Item C12 BOARD OF COUNTY COMM.ISSIONERS ;\GENUA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date:~i119_ 2Q~ Division: Boce Bulk Item: Yes No_L Department: Distllct 3 Statf Contact Person: __Cs:leste Bruno AGENDA ITEM WORD.ING: Presentation of Mayor's Proclamation observing May I, 2006, shall be known as "LAW DAY" ITEM BACKGROUND: The residents and visitors ofthe State of Florida benefit daily from the efforts of skilled dispatchers, first responders, emergency medical technicians, paramedics, emergency and trauma nurses, educators, emergency and trauma physicians, and support personnel. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACT.ION: This is a yearly prodamation requested by Monroe County Fire Rescue. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: ST AFF RECOMMENDA T.IONS: TOTAL COST: N/A BUDGETED: Yes i\io COST TO COUNTY:..... Nf A SOURCE OF FUNUS: NI A REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNTPIi:R MONTH~.. Year APPROVED BY: County Atty DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: OMB/Purchasing DOCIJMENTA TION: Included x Not Required ____ DISPOS.IT.ION: AGENDA ITEM # Revised 210 5 WHEREAS, we celebrate Law Day 2006, it is appropriate that we reflect on our country's accomplishments and gaze ahead to the future: and WHEREAS, looking back more than 200 years ago, we see a nation founded by dreamers who wanted something better than the status quo. Our country's founders cherished diversity because they themselves were different. They created a democratic government built on the freedoms that we still enjoy today: . Freedom to say what we believe . Freedom to choose how we worship . Freedom to criticize our government WHEREAS, today, America remains a beacon for people around the world who dream of a better lik The IJnited States, with all its flaws and imperfections, is still the best hope for democracy and diversity; and WHEREAS, today, we take time to celebrate Law Day in a nation built on the mle of law. We celebrate our freedom and renew once again our effort to form a more perfect union. As we enter the new millennium, let us continue the quest for equality by working to insure the rights and liberties of all citizens; NOW THEREFORE, I, CHARLES MCCOY, Mayor of Monroe County, do hereby proclaim Monday, May], 2006, shall be known as LA W DA Y I urge the citizens, schools, businesses and media of Monroe County to use this occasion to celebrate anew the role of law in protecting the freedom we enjoy and the progress of our nation tor the benefit of we the people. WITNESS my hand and seal of the County of Monroe, F 2006. a, this 5th day of April, CHARLES "SO Y" MCCOY MONROE COUNTY MAYOR