drug Enforcement Agency noted in their 2019 Opioid Report that from 2006 to 2012 there were 30,791,325 prescription pain pills,enough for 60 pills per person per year,supplied to Monroe County.The Florida Department of Corrections recorded 3,295 drug/narcotic arrests in Monroe County for males during the six- year period of 2012 through 2017.The Monroe County Sheriffs Office, Public Defender,and State Attorneys office have indicated a continued need for diversion and treatment services including programs which will allow the county to decrease the number of days' individuals spend incarcerated. In addition,on May 13,2020, Miami Herald reported that with coronavirus-related stress on the rise,so is alcohol and Page 6 of 21 FDLE 2023-RSAT Aftercare43858 Monroe County Board of Commissioners drug use,according to a national survey. Findings by The Recovery Village,a Florida-based network of addiction treatment facilities,reflect an"expected"increase in substance use during the pandemic,with Americans reporting a 55%rise in alcohol consumption in April 2020.When it came to illicit drugs,36%of Americans reported increased use of marijuana and prescription opioids,among others."Experts have already started to voice concerns on the secondary effects America is yet to see from COVID-19",researchers wrote,among them being"increased rates of addiction afterward due to the stress of isolation,boredom,decreased access to recovery resources and unemployment".The jail-based program has been able to provide substance abuse treatment throughout the pandemic and it is expected these services will continue to be crucial to this community given these statistics. RllD3 IE)(:scirlbe any(:xA ll;i i nag ir(:Wuirc(:„s or a:cl,l of ns Ib61 nag used Ilan a:ddir(:ass Illh(:,Ipirarblk:l n(s), If fill,us a inew pirarbk:,irmn,Ipk,a:se ud(:N nlliigy Ihow your plain Ilan n.ddir(:.s n Illh(:, issue, The project proposed by the service provider supports Monroe County's strategic plan that addresses an identified priority in reducing criminal recidivism related to substance use. Program increases access to treatment and provides comprehensive substance abuse treatment to inmates during incarceration and continues through aftercare during community reintegration. REM: IExlgnllanniiirn Ihow Iilgnr ngd,,,niiggirn annirnng liar nlgrlln;ir nn,irnllnnlllinrirn of Ilr,(:211nrrnei nll nnn nn a:oor(fli na llled Ibe11w(:K,irn itn:,Ignirn„eirnlhannlluvves of Ilocal coirir(:,cll iioirnannll anrgn,irnr:lies anirnng irn,Ignirn;,ad irnlianllunnd;nn of any annlppirarlpirla In(n Ilarr:al alcohol and dirurgg abuse annrgn,irncy. The JIP program and this propose aftercare proqram are operated bythe Guidance/Care Center,a Florida not-for- profit and local community behavioral health agency. The Guidance/Care Center has 4 locations throuqhout the Florida Keys in addition to the jail based services located within the Monroe County Detention Center. JIP is one of the few such proqrams nationwide operated within a county jail in Florida and the only opportunityfor some men to receive intensive druq abuse treatment within Monroe County. The connection to the same agencyfor aftercare allows for comprehensive service array and avoids individuals fallinq throuqh the cracks. The majority of clients are court ordered by the Drug Court,Circuit Court and County Court Judges in Monroe County. RllD5 I:31rl flyngd,sciriibe Illh(:;(4f(,r„I1unei nd,ss and.a(Jeirnc(:: based irna lllurirn:,art n,xusln,iiirngg Ilr,(: 11Ciirrnei nll,an,irrnua,r,(nn(flgriranr,llur:n:,(nn(. Risk assessments and evidenced based practices will be used. Guidance/Care Center SMQ-R-10 biopsychosocial assessment is a comprehensive tool utilized to assess all areas of client's life. Inventory of Offender Risk, Needs,and Strenqths(IORNS)will be utilized to assess risk for criminal recidivism. Relapse Prevention, Motivational Interviewing and Medication Assisted Treatment are the three evidenced based practices for this aftercare program. RIID6 IExlgrllanriiirn Ihow gq.rirnded Igriro gir,,-.0 rn nn Wlil a:ddir(:.s n Illgn(:,a d( iilh:ioirn of nrlgrliokl abuse se ir(:Au.cl„I arirn Ilirn:,anrllir nd;irnll,nnnirnng seirrniiaxn s, Following completion of the jail-based program,aftercare participants have access to a wide variety of mental health and substance abuse services through the Guidance/Care Center including services specific to reduce opioid use including relapse prevention and medication assisted treatment(MAT). NarCan kits are given to every participant as well as education in overdose prevention. RllD 7 IE)(:nscirlbe Ignow Illgnr,anrlgrlgrllk.anirnll a.rggn:,irncy iillll n,irnsurirn:,Illha lll:a rttn,irndeir,,-;who IgranrirllkJpa llle in Illh(:;IGgSA I lgriroggiranirrrn(:,slllanllrllu,•algn:A or rrnlgrlln,irrrnei nlled w°111h Iilh( ne ggiranrirnll funds Wlil Il e IgrirrrvkI(xI w°rolllgn coiirru nu.rirnlilly ir(:fli nlleggira 111 oirn seirrnurxn s, The proposed aftercare program is the community reintegration services from incarceration. REM: IE)(:nscirlbe Ignow Illgnr,anrlgrlgrllk.anirnll a.rggn:,irncy Wlil n,irnsurirn:,Illha llC Igrirovk1ein,.;a tu.ririrnii nalgnliirngg irn;uirnlleggiranll,loirn seirvkxs anirn;approved Ilry IllN:, n'nllrllrirarlgrirunnlle sllla llln,or Ilocal a.rggn,irncy,and anirn,Illk.(:Nrn.•ed, ug irnec(:,nsa iry,Iio Igrirarn kle irrrne(fi ,anrll Ilirn;nnllirmnn:,irnll aria nrlClgnr;ir Ignr,nnnlllClgn,nd irrnii�;n,nn. The Monroe County subcontractor,Guidance/Care Center(GCC)is the centralized receivinq facility for behavioral health services in Monroe County which includes,mental health,substance use,and primary care. The JIP program and case manaqement aftercare are 2 of fourteen accredited proqrams throuqh the Council on Accreditation for Rehabilitative Facilities(CARF). GCC has been accredited since 2006 and has recently re-accredited through 2025. In addition,all GCC sites includinq the jail are licensed for the continuum of care in substance abuse includinq licenses for outpatient, intensive outpatient,TASC and case management. In total,GCC hold state substance abuse licenses through the Florida Department of Children& Families for 4 sites and 37 components. RII[:g?g II;s Illgn(:,Iprarlgrar,•ed Igriroj(:K„II an coi nli:iiirnuralllioi n firarnrrn Illgn(:,Igrir(wiiou s year? Yes O No Page 7 of 21 2023-RSAT FDLE MomnoCo��Boa�ofCommiaaim�m P|DQ A: E)eoohbeilhepnaVouognonl�lofundingoounoe(inoUudingpnognom,am..ndnumbec and pnoj(:otperiod), K4on'a Jail In-House Drug Abuse TmUnontProgram 2022'RSAT-K4ONR-1'0R-003 Federal Award Number:2O2O'J2'BX'OO21 Gran Period: From:O401/2O22 To:O3/31/2O23 P|DQ-B: E)eoohbellhepnagnaoo and aotivitie000mpUeted under thepneviouoam..nd, Number enrolled in aftercare: 3 Number who were identified aa high miminogonio risk on|HORNSassessment: 1 Services provided ko those enrolled inaftercare: Substance abuse treatment services(3);Cognitive behavioral services that address criminal thinking and antisocial behavior(3); Housing supports(2) P|DQ-C:: E)eooribe any iooueo,baniero,and/or delays under llhepir(wiouoaw,,-.�nd, Funding delayed ao project started late but no issues or barriers once Monroe County received the funds for 2O22' RSAT-K4ONR-1'0R-003 Sco�pe of Work(S0" "I he Sco�pe of Work pirg.)VUes �mm�poirtaint det4�Usointhetasks,aind actV�,flesWabe CCYmm�F)Ubted Rxindeir the giraint awaird. NOTE: Information in this section will be used bVOUG'o assigned grant manager bowrite the contract deliverables bo satisfy state contracting requirements identified in .It is important bo provide clear responses bo the questions below. SOW 1�: E)eooribeaUU haoko and aotiv�tieo1obepeirft)nmed under llheam..nd A case manaqer,stationed at the jail,will meet with client while incarcerated to beqin enqaqement and ensure services are setup prior 0nrelease. Case manaqer will coordinate care bV connectinq clients to communitV resources and outside aqencies such as transitional housinq,vocational rehab,AA/NA,primarV care providers,and financial aaaiatanooaqonoioa. Case manaqer will coordinate with GCC outpatient staff to ensure client is enrolled in necessary services,such as psychiatric care,substance abuse and/or mental health therapV,relapse prevention qroups,and medication assisted treatment(K4AT). Case manaqor and client will work 0nqothorkoidontifvqoa|a and create wellness and moovorvplan. Case manaqer will meet with client on a weekly basis to ensure client is set up in the community with necessary supports and resources ko prevent moidiviam. A risk or needs assessment ia used ko determine the offenders' risks and needs. Guidance/Care Center SK4O'R-1O biopsychosocial assessment is a comprehensive tool utilized to assess all areas of client's life. InventorV of Offender Risk, Needs,and Strenqths(IORNS)will be utilized to assess risk for criminal recidivism. Relapse Prevention, Motivational Interviewing and Medication Assisted Treatment are the three evidenced based practices for this aftercare program The budqet reflects costs directIV associated with the provision of substance abuse treatment,mental health and educational services to inmates in,and being discharged from,the Monroe County Detention Center. BQVV2: E)eooribetheexpeo0adou0oomeaoanaouUtofllhehaokodaotiv�tieoid(:Nntified in SOW 1� Aftercare case manaqement will coordinate appointments with a psVchiatrist,to help them with appointments, treatment adherence,accessinq of communitV services and medication assistance includinq opioid MAT(Medication Assisted Treatment).Recidivism will be collected and monitored post-discharge using the county arrest data system. BQVV3: E)eooribe who wUUbenefitfirmmllhehaoko,aotivitieo,and oullcomeoidentffedabove, Page 8Of21 FDLE 2023-RSAT Aftercare43858 Monroe County Board of Commissioners Male inmates from the JIP program,the criminal justice system and the general community. SQ'tW4 tte,scirlbe,Illtne,e,irnllliIly(or(,irnll ulIJ::s)ire,nnlg of n;•nulbkl for coiienlg k:flluirngg nn cl,l V lol es urirnete,ir Iiltn s Itrirerje,e„IC. Monroe County as a subaward recipient will subcontract Guidance/Care Center, Inc.,a Florida not-for-profit to provide community behavioral health services under this project. SQ'tW5 tte,scirlbe and/or Igrire vkle, Illtne,Ilocanlh:loirn of wh(:,ire;Itrirerge,e„II a cl„I inniili:ke n Wlil Itre,Itre irtaririrene et. Project activities will occur at the Monroe County Detention Center 5501 Colleqe Road, Key West, FL 33040 during incarceration and at the Guidance/Care Center, Inc. 1205 Fourth Street Key West,FL 33040 for aftercare. SQ'tW6 tte,scirlbe (how Illtne;Itre,irfoirirenai nc(:,n:nirnd coiienit k:flhuoi n of II:AC[; ude irnllutoe,et Itre,ve irl lied, The subrecipient must complete the Performance Measures Worksheet and submit to the Office of Criminal Justice Grants(OCJG)no later than April 15,July 15,October 15 and January 15. SQ'W7 tte,scirlbe whall souirc(:;docu.rirene,irnllalliioi n wflil It be irrrnanuirnlhanrliirned and Itrirervkle d Ilan 0C.,U4 a for Ipayrene,irnlC ire,egure„Ills for II EACH H anclIiivu lly ude irnllutoe d nnnlbove, Monthly invoices are provided to Monroe County by the treatment provider summarizing activities for which they seek payment.These are reviewed by Monroe County staff for approval of payment. SQ'tW8 II uslllC Illtne;a.nirnlClirJpa llled irnurirenitre it of tra irglirJpanirnlh:na. 50 SQ'tW9 IExltrllanuirn Illtne,annitrltrllk.annirnll anrgn,irncy's(Aloe irnlC anetirmnu„na nauarirnfn,xr;llun,,auarirn cirii lld iriiann. The majority of JIP clients are court ordered by the Druq Court,Circuit Court and County Judqes in Monroe County. The rest enter the proqram as volunteers who have met the criteria for druq/alcohol treatment and will be in the county jail a minimum of 182 days.All males in the JIP jail-based proqram will be offered aftercare.Clients must aqree to follow all proqram rules includinq the absence of probation violations.Once clients have been referred to aftercare then (HORNS needs assessment proqram orientation is completed to determine treatment needs.Admission policies are welcominq to individuals with co-occurrinq disorders,learninq disabilities, illiteracyand other special individualized needs allowing access for all who probably otherwise would not receive services. SQ'W1Qt t:)e,,•cirllbe (how IgrannirgliaJpanirnlh:na wflil It be nad,lgranira ll(: t tiroii n Iiltne;ege,irne irnnll Itrerlgru.rllalliioi n. The desiqnated aftercare case manaqer works strictlywith individuals who are involved in the criminal justice system. Coordination and discharqe planninq will beqin while client is still incarcerated and participatinq in RSAT proqram. Participants in this aftercare proqram once identified,will have RSAT aftercare eligibility noted in the electronic health record of the community agency. Only RSAT clients are eligible for this aftercare program. SOW t Se,lle,e:ll Illtne,gire,egure irncy in wltnik.h Itriroggir,,-.0 n IgrannirgurJpanirnlh:na anirn drug Ile „Il(:A (Se,lle,e„II nnllll IlltrnnlC apply) ® Before entering the program ®While participating in the program ®After completion of the program if participant remains in custody ❑ None of the above SOW 2 t:te,,•cirllbe (how Illtne,irn;ngunuirn,ir nd;irnll for u.riroirnnnllysJs and/or erllltne,ir Igrirernne,irn ire,llonnlbkl fo rire s of dirureg and anllr:arltnol Ile sl„I irngg for triroggir,,-.0 n Igrannirtk pa i nlh:na Wlil It be e:erirenitrlllk:A Wllltn. All individuals on probation must be drug tested following release from jail. The 16thjudicial circuit has drug testing at regular intervals. This aftercare program has an MOU with the 16thjudicial circuit to conduct drug testing and obtain results. SQ'tW 13 t:te,,•cirl lbe Illtne,sanirnclll runs used d for Igrannirtue,lpannirnlls who lie:,,„II Itrer nnlillonne of n dirunegfa.nlle,erlhol Ile;,;„Ii:li ngg. Page 9 of 21 FDLE 2023-RSAT Aftercare43858 Monroe County Board of Commissioners All positive drug screens are sent to the lab through the 16thjudicial circuit for confirmation and a breakdown of levels. Positive results may result in more frequent testing and/or violation through probation. Client sanctions go through the 16th Judicial Circuit Drug Court. SOW 4 IE)(:,•drill Ifllh(:,afllleirca ir(;seirvic(:;s provided ulpoi n Ipa irtuaJpa i nli:na ir'(:4(2se, The Monroe County RSAT program provides intensive,substance abuse treatment for men while theyare incarcerated for up to one year. The aftercare portion is an extension of that program to work with those same men upon community release. This allows for the community-based agency to follow them for six months post incarceration release. It is truly strengthening the continuum of care to ensure that these men receive wrap around support during incarceration (jail based) AND post release(aftercare)as part of recidivism prevention.A case manager,stationed at the jail,will meet with client while incarcerated to begin engagement and ensure services are set up prior to release. Case manager will coordinate care by connecting clients to community resources and outside agencies such as transitional housing,vocational rehab,AA/NA,primary care providers,and financial assistance agencies. In addition,the agency that provides the jail-based program can ensure they receive any needed behavioral health services in their outpatient program such as psychiatric care,substance abuse and/or mental health therapy,relapse prevention groups,and medication assisted treatment(MAT). Page 10 of 21 FDLE 2023-RSAT Aftercare43858 Monroe County Board of Commissioners RSAT I°arogira urhriu Ceirtii°Fliicatio ins & F°`oirurmils lt'.aratUiiurarat t'arur Ailll Alllalllalllliica ants t..arltaltayiikng ,III°etmirurIneint,aiu d III°traigt IIFuree WoirklrAace Ailll alllalllalllliica ants aaure uraratUiirarat tar carurTalllalllete aiu d saJltaurTali4 tJlhe Lobbying, e a ent,an ruFree Workplace Ceirflii'iiicatliioin wliitllh eaclllm a lllalllalllliica tliiariur sUlkaurlaliissliiar1111 Upload Illtna,caarrnll k:flla d(:a,irtiitiicaallJoi n Ibelow, 02-OCJG-Lobbying-Debarment-and-Drug-Free-Certification_43858-GCC.pdf, Disclosure of Lobbying Activities 43858_GCC.pdf tut)irrrcliilFAiieint.Il a inagellnr rout.Questlk.rinin4iiurrr Ailll aIllalllalllliica ants aaure uraratUiirarat tar carurTalllalllete aiu d saJltaurTali4 tJlhe Subrecipjent.Managernent Questionnaire °t'arururTa wliitJlh tJharliiur alla alllliica�tliioin " I III III to iurlii a tliiariurws a rs.liistliiiur�gt likntaruriur�a�lll cointurarllls �III 1""Illr�liis°t'arururm�a liis a�saaat tar Illraallllla aaa�llla�a�taa tlll�maa a� a alllliica�iur�t.arum, urarllkite tar tllhe urlrinaalrnaagarurineint ar°t'°t'a"deiraalll giraalrnt°fixiinds IIPII°tllt..11E wliillllll ulxtliillllii ar tlh s°t'arururin aas aI"iHsllk assessurlaarintWw tar a etarururlaliiine tJlhe allrallFxrq.)lFauriiiate Illev6ll Of urm101111ii4aruriiiing(desk arur oinsii4e)°t'arur the sUlkaawaur Upload Illtn(,caarrnll k:flla d &ltr )r Iarirarn Ibelow, Subaward Management Questionnaire(SMQ)_43858_GCC.pdf Upload a:aalall llluoi mall a:a ltllaaa:ltnirrnei nlls Ilan anaa;a:arirrnlgaanairny ya:ru.air a;arirrnllalla;lla,al SKr(), III';atul�a�lll III';urm�alllalllaryur�saiu�mt.tlllalllaaMrurt.ul�iur�liity�III';III';tit� isui u whits"1""ura�liiiur�likngt(''IIN�III'; 'ui As a condition of the federal RSAT award,FDLE requires applicants(and subrecipients)to complete a two part Civil Rights Training and provide copies of the training certificates upon request.To access the training, please visit our C iil,ttoilll Illtiogjl II!N II gaa k iil ku iutt la a[Q[aiu iutpps webpage.At a minimum,the applicant grant manager must complete the training. h Na:a\e your caarrnllalla,lla d Illtna,t:;iiV l 1R glt lls I ira:alirniirngg for G uiranarnlla;a,na irrnodualk:;s,t *Yes O No(a condition will be added to award) Upload copy of t:;iiV l 1R glhlll„na Iira.alirniirngg Iarir G uiranarnlla,a„a cf:flrlloloa aalles, Civil Rights Training Certificate-Module 1_Christow.pdf,Civil Rights Training Certificate-Module 2_Christow.pdf,Civil Rights Training Certificate-Module 1 Dunleavy_Guidance Care Center.pdf,Civil Rights Training Certificate-Module 2 Dunleavy_Guidance Care Center.pdf III';III';tit tnroarurtlii°t°iiica�tliiariu�m�Ilg';Ilg';tiynro� Ailll aIllalllalllliica ants aaure urar(tUiirarat k)sUlkaurltiii't a in III':III',tO Ceirtlii'ilcatliioin(lE'E'';ti c)a 111111u1aJ4llllly PII°tllt..IlE sturoingtllly urarcarurTaurTaa iiii is tlllie Ruses of the titwtllP Ott'liice°t'arur ttliisliilll Illt',Jiig, lllitsu EEO Reporting-Tool tar carurTalllalete tJll*m s certiii°tiiicatliia in,a rsllgaaacliiailllllly t'arur alllalllalllliica ants Who aurar uraratUiiured tar Ilgaurarllgaaiurar a in Ilg':Il!'O Ma ill arur Lftiiillllii atliioin Illt',arllgaarurt. Howeveir,lii ,t tllhe III':III',tO Illt',arllgaarurtliiiu�mgt"Ii""ararlll,yarulJ ITTOy clll100se tO sul�Ilkaurlaliit.tJlhe certification wliitllh iur a�llkasaaiu�mcaa ar°t'ul�sliiiur�a, you it alllalllalllliicatliioin Upload caarrnllalla,lled IE Q I C in ficaalCiiarrn Ibelow, EEOC 2022_Monroe County.pdf, EEOC 2022 GCC.pdf Page 11 of 21 F ® L E 2023-RSAT Aftercare43858 Monroe County Board of Commissioners Rklin Ajr)lF)llllicaints,Wtli urmmamurmthain 50 elllnlr)lk.)yees Who 6lso urmcmmli4e a siiiingllle awaird of$25,000 oir urmmamurm liiin fijindlkng firolln the U S Delrmirtlllneint ofhis,flce(iregair&ess of if liI liis Ilpamssed,thirougli RDL]gE),IIITIRJS't COIIITIlF)lbte aind SUbITT1l4th6ir Rklin 4lso Ilkiu owin as a Lftillllkatioin Relr)oirt,to GYP's Otflce foir QVilll Mglits "I pirocess IIITIRJS't Ilbe COIIITIlF)llleted Rjslkngthe EEO Reporting TO-01 0,YP's Office four QVilll K�glits, has rwt)uslled ain assistance tool tam assiiist alr)lF)llllicaintq,WIIvtl*is Ilgmurocess �E)o(::s youir oirgaini2n1lion Ihmie 50(:flinploye(:,s or inoir(:O (W Yes 0 No �E)o(::s youiroirgaini2n1lion ir(:;(xdhie a§ingk:,am..ud of$25,000 oiriinoir(:,firoiinainyU,S, (#Yes 0 No Nan s your ag(:Nncy campk:fled ain Ih Ih:0 IPlan in WIIINin ltv:,Ipasll Ilwo yeairs'? (#Yes 0 No(a condition will be added to the award) Upload your Ih IhO IPla in Itaelow, EEO Plan 2019-2021—Monroe County.pdf Applicants with more than 50 employees who also receive a single award$500,000 or more in funding from the U.S.Department of Justice(regardless of if it is passed through FDLE),must obtain an EEO Plan (EEOP)approval letter from OJP's Office for Civil Rights. This process must be completed using the Ilt Ilt( IltgaµtwagilrtuuuiuttI�q2j.OJP's Office for Civil Rights has published an gtuigamulmiila aµ gaaatlll to assist applicants with this process. �E)o(::s your oirgaini2n1lion r(:cf:d\ffi a§ingk:;am..ud of$500,000 or irrnora,firain any It S, E)(:,pairtiineinll of Ju.asllic(:,gir',,-.uI Iprogiraim? 0 Yes (# No Mo alr)lF)irov4l Ilbfteir urmatUiirmmat Based on your response,you are only required to submit the EEO Certification and Plan above.You may move to the next section. Project SlF)edi'flc Ceirfi'flcafloins SU14bliillllIyto Work Wth Iltkliiiu oirs AIltmlltmlllliica ants Ilgmuramllgmosliknggto Rise giraint fijinds,that knvq.)�Ve iiiiateiramctiiiung Wth urmmliiinoirs ITTIUSt 111THIke a wiHftein atmatmaururmmliiiuramtlii yt Of eacli kn&Vkjd4�s sU44b���[to work Wth IITTIlknoirs. Foir IT10ire oin tl*is re(jUkrelllneint, F)lllease cramVbw ouir Suitability to or with Minorstir4knlkng sllliWes lion oirdeirto Ridillll4ate COIIITIlF)���Iince Wtivth��s re(jUkrelllneint, RDL hastwo foirl[TISIIWA ITTIUSt be COIIITI�F)�bted foir ainy pirogiralln liiiuI amlll° kng knteiractk.)ins WIIi IITTIlkllg)ir&� Suitability to Work and/or Interact with Minors CertificationjSWIMC) Suitability to Work and/or Interact with Minors Tracking(SWIMT) Page 12 of 21 FDLE 2023-RSAT Aftercare43858 Monroe County Board of Commissioners ;a ICIIw,applhcainll Ipirqposing Iio Vie girar:wnll fiji nds for ar,li:liV ll e•a Iilha 111(loir(,r„IClly uirnvolve woirkling Wlllh oir, lllh ii6 i nor";'? O Yes No li""� Ill c�..urm�urm�� iumliic flii�.sums eland Ideq..)Suer 6iillllllaince Seer Ices aind/oir IlEE(j liillg)urms'iul't Ilm)llgA Icaiu ts,Ilpurq..)llg oslihng 'to Rise gguraint°fixin s g. aind/oir Ii eq.)suirwfl laince e(( RJ III llg)urIneiout. aind/oir seer Ices uI COITTIllgAlete a TVS certification filly gll�m�Iir For uI 01111 glltIS ureclUkrellneiout,IlmAlease reVIewthe FAQs eland gllie t1I poste to ouir eIlk)Ilpag e ;a ICIIw,applhcainll Ipirqposing Iio ur e girar:wnll fiji nds for oir vkleo surirvd,lilllla i nc(:;��gurulg�irmnd,irnllf,ad;ir�ua,�„na"k O Yes No III Ilg';IIF� Ilm)llgAl Iicaints Ilpurq..)llg osliIingg'to Rise°fixin s°foir"ITTIliIinoir ureinovatIiOiRIS"u ITTIOUITEIIRIgg liigBurmms to the exteuriiioir of elan ekIsfliiingg gfsg.ur� cg.� urn �lii Ilk���liilll liiiu��, e suir &iilll laince callneiras)u nneth it)clbain RjIp actJIVi.im s,elnd s01111ne foireinsliIc purgxessliIi g urecjUkres qlpllpiirq.w4 °glrolln IIB JXs Il a'floiun4ll Ilg'ium iiiur�.iu urm�� iu gr 111 Ilpq.Allliicy Ask.(IMIIg'EPA)cooir liIinr toir Aiiy qlm)llgA Iicaiu ts, purq..)llg osliIing Ilpuro a foir Il llg'EP ��Ilg�llg�iirq.w4� afire ur�acj��kre b COITTIll�lllete the Checklist ��cgs g.11l�r�g.urm������g.g.11l���curliig.��urill� � � � � g form aind RjIrAoad ng.W41vth6kr gguraiout. Mote Ilm)llgAl Iicaiu ts,sllliq.)RAd not exIpeind airy gguraint°fixin s RjintJliilll liis ot)t4kned If BJA deiitIesthe aIlpllpiirqw4,you WIlll not be r6l[IntWirsed fair the ME,.PA ur6ll ite e .Ilpeinses ;a ICIIw,applhcainll Ipirqposing Iio ur e girar:wnll fiji nds for any NEPA it,(,lla llled ar clluVullud s'? O Yes No Page 13 of 21 FDLE 2023-RSAT Aftercare43858 Monroe County Board of Commissioners RSAT IIRrogirairhri to iraint Cointa t Illuri"fi.)ururhrua,tlii4:.)urm F'.e6ihlrAieint.Giro in't.IlMainr geir Co intact Illiu°t'�.urur � tlii�.ium "I ltis iindlii iU,j4ll seirves as a IlpuriiiITTU ury aind liis re llpoins iitAe t'our • eiu suihiiu ,t tJlhe Ilpiroject.liis pirogire liiin g oin tliiurine aind Ilpirollll n r)tllly in q.AJii°t'yiiiing'tJh61r RDL JEE giro ll't.111T ~Iinageir of airy d6llriy u • oveirse6iiin g 6IIIII �Iind tliiinain6ii4ll urqlpoirtliiin g� ain �riu�m ,�urliiiu�m�t�.� �rur��llllll�.�.�urm�ll��lllliir�iu�m�.�� liit.11l�m t.11l�m�r�, ur��iu�mt.���, ur�r�rurm�rriu�mt. (3M Narrre(lim r al II asll) Oksana Christow (3M 1 li Iialn, Grant Coordinator tull ddir(:nss °I Monroe County tull ddir(:nss 2 1100 Simonton Street,Suite 2-213 Gull C:; Ilfy Key West IFS 33040 (3M PIhoi ne Mrirrrnlbeir(XXX.XXX... X( 3052924474 (;NA i irrr4ill ddir(ss christow-oksana@monroecounty-fl.gov tnrollltibf tttti16iirilll tnroointact Illium°t'�.ururm� tlii�.ium "I ltis iindlii iU,j4ll lii tJlhe ageiu cy Ihead°t'our tJllie 6llliigliiltAe ure6iillrAieint. "I he 6llliigliiltAe ure6iillrAieint°t'our tJllie IIRISAI Ilpirogiro lln lii �l ShIte ageiu cy oir,xutiit.of Ilkx4 g4weiriuIII[Inr rout EEXEIIITTIlrAes of tnrollltibf OtE6i4lS urTOY likll6ll, de t lllmr liiurll ur �.iumu(Mayor,II�,Exe utlii°ve IIMiurectoir,Seciretairy,C4.)urmIurmIlii lii4.)iii eiir,eft. CO Nairrrne an ll) Tina Boan Sr. Director Budget and Finance Monroe County 1100 Simonton Street 2-213 Page 14 of 21 FDLE 2023-RSAT Aftercare43858 Monroe County Board of Commissioners CO Cliiy Key West IFL 33040 C.0 IPIhoi ne Mrnrrnlbeir(XXX.XXX... X( 3052924472 C.0 II Irmnnnalill ddira ss Boan-Ti na @MonroeCounty-F L.Gov lillll IIIN:,Chief Q gggiia,iinnall Ilya,a(:,sn aglrnalliilrngg aalrnrllfwNr Iilrn(fiviirguraall Ilan(:W mIlle n:agglra,a,nrrnei nlIs of n Ilfw lllr Ilya Ih alff? O Yes * No fnrollltiia f IIRilunaIun6ii4ll t: t'g'iiiceir(fnrollFO)Co intact IIIIu °t'a.urur � tliia.Ium glrn s iilrn(iinniirgu.raall us Ir(:ns rarlrnnlillrlln:,for IIN:,Ir(:KJgrik:N nl s a accourlrnllulrnng nnysll(:Iran,gillrnalrnr,iinnall Irrrnanlrnang(:Irrrnei nlC,and a:n,Irglityulrng clan: ii n Ir(:Torlrts su.rllrlrrrnu ll(,rg for Igraayrrrnei nl:, CA O Naalrrrnd,(li ulraall Il..nna nnli:( Pam Radloff C li::0..l li Iialn, Finance Director t:;Il::g' Argun:Iss "g Clerk of the Circuit Court&amp;Comptroller CA O ddIrn,na no 2 500 Whitehead Street Cli=0 CliIfy Key West Cli::0 SlimaIl:e IFL 33040 CAII O IPlhoi ne Mrnrrnlbeir( X) 305-292-3560 CA O IEiirrnnnalill Addira ss pradloff@monroe-clerk.com lillll IIIN:,Chlef li iilrnnalrn(Jaall Otgiir,a,Ir be d(:,aurglrnannlh:lilrnag aalrnollI :Nr Iilrn(fiinniiaguraall Ilan a:a,Irgligy Igrnnayrrrna IrnIC Ira,agura,.nlC na of n I11IN:lilr Ib Irrnnllf? 0 Yes * No ddliitliioIn4ll Giro in't.Co intact ;n ICIr :,Ira,a:alrn annagagulllioi nannll aglra:alrnlC Igrar i nl art coi nllaacllC(PQ C.)you Wzn h liar add liar Ilfwn nglrannlrnll glilk:0 Yes Page 15 of 21 FDLE 2023-RSAT Aftercare43858 Monroe County Board of Commissioners O No POC. INarrrnn.(li uir,al Il..as1l) Lynn Gonzalez PQ'C FilC:ll(„ Senior Purchasing Coordinator POC. IPIhoi ne Marrnlbeir(XXX,XXX.., X( 3052924467 POC. li ii nalill Addir(Ta na Gonzalez-Lynn@MonroeCounty-F L.Gov Page 16 of 21 F ® L E 2023-RSAT Aftercare43858 Monroe County Board of Commissioners RSATIRrogirairrii SIIpei mdiirm IIRllain Peirsoinin6l W11 you Ibe Rj§ing funds Ilan suppoirt Ipeirsoininel coslls? 0 Yes (p No FiHinge Beineflts, PNs callegoiry urnr,llu.rdes coslls assodal�(:A Wllfi Ipanyiirngg lfi(:,Eriing(:; beinefills assodal�(:A Wllfi salairk:,s and mfflirfiiine cosIls above, PNs imanry iirn,ll ide: FICA, IlWxficair,( , Healllfi insuir,,-.rincf:,,II uft Ilinsuir,,-.rinc(:,,WoirR(:Nrl's Coiirp,Gila- "I rav6l PNs callegoiry urnr,llu.rdes coslls assodal�(:A Wllfi Iliran d,ll. INOI E: ftK�s do noll go uirn ltw liran�n,Il Callegoiry; lfi(:,y should Ibe irn41(:K.I�(xI liirn Iltw `OIItw:flr Cosll"callegoiry, W11 you Ibe Rj§ing gir,,-.w0l fijinds 110 suppoirt coslls? 0 Yes (W No E(I RJ lii F)III Tie in't PNs callegoiry urnr,llu.rdes coslls for noin coinsuiinabl(:;ulld,irrrs liirn(:Wx�ss of Illrnr,oirgainnzallioinls caplllal oulllay lfiir(:shold,oir,liirn Ilfwl dbseinc(:;of ain(:„allabEsh(:A ltiir(:shold$5,000, Iltvfl has an usefiAl Eft of irrrnoirr,lirrnrn oine year, I Ns may indlude(:KpJpii nee nll Illhall� do(s noll iine(:fl Iltw Ipir(:K.(:KKfiing cirll�(:Nrla Ilru ll iis urnveinlloirled Iby Iltwr ir(:KJpk:NnII oirgainuzallJoin, W11 you Ibe Rj§ing gir,,-.w0l fijinds 110 Ipu.rrchanse(xjRJpimeinII? 0 Yes (# No oulllay Iltiir(:shold,have an usefiAl Eft of 1(:�ss lirrnrrn an year,and/or air,(; noll uinveinlloiried oin a ir(:,gulair sdN:ARA(:I. W11 you Ibe Rj§ing gir,,-.w0l fijinds 110 Ipu.rrcha se supplk:,s? 0 Yes (# No Cointiractwi l Sei4ices "I categoiry lii in di Rides th��i rd-pa rty agireellneints,Wth a veindoir, piroVdeir,coins,RA,taint,etc.,to assiiist iin gq.)4ls aind q.Abject4es oUthe Ilpurojecg. "I heire airetwotylpes of cointiracfij4l recogin ked Rjindeirfedeiral awairds For a VsRj4l flowdliairt of thetwotyIpes aind What liis re(IUiired fair eacli,IllAlease see ouir"Understanding Contractual Services under Federal Awards"irrrsouirce W11 you Ibe Rj§ing funds Ilan suppoirt IlNird pairty agir(:K rand,nlIs(coinllracllual seirvkx;s)? *Yes 0 No AjplFAliicaints Ilpurgrllposliiing to Rise giraint fixindsto agireellneints uITIUSg.COIIITIlrAete a Subrecip lent.vs, Contractor Determination Checklist foir ek I 1*is dhedkllliist q.)Rxflliiinestlle Page 17 of 21 F ® L E 2023-RSAT Aftercare43858 Monroe County Board of Commissioners COIIITIlF)llliklince re(IUiirelllnellltS,m lltmlltmlllliism llkmlll m tm m lumY t.IIlmliiurml Ilgmm urlY agireelITTKNIII't Upload wimpk:fled C.oinIIr',,-.m11oir 4°.h(:K*EsIIs1"Ibelow,(CoiinNine inulllJpkl fik s iimnlio oine docuiineinll:for upload) OCJG-Subrecipient-Vendor-Determination-Checklist—GCC.pdf I Nird Pairty Coinllraclls(Coinllir,,-.mllual Seirvkw, s) Dd any of Iiltnm, dh(:K*EsIIs ir'(„naulll uin a CON I RAC I OR 0 Yes # No Otheir Costs, agir(:KIneinl1s,UIJEIIJ(:,s,subscirlplJoins,Ilira.rliirnliirntg W11 you Ibe u§ing gir,,-.w0l fijinds 110 suppoirt olltv:ff,coslls? 0 Yes # No lin&irect to RI�� I :Ideir,,-.nI r(:I(Jp einlIs irmnany(:O(:K.11 110 use an Ipoirtiimrmn of fun(fing for in(fiir'(:K.11 coslls, W11 you Ibe u§ing gir,,-.w0l fijinds 110 suppoirt iimnmgiimm,r,ll coslls? 0 Yes # No matcll Sutwiwairds Rjindeirtltm s Ilgmuroggurm lln ITTOY RICA Ilbe used to fixi d ITTIOire'thain"75 Ilpeirmreiout.of the tot4l cost ofa Ilgmllrm.ject.our pirogiralln Ajr)lF)lllliCIIIIAS ITTIUSt WeintJfy'the sm.uirce oUthe 25 Ilpeirmreiout.noin-fedeir4l Ilgmourlliim.in of the total Ilpiroject costs, (ITTO'k,11) I he foirl[TlUkl four c4tUkitJing ITTKItA"11 liis� Fb(knal F"un(fing Amountl Fb(h�nal Sham C75%o) -::A(Ijuste(I Trotal P�o,Ject Costs 3(' Am Ijustice Trotal Ppmo,ft t COSIrS Xr 25%::-::::Amount ol:Match RequhV(I ITT p E,.�x i ipjq For a sut)awaird mIIITTIORJIIII't of$125,000,c4lcUkflethe 25% 111THACII $125,000/75%:-::$166,666.67 $166,666.67 Xr 25%::.::::$41,666.67 usll�Iltw:,calculalled irmna llch aiinouinll:based off of Ilfw above formula, $10,651.25 E)(:�scirlbe cash or iiirn kuind irmna lllch Ilan Ibe used for Ilfw Iproposed piroj(:K.11�, Monroe County budgets a nominal amount to match a portion of this grant through the general fund that includes funding sources such as Ad Valorem taxes,state shared revenues,rents, inter-fund transfers and other receipts. Page 18 of 21 FDLE 2023-RSAT Aftercare43858 Monroe County Board of Commissioners RSAT III°mrogirmrurmlu Rrogirmrurmlu Illurmcoirmlumm mrrmml IIE'lul,uldget IIReview Purogguralln Il11111cmmurmme(IPtMtlll) Y gtmmlu eirate reveinu es°t'mmur tJlhe urmmclihllmliieint.oir� ��lu�mlika'flii�ill IIE'EMIITTIlr le �.f Il��urogiralln liilu�m�.�.�llne �urmmlu�m.�ul�lum m.a �mc.ulvur.ulmam�urmmmm„ actiiiviiitles iiilnclllu de but airmen IRICA Illulormmu4ed tmm asset fees,iiilu teirest earin ed oin gguraint.°t'ulu dsu urmmmmurmmllkmmmurslllmlihllm°fees,cou irt-mmurmtmmurmmmt a t.mmurlu ey's°fees,mmlummt°t'mmmmsft'iiilu es°t'mmur°t'mmliilllmmmt mtruligttests, Afl Ilpirogiralln RIC0111mmmm urmmuAst. be accoul anted°t'mmuru urmmllpoirted,mmlummt mmmm.11peiumded liilum accormtaince Wth Section 3.4 of the DOJ Grants Financial Guide lillll any proposed gglranmrnll anr;ICliV IIJ(„a gn Irneiranll( IPiro granmrrn Ilrncoilrne?* O Yes # No II''tu idgge'tillPiirmmculi urmmurmmeiiiit.IIReviib t~tmmle Source .li"Ilhe Rise of purocuireillnr rout.u[InetJho s(ii e sq..Ae souirce)fair g urn in't fuinded puirclilases ain lmurocu llrmmurmmm rout.cmmln'tracts liis st.uroinggllly mtliiscou cragged Ili°towevmmuru tJlheirmm mmurmm tJlhiree scmmlnmmiHos liilum mlll*i6l1h sm.Ae source liis menIII IIIowaItmlumen t I he u4,g,murmm or seirvuce lis olumlllY avamul lmmltmle turmmurmm pine souirce "li°"Il1*m s does IRICA.urmmmmm in men IlpairtliiculAlmmur Ilkmurmmlu d luNmurmsm Of men llmurmmmtuljct tuljstlii°gloms a sm.Ae source,uI liis tllhe ultmmurin ultsmmlll°t' For mmmmmmurmmlllmle,Ilpirocuriiilngg mmlllmmctrmmln c coint.urmmlll mtmmvulces cmmlnlu ot. be men sm.Ae source because'these Illmmss4lmmtllh4ll mtmmviiices mmurmm avmmiiilllmmltmle to Illmuljrclllim ise°tllrmmurmm"I41ser llumtmmurlummmtliimmlummmlll mmlummt vmmiHous otJlheirvmmlndoirs plmullktlllulc mmurmmmggrg mmlOPY pkm storm Jlhat WllIl urmmsuA't'iiiln IlhairurtmfUll mtmmlll m ulf fQrjjMglll cgiirmmtmpjt tuk.)i m uls rmggRAl kred,"t"'lllh s urmmm:jUkrmms mmgtlii6o4ll uriiid.mmln mtmmclkmura'floin o tJlhe Illwltmlll c mmurmmeirggeincy by ain autJlhoihkemt mmgglocliimmlll col men IlPirmmsulmteintu Gmmvmaurinmmuru May or,etc.) li""Illmmm mmllkmliillllii'tY'tm'm Illmuurclllimmsmm Rilnmmur men mmclllmmurmmfliioln of Illwllkmlllliic eincymmmm.11rAirmms Ill ein tJlhe uriiid.mmlu�m mtmmclllmmuratliioin mmmm.11lmliiurmms maurmmmaurm,wg 3 Illlnamtmtgtulgdg g i mmtmmmtli .looin was lnoted after mggtllllucultullllttg men 1111ulAurttllber of sources men°t'tllhe smmlllulcurtmmtulmmlums"tllrmmllrmm mmmmcllh source urmmUst be urmmmmullumt mliilummmmt tmm sulllmllport.tJlhe lumenmlumcmmurmmlllmmmfliigui men Illmurocuirmmurmmm rout. IIImIIIm lcml�ts IIm c't ing tm m�rc� msm grant-tulnmmm lelITmms Sole Source Justification Approval°t'mmururin Ilt'tJlhe totmmlll Illmurocu irmmurmmeint.0 urmmggairmtlllmmss of 11OW urmmUCII liis ggurm rout°t'ulnm ed,exceeds the°t'mmmtmmurmmlll sliiormmlllmllllii'liimamt mmcm:t�lii�lii lii (, Y 50,000),the t twttMt gguraint.urmmmmlu aggmmur urmmul�st.cooirmtliilnate t.mmlum tlll�murmmslll�mmmlllmt cul�ururmmlu�mt.11l tmmmurmll smmlm souirce mlmIIm rmvmllu l�licll� rmmY rmm:tUiirm mmmitimlnmll liilum°t'mmururmm mtliimmlum AIrm any ull(,rrns in IlJtnm Itmu d g(;fi Itm61 ngg Ipiro:urr(;rg Irnarlrnr;rrlrrnitmd;llullu�r,lly� O Yes OW No State- mmurur'mm mmur Ateirinate Source Cm."mlum't.urmmc'ts Fmmmtmmurmmlll Illmurocu irmmurmsmlurot.urmmggulAa,fliioins 414.)w t'mmur gturain't.-t'ul rode li4ellmms tmm be IlrAggggyltmmmclllmmmmt men°g't'men°t'm.mt.11lmmmur mms.liistliilumgt cmmln'tracts Wth otlllmmmur eintiiifles "li°°Illmiiis liis en°tein r fbirured tm as 4l4eirl ate souirce cml 'tract Irg alllrlld Ills o"g't'.msmlllrll Rismad by t ''wttMt urmmcllhllmliieints Whein State-Illmurocul iHi ,Img t off°ff of men� � li""mmururmm ttm."mlumturmmct. Illmlllmlllliicmmlumts Illmurm."mlllmm."msliilumgt'tm"m uljse tlllmliis urmmmmt.11hmmmt of lmurocu llrmmurmmeint mmurmm urmm(tUikred tenor descrollt)e mmlummt Ilprmmviii e tllhe cointurmmct lumulIurmmllbeir they mmurmm uljsiikngg°t'mmur the 4l4eirlu ate souirce lmurocuurmmurmmei mt. AIrm any ull(Irrns in IlJtnm Itmu d g(;fi Itm61 ngg Irmrocurrr;rg trarlm«norm(:xA IlJirngg li Ibiriidanm SlIa llle Rflarn g:;o nlllranr„fi:? O Yes # No AIrm any ull(Irrns in IlJtnm Itmu d g(;fi Itm61 ngg Irmrocurrr;rg trarlrrn anmlrny arllltnm Ir IIIId;Irlrnanlln Sourrc( C.oirnlllranmr,fi:? O Yes No Page 19 of 21 FDLE 2023-RSAT Aftercare43858 Monroe County Board of Commissioners Page 20 of 21 F ® L E 2023-RSAT Aftercare43858 Monroe County Board of Commissioners Budget RroIposed Eludget Suirriiirricur. Expense Budget Giro in't Fuinded Moin-Giroin't Fuinded "I 4.A4l llBudget.ed G I li��ird,-Pairty Sutxiwairds(Cointiracfij4�Sei4ices) Aftercare Services $31,953.75 $10,651.25 $42,605.00 Subtotal $31,953.75 $10,651.25 $42,605.00 "I ot,4l Pirq.)lF)osed Cost $31,953.75 $10,651.25 $42,605.00 Revenue Budget Giraint Fuinded Moin-Giroin't Fuinded "I 4.A4l llBudget.ed tMturaiunt.IIFuiun&ing Award Requested $31,953.75 $31,953.75 Subtotal $31,953.75 $31,953.75 Moiun- turaiunt.IIFuiun&ing Cash Match $10,651.25 $10,651.25 In-Kind Match $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal $10,651.25 $10,651.25 "I ot,4l Pirq.)lF)ose IIReveinue $31,953.75 $10,651.25 $42,605.00 RroIposed Eludget III etall See attached spreadsheet. RroIposed Eludget IlMairrative G.Third-Party Subawards(Contractual Services) List each third-party tiered subrecipient. Each line item description MUST detail the calculations used to arrive at the funded amount.EXAMPLE: Individual Counseling Session-$30/session x 1000 sessions=$30,000. Afteircaire SeirVices Aftercare Services-$24.88/qtr.hr session x 1,712.43 qtr.hr.sessions=$42,605.00(rounded) Page 21 of 21 IF [:) LnE 'repla rel bly Vk)nlf`oe Coq ni�!,d :3o do"l of Con,°Iin dsskmers fix II p O:unientoffl' I. w II:nfixo Aryan ent II a „+ti M1 Submitted by Oksana Christow Submitted on 12/08/2022 9:55 AM Eastern Standard Time FDLE 2023-RSAT-43625-GCC Monroe County Board of Commissioners Opportunity Details IIpIIpoirtqxormllty Illurm°fr:.)ururirlua,tli14:.)urm ..g.li Iialn RSAT21 E)(:nsciriiIgnIi:linrirn This opportunity is available to state criminal justice agencies and units of local government for implementation of Residential Substance Abuse Treatment(RSAT)projects. wnnnirngoirng A g(,irncy Pklnnnnme U.S. Department of Justice,Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance A gn,irncy 4°of nliaclll IPIgnoi ne 850-617-1250 A gn,irncy 4°of nlinnnr II II ii nanniill criminaijustice@fdle.state.fl.us s u.n 11 nk,r;Ih:na Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program(RSAT) Qgnlpoirku.nirnilly Il anirnangn,ir Krista Sanders Qgnlpoirgu inr lily lPosln(:A IDa llle 10/21/2022 irnrnou.nirn(xl nee nl g yg e Initial Announcement A a naslllanirncf Il...lislIl irnggs Pkl a nlbeir 16.593 Pu.nllnllc Il...liirnk https://www.gotomygrants.com/Public/Opportunities/Details/3dafd6bb-ael 14ca0-abaf-e897c5986882 F°°ul,uirmdlin Illurm°fr:.)ururirlua,tli14:.)urm follannll IPiro gir,,-.0 n II::u.nirnngiiirngg $1,544,428.00 I::u.nirnngiiirngg"°ou.nirc(:,s Federal Or Federal Pass Through I::u.nirnngiiirng "gou.nira( IE)(:nscirupin:ioirn This funding is available under Florida's FY2021 Residential Substance Abuse Treatment award (1 5PBJA-21-GG- 00051-RSAT).Additional information regarding this funding opportunity can be found on the FY2021 RSATfunding page:http://www.fdle.state.fl.us/Grants/Documents/Funding-Opportunities/RSAT/FY2021 aurd Illurm°fr:.)urururlua,tli14:.)urm wnnnird IP(:Nriiod 10/01/2022-09/30/2024 wnnnird..g.ype Page 2 of 22 FDLE 2023-RSAT-43625-GCC Monroe County Board of Commissioners Competitive f:;nnnlpn 11nnnll(31rai nlC No R(:,sIll'k.1111 aroi non of n Illrndolrn:,K„II 4 oslli:s Yes allla,lhn i ng 1Rn,pJirn,nnei nlC Yes Si illburruiiissiiioin Illuri"fi.)ururriva lii4:.)urm a°"rou.nlbiirflll nw nw'lloi n Window 10/21/2022 12:00 AM-12/09/2022 11:59 PM Subiirfl,,;soin Fiinel i ne gyg e One Time Illlii liill� liillllii Illuri"fi.)ururriva lii4:.)urm E Illi gg li Ilnli Ik Ihy..g..W)e Public I Ilogglilbkl Ignlgnll canlrnlh:na • State Governments • County Governments • City or township governments • Native American tribal governments(Federally recognized) Addlilllioi nanll IElligglillnlill lly Illrnforlrnanlh:loi n Eligible applicants are limited to state agencies and units of local government.A unit of local government is defined as a city,county,town,township,borough,parish,village,or other general-purpose political subdivision of the state, including Native American Tribes who perform law enforcement functions as determined by the Secretary of the Interior. ,ddliitiioina111 Illurm"fi.)ururriva lii4.)urm Addlilllioi nnnll Illrnforlrnanlllioi n I uIG~&II... https://www.fdle.state.fl.us/Grants/Home.aWx Addlilllioi nnnll Illrnforlrnanlllioi n IgR ID( •„cirlplll of n This site contains information regarding the various programs,funding opportunities,and forms managed by the Office of Criminal Justice Grants.Contact information and additional resources can also be found on this site. Page 3 of 22 F ® L E 2023-RSAT43625-GCC Monroe County Board of Commissioners Project Information AdpIplhlcatloin IlIiiri"fi.)iiriirriiia,tlil.oiirI ApplhcallJoin Nan ime 2023-RSAT-43625-GCC Aw,,-.ird R(xpies1led $117,412.50 Cash Il allch IRm,pJir'(:lneinll� $0.00 Cash Il allch Coinllr'bullJoins $39,137.50 in Kind Il allch 1Rm,mpJirm,irmnm inll� $0.00 in KindII" allch Coinllr'bullJoins $0.00 1 oll all Aw,-.u'd Il:3udg(:fl� $156,550.00 Rrihirriairy Cointact IlIiiri"fi.)iiriirriiia,tli14.)iirI Naime Oksana Christow Eiir4l Addir(:�ss christow-oksana@monroecounty-fl.gov Addir(:ss Monroe County, 1100 Simonton Street,Suite 2-213 Key West, FL 33040 Phoine Number (305)292-4474 Page 4 of 22 FDLE 2023-RSAT-43625-GCC Monroe County Board of Commissioners Project Description RSATIRrogirairrii Rroject Overview g Illiuguiltkglg II6pcflpigint ttgur II SAI IlFuiu ds. g';IllliiggliiltAe qlg)llgAllitaints afire IllliiurTIlIed to state aggein6ibs aind Rxi*[ts of Ilkx4 g, oveiriuIII[Inr rout A Rxu*iit.of IIkx4 goveiriu ITTIr ll't.l yu �.� iumtyu t. iumu t. iumslllmliillg a Ilboirouggllli,Ilg�r�iHsllli, iiillllagge,oir�.t.11lm�rur�g�rium�rur lll.Ilg� urllg�.s II rx.Allliitlii�.6��t��°t'liiiu�m�r�t�� a�.liit. sut)dliVislik)in o°t'tIlhe state,liiin6lbdlikngg IIMa'flve AIITTIOHcain"1""uriiilt)es Who Ilpeirfoirllln kiw eiun°t'oirceurinr ll't°t'UioICtlii0111ms GIs deteirurinikn ed by the Seciretaury o°t'tllhe Illint.euriiioir Foir tJlhe Ilgwurllposes of tllltm s q..)IlF)llpoirt.uiutOyu IIrAIease Ilpirg.)V e tJlhe iuNIurmlrr re6iilFAiieint.Ilb6lk. i Ilogglilbkl 1R(r,lilpn eirnll:Pgaii ne: Monroe County in wltnik.h cou.rirnliy us Illtn( II Ilogullnlln 1R(:K iggnlin irnll Ila cached? Monroe -I ha 111 Vs IllN, li:Ilogullnlln IR(:K ipk irnli:1s SAM g nklu e III:)irnu.rirrrnlbeir"? QKLSCT2LM7M9 ha 111 Vs IllN, li:Ilogullnlln IR(:K ipk irnli:1s li li::IIE)or li II.. IIIR anccou.rirnll:irnu.rirrrnlbeir"? 596000749 Pkl nn se.nee::r;1C:Your de•fir(:A irn,;Ignoirtoirngg tlr(xjurei ncy for nnu.rlbii6l IJiirngg Ignanyirrrnei nll ir(xpiesIlls AND Ipeirfoirmnanirnc(:;ir(,,I oirti ngg. Q Monthly Q Quaterly uroject."1""liiurT1rrllllklle E)n„nnliir(:A Sllannirll IDaln n of lltn( IPirarg(,r„IC 7/1/2023 E)n„nnliir(:A lEi nd Dalle of lfwn lPirnrgn;a„IC 6/30/2024 <(:,YA(.11J nolllies Fii neline EES'EkITHIted to OIIITIllgAle liioin IIDate Descuriiillp,flioin of IIKKey ctliVi'ty t "gi""II , t t "11""116R 2 Q'I III,3 t "11""116R 4 t ''gi""Iltt 5(if qlg)llgAlliicatAe) t ''gi""116R 6(if qlg)llgAlliicatAe) t ''gi""Iltt 7(if qlg)llgAlliicatAe) t ''gi""Iltt 8(if ar)llgAlliicatAe) Page 5 of 22 FDLE 2023-RSAT-43625-GCC Monroe County Board of Commissioners I . ,"I® Il purr:.) urn ururiu Rroject Sul,uiururiuururiairy .II"ure t1111n int.IIPirogirr lln"II'°ylll) F'.t' All""IIPirogirr lln°filin s 111TOy be Rise trr of Ilpirogiralrlms urrrsliUeintliirilll,j4iilll-lbased,ain aftrrurcairrr Ilt':aclli Ilpirogirallln tyllr)e has&ftireint urrrrtUiiurrrurlreints a.,ek::r:ll IllN,auallallairarlpiriiaualle IGk".A I Ilairoggir,,-.urn for lilts s Ilairarga,a„Ii:: * Residential Programs *Jail-based Programs *Aftercare Programs Allpllplllliicaints uMUSt einsuirrr liiindm iisiiURjalls Who Ilpairflii6illrxfle liiiur a giraintfuinded sUlbstain ce a twse tore turineiu 't Ilpurogirr lln alrrr pirg.)VUed sei4ices liiiurslhj liiiurl, • Ilt':inl, agl, iin Ill r urtlii liilll r iumts°t'our at Ilbast.thrree(3)urmrOiItJlIISs • IlFocusliiinl, oin tlhe Ilpairfliidiillpaintws sUlbstain ce Rise&aginosliis aind addii .tliioin r6kited n ee su °t r Ill�rlll uiiurl 't.11lmr uilll[m�rn~�tr u cogiu�ml,flii°ve,Ilbell�mr� iii�.rur4�,s�.r�.liirilll, �.rca lii�.riu�m4�,ain otlheir sllkliilllllls to s�.rllVe su t)str�iu c r'„m a twse aind rrrllkite Ilpurollt)ll611TISs ain II F',rr(tUiiuriiiinl, Rxuriiiina ysliis ain /oir otJlheir Ilpurovein urrrlllliirillt)lb t'oururmms ofdirug aind testliiinl, "t'our Ilpurogiralln l r urtlii liilll r iumtsu liiiurcllkjdliiin Ilpurlk.rur to eintrruriiiin g tJllie Ilpurogiralln,Ilpeuriiiodr l caind urriiiii 4.rurTr testliiiiiii, wllliliilll Ill r urtlii liilll r tliiiuml liiiur the Ilpurogiralln,aind t'our°t'oururIneir Ilpairfiiidiillpaints wlll*iilb tJlhey urrrurT14ii1111 liiiur the custody of the state oir Ilk)c4ll l ov ruriurur1n riurt. Ithud,lllysu.rirrrnirrrnaairoa,Ihow IllN,Igairarga,r:IC auallliagirnua wiililtn IllN,,•ek::r:lla;nl IGk"°CAI Igairo gir,,-.urn. In 1997,The Jail Incarceration Program(JIP)was developed in the Monroe County Detention Center and began providing substance abuse treatment services to county inmates to lay the foundation for sustained recovery.The majority of clients are court ordered by the Drug Court,Circuit Court and County Court Judges in Monroe County. The rest enter the program as volunteers who have met the criteria for drug/alcohol treatment and will be in the county jail a minimum of 182 days.The program has established a positive reputation countywide,working closely with judges,prosecutors and defense attorneys throughout the county. DCF audits reported that this program meets or exceeds Best Practice standards.This year's funding will allow services begun with last year's grant to continue for this population in the detention center. In August 2022,the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitative Facilities(CARF)re-evaluated the JIP program for accreditation.This RSAT program,JIP,originally accredited in 2013 met the highest CARF standards and received recognition for its positive relationships between correctional staff and treatment clinical staff.The agency received another three year accreditation this year from CARF and continues to meet the highest accreditation standards. F ur�.rllt 111 urmr Ill iumtlii°t'lii tlii�.rium(llFllllD) The Problem Identification is a key element of any grant application.Responses in this section should describe the problem(s)to be addressed or solved with the funding in a clear,concise manner.Applicants may wish to consider and include relevant data(quantitative or qualitative)to support the issue identified. Applicants are strongly encouraged to use evidence-based practices in solving their identified problems.To �,tlui�riu°ui li;,l/Illw rf�rrgi.search for evidence-based programs and practices,search °igj,uYtw rrilr,iuurriurrs�r... RE)I IE)(:usciribe dlll Itnanza irds,husks,or coi nc(:Nrirns IllN:,Iu.rirn(liiirngg wiillll a ddir(:,s a. Reduction of drug arrests and increasing substance use treatment. Rll:) IE)(:usciribe why Illtn s Igriroj(,r,ll as a Ipirl iriilhy for IllN:,agg(:fl ncy,courirnll:y,au i nd/oir sllaunlln . Page 6 of 22 FDLE 2023-RSAT-43625-GCC Monroe County Board of Commissioners South Florida, including Monroe County and the Florida Keys,continues to have the unfortunate distinction of being designated as a high intensity drug trafficking area and,as such, is a leading illicit drug importation area.This has increased the availability of illicit drugs in Monroe County resulting in drug abuse rates higher than both the state and national averages.The Drug Enforcement Agency noted in their 2019 Opioid Report that from 2006 to 2012 there were 30,791,325 prescription pain pills,enough for 60 pills per person per year,supplied to Monroe County.The Florida Department of Corrections recorded 3,295 drug/narcotic arrests in Monroe County for males during the six- year period of 2012 through 2017.The Monroe County Sheriffs Office, Public Defender,and State Attorneys office have indicated a continued need for diversion and treatment services including programs which will allow the county to decrease the number of days' individuals spend incarcerated. RllD3 IE)(:scirlbe any(:xA ll;i i nag ir(:Wuirc(:„s or a:cl,l of ns Ib61 nag used Ilan a:ddir(:ass IIIN:,Ipirarlblk:l n(s), If lilt,us a inew pirarlblk:l n,Ipk,a:se ud(:N nllligy Ihow your plain Ilan n.ddir(:.s n I111N:, issue, The project proposed by the service provider supports Monroe County's strategic plan that addresses an identified priority in reducing criminal recidivism related to substance use. Program increases access to treatment and provides comprehensive substance abuse treatment to inmates during incarceration. REM: IExlgnllannliirn Ihow Iilgnr ngd,s, gin annirnng liar nlgrlln;ir nn,irnllnnlllinrirn of Ilr,(:211nrrnei nll nnn nn a:oorngli na llled Ibe11w(:K,irn itn:,Ignirn„eirnlhannlluvves of Ilocal coirirn:,a:lllioi nannll anrgn,irnr:lies anirnng irn,Ignirn;,ad irnlianllunnd;nn of any annlppirarlpirla In(n Ilarr:al alcohol and dirurgg abuse annrgn,irncy. The JIP program is located within the Monroe County Detention Center and operated by the local community based agency for alcohol and drug abuse. It is one of the few such programs nationwide operated within a countyjail in Florida and the only opportunity for some men to receive intensive drug abuse treatment within Monroe County. The Monroe County Detention Center has a specific dorm designated for RSAT clients. The majorityof clients are court ordered by the Drug Court,Circuit Court and County Court Judges in Monroe County.The rest enter the program as volunteers who have met the criteria for drug/alcohol treatment and will be in the countyjail a minimum of 182 days.JIP will serve 67 male inmates.Clients must have a minimum of six months'jail time to complete the program,agree to follow all program rules including the absence of disciplinary infractions while incarcerated and complete all program assignments and attend groups five days per week. RllD5 I:31rl :,gllyngd,sciriflbe Illgnr,(4f(,r„I1unei nd,ss and.a(Jeirnc(:: based irna lllurirn:,art n,xusln,li ngg Ilr,(: 11Ciirrnei nll,an,irrnua,r,(nn(flgriranr,llur:n:,(nn(. Treatment services use group, individual and case management services. These service components several evidence-based practices including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy(CBT)curriculum entitled "Substance Abuse and Criminal Conduct:Strategies for Self- Improvement and Change, Pathways to Responsible Living"authored by Harvey Milkman and Kenneth Wanberg which includes a client workbook for them to keep. Moral Reconation Therapy(MRT) is also used to decrease recidivism among criminal offenders by increasing moral reasoning.Additionally,treatment in the correctional setting incorporates trauma-informed and gender-responsive treatment through the use of the evidenced-based."Seeking Safety'treatment model to promote the healing and edification of the human spirit and Relapse Prevention Therapy program will also be incorporated. RII[:gtz IExlgrllanrliirn Ihow gq.rirnded Igriro gir,,-.0 rn nn Wlil a:ddir(:.s n IllN:,a d( lilh:loirn of nrlgrliokl abuse se ir(:Au.cl„I arirn Ilirn:,anrllir nd;irnll,nnnirnng seirrniiaxn s, The JIP Jail-Based program focuses on substance abuse treatment including the evidence based group. Following completion of the Jail-Based program participants have access to a wide variety of mental health and substance abuse services through the Guidance/Care Center including Medication assisted treatment(MAT)as part of aftercare. RllD 7 IE)(:nscirlbe Ignow I111N:;anrlgrlgrllk.anirnll a.rggn:,irncy Wlil n,irnsurirn:,Illha lll:a rttn,irndeir,,-;who IgranrirllkJpa llle in I111N:;IGgSA I lgriroggiranirrrn(:,slllanllrllu,•algn:A or rrnlgrlln,irrrnei nlled w°roll:lgn Iilgn e ggiranrirnll funds Wlil Il e IgrirrvkI(xI w°rolllgn coiirru nu.rirnlilly ir(:fli nlleggira 111 oirn seirrnurxn s, Men who complete treatment are often granted early release from incarceration to begin rebuilding their lives,thereby saving the county the expense of their continued detainment. During the jail based JIP program,clients are taught coping skills to manage stress,anxiety,triggers to relapse.Groups also coverjob interviewing skills,resume creation, professionalism,budgeting,opening a bank account and household management skills.These skills attained within the context of treatment increases the chances of sustained recovery,healthier family and other personal relationships and safer communities;as they have successfully completed an intensive,comprehensive treatment program. Discharge planning occurs prior to release and identifies needs for aftercare including community resources and transitional housing, Page 7 of 22 FDLE Monroe County Board of Commissioners PU08: E)eoorbehow ilheappUioontag(:NnoyWNenouir(:�Mhagpirowiderofijn ioNngnainllegirallionoervoeoanaapprovedby11N:1 appnopha0aohateor local agenoy and aneUioenoed, ifneoeooairy,1opirowidemediooUhe�hnentoroM��rhe�U�oer�oeo The Monroe County subcontractor,Guidance/Care Center(GCC)is the centralized receiving facility for behavioral health services in Monroe County which includes,mental health,substance use,and primary care. ThoJ|Ppmgmm and case management aftercare are 2 of fourteen accredited programs through the Council on Accreditation for Rehabilitative Facilities(CARF). GCC has been accredited since 2000 and has recently re-accredited through 2O25. In addition,all GCC sites including the jail are licensed for the continuum of care in substance abuse including licenses for outpatient, intensive outpationt.TASC and oaao management. In 0nta|.GCC hold state substance abuse|inenaoa through the Florida Department of Children& Families for 4 sites and 37 components. P|DQ: �the proposed pnoj(:ota oontinuationfiram llhe pnaVouo year? #Yoa ONo P|DQ A: E)eoohbellhepnaVouognonl�lofundingoounoe(inoUudingpnognom,am..ndnumbec and pnoj(:otperiod), K4on'a Jail In-House Drug Abuse TmUnontProgram 2022'RSAT-K4ONR-1'0R-003 Federal Award Number:2020'J2'BX'0021 Gran Period: From:O401/2O22 To:O3/31/2O23 P|DQ-B: E)eoohbellhepnagnaoo and aotivitie000mpUeted under thepn(viouoam..nd, Data reported in"Completions"and ''Roinoanmmtiona"sections the Quarterly Performance Report from the most recent grant period,July 1.2O22.through September 3O.2O22: Successful Completions: 7 Unsuccessful Completions: O Number of individuals still inprogram: 12 Re-incarcerations of previous completed since 2O21: 8% P|DQ-C.: E)eooribe any iooueo,baniero,and/or delays under llhepir(wiouoaw,,-.�nd, COV|D|ookdowna and illness was the only barrier and delay 0n the past award. Because the program operates from the Monroe County Detention Center we had to follow the infection precautions and inmate access which has been every changing. This past year there have been 3 lockdowns for 2 weeks or more at a time where there was limited access to inmates and drug testing was not allowed. Luckily in the past 3 months,restrictions have been lifted. Sco�pe of Work(S0" "I he Sco�pe of Work pirq.)V�des �mm�poirtaint det4�Usointhetasks,aind actV�,flesWabe CCYmm�F)Ubted Rxindeir the giraint awaird. NOTE: Information in this section will be used by OCJIG's assigned grant manager to write the contract deliverables bo satisfy state contracting requirements identified in .|tio important bo provide clear responses bo the questions below. SOW 1�: E)eooribedUU haoko and aotiv�tieo1obepeirft)nmed under llheam..nd JIP will serve 67 male inmates.Clients must have a minimum of six months'jail time to complete the program,agree to follow all program rules including the absence of disciplinary infractions while incarcerated and complete all program assignments and attend groups five days per week.Once clients have been referred to JIP,a biopsychosocial and program orientation is completed to determine treatment needs within 7 days of receiving court order.Additional Page 8Of22 FDLE 2023-RSAT-43625-GCC Monroe County Board of Commissioners assessments are conducted including Mental Health Status and the Post Traumatic Check List(PCL-5)which identify suicide risk levels,trauma and impairments in functioning.Admission policies are welcoming to individuals with co- occurring disorders,learning disabilities, illiteracyand other special individualized needs allowing access for all who probably otherwise would not receive services. Client-centered individualized treatment plans,are tailored to the needs of men,are a cornerstone of gender- responsive treatment and developed collaboratively using a person-centered approach.This plan is developed within the first 30 days and then reviewed and updated with the participant every 30 days throughout the course of the program.Groups are facilitated five(5)days per week. In addition,each program participant is assigned a primary counselor/case manager for monthly individual sessions,to assist with treatment planning,provide comprehensive case management and to monitor progress and discharge planning. Treatment services use several evidence-based practices including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy(CBT)curriculum entitled"Substance Abuse and Criminal Conduct:Strategies for Self-Improvement and Change, Pathways to Responsible Living"authored by Harvey Milkman and Kenneth Wanberg which includes a client workbook for them to keep.Moral Reconation Therapy(MRT)is also used to decrease recidivism among criminal offenders by increasing moral reasoning.Additionally,treatment in the correctional setting incorporates trauma-informed and gender- responsive treatment through the use of the evidenced-based."Seeking Safety"treatment model to promote the healing and edification of the human spirit and Relapse Prevention Therapy program will also be incorporated. Clients are required to complete all program service components in 2 phases in a minimum of six months. Each phase of treatment includes phase specific"dorm-work"assignments that are reviewed and graded by program staff.Clients are required to submit daily homework assignments,attend groups and maintain their behavior in the dorm and groups.When clients move from one phase to the next is not pre-determined and the timeline is individualized based on progress.To ensure the program achieves its intended outcomes and community impact,outcome data is collected from the electronic health record so the program can monitor deliverables;assess where it needs improvements;and make timely adjustments to address the desired outcomes more effectively and efficiently. ?OW2 IE)n„n„cirlbe I111N n;xlpeddied ou lllcoii ne as air(:,su lllI of IIIN, Iron sksh-. ,IClivn 11k:;s ur(irnlugfied in SOW I. Treatment in the program is a minimum of 6 months and a maximum of 1 year.Successful program completion rate will be 80%or higher. Recidivism will be collected and monitored post-discharge using the county arrest data system. Aftercare case management will coordinate appointments with a psychiatrist,to help them with appointments, treatment adherence,accessing of community services and medication assistance including opioid MAT(Medication Assisted Treatment). SOW3 IE)(„n„cirlbe who wflil Ibei nefl lli:firm n IIIN,Ilan sks,acl,uV 11 :,s,nnnirnd arurlicoii nes lidei nl uffk nl nnllra\e, Male inmates in the JIP program,the criminal justice system and the general community. ?OW IE)n„nncirlbe 111N n,irnlliIly(or(,irnl ulIJ :,$)irn„nnpof n;•nulbk for coii nlpin,lluirng nn cl,l V 111 s urirnd(:Nr lilrno.•n 1piroj(:K„IC. Monroe County as a subaward recipient will subcontract Guidance/Care Center, Inc.,to provide services under this project. For the past 50 years,the Guidance/Care Center, Inc.(GCC)has provided Comprehensive, Integrated Community Behavioral Health Services(Mental Health,Substance Abuse and Primary Care)to adults,children,and families all ages. GCC is the centralized receiving facilityfor all behavioral health services in Monroe County. SOW5 IE)n„ncirllb and/or Ipirnrn kle IIIN Ilocanlh:loirn ofwh(irn;Ipiroj(:;(„II any„IClinniili:kn nn Wlil Il e Ip irft)irmned, The Monroe County Detention Center 5501 College Road, Key West,FL 33040 SOW6 IE)n„ncirllb Ihow IIIN,Ipeirfoirirmnai nc(:,and coil nlpin lhuoi n of II AC[N udei nl ugfied Ile veiriitlied, The subrecipient must complete the Performance Measures Worksheet and submit to the Office of Criminal Justice Grants(OCJG)no later than April 15,July 15,October 15 and January 15. ?OW7 IE)n„ncirllbe whall souirc(:;docu.ii nei nllanlh:loirn wflil be irrrnanuirnlhanrliirned and Ipirarnnii led Ilan OG:J a for Ipanynrrnei nlC irn,nju e WWII.•«for II EACH anclIiivully ud irnlufied nnnllrarve Page 9 of 22 FDLE 2023-RSAT-43625-GCC Monroe County Board of Commissioners Monroe Countywill use grant funds to be delivered residential substance abuse treatment to the male population housed in the sheriffs office jail who meet the RSAT criteria to participate. Funds are used for contractual services only including psychosocial assessment,group therapy, individual case management,case management and aftercare case management services. Monthly invoices are provided to Monroe County by the treatment provider summarizing activities for which they seek payment.These are reviewed by Monroe County staff for approval of payment. Documentation of services to be provided will include documentation of client participation,purchase orders, invoices, and cancelled checks or statements. SOW8 II uslllC Illgne;ai nllie:ipallleeg mnurmllre m of IpairglieJpanirni:nn. 67 SOW9 IExlgrllan in Illgne„nnnlgrlgrllue,nnmmll amgm„mncy's(:lloe„irnC:anegirmnu„na nauarmnfm;xe;llur,,nuerirn ciri lle„iriia The majority of clients are court ordered by the Drug Court,Circuit Court and County Court Judges in Monroe County. The rest enter the program as volunteers who have met the criteria for drug/alcohol treatment and will be in the county jail a minimum of 182 days.JIP will serve 67 male inmates.Clients must have a minimum of six months'jail time to complete the program,agree to follow all program rules including the absence of disciplinary infractions while incarcerated and complete all program assignments and attend groups five days perweek.Once clients have been referred to JIP,a biopsychosocial and program orientation is completed to determine treatment needs within 7 days of receiving court order.Admission policies are welcoming to individuals with co-occurring disorders,learning disabilities,illiteracy and other special individualized needs allowing access for all who probably otherwise would not receive services. "°OW10 IE)e„cirllbe Ihow Ipairglie,olpai ni:nn wflil It be nne,lgranirnnlle;eg gmermn Iilgne;ege,mne mnnll Igrarlgru.rllalh:loi n. The Jail-In House Drug Treatment Program(JIP)located within the Monroe County Detention Center. It is one of the few such programs nationwide operated within a countyjail in Florida and the only opportunity for some men to receive intensive drug abuse treatment within Monroe County.The Monroe County Detention Center has a specific dorm designated for RSAT clients. "°OW1 g Se,lle,e:ll Illgne gire,egure mne,7limn vmlgnlich Ipiroggmnnmn IgranrirtumJpanirnlh:na anirm drug Ile „Il(:A (Se,lle,e„II nnllll Illty lC nnnlgrlply) ® Before entering the program ®While participating in the program ❑After completion of the program if participant remains in custody ❑ None of the above "g?SOW 12 IE)e„cirl lbe Ihow Illgne irm;mgunuirm;irmne;irnll for u.riruirnnllysJs and/or olllIN:m Ipiro\ee,mn ire Ilonnlbkl fo r m s of dirureg and anllm:arlrnol Ile sl„I mngg for piroggmnnmmn Igrannirtk pa.minlh:na Wlil It be coi mnlgrlllk:A Wlllh, Corrections staff conduct random drug testing of program participants in coordination with JIP staff. The 13 panel icup tests are provided by the JIP program. Sg W 13 IE)e„cirl lbe Illgne,saminclll rmns used d for Igrannirgue,lpanminlls who Iie,,all Igrer nnlillunne ermn dirunegfa.nlle,erlhol Il(;sl„I imngg. If a client tests positive for drugs,there is disciplinary action resulting in 30 days in lock down and a return to court for judicial review of the case. g.,OW14 IE)e„cirllbe Illgne,antlle ircanire,se irvic(„na provided u.rlpoi n IgrannirguaJpaminllna ire,lle,a se . Aftercare services will occur through GCC as part of the jail program. Services will include coordination between the correctional treatment program and other social service and rehabilitation programs.A case manager will be stationed at the jail and will meet with client while incarcerated to begin engagement and ensure services are set up prior to release.Case manager will coordinate care by connecting clients to community resources and outside agencies such as transitional housing,vocational rehab,AA/NA,primary care providers,and financial assistance agencies.The case manager will coordinate with Guidance/Care Center's(G/CC)outpatient staff to ensure clients are enrolled in the necessary services,such as psychiatric care,substance abuse and/or mental health therapy,relapse prevention groups,and medication assisted treatment(MAT).Case manager and client will work together to identify goals and create wellness and recovery plan.Case manager will meet with client on a weekly basis to ensure client is set up in the communitywith necessary supports and resources to prevent recidivism. Page 10 of 22 FDLE 2023-RSAT-43625-GCC Monroe County Board of Commissioners I . ,"I® Il aura:.) ura urhriu Ceirtii°Fliicatio ins & F°`oirurm ils lt'.aratUiiurarat t'arur Ailll Alllalllalllliica ants t..arltaltayiikng ,III°etmirurIneint,aiu d III°traigt II iire r WoirklrAace Ailll a lllalllalllliica iurts aaure uraratUiirarat tar carurTalllalllete aiu d saJltaurTaliit.tJlhe Lobbying, e a ent,an ruFree Workplace Ceirflii'iiicatliioin wliitllh eaclllm a lllalllalllliica tliiariur sUlkaurlaliissliiar1111 Upload Illtna,caarrnll k:flla d(:a,irtiitiicaallJoi n Ibelow, 02-OCJG-Lobbying-Debarment-and-Drug-Free-Certification_43625-GCC.pdf, Disclosure of Lobbying Activities 43625-GCC.pdf tut)irrrcliilFAiieint.Il a inagellnr rout.Questlk.rinin4iiurrr Ailll a lllalllalllliica iurts aaure uraratUiirarat tar carurTalllalllete aiu d saJltaurTaliI tJllle Subrecipjent.Managernent Questionnaire °t'arururTa wliitJlh tJharliiur alla alllliica�tliioin " I III III to iurlii a tliiariurws a rs.liistliiiur�gt likntaruriur�a�lll cointurarllls �III 1""Illr�liis°t'arururm�a liis a�saaat tar Illraallllla aaa�llla�a�taa tlll�maa a� a alllliica�iur�t.arum, urarllkite tar tllhe urlrinaalrnaagarurineint ar°t'°t'a"deiraalll giraalrnt°fixiinds IIPII°tllt..11E wliillllll ulxtliillllii ar tlh s°t'arururin aas aI"iHsllk aISWssurIaa intWw tar a etarururlaliiine tJlhe allrallFxrq.)lFauriiiate Illev6ll Of urmaariuIiiitaruriiiing(desk arur oinsii4e)°t'arur the sultxiwaur Upload Illtn(,caarrnll k:flla d &IW)r Iarirarn Ibelow, Subaward Management Questionnaire(SMQ)_43625_GCC.pdf Upload a:aalall llluoi mall a:altllaaa:ltnirrnei nlls Ilan anaa;a:arirrnlgaanairny ya:ru.air a;arirrnllalla;lla,al SKA(), I';at a 111 III'urmalllalllaryurmaaaiumt.t lllallF)ourt.uljiu*iity(II':III''tO) Mg "1""ura�Iiiiur�likngt(''IIN�III'; 'isui u ') ui As a condition of the federal RSAT award,FDLE requires applicants(and subrecipients)to complete a two part Civil Rights Training and provide copies of the training certificates upon request.To access the training, please visit our C iil,ttoilll Illtiogjl II!N II gaa k iil ku iutt la a[Q[aiu iutpps webpage.At a minimum,the applicant grant manager must complete the training. h Na:a\e your caarrnllalla,lla d Illtna,t:;iiV l 1R glt lls I ira:alirniirngg for G uiranarnlla;a,na irrnodualk:;s,t *Yes O No(a condition will be added to award) Upload copy of t:;iiV l 1R glhlll„na Iira.alirniirngg Iarir G uiranarnlla,a„a cf:flrlloloa aalles, Civil Rights Training Certificate-Module 1_Christow.pdf,Civil Rights Training Certificate-Module 2_Christow.pdf,Civil Rights Training Certificate-Module 1 Dunleavy_Guidance Care Center.pdf,Civil Rights Training Certificate-Module 2 Dunleavy_Guidance Care Center.pdf III';III';tit tnroarurtlii°t°iiica�tliiariu�m�Ilg';Ilg';tiynro� Ailll aIIlalllalllliica ants aaure urar(tUiirarat k)sUlkaurltiii't a in III':III',tO Ceirtlii'ilcatliioin(lE'E'';ti c)aininai4llllly PII°tllt..IlE sturoingtllly urarcarurTaurTaa iiii is tlllie Ruses of the titwtllP Ott'liice°t'arur ttliisliilll Illt',Jiig, lllitsu EEO Reporting-Tool tar carurTalllalete tJll*m s certiii°tiiicatliia in,a rsllgaaacliiailllllly t'arur a lllalllalllliica iumts Who aurar uraratUiiured tar Ilgaurarllgaaiurar a in Ilg':Il!'O Main arur lt',arllgaarurt. Howeveir,lii ,t tllhe III':III',tO Illt',arllgaarurtliiiu�mgt"Ii""ararlll,yarulJ ITTOy clll100se tO sul�Ilkaurlaliit.tJlhe certification wliitllh iur a�llkasaaiu�mcaa ar°t'ul�sliiiur�a, you it alllalllalllliicatliioin Upload caarrnllalla,lled IE Q I C in ficaalCiiarrn Ibelow, EEOC 2022_Monroe County.pdf, EEOC 2022 GCC.pdf Page 11 of 22 F ® L E 2023-RSAT43625-GCC Monroe County Board of Commissioners Rklin Ajr)lF)llllicaints,Wtli urmmamurmthain 50 elllnlr)lk.)yees Who 6lso urmcmmli4e a siiiingllle awaird of$25,000 oir urmmamurm liiin fijindlkng firolln the U S Delrmirtlllneint ofhis,flce(iregair&ess of if liI liis Ilpamssed,thirougli RDL]gE),ITTIUSt COIIITIlF)lbte aind SUbITT1l4th6ir Rklin 4lso Ilkiu owin as a Lftillllkatioin Relr)oirt,to GYP's Otflce foir QVilll Mglits "I pirocess ITTIUSt Ilbe COIIITIlF)llleted Rjslkngthe EEO Reporting TO-01 0,YP's Office four QVilll Kglits, has rwt)uslled ain assistance tool tam assiiist alr)lF)llllicaintq,WIIvtl*is Ilgmurocess �E)o(::s youir oirgaini2n1lion Ihmie 50(:flinploye(:,s or inoir(:O (W Yes 0 No �E)o(::s youiroirgaini2n1lion ir(:;(xdhie a§ingk:,am..ud of$25,000 oiriinoir(:,firoiinainyU,S, (#Yes 0 No Nan s your ag(:Nncy campk:fled ain Ih Ih:0 IPlan in WIIINin ltv:,Ipasll Ilwo yeairs'? (#Yes 0 No(a condition will be added to the award) Upload your Ih IhO IPla in Itaelow, EEO Plan 2019-2021—Monroe County.pdf Applicants with more than 50 employees who also receive a single award$500,000 or more in funding from the U.S.Department of Justice(regardless of if it is passed through FDLE),must obtain an EEO Plan (EEOP)approval letter from OJP's Office for Civil Rights. This process must be completed using the Ilt Ilt( IltgaµtwagilrtuuuiuttI�q2j.OJP's Office for Civil Rights has published an gtuigamulmiila aµ gaaatlll to assist applicants with this process. �E)o(::s your oirgaini2n1lion r(:cf:d\ffi a§ingk:;am..ud of$500,000 or irrnora,firain any It S, E)(:,pairtiineinll of Ju.asllic(:,gir',,-.uI Iprogiraim? 0 Yes (# No Mo alr)lF)irov4l Ilbfteir urmatUiirmmat Based on your response,you are only required to submit the EEO Certification and Plan above.You may move to the next section. Project SlF)edi'flc Ceirfi'flcafloins SU14bliillllIyto Work Wth Iltkliiiu oirs AIltmlltmlllliica ants Ilgmuramllgmosliknggto Rise giraint fijinds,that knvq.)�Ve iiiiateiramctiiiung Wth urmmliiinoirs ITTIUSt 111THIke a wiHftein atmatmaururmmliiiuramtlii yt Of eacli kn&Vkjd4�s sU44b���[to work Wth IITTIlknoirs. Foir IT10ire oin tl*is re(jUkrelllneint, F)lllease cramVbw ouir Suitability to or with Minorstir4knlkng sllliWes lion oirdeirto Ridillll4ate COIIITIlF)���Iince Wtivth��s re(jUkrelllneint, RDL hastwo foirl[TISIIWA ITTIUSt be COIIITI�F)�bted foir ainy pirogiralln liiiuI amlll° kng knteiractk.)ins WIIi IITTIlkllg)ir&� Suitability to Work and/or Interact with Minors CertificationjSWIMC) Suitability to Work and/or Interact with Minors Tracking(SWIMT) Page 12 of 22 FDLE 2023-RSAT-43625-GCC Monroe County Board of Commissioners ;a ICIIw,applhcainll Ipirqposing Iio Vie girar:wnll fiji nds for ar,li:liV ll e•a Iilha 111(loir(,r„IClly uirnvolve woirkling Wlllh oir, lllh ii6 i nor";'? O Yes No li""� Ill c�..urm�urm�� iumliic flii�.sums eland Ideq..)Suer 6iillllllaince Seer Ices aind/oir IlE(J liillgXurms'iult Ilm)llgA Icaiu ts,Ilpurq..)llg oslihng 'to Rise gguraint°fixin s g. aind/oir Ii eq.)suirwfl laince e(( RJ III llg)urIneiout. aind/oir seer Ices uI COITTIllgAlete a TVS certification filly gll�m�Iir For uI 01111 glltIS ureclUkrellneiout,IlmAlease reVIewthe FAQs eland gllie t1I poste to ouir eIlk)Ilpag e ;a ICIIw,applhcainll Ipirqposing Iio ur e girar:wnll fiji nds for oir vkleo surirvd,lilllla i nc(:;��gurulg�irmnd,irnllf,ad;ir�ua,�„na"k O Yes No III Ilg';IIF� Ilm)llgAl Iicaints Ilpurq..)llg osliIingg'to Rise°fixin s°foir"ITTIliIinoir ureinovatIiOiRIS"u ITTIOUITEIIRIgg liigBurmms to the exteuriiioir of elan ekIsfliiingg gfsg.ur� cg.� urn �lii Ilk���liilll liiiu��, e suir &iilll laince callneiras)u nneth it)clbain RjIp actJIVi.im s,elnd s01111ne foireinsliIc purgxessliIi g urec jUkres qlpllpiirq.w4 °glrolln IIB JXs Il a'floiun4ll Ilg'iu m iiiur�.iu urm�� iu gr 111 Ilpq.Allliicy Ask.(IMIIg',IPA)cooir liIinr toir Aiiy qlm)llgA Iicaiu ts, purq..)llg osliIing Ilpuro a foir IIN�II,'P ��Ilg�llg�iirq.w4� afire ur�acj��kre b COITTIll�lllete the Checklist ��cgs g.11l�r�g.urm������g.g.11l���curliig.��urill� � � � � g form aind RjIrAoad ng.W41vth6kr gguraiout. Mote Ilm)llgAl Iicaiu ts,sllliq.)RAd not exIpeind airy gguraint°fixin s RjintJliilll liis ot)t4kned If BJA deiitIesthe aIlpllpiirqw4,you WIlll not be r6l[IntWirsed fair the ME,.PA ur6ll ite e .Ilpeinses ;a ICIIw,applhcainll Ipirqposing Iio ur e girar:wnll fiji nds for any NEPA it,(,lla llled ar clluVullud s'? O Yes No Page 13 of 22 FDLE 2023-RSAT-43625-GCC Monroe County Board of Commissioners RSAT IIRrogirairhri to iraint Cointa t Illuri"fi.)ururhrua,tlii4:.)urm F'.e6ihlrAieint.Giro in't.IlMainr geir Co intact Illiu°t'�.urur � tlii�.ium "I ltis iindlii iU,j4ll seirves as a IlpuriiiITTU ury aind liis re llpoins iitAe t'our • eiu suihiiu ,t tJlhe Ilpiroject.liis pirogire liiin g oin tliiurinrr aind Ilpirollll n r)tllly in q.AJii°t'yiiiing'tJh61r RDL JEE giro ll't.111T ~Iinageir of airy d6llriy u • oveirse6iiin g 6IIIII �Iind tliiinain6ii4ll urqlpoirtliiin g� ain �riu�m ,�urliiiu�m�t�.� �rur��llllll�.�.�urm�ll��lllliir�iu�m�.�� liit.11l�m t.11l�m�r�, ur��iu�mt.���, ur�r�rurm�rriu�mt. (3M Narrre(lim r al II asll) Oksana Christow (3M 1 li Iialn, Grant Coordinator tull ddir(:nss °I Monroe County tull ddir(:nss 2 1100 Simonton Street,Suite 2-213 Gull C:; Ilfy Key West IFS 33040 (3M PIhoi ne Mrirrrnlbeir(XXX.XXX... X( 3052924474 (;NA i irrr4ill ddir(ss christow-oksana@monroecounty-fl.gov tnrollltibf tttti16iirilll tnroointact Illium°t'�.ururm� tlii�.ium "I ltis iindlii iU,j4ll lii tJlhe ageiu cy Ihead°t'our tJllie 6llliigliiltAe ure6iillrAieint. "I he 6llliigliiltAe ure6iillrAieint°t'our tJllie IIRISAI Ilpirogiro lln lii �l ShIte ageiu cy oir,xutiit.of Ilkx4 g4weiriuIII[Inr rout EEXEIIITTIlrAes of tnrollltibf OtE6i4lS urTOY likll6ll, de t lllmr liiurll ur �.iumu(Mayor,II�,Exe utlii°ve IIMiurectoir,Seciretairy,C4.)urmIurmIlii lii4.)iii eiir,eft. CO Nairrrne an ll) Tina Boan Sr. Director Budget and Finance Monroe County 1100 Simonton Street 2-213 Page 14 of 22 FDLE 2023-RSAT-43625-GCC Monroe County Board of Commissioners CO Cliiy Key West IFL 33040 C.0 IPIhoi ne Mrnrrnlbeir(XXX.XXX... X( 3052924472 C.0 II Irmnnnalill ddira ss Boan-Ti na @MonroeCounty-F L.Gov lillll IIIN:,Chief Q gggiia,iinnall Ilya,a(:,sn aglrnalliilrngg aalrnrllfwNr Iilrn(fiviirguraall Ilan(:W mIlle n:agglra,a,nrrnei nlIs of n Ilfw lllr Ilya Ih alff? O Yes * No fnrollltiia f IIRilunaIun6ii4ll t: t'g'iiiceir(fnrollFO)Co intact IIIIu °t'a.urur � tliia.Ium glrn s iilrn(iinniirgu.raall us Ir(:ns rarlrnnlillrlln:,for IIN:,Ir(:KJgrik:N nl s a accourlrnllulrnng nnysll(:Iran,gillrnalrnr,iinnall Irrrnanlrnang(:Irrrnei nlC,and a:n,Irglityulrng clan: ii n Ir(:Torlrts su.rllrlrrrnu ll(,rg for Igraayrrrnei nl:, CA O Naalrrrnd,(li ulraall Il..nna nnli:( Pam Radloff C li::0..l li Iialn, Finance Director t:;Il::g' Argun:Iss "g Clerk of the Circuit Court&amp;Comptroller CA O ddIrn,na no 2 500 Whitehead Street Cli=0 CliIfy Key West Cli::0 SlimaIl:e IFL 33040 CAII O IPlhoi ne Mrnrrnlbeir( X) 305-292-3560 CA O IEiirrnnnalill Addira ss pradloff@monroe-clerk.com lillll IIIN:,Chlef li iilrnnalrn(Jaall Otgiir,a,Ir be d(:,aurglrnannlh:lilrnag aalrnollI :Nr Iilrn(fiinniiaguraall Ilan a:a,Irgligy Igrnnayrrrna IrnIC Ira,agura,.nlC na of n I11IN:lilr Ib Irrnnllf? 0 Yes * No ddliitliioIn4ll Giro in't.Co intact ;n ICIr :,Ira,a:alrn annagagulllioi nannll aglra:alrnlC Igrar i nl art coi nllaacllC(PQ C.)you Wzn h liar add liar Ilfwn nglrannlrnll glilk:0 Yes Page 15 of 22 FDLE 2023-RSAT-43625-GCC Monroe County Board of Commissioners O No POC. INarrrnn.(li uir,al Il..as1l) Lynn Gonzalez PQ'C FilC:ll(„ Senior Purchasing Coordinator POC. IPIhoi ne Marrnlbeir(XXX,XXX.., X( 3052924467 POC. li ii nalill Addir(Ta na Gonzalez-Lynn@MonroeCounty-F L.Gov Page 16 of 22 F ® L E 2023-RSAT43625-GCC Monroe County Board of Commissioners RSATIRrogirairrii SIIpei mdiirm IIRllain Peirsoinin6l W11 you Ibe Rj§ing funds Ilan suppoirt Ipeirsoininel coslls? 0 Yes (p No FiHinge Beineflts, PNs callegoiry urnr,llu.rdes coslls assodal�(:A Wllfi Ipanyiirngg lfi(:,Eriing(:; beinefills assodal�(:A Wllfi salairk:,s and mfflirfiiine cosIls above, PNs imanry iirn,ll ide: FICA, IlWxficair,( , Healllfi insuir,,-.rincf:,,II uft Ilinsuir,,-.rinc(:,,WoirR(:Nrl's Coiirp,Gila- "I rav6l PNs callegoiry urnr,llu.rdes coslls assodal�(:A Wllfi Iliran d,ll. INOI E: ftK�s do noll go uirn ltw liran�n,Il Callegoiry; lfi(:,y should Ibe irn41(:K.I�(xI liirn Iltw `OIItw:flr Cosll"callegoiry, W11 you Ibe Rj§ing gir,,-.w0l fijinds 110 suppoirt coslls? 0 Yes (W No E(I RJ lii F)III Tie in't PNs callegoiry urnr,llu.rdes coslls for noin coinsuiinabl(:;ulld,irrrs liirn(:Wx�ss of Illrnr,oirgainnzallioinls caplllal oulllay lfiir(:shold,oir,liirn Ilfwl dbseinc(:;of ain(:„allabEsh(:A ltiir(:shold$5,000, Iltvfl has an usefiAl Eft of irrrnoirr,lirrnrn oine year, I Ns may indlude(:KpJpii nee nll Illhall� do(s noll iine(:fl Iltw Ipir(:K.(:KKfiing cirll�(:Nrla Ilru ll iis urnveinlloirled Iby Iltwr ir(:KJpk:NnII oirgainuzallJoin, W11 you Ibe Rj§ing gir,,-.w0l fijinds 110 Ipu.rrchanse(xjRJpimeinII? 0 Yes (# No oulllay Iltiir(:shold,have an usefiAl Eft of 1(:�ss lirrnrrn an year,and/or air,(; noll uinveinlloiried oin a ir(:,gulair sdN:ARA(:I. W11 you Ibe Rj§ing gir,,-.w0l fijinds 110 Ipu.rrcha se supplk:,s? 0 Yes (# No Cointiractwi l Sei4ices "I categoiry lii in di Rides th��i rd-pa rty agireellneints,Wth a veindoir, piroVdeir,coins,RA,taint,etc.,to assiiist iin gq.)4ls aind ot)jectives oUthe Ilpurojecg. "I heire airetwotylpes of cointiracfij4l recogin ked Rjindeirfedeiral awairds For a VsRj4l flowd1lairt of thetwotyIpes aind What liis re(IUiired fair eacli,IllAlease see ouir"Understanding Contractual Services under Federal Awards"irrrsouirce W11 you Ibe Rj§ing funds Ilan suppoirt IlNird pairty agir(:K rand,nlIs(coinllracllual seirvkx;s)? *Yes 0 No AjplFAliicaints Ilpurgrllposliiing to Rise giraint fixindsto agireellneints uITIUSg.COIIITIlFAOB�I Subrecip lent.vs, Contractor Determination Checklist foir eft I 1*is dhedkllliist q.)Rxflliiinestlle Page 17 of 22 F ® L E 2023-RSAT43625-GCC Monroe County Board of Commissioners COIIITIlF)llliklince re(IUiirelllnellltS,m lltmlltmlllliism llkmlll m tm m lumY t.IIlmliiurml Ilgmm urlY agireelITTKNIII't Upload wimpk:fled C.oinIIr',,-.m11oir 4°.h(:K*EsIIs1"Ibelow,(CoiinNine inulllJpkl fik s iimnlio oine docuiineinll:for upload) OCJG-Subrecipient-Vendor-Determination-Checklist—GCC.pdf I Nird Pairty Coinllraclls(Coinllir,,-.mllual Seirvkw, s) Dd any of Iiltnm, dh(:K*EsIIs ir'(„naulll uin a CON I RAC I OR 0 Yes # No Otheir Costs, agir(:KIneinl1s,UIJEIIJ(:,s,subscirlplJoins,Ilira.rliirnliirntg W11 you Ibe u§ing gir,,-.w0l fijinds 110 suppoirt olltv:ff,coslls? 0 Yes # No lin&irect to RI�� I :Ideir,,-.nI r(:I(Jp einlIs irmnany(:O(:K.11 110 use an Ipoirtiimrmn of fun(fing for in(fiir'(:K.11 coslls, W11 you Ibe u§ing gir,,-.w0l fijinds 110 suppoirt iimnmgiimm,r,ll coslls? 0 Yes # No matcll Sutwiwairds Rjindeirtltm s Ilgmuroggurm lln ITTOY RICA Ilbe used to fixi d ITTIOire'thain"75 Ilgmeurmreiout.of the tot4l cost ofa Ilgmllrm.ject.our pirogiralln Ajr)lF)lllliCIIIIAS ITTIUSt WeintJfy'the sm.uirce oUthe 25 Ilgmarmurmreiout.noin-fedeir4l Ilgmourlliim.in of the total Ilpiroject costs, (ITTO'k,11) I he foirl[TlUkl four c4tUkitJing ITTKItA"11 liis� Fb(knal F"un(fing Amountl Fb(h�nal Sham C75%o) -::A(Ijuste(I Trotal P�o,Ject Costs 3(' Am Ijustice Trotal Ppmo,ft t COSIrS Xr 25%::-::::Amount ol:Match RequhV(I ITT p E,.�x i ipjq For a sut)awaird mIIITTIORJIIII't of$125,000,c4lcUkflethe 25% 111THACII $125,000/75%:-::$166,666.67 $166,666.67 Xr 25%::.::::$41,666.67 usll�Iltw:,calculalled irmna llch aiinouinll:based off of Ilfw above formula, $39,137.50 E)(:�scirlbe cash or iiirn kuind irmna lllch Ilan Ibe used for Ilfw Iproposed piroj(:K.11�, Monroe County budgets a nominal amount to match a portion of this grant through the general fund that includes funding sources such as Ad Valorem taxes,state shared revenues,rents, inter-fund transfers and other receipts. Page 18 of 22 FDLE 2023-RSAT-43625-GCC Monroe County Board of Commissioners RSAT III°mrogirmrurmlu Rrogirmrurmlu Illurmcmmurmlumm mrrmml IIE'lul,uldget IIReview Purmmgguralln Il11111cmmurmme(IPtMtlll) Y gtmmlu eirate revmmlu�ues°t'mmur tJlhe urmmclihllmliieint.oir� ��lu�mlika'flii�ill IIE'EMIITTIlr l e �.f Il��urogiralln liilu�m�.�.�llne �urmmlu�m.���lum m.a �mc.ulvur.ulmam�urmmmm„ actiiiviiitles iiilncllbde but airmen IRICA,Illulormmu4ed tmm asset fees,iiilu teirest earin ed mmlum gguraint.°t'ulu dsu urmmmmurmmllkmmmurslllmlihllm°fees,couirt-mmurmtmmurmmmt a t.mmurlu ey's°fees,mmlummt°t'mmmmsft'iiilu es°t'mmur°t'mmliilllmmmt mtrnigttests, Afl Ilpirogiralln RIC0111mmmm urmmLrust. be mmcCOuinted°t'mmuru urmmlllmmmurted,mmlummt mmmm.11peiumded liilum accmmrmtaince Wth Section 3.4 of the DOJ Grants Financial Guide lillll any proposed gglranrrnll anr;ICliV IIJ(„a rgn Irneiranll( IPiro granrrrn Ilrncoilrne?* O Yes # No IIBRimtgge'tillPiirmmcRi urmmurmmeiiiit.IIReviiimm t mmllle Source .li"Ilhe Rise of purocuireillnr rout.u[InetJho s(ii e sq..Ae souirce)°g'our g urn ant fuinded puirclilases ain lmurmmcullrmmurmmm rout.cmmln'tracts liis st.uroinggllly mtliiscouiragged Ili°towevmmuru tJlheirmm mmurmm tJlhiree scmmlnmmriiimms liilum mlll*i6l1h sm.Ae source liis menIII IIIowaItmlumen t I he u4,g,murmm or seirvuce ligms olumlllY avamul lmmltmle turmmurmm pine souirce "li°"Il1*m s does IRICA.urmmmmm in men IlpairtliicRAlmmur Ilkmurmmlu d luNmurmsm Of men llmurmmmtRjct jRjstlii°gloms a sm.Ae source,uI liis tllhe ultmmurin ultSmmlll°t' For mmmmmmurmmlllmle,Ilpirocuriiilngg mmlllmmctrmmln c coint.urmmlll mtmmvulces caliniu ot. be men sm.Ae source because'these Illmmss4lmmtllh4ll mtmmviiices mmurmm avmmiiilllmmltmle to IllmRjrclllim ise°tllrmmurmm"I41ser llumtmmurlummmtliimmlummmlll mmlummt vmmriiious mmtJlheirvmmlnmtmmurs 2 A plmullktlllulc mmurmm9iirg mmlOPY pkm storm Jlhat WllIl urmmsRA't'iiiln IlhairurtmfUll mtmmlll m ulf fQrjjMglll cgiilmmppjm ltuk.)i m uls regRAulrmmm ,,"I is urmmm:lUiiurmms mmgtlii6o4ll uriiid.mmln mtmmclkmura'floin ot tJlhe Ilrwtmlllliic mmurmmeirggeincy by ain au'blhoihkemt m.)'ffi liimmlll col men IlPirmmsulmteintu Gmmvmaurinmmuru May or,etc.) li""Illmmm mmllkmliillllii'tY'tm'm Illmuurclllimmsmm Rilnmmur men mmclllmmurmmfliioln of Illwllkmlllliic eincy mmmm.11lmliiurmms Ill ein tJlhe uriiid.mmlu�m mtmmclllmmuratliioin mmmm.11lmliiurmms maurmmmaurm,wg 3 Illlnadeg Rg tmm g immtmmmtli .loo in was lnoted after mggtllllucultullllttg men lIIRJIrttlltmmmr of sources men°t'tllhe smmlllulcurtmmtulmmlums"tllrmmllrmm mmmmcllh souirce urmmUst be urmmmmullumt mliilummmmt tmm sulllmllpoirt.tJlhe lumenmlumcmmurmmlllmmmfliigui men Illmurmmcuirmmurmmm rout. IIImIIIm lcml�ts IIm c't ing tm m�rc� msm grant-fuinmmm lelITmms Sole Source Justification Approval°t'mmururin Ilt'tJlhe tmmtmmlll Illmurmmcuirmmurmmeint.0 urmmggairmtlllmmss of 11OW urmmUCII liis ggurm rout°t'ulnm ed,exceeds the°t'mmmtmmurmmlll sliiormmlllmllllii'liimamt mmcm:t��liislii lii (, Y 2ttttutt00),the 0(.,J Mt gguraint.urmmmmlu aggmmur urmm��st.cmmmmurmtliilnate t.mmlum tlll�murmmslll�mmmlllmt c��ururmmlu�mt.11l tmmmurmll smmlm souirce mlmIIm rmvmllu l�licll� rmmY rmm:tUiurm mmmitimlnmll liilum°t'mmururmm mtliimmlum AIrm any ull(,rrns in IlJtnm Ifni d g(;li Itr61 ngg Ipiro:urr(;rg Irnarlrnr;rrlrrnitrd;llullu�r,lly� OW Yes O No I.glrrlloa d a,rrlrrnit k:flled marl sou.rrc(:,gu slliigiica llliirrrn forlrrn(s),g°;arlrrnitriirne Irrnu.rllli:lilpkl forms Ilrnllo of ne rgarr,u.n nee nll for upload, Sole-Source-Form GCC 2022-11-22.pdf State-` mmurur'mm mmur Ateirinate Source Cmmln't.urmmc'ts Fmmmtmmurmmlll Illmurmmcuirmmurmsmlurot urmmpAa'fliioins,414.)w t'mmur ggraint-fuinded liitmmurmms tmm be IlrAggggyltmmmclllmmmmt men°g't'men°t'mmt.11lmmmur mmmm.liistliilumgg cmmln'tracts Wth mmtllheir eintiiifles "li°"Ill*iis liis men°ttein urm fbirured ttm as mmllIeirlu ate souirce cmmlu�'tracti�" �"'� �" �" �"souirce� Illrllgg alllrlld Ills o"g't'.msmlllrll Rismad by t ''wttMt urmmcllhllmliieints Whein IllmurmmcuriiImg iu ,t off of men State-li""mmururmm tnro01111turmmct. Illmlllmlllliicmmlnts Illmurmmlllmmmsliilngg'tmm RJse tlhliis urmmmmt.11hmmmt of lmurmmcullrmmurmmeint mmurmm urmm(tUiirmmmt tenor descrollt)e mmlummt Ilprmmviii e tllhe cointurmmct 1111RITmmllbeir they mmurmm Rjsiikngg°t'mmur the 4l4eirlu ate souirce lmurmmcu urmmurmmein t. AIrm any ull(Irrns in IlJtnm Ifni d g(IC Itr61 ngg Irrrocurrr;rg trom«Warn(:xA IlJirngg li Ibiriidanr SlIa llle Rflarn g:;o nlllranr„ui:? O Yes No Page 19 of 22 FDLE 2023-RSAT-43625-GCC Monroe County Board of Commissioners Airn,any ull(,rmns in IIlh(:,Ibu d g(:fi Ib61 ngg Ipirocu irn,ng giroii n any ollllh(:Nr, Illleirirna llln,Sou irc(:,C.oirnllir,,-.mIi:? O Yes # No Page 20 of 22 F ® L E 2023-RSAT43625-GCC Monroe County Board of Commissioners Budget RroIposed Eludget Suirriiirricur. Expense Budget Girain't IlFuinde N1oin,43uraint.llFuiu ded "I 4.A4l llBudget.ed G I li��ird,-Pairty Sutxiwairds(Cointiracfij4�Sei4ices) Case Management $42,171.75 $14,057.25 $56,229.00 Group Therapy $50,544.00 $16,848.00 $67,392.00 Individual Counseling $20,997.00 $6,999.00 $27,996.00 Psychosocial Assessment $3,699.75 $1,233.25 $4,933.00 Subtotal $117,412.50 $39,137.50 $156,550.00 "I ot,4l Pirq.)lF)osed Cost $117,412.50 $39,137.50 $156,550.00 Revenue Budget Giraint Fuinded Moin-Giroin't Fuinded "I 4.A4l llBudget.ed Guraiunt.IIFuiun&ing Award Requested $117,412.50 $117,412.50 Subtotal $117,412.50 $117,412.50 Moiun-Guraiunt.IIFuiun&ing Cash Match $39,137.50 $39,137.50 In-Kind Match $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal $39,137.50 $39,137.50 "I ot,4l Pirq.)lF)ose IIReveinue $117,412.50 $39,137.50 $156,550.00 RroIposed Eludget III etall See attached spreadsheet. RroIposed Eludget IlMairrative G.Third-Party Subawards(Contractual Services) List each third-party tiered subrecipient. Each line item description MUST detail the calculations used to arrive at the funded amount.EXAMPLE: Individual Counseling Session-$30/session x 1000 sessions=$30,000. Psydhosodi4 ssessIllnein't Psychosocial Assessment$1 9.27/qtr.hour x 255.99 qtr.hours=$4,933 Page 21 of 22 FDLE 2023-RSAT-43625-GCC Monroe County Board of Commissioners IindlVURj4 Couins6llliiiung Individual Counseling$25.00/qtr.hour x 1,119.84 qtr.hours=$27,996 Girq..)Rjllp.1..IIheira p Group Therapy$6.25/qtr.hour x 10,782.72 qtr.hours=$50,544.00 Case Il aiunageuc'lneiun't. Group Therapy$22.7 1/qtr.hour x 2,475.96 qtr.hours=$56,229.00. Page 22 of 22 IF Ln E 'repla rel bly Vk)nlf`oe Coq ni�!,d :3o do"l of Con,°Iin dsSkmers fix II p M:unientoffl' I. w II:nfixo Aryan ent II a „A M1 Submitted by Oksana Christow Submitted on 12/08/2022 4:06 PM Eastern Standard Time FDLE 2023-RSAT Aftercare43859 Monroe County Board of Commissioners Opportunity Details IIpIIpoirtqxormllty Illurm°fr:.)ururirlua,tli14:.)urm ..g.li Iialn RSAT21 E)(:nsciriiIgnIi:linrirn This opportunity is available to state criminal justice agencies and units of local government for implementation of Residential Substance Abuse Treatment(RSAT)projects. wnnnirngoirng A g(,irncy Pklnnnnme U.S. Department of Justice,Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance A gn,irncy 4°of nliaclll IPIgnoi ne 850-617-1250 A gn,irncy 4°of nlinnnr II II ii nanniill criminaijustice@fdle.state.fl.us s u.n 11 nk,r;Ih:na Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program(RSAT) Qgnlpoirku.nirnilly Il anirnangn,ir Krista Sanders Qgnlpoirgu inr lily lPosln(:A IDa llle 10/21/2022 irnrnou.nirn(xl nee nl g yg e Initial Announcement A a naslllanirncf Il...lislIl irnggs Pkl a nlbeir 16.593 Pu.nllnllc Il...liirnk https://www.gotomygrants.com/Public/Opportunities/Details/3dafd6bb-ael 14ca0-abaf-e897c5986882 F°°ul,uirmdlin Illurm°fr:.)ururirlua,tli14:.)urm follannll IPiro gir,,-.0 n II::u.nirnngiiirngg $1,544,428.00 I::u.nirnngiiirngg"°ou.nirc(:,s Federal Or Federal Pass Through I::u.nirnngiiirng "gou.nira( IE)(:nscirupin:ioirn This funding is available under Florida's FY2021 Residential Substance Abuse Treatment award (1 5PBJA-21-GG- 00051-RSAT).Additional information regarding this funding opportunity can be found on the FY2021 RSATfunding page:http://www.fdle.state.fl.us/Grants/Documents/Funding-Opportunities/RSAT/FY2021 aurd Illurm°fr:.)urururlua,tli14:.)urm wnnnird IP(:Nriiod 10/01/2022-09/30/2024 wnnnird..g.ype Page 2 of 27 FDLE 2023-RSAT Aftercare43859 Monroe County Board of Commissioners Competitive f:;nnnlpn 11nnnll(31rai nlC No R(:,sIll'k.1111 aroi non of n Illrndolrn:,K„II 4 oslli:s Yes allla,lhn i ng 1Rn,pJirn,nnei nlC Yes Si illburruiiissiiioin Illuri"fi.)ururriva lii4:.)urm a°"rou.nlbiirflll nw nw'lloi n Window 10/21/2022 12:00 AM-12/09/2022 11:59 PM Subiirfl,,;soin Fiinel i ne gyg e One Time Illlii liill� liillllii 7 Illuri"fi.)ururriva lii4:.)urm E Illi gg li Ilnli Ik Ihy..g..W)e Public I Ilogglilbkl Ignlgnll canlrnlh:na • State Governments • County Governments • City or township governments • Native American tribal governments(Federally recognized) Addlilllioi nanll IElligglillnlill lly Illrnforlrnanlh:loi n Eligible applicants are limited to state agencies and units of local government.A unit of local government is defined as a city,county,town,township,borough,parish,village,or other general-purpose political subdivision of the state, including Native American Tribes who perform law enforcement functions as determined by the Secretary of the Interior. ,ddliitiioina111 Illurm"fi.)ururriva lii4.)urm Addlilllioi nnnll Illrnforlrnanlllioi n I uIG~&II... https://www.fdle.state.fl.us/Grants/Home.aWx Addlilllioi nnnll Illrnforlrnanlllioi n IgR ID( •„cirlplll of n This site contains information regarding the various programs,funding opportunities,and forms managed by the Office of Criminal Justice Grants.Contact information and additional resources can also be found on this site. Page 3 of 27 F ® L E 2023-RSAT Aftercare43859 Monroe County Board of Commissioners Project Information AdpIplhlcatkxn IlIiiri"fi.)iiriirriiia,tlil.oiirI ApplhcallJoin Nan ime 2023-RSAT Aftercare-43859 Aw,,-.ird R(xpies1led $29,256.30 Cash Il allch IRm,pJir'(:1nein11� $0.00 Cash Il allch Coinllr'bullJoins $9,752.10 in Kind Il allch 1Rm,mpJirm,irmnm in11� $0.00 in KindII" allch Coinllr'bullJoins $0.00 1 oll all Aw,-.u'd Il:3udg(:fl� $39,008.40 Rrihirriairy Cointact IlIiiri"fi.)iiriirriiia,tli14.)iiri Naime Oksana Christow Eiir4l Addir(:�ss christow-oksana@monroecounty-fl.gov Addir(:ss Monroe County, 1100 Simonton Street,Suite 2-213 Key West, Florida 33040 Phoine Number (305)292-4470 Page 4 of 27 FDLE 2023-RSAT Aftercare43859 Monroe County Board of Commissioners Project Description RSATIRrogirairrii Rroject Overview g Illuig uillkglll II pcflpIgint ttgur II 't AI IlFuind. g';Illliiggliillk Ill m qlpllplllliIcaints afire Illliiurnlite to state aggmmin6ibs eland Rxi*Its of Ikx4 g, oveiriulurnr rout. A Rx itIit.of Ikx4 goveirinurnr ll't.l yu �.� iumtyu t. wiumu t. wiumslllmliillg a Ilboirouggllli,Ilg�r�iHsllli, iiillllagge,oir�.t.11lmmmur�gmmiummmur lll.Ilg� urllg�.s m IIg��M�llllI lii�.6��m°t'liiiu�mmm �� a�.liit. sut)diVIisliIoin o°t'tIlhe state,liIin6lbd� Iiungg IIMatIve Aurnmmuriiicain"1""uriiilt)es Who Ilpeirfoirin Illriw mmiun°t'oircellnm ll't°t'UiRICEliI01111S GIs deteirTniIined by the Seciretairy o°t'111he Illintmmuriiioir Foir 1JIhe Ilpuurllposes of tllltIs oIlpllpoirt.uiutity,IIpIII ase Ilpirq.)VIi e tJlhe iIN111rnrr re61llF)lIieint.Ilb6lk..)w I IEgglilbkl 1R(m,lilpr ei nl:Pglnnnnme: Monroe County in wltnik.h cou.rmniy Is Illtnm II IE gulbk 1R(:K igpk mnl Ilm cached? Monroe -I Wha 111 Is IllI-*, II:IE gulbk IGtm,m,ipk mni:1s SAM Unklu e IIID mnu.rirmnlbeir"? QKLSCT2LM7M9 Wha 111 Is IllI-*, II:IE gulbk IGtm,m,ipk mni:1s li II::IIID or IF] NR anccou.rmnll:mnu.rirmnlbeir"? 596000749 Pkl nn se sek:,m;11:Your de•fir(:mg irm,;Igroirtomngg tlrm,mgu ei ncy forsu.rllrirmnullllJimngg Igranyirmnei nll irm,mguresIlls APgllD Ipeirfoirrmnaminc(:;ir(,,I oirtlimngg. O Monthly Q Quaterly puroject."1""liIITT1mmlllliiiule E)m„nnliir(:A Sllannirll IDaln m of lllN IPirmrg(,m„IC 1/1/2023 E)m„nnliir(:A IEi nd Dalle of Illtnm, IPirokm(„IC 12/31/2023 ^tm,yA(.11J nolllies Fii nm,lllimne EE st lii ur Mile tm m toroOurmmllg)llbbIioium °t ms uriiillg tlii�.ium�.°t'IIK;mmyA tlii iiity Date • Individual session-one time a week•Two groups'sessions(weekly)• One elective Q1""II 1 03/31/2023 group(monthly)• Drug test(upon entry,random and suspicious)•Attend a Support Group(daily) • Individual session(every other week)• One groups(weekly); Drug test(at random) Q1""III',2 06/30/2023 Attend a Support Group(minimum 3 per week• Individual session(every other week) One group(weekly)• Drug Test(at random)•Attend a Support Group(minimum 3 per week),and a continuum of case management services • Individual session(every other week)• One groups(weekly); Drug test(at random) Q1""Ili,3 09/30/2023 Attend a Support Group(minimum 3 per week• Individual session(every other week) One group(weekly)• Drug Test(at random)•Attend a Support Group(minimum 3 per week),and a continuum of case management services Page 5 of 27 FDLE 2023-RSAT Aftercare43859 Monroe County Board of Commissioners EE s f IIII n9fled 11OITTIllF)llbfliioium °f ouriiill tlii�.ium�.°'III ;� A tlii iiit. Date • Individual session(every other week)• One groups(weekly); Drug test(at random) Q1""III,4, 12/31/2022 Attend a Support Group(minimum 3 per week• Individual session(every other week) One group(weekly)• Drug Test(at random)•Attend a Support Group(minimum 3 per week),and a continuum of case management services Q1""IIfR 5(lif Q1""IIfR 3(lif Q1""IIfR"7(lif Q1""IIfR 8(lif Page 6 of 27 FDLE 2023-RSAT Aftercare43859 Monroe County Board of Commissioners I . ,"I® Il purr:.)guru ururiu Rroject Sul,ulururiuururiairy .II"ureatIlln int.Il ro grr lln"I yll()r 'SAII""IIPirolgralln filinds urrOy be used to of IIrxirolgiirall ms uresliideiintlii4ll,j4iilll­llbased,aind aftnnurcairnn Ilt';ao.11li II(iro grallIn tyllpe has dlii°ftureint urnngUiiurellneints a.,n,lln,r:ll Illtn(,al(rl(rirol(ririia llle IG SA l Ipiro gr,,-.un foir llltn s I(rirrrg(,r„II:: * Residential Programs *Jail-based Programs *Aftercare Programs Aftnnurcairnn seii4ices fixinded tlhuro a gllli II 'SAII""uInU t liiiumdllude bet nnein tlhnn �.rururnnctlii�.riumr 111 t.urnn turmrnniumt. pirolgralln aind otlheir sodi4l seii4ie aind I(iro grallns "IIIlhese nn°l't'ourts slioUld iiiiumdlludr educ tliioin aind jollt)tur6iiiumliiiumlg,IIrmiir.rllle u r)eurrriii liioiin,Ill 4llfway houses, 6llf-lli6llll()u aind/oir II(eeir lgurou r)II(iro grallns "I 4.)rtu4lliify as alin aftnnurcairnn II(iro graiiin,tlhe head of the a tnnurcairnn°N16illlliity j oi k aind urm�r�� t. �.rur uuur c�.riur��iu�m�.t. n ithtatendui lloc4ll rutty oiiHiitiiie to assiistthe Il()Illacelrneiiumt.of II(iro gralln liiiumtrr Ulbstaiu ce a tws pirogirallnS,UII()01111 rnnllleas l31ruellly su.rirrruna iria,Ihow Illtnn, piroj(:K.1i dk girn na wilih Illh(:;,•an,Iln,r:lln;d IGn SA I I(rrogr,,-.un. the(:"nuidarrce Caire(.1errteir((::n(a(a)provides incarcerated individuals substance albuase treatrnrent at the Monroe(.1ourrty 1[)eterrtiorr(.1errteir(IVl(alf.::3(a)as the designated Jaill in house tireatrtrrent IFliro rain(JI FP)Iraroviderr this is available to rnerr and vrrornerr who desire services.Additionally, the rnalle population has air estalblislhed Aftercare Ipro rain available which is also operated and rnarraged lby(::n(a(a of the II:Iloirida Keys. there is rro fbrnralle Afterrcare Ipirogirarn at this tirnre. Aftercare willll The provided to vrrornerr„and vrrornerr with children,1pos�t incarceration oir in house treatrnerrt„which is the rnissinq cornporrerrtofsualbstarrce albuase treatrnerrtseirvices in Monroe County,lbylgarnruaell's II louse(S111)..II:ernralleswho acre ireleased frorn irrcairceiration and may The ordered to Ihouse airres�t oir otheir sirnillair irequirernerrt such as corriple�tirrg air in house treatment center prograrn„oir otheir irelated facilli'tV,allimost always have rro IIp�Ilace to qo. Fhis continues to result in irellpeat crirnrinall activity,irellpeat airrrests and incarceration,Ihornrellessrress and even death in sorne cases.We propose a solution to assist with this ongoing Iprolblern. 13I1 I proposes to provide a fernalle Aftercare prograrn cornporrerrt in oirdeir'to fulllV allign the IR: A t(Afteircaire(Jaill I::3ased IFlirogirarn girarrt requirernernts„ and those that exist fbir rnalle populations,IbV offbirirrq air equaall oplp�oirtunifyfoir success, to the fernalle population,who desire charrqe in oirdeir'to Ibegirr Ilivinq a solbeir and productive life. the iresult willll Ihae a decrease in crirnrinall activity,decrease in dirug and allcolholl use arnrorrg wornerr and wornerr with children,and iimproved health and lifestyle. f SAf funds rnav I3e used to irnl:rlernera three tvl:res of evidence Based drug treaLrnent I:rrograrns w idiin stated and local correctional and d:atc:radon facilities, as well as cornrnunity Based after care. l lie three tvl:res of programs are: (1.) residential,. (2)jail Based, or(3)Aftercare. Samuel's Iiouse proposes Aftercare for mmmen and mmrnen widi diddren, mrlio are currently unserved.. Piirollt)lllelln Illdr iumtlii°t'liio tlii�.rium III IIIII(°t Ill iu�m t.ur��o.tlii�.r iu�m The Problem Identification is a key element of any grant application.Responses in this section should describe the problem(s)to be addressed or solved with the funding in a clear,concise manner.Applicants may wish to consider and include relevant data(quantitative or qualitative)to support the issue identified. Applicants are strongly encouraged to use evidence-based practices in solving their identified problems.To search for evidence-based programs and practices,search Illmiu;lfw firrilriuirriurr ��lllltlui��iumui ��tfn�f��rni Page 7 of 27 FDLE 2023-RSAT Aftercare43859 Monroe County Board of Commissioners RID I IE)(:scirlbe allll Iha 2nird s,husks,or a:o nrx:,irirns Illrnt:,fi.tirndiiirng willi a ddir(:,s a. Monroe County has a Ilorrg standing, docurnecrted unimet creed fair erneirpgency shelter and (housing olpalpaoirtunities fair vnroirneirr, and vnroirneirr with children, who acre ireleased firoirn incarceration oir otheir related in house treatment 1paropgirarn, have a history of sulhastacrce and allcolholl albuase, irnrerrtall illllcress oir health issues, and acre in creed of a safe acrd sheltered Afteircaire 1pairopgirarn.Air Afteircaire 1pairopgirarn geared at vnroirneirr,and vnroirneirr with children, is critical)to providing a fuallll opapaoirtunityfbir airy icrdividuall to Again coirrtroll oveir'their Ilifb,stairt the healing and rebuilding process(hay providing the tools and iresouirces irrecessai.and,to again Ibecoirnre 1pairoud,(law albidiirrg,coirrtrilbuatiirrg citizreirrs iirr ouir coirrrirrruairrity Fhis also allows vnroirnerr with chilldrerr a second olpalpaoirtuni tyat Ibecornin g a 1paosi Live rope imodell'to'their chilld/chilldrerr. L.Jcrfoirtucratelly, the ease of availability to access street dirupgs in Monroe Qaoucrty,allocrpg with the 1paairtyrlcrpg ecrvirocrimenl:and rnindset that the II:]oirida Keys touirist econorny imairkets and depends on, often results in additionall olbstacles and difficulty fair the icrdividuall who is battling addiction oir rnerrUall health disorders; and in imany cases, lboth. A Ivey corrrlraorrerrt to successfully oveircornin g these vairious situations is a positive Afteircaire 1pairopgirarn that willll provide safe sheltering, trarrsitionall housing,1paeirrnacrecrt sulpalpaoitive housing,counseling,case imarragernerrt,lbasic creeds,as vnrellll as refeirrall and supapaoitive services. IR A p funds imay lbe used to iimpalernrecrt three types of evidence lbased dirupg treatment llairofgirarrrs within state acrd Ilocall coirrectionall and detenbocr facillites:(1)residential),(2)pail)-based,oir(3)Afteircaire. Sarnuaell's II louse proposes Aftercare foirvnrornecr and wornecr with children. Sll I proposes that the fbrnalleAfteircaire 1pairopgirarn willll include coordination Ibelweecr'the coirrectiocrall oir treatmrrent facillity, the social)service and rehabilitation 1parofgirarnrs,pudiciall links of Monroe Q:soucrty including pudpges acrd probation officeirs, as vnrellll as 1pirivate providers, foir purposes of imakin g the Afteircaire services accessible to allll clients in creed. Sll I proposes that with the funding assistance requested we willll Ihae able to treat 24 28 clients in the 12 rnocrth pgiracrt 1paeiriod. Il:ucrdicrpg and support provided (hay II:II:::Y2.1 IRSA I"Afteircaire pgiracrt dollllairs willll assist Sarnruaell's II louse with the financial) support required to 1provide a Ihipglheir Revell of accou nUalbili ty and treatrnecrt to the client who requires Aftercare 1pairopgirarn services. Without 1pairolpaeirAfteircaire services, we willll continue to experience relpaetitive illllegall activities, increased fernalle population cruarrrlbeirs at the Monroe Qaoucrty i..::3etecrtiocr Qaecrteir to include relpaeat incarcerations; increases in Ihornellesscress and death in Monroe Qaoucrty, II:1oirida. Monroe Qaoucrty does crot have the additional) funds to provide the crecessairyAfteircaire treatment foir vnrornecr acrd vnrornecr with children. Fhe requested pgiracrt fund icrpg willll allow the 1pairopgirarn'to functiocr and olpaeira Leicr air olp tirnall imacrcreir. RIIX Iptn„n„cirlbe why Illtn s proj(:K.11I is a p irloiriilhy for Illtnn:,agn;rncy,cou i nll:y,arnd/or slia llln:,. Fhe Sll I Afterrcare pairopgirarnr services acre a pairiorityto Monroe County,and the resident,at large,lbecause as noted (hay the Arnreirican Medical)Association(AMA), the nation's dirupg oveirdose has ireached(beyond elpaidernric proportion,and it coirrtiirrues to lbecorrre vnroirse. ppre elpiderrric effect,of eveiry state aire irrow diriveirr(hay illllicit f'eirrt«airryi,f'eirrt«airryi airrallopgs, imettrarrrpadhetarnrine,and cocaine,often in corrrlbination,oir in adulterated fbirrnrs. More Main,)„07.,'..00.C1...d, ..ath.;vnreire relpaoirted in the L.Jcrited States Ibelweein II:::3ecernIbeir2020 to II.3ecernIbeir2021. Monroe Qaounty"s strategic plain addiresses air identified pairioirity to ireduce crirnrinall activity irelated to substance use and albuase. II:]oirida irelpaoirts that alp paroxi'na telly 66%of allll fualllftirne iresidents who des iire trea Lmecrt fair subs tacrce albuase acre unable to access it due to IlirnriLed availlalbilli ty and resouirces such as fundicrpg. Sll l 1pirolposes to iirrcrease access airrd availlalbillityto treatrrreirrt lbycooirdiirratiirrpg witpi apgeirrcies diirect to 1pirovide cornrlpairehecrsive sualhastacrce albuase treatment 1paost incarceration,oir in house treatcnecrt release;and provision of lbasic creeds and safe slhellteirfbir individuals who participate in the paropgirarnr. Hie pgoall of the IRSAF pairopgirarnr is to (break the cycle of dirupgs and violence (hay reducicrpg the dernracrd for, use of, and trafficking of illllepgall dirupgs. IRSA p enhances the calpaalbili tyof state and Ilocall pgoveirniments'to provide the following: * Sulhastacrce albuase treatcnrecrt; * I:Reiirrtegiratioirr 1pairelpaairatioirr seirvices;airrd Af'te.rca.re seinrices uroirr irellease. We propose that tl7e 5arnueI's Iiouse A t:arcare prograrn wiII rneet tl7e goals of tl7e RSA(` Prograrn grarrt as an Aftercare program for fernales, I3y closely coordinating widi correctional centers and treatrnerrt I:rrograrns as well as social and liurnan service agencies, to assure that transitional liousing, direct transfers, vocational relialbilitation, NA/AA participation and access, professional medical and substance abuse treatrnera, as well as a full array of intensive case rnanagerner7t services are provided to tl7e clierrt upon release from incarceration or other eligible treatrnerrt prograrn.. Successful completion of tl7e SIi program will result in life style clianges for tl7e clierrt.. Page 8 of 27 F ® L E 2023-RSAT Aftercare43859 Monroe County Board of Commissioners RlE)3: E)(:scirlbe any(:AsIiJing r(:Wurc(:�s or aclibins Ib61ng used Ilan addir(:ss IIIN:, piroblkln(s), iIf iilC,is a inew piroblkln, pkmse (kNnIlify Ihow you Iplain 110 addir(:�ss IIIN:, issue, Substance albuse and imentai Iheallth issues acre inol:crew issues oir pirolbleirris lbut we Ihave,eery steadV increases ofoveir the past seveirai Veairs. Flost (.10VIIi...) 19 sceinairio also shows that Airneiricans repoirted air increase irr the use of prescription diruqs and alcolholi as weli as street diruqs IbV 30 50%. FIhis was expected due to the challeinqes that related out of(ON/Ii...) such as chainqes to ouir work Ihalbits and patterns, uneirriployment, illness, Iboiredornr aind lack of access to irecreationall activities; lack of lhuarnarr contact/isolation. Ali of which also resulted irr increased depression foir a llairge Ipoirtion of the lhuarnarr irace. i[I liql[It of the fact that sulbsUaince albuse and addiction is inot a crew pirolbleirn, Sairnuel's 11 louse does Ihave existing resouirces that provide soirne suppoirt and funding fair services irellated to this issue. We ireceive Monroe (.IouinI:V 11 lealth and 11 luirnain Services AdvisoirV l3oaird funding aininualIV, which is used to assist wornein and wornein with childirein who acre Ihorrrelless,experience a trauirriatic life event,and acre irr creed of assistance. S11 I ireceives funding froirn the F:Ioirida i..)epairtrneint of(.11hildirein and F:�airnily Services in the fbirrn of E::xneirq. eincy Shelter dollairs and (..IhaIIeinqe (':Araint funds. We are licensed lby F:Ioirida as a SulbsUaince Albuse ('::neineirai Irrteirverrtiorr and(.lase Mainageirneintfa-cilifty. F:iinainciai suppoirt and assistance froirn the IRSAF Afteircaire IFliroggirarm awaird irequested (here wili assist Sairnuel's 11 louse with a portion of the required funding inecessairV irr oirdeir to provide a proper and adequate levei of service fair those who acre Ibeiirrq released firoirn irrcairceiraborr oir Lreal:rneint centers, who irnaV have a case and woulld otheirwise The separated firoirn Lheiir children, and otheir Ipotenball clients who imay The couirt ordered to Ipairticipate irr ouir pirogirairn. RllEM IExlgnllanniirn Ihow Illhr des gin and of Ilrnmliirrneinli w,,-.ns coor(flinallied beIiw(:KNn ir,(Ipir,(,seirnll�alluves of Ilocannll coirr(:,cllioinal ag(:Nn(Jes and of any appirqpirlali( Ilocal alcohol and drug abuse ag(:flncy. With 23 years of successfuli operation, Sairnuel's 11 louse is recognized fair its vast experience err seirvinq wornein with sulbsUaince albuse issues and cirliminali Ibackgrounds. Sairnuel's 11 louse is licensed foir irrteirverrtiorr prograirris undeir (.11hapteir 397 of the F:Ioirida Statutes to provide SulbsUaince Albuse services, Case Mainaqeirrient and ('::neineirai inteirveinboin fair adults. F:oir the clients who acre ineqatively affbcted lby the above described issues, staff Ihas seem a significant increase err the inuirrilbeir of irefeirralls lby probation officeirs, coirrecboin officeirs,couirt imaindated pirograirris and the judiciali systeirn err qeineiral. We acre arc active irneirrilbeir of the (:sou nty.-wide Cointlinuuirn of(:care agency and ineLwork with social)and Ihuarnrarr service providers oin a daillylbasis. Sairnuel's 11 louse utilizes prograirris such as 90 err 90 and AA/INA irneetinqs acre required as weli as irarrdornr diruq to suing of clients. INew clients acre irequired to sign a sUaLeirrient confinninq Lheiir undeirsUaindinq of the irulles and the consequences involved if LheV test positive fair the use of illegai dirugs while err ouir Ipiroggirarnrs Fhe agency Ihas proved that the use of irarrdorn testing is effective err prevention. Sairnuel's 11 louse Ihas worked closeIV with couinI:V wide judiciali sVsteirn represeintabves fair rnainV Vears, including the Monroe (.Iouinfv Sheiriff's Office and Sheiriff,vairious ciftv police depaiftryients including the ('.,iLV of KeV West, Kev(.1oloiny l3each and the N/iIIaqes of Isllarnroirada,judges and judiciali assistants, F:l probation officeirs and rnainV otheirs. We acre audited aininualliv IbV F:Ioirida and imusl:pairticipaboin err qualiftV peilbirmaince and irmpirovernrent tasks regulairly to assuire we acre utilizing the highest levei of treatment iresouirces and tools available fair the client. We fulliv suppoift and utilize locali INA/AA associations and irneebinqs/eveints;and we Ihave esUalblished requiair, irecuirrinq pirofessionali relationships with ('::nuidaince Caire Center, inc., and KeV l31ridqe, inc., lboth substance albuse and imentai health pirofessionali providers err Monroe (.1ounLV, F:Ioirida. Additionallyy, we Ihave agireeirrients with locali irrdividuaall professionals offbiring one oin one theiralpyas is required. Sairnuel's 11 louse has Ibeerr recognized and requIaiIV colialboiraLes with the Monroe (.IouinI:V [)eteinboin (.1einteir Sheiriff's Office as weli as the locali(.1 i tV IFlollice irepireserrtaLives,judges and assistants,so as to airrainqe foir refbirrai and trainsfeir of potential)clients who irnaV The couirt ordered, oir err creed of ouir prograirn and services. Otheir wornein irnaV The refeirred to Sairnuel's 11 louse IbV fairniliv irneirrilbeirs, diruq couirtE., probation officeirs oir F:Ioirida so that reunification with their childirein can The accoirriplished under supervision. RlE)5: :31rlefly describe IIN:,(AkK.Iliveiness and s(Jeinc(: based naliijir(:,of(:,xislliing ir(mliiineinli Fhe 5 E.::.:vIdence l3ased IFliractices S11 I wili utilize fbirAi::: FIER('.IAIR: E acre: 1)Substance Albuse and (.1irliminali Conduct:Strategies fair Self.(.11hainqe a Cognitive 1:3elhavioirai Fheirapylbased cuirricuIuirn((..l3F). Fhroughout the treatment Iplarr,clients wili use a client wombook that Ibellorrggs to therm. 2) \Aoirai Reconaboin Fheirapv(I\AII:ZF)::a systeirnatic treabineint strategy that seeks to decrease irecidivisrm airnoing cirliminali offenders lby increasing irnoirai reasoning. 3)Seeking Safety:a trauirria informed, trauirria specific,and gender responsive Lreabineint anode))that irrteggiraLes Page 9 of 27 F ® L E 2023-RSAT Aftercare43859 Monroe County Board of Commissioners treabineint of 1F1 FSI[)and sulb clinicali trauirna into Lreal:rneinl:of sulbsUaince use disorders. Fhese irellatiornall models suppoirt the development of healthy relationships with self,significant otheirs,and the coirnimunityat lairg e to ireduce the Irish of relialpse and recidivisirn. 4) Fhe I vinq irr l3alaince treabineint irnodel::is a wralp around approach to iimprovinq life function irr the context of recoveiry. Fhis modeli irncoirtaoirates Motivationali Irrteirviewinq to facilitate 'noveirneint through the stages ofchainge and hellps lgaairticilgaarrts develop ireall life tools to colpe with irellalpse triggers. I 5)Angeir\Aainageirneint� is a(..13 F lbased SAM11 ISA 12 session Lreal:meinl:model. Rllf:ttz IExlgrllanrriirn Ihow fijinded Igrirogir,,-.uns willi addir,(:�ss llh(„ad(flllJoin of qplokl abuse r(x1m.11ion seirvic(:;s. Opioid albuse ireductiorn Lreal:rneinl:wili The refbirred to a profbssional,contract provider such as(':"nuidaince(.1aire(.1einteir oir Key 1::3iridqe. S11 I provides sulbsUaince albuse i1eirvenLion,qeineirai intervention and case imainaqeirneint. Ali sulbsUaince albuse and addiction treabineint services wili The provided as deeirned inecessairyduiring the assessiment and screening process. RD 7: D(:„sciribe Itnow Illtnn,applk.ainli ag(:Nn(.yW1ll(:Nnsuir,(„111halli offtNi-der,,;who parlidpalle iiin llh(:;IRSA I 1proggiranirrn(:,sllablkstvxl or iinplklneinlied wilih Illhr ae gir,,,-.u0i funds willi It IgrirovikkA wilih coiirunuinlliy ir,(:flinliegirallJoin seirvkx, s, (.1olialboira Live effbirts with coirnimuniLvaqeincies facilitate the goal)of irrgprovirng the lheallth and safety of lhornelless wornein and wornein with childirein irr Monroe(.1oui1vaind Ipireverrtirrq cirlime and victirnization airnoinq this population. S11 I collaborates with imultiple qoveirnimenl:and noin profi L aqeincies throughout Monroe(.1ouintV. 13V accessi inq the iresouirces of i is pairtneirs,such as the irneirdbeir aqeincies of the Monroe(.1ouin1:V 11 loirneless Services(.oin1:!inuuirn of(.1aire, the Sil I case imainaqeirneint Learn einsuires that residents of S11 11 ireceive shelter and coirrilpireheinsive services foir their transition to self-sufficiency,safbtyy,and solbeir llegi tirnaLe lifbstyNes. Fhrouq[I i is collaborative pairtneirships,S11 I assures that approaches used acre the most irellevarrt and effective fbir the Monroe(.1ouintv coirnimuni LV.A good example is that ouir eirneirq. eincV shelter staff works with probation officeirs to irnoiniftoir the iresiderrts who acre placed ire the shelter as a condition of irellease. Without S11 1, these worneinwould Ihave few options. S11 I works to irelhalbilli Late and eirrilpoweir wornein so they aire ireadyftaira clean,legai and productive life ire the future. S11 I is the oiniv aqeincV offeirlinq services foir wornein,and wornein with childirein; it is ouir i1einl:to expaind those services and offeir AIF:�FEIR('.IAIR: E to clients ire ineed,who Ihave ino place else to qo upoin irellease froirn irncairceira tiorn„ treatment,oir acre couirt ordered sentence due to probation irequirernerrts,oir irellated dircuirnstainces. We 1plarr to accoirriplish this with the assistaince OCK:.�� RSA F/AIF: F1F...1R(,..AIR: E funding. Where a client airrives at S11 1,she ireceives arc intensive evaluation lby a(.lase \Aainaqeir and Ihaeqiins to develop a 1plarr fbir heirself that includes staying awayfiroirn trouble and irrrlrarovirnq heir Ihealfth and safety so that she can achieve self. sufficiency. (.11hildirein einLeirlinq S11 I with their rnotheirs/quairdiains also ireceive the Ihaernefit of case imainaqeirneint as a delpendentof the adulitclient. Fhe('.,I\A Learn works closely with the client to follow and irnoini toir 1piroq. iress. Services provided include achi ev!inq e imployment a ind ireterrtion,fi inaind ai 1p lainini inq. ,Ihousiinq irefbirralls and crenated loinq Leirm q. oalls. When a client leaves S11 1, he/she is eincouiraqed to iretuirn to S11 I fair fullll,fbilow up services. 1psycho sociali evaluation wili The conducted lby the case imainageirneint Learn. RiEM: D(:„n„ciribe Itnow Illtnr,applk.ainli ag(:Nncy willi(:Nnsuir,(„111halli pirovideir,,;fijirni Halm ing ir(:dinliegirallioin seirvkxs air(:;approved Iby 11N:1 appiropirialle sllali( or Ilocarrll ag(:Nncy,and air( Ilk.(:Nnsed, if nec(ssairy,Ilo Itrnrvude inedk.dl Sairnuel's 11 louse oin1V does business with verifiable,licensed, irrsuired and Ipirofbssiornall providers. Ouir staff personally verifies that ali inecessairy documents and licenses acre ire oirdeir 1pirioir to requesting oir receiving any services froirn a provider. RlDR: llh(„Iprarltrarsed piroj(:K.1i a conliJinuallion firain llh(„Itrrawiiou s year? 0 Yes * No Scow pe of Work(SO" "I he Scow pe of Work IlfauroViides liioraallgaaaurtaaiumt.detalills ointhetasks,aind actVities to Ilbe COITTIlrAeted Rxindeir the g ra in't awa iird NOTE: Information in this section will be used by OUG's assigned grant manager to write the contract deliverables to satisfy state contracting requirements identified in Sectikpirii 2,15 10 71 N llF IllaauHillat�:Hiatufes.It is Page 10 of 27 F ® L E 2023-RSAT Aftercare43859 Monroe County Board of Commissioners important to provide clear responses to the questions below. SOW I D(:�sciribe all irrnanfarir Ilansks and acliJivi 11J(:s Ilan It peirft)irined under 111N am..ud Aftercare 1pirogirairn goalls wili irrcuude proper assessirneint, treatment,trainsi tioning,suppoirt and continued case irnainageirneintseirvices, to the cHeirA. Feirnpoirairyand safe shelter,aloing with case irnainageirneirAwhich is the caLalyst to restoring individuals,and fairnilies,who otheirwise woulld The selpairated oirfullylbiroken,with little chance ofirecoveiry. Afteircaire wili provide transitional)case irnainageirneint and fbilow up services foir the cHeint. S11 I proposes that the IRSA FAfteircaire funding wili The utilized to provide Afteircaire fair wornein,and wornein with children, as fbilows:: A) (.lase Mainageirneint Seirvices:: Interview and assess each cIient,developing airy individualized treatment plain that the cIient agirees to llaairticipate i in and coirriplete. 13) Flirovide coordination Ibetween the coirrectionali/treatment 1pirogirairn,and otheir social)service and rehabilitation pirogirairns. c) case irnainageirs wili coirnimunicate directlywith NA.A...'K.1, NKI.SO,locali I aw E.::.:infoirceirneint agencies,pudiciai relpiresenta Lives,probation officeirs,and otheirs involved iin irefbirrall of direct trainsfbir dients;so that 1potentiall cHeints may airraiiige fair tlieiirdiirc,cttraiiisfbir. 1-his is what creates a criticali linkage to successfuli cIient treabneint. [)) IFlirovide irefeirrrall and facilitate assisUaince foir trainsitionali housing,vocationali irehalb, INAAA,Ipiriirnairycaire providers, and financial)assistance agencies. lj:::::) (.' I ase irnainageirs wili coordinate with irnedicali/professional)contract providers((':.��uidaince(.1aire(.,einteir, Key 131ridge, etc.)so that outpatient cIients acre enrolled irr the illecessairyseirvices,such as psychiatric caire,substance albuse aind(oir irneinUai health theiralpy,relialpse prevention giroulps,and irnedication assisted treabneint(I\AA F). F:�) Fhe case irnainageirs and cIients wili work Loge their to identify goalls and create a welliness and irecoveiry plain. ('ase irnainageirs wili irneet with cHeints on a weeklylbasis to einsuire cIients acre set up irr the coirnirnuiniLywiffi inecessairy supports and iresouirces to prevent irecidivisirnr,and to evaluate case irnainageirneint llaerfbirrnarrce with the client. Afteircare Flirogirairn cIients irnusl:The willing and actively Ipairticipatoiry iin ali aspects of the Iprogirairn iin oirdeir to achieve the highest leveli of success. 111) IFlairticiparrts irr the Afteircaire Ipirogirairn wili have access to a wide vairietyof irneintai Ihealfth and substance albuse seirvicestlirougl�iVocal),lpirofbssioiiialllpirovideirc,iiii the coirriirriuiiiiLy((':"nuidaiiice("airc,('.Ieiiiteir, l<eyl::3iridgel\AeiiitallIlleallth, etc.). 1) Slllwillllseirveairriiiiiiirriuirriof24 28 cIients during the 12 irnorAh 1peiriod of funding. Activity Firne Ili ne F11hase 1:: Months 1 through 3(Qgal W: • Irrdividuaall session one t1irne a week • Fwo giroulps'sessions(weeldy) • One elective giroulp(irnointhIy) • [)irug test(upon entry,irarrdoirnr and suspicious) • Attend a Suppoirt(':"niroujp(dailly) F11hases 11& III:: Moriffis 4 6(and beyond to Lra insi tion • Irrdividuaall session(eveiryotheirweek) • One giroulps(weekly); [)irug test(at raindoirn) • Attend a Suppoirt(':"niroujp(irninirnuirn 3 llaeirweek Page 11 of 27 F ® L E 2023-RSAT Aftercare43859 Monroe County Board of Commissioners • individuali session(eveiry otheir week) • One giroup(weekly) • [)irug Fest(at raindoirn) • AtteiiidaSulplpoirt(':"niroulp(irriiiiiiirriuirri3 peir wee k),and a conti inuuirn of case imaillageirneint service SOW2 IEt(,scirlbe 1111-*,(:;xpeclied oullcoiirle as an ir(:sulli of IIIN:; asksh..mIlivi IIJ(:;s udn,nnllutoed lien SOW I. (':"noallAOutcoirries(l1:::)aV1 throuq[.190):: Fo pireveilcirlime Ibyarnd a(lainstwornein irr crisis,Ihayairovidirng case imainageirneint services,and the provision of lbasic lhuirnrarn creeds Residents wili The safe froirn exposuire to illegai sulbsUainces. Wornein released firoirn aii wili lhave a safe einviroinirneil fbir Lheir Lrainsiboill. Residents wili The(less likely to eingage iin cirliminali behavior to irneet their illeeds Residents wili The(less likely to The exposed to the typical)frisks of living on the streets. Residents wili gain legai eirriploymeilwiLhin two weeks of intake. 100%of the cHeils served wili The assigined a case imainageirwithin 72 lhouirs oir(less of entryy,wili participate fin a psycho,social)assessiment,develop life goalls and the steps required to achieve said goalls/self-sufficiency (':"noalls 13 Outcoirnes(E)a4.. 91 .180 and beyLoind):: Fo coilrilbute to iirn ipiroved Ihealfth and safbtyof wornein,and worneill with children, Lhiroudh case imaina(leirneint and the provision of lbasic Illuirnaill illeeds Residents wili follow their irndividuall plains leading to iimpiroved Ihealith and safety. Residents wili ireceive housing assistaince giving theirn a safe,cueain,inuirtuiring,and solbeir einviroilliment. Residents wili ireceive services which assist theirn irr achieving iimpiroved irneilai/physicali Ihealfth irncUirng,lbut inot firnited to:: attending inecessairy irneinUai/ physical)healthcare appoinLments;attending A/VINA irneetings regulaidy.and attending probation irneetings and couirt proceedings as irequiired. Residents wili ireceive the suppoirt needed to stay solbeir and substance free. Residents wili The lhealithyarnd dirug firee irr oirdeir to iretairn Lheiir polbs. Residents wili learn self-sufficiency. 97%of the cHeints served wili The eirriployed Ibefbire day 14 fin the pirogirairn. (':"roans/l1...')elliveiralblles:: Fo decrease sulbsUaince use, toireduce irccidivisirri,ir(.,ducL!oiiiof Laxpayeirdollairs Losuppoirt incairceiraboin,and education on the choices and consequences that wornein experience irr llifb. Fo 1pirovide Afteircaire services to wornein,and wornein with children, fin Monroe CouilVfbir a 1peiriod of up to 12 irnoinffis,IbeVornd the typica 190 180 daVIpirograirn period. We acre the oiiillyeirrieirgeiiicysliieliteir and pirogirairn service provider ,fbir wornein,and worneill with chi Idirein. SOW3: E)(:,scirlbe who will beirlefili firmn IIIN:, lasks,aclllVIIJ(:,s,airld oullicoiines lideirl1iutun,d abo\e, • 3oth the cHeints and the providers wili Ibernefit as a iresulit of successfuli coirripletion and Ibelhavloirall chainges achieved fin the progirairn. • Fhe coirnimunityat large wili beinefft due to equiUalble budgeUairy respoinsilbilityand accounUalbility that wili The achieved with successful)coirripletion(hay cHeils,of the pirogirairns offbired • E.::.:xpenses fbir public safbtywili The ireduaced,county wide. • (.1urreil and futuire cHeints wili Ibernefit as a result of Ibelhavloir imodificatiorn that wili The achieved resulting i ill iiiicr(.,asediiiidividuallaccouiiit�--ilbillity,whicliwillllallsolbegiiiitoteacli,aiiid head lbyex,-iirrilplle,tliefutuir(,geiiieira-Lioills, gust Ihov lbetteir choices and responsible living, is irr fact a lbetteir way to go. 3efteir life choices result i ill increased positive iresulits and action veirsus negative consequences. Page 12 of 27 F ® L E 2023-RSAT Aftercare43859 Monroe County Board of Commissioners SOW4 Et(,scirlbe 1111-*,(:NnIiJi Ily(or(:NnIITIIJ(:,$)ir(:spoinsubkl for coiirpk:flJing acIIJvi IiJes und(:Nr IllNs piroj(:KIT, Sairnuel's 11 louse sUaff,aloinq with contract Ipirofbssionall providers,wili provide the services outlined irrrthis application to include ali activities listed. 1-he S11 I case irnainaqeirneint staff has a coirribined 30 Veairs of experience irrr case irnainaqeirneint and sulbsUaince albuse irrrterrverrrtiorrn. We eirriploV a staff of 10.5 full-birne equivalent (i::7IF.::.:) positions, coirnpirised of 2.5 Ihouse irnoiniftoirs and 3 case irnainaqeirs (24/7 schedule), a giraint writer, finance irnainager, 1prolect developirneiril:coordinator,deputy director and executive director. Sairnuel's 11 louse is licensed IbV the F:Ioirida [)(.A::: (':"neineirai inteirveinboin,(.lase Mainaqeirneiril:Services and SulbsUaince Albuse Services. Ouir orqainization Ihas a proven track Irecorrd of success irrr dealinq with Lrauirna,addiction,Ihaelhaviorrall irnodiffication,legalaind pudiciai issues,and irrioirc,,Barr gircateirLliaiii23 years. OuirsLaffaiiidcairryiiiigca-lpacityisirrioir(, thainsufficieritto add and iinclude IRSAI-Afteircare clientsaind services toouirlpirogira-irris. Flirofbss i onali contract providers wi Ii The pirolheiriV ve fted,Ii ceinsed and i insuired 1p iri oir to ainV seirvi ces The i inq(requested oir reindeired. in ali cases, the IRSA I-Afteircaire giraintirequireirneirAs wili The irnaintained irrr foal)))coirripliance ataii birnes. Fire requested lbudqet to assist with provision of Sairnuel's 11 louse Afteircare llalrofglrarrnr and services is listed lbellow, aloing with a narrative of Irequaested assistance fbir llalrofglrarrnr expenses. Supplies:: Fhis represents supplies required to assume that ali client Ihouasinq and service aireas utilized fbirAfteircaire proprairn Irequirrelrnrerrrts acre provided,and irnainLained, irrr a safe,secuire and sainiUairycoindition. Fire aveirage cost Their client .5...7 anticipating 28 clients to The served ouir request is fbir.$..? ...... .. .....1 0 0 0 0..... (.1ointiract Services/(.1onsulUaints:: Fhis represents profbssionali contract services fbir sulbsUaince albuse treatment outside of ouir i inteirinali case irnainaqeirneint airea of expeirtise;and shalli i include irneintai Ihealfth treabineint wheire required. Fhis is calculated at$180.00/houir;to The provided irrr quairteir lhourr sessions at the irate of$45.00. We aintici 1pate ain average peirclieintof16 -quairteirlhouirsessions,oir the equivalent to 4 houiriVsessions. F[iiscal�cul�atesoutasl6sessioills/ cuieiiitX$45.00/quairteirlhiouirsessioiii,oir.$720.00/cVieiiit. I\Aulltilpl�ied(by28cuieiiits,foira total)ircquestlhieircof $2.1.10.:D. 0. .......................................... Otheir F: einses(client lbasic breeds,utilities and dirug test kits):: Fhis Irequaest is intended to provide a Ipolrtion ofthe utilitVexpenses at the NASWC IF:::irneirqeincV Shelter location wheire the Ipirogrralrn wili The Ihosted,at the Irate of$269.007; oir a sulb totai Irequaest of$7,532.20;added with the cost fbir lbasic ineeds such as food/nutrition,clothinq. ,irnedical, case irnainaqeirneint,etc.,at a irate of$277.25/client,fbir 28 clients,oir$7,763.00.,aloinq with cost of Ipualrchasinq diru .. alcolholi test kits,at ain aveiraqe cost of$8.65,/kit,with ain esbirnated use of 6 tests Their client(irninirnuirn),oir 168 kits total)IrequaesLed. Fhat cost foir dirug(alcolholi test kids is$JA53.20.,lbased oin 28 clients and 6 tests Their client to The adirninisteired;oirain aveiraqe cost Iperr client of$50.10 folr drrug Lesbinq,Iperrclient. OuirLot«allir(.,quest Barr tliesecoirrilbiiiied expenses Fhe coirribined cost Their client of ali otheirexpenses is.$...5 5 client. SOW5: E)(:,scirlbe and/or Iprovkle IIIN:,Ilocanlllioirn of wh(:Nr(:; piroj(:,(.IITT ac11TVIIJ(:s willi It Iperbrined, Sairnuel's 11 louse, Ilrnc. Mary Spottswood Wornein's(..einteir F.:..:irnerqeirIcy Shelter 1614 Firuesdeli(.1ouirt Key West, F:l 33040 SOW6: Et(,scirlbe how IIIN:,Ipeirforirrna inc(:,and coiinpk:flibin of II:AGI-I udeinliTfied It veirlfied, (.lase Mainaqeirneiril:is responsible fbir irneetinq the clients oin a lbi weekIV lbasis,oir irnoire frequent whein inecessairV. (.1lients wili The Ihelld accountable to irnaiinUaiin Lheiir irrndividuall case irnainaqeirneint and treatment plain journals and their clientwork1books, to The provided upoin eintrV to the proqirairn,and reviewed lbi weekIV. Flieassiqiiied case irriaiiiaqeirwillll The Irequirred to have ali cli eint notes verified IbV a case irnainaqeirneint sulpeirvisoir,oir designated proqirairn lead fbir S11 1. Fhis wili einsuire that activities and tasks acre adheired to as identified irrr the individualized case plain,acre irriodified as inecessaiy,as weli as verified lbya third llaerrson. S11 I Flirevenboin :hrouqIh Flirovision Ilalrogrralrn Ihas esUalblished birnelines and objectives outlined thatwili The tracked and reviewed with the client, to assume clients acre achieving the highest levei of success possible. (.1lients imustactively pairticilhate irrr 1progglrarrn tasks oin a daily lbasis. (.1ointiracl:service Iprovideirs wili The Irequired to IregullarriVsulbirnil:case notes to case irnainaqeirs at S11 I to assume that coirnimunication reirnains fluid ataii birnes. Fhe S11 I case irriaiiia.qeirrieiiitteairriwillll(review cuieiiit(notes amid fines irninirnuirn of ounce Their irnointh,with recoirnirneindaboins to The provided to assume the highest levei of success foir each client. SOW7: Et(,scirlbe whalIT sou irc(:;docuimenliallJoin willi Ibe inauinlialined and Ipirovikled Ilan OCA;for IpanyrrenIT r,(:KpjesIIs for EACH Page 13 of 27 F ® L E 2023-RSAT Aftercare43859 Monroe County Board of Commissioners acliJivi Ily ude n1lified abovee, (.1lienl:Lreal:rneinl:and service provision irecoirds wili The imeticulousIV irnaiinUai ined i in ouir confidentiali client recoird aind fine. We acre a iregisteired 11 IMI 1provideir and wili imaintain ali data entry recoirds iin that 1progirairn as well. Ali required docuirneints wili The imade available as irequired lby 0("J(':"n/ F:I..)l IF::: -IRSA F Afteircare pirogirairn giraint relpiresenta Lives as weli as the l3oard of(I ountV(.1oirnimissioneirs and Monroe(.1ountV Staff,at ali Uirnes,i includ ing invoices,1payments,requests foir ireiirrrlbuairseirnerrt,etc.,as i If relates to the giraint irequireirnerrts. S11 I utilizes Intuit software systeirris and wili Ihave irelpoirts avai lable and sulbirni fted with each irequestfbirexperndituire rei irrilbuirseirneint,aloing with ali irecoirds of lback up such as invoices,stateirneints,ireceilpts and related docuirneintation. S11 I Ihas Ibeern awarded inuirneirous F:�edeiral,State and I ocalgraints oveir the Veairs and we Ihave Ibeern fullivcoirripliant with (':"�oveirnirneint Standards of Accountli[Iq and Audiffinq,as weli as Ibeirnq fullivcoirnimiLted to coirnjpl iing with the requireirneints set fbirth err the giraint awaird via OCJ(':"n/F:I..)l IF::: -IRSAFAfteircairefunding. As a inew grant sulb reci pient,Sairnuel's 11 louse wili coirriply wi th ali irecoird irequests ireceived froirn Monroe(.1ounLy and 0("1 /IF:I[)I IF:::giraint llairogirairnr office/officeirs at ali Uirnes. SOW8: i usli Illhe,ainlli(Jpalied inumbeir of IpairtkJpainlis 28 SOW9: Explauin llh(„applk.ainli ag(:flncy's clkeinli ari leirlia Sairnuel's 11 louse is 1piroud to says that err 23 Veairs we have ineveir Luirned away a client who was fully coopeira-Live, paifticipatoirV and coirripliainl:with the S 111 Ipirograirnr imaindates. Flotentiali clients Ihave Ibeern denied services due to their inalbili N oir lack of desire to coirripliV with safety and health irequaireirnerrts such as inol:agreeinq to a diruq/alcolholi test 1pirloir to adirnission, tesUinq (positive fair diruqs oir alcohoi upoin planned adirnissioin; violatinq irulles of the conduct of the pirograiryl irrjoire thain three Uirnes err a 90 days 1peiriod (which also irnaV include 1posi Live testinq)oir otheir related issues of concern as identified iin the l3oaird approved Flolicies and IFliroceduires Mainual,with fuel)))descriptive and detail)provided. Fiore Sairnuel's 11 louse IFlolicies and IFliroceduires acre the progirairn requireirneints we utilize oin a daily lbasis. SOW 10: E)(:�scirlbe how IpairtkJpainlis willi be sepairalli(xI Eroiin llh(:,g(:Nneir,,-.aI populallJoin, Al::: FEIR: ('.IAIR: E clients wili have designated iresidentiall units at the Mary Spottswood Wornein's Ceinteir(I\ASW(") IF::.:irneirqeincy Shelter. Fhis wili inol:prevent offieir Ipirograirn clients firoirn use of this designated space at any Uirne whein their(., is ino Afteircare client to fill))said space.We acre a 36 lbed faciii ty.and ouir goal)is to seirve the coirnimuni Ly at irnaxiirnuirn calpaciLy,as required. S11 I proposes to provide safe sheiteir and prograirn services to a irninirnuirn of 6 7 clients/90 180 days„oir 24 28 IPeir 12 irrionLih jpeiriod;Ibeyornd the 90 day iinitiall Iprograirn 1peiriod,and up to a foal)))12 irnoinffi 1peiriod. Fhis wili The accoirriplished lby pirloiritizinq 6 7 lbeds foir use IbVAfteircaire(.1lients,at the \AairVSjpoI:tswood Wornein's(.1einteir(I\ASW(") F::xnerq. eincv Shelter. Fhis facilityseirves wornein and wornein with children;and is the onlyfacilifty that seirves this Uairget 1poloullatiorn. SOWI I Se,lle,a:ll Illhe fir(:Rjuency liirn wNich Ipiroggnnannn IpairtkJpainlis air'(;drug Ile „IlexI,(Sek:K.1i aIll 1111-vfliqpply) • Before entering the program •While participating in the program F-I After completion of the program if participant remains in custody F-I None of the above SOW 12: E)(:�scirlbe how Illhe ira;aguauira;irnne;irnll for uiriinalysJs and/or oliN:Nr piro\ein ir(:Ikabk forins of dirug and alcohol Ile sliJing for pirogir,,-.un IpanairtkJpainlis will)Ibe,coimplk:A wilih. Sairnuel's 11 louse has a dirug and alcolholi test 1pollicy iin 1pl�ace that is a 1pairt of ouir Flolicies and IFliroceduires Mainual.Afteircaire clients wili The required to The tested in the sairne imainineir as dictated err that IFlollicies and IFliroceduires Mainuali to assuire thatfulli coirripliance of irecoirn imended dirug and alcolholi testing acre imet err ali cases. Festing wili The adirninisteired at the Uirne of entry.irarndoirnlyand fair reasonable suspicion.Ali tests irequire a Lhird peirsoin witness to veirify that llaropeir 1pirocess and procedures have Ibeern imet. SOW 13: f:te,,•cirllbe Illhe,saincllJoins used for Ipanairfua,ipanannlls who h(:,sl Igrarnniillunae oin dirug/alcohol li(:„nallJing, l3ecause relialpse is a veiry real)1pairt of the disease of addiction,sanctions wili The handled oin am irndividuall lbasis;lbut err ino case wili a client/applicainl:The llaeirnnritted to exceed violation of ouir IFlollicies and IFliroceduires sUaindaird err excess of Page 14 of 27 F ® L E 2023-RSAT Aftercare43859 Monroe County Board of Commissioners three strikes oir events. SOW 14: E)(:,•cirllb Ihlhn,afllieircair(:;seirvic(:;s Iprovidn d upoin Ipa irluaJpainlis irn,lln2se, Sll I encourages cHents to utilize,ouir extensive case irnranageirnrernt services fbir as long as is necessairy,and ulp to 18 rnonl:hs froirn date of departure,firoirn ouir Iprogirairns. Fhis incLdes the 90 day shelter progirairn at I\ASW('.1, the transi tionali and Iperrrnrarrent supportive housing offbired at Kathy's 11 lolpe and ('.Iasa de Meredith,oir otheir structured housing lacilifty within the social)service network fair Monroe(.1ounty. Page 15 of 27 FDLE 2023-RSAT Aftercare43859 Monroe County Board of Commissioners RSAT I°arogira urhriu Ceirtiificatio ins & F°`oirurmils lt'.aratUiiurarat t'arur Ailll Alllalllalllliica ants L..arltaltayiikng ,III°etmirurIneint,aiu d III°traigt IIFuree WoirklrAace Ailll alllalllalllliica ants aaure uraratUiirarat tar carurTalllalllete aiu d sUlkaurlali4 tJlhe Lobbying, e a ent,an ruFree Workplace Ceirflii'iiicatliioin wliitllh eaclllm a lllalllalllliica tliiariur sUlkaurlaliissliiar1111 Upload Illtna,caarrnll k:flla d(:a,irtiitiicaallJoi n Ibelow, 02-OCJG-Lobbying-Debarment-and-Drug-Free-Certification_SamueI's House.pdf, Disclosure of Lobbying Activities 43859_SH.pdf t ut)irrrcliilFAiieint.Il a inagellneint.Questlk.rinin4iiurrr Ailll aIllalllalllliica ants aaure uraratUiirarat tar carurTalllalllete aiu d sUlkaurlali4 tJlhe a reci ient ana, a ent Questionnaire foirurIn wliitJlh tJharliiur alla alllliica�tliioin " I � III III to iurlii a tliiariurws a rs.liistliiiur�gt likntaruriur�a�lll cointurarllls �III 1""Illr�liis°t'arururm�a liis a�saaat tar Illraallllla aaa�llla�a�taa tlll�maa a� a alllliica�iur�t.arum, urarllkite tar tllhe urlrinaalrnaagarurineint ar°t'°t'a"deiraalll giraalrnt°fixiinds IIPII°tllt..11l'; wliillllll ulxtliillllii ar tlh s°t'arururIn aas a1"iHsllk assessurlaarintWw tar a etarururlaliiine tJlhe aIllalllxraMrlllariiiate Illev6ll Of urT101111li4a"arlikngt(desk arur oinsii4e)°t'arur the sUlkaawaur Upload Illtn(,caarrnll k:flla d &ltr )r Iarirarn Ibelow, Subaward Management Questionnaire(SMQ)_43859-SH.pdf Upload a:aalall llluoi mall a:a ltllaaa:ltnirrnei nlls Ilan anaa;a:arirrnlgaanairny ya:ru.air a;arirrnllalla;lla,al SKr(), III';atul�a�lll III';urm�alllalllaryur�saiu�mt.tlllalllaaMrurt.ul�iur�liity�III';III';tit� isui u whits"1""ura�liiiur�liiing�' IIN III'; 'ui As a condition of the federal RSAT award,FDLE requires applicants(and subrecipients)to complete a two part Civil Rights Training and provide copies of the training certificates upon request.To access the training, please visit our C iil,ttoilll Illtiogjl II!N II gaa k iil ku iutt la a[Q[aiu iutpps webpage.At a minimum,the applicant grant manager must complete the training. h Na:a\e your caarrnllalla,lla d Illtna,t:;lVill 1R glt lls I ira:alirniirngg for G uiranarnlla;a,na irrnodualk:;s,t *Yes O No(a condition will be added to award) Upload a,opyof t:;liViill 1R glhlll„na Iira.alirniirngg Iarir G uiranarnlla,a„a cf:flrlloloa aalles, Certificate of Completion-Module 1 Maria Protopsaltis.pdf,Certificate of Completion-Module 2 Maria Protopsaltis.pdf,Civil Rights Training Certificate-Module 1 Christow.pdf,Civil Rights Training Certificate-Module 2 Christow.pdf III';III';tit tnroarurtlii°t°iiica�tliiariu�m�Ilg';Ilg';tiynro� Ailll aIllalllalllliica ants aaure urar(tUiirarat k)sUlkaurltiii,t a in III';III';t t Ceirtiii°t'iicatiiiolin aininu4lllly PII°tllt..11l'; sturoingtllly urarcarurTaurTaa iiii is tlllie Ruses of the titwtllP Ott'liice°t'arur ttliisliilll III',Jiigtlllitsu EEO Reporting-Tool tar carurTalllalete tJll*iis ceirtiii°tiiicatliia in,a rslllaaacliiailllllly°t'arur aIllalllalllliica ants Who aaure iraratUiiired to Ilrxrarlllaaurar a in III';III';tt IIMla in arur Lftiiillllii atliiarin Illt',arllgaarurt Howeveir,lii ,t tllhe III';III';tt Illt',arllgaarurtliiiu�mgt"Ii""ararlll,yarulJ 111THly clll100se tD sul�llkaurlaliit.tJlhe certification wliitllh iur a�llkasaaiu�mcaa ar°t'ul�sliiiur�a, you it alllalllalllliicatliioin Upload caarrnllalla,lled IE 0 C in ficaalCiiarrn Ibelow, EEOC 2022_Monroe County.pdf, FY2022 DOJ FDLE EEO Certification_SamueI's House.pdf Page 16 of 27 F ® L E 2023-RSAT Aftercare43859 Monroe County Board of Commissioners Rklin Ajr)lF)llllicaints,Wtli urmmamurmthain 50 elllnlr)lk.)yees Who 6lso urmcmmli4e a siiiingllle awaird of$25,000 oir urmmamurm liiin fijindlkng firolln the U S Delrmirtlllneint ofhis,flce(iregair&ess of if liI liis Ilpamssed,thirougli RDL]gE),IIITIRJS't COIIITIlF)lbte aind SUbITT1l4th6ir Rklin 4lso Ilkiu owin as a Lftillllkatioin Relr)oirt,to GYP's Otflce foir QVilll Mglits "I pirocess IIITIRJS't Ilbe COIIITIlF)llleted Rjslkngthe EEO Reporting TO-01 0,YP's Office four QVilll K�glits, has rwt)uslled ain assistance tool tam assiiist alr)lF)llllicaintq,WIIvtl*is Ilgmurocess �E)o(::s youir oirgaini2n1lion Ihmie 50(:flinploye(:,s or inoir(:O (W Yes 0 No �E)o(::s youiroirgaini2n1lion ir(:;(xdhie a§ingk:,am..ud of$25,000 oiriinoir(:,firoiinainyU,S, (#Yes 0 No Nan s your ag(:Nncy campk:fled ain Ih Ih:0 IPlan in WIIINin ltv:,Ipasll Ilwo yeairs'? (#Yes 0 No(a condition will be added to the award) Upload your Ih IhO IPla in Itaelow, EEO Plan 2019-2021—Monroe County.pdf Applicants with more than 50 employees who also receive a single award$500,000 or more in funding from the U.S.Department of Justice(regardless of if it is passed through FDLE),must obtain an EEO Plan (EEOP)approval letter from OJP's Office for Civil Rights. This process must be completed using the Ilt Ilt( IltgaµtwagilrtuuuiuttI�q2j.OJP's Office for Civil Rights has published an gtuigamulmiila aµ gaaatlll to assist applicants with this process. �E)o(::s your oirgaini2n1lion r(:cf:d\ffi a§ingk:;am..ud of$500,000 or irrnora,firain any It S, E)(:,pairtiineinll of Ju.asllic(:,gir',,-.uI Iprogiraim? 0 Yes (# No Mo alr)lF)irov4l Ilbfteir urmatUiirmmat Based on your response,you are only required to submit the EEO Certification and Plan above.You may move to the next section. Project SlF)edi'flc Ceirfi'flcafloins SU14bliillllIyto Work Wth Iltkliiiu oirs AIltmlltmlllliica ants Ilgmuramllgmosliknggto Rise giraint fijinds,that knvq.)�Ve iiiiateiramctiiiung Wth urmmliiinoirs ITTIUSt 111THIke a wiHftein atmatmaururmmliiiuramtlii yt Of eacli kn&Vkjd4�s sU44b���[to work Wth IITTIlknoirs. Foir IT10ire oin tl*is re(jUkrelllneint, F)lllease cramVbw ouir Suitability to or with Minorstir4knlkng sllliWes lion oirdeirto Ridillll4ate COIIITIlF)���Iince Wtivth��s re(jUkrelllneint, RDL hastwo foirl[TISIIWA ITTIUSt be COIIITI�F)�bted foir ainy pirogiralln liiiuI amlll° kng knteiractk.)ins WIIi IITTIlkllg)ir&� Suitability to Work and/or Interact with Minors CertificationjSWIMC) Suitability to Work and/or Interact with Minors Tracking(SWIMT) Page 17 of 27 FDLE 2023-RSAT Aftercare43859 Monroe County Board of Commissioners ;a ICIIw,applhcainll Ipirqposing Iio Vie girar:wnll fiji nds for ar,li:liV ll e•a Iilha 111(loir(,r„IClly uirnvolve woirkling Wlllh oir, lllh ii6 i nor";'? O Yes No li""� Ill c�..urm�urm�� iumliic flii�.sums eland Ideq..)Suer 6iillllllaince Seer Ices aind/oir IlEE(j liillg)urms'iul't Ilm)llgA Icaiu ts,Ilpurq..)llg oslihng 'to Rise gguraint°fixin s g. aind/oir Ii eq.)suirwfl laince e(( RJ III llg)urIneiout. aind/oir seer Ices uI COITTIllgAlete a TVS certification filly gll�m�Iir For uI 01111 glltIS ureclUkrellneiout,IlmAlease reVIewthe FAQs eland gllie t1I poste to ouir eIlk)Ilpag e ;a ICIIw,applhcainll Ipirqposing Iio ur e girar:wnll fiji nds for oir vkleo surirvd,lilllla i nc(:;��gurulg�irmnd,irnllf,ad;ir�ua,�„na"k O Yes No III Ilg';IIF� Ilm)llgAl Iicaints Ilpurq..)llg osliIingg'to Rise°fixin s°foir"ITTIliIinoir ureinovatIiOiRIS"u ITTIOUITEIIRIgg liigBurmms to the exteuriiioir of elan ekIsfliiingg gfsg.ur� cg.� urn �lii Ilk���liilll liiiu��, e suir &iilll laince callneiras)u nneth it)clbain RjIp actJIVi.im s,elnd s01111ne foireinsliIc purgxessliIi g urecjUkres qlpllpiirq.w4 °glrolln IIB JXs Il a'floiun4ll Ilg'ium iiiur�.iu urm�� iu gr 111 Ilpq.Allliicy Ask.(IMIIg'EPA)cooir liIinr toir Aiiy qlm)llgA Iicaiu ts, purq..)llg osliIing Ilpuro a foir Il llg'EP ��Ilg�llg�iirq.w4� afire ur�acj��kre b COITTIll�lllete the Checklist ��cgs g.11l�r�g.urm������g.g.11l���curliig.��urill� � � � � g form aind RjIrAoad ng.W41vth6kr gguraiout. Mote Ilm)llgAl Iicaiu ts,sllliq.)RAd not exIpeind airy gguraint°fixin s RjintJliilll liis ot)t4kned If BJA deiitIesthe aIlpllpiirqw4,you WIlll not be r6l[IntWirsed fair the ME,.PA ur6ll ite e .Ilpeinses ;a ICIIw,applhcainll Ipirqposing Iio ur e girar:wnll fiji nds for any NEPA it,(,lla llled ar clluVullud s'? O Yes No Page 18 of 27 FDLE 2023-RSAT Aftercare43859 Monroe County Board of Commissioners RSAT IIRrogirairhri to iraint Cointa t Illuri"fi.)ururhrua,tlii4:.)urm F'.e6ihlrAieint.Giro in't.IlMainr geir Co intact Illiu°t'�.urur � tlii�.ium "I ltis iindlii iU,j4ll seirves as a IlpuriiiITTU ury aind liis re llpoins iitAe t'our • eiu suihiiu ,t tJlhe Ilpiroject.liis pirogire liiin g oin tliiurine aind Ilpirollll n r)tllly in q.AJii°t'yiiiing'tJh61r RDL JEE giro ll't.111T ~Iinageir of airy d6llriy u • oveirse6iiin g 6IIIII �Iind tliiinain6ii4ll urqlpoirtliiin g� ain �riu�m ,�urliiiu�m�t�.� �rur��llllll�.�.�urm�ll��lllliir�iu�m�.�� liit.11l�m t.11l�m�r�, ur��iu�mt.���, ur�r�rurm�rriu�mt. (3M Narrre(lim r al II asll) Oksana Christow (3M 1 li Iialn, Grant Coordinator tull ddir(:nss °I Monroe County tull ddir(:nss 2 1100 Simonton Street,Suite 2-213 Gull C:; Ilfy Key West IFS 33040 (3M PIhoi ne Mrirrrnlbeir(XXX.XXX... X( 3052924474 (;NA i irrr4ill ddir(ss christow-oksana@monroecounty-fl.gov tnrollltibf tttti16iirilll tnroointact Illium°t'�.ururm� tlii�.ium "I ltis iindlii iU,j4ll lii tJlhe ageiu cy Ihead°t'our tJllie 6llliigliiltAe ure6iillrAieint. "I he 6llliigliiltAe ure6iillrAieint°t'our tJllie IIRISAI Ilpirogiro lln lii �l ShIte ageiu cy oir,xutiit.of Ilkx4 g4weiriuIII[Inr rout EEXEIIITTIlrAes of tnrollltibf OtE6i4lS urTOY likll6ll, de t lllmr liiurll ur �.iumu(Mayor,II�,Exe utlii°ve IIMiurectoir,Seciretairy,C4.)urmIurmIlii lii4.)iii eiir,eft. CO Nairrrne an ll) Tina Boan Sr. Director Budget and Finance Monroe County 1100 Simonton Street 2-213 Page 19 of 27 FDLE 2023-RSAT Aftercare43859 Monroe County Board of Commissioners CO Cliiy Key West IFL 33040 C.0 IPIhoi ne Mrnrrnlbeir(XXX.XXX... X( 3052924472 C.0 II Irmnnnalill ddira ss Boan-Ti na @MonroeCounty-F L.Gov lillll IIIN:,Chief Q gggiia,iinnall Ilya,a(:,sn aglrnalliilrngg aalrnrllfwNr Iilrn(fiviirguraall Ilan(:W mIlle n:agglra,a,nrrnei nlIs of n Ilfw lllr Ilya Ih alff? O Yes * No fnrollltiia f IIRilunaIun6ii4ll t: t'g'iiiceir(fnrollFO)Co intact IIIIu °t'a.urur � tliia.Ium glrn s iilrn(iinniirgu.raall us Ir(:ns rarlrnnlillrlln:,for IIN:,Ir(:KJgrik:N nl s a accourlrnllulrnng nnysll(:Iran,gillrnalrnr,iinnall Irrrnanlrnang(:Irrrnei nlC,and a:n,Irglityulrng clan: ii n Ir(:Torlrts su.rllrlrrrnu ll(,rg for Igraayrrrnei nl:, CA O Naalrrrnd,(li ulraall Il..nna nnli:( Pam Radloff C li::0..l li Iialn, Finance Director t:;Il::g' Argun:Iss "g Clerk of the Circuit Court&amp;Comptroller CA O ddIrn,na no 2 500 Whitehead Street Cli=0 CliIfy Key West Cli::0 SlimaIl:e IFL 33040 CAII O IPlhoi ne Mrnrrnlbeir( X) 305-292-3560 CA O IEiirrnnnalill Addira ss pradloff@monroe-clerk.com lillll IIIN:,Chlef li iilrnnalrn(Jaall Otgiir,a,Ir be d(:,aurglrnannlh:lilrnag aalrnollI :Nr Iilrn(fiinniiaguraall Ilan a:a,Irgligy Igrnnayrrrna IrnIC Ira,agura,.nlC na of n I11IN:lilr Ib Irrnnllf? 0 Yes * No ddliitliioIn4ll Giro in't.Co intact ;n ICIr :,Ira,a:alrn annagagulllioi nannll aglra:alrnlC Igrar i nl art coi nllaacllC(PQ C.)you Wzn h liar add liar Ilfwn nglrannlrnll glilk:0 Yes Page 20 of 27 FDLE 2023-RSAT Aftercare43859 Monroe County Board of Commissioners O No POC. INarrrnn.(li uir,al Il..as1l) Lynn Gonzalez PQ'C FilC:ll(„ Senior Purchasing Coordinator POC. IPIhoi ne Marrnlbeir(XXX,XXX.., X( 3052924467 POC. li ii nalill Addir(Ta na Gonzalez-Lynn@MonroeCounty-F L.Gov Page 21 of 27 F ® L E 2023-RSAT Aftercare43859 Monroe County Board of Commissioners RSATIRrogirairrii SIlpei mdhn IIRllain Peirsoinin6l W11 you Ibe Rj§ing funds Ilan suppoirt Ipeirsoininel coslls? 0 Yes (p No FiHinge Beineflts, PNs callegoiry urnr,llu.rdes coslls assodal�(:A Wllfi Ipanyiirngg lfi(:,Eriing(:; beinefills assodal�(:A Wllfi salairk:,s and mfflirfiiine cosIls above, PNs imanry iirn,ll ide: FICA, IlWxficair,( , Healllfi insuir,,-.rincf:,,II uft Ilinsuir,,-.rinc(:,,WoirR(:Nrl's Coiirp,Gila- "I rav6l PNs callegoiry urnr,llu.rdes coslls assodal�(:A Wllfi Iliran d,ll. INOI E: ftK�s do noll go uirn ltw liran�n,Il Callegoiry; lfi(:,y should Ibe irn41(:K.I�(xI liirn Iltw `OIItw:flr Cosll"callegoiry, W11 you Ibe Rj§ing gir,,-.w0l fijinds 110 suppoirt coslls? 0 Yes (W No E(I RJ lii F)III Tie in't PNs callegoiry urnr,llu.rdes coslls for noin coinsuiinabl(:;ulld,irrrs liirn(:Wx�ss of Illrnr,oirgainnzallioinls caplllal oulllay lfiir(:shold,oir,liirn Ilfwl dbseinc(:;of ain(:„allabEsh(:A ltiir(:shold$5,000, Iltvfl has an usefiAl Eft of irrrnoirr,lirrnrn oine year, I Ns may indlude(:KpJpii nee nll Illhall� do(s noll iine(:fl Iltw Ipir(:K.(:KKfiing cirll�(:Nrla Ilru ll iis urnveinlloirled Iby Iltwr ir(:KJpk:NnII oirgainuzallJoin, W11 you Ibe Rj§ing gir,,-.w0l fijinds 110 Ipu.rrchanse(xjRJpimeinII? 0 Yes (# No oulllay Iltiir(:shold,have an usefiAl Eft of 1(:�ss lirrnrrn an year,and/or air,(; noll uinveinlloiried oin a ir(:,gulair sdN:ARA(:I. W11 you Ibe Rj§ing gir,,-.w0l fijinds 110 Ipu.rrcha se supplk:,s? 0 Yes (# No Cointiractwi l Sei4ices "I categoiry lii in di Rides th��i rd-pa rty agireellneints,Wth a veindoir, piroVdeir,coins,RA,taint,etc.,to assiiist iin gq.)4ls aind q.Abject4es oUthe Ilpurojecg. "I heire airetwotylpes of cointiracfij4l recogin ked Rjindeirfedeiral awairds For a VsRj4l flowdliairt of thetwotyIpes aind What liis re(IUiired fair eacli,IllAlease see ouir"Understanding Contractual Services under Federal Awards"irrrsouirce W11 you Ibe Rj§ing funds Ilan suppoirt IlNird pairty agir(:K rand,nlIs(coinllracllual seirvkx;s)? *Yes 0 No AjplFAliicaints Ilpurgrllposliiing to Rise giraint fixindsto agireellneints uITIUSg.COIIITIlrAete a Subrecip lent.vs, Contractor Determination Checklist foir ek I 1*is dhedkllliist q.)Rxflliiinestlle Page 22 of 27 F ® L E 2023-RSAT Aftercare43859 Monroe County Board of Commissioners COITTIlF)llliklince re(IUiirelllnellltS,m lltmlltmlllliism llkmlll m tm m lumY t.IIlmliiurml Ilgmm urlY agireelITTKNITt Upload wimpk:fled C.oin11r,,,-.m11oir, 4°.h(:K*Es11s`Ibelow,(CoiinNine inulllJpkl fik s iimnlio oine docuiineinll:for upload) OCJ G-Subreci pient-Vendor-Determi nati on-C heckli st—Samue I's House.pdf I Nird Pairty Coinllraclls(Coinllir,,-.mllual Seirvkw, s) Dd any of Iiltnm, dh(:K*Es11s ir(„naulll uin a CON PR AC.IGR 0 Yes # No Otheir Costs, agir(:KIneinl1s,UIJEIIJ(:,s,subscirlplJoins,Ilira.rliirnliirntg W11 you Ibe u§ing gir,,-.w0l fijinds 110 suppoirt olltv:ff,coslls? 0 Yes # No lin&irect to RI�� I :Ideir,,-.nl r(:I(Jp einlIs irmnany(:O(:K.11 110 use an Ipoirtiimrmn of fun(fing for in(fiir(:K.11 coslls, W11 you Ibe u§ing gir,,-.w0l fijinds 110 suppoirt iimnmgiimm,r,ll coslls? 0 Yes # No matcll Sutwiwairds Rjindeirtltm s Ilgmuroggurm lln 111TOY RICA Ilbe used to fixi d 111THYrethain"75 Ilpeirmreiout.of the tot4l cost ofa Ilgmllrm.ject.our pirogiralln Iltmlltmlllliim m lumts uMUSt.WeintJfytlie sm.uirce oUthe 25 Ilpeirmreiout.noin-fedeir4l Ilgmourlliim.in of the total Ilpiroject costs, (111TO'k,11) I he foirl[TlUkl four c4tUkitJing 111TH]t("11 liis� Fb(knal F"un(fing Amountl Fb(h�nal Sham C75%o) -::A(Ijuste(I Trotal P�o,Ject Costs 3(, Am Ijustice Trotal Ppmo,ft t COSIrS Xr 25%::-::::Amount ol:Match RequhV(I ITT p E,.�x i ipjq For a sut)awaird m111TTIORJIII't of$125,000,c4lcUkflethe 25% urTmn~Amrlllrn mIS`fg.)l14.) ors � $125,000/75%:-::$166,666.67 $166,666.67 Xr 25%::.::::$41,666.67 usll�Iltw:,calculalled irmna llch aiinouinll:based off of Ilfw above formula, $9,752.10 E)(:�scirlbe cash or iiirn kuind irmna lllch Ilan Ibe used for Ilfw Iproposed piroj(:K.11�, Monroe County budgets a nominal amount to match a portion of this grant through the general fund that includes funding sources such as Ad Valorem taxes,state shared revenues,rents, inter-fund transfers and other receipts. Page 23 of 27 FDLE 2023-RSAT Aftercare43859 Monroe County Board of Commissioners RSAT III°mrogirmrurmlu Rrogirmrurmlu Illurmcoirmlumm aind IIE'lul,uldget IIReview Purogguralln Il11111cmmurmme(IPtMtlll) Y gtmmlu eirate reveinu es°t'mmur tJlhe urmmclihllmliieint.oir� ��lu�mlika'flii�ill IIE'EMIITTIlr le �.f Il��urogiralln liilu�m�.�.�llne �urmmlu�m.�ul�lum m.a �mc.ulvur.ulmam�urmmmm„ actiiiviiitles iiilnclllu de but airmen IRICA Illulormmu4ed tmm asset fees,iiilu teirest earin ed oin gguraint.°t'ulu dsu urmmmmurmmllkmmmurslllmlihllm°fees,cou irt-mmurmtmmurmmmt a t.mmurlu ey's°fees,mmlummt°t'mmmmsft'iiilu es°t'mmur°t'mmliilllmmmt mtruligttests, Afl Ilpirogiralln RIC0111mmmm urmmuAst. be accoul anted°t'mmuru urmmllpoirted,mmlummt mmmm.11peiumded liilum accormtaince Wth Section 3.4 of the DOJ Grants Financial Guide lillll any proposed gglranmrnll anr;ICliV IIJ(„a gn Irneiranll( IPiro granmrrn Ilrncoilrne?* O Yes # No II''tu idgge'tillPiirmmculi urmmurmmeiiiit.IIReviib t~tmmle Source .li"Ilhe Rise of purocuireillnr rout.u[InetJho s(ii e sq..Ae souirce)fair g urn in't fuinded puirclilases ain lmurocu llrmmurmmm rout.cmmln'tracts liis st.uroinggllly mtliiscou cragged Ili°towevmmuru tJlheirmm mmurmm tJlhiree scmmlnmmiHos liilum mlll*i6l1h sm.Ae source liis menIII IIIowaItmlumen t I he u4,g,murmm or seirvuce lis olumlllY avamul lmmltmle turmmurmm pine souirce "li°"Il1*m s does IRICA.urmmmmm in men IlpairtliiculAlmmur Ilkmurmmlu d luNmurmsm Of men llmurmmmtuljct tuljstlii°gloms a sm.Ae source,uI liis tllhe ultmmurin ultsmmlll°t' For mmmmmmurmmlllmle,Ilpirocuriiilngg mmlllmmctrmmln c coint.urmmlll mtmmvulces cmmlnlu ot. be men sm.Ae source because'these Illmmss4lmmtllh4ll mtmmviiices mmurmm avmmiiilllmmltmle to Illmuljrclllim ise°tllrmmurmm"I41ser llumtmmurlummmtliimmlummmlll mmlummt vmmiHous otJlheirvmmlndoirs plmullktlllulc mmurmmmggrg mmlOPY pkm storm Jlhat WllIl urmmsuA't'iiiln IlhairurtmfUll mtmmlll m ulf fQrjjMglll cgiirmmtmpjt tuk.)i m uls rmggRAl kred,"t"'lllh s urmmm:jUkrmms mmgtlii6o4ll uriiid.mmln mtmmclkmura'floin o tJlhe Illwltmlll c mmurmmeirggeincy by ain autJlhoihkemt mmgglocliimmlll col men IlPirmmsulmteintu Gmmvmaurinmmuru May or,etc.) li""Illmmm mmllkmliillllii'tY'tm'm Illmuurclllimmsmm Rilnmmur men mmclllmmurmmfliioln of Illwllkmlllliic eincymmmm.11rAirmms Ill ein tJlhe uriiid.mmlu�m mtmmclllmmuratliioin mmmm.11lmliiurmms maurmmmaurm,wg 3 Illlnamtmtgtulgdg g i mmtmmmtli .looin was lnoted after mggtllllucultullllttg men 1111ulAurttllber of sources men°t'tllhe smmlllulcurtmmtulmmlums"tllrmmllrmm mmmmcllh source urmmUst be urmmmmullumt mliilummmmt tmm sulllmllport.tJlhe lumenmlumcmmurmmlllmmmfliigui men Illmurocuirmmurmmm rout. IIImIIIm lcml�ts IIm c't ing tm m�rc� msm grant-tulnmmm lelITmms Sole Source Justification Approval°t'mmururin Ilt'tJlhe totmmlll Illmurocu irmmurmmeint.0 urmmggairmtlllmmss of 11OW urmmUCII liis ggurm rout°t'ulnm ed,exceeds the°t'mmmtmmurmmlll sliiormmlllmllllii'liimamt mmcm:t�lii�lii lii (, Y 50,000),the t twttMt gguraint.urmmmmlu aggmmur urmmul�st.cooirmtliilnate t.mmlum tlll�murmmslll�mmmlllmt cul�ururmmlu�mt.11l tmmmurmll smmlm souirce mlmIIm rmvmllu l�licll� rmmY rmm:tUiirm mmmitimlnmll liilum°t'mmururmm mtliimmlum AIrm any ull(,rrns in IlJtnm Itmu d g(;fi Itm61 ngg Ipiro:urr(;rg Irnarlrnr;rrlrrnitmd;llullu�r,lly� O Yes OW No State- mmurur'mm mmur Ateirinate Source Cm."mlum't.urmmc'ts Fmmmtmmurmmlll Illmurocu irmmurmsmlurot.urmmggulAa,fliioins 414.)w t'mmur gturain't.-t'ul rode li4ellmms tmm be IlrAggggyltmmmclllmmmmt men°g't'men°t'm.mt.11lmmmur mms.liistliilumgt cmmln'tracts Wth otlllmmmur eintiiifles "li°°Illmiiis liis en°tein r fbirured tm as 4l4eirl ate souirce cml 'tract Irg alllrlld Ills o"g't'.msmlllrll Rismad by t ''wttMt urmmcllhllmliieints Whein State-Illmurocul iHi ,Img t off°ff of men� � li""mmururmm ttm."mlumturmmct. Illmlllmlllliicmmlumts Illmurm."mlllmm."msliilumgt'tm"m uljse tlllmliis urmmmmt.11hmmmt of lmurocu llrmmurmmeint mmurmm urmm(tUikred tenor descrollt)e mmlummt Ilprmmviii e tllhe cointurmmct lumulIurmmllbeir they mmurmm uljsiikngg°t'mmur the 4l4eirlu ate souirce lmurocuurmmurmmei mt. AIrm any ull(Irrns in IlJtnm Itmu d g(;fi Itm61 ngg Irmrocurrr;rg trarlm«norm(:xA IlJirngg li Ibiriidanm SlIa llle Rflarn g:;o nlllranr„fi:? O Yes # No AIrm any ull(Irrns in IlJtnm Itmu d g(;fi Itm61 ngg Irmrocurrr;rg trarlrrn anmlrny arllltnm Ir IIIId;Irlrnanlln Sourrc( C.oirnlllranmr,fi:? O Yes No Page 24 of 27 FDLE 2023-RSAT Aftercare43859 Monroe County Board of Commissioners Page 25 of 27 F ® L E 2023-RSAT Aftercare43859 Monroe County Board of Commissioners Budget RroIposed Eludget Suirriiirriairy Expense Budget Giro in't Fuinded Moin-Giroin't Fuinded "I 4.A4l llBudget.ed G I li��ird,-Pairty Sutxiwairds(Cointiracfij4�Sei4ices) Basic Needs $5,822.25 $1,940.75 $7,763.00 Counselling Services $15,120.00 $5,040.00 $20,160.00 Drug/alcohol test kits $1,089.90 $363.30 $1,453.20 Supplies $1,575.00 $525.00 $2,100.00 Utility Expenses $5,649.15 $1,883.05 $7,532.20 Subtotal $29,256.30 $9,752.10 $39,008.40 "I ot,4l Pirq.)lF)osed Cost $29,256.30 $9,752.10 $39,008.40 Revenue Budget Giraint Fuinded Moin-Giroin't Fuinded "I 4.A4l llBudget.ed Guraiunt.IIFuiun&ing Award Requested $29,256.30 $29,256.30 Subtotal $29,256.30 $29,256.30 Moiun-Guraiunt.IIFuiun&ing Cash Match $9,752.10 $9,752.10 In-Kind Match $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal $9,752.10 $9,752.10 "I ot,4l Pirq.)lF)ose IIReveinue $29,256.30 $9,752.10 $39,008.40 RroIposed Eludget III etall See attached spreadsheet. RroIposed Eludget Nairrative G.Third-Party Subawards(Contractual Services) List each third-party tiered subrecipient. Each line item description MUST detail the calculations used to arrive at the funded amount.EXAMPLE: Individual Counseling Session-$30/session x 1000 sessions=$30,000. SuIr)IF)III lib Page 26 of 27 FDLE 2023-RSAT Aftercare43859 Monroe County Board of Commissioners Supplies-$75/1 client x 28 clients=$2,100. Couinq,6l1lliiin, Sei4ices Counselling Services-$45/quarter hour x 448 sessions=$20,160. UlfliillllI,y �,,Apeinses Utility Expenses-$269.01/client x 28 clients=$7,532.20(rounded). Basic Needs(food/nutrition,clothing,medical,case management)-$277.25/client x 28 clients=$7,763. III°fur���/��Illc�.�lllm�.�lll t.�� t.Ilkliits Drug/alcohol test kits-$8.65/kit x 168=$1,453.20(rounded). Page 27 of 27