07/28/1953 Easement „H13 A :EQVCT, Made an,J, entered into by and between the
Count-,- of hionroe, Florida, a po'Lltlaal subdivIslun of the State of
Plorlda, and th.� Fjoirlda Keys Aqueduct Co=Assion, a public Ageno7
of the Statn' of FloI
"N'ITN'', TH WH.EtiEA.3, the Count, of Monroe, S tate
C)MYTI,a,III, `I//Pq 4M 47, f R,f"I”,"r &in I,i t Ex,I pro p u b I I c r n a d -h I gb w&y a, att aC,;is ark
brld,/`;,ez -tri the Uount-y of Xonrocs, state of ploriaa'
V,'HE?6'AS, the Florida Fjys Aquoduct Co=lssic)a doeirea to
onto Into azi agreanoat with the County of lionroa, Plorlda for art
easoment to run water lines, over, under, or through the public roads,
highrways, street$ or bridges under jurisdiction =d control of ths
County of Monroe, Florida,
T1112-,-ToRL, the County of Monroe, State of Florida, In
consideration of the sum of $1.30 In hand paid to It, bj the Ylorida
Keys Aqueduct CoILon does ho-o'by grant Unto the Plorlda Kays
Aqueduct CoILon t'he fm�e ri-,ht and power and privile6a to run
rater 11noz ever, or ttrougn any public road, hl'X�hra.y., street
or brld^, under Jurisdiction or control of the County or Monroe wrld
to make auch road or other openings as may be naosesary for the c,,n—
structiun, Improvement, connection, maintaijanoc.-, r5pair and .-)pa ratlon
of said wpber 11nof including frea ri,3hts of wad upon all public roals,
highways, Street-- and briagos under jurisdiction,00ntrol or ownershiip
of the County of -konroe, 4tate of 71orlds, The Florida keys A'Tueduct
commiaqlor� Shall ill"Pose no cost or expenaG- upon the County o onroe;
Provided, also, tha.- the I'lorida Kays Aquejuot 11"0jwission shall pro-,aptly
upon completion of the Work restore all public roada,, highways, $trent%
........ to R'ts prtvlou's condition at Its
Vu.%�Op, ° e cou�nty of rua State or Fl ors dti
has caused this aErOsmaDt tO be executed In its behalf 'by its Chal w rn. a
8�v3d t�A seal Of the �,Ountly of Monroe, Stutv of Fiorida, to be hamto
affiXed and attested by ite CIopk, and' the P'lorlda Keys Aqueduet
isslori has caused V-1112 agreement to be exeeutod In its behalf b-Y
Chairman, Secretary and Treaaurur and its OrpicI&I Sea, to ha kjepe�I�jt:h
affixed by Ito Bacrwm7 and Treasurer r ,a�,.,w :� of Jule, 1' *
of Aorkroe colmty' Florida.
P r
( L)
6r oa .d 0 curs
Amun r` lore �
U 4 C
m—i e.mer n
I UUMSOX CERTIMs That an this d0q pe.r Son Ally tqppearod
to folv,,,, ma"an 01I"1001. duly to allm5mistor ouths and take
Oarald SOMWO01 and AM, ri, Adaina, 01u%lrtata,� sav"I
Clark of the Board or County WmInoWwre Playda,
:%spactively, to one wall knavu to be tho peraonvw deacribed A and who
executed the foregoing and 1131,il:y t�het
they, executed the some for ixv It"Ot"te act
and dleed <X, sald County.
WIT nS3 my Iiand and t�+fflolril soot at 11'ey r,
monroo, state of Floriday davy `if' A, D.
STA"'7F ()PP
be rare me, an officer duly ajL%orlzed to adminfator oaths and tako
acknowledgments, Alonzo Cothran and o%O,V,n 13. NA7,pm3,,
Secretary and Treasurer or n ortoinl rtqrs Avr.Iiadhivt
PC4nUVOIJ4 to me Wall, "Ma"wn to Ulm Pa3lnlons dancribed Ur} ,tnel w1ho ex-
aaut*n! tltv forcigod,ng and duly vs that t'hwq
executed the same for tho purposes therein x�nrq,'D'Ised ,a4ct and
dosf'id, Of aal a
V/,'F',VNESS =,,- hnLnI and ofKalal seal at Key F'ost� County nf
Monroe, State my Plarlds, al' k. D. 1953,,,
('Xa ,
My 0011',,,Inixslor,Y Exp',n,rwm',A.