5th Amendment 01/01/2023 5th AMENDMENT TO FOOD SERVICE AGREEMENT
Th6 Fifth Amendment to Agreement is entered into this Ist day of January,2023, by and between the Board
of County Commissioners of Monroe County,Florida,a political subdivision ol'the State of Florida
(hereinafter called the"County"),and Star of the Sea Foundation,Inc., a Florida corporation whose address
is 5640 Maloney Ave,Key West, Florida(hereinafter called 'Contractor")
WHEREAS, the parties entered into an agreement dated July 17, 2019 (hereinafter called "Original
Agreement"), for provision of meals for the senior citizens participating in the Older Americans Act Title III-C
Nutrition Program (hereinafter called "Program"); and
WHEREAS, on the 171 day of June 2020,the parties entered into the I"Amendment to the Agreement
adding DO EA required language and extending the Agreement an additional two years;and
WHEREAS,on the Yd day of September,2020,the parties entered in to the 2nd Amendment to the
Agreement adjusting the to the County pays for meals;and
WHEREAS,on the 5d' day of October,2021,the parties entered into the Yd Amendment to the
Agreement,extend ing the A greement until December 3 1,202 1; and
WHERFAS,on the 20d'day of April,2022, the parties entered into the 4h Amendment tothe
Agreement,extending the Agreement until December 31,2022; and
WHEREAS,the parties desire to extend the terms of the Agreement ror an additional year.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and obligations contained in this
amendment and in the original agreement,the parties agree as follows:
SECTION I. Sub-paragraph 6.A. of the Original Agreement is amended to read as follows;
A. is contract shall be for a period of I year, commencing January 1,2023,and terminating
December 31, 2023.
SECTION 2.All other to and conditions oft e Original Agreement dated July 17,2019,the I It
Amendment dated June 17,2020,the 2"d Amendment dated September 3,2020,the 31d Amendment
dated October 5,202 1,and the 4th A mend mexit dated April 20,2022 not inconsistent herewith, shall
remain in full force and effect.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties have caused this 5th Amendment to be executed by their
respective officer or representative the to duly authorized the day and year fiffst above written.
I Contractor shall comply with all federal, state,and local food safety regulations and the Department of
Elder Affairs Programs and Services I landbook,revised February 2020. Pursuant to paragraph 15 of the
original Agreement and the Department of Elder Affairs Progrdms and Services Handbook,Chapter 3:
Older Americans Act Service Requirements: Section 3,Nutrition Program Policies Food Service Contract
Provisions, revised February 2020,the County may cancel this Agreement if any of the following occur:
a. A temporary or permanent closure related to food service violations,
b. Administrative Complaints regarding food safety,or
c. 10 or more high priority/significant findings on sanitation inspections within the past 12 months,
beginning January 1,2022,C'an unsatisfactory inspection means that the violations were a
significant threat to public health and sanitation and require correction before the next routine
. Contractor shall maintain a food safety management program within the facility that meets or exceeds
the minimumrequirements of ,state, municipal, or other agencies authorized ca inspect or
accredit the food service operation and shall,upon request of the County,provide documentation of said
food safety management program and the results of any inspections related thereto.
3. Within 30 days of execution of the original Agreement,Contractor ctor shall provide documentation of the
three most recent food preparation inspections conducted by the state regulatory authority to the Social
Services Department.
4. Within 30 days of execution oft e original Agreement,Contractor shall provide the Social Services
Department with a written plan f correction for any high priority or si,g ificant findi gs on am itation
S. Contractor shall immediately of the Social Services Department of any closures or Administrative
Complaints regarding food safety or of any sanitation inspections as referenced in the Department of
Fl er Affairs Programs and a ices Handbook Ic Chapter 3Older Americans Act Service Requirements:
Nutrition Program Policies Fad Service Contract Provisions,revised February 2020,pp. -143.
ta. Within 30 days of execution oft e original Agreement,Contractor shall provide the Social Services
Department with a description or Contractor's elive standards and sanitation that includes olding
temperatures for transporting and serving food.
7. Social Services Department,AAA,and/or Department of Elder Affairs staffs all have the right, upon
24 hours written notice, to inspect the food preparation and storage areas.
, All other tenns and conditions oft e contract dated July I,2019, and any amendments thereto, shall
remain in full force and effect.
Sheryl Graham
r. Director, Social Services
nd e
S y
,n 1
President car signr
Atrpcved as to,Ecmna inrd legal s+.nfficiency,
Momuae C omt�,Atturney"s Office
C brlstina Corr,y,',A ss st:ant ComityAttr�rney
Date: 3/29/23