4th Amendment 04/20/2022 4th AMENDMENT TO FOOD SERVICE AGREEMENT MONROE COUNTY STAR OF THE SEA FOUNDATION, INC. This Fourth Amendment to Agreement is entered into this 20th day of April. 2022, by and between the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, a political subdivision of the State of Florida (hereinafter called the "County"), and Star ofthe Sea Foundation, Inc., a Florida corporation %%hose address is 5640 Maloney Ave. Key West, Florida (hereinafter called 'Contractor") w I'm ESSE]I I WHEREAS, the parties entered into an agreement dated Jul). 17. 2019 (hereinafter called "Original Agreement"), for provision of meals for the senior citizens, participating in the Older Americans Act Title Ill-C Nutrition Program (hereinafter called "Program"); and Wl IEREAS, on the 1710'day of.lunc 20?D, the parties entered into the I'" Amendment to the Agreement adding DOLA required language and extending,the Agreement an additional 1%vo years: and WHERFAS, on the 3 d day of September, 2020, the parties entered in to the 2""' Amendment to the Agreement adjusting the rate the County pays for meals-, and WI 1EMEAS, on the 51h da) of'October. 2021, the parties entered into the 3", Amendment to the Agreement, extending the Agreement until December 31, 2021, and WHEREAS, the parties desire to extend the terms of the Agreement through the remainder of 2022. NOW,'I I 1EItIEFORIE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and obligations contained in this amendment and in the original agreement, the parties agree as follows: SLCTION 1. Sub-paragraph 6.A. ofthe Original Agreement is amended to read as follo%vs, A. This contract shall be for a period of' I year. commencing January 1, 2022, and terminating December 319 2022. SEC I-I 1 All other terms and conditions of the Original Agreement we July 17, 2019, the I Amendment dated June 17, 2020, the 2""' Amendment dated September 12020, and the 3,d Amendment dated October 5, 2021. not inconsistent herewith, shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this 4th Amendment to be executed by their respective officer or representative thereunto duly authorized the day and year first above %vritten- Contractor shall comply with all federal, state, and local food safety regulations and the Department of Fider Affairs Programs and Services Handbook, revised February 2020. Pursuant to paragr aph 15 ofthe original Agreement and the Department of Elder Affairs Programs and Services Handbook, Chapter 3: Older Americans Act Service Requirements: Section 3, Nutrition Program Policies Food Service Contract Provisions, revised February 2020, the County may cancel this Agreement if any of the following occur. a. A temporary or permanent closure related to food service violations, b. Administrative Complaints regarding food safety, or c. 10 or more high priori ty/sign ificant findings on sanitation inspections x6thin the past 12 months, beginning January 1, 2022, ("an unsatisfactory inspection as that the violations were a significant threat to public health and sanitation and require correction before the next routine inspection,,,") 2. Contractor sh a I I maintuin a food sal et) manager Ile nt progyrarn �%i Ih in the lhcih q I hat inects or exceeds the inininium requirements ot'f&leral. sUnc, municipal, or other agencies auborked to inspect or accredit the lbod service operation aind shalL upon re(ILICSt Ofthe Count). provide documentation of ,aaid flood safety management progmm and the results of an} inspections related thereto, I Within 30 days ol'executmin or, original Agreement, Conmwwr W provide docurnentalbri ofthe three most recent flood preparulkni inspections conducted by the state repthdor) aWhoh, U) be Social Services Depaninent. Within 30 days orexeculwon orthe original Agreement, Contractor shall provide the Social Ser-vices Ikpartiment m ith as Wwrr pWn orcorrectOn lbran) high Priority Or significant findings(in sanitation inspections. 5. Contractor W it umoliatcly notify [lie Social Services Department ofan) clowre"or Adininistrafi%e Ownplaints regarding llood safely or ofany sarrRatkm inspectkins a% referencccl in the Depatinient 01 li&r Ant is Prograns and Services I landbook Chapter 3: Oder Poriumicaim /Oct Service RcWdrernew Nutrition Program Policies Food Smwicc Conduct Provisions, revised 11hrumy 1020e pp 3,143, k Within 30 days orexceution of the o0ginal Agreement. Connacwr shMI provirle the Sock! Services Dgurnnerit Frith a deseripHon of Contractor's ddheq standards wid sanitation that NOW hoklhip, wriyeratures; Or transporting and serving roo(j. 7� Social Services Department, AAA. andAw lkinartmon of IlderAHhUs mall shaGl have than Upon 24 I1OLa-S %%ritten notice. ki inspect the food preparation and storage arca% H. All other tenus and conditimm uflc convimi vlated lull 1. MI I and my anwndinmts thereto, shall remain in full force and elTect MONROE (IOUN'TY ATTORNEY ONJ HOF lAI I" OF NtIONROF CO(JN FY. FI APPROVED ASTO FORM Digitafly sagned by James D. James D. Molenaar wen— Date:W22A&07 1=29 44VO' ..............................,......................................................................................1�.......................... ...................................................................................................... JAMES NQUANAAJI ASSISTANTCOUNTY ATTORNEY By! JOE Date: -4aianrl Sr, Directol, Social Services, S I AR 0I I I IF S151 FOUNDA 110N. INC Wl I NFS5-- Prc%idenl of Dcsiiriec